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THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, 482 : 230 244, 1997 June 10

( 1997. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.

Received 1996 November 13 ; accepted 1997 January 8

ABSTRACT We have carried out high-resolution MHD simulations of the nonlinear evolution of KelvinHelmholtz unstable ows in 2 1 dimensions. The modeled ows and elds were initially uniform except 2 for a thin shear layer with a hyperbolic tangent velocity prole and a small, normal mode perturbation. These simulations extend work by Frank et al. and Malagoli, Bodo, & Rosner. They consider periodic sections of ows containing magnetic elds parallel to the shear layer, but projecting over a full range of angles with respect to the ow vectors. They are intended as preparation for fully three-dimensional calculations and to address two specic questions raised in earlier work : (1) What role, if any, does the orientation of the eld play in nonlinear evolution of the MHD Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in 2 1 2 dimensions ? (2) Given that the eld is too weak to stabilize against a linear perturbation of the ow, how does the nonlinear evolution of the instability depend on strength of the eld ? The magnetic eld component in the third direction contributes only through minor pressure contributions, so the ows are essentially two-dimensional. In Frank et al. we found that elds too weak to stabilize a linear perturbation may still be able to alter fundamentally the ow so that it evolves from the classical Cats Eye vortex expected in gasdynamics into a marginally stable, broad laminar shear layer. In that process the magnetic eld plays the role of a catalyst, briey storing energy and then returning it to the plasma during reconnection events that lead to dynamical alignment between magnetic eld and ow vectors. In our new work we identify another transformation in the ow evolution for elds below a critical strength. That we found to be D10% of the critical eld needed for linear stabilization in the cases we studied. In this very weak eld regime, the role of the magnetic eld is to enhance the rate of energy dissipation within and around the Cats Eye vortex, not to disrupt it. The presence of even a very weak eld can add substantially to the rate at which ow kinetic energy is dissipated. In all of the cases we studied magnetic eld amplication by stretching in the vortex is limited by tearing mode, fast reconnection events that isolate and then destroy magnetic ux islands within the vortex and relax the elds outside the vortex. If the magnetic tension developed prior to reconnection is comparable to Reynolds stresses in the ow, that ow is reorganized during reconnection. Otherwise, the primary inuence on the plasma is generation of entropy. The eective expulsion of ux from the vortex is very similar to that shown by Weiss for passive elds in idealized vortices with large magnetic Reynolds numbers. We demonstrated that this expulsion cannot be interpreted as a direct consequence of steady, resistive diusion, but must be seen as a consequence of unsteady fast reconnection. Subject headings : instabilities MHD plasmas turbulence


Weak magnetic elds threading conducting uid media can play vital dynamical roles, even when traditional criteria, such as relative magnetic and gas pressures, suggest the elds are entirely negligible. Perhaps the best example of this is the destabilizing inuence of a vanishingly small magnetic eld crossing a Keplerian accretion disk (Balbus & Hawley 1991), where the mere presence of the eld seems fundamentally to alter the local ow properties. Other examples abound, however, that could be particularly important in astrophysics. Among them, we would include
1 Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. 2 Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. 3 4 5 Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 305-764, Korea. 6 Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195-1580. 7 8 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0171. 9

weak elds penetrating turbulent or otherwise strongly unstable ows, where such elds signicantly alter evolution and transport properties (e.g., Biskamp & Welter 1989 ; Cattaneo & Vainstein 1991 ; Nordlund et al. 1992 ; Jun, Norman, & Stone 1995). Sheared motion is a critical common element in many of these ows, and the consequent stretching of a weak, but a large-scale eld can lead to a locally enhanced role for the eld. The ows will also frequently lead to current sheets and associated magnetic eld topologies unstable to reconnection, and that is central to the nonlinear evolution of the systems (e.g., Biskamp 1993 ; Parker 1994). Through these processes the elds can also have more global consequences. Study of the nonlinear evolution of the classical Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability could be particularly useful as a well-dened example of strongly sheared ows. Further, since KH unstable boundary layers are probably common, the behavior of the instability is important for its own sake. Although the KH instability is fairly well studied in ordinary hydrodynamics (e.g., Corcos & Sherman 1984), comparable study has been much slower in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). That is because the magnetic eld substantially complicates the physics itself and also because 230

MHD KELVIN-HELMHOLTZ INSTABILITY. II. computational methods and resources needed for such studies are only recently up to the task. The linear analysis of the MHD KH instability is relatively straightforward and was long ago carried out for a number of simple ow and eld congurations (e.g., Chandrasekhar 1961 ; Miura & Pritchett 1982). Generally, and especially if the velocity change is not supersonic, the ordinary uid shear layer is unstable to perturbations with wavevectors in the plane of the shear layer and with wavelengths greater than the thickness of the layer (e.g., Miura 1990). When there is a eld component projecting onto the ow eld, magnetic tension provides a stabilizing inuence. A simple vortex sheet is stabilized against linear perturbations whenever the magnetic eld strength is sufficient that c [ o (k U )/ 0 (2k B ) o, where U is the velocity dierenceA between the 0 0 two layers, c is the Alfve n speed, k is the perturbation A B is the direction of the magnetic eld wavevector, and 0 (Chandrasekhar 1961). Frank et al. (1996, hereafter Paper I) and Malagoli, Bodo, & Rosner (1996, hereafter MBR) recently presented complementary nonlinear analyses of the MHD KH instability in mildly compressible ows based on two-dimensional numerical simulations carried out with new (and dierent) Riemann-solverbased MHD codes. While not the rst numerical studies of the MHD KH instability, they represented big improvements over previous calculations in both numerical resolution and extent to which ow evolution was followed toward asymptotic states (readers are referred to Paper I for additional, earlier citations). Considering perturbed two-dimensional ows that were uniform except for a thin, smooth velocity transition layer, those two papers emphasized the qualitatively dierent behaviors in the nonlinear evolution of unstable ows depending on how close the eld strength is to its critical strength for stabilization. For elds only slightly below the critical value, enhancements in the tension of the eld through linear growth can stabilize the ow before it develops distinctly nonlinear characteristics. For weaker elds, however, the initial evolution of the instability is very similar to that for the ordinary KH instability. That results in the formation of eddies, and hence, to substantial stretching of the magnetic eld lines as well as reconnection. Paper I emphasized the remarkable fact that in a case with a eld 2.5 times weaker than critical, reconnection can lead to selforganization in the ow and fairly rapid relaxation to a quasi-steady laminar and marginally stable ow. MBR presented summaries of simulations extending to somewhat weaker elds showing evidence for similar behaviors. Neither Paper I nor MBR, however, explored the problem in sufficient depth to establish the conditions necessary for the previously mentioned self-organization. In addition, it is very important in this situation to understand how the magnetic elds behave when they are very weak (a concept whose denition needs clarication, in fact). A closely related matter is what dierences, if any, exist between the behavior of a truly weak eld and a stronger eld whose projection onto the ow vectors is weak. Alternatively stated, are there dierences between the nonlinear two-dimensional MHD KH instability and the 2 1 2 dimensional MHD KH instability ? Answers to those basic questions are the objective of this paper. We nd : (1) for the cases we have considered with an initially uniform eld that the magnetic eld transverse to the plane is unimportant and (2) there is a transition from the role of the


magnetic eld as a catalyst to ow self-organization to a role as an added source of energy dissipation that should vanish directly as the initial magnetic eld strength projected onto the plane vanishes. Ultimately, we must understand the full three-dimensional problem, in which the perturbation wavevector also lies outside the ow direction. On the other hand, it has been difficult to carry out threedimensional MHD simulations with sufficient numerical resolution to be condent of the results in complex ows such as these. In addition, it will be useful to compare fully three-dimensional behaviors with two-dimensional ows. We hope that the current work is a signicant, constructive step toward a full understanding of this problem. The paper plan is as follows. In 2 we will summarize the problem setup and relevant results from Paper I. Section 3 contains a discussion of new results, while 4 provides a brief summary and conclusion. We also include an Appendix presenting an analytical model for diusive ux expulsion from a steady vortex, in order to contrast that physics with what we observe in the eddies that form in our simulations.


In order to focus on specic, important physical issues we have chosen to explore an idealization of the MHD KH problem, reserving for the future the more general problem. We present in this section only a bare outline of our method and some key results from previous work. A full discussion of the computational setup along with several tests of such issues as adequate numerical resolution and geometry of the computational box can be found in Paper I. 2.1. Problem Denition The geometry of the computations is shown in Figure 1. The only dierence from Paper I is that in those earlier computations we assumed an aligned eld, h \ cos~1 o B U o \ 0, whereas we now relax that constraint to 0 0magnetic elds oblique or orthogonal to the ow include plane. We assume the ow to be periodic in x and that the y boundaries are reecting (i.e., neither ow nor eld lines cross the y boundaries). This was a conguration used initially by Miura (1984), and we followed it in Paper I to enable a direct comparison with his results. The inuences of those boundary choices are discussed fully in Paper I. In brief, the periodic boundary limits coalescence of structures to scales equal to the box dimension, L . That is more signicant than the existence of the reecting boundaries, which seem to have only minor inuence on dynamics in the (narrow) central regions where ow organization and dissipation is largely determined. The initial background ow has uniform density, o \ 1, gas pressure, p \ 0.6, and an adiabatic index, c \ 5/3, so that the sound speed, c \ (cp/o)1@2 \ 1.0. The magnetic cos h ] zs sin h), is also uniform. In Paper I eld, B \ B (x 0 0 we considered cases with B \ 0.4, 0.2 (and h \ 0), so that 0 studied by Miura (1984). We M \ 2.5, 5, since those were A now add to these a number of new cases as outlined in Table 1. To facilitate comparisons we identify the simulations from Paper I as cases 1 and 2 in Table 1, with the new simulations following. The velocity in the background state is antisymmetric about y \ L /2 according to the relation y[L /2 U , \ [ 0 tanh x u \ u (y)x 0 0 a 2




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period equal to the length of the computational box, L . This was done exactly as in Paper I. We note that when h D 0 there are perturbations in all three vector components of the magnetic and velocity elds. Under the conditions we used the computational frame is comoving with the KH waves. All ow and eld quantities are either symmetric or antisymmetric around two points, which happen with our choice of phases in d(o, p, u, B) to be at y \ L /2, x \ L /4, 3L /4. Because the velocity eld is antisymmetric around these points they are the places where strong vortices tend to form. The equations we solve numerically are those of ideal compressible MHD ; namely, Lo ] $ (ou) \ 0 , Lt Lu 1 1 ] u $u ] $p [ ($ B) B \ 0 , Lt o o Lp ] u $p ] cp$ u \ 0 , Lt LB [ $ (u B) \ 0 , Lt (2) (3) (4) (5)

FIG. 1.Cartoon illustrating the computational setup for these simulations. There is a central shear layer separating uniform ows. Except for the initial perturbation the ow conditions are otherwise uniform. The magnetic eld projects onto the computational plane at an angle, h.

with U \ 1. This describes a smoothly varying ow within a shear0 layer of full width 2a. For all our simulations presented here a \ L /25, chosen to make the interactions with the reecting boundaries small. The square computational box has L \ 2.51. Flow is to the left in the top half-plane and to the right below that. To this state we add a perturbation, d(o, p, u, B), dened to be a normal mode found from the linearized MHD equations appropriate for the chosen background, periodic in x and evanescent in y, with

along with the constraint $ B \ 0 imposed to account for the absence of magnetic monopoles (e.g., Priest 1984). The isentropic gas equation of state is p P oc. Standard symbols are used for common quantities. Here, we have chosen rationalized units for the magnetic eld so that the magnetic pressure p \ B2/2 and the Alfve n speed is simply c \ b A B/o1@2. These equations were solved using a multidimensional MHD code based on the explicit, nite dierence total variation diminishing or TVD scheme. The method is an MHD extension of the second-order nite-dierence, upwinded, conservative gasdynamics scheme of Harten (1983), as described by Ryu & Jones (1995). The multidimensional version of the code, along with a description of various one and two-dimensional ow tests is contained in Ryu, Jones, & Frank (1995). The code contains an t-based routine that maintains the $ B \ 0 condition at each time

TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF MHD KH SIMULATIONS Casea 1e . . . . . . . 2e . . . . . . . 3 ........ 4 ........ 5 ........ 6h . . . . . . 6m . . . . . . 7 ........ 8 ........ 9 ........ B \ c /c b 0 A s 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.14 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.02 0.04 0.07 h (deg) 0 0 45 0 90 85 85 0 0 0 B \ B cos h po 0 0.4 0.2 0.14 0.14 0.0 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.07 M b A 2.5 5.0 5.0 7.07 5.0 5.0 5.0 50 25 14.3 bb 0 7.5 30 30 60 30 30 30 3000 750 245 tc g 3.79 1.86 1.71 1.71 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.67 1.67 End Timec 20q 20q 30q 30q 20q 50q 30q 30q 30q 20q Nd x 512e 512e 512 512 256 512 256 256 256 256

a All models have used c \ 5/3, M \ U /c \ 1, c \ 1, L \ 2.51, and a \ L /25. s s b The Alfve n speed, c \ B/o1@2, Alfve n0Mach number, and b \ p /p \ (2/c)(M /M)2 here refer to the A strength, not just that projected onto the 0 plane g b of the ow. A total initial magnetic eld c The growth time is an approximation to the inverse linear growth rate ; namely t \ 1/! ; q \ t/t . g N \ N . Periodic g d Computations were carried out on a square grid of the size indicated, with y x boundaries were assumed for x and reecting boundaries were assumed for y. e Cases 1 and 2 were presented and discussed in Paper I. They are cited here for reference. Each was computed with two or more numerical resolutions, with the largest listed here.

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step within machine accuracy. That step does not compromise the other conservation relations. Numerical solution of equations (2)(5) on a discrete grid leads, through truncation errors, to diusion of energy, and momentum, as well as to entropy generation. Of course, such eects are also present in nature and are important to dening the character of the ows. The existence of eective numerical resistivity is necessary, for example, to allow magnetic reconnection to occur in the calculations. Our methods exactly conserve total energy, as well as mass, momentum, and magnetic ux, so the exchange between kinetic, thermal and magnetic energies along with entropy production is internally consistent. There is fairly good evidence that conservative monotonic schemes, as this one is, do a good job of approximately representing physical viscous and resistive dissipative processes that are expected to take place on scales smaller than the grid (e.g., Porter & Woodward 1994). For the astrophysical environments being simulated the expected dissipative scales are likely very much smaller than those that can be modeled directly. Recent numerical studies of reconnection suggest in the MHD limit with large kinetic and magnetic Reynolds numbers that the local energy dissipation rate through reconnection becomes independent of the value of the resistivity in complex ows (e.g., Biskamp 1993, 1994). However, when we depend on numerical dissipation, we must be cautious about the possible role of uncaptured dynamical structures that could be expected on scales smaller than the grid scale, or about magnetic eld structures on such scales that could enhance the number of reconnection sites. In fact, we shall see that for our KH instability-induced ows involving weak elds (where reconnection topologies are formed on many scales) total energy dissipation is slightly enhanced when the grid is ner. This is opposite to what we expect from the eects of reduced numerical diusion alone, but consistent with an increase in the number of reconnection sites, or X points, allowed when smaller scale eld structures can be resolved cleanly. Further, we nd that for a xed numerical resolution, addition of a very weak magnetic eld substantially enhances the rate of energy dissipation, again as one expects in response to reconnection (e.g., Zimmer, Lesch, & Birk 1997). Thus, we see strong evidence for unsteady, local reconnection as in high Reynolds number, MHD turbulence, but also that our numerical solutions are not quite converged in terms of total dissipation. Below we will express all of our results in time units dened by the growth time of the linear instability, t \ g !~1, as estimated from graphs presented by Miura & Pritchett (1982). That is, we express time as q \ t/t . We nd g that especially the initial saturation of the instability, but also the relaxation processes are fairly uniformly expressed in these units. The time units, t , are listed for each case in g of the simulation in units Table 1, along with the duration of q. The ows examined in the present paper all have t B g 1.6 1.7. For comparison the sound crossing time in the box is t \ L \ 2.51 (since c \ 1) and the Alfve n wave crossing s is t \ M t (since s U \ 1). The normalized turnover time A A s 0 t D L /(U /2) D 2t . time for a large eddy is roughly E 0 s 2.2. Magnetic Field Evolution Since it enters prominently into our later discussions, it is helpful here to remind readers in a simple way of what we can expect for the local evolution of the magnetic eld in

these simulations. A full analysis of all the subtleties is beyond our scope here, so readers are referred to detailed discussions such as those by Moatt (1978), Priest (1984), and Biskamp (1993). Equation (5) follows elds when the resistivity is exactly zero. As already mentioned, our nite dierence code will introduce eects that mimic a nite resistivity, although it is not possible to dene an exact value for the resistivity, g. The eective resistivity will also depend on grid resolution, decreasing roughly as N~2 within smooth ows. Despite these limitations we can make good heuristic use of the resistive MHD extension of the induction equation (5). For our purposes it is interesting to cast that equation in the following form : d ln o d ln ( o B o/o) 1 d ln p b[ \ 2 dt dt dt \ B [(B $)u] [ g j2 ] g$ ( j B) , (6) B2

where d/dt is the Lagrangian time derivative, the rst term on the right represents eld amplication by stretching, and the last two terms containing the resistivity account for magnetic annihilation and diusion. We have also used equation (2). The current density, j \ $ ] B. The term gj2 is a dissipative term that balances the Joule heating in the analogous energy equation for the gas (e.g., Paper I). The last term is written as an expression involving the Lorentz force, j B, to show that it represents the transport of momentum ux in response to resistivity ; i.e., the slippage of eld lines. A frozen-in eld results when g \ 0. That leaves only the time derivatives and one term on the right of equation (6). If there is ow compression or expansion only perpendicular to B then the right side of equation (6) vanishes and leads to o B o/o \ constant or p P o2. Those are the most common b statements of eld compression. However, more generally one needs to include the other ideal MHD term on the right that accounts for stretching. In fact, eld enhancements due to compression are much more limited than those due to stretching, especially in mildly compressive ows, such as those we are studying. We also can see from equation (6) that resistive inuences on magnetic energy are associated with both Joule heating and momentum transport. In fact reconnection leads to both irreversible heating of the local plasma and to its acceleration. The physics of reconnection is complex and beyond the scope of this paper. However, it may be helpful to estimate the dissipation rate using equation (6) and the SweetParker description of reconnection (e.g., Biskamp (1994) ; Parker (1994) ; Zimmer, Lesch, & Birk 1997). Assuming an incompressible ow steadily carrying oppositely directed elds into a current sheet of thickness, d, equation (6) gives us a magnetic energy annihilation rate and associated dissipation rate per unit volume, Q \ gj2 D 1 (u/d)B2, where u is the inow speed. In this picture plasma2ows out from the reconnection region at the Alfve n speed, so mass conservation leads to the relation between the current sheet thickness, d, and its width, l \ d(c /u). Then, Q D 1 B2(c /l). So, A the integrated dissipation Arate through 2 reconnection depends on the eld energy advected into reconnection sites and the summed volumes of all the reconnection sites. The current density within the current sheet can be estimated as j B B/d, so that the aspect ratio of the reconnection region



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is d/l D 1/N1@2 , where N \ (lc )/g is known as the LundL L A quist number of the plasma and is obviously related to the magnetic Reynolds number. Consequently, the dissipative volume scales as l2/N1@2 . In two dimensions, dissipative L reconnection regions form out of tearing mode instabilities within a current sheet when the aspect ratio, d/l, is small (Biskamp 1994), and hence, when the magnetic Reynolds number is large. Thus, reconnection is not really steady, and the number of sites and their individual volumes will depend on the magnetic Reynolds numbers in the ow. Those are, indeed, the behaviors we see in our simulations. 2.3. Issues We already alluded in the introduction to the basic character of nonlinear MHD KH instability properties found from previous work. Our intent here is to explore more fully the behaviors of weak magnetic elds in this situation. In preparation for that we note from past work several key features for two-dimensional symmetry : 1. When there is no magnetic eld or if the eld is orthogonal to the ow direction a shear layer will role up. For the periodic ows considered here the result is a stable cats eye vortex whose length equals the imposed periodicity on the space and whose height D 1 the length. As long 3 as the ow is subsonic or submagnetosonic no shocks are involved and the vortex decays only through viscous diusion. We will not deal with the supersonic or supermagnetosonic cases here (for some work on those see, e.g., Pedelty & Woodward 1991 ; Miura 1990, and references therein).In many astrophysical applications the kinetic Reynolds number of the ow is very large, so we wish to consider similar cases, so that dissipative decay times are long. For our simulations, the empirical viscous decay time of the ow is at least 4 orders of magnitude longer than the duration of our computations (see case 5 energy evolution curves in Fig. 3 below). Thus, the cats eye represents a quasisteady relaxed state, in which the shear layer has spread vertically by horizontal localization of vorticity and become stable. Of course, for nonperiodic systems there will be continued spreading due to additional vortex mergers, while in three dimensions the ows will be unstable to perturbations directed along the third direction. Those inuences are beyond the scope of our present investigation, however. 2. In the other extreme, if the magnetic tension force produced by a perturbation in the shear layer exceeds the lift force produced by the perturbation, the perturbed ow is stabilized. For wavevectors aligned with the ow that condition exists in a linear perturbation whenever the eld is strong enough that M \ U /(B cos h) \ M \ 2. Then A 0 0 to spreading Ac only viscous diusion A contributes of the original shear layer. As before, we can neglect that inuence over nite times and describe the shear layer as remaining in a quasi-steady relaxed state from the start. For the present computations the critical magnetic eld to stabilize a linear perturbation is B \ 0.5.For elds slightly weaker c than critical, a small, but nite amplitude perturbation may lead to the same stabilization condition, perhaps after a small amount of quasi-linear growth to the instability. Such was the result obtained for the so-called strong-eld case of Paper I, where M \ 2.5. That calculation is listed as A Under these conditions the ow is case 1 in Table 1, here. never far from laminar and there is a modest amount of spreading in the shear layer before it also reaches a quasi-

steady relaxed state consisting of a broadened, laminar shear layer (a point made both in Paper I and by MBR). In either case 1 or case 2, the total magnetic energy changed very little during the ow evolution. In Paper I we pointed out that for the symmetry imposed the mean vector magnetic eld is time invariant ; i.e., SBT \ constant, so any relaxed state with a relatively uniform eld will automatically contain magnetic energy close to that of the initial conditions. This condition just reects the conservation of magnetic ux on the grid. The relaxed magnetic energy is very slightly enhanced, because the eld is not quite uniform at the end. A small amount of kinetic energy dissipation takes place in case 1 before the ow becomes relaxed. That amount is mandated by total energy conservation, the approximate magnetic energy conservation in this case, and the fact that on a xed space the kinetic energy in a broad, symmetric shear layer is less than in a thin one. So, any evolution leading to a broadened, laminar shear layer requires an increased thermal energy determined by the nal width of the layer, independent of how it got there. In our idealization the mass in the box is also exactly conserved, so the mean density is constant. Consequently, to rst order there is no change in thermal energy by way of reversible, adiabatic processes. Most of the increased thermal energy must result from entropy-producing dissipation of some kind. Putting it simply, for these ows to relax entropy must be generated. These energy considerations apply to all of the calculations in our study if the relaxed state is a laminar ow. (It turns out that the kinetic energy of the cats eye vortex is less than that for the initial ow, as well. So, its formation must also generate entropy.) 3. For initial elds too weak to prevent formation of the cats eye vortex through magnetic tension, the shear layer will role up as for unmagnetized uid ow. In Paper I, however, we saw that when the initial eld is only a few times weaker than the critical value for linear stabilization, there follows a dramatic transformation in the ow as the cats eye develops. Paper I considered a ow with M \ 5. A roles We list it in the current Table 1 as case 2. As the vortex up in such cases, magnetic eld lines are stretched around it, thus increasing magnetic energy at the expense of kinetic energy of the ow. The greatest magnetic pressures are produced in thin ux tubes formed between the vortex and its twins in periodic extensions of the space (see Figs. 4a and 6 below). Especially within the vortex and around its perimeter, this evolution leads to magnetic reversals, beginning after about one turnover time for the vortex. The reversed elds are unstable to tearing mode reconnection. So, once that happens the magnetic eld quickly reorganizes itself, releasing the magnetic stresses and stored magnetic energy. For case 2 this leads, as well, to disruption of the cats eye and eventually to an almost steady, laminar ow, after formation and disruption of several weaker vortices. That, nal, quasi-steady relaxed state, was similar to the initial conditions, except that the shear layer was broad enough to be stable against perturbations on scales that t within the periodic box. The relaxed shear layer had a linear velocity prole (see MBR for similar points). There are additional interesting characteristics of the relaxed state. Remaining uctuations in the magnetic and velocity elds were almost exactly correlated, so that they could be described as linearly polarized Alfve n waves. The magnetic energy returned to a level slightly above the initial conditions, with the nal excess representing a pair of apparent magnetic ux

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tubes bounding a hot central core of the shear layer containing most of the entropy generated during the relaxation process. This nal condition was reached by about q \ 20. The relaxed shear layer was broader in this case than case 1 (see also MBR), so that the kinetic energy was also smaller. Thus, even accounting for the slight increase in magnetic energy, we could correctly predict that case 2 with a weaker eld was necessarily more dissipative than case 1. That extra dissipation could come about only through the eects of reconnection. Other aspects of this case will be visited presently, since we will encounter them again in some new cases examined here. Thus, from the calculations reported in Paper I and in MBR it is obvious that weak magnetic elds can play a major role in the evolution of MHD KH unstable ows. It is also apparent that these roles involve the exchange of energy and momentum from the gas to the magnetic eld and then back to the gas through Maxwell stresses and reconnection. But it is not yet clear what are the crucial steps in that exchange, nor how it depends on the initial strength of the eld, so that the ordinary KH behavior results, if it does, in the limit that the magnetic eld becomes vanishingly small. In addition, although the linear MHD KH instability is not aected by the presence of a (possibly strong) eld transverse to the ow (but still aligned to the plane of the shear), a eld oblique to the ow can carry circularly polarized Alfve n waves. Since we found that the two-dimensional version of the problem generated linearly polarized Alfve n waves, it may be important to see if the nonlinear problem depends at all on the orientation of the eld, or just on the strength of the eld projected onto the plane as in the linear problem.


To meet the objectives at the end of the previous section we have carried out a set of seven new simulations. They are outlined in Table 1 as cases 3 9. (Once again, cases 1 and 2 were discussed in Paper I.) The new simulations were designed to cover a wide range of strengths for the magnetic eld in the computational plane. They include ows that have exactly the same total eld strength as case 2, but in which the initial eld is oblique to the computational plane ; i.e., h D 0 (cases 3, 5, and 6), as well as ows in which the eld is entirely in the computational plane but is weaker than that in case 2 (namely cases 4, 7, 8, and 9). The planeprojected eld strength for cases 6 and 7 is an order of magnitude weaker than for case 2. Note that cases 3 and 4 are paired to have the same initial planar eld strengths, as are cases 6 and 7. This enables us to compare efficiently any distinct roles of eld strength and orientation with respect to the plane. In case 5 the eld is orthogonal to the plane, so we expect (and see) no important role for the magnetic eld. As others have noted before, compressible inuences are controlled in that case by magnetosonic waves rather than pure sound waves, so there is a very slight modication in response to that [M~1 \ (M~2 ] M~2)1@2 \ 1.02 in case ms ourselves at all A with ows in which 5]. We will not concern the eld is strong, by which we mean situations where magnetic tension precludes the nonlinear development of the MHD KH instability. Figures 2 and 3 provide a broad overview of the evolution of the new models we computed. They illustrate the time variation of energy components (thermal, kinetic, and

magnetic), as well as the pressure minimum ratio, b \ min (p/p ) , on the grid at each time. Figure 2 displays results b min for the runs that were computed with N \ 512, while x Figure 3 shows the cases computed with N \ 256. In addix tion, to provide a sense of the inuence of numerical resolution for very weak eld cases both case 6h (N \ 512) x and case 6m (N \ 256) are shown together in Figure 2. x Resolution issues were discussed in detail for cases 1 and 2 in Paper I, where similar energy plots were also given. We shall add a few additional relevant comments below. There is one distinctive detail about Figures 2 and 3 that is important to their interpretation. It was apparent to us by comparing animations of the important dynamical quantities that cases 3 and 4 were virtually indistinguishable from one another, and likewise for cases 6m and 7. Thus, the important issues are somewhat easier to see if we eliminate B to rst order in Figures 2 and 3. We plot a reduced z energy for the cases with h D 0. The magnetic and kinetic energy plotted include only the planar components ; i.e., E@ \ / (1/2)B2 dx dy, where B \ (B2 ] B2)1@2, and E@ \ p x the y total energy k is /b (1/2)o(u2 ] p u2)dx dy. To compensate, x y also reduced as E@ \ E@ ] E ] E@ , where E is the Tot b t almost k t energy thermal energy. Thus, we ignore the constant contributions from B and v . Note, however, it is the total z total z energy, that is conserved. In energy, not the reduced the denition of b , total magnetic pressure from all three components was min used, since it is the entire pressure that exerts a force on the plasma. We can see that the reduced energy evolution in cases 3 and 4 are almost identical in Figure 2, and the same is true of cases 6m and 7 in Figure 3. Thus, we observe in 2 1 2 dimensions, at least, that the transverse magnetic eld component (B ) plays no signicant role in nonlinear evolution z of the instability. The rationale for some role comes from the observation that nite B and v enable circularly polz z while only linearly arized Alfve n waves in 2 1 dimensions, 2 polarized Alfve n waves are allowed in two dimensions. In other words, there are twice as many degrees of freedom in 2 1 dimensions for Alfve n waves to help disperse pertur2 bations. However, there are two arguments to support our observation of a minimal role. First, the group velocity vector for Alfve n waves along which physical information propagates is \ B/o1@2 ; i.e., aligned with the magnetic g eld (see, e.g., Landau, Lifshitz, & Pitaevskii 1984). With invariance of quantities along the z-direction, only the group velocity components projected onto the x-y plane are relevant, and they are independent of B . The second point z 2 1 dimensions, the is that even though B and v are nite in z z 2 above symmetry restricts their contributions to those of magnetic pressure (see eqs. [2][5]) ; i.e., to the total pressure gradient and the fast and slow wave speeds. In the present case with weak elds, even that has little importance. For example, the evolution of b is almost the same min eld in the plane is for cases 3 and 4, where stretching of the dominant in case 3. For cases 6m and 7 the values of b min are always large, because neither the planar nor the transverse elds are very strong. But at q D 5 when the stretching of the planar eld is greatest, the values of b are still min the extra similar. So, our results indicate that for weak elds degrees of freedom allowed in 2 1 dimensions have no sig2 These ows are essennicant eect on the KH instability. tially two-dimensional. In one of the most striking ndings from these simulations, we nd two distinctive evolutionary behaviors for

.98 4 3


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6h 6m




.86 0 .1 10 20 30 40 50

.01 0 100 10 20 30 40 50




.0001 0 10 20 30 40 50

.1 0 10 20 30 40 50

FIG. 2.Time evolution of the high-resolution simulations (cases 3, 4, 6h), plus the medium resolution simulation case 6m. Shown are the normalized total thermal, kinetic, and magnetic energies, as well as the minimum value of the plasma b parameter at each time. To emphasize the minimal importance of the transverse magnetic eld component, B , reduced energies are shown that exclude B . z z

weak eld ows, depending on the eld strength. When the planar magnetic elds are very weak, it turns out that the evolution of the two-dimensional MHD KH instability is qualitatively similar to the gasdynamic version of the instability. That is, the cats eye vortex continues to exist as long as we extend the simulation. The magnetic eld does, through unsteady reconnection, substantially enhance energy dissipation of the vortex over that from the gasdynamical case, however. This can be seen by comparing case 5 (B \ 0) in Figure 3 with case 6m or case 7 (B \ p 0.02). We pwill characterize such ows as having very weak elds, and the role of the eld as dissipative. On the other hand, if the initial elds approach the critical eld for linear stabilization within a factor of a few, the cats eye is disrupted and the eld causes the ow to reorganize into a laminar form (as in case 2). We call this simply the weakeld regime, and the eld disruptive. In either situation the magnetic energy peaks about the time of the initial reconnection instability. For the disruptive cases there is a fairly prompt return of the magnetic energy near to its initial value (see Figs. 2 and 3). In eect, the magnetic eld plays the role of a catalyst, storing energy temporarily and through it modifying the plasma ow. That role is fairly dramatic, since reconnection leads to dynamical alignment and self-organization in the ow. For dissipative cases, the magnetic energy declines much more slowly, and in the high-resolution case 6h, seems mostly to oscillate. That behavior results from the fact that the cats eye vortex continues to capture magnetic ux, amplifying it and thence dissipating it.

The existence of two qualitatively distinct evolutionary patterns is also quite apparent in the histories of the thermal and kinetic energies displayed in Figures 2 and 3. The kinetic energy decay in case 6 is almost exponential, with a time constant that can be roughly estimated as q D 104. By d drop in contrast, cases 3 and 4 show before q D 10 a sharp E@ along with an accompanying increase in E@ , followed by ak slow, possibly exponential evolution similar tto case 6. For all cases in Table 1 the magnetic energy is always small (although it can briey increase by factors between 6 and 20 it never contributes more than a few percents to the total energy), so on the face of it the magnetic energy would not seem to be important. In fact, it can be crucial, as we have already outlined and will discuss more fully, below. Figure 3, which shows a wider range of projected eld strengths, shows similar patterns with some variation in the abruptness of the early energy transition. We also conclude that as B ] 0 the evolution of the two-dimensional MHD KH p instability will smoothly approach that for ordinary gasdynamics. 3.1. V ery W eak Fields : Dissipative Let us now describe in more detail the characteristics of the two weak-eld regimes and also establish the physical boundary between them. Case 6 and case 7 had the weakest nite planar eld, B , that we considered, and they demonpo patterns. Figure 4 summarizes ow strate very weak eld properties for case 6h at times q \ 5 and 30. Figure 4a shows the ow vorticity component out of the plane, u \ z as ($ u) , while Figure 4b shows the magnetic eld lines z

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.96 9 .94 8

.92 6m .9 5 .88 7


.86 0 .1 5 10 15 20 25 30

.01 0 10000 5 10 15 20 25 30

1000 .01 7

100 8 5 .001 10 9 6m

.0001 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

1 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

FIG. 3.Same as Fig. 2, except for medium resolution simulations (cases 5, 6m 7, 8, 9)

they project onto the plane. Except for minor ne structure that aligns with the planar eld, the vorticity at q \ 5 is the same as for a ow with B \ 0 of case 5. It also is fairly close p to that for all our simulations, except case 1 at this early time. Primarily, this image illustrates the formation of the cats eye and how that concentrates vorticity. Note that the corners of adjacent cats eyes overlap, with a shear layer between them. It is in that shear layer where magnetic elds are most strongly enhanced, as seen for this time in Figure 4b. Extensions of that feature around the perimeter also contain concentrations of magnetic ux. These regions represent ows where gas is accelerated out of a stagnation point midway between vortex centers. Frozen-in elds are thus pulled out or stretched and amplied. At q \ 30, the cats eye vortex is still largely the same, except for some complex, low-level vorticity structures outside the main vortex. Their origins are made clearer by examination of the magnetic eld structure at this time. Those same regions outside the cats eye also contain isolated magnetic ux islands and eld reversal regions. Such magnetic features reveal an environment where magnetic reconnection is active. The relationship is that reconnective processes not only reorganize the magnetic eld topology and release magnetic energy, but they also accelerate the local plasma, and that contributes to the local vorticity. By contrast to case 2 (or as we shall see cases 3 and 4, as well), however, magnetic stresses in cases 6 or 7 produce only small modications to peripheral ows and are far too weak to disrupt the cats eye. The vortex interior shows initial signs in Figure 4b of magnetic ux expulsion by q \ 5, a well-known phenome-

non (e.g., Weiss 1966). At this early stage, just as the vortex is fully formed, there is still some magnetic ux that threads through the eye. That does not seem to be the case at the later time. In a close examination of eld structures within the vortex we can nd no evidence after about q \ 10 that any magnetic ux threads the vortex. Instead, the eld breaks into ux islands within the vortex, and those are annihilated through mergers. This is, of course, just what high Reynolds number (both kinetic and magnetic), nonlinear resistive MHD ows are expected to do in response to reconnection (e.g., Biskamp 1993, 1994). The eld structure in the bottom panel of Figure 4b is qualitatively very similar to that found by Weiss (1966) from a classic passive eld simulation in a steady vortex with magnetic Reynolds number R \ 103, but very dierent from that for small m magnetic Reynolds number (R \ 20). Our own estimates m of eective magnetic Reynolds numbers in the case 6h simulation give numbers in excess of 103 (Ryu et al. 1995 ; Frank et al. 1996), so the comparison is very reasonable. We emphasize, however, that the eld behaviors seen here, and presumably by W eiss, result from localized, inherently time-dependent reconnection, not simple ux diusion. To demonstrate that we compute in the Appendix the equilibrium passive magnetic elds for a simple vortex in a resistive uid. Figure 5 displays two examples of magnetic eld structures predicted by this steady state resistive MHD theory. The velocity structure for this model vortex is similar to that observed in the simulated ows for case 6. The core, r \ r /2, has a constant vorticity, A (see Fig. 4a), 0 outer ange in which the velocity decreases while there is an to zero at r \ r . Solutions depend only on the eective 0

FIG. 4a

FIG. 4b

FIG. 4.(a) Gray-scale images of the case 6h vorticity component normal to the computational plane at q \ 5 (top) and q \ 30 (bottom). To facilitate visualization of structures, the periodic space has been repeated once. The vorticity is everywhere positive. High values take high tones. (b) Case 6h magnetic eld lines projected onto the computational plane at q \ 5 (top) and q \ 30 (bottom).



FIG. 5.Magnetic eld lines from an analytical model to study diusive ux expulsion from a steady eddy with q \ 10 (top) and q \ 1000 (bottom). See the text for the denition of q.

magnetic Reynolds number, q \ 2Ar2/g, within the vortex. This parameter roughly measures the0 ratio of the timescale for magnetic eld diusion to the rotation period of the vortex. When q is a few (q \ 10 in the top panel of the gure), ux diuses quickly enough to almost atten out eld lines to their external pattern except in the vortex core. At the center eld lines are actually concentrated by rotation into a quasi-dipole pattern. That dipole results because reconnection into a simpler topology is not permitted. The steady state pattern is very dierent when q is large, since eld is almost frozen into the vortex. Above q D 102 the eld forms a spiral pattern in the vortex core whose pitch depends on q. Shear is greatest in the ange region of this vortex and ux becomes concentrated increasingly into the vortex perimeter. That particular behavior does resemble case 6 in some ways. There are multiple eld reversals in the perimeter, with that number determined in the steady state calculation by the balance between eld diusion and addition of new turns to the eld through rotation. The bottom panel in Figure 5 shows the steady state solution for q \ 103. Despite some supercial similarities, there is an

obvious and essential dierence between the truly steady state solution in Figure 5 and the quasi-steady eld in the two time-dependent simulations (ours and Weisss). For the steady solutions the eld line that was originally through the vortex center remains and is wrapped into a spiral pattern within the core giving an almost constant eld strength there. In the time-dependent cases, reconnection changes the eld structure inside the vortex. The same statement applies to Weisss simulation. If the eective magnetic Reynolds number within the ow is large enough for topologies to develop that are tearing-mode unstable, eld within the vortex breaks o from the external eld and is destroyed. Thus, we nd good agreement with Weiss in the nature of eddy ux expulsion and see that it cannot be viewed as a steady magnetic diusion. The value of B never drops to zero inside the vortex of p eld cases, although it is as much as 2 any of our very weak orders of magnitude smaller than along the vortex perimeter. Action around the perimeter episodically injects new magnetic ux into the vortex interior, so this process continues as long as we have followed the ow. Examination of the magnetic energy, E@ , for case 6 in Figure 2 shows b rough intervals, *q D 2.5 3. That related, episodic peaks on corresponds to about half a turn over time for the vortex, and represents the interval on which elds along the vortex perimeter are stretched until they become folded, so as to make them subject to tearing mode reconnection. So, whatever ux is caught in this ow becomes amplied, increasing the magnetic energy, before reconnection rearranges the eld lines. Those lines outside the vortex are relaxed toward the initial eld conguration, often through multiple reconnection events, while those inside are isolated into closed islands. Note that the total magnetic ux threading our box is exactly conserved and exactly zero in these computations. Thus, any eld line entering on the left boundary must at all times extend continuously to the right boundary or exit again on the left. Closed ux islands can exist, but nothing prevents them from being destroyed, since they contribute no net ux. Reconnection, and most obviously ux-island destruction, is irreversible, so that it must be accompanied by entropy generation. That outcome is very apparent in Figures 2 and 3. Recall that to rst-order total thermal energy changes in these, closed-system simulations reect nonadiabatic processes. Compare rst the evolution of thermal energy in cases 6m, 7, and 5. We see that after some viscous dissipation necessary to form the cats eye, the case 5 with B \ 0 has almost constant total thermal energy to p0 the simulation. By contrast cases 6m and 7 show the end of a steady rise in E , with small amplitude oscillations associated with major t reconnection events as described above. Thus, the main dynamical impact of the eld is enhanced dissipation. The total magnetic energy remains small in all cases, but for the dissipative cases that reects a near balance between the rate at which kinetic energy is being transferred to magnetic energy and the rate at which magnetic energy is being dissipated. For example, from initial eld energy evolution in Figure 3 we can crudely estimate for case 6m that magnetic energy is generated at a rate dE@ /dt D 3 ] 10~4, which is very close to the mean slope of theb thermal energy curve, E . Looking next at the case t6m,h E plots in Figure 2, we see that energy dissipation is greater tin the higher resolution case 6h. That results despite a smaller numerical resistivity



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for the higher resolution simulation. This is because in case 6h a larger amount of ux is caught in the vortex, so more reconnection sites develop. We estimate that D10% of the total magnetic ux is attached to the vortex at the end of the calculation (q \ 50) in case 6h, while only D3% is attached at the end of the calculation (q \ 30) in case 6m. As the eective magnetic Reynolds number increases there is a tendency for decreased resistivity to be countered by an increase in the number of reconnection sites, as our earlier discussion of reconnection theory would suggest. If we compare simple estimates for rates of magnetic energy generation for cases 6m and 6h to the rates of thermal energy increase, we see that they are consistent, as we found earlier for case 6m, alone. The increased dissipation for the higher resolution simulation is relatively modest, however. Some studies of resistive MHD turbulence suggest, in fact, that at very large Reynolds numbers total reconnection rate in a complex ow will be insensitive to the value of the resistivity (Biskamp 1993, 1994). If conrmed more generally, that could provide a practical measure of convergence in studies of the present kind. 3.2. W eak Fields : Disruptive Looking again at thermal energy evolution in Figures 2 and 3, we can see a clear behavioral transformation in the sequence : case 5 ] 6(7) ] 8 ] 9 ] 3(4). This grouping is arranged in order of increased B . There is a sharp rise p0 of dissipation associthrough the sequence in the amount ated with the initial formation of the cats eye vortex, as well as a more modest increased slope to the subsequent longterm dissipation rate. The physical character of this transformation is apparent if one compares Figure 4b with Figure 6. The latter shows for case 3 the magnetic pressure distribution at three times, q \ 5, 10, and 30. Behaviors for this simulation are qualitatively similar to case 2, as discussed in detail in Paper I and outlined in 2.3. Here we note that, while the eld appears wrapped around the vortex at q \ 5, it has a laminar appearance at q \ 30. The velocity eld undergoes a similar transition ; i.e., the vortex is completely disrupted. The magnetic eld at the intermediate time, q \ 10, shows aspects of both the other times. Curiously, however, the ow in the dominant vortex pattern there has the opposite vorticity to the original ow. That feature is short-lived. We can understand this ow transition from rotational to laminar by examining Figures 7, 8, and 9, also relating to case 3. In Figure 7 we show the log of b \ p/p with magnetic eld lines overlaid at q \ 5. The minimumb b \ 0.55 in the strong ux tube connecting vortices, but the magnetic eld is dynamically signicant most of the way around the perimeter of the vortex. The maximum b D 106 in small regions where magnetic reconnection has begun and the eld strength has decreased to very small values. To understand how the magnetic eld disrupts the vortex consider the forces involved. The centripetal force associated with motion around the cats eye is ou2/R D 1 oU2 D 1 , since we observe that u D 1/21@2 and R D 1 2for 0the 2 vortex. Indeed, we also conrm that when B \ 0, the presp0 sure gradient force within the vortex $ p B 0.5 and is directed toward the vortex center, so that it supplies the necessary force. On the other hand, in Figure 8 we display the magnetic eld lines along with vectors representing the magnetic tension force ; i.e.,

FIG. 6.Gray-scale snapshots of the magnetic pressure distributions for case 3 at q \ 5, 10, and 30, showing the stages in disruption of the cats eye vortex by the magnetic eld. High values take high tones.

T \ (B $)B ,


at q \ 7.5 for case 3. It is apparent that magnetic tension forces are concentrated where the eld has been pulled into loops by the ow and that they are directed toward the center of the vortex. The peak value of o T o \ 1.85. At q \ 7.5 in case 3, however, the total pressure gradient is small and actually of the wrong sign to eect signicantly the motion of the plasma. The total force vector eld is very similar to the tension force eld shown in Figure 8. At the same time X-points in the eld topology show that reconnection is underway that will isolate the associated eld lines. Subsequently, ux islands are formed along the axis of the cats eye, and the magnetic tension pulls the plasma frozen into those loops toward the original center of the vortex, disrupting its rotation. Field line segments reconnecting outside the vortex core will tend to relax toward the original eld topology. These observations allow us to estimate simply what minimum initial eld, B should lead to vortex disruption. p0 of a weak eld is self-similar, we Since the early evolution

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FIG. 7.Inverted gray-scale image of log b \ p/p for case 3 at q \ 5. Projected magnetic eld lines are overlaid. The minimum b D 0.55 in the strong ux b tube between vortices, while the maximum b D 106 near the center of the cats eye.

can use the behavior from case 3 to estimate o T o B 1.85(B /0.14)2 at the time of the rst major reconnection in p0 all weak-eld cases. Our earlier discussion requires o T o 1 U2 o \ 1 for disruption, leading to the constraint B 2 0 2 0 or alternately, 0.05, B 0.1B , where B is the criticalpeld p 0 c c for stabilization of original instability. Indeed, as Figure 3 demonstrates, the transformation between dissipative and disruptive evolution occurs for conditions between those of cases 8 and 9 ; i.e., for initial eld values between 0.04 and 0.07. Figure 9 illustrates why the vortex disruption process is also highly dissipative. The top panel shows at q \ 7.5 in case 3 the gas entropy distribution, while the lower panel displays the electric current density, o j o with the eld lines overlaid. From this we can see that excess entropy is concentrated into regions where reconnection is currently active (highlighted by o j o ) or recently active. Ohmic heating (Pj2) is partly responsible for the irreversible energy exchange. The remainder should be viscous dissipation of small-scale, disordered motions. As we discussed in Paper I, the nal laminar ow that results in this class of ow includes a central sheet of hot gas containing most of the excess entropy produced through the self-organization of the ow.



We have carried out a series of high-resolution MHD simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz unstable ows in 2 1 2 dimensions. All of these simulations involve magnetic elds initially too weak to stabilize the ows in the linear regime ; i.e., B \ B . Thus, since simulations are performed on a p0 space, c ows all begin formation of a single cats periodic eye vortex. If the eld lying in the computational plane is absent or very weak the cats eye structure becomes a persistent, stable feature that represents a quasi-steady equilibrium. When there are very weak magnetic elds in the plane they become wrapped into the vortex and amplied by stretching. However, within a single turn of the vortex they are subject to tearing mode instabilities leading to magnetic reconnection. That reconnection isolates some magnetic ux within the vortex, which is eventually annihilated. This is the process through which ux is eectively expelled from a vortex. As long as the vortex persists this process will repeat. Since reconnection is irreversible, this process is also dissipative and leads to an increase over viscous eects in conversion from kinetic to thermal energy. We nd in this regime that as the initial magnetic eld within the computational plane is increased the dissipation

FIG. 8.Magnetic eld structure for case 3 at q \ 7.5, just as substantial magnetic reconnection is underway. Projected eld lines are shown, along with arrows that represent magnetic tension forces. The maximum magnetic tension force is 1.74.



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FIG. 9.Inverted gray-scale image of the gas entropy (top) and electrical current (bottom) distributions for case 3 at q \ 7.5. Magnetic eld lines are also laid on top of the current distribution to emphasize the relationships. High values take low tones.

rate increases in a similar manner. Likewise, as we use a ner numerical grid, thus reducing the eective numerical resistivity and viscosity, the dissipation rate increases, reecting the increased ability of our code to capture small-scale reconnection events. This trend is backward from what one would expect if simple magnetic diusion were primarily responsible for the reconnection. It suggests, perhaps that if we had been able to extend these calculations to even higher resolution the energy dissipation rate might have converged to a value independent of the eective resistivity, just as some studies of resistive MHD turbulence nd. The reconnection and expulsion of ux within vortices in our simulations are similar to those in a classic study by Weiss of vortex ux expulsion in large-magnetic-Reynolds-number ows. If the initial magnetic eld is strong enough that within a single turn of the vortex it is amplied around the vortex perimeter to dynamical strength (B2 D oU2), then the reconnection described in the previous paragraph releases stresses that are capable of disrupting the vortex entirely. This can happen in a single event or, if the eld is only marginally strong enough [B D (1/10)B ], through a sucp0 events. cIn either case the cession of dynamical realignment

net result is a laminar but marginally stable ow in which the original shear layer is greatly broadened. Thus, as we discussed fully in Paper I, such elds can have a remarkable stabilizing inuence. This is despite the fact that their total energy content is a minor fraction of the total, so that they are nominally too weak to be important, according to the usual criteria. We considered cases in which the magnetic eld was entirely within the ow plane and others in which the eld was oblique to that plane, in order to examine the role in nonlinear ows of the component out of the plane. For the 2 1 -dimensional ows we have studied, only the eld com2 ponents in the ow plane have any dynamical signicance. In fully three-dimensional ows, however, we expect further evolution of the quasi-steady relaxed states of both very weak eld (or dissipative) cases and weak eld (disruptive) cases. The cats eye vortex of very weak eld cases is subject to a three-dimensional instability known as the elliptical instability (Pierrehumbert 1986 ; Bayly 1986) unless the ow lines around the vortex follow perfect circles. The planar shear ow of weak eld cases is stable against linear perturbations but unstable to three-dimensional nite-amplitude perturbations (Bayly, Orszag, & Herbert 1988). Thus, it will

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be important to extend the present study to the fully threedimensional regime, and we are preparing to do that. This work by T. W. J., J. B. G., and A. F. was supported in part by the NSF through grants AST 93-18959 and INT-

9511654, through NASA grants NAGW-2548 and NAG 5-5055 and by the University of Minnesota Supercomputer Institute. The work by D. R. was supported in part by Seoam Scholarship Foundation. We are grateful to B. I. Jun for stimulating and helpful discussions about these results.

APPENDIX A DIFFUSIVE FLUX EXPULSION FROM A STEADY VORTEX In order to show that the ux expulsion from vortex shown in Figure 4b requires localized, unsteady reconnection, not just diusion, here we study the steady state passive eld solutions of resistive MHD. Under two- and 2 1 -dimensional symmetries, 2 the induction equation in the planar magnetic eld can be written as B \ z $t, where t is the magnetic ux function. Then, (5) with constant resistivity becomes Lt ] u $t \ g$2t . Lt (A1)

or t \ B rei, within a vortex. We approximate We consider the evolution of an initially uniform magnetic eld, B \ B x 0 0 that the vortex has azimuthal velocity 0 \ r \ r /2 , 0 r /2 \ r \ r , (A2) 0 0 r[r , 0 and zero radial velocity. A equals the (constant) vorticity within the vortex core. This is roughly the velocity eld of the vortex in Figure 4. Then, the evolution of the magnetic eld is described by equation (A1) with the boundary conditions t(r ) \ 0not B r ei and dt(r )/dr \ B ei at r \ r . In a steady state, we can set t \ F(r)ein since the coefficients of the equation do 0 0 0 0 0 depend explicitly on /. Note that with the given initial magnetic eld and boundary conditions, only the solution with n \ 1 is allowed. Then, the equation for F is given as for for for Q dF 1 dF 1 ] [ F[i F \ 0 , r2 dr2 r dr r2 0 where q, Q \ q(r /r [ 1) , 0 0, (A3) 2Ar , v \ 2A(r [ r) , 0 0,

0 \ r \ r /2 0 r /2 \ r \ r (A4) 0 0 r[r 0 with q \ 2Ar2/g. Here, q is the magnetic Reynolds number within a factor of 2. 0 We solve equation (A3) for F numerically. In Figure 5, we plot the resulting magnetic eld lines for the case with q \ 10 (highly diusive case) and for the case with q \ 103 (quasi-adiabatic case). From dissipation tests we estimate the magnetic Reynolds number of the vortex in our time-dependent simulations to be larger than 103 (see Ryu, Jones, & Frank 1995 ; Paper I). Indeed, the elds in Figure 4b resemble those in a vortex simulation with magnetic Reynolds number 103 reported in Weiss (1966). The steady state solution we just described allows only for diusion of magnetic ux, since no change in the eld topology is permitted. It allows us to see that such a steady state, diusive description does not account for ux expulsion from the vortex. If that were the case the magnetic eld lines in Figure 4b should have a structure like those in the bottom of Figure 5. Actually, their topologies are fundamentally dierent in the sense that eld in Figure 5 threads completely through the vortex, while it does not in Figure 4b (or any similar gure showing additional eld lines for this simulation). The reason is that the eld in the time-dependent simulation is subjected to reconnective instabilities that isolate and then destroy magnetic ux in the interior of the vortex. for for for
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