Stability of A Four-Vortex Aircraft Wake Model: Related Articles

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Stability of a four-vortex aircraft wake model

David Fabre and Laurent Jacquin Citation: Phys. Fluids 12, 2438 (2000); doi: 10.1063/1.1289397 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics.

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Stability of a four-vortex aircraft wake model

David Fabre and Laurent Jacquin
tillon Cedex, France ONERA, 29 Avenue de la Division Leclerc, F-92320 Cha

Received 18 February 2000; accepted 14 June 2000 The stability of an aircraft wake model composed of an external vortex pair modeling the wing tip vortices and an internal vortex pair rotating in the opposite direction modeling the vortices generated by the fuselage and the horizontal tail in a stationary conguration is investigated with the vortex lament stability method used by Crow AIAA J. 8, 2172 1970 and Crouch J. Fluid Mech. 350, 311 1997. It is shown that this conguration is unstable with respect to two-dimensional and three-dimensional disturbances. For long wavelength three-dimensional symmetric perturbations, the rapid growth observed in the numerical simulations of Rennich and Lele J. Air. 36, 398 1999 is found. Moreover, the analysis allows one to show that without an excitation of the long-wave mode, the system will naturally develop short wavelength instabilities localized within the inner vortices which do not affect the outer vortices. Inspection of the initial value problem shows that the long-wave modes can be efciently initiated by the introduction of perturbations on the internal vortices. 2000 American Institute of Physics. S1070-66310000710-8


Reduction of aircraft separation at landing and take-off leads one to consider the dissipation mechanisms of the vortex wakes.1 One way to accelerate the dissipation is to make use of three-dimensional instabilities, such as the wellknown Crow2 instability occurring in a vortex pair. The idea of forcing the Crow instability by onboard control devices is appealing.25 Unfortunately, the Crow instability in a vortex pair grows too slowly to contribute efciently to the wake dissipation. Recent studies have shown that instabilities with higher growth rates may occur in wake models involving more than two vortices. Crouch6 derived a set of stability equations describing the growth of disturbances on a system composed of two vortex pairs. Though his method is quite general, Crouch only applied it to the case of two vortex pairs with corotating vortices in each half-plane, respectively modeling the wing tip vortices and the ap vortices. For this case, Crouch identied two new instability mechanisms. The rst one is a short wavelength instability, with a growth rate of approximately twice that of the Crow instability. The second one is a transient growth mechanism which enhances the development of instabilities and mainly affects long wavelengths. Rennich and Lele7 used direct numerical simulation and a vortex lament method to study the temporal evolution of a wake composed of two vortex pairs with counterrotating vortices in each half-plane, modeling the wing tip vortices and the vortices generated by the fuselage and the horizontal tail. They showed that introducing symmetric long wavelength perturbations leads to the rapid growth of an instability on the inner vortices, which induces a large-scale Crow instability on the external vortices. In this paper the instability mechanism discovered by Rennich and Lele7 is studied analytically by using the vortex lament stability method proposed by Crow2 and Crouch.6 In
1070-6631/2000/12(10)/2438/6/$17.00 2438

Secs. II and III we present the aircraft wake model and the vortex lament stability method. In Sec. IV we describe the normal modes resulting from the stability analysis. In Sec. V we consider the response of the wake model to a forcing. In Sec. VI we summarize the results and give some concluding remarks.


The four-vortex aircraft wake model is sketched in Fig. 1. The external vortices labeled 1 and 4 are characterized by circulations of 1 and 4 1 , and by core radii a 1 a 4 . They are separated by a distance b 1 , so that the unperturbed positions of their centerlines are given by Y 1 b 1 /2, Z 1 0, Y 4 b 1 /2, Z 4 0. Similarly, the internal vortices labeled 2 and 3 are characterized by circulations of 2 and 3 2 , and by core radii a 2 a 3 . They are separated by a distance b 2 , so that the unperturbed positions of their centerlines are given by Y 2 b 2 /2, Z 2 0, Y 3 b 2 /2, Z 3 0. This wake model may be characterized by four dimensionless parameters: the circulation ratio 2 / 1 , and three geometrical ratiosb 2 / b 1 , a 1 / b 1 , and a 2 / b 1 . The two-dimensional evolution of this four-vortex system was considered by Donaldson and Bilanin8 using a point vortex method. Generally the evolution of this system is either divergent the internal and external pairs separate or periodic the vortices orbit around the center of vorticity in each half-plane. Rennich and Lele7 showed that a stationary conguration is possible if 2 / 1 and b 2 / b 1 satisfy

b2 b1

2 1

b2 b1

b2 2 0. b1 1

Rennich and Lele stated that for typical commercial transports in high-lift conguration, these parameters have a
2000 American Institute of Physics

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2000

Stability of a four-vortex aircraft wake model


kb kbK 1 kb k 2 b 2 K 0 kb ,
kb kbK 1 kb ,

5 6

FIG. 1. Four-vortex aircraft wake model.

where K 0 and K 1 are second kind modied Bessel functions. The second terms on the right-hand side of Eq. 3 and 4 correspond to the self-induced rotation of the vortex. Computing this term with the BiotSavart law, as done by Crow2 and Crouch,6 requires introduction of a cutoff distance d in order to avoid a singularity. The self-induction function then amounts to ka k 2 a 2

range of 0.5 2 / 1 0.4 and 0.10 b 2 / b 1 0.15, and that stationary congurations satisfying Eq. 1 may be found in that range.


sin 1



We perform a temporal stability analysis of the abovedescribed base ow by using a vortex lament method, as done by Crow2 and Crouch.6 Note that this method requires the core radii of the vortices to be small compared to their separations, i.e., a 1 , a 2 b 1 , b 2 ,( b 1 b 2 )/2. As already mentioned, the general formulation of Crouch6 may be used for the case we consider. However, as the base ow is stationary, the problem simplies. In particular, the Floquet analysis required for the periodic congurations considered by Crouch6 is not necessary. We suppose that the centerline of the vortex labeled n is displaced from its mean position with an amplitude proportional to e ikx , where x is the coordinate in the axial direction: n e ikx , y n Y n y n e ikx . z n z 2

The cutoff distance must be determined as a function of the vortex core radius. For a vortex core of radius a with constant vorticity and no axial ow Rankine vortex, Crow2 showed that the proper choice is d 0.624a . In order to justify the cut-off approximation, Widnall et al.3 and Moore and Saffman9 showed that the selfinduction function introduced by Crow corresponds to the frequency of a particular Kelvin mode on an isolated vortex, referred to as the slow branch following the nomenclature proposed by Leibovich et al.10 They used asymptotic methods to derive an expression for this function, valid in the long-wave limit ( ka 1) and for an arbitrary internal structure in the vortex core: ka 2 1 ka 2 ln . 2 ka 4 e

In this expression, 0.577 is Eulers constant, and a e is the effective core radius dened as3 a e ae 1/4 A C , 9

Following Crow2 and Crouch,6 the velocities of the centerlines of the vortices are computed using the linearized BiotSavart law. This leads to n dy dt n dz dt

where A and C are dened as functions of the azimuthal and axial velocity distributions as follows: A lim

m 2 Y m Y n 2 m

m n

n z

n 2a2 n

n ka n z

C2 3

m n

2 Y m Y n 2 m 2 Y m Y n m
m Y n 2

m , k Y m Y n z


2 0

2 V r dr ln r / a ,


U 2 r dr .


m n

n y

n 2a2 n

n ka n y

m n 2 Y

m . k Y m Y n y

The rst terms on the right-hand side of Eqs. 3 and 4 corresponds to the straining eld experienced by the vortex labeled n when displaced from its mean position. The last terms on the right-hand side of Eqs. 3 and 4 correspond to the velocity eld induced on the vortex labeled n by the other vortices, when sinusoidally displaced from their mean positions. The mutual induction functions , are the same as those given by Crow,2 i.e.,

Both expressions 7 and 8 are only valid for ka 1, and lead to the prediction of spurious instabilities out of this range of validity. In our novel approach, we chose the function ( ka ) to be the exact frequency of the slow branch bending mode on a Rankine vortex. The latter is dened implicitly as the highest positive root of the dispersion relation for bending modes on a Rankine vortex, as given by Saffman:11

a J1
aJ 1 a

K 1 ka kaK 1 ka

2 k 2
k 2a 2


2 k 2

4 1 2
1 2


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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2000

D. Fabre and L. Jacquin

In the limit ka 1, this choice is equivalent to using Eq. 8 for an arbitrary internal structure in the vortex core if the effective core radius is used. Moreover, it remains valid for ka O(1) if the vortices correspond to the Rankine model. This approach may be used for other vortex models, but the frequency of the slow branch bending mode ( ka ) must generally be computed numerically. This was done by Sipp et al.12 for a Gaussian vortex core Lamb Oseen model. The results showed little difference with respect to the Rankine model. Let the vectors Xs and Xa represent the symmetric and antisymmetric parts of the perturbations, i.e.,

Ma , respectively. S1 and S2 are, respectively, the rate of strain experienced by the external and internal vortices: S1 1 2b2 1 2 2b2 2 2
2 2b

2 2b



2 2b

2 2b



The set of equations 3 and 4 can be reduced to two independent equations governing the symmetric and antisymmetric perturbations: d X Ms Xs , dt s d X Ma Xa . dt a 15

1 y 4 y 1 z 4 z 1 y 4 y 1 z 4 z 2 y 3 y 2 z 3 z , Xa 2 y 3 y 2 z 3 z 1 2a1 ka 1 2 2
2 2b

IV. NORMAL MODES A. Two-dimensional instability


We rst consider the two-dimensional case, obtained by setting k 0 and hence 1, 0) in the abovementioned expressions. It can be seen that the twodimensional stability properties do not depend upon the core radii a 1 , a 2 and depend only upon the ratio b 2 / b 1 . The eigenvalues of both Ms and Ma in the two-dimensional case are 0 twice, and 2-D. The eigenvalue 2-D is given by


1 4 6 1 b 2 / b 1 2 2b2 1 3 b 2 / b 1 2 1


We look for exponentially growing modes of the form Xe . The growth rates and the corresponding modes are then determined as the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrices Ms and Ma . The nonzero components of the matrices Ms and Ma are given by M12 S1 2
2 2b

1 2b2 1

kb 1 ,

This result shows that the considered four-vortex conguration is unstable with respect to two-dimensional disturbances, and that the system may develop symmetric as well as antisymmetric perturbations. For the case considered by Rennich and Lele7 ( b 2 / b 1 0.14, 2 / 1 0.4), the two-dimensional growth rate amounts to 2-D 9.34 1 /(2 b 2 1 ), and this growth rate decreases as b 2 / b 1 increases with 2 / 1 xed by Eq. 1.
B. Three-dimensional instability



kb ,
kb 1 ,

M21 S1 2

2a2 1

ka 1 2

1 2b2 1


2 2b


2 2b

kb ,


2 2b


2 2b

kb , kb 2 ,

M34 S2 1

2a2 2

ka 2 1

2 2b2 2


2 2b


2 2b

kb ,

M43 S2

2a2 2

ka 2

2b2 2

kb 2 .

In these expressions, b ( b 1 b 2 )/2, b ( b 1 b 2 )/2 and the upper and lower signs are to be retained for Ms and

The three-dimensional stability properties depend upon the three parameters b 2 / b 1 , a 1 / b 1 , and a 2 / b 1 . Here detailed results will only be presented for the case studied by Rennich and Lele:7 b 2 / b 1 0.14, 2 / 1 0.4. The outer vortex cores were taken such that a 1 / b 1 0.1, as is usually assumed for a trailing vortex pair in accordance with energy arguments.2,9 The inner vortex cores were taken such that a 2 / b 1 0.05, a limiting value with respect to the condition a 2 / b 2 1. Figure 2 displays the computed growth rates versus the axial wave number. For the symmetric modes, two unstable branches are found. The growth rate of the rst branch labeled S1 coincides with the two-dimensional growth rate 2-D as kb 1 0, and it reaches twice this value at wave numbers corresponding to short wavelengths ( kb 1 7). The second branch labeled S2 is limited to long wavelengths ( kb 1 1.2) and corresponds to much weaker growth rates. For the antisymmetric modes, only one unstable branch is found. The corresponding growth rate coincides with the two-dimensional growth rate as kb 1 0, and it decreases as the wave number increases. Figure 3 displays the computed eigenmode of branch S1 for kb 1 0.8, which corresponds to the wavelength of the Crow instability on the isolated outer vortices. In that case the growth rate is 9.8 1 /(2 b 2 1 ). It is close to the two-

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2000

Stability of a four-vortex aircraft wake model


FIG. 4. Most amplied S1 mode kb 1 7, 18.2 1 /(2 b 2 1 )]. The base ow parameters are as in Fig. 2.

FIG. 2. Growth rates of unstable eigenmodes as functions of the axial wave number, for the set of base ow parameters ( b 2 / b 1 0.14, a 1 / b 1 0.1, a 2 / b 1 0.05). S1, S2: symmetric modes, A: antisymmetric modes.

dimensional growth rate computed in Sec. IV A. One can note that the growth rate of this four-vortex instability is more than 10 times higher than the growth rate of the Crow instability on the isolated outer vortices, which is about 0.8 1 /(2 b 2 1 ). This is in accordance with the observations of Rennich and Lele.7 In particular, our computed growth rate closely corresponds to the initial slope of the curves obtained by Rennich and Lele7 for the vortex displacement amplitudes Fig. 11 of Ref. 7. Figure 4 displays the computed eigenmode of branch S1 for kb 1 7, which corresponds to the most amplied eigenmode. In that case the growth rate is 18.2 1 /(2 b 2 1 ). This mode appears to be essentially a Crow instability acting on the inner vortices, which does not affect the outer vortices. This can be seen by rescaling the wave number and growth rate of this mode in terms of the internal vortex pair parameters. This gives kb 2 1, 0.9 2 /(2 b 2 2 ), close to Crows2 predictions. Figure 5 displays an example of an antisymmetric mode on branch A, which corresponds to kb 1 0.8, 9.23 1 /(2 b 2 1 ). As can be observed, this antisymmetric mode corresponds to a conguration where both the internal vortices are alternatively trapped by one of the outer vortices.

Finally, the most amplied eigenmode on branch S2 not displayed is characterized by kb 1 0.85 and 1.1 1 /(2 b 2 1 ). This mode corresponds to a Crow instability acting on the outer vortices. As this mode is far less amplied than the S1 and A modes, it is unlikely to emerge. Considering a range of parameters of aeronautical interest (0.1 b 2 / b 1 0.15, 0.01 a 1 / b 1 0.2, and 0.01 a 2 / b 1 0.075), the following trends are observed. At the wavelength corresponding to the Crow instability on the isolated outer vortices ( kb 1 0.8), the growth rates of both the symmetric S1 mode and the antisymmetric mode do not depend much upon the vortex core radii, and always remain close to the two-dimensional growth rate predicted by Eq. 18. Increasing b 2 / b 1 with 2 / 1 given by 1 leads to a decrease of this growth rate. Increasing b 2 / b 1 leads to a decrease of the growth rate of the most amplied short-wave mode, and to a decrease of the corresponding wave number i.e., an increase of the corresponding wavelength. The radius a 1 of the outer vortices does not have a signicant effect on the most amplied mode. On the other hand, the effect of decreasing the radius a 2 of the inner vortices is to increase the maximum amplication rate and to decrease the corresponding wave number.

Once the most unstable modes have been identied, it is natural to consider the response of the wake model to an initial condition. One interesting issue is whether the instabilities can be initiated by onboard control devices. One may also question if a transient growth mechanism, as identied by Crouch6 for corotating vortex pairs, also exists for the counterrotating conguration considered here.

FIG. 3. Long-wave S1 mode kb 1 0.8, 9.8 1 /(2 b 2 1 )]. The base ow parameters are as in Fig. 2.

FIG. 5. Long-wave A mode kb 1 0.8, 9.2 1 /(2 b 2 1 )]. The base ow parameters are as in Fig. 2.

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2000

D. Fabre and L. Jacquin

FIG. 6. Displacement of the outer vortices toward the axis of symmetry for various symmetric long-wavelength ( kb 1 0.8) initial conditions with norm X0 10 3 . The base ow parameters are as in Fig. 2.

At rst, one should mention that a study of the response to a forcing by inboard control devices would formally require one to perform a spatial stability analysis in the frame of the aircraft. This was done by Fabre et al.5 for the case of a single vortex pair. Their results show that in a range of parameters corresponding to the wake of a high aspect ratio wing, the instabilities are strongly convective, and that the spatial growth rates can be deduced from the temporal ones. We have veried by a computation of the spatial growth rates in a few cases that the four-vortex conguration is qualitatively similar. As a result, the spatial response of the wake to a harmonic forcing with frequency in the frame of the aircraft can be approximated by the temporal response of the wake to an initial condition with a wave number k / U 0 , U 0 denoting the velocity of the aircraft. Considering an initially symmetric perturbation given by the vector X0 , Eq. 15 directly integrates to give Xs t exp t Ms X0 . 19 The matrix exponential can be evaluated by diagonalizing the matrix Ms . For large t, one has Xs t C Xm e m t , with C
Xm X0 , Xm Xm


ric and long-wave ( kb 1 0.8) initial conditions such that 3 2 2 2 2 1/2 X0 ( y The curve labeled 1 z 1 y 2 z 2 ) 10 . Modal corresponds to an initial condition proportional to the eigenvector Xm . For this case the growth is purely exponential. The curve labeled Optimal corresponds to the initial condition that maximizes the displacement of the outer vortices as t . According to Eq. 20 this corresponds to an initial condition proportional to the adjoint eigen . The curve labeled Internal corresponds to vector Xmax initial condition where the internal vortices are displaced 1, y 2, z 2y 3, z 3y 4z 4 ) 10 3 (0,0,1,0, 1, z horizontally, i.e., ( y 1,0,0,0). The curve labeled External corresponds to an initial condition where the external vortices are displaced 1, z 1, y 2, z 2, y 3, z 3, y 4, z 4 ) 10 3 horizontally, i.e., (y (1,0,0,0,0,0, 1,0). Note that for both initial conditions labeled Optimal and External, the outer vortices displacement rst decreases and goes to zero. This is due to a transient tilting of the outer vortex perturbations. As can be observed, some of the initial conditions considered lead to a greater displacement than that resulting from the most amplied eigenmode. This corresponds to a transient growth mechanism which is due to the nonnormality of the matrix Ms . The maximum transient amplication ratio is reached for the Optimal perturbation de scribed previously, and it corresponds to C ( Xm Xm ) 1 2.35. Comparing this result with the transient amplication levels reported by Crouch for two pairs of corotating vortices shows that the potential for transient growth is much more limited in the counterrotating conguration considered here. It is interesting to note that an initial condition on the inner vortices leads to a transient amplication close to that resulting from the optimal initial condition. As a result, the instability mechanism may be efciently initiated by inboard control devices acting only on the inner vortices. On the other hand, introducing perturbations on the external vortices appears to be far less efcient in initiating the instability. Considering an initially antisymmetric long wavelength perturbation leads to the same type of conclusions. In particular, one can show that an initial condition where the internal vortices are displaced vertically in an antisymmetric way is close to the optimal initial condition. On the other hand, for short-wavelength symmetric perturbations corresponding to the most amplied S1 mode ( kb 1 7), it is found that the potential for transient growth is negligible.


provided C 0. Here m and Xm are the highest eigenvalue is and corresponding eigenvector of the matrix Ms , and Xm the associated adjoint eigenvector, dened as the left eigenvector of the matrix Ms corresponding to the eigenvalue m . The scalar product is dened in the usual way, and Xm and Xm are dened with norm 1. 1 ( t ) of the Figure 6 shows the lateral displacement y outer vortices toward the symmetry axis for various symmet-

In this article we have performed a stability analysis of an aircraft wake model composed of two vortex pairs in a stationary conguration. Detailed results have been presented for a case corresponding to Rennich and Leles7 numerical simulations. Considering long-wavelength perturbations, the analysis reveals the existence of a symmetric mode and an antisymmetric mode, both characterized by a growth rate ten times larger than that of the Crow instability on the isolated outer vortices. Moreover, the analysis shows that the most amplied mode is a short-wavelength instability which only affects the inner vortices and which is twice as ampli-

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Phys. Fluids, Vol. 12, No. 10, October 2000

Stability of a four-vortex aircraft wake model


ed as the long-wave modes. Inspection of the initial value problem has shown that the long-wave modes can be efciently initiated by the introduction of disturbances on the inner vortices. In their numerical computations of a four-vortex conguration, Rennich and Lele7 initially introduced a symmetric disturbance on a long wavelength, close to the one of the Crow instability on the isolated outer vortices. They found a rapidly growing instability whose growth rate is correctly predicted by our stability analysis. Their results also show that after a linear phase, the inner vortices reconnect and form vortex rings. The inner vortices then rapidly dissipate, and the outer vortices develop a large-scale Crow instability, and nally dissipate themselves. The present results show that without a forcing of the long wavelength modes, the naturally emerging mode will be a short wavelength instability localized on the inner vortices that will not affect the outer vortices. Though our stability analysis cannot describe the nonlinear regimes, it is likely that this short-wave instability will lead to a reconnection and a dissipation of the inner vortices without alteration of the outer vortices. We conclude that the instability mechanism discovered by Rennich and Lele7 requires a forcing on a long wavelength to dissipate the outer vortices. We have shown that this can be achieved by a manipulation of the inner vortices.


The authors would like to acknowledge the referees who suggested the analysis of the initial value problem presented in Sec. V.
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