Chapter 4 Bearings

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Bearings and Supports

earings provide the primary interface between the moving and the stationary parts of a machine. Although the seals and process uids (or magnetic elds) coexist, the bearings provide the majority of the stiffness and damping for the moving assembly. It is understandable that dynamic forces developed on the moving parts are transmitted to the stationary parts across these main support bearings. The forces may be static radial loads due to rotor weight, or they may be dynamic forces due to mechanisms such as mass unbalance. In either case, the radial bearings must carry the applied loads, or the machine will fail. Many machines are also equipped with thrust bearings to restrain the axial loads imposed by differential uid pressures across stages of compression or expansion. Motors, generators, some gear boxes, and some double ow compressors do not contain thrust bearings. On other trains, a single thrust bearing may accommodate several machines connected via a series of hard couplings. In all cases, if the thrust bearing(s) fail, the machinery train will cease to function. It is reasonable to conclude that bearings are one of the most vulnerable machinery elements. In many cases, bearings are the scapegoat for other malfunctions. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that bearings are often redesigned to handle higher and higher loads, when the problem actually originates within some other part of the machine. In these situations it is desirable to return to basic engineering principles, and examine the behavior of the entire mechanical system, including the interaction with the main bearings. The inuence of loads, physical dimensions, bearing clearances, lubricant properties, and various geometric congurations will be reviewed in this chapter. The primary emphasis of this discussion will be on uid lm radial bearings. However, general comments for thrust bearings and roller element bearings will be included. As noted in the preface to this text, excessive bearing clearances represent a major category of common machinery malfunctions. Hence, various methods for accurate measurement of bearing clearances will be presented. In addition, the measurement of bearing housing support characteristics will also be addressed within this chapter.





In the development of analytical machinery models, there is always a temptation to begin the project with a detailed rotor analysis. However, the machinery diagnostician soon discovers that bearing characteristics must be dened and included within the rotor model. In some cases, such as the optimization of a mechanical system, many different bearing types may be considered with different rotor models. Hence, it is often an iterative procedure to determine the proper combination of bearings and rotor conguration. One of the easiest, and informative starting points is the determination of the static shaft loading upon the planar area of the bearing. This calculation consists of dividing the static journal load by the plane area of the bearing as shown in the following equation (4-1): Journal Weight Bearing Unit Load = BUL = ------------------------------------------------------Length Diameter
where: Bearing Unit Load Journal Weight Length Diameter = = = = Static Bearing Loading (Pounds/Inch2) Static Load on Bearing (Pounds) Bearing Length (Inches) Bearing Diameter (Inches)


If the weight of a rotor is evenly distributed between two bearings, then the Journal Weight is equal to 50% of the rotor weight. The product of bearing length times diameter yields the planar area of the bearing. That is, a top view of the bottom half of a bearing will have a projected area that is determined by the bearing dimensions. For example, consider a 14,400 pound rotor supported by two bearings that are each 6.0 inches long and 8.0 inches in diameter. The static bearing unit load may be computed from (4-1) as follows: ( 14, 400 2 ) Pounds Journal Weight BUL = ------------------------------------------------------- = ---------------------------------------------------- Length Diameter 6.0 Inches 8.0 Inches 7, 200 Pounds 2 BUL = ------------------------------- = 150 Pounds/Inches 2 48.0 Inches A loading of 150 Psi is acceptable for most industrial machines. Generally, the range of allowable bearing loads for uid lm bearings varies between 100 and 300 Psi. For lightly loaded bearings (i.e., <100 Psi), the rotor bearing system may be susceptible to instability. In addition, the bearing size with respect to the shaft would violate common sense. If the above example had a loading of 50 Psi, and the rotor weight plus bearing diameter remained constant then the bearing length would have to be 18.0 inches, which is ludicrous. Conversely, for heavily loaded bearings (i.e., >300 Psi), the bearing may fail prematurely due to the excessive radial loads. Also, the bearing size with respect to the shaft would not make sense. If the original example had a loading of 600 Psi, and the rotor weight plus bearing diameter remained constant then the bearing length would have to be 1.5 inches. This is likewise unreasonable for a

Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


seven ton rotor with an 8.0 inch diameter shaft. In addition to these static loads, forces due to unbalance, misalignment, uids, gears, etc., must be considered in the bearing design. These cyclic forces do not lend themselves to the simple analysis that was just performed. In order to evaluate these parameters, plus the oil lm characteristics, the bearing analysis must be signicantly expanded. Many excellent papers on dynamic bearing characteristics have been published by investigators such as Edgar Gunter1, Jim McHugh2, Paul Allaire and Ron Flack3, and Dana Salamone4. In most cases, determination of machine support coefcients is generally a two step effort. The rst part consists of the computation of oil lm characteristics, and the second task requires the measurement of the bearing structural support. The overall or effective rotor support is based upon a combination of these individual, yet interrelated parameters. Bearing oil lm coefcients can be determined with two different types of computer programs. The rst type is a bearing look up program that outputs principal stiffness Kxx, Kyy and damping Cxx, Cxx coefcients, plus the cross-coupling coefcients of Kxy, Kyx, Cxy, and Cyx. These programs also display Sommerfeld numbers with associated speeds, loads, and journal eccentricities. The bearing parameters can be calculated for specic conditions, or over a dened speed domain. Programs of this type run quite rapidly, and are useful for examining multiple cases prior to the nal denition of parameters, and the detailed bearing calculations. This second type of bearing coefcient program computes the equilibrium position, plus the stiffness and damping coefcients for a dened bearing geometry. Programs exist for cylindrical bearings, multi-lobe bearings, pressure dam bearings, and tilting pad bearings. These programs are often sophisticated nite element solutions that allow variable oil viscosity within the bearing, accept oil turbulence, plus the application of vertical and horizontal external forces, and variations in preload (where appropriate). Typical program output data includes the principal stiffness Kxx, Kyy and damping Cxx, Cxx coefcients, plus the cross-coupling coefcients Kxy, Kyx, Cxy, and Cyx as required. These results are usually displayed graphically, as illustrated in Fig. 4-1. This plot describes dimensional stiffness and damping coefcients as a function of rotating speed. The presented data was calculated for a ve (5) shoe tilting pad bearing. This bearing has a length/diameter (L/D) ratio of 0.4, a 60 arc length, load on pad (LOP), a 50% offset, and a 0.25 preload. The
1 Edgar J. Gunter, Dynamic Stability of Rotor Bearing Systems, NASA Report SP-113, 1966. 2 James D. McHugh, Principles of Turbomachinery Bearings, Proceedings of the Eighth Tur-

bomachinery Symposium, Gas Turbine Laboratories, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (November 1979), pp. 135-145. 3 Paul E. Allaire, and Ronald D. Flack, Design of Journal Bearings for Rotating Machinery, Proceedings of the Tenth Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratories, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (December 1981), pp. 25-45. 4 Dana J. Salamone, Journal Bearing Design Types and Their Applications to Turbomachinery, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratories, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (November 1984), pp 179-188.



applied bearing static load was 1,750 pounds, and diametrical clearance was 9.0 Mils (0.009 inches). Since this is a tilting pad bearing, the cross-coupling coefcients are zero, and only the principal (xx and yy) coefcients are shown. It should also be mentioned that due to the extended amplitude range, this type of information is normally plotted with a log-log scale. Based on the relative magnitudes of the coefcients, the stiffness parameters appear on the top half, and the damping curves are towards the bottom portion of the plot.

Fig. 41 Dimensional Oil Film Bearing Stiffness And Damping Coefcients Versus Rotor Speed

In many instances, the bearing coefcients are presented in a non-dimensional format. The customary form used for non-dimensional stiffness coefcients may be expressed by: Cb - K NonDim = K Dim -----W
where: KNonDim KDim Cb W = Non-dimensional Stiffness = Stiffness (Pounds/Inch) = Bearing Radial Clearance (Inches) = Static Bearing Load (Pounds)


Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


Similarly, the non-dimensional bearing damping coefcients are calculated by: Cb - C NonDim = C Dim --------------- W
where: CNonDim = Non-dimensional Damping CDim = Damping (Pounds-Seconds / Inch) = Shaft Rotative Speed (Radians / Second)


Non-dimensional coefcients are often used to dene a particular bearing design, and they permit direct comparison between bearings. Non-dimensional coefcients also allow reasonably easy conversions between test cases for variations in bearing clearances, loads, or speed. Hence, the designer may evaluate changes in parameters without repeating the full array of bearing calculations. Another non-dimensional parameter that is computed for uid lm bearings is the Eccentricity ratio. In bearing terminology, eccentricity is dened as the distance between the bearing center, and the shaft centerline position. Dividing this distance by the bearing clearance yields the dimensionless quantity of eccentricity ratio. This physical location represents the calculated equilibrium position of the journal. It may be presented as a vector, or as a horizontal and a vertical eccentricity (or offset), from the bearing center. These terms are easier to understand if an example of a uid lm bearing is examined. For instance, consider a shaft journal rotating within a cylindrical bearing as illustrated in Fig. 4-2. In this example, the bearing clearance circle is

Bearing Radial Clearance Bearing Center Shaft Orbit Eccentricity Vector

Shaft Centerline Position Shaft Centerline Shift Vector

Fig. 42 Journal Eccentricity Position Within A Plain Circular Fluid Film Bearing

CCW Rotation

shown, and the bearing geometric center is identied. The shaft is dened as rotating in a counterclockwise direction, and the shaft orbit is indicated in the lower right quadrant of the bearing. The center of the shaft orbital motion is commonly referred to as the shaft centerline position. The physical distance between this shaft centerline position and the geometric center of the bearing is dened as the shaft eccentricity. As previously noted, eccentricity may be stated as a vector quantity, or as X-Y Cartesian coordinates. The eccentricity ratio consists of the eccentricity magnitude divided by the bearing clearance. Most analysts use radial bearing clearance to compute the eccentricity ratio. As a precautionary point, eccentricity should not be confused



with the shift in shaft centerline position from some initial rest position (e.g., at the bottom of the bearing). Although these two vectors are directly related via the bearing clearance, the eccentricity vector is a calculated parameter based upon the bearing center. Whereas, the centerline position vector is measured with shaft sensing orthogonal proximity probes, and it is generally referenced to the bottom of the bearing (for a horizontal machine). Ideally, these two vectors should terminate at the same point within the clearance circle. Since the eccentricity ratio is associated with the minimum oil lm thickness, it is important information for the bearing designer, as well as the machinery diagnostician. It should be recognized that each particular bearing type or conguration displays a unique shaft centerline position of the journal within the bearing. This running position is a function of physical parameters such as bearing geometry, operating speed, shaft weight, and lubricant characteristics. The actual running position may be inuenced by the application of shaft preloads originating from normal sources such as gear contact forces, or abnormal forces such as coupling misalignment. In many machinery analysis problems, it is difcult to separate normal versus abnormal forces acting on the shaft. The dynamic motion of the shaft (vibration) is altered, and the running position of the journal within the bearing is inuenced. Hence, one must evaluate the dynamic as well as the static information. This type of evaluation is often predicated upon a comparison between normal behavior and the current motion and/or position characteristics of the shaft position within the journal bearing. More specically, the diagnostician must be aware of normal shaft position characteristics in order to identify an abnormal position. For instance, Fig. 4-3 describes the normal shaft centerline running position for three different types of common industrial journal bearings. The plain journal bearing shown on the left side of Fig. 4-3 is a typical bearing installed in many types of horizontal machines. On smaller machines, this type of bearing may consist of upper and lower thin bearing liners restrained by a heavy bearing housing. On larger machines, the babbitt bearing surface may be integral with the bearing housing. In either case, this type of bearing generates an oil wedge in the lower right bearing quadrant (with CCW rotation). The shaft is supported at the minimum oil lm, and journal weight is supported by the hydrodynamic forces within the bearing. In most cases, the shaft centerline vector pivots up from 20 to 40 above the bottom horizontal plane of the bearing.
Plain Journal Bearing Tilt Pad Bearing - Load on Pad Elliptical Bearing

Shaft Orbit Shaft Orbit Shaft Centerline Position Shaft Centerline Shift Vector Shaft Centerline Position Shaft Centerline Shift Vector

Shaft Orbit

Shaft Centerline Position Shaft Centerline Shift Vector

CCW Rotation

CCW Rotation

CCW Rotation

Fig. 43 Shaft Centerline Position With Three Different Types Of Fluid Film Bearings

Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


The tilt pad bearing displayed in the middle of Fig. 4-3 consists of a series of oating pads that surround the journal. A common conguration for a horizontal machine consists of three pads in the bottom half of the bearing, and two pads located in the top bearing half. The three bottom pads are usually congured with one pad directly below the shaft (6 oclock position). This physical pad location is commonly referred to as a Load on Pad (LOP) arrangement. If the bearing pads were repositioned or rotated on the shaft circumference to allow the two bottom pads to straddle the true vertical centerline, this would be considered as a Load Between Pad (LBP) conguration. For a LOP arrangement, the shaft supporting oil wedge is established and maintained on the bottom pad. Due to the location of this oil wedge, the shaft rises essentially straight up into the normal running position. In most cases, the shaft centerline vector pivots up from 80 to 100 above the bottom horizontal plane of the bearing. The normal shaft running position is slightly offset from the true vertical centerline. Usually this offset is in the direction of rotation as noted in the center diagram of Fig. 4-3. Shaft centerline position for a lemon bore or elliptical bearing are shown in the diagram located on the right side of Fig. 4-3. Within this type of xed lobe bearing the horizontal clearances are much larger than the vertical clearances. Typically, a ratio of 1.5:1 or 2:1 is maintained between horizontal and vertical clearances. This physical conguration allows the rotating shaft to slide over into lower right bearing quadrant for a counterclockwise rotating shaft (as shown), or the lower left bearing quadrant for a clockwise shaft rotation.

Fig. 44 Non-Dimensional Stiffness And Damping Coefcients Versus Journal Eccentricity Ratio



Although there are many types and congurations of journal bearings, the calculation of expected journal location within a bearing may be compared with the running position as determined by DC measurements with proximity probes. Again, it should be mentioned that the probes measure shaft position from an initial point such as the bottom of the bearing. Thus, the vector algebra for the probe calculation is based upon the rest point of the shaft in the bearing, whereas the analytical calculations are referenced to the bearing center. Signicant deviations between computed and measured shaft centerline positions may be useful in the identication of a machinery problem. Conversely, if the radial position calculations and measurements agree, the validity of the computations are reinforced, and the diagnostician should consider looking into other aspects of abnormal behavior of the machinery. Refer back to the ve shoe tilt pad bearing data from Fig. 4-1, and the nondimensional stiffness and damping parameters dened by equations (4-2) and (43). Clearly, the dimensional coefcients may be converted into non-dimensional values. It is common to plot these dimensionless parameters against the nondimensional eccentricity ratio as shown Fig. 4-4. Since this is a tilt pad bearing, the shaft will rise vertically from the bottom pad, and the angle associated with the eccentricity vector will be in the vicinity of 90. For this common bearing, it is noted that vertical stiffness increases as the minimum oil lm decreases (i.e., larger eccentricity ratio). Hence, the computed results are consistent with intuitive logic and the expected behavior for this type of mechanical system. Bearing analytical programs also compute the dimensionless Sommerfeld number based upon the inlet viscosity, speed, length, diameter, load, and clearance. This parameter is widely used as a characteristic number for journal bearing performance. Typical values for the Sommerfeld number vary from 0.01 to 10.0. The common format for the Sommerfeld number calculation is presented in the following expression: N So
where NSo L D R W Cb = = = = = = = =

L D R - ------ = ---------------------------------W Cb


Sommerfeld Number (Dimensionless) Absolute or Dynamic Oil Viscosity (Pounds-Seconds / Inch2) Shaft Rotational Speed (Radians / Second) Bearing Length (Inches) Shaft Diameter (Inches) Shaft Radius (Inches) Load on Bearing (Pounds) Bearing Radial Clearance (Inches)

It should be mentioned that other forms of the Sommerfeld number are used. Although the general intent of the expression remains intact, individual designers may use different values for this dimensionless number. For instance, the rotational speed may be stated Revolutions per Second instead of Radians per Second. In all cases, it is mandatory to identify the parameters and engineering units when attempting to compare the Sommerfeld numbers generated by

Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


Fig. 45 Non-Dimensional Stiffness And Damping Coefcients Versus Sommerfeld Number

two or more bearing designers. A typical plot of Sommerfeld number versus the non-dimensional stiffness and damping is presented In Fig. 4-5. This plot is based upon the same ve shoe tilting pad bearing depicted in Figs. 4-1 and 4-4. Generally, the bearing designer will consider the characteristics displayed by the Sommerfeld plots, and the previously discussed eccentricity ratio plots, plus the dimensional plots of bearing coefcients versus speed. Bearing designers also examine plots of Sommerfeld numbers versus other non-dimensional quantities such as whirl or speed ratios. Clearly, individual design techniques and computer programs yield a large assortment of plot formats. Another common calculation is the Reynolds number at the minimum oil lm. This non-dimensional number is the ratio of inertia to viscous forces, and it may be computed by: H R - N Re = ----------------------------------G
where: NRe H R G = = = = = = = Reynolds Number (Dimensionless) Oil Density (Pounds / Inch3) Minimum Oil Film Height (Inches) Shaft Rotational Speed (Radians / Second) Shaft Radius (Inches) Acceleration of Gravity (386.1 Inches / Second2) Absolute or Dynamic Oil Viscosity (Pounds-Seconds / Inch2)




The Reynolds number allows characterization of the oil ow at the minimum oil lm. This is useful in determination of the uid ow regime. In most instances, laminar ow through the minimum oil lm is encountered. Cavitation often occurs above the journal, but within the load carrying bottom half of the bearing, laminar ow is the normal and desired situation. In most cases, if the minimum oil lm Reynolds number is less than 1,000, then laminar ow should be expected. Conversely, if this value exceeds 1,000, then turbulent ow would be a concern. The computational software should be able to handle both types of ow regimes, and provide meaningful bearing coefcients, plus proper equilibrium position and force balance. As noted on the Sommerfeld number, various forms of these equations are in use, and dimensional analysis should always be performed to verify the consistency of units. In fact, some analytical computer programs do not yield true non-dimensional values for parameters such as the Reynolds or Sommerfeld numbers. Often a residual unit remains that alters the magnitude of the number. Again, to avoid confusion, the machinery diagnostician should make sure that dimensionless numbers are truly non-dimensional, or at least consistent between comparative cases. A non-dimensional quantity that most bearing designers agree upon is the Preload factor for lobed or segmented bearings (e.g., tilt pad). These types of bearings display a pad curvature that is greater than the shaft curvature. This physical conguration forces the oil to converge close to the middle of each pad due to the reduced clearance. In essence, preload produces or forces an oil wedge in the bearing pad. For these types of bearings, the preload may be determined by the ratio bearing clearance Cb, and the pad clearance Cp as follows: C p Cb Cb Preload = -------------------- = 1 ------- Cp C p (4-6)

Either radial or diametrical clearances may be used for (4-6), but both variables must be the same. That is, Cb and Cp must be both radial, or both diametrical clearances. Another way to express the shaft preload is to convert equation (4-6) into equivalent diameters. By substitution in the previous expression, it can be easily shown that the Preload may also be calculated with the following: D p Db - Preload = -------------------- D p Ds
where: Dp = Diameter of Pad Curvature (Inches) Db = Diameter of Bearing Clearance (Inches) Ds = Diameter of Shaft (Inches)


For a positive preload, the shaft diameter Ds is the smallest number, and the pad diameter Dp is the largest number. If the pad and bearing clearances are equal, then the preload is zero. The bearing is circular, with the pad and bearing

Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


sharing the same center of curvature. At the other extreme, if preload is equal to 1.0, then the bearing clearance is zero, and the shaft is in direct contact with the bearing pad. In practice, bearing preloads are typically found to be in the range of 0.1 to 0.5. As preload increases, the bearing stiffness increases, and the damping often decreases. This relationship between the principal coefcients and the bearing pad preload may be used to optimize the stiffness and damping characteristics of the bearing. Conversely, if the bearing pad is damaged during installation, or the babbitt is scraped by a well intentioned millwright, the preload may be seriously altered, and the bearing characteristics totally corrupted. The normal preload is a positive number, indicating that the bearing pad radius of curvature is greater than the bearing radius. If this situation was reversed, and the bearing pad displayed a radius that was smaller than the bearing, a negative preload would result. Physically, this means that the shaft is riding on the pad edges (i.e., bearing pad is edge loaded), and premature failure of the bearing is a certainty. On a questionable installation, bluing on the shaft may be used to determine the actual contact area between the journal and the bearing pads. Additional visibility of bearing characteristics may be obtained from the calculated pressure and temperature proles for each design. For example, consider Fig. 4-6 of radial pressure distribution within an elliptical bearing. This type of radial bearing is also referred to as a two lobe, or lemon bore bearing with 25 Psi oil supply pressure.
90 120 60




CCW Rotation


0 200 400 600 800

Pressure (Psi)



Fig. 46 Oil Pressure Distribution Around An Elliptical Journal Bearing

240 270


The polar coordinate plot displays the circumferential pressure distribution within the bearing at normal load and speed. Note that the maximum developed pressure occurs at the bottom of the bearing. This point is slightly upstream of the minimum oil lm, and is consistent with expected bearing behavior and theory. Further examination of this diagram reveals another positive pressure buildup at an angle of 25. This pressure buildup is due to the development of another converging oil wedge between the journal and the top half of the bear-



ing. This secondary oil wedge is due to the xed lobe bearing geometry. In some cases, the inuence of forces originating in the top half of the bearing may be responsible for driving an instability, or providing a positive stabilizing force (e.g., pressure dam). The difference between the physical location of the maximum oil lm pressure, and the minimum oil lm thickness points out an interesting fact in the world of rotors and bearings. Specically, a non-rotating shaft with a vertical load will deect downward in the direction of the applied load. Now assume that the shaft is turning at a constant speed, and that an oil wedge has developed. In this condition, the application of a downward force on the shaft will be greeted by a vertical shift in the direction of the applied vertical load, plus a horizontal shift of the shaft within the bearing. The horizontal shift will occur in the direction of rotation. That is, a shaft rotating in a counterclockwise direction will move to the right, and a shaft turning clockwise will slide to the left. This cross-coupling mechanism across the oil lm is responsible for many bearing behavioral characteristics including the self-excited instabilities discussed in chapter 9 of this text. It should also be mentioned that most uid lm bearings are constructed with a steel base or backing, and a babbitt coating that provides the actual bearing surface. The babbitt may be either tin or lead based, and various compositions are in common use. Since babbitt is softer than the steel journal, it is the rst sacricial element in a bearing assembly. Ideally, during a bearing failure, the babbitt will sustain the majority of the distress, and the steel journal will not be damaged. Thus, the bearings may be replaced, and the rotor may be reused without any repairs to the journals. Of course, during a major failure, the steel journals may contact the steel backing on the bearings, and substantial damage may be inicted on both the journals as well as the bearings. The babbitt thickness on journal bearings may range from micro-babbitt thickness of 0.005 to 0.015 Inches (5 to 15 Mils) as a minimum, to 0.050 or 0.060 Inches (50 or 60 Mils) as a maximum. The thick babbitt will be a better choice for conditions of dirty lube oil, or anticipated wear on the bearings. Unfortunately, thick babbitt layers are susceptible to damage from impact loads, various bearing instabilities, and shaft misalignment. In many instances, a malfunction can break off a chunk of thick babbitt, and carry it around the entire bearing, with disastrous consequences. Babbitt is also a poor conductor of heat, and a hot bearing will generally result in a premature fatigue failure. On the other hand, the thin micro-babbitt bearings will transmit heat to the backing material more readily, and this type of bearing is more resistant to impact loads, and other dynamic forces. However, the oil system must be maintained in a very clean condition. Any dirt or foreign objects in the oil may seriously damage a micro-babbitt coating. The oil lm dynamics of thin versus thick babbitt bearings are essentially the same. The size and the geometry of the bearing is often more important than the babbitt thickness. However, the diagnostician should not ignore this important bearing parameter.

Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


Case History 6: Shaft Position In Gas Turbine Elliptical Bearings In most cases, it is technically difcult (if not impossible) to directly check the validity or accuracy of the computed bearing coefcients. However, each calculation must conclude with a force balance, plus a position balance of the journal within the bearing clearance. It is reasonable to believe that if the calculated eccentricity position is correct, then the other computed parameters are also representative of the bearing characteristics. Since journal position within an oil lm bearing can be measured directly with proximity probes, it is logical to perform a check of the analytical predictions versus actual machine data. For this case history, consider a group of four single shaft gas turbines that operate between 5,000 and 5,350 RPM. These units are rated at 40,000 HP, and they are used to drive high pressure centrifugal compressors through a single helical gear box. The shaft sensing proximity probes are mounted at 45 from the true vertical centerline as shown in Fig. 4-7. At the turbine inlet end #1 bearing, the probes are mounted above the shaft. Conversely, at the exhaust end #2 bearing, the probes are located below the shaft.


45 45 45

Fig. 47 Angular Arrangement Of Radial Proximity Probes On A Single Shaft Gas Turbine



Inlet Bearing

Exhaust Bearing

The eight inch diameter journals are supported in elliptical bearings. These bearings have an average vertical diametrical clearance of 16 Mils (0.016 inches), and a normal horizontal diametrical clearance of 32 Mils (0.032 inches). These physical dimensions are consistent with a nominal 2:1 clearance ratio previously mentioned in this chapter. The shaft centerline position for these machine journals was determined by measuring the proximity probe DC gap voltages at a stop condition, and at full speed. The difference between these DC voltages is divided by the transducer scale factor to determine the position change in the direction of each transducer. This X-Y change in radial position may be plotted on a graph that displays the bearing clearance, plus the calculated journal position in the X and Y directions. Fig. 4-8 depicts the radial journal positions for the turbine inlet bearings. Shaft centerline locations for the A unit were obtained on different dates, and at slightly different speeds varying between 5,100 and 5,340 RPM. Three additional machines identied as the B, C, and D units are also included in this survey. Speeds for these last three units varied between 5,010 and 5,350 RPM. It is noted that excellent agreement has been achieved between the calculated position at 5,340 RPM, and the six sets of eld data. The same position information for the exhaust end #2 bearing is contained in Fig. 4-9. Notice that the scatter of data is much greater at this bearing, and



Vertical Clearance (Mils)

8 Inlet End #1 Bearing 4 0 -4

CCW Rotation

-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16


A-5,330 RPM A-5,100 RPM A-5,340 RPM B-5,350 RPM C-5,010 RPM

-8 -16

D-5,350 RPM Calculated

Horizontal Clearance (Mils) Fig. 48 Shaft Centerline Position On Four Gas Turbines At Inlet End #1 Bearing

the deviations from the calculated position are substantial. Initially, it might be concluded that the theory does not support the actual machinery behavior. However, a partial explanation for these aberrations resides within the characteristics of the proximity probe measurements. Specically, the early vintage of both the proximity probes, and the companion drivers are sensitive to operating temperature. The temperature limit specication for this specic probe and cable was 350F; and the oscillator-demodulator operating limit was specied as 150F for a standard unit, or 212F for an extended temperature range version. As shown in Fig. 4-7, the exhaust end probes are mounted outboard of the #2 bearing, and below the horizontal centerline. These probes are subjected to a high temperature environment that can easily heat the transducers to temperatures in excess of 200F. The oscillator-demodulators are mounted in an explosion proof housing. Although a heat shield is installed between the turbine exhaust and this box, the electrical components often operate at temperatures above 130F. Thus, the exhaust end probes, cables, and drivers are all exposed to elevated temperatures that affect the calibration curve slope. For many years, the instrumentation vendors have recognized that operatVertical Clearance (Mils)
8 Exhaust End #2 Bearing 4 0 -4
CCW Rotation

8 12 16

A-5,330 RPM A-5,100 RPM A-5,340 RPM B-5,350 RPM C-5,010 RPM


-8 -16

D-5,350 RPM Calculated




Horizontal Clearance (Mils) Fig. 49 Shaft Centerline Position On Four Gas Turbines At Exhaust End #2 Bearing Based On Direct Probe Gap Measurements Without Temperature Correction

Fluid Film Radial Journal Bearings


ing temperature will inuence probe calibration. For instance, Fig. 4-10 depicts the variation in calibration curves at temperatures of 75, 200, and 350F. This

Fig. 410 Inuence Of Operating Temperature On Proximity Probe System Output Voltage

data was published by the manufacturer of the proximity probes installed on these particular gas turbines. The plotted data is for a 0.300 inch diameter probe. Larger excursions are normally exhibited by smaller diameter probe tips. From this family of curves, it is clear that the calibration curve will bend downward as temperature increases. At 200F, the calibration curve is nominally 0.5 volts below the normal curve for gaps in the vicinity of -9.0 to -10.0 volts DC. Hence, for a given distance between the probe and shaft, the output DC voltage from the Proximitor is reduced by about 0.5 volts. Since the measurement system operates with a negative bias, the gap voltages are likewise negative. The correction for this temperature behavior requires adding the incremental voltage to the Proximitor output voltage. Thus, the measured output DC voltage should be corrected by -0.5 volts DC to yield a temperature compensated value. Specically, Table 4-1 summarizes the cold (at stop) gap voltages, plus the hot (running) gap voltages for the B machine. The differential gap voltages are merely the cold minus the hot gap voltages at the turbine exhaust bearing. Dividing the Y-Axis (vertical) probe differential gap voltage by the normal transducer sensitivity of 0.2 Volts/Mil (200 mv/Mil) yields a displacement change of 2.15 Mils towards the probe. Similarly, the X-Axis (horizontal) transducer exhibits a -1.24 volt change, which is equivalent to a 6.20 Mil position shift away from the probe. This is equivalent to an overall shaft vector shift of 6.56 Mils at 26
Table 41 Direct Proximity Probe Gap Voltages At Turbine Exhaust End #2 Bearing Probe and Angular Location Y-Axis @ 315 X-Axis @ 225 Cold Gap Voltage -9.66 volts DC -9.23 volts DC Hot Gap Voltage -9.23 volts DC -10.47 volts DC Differential Gap Voltage +0.43 volts DC -1.24 volts DC Differential Position +2.15 Mils -6.20 Mils



from the cold to the hot position. However, if the measured hot probe gap voltages are corrected by -0.5 volts DC to compensate for the transducer temperature sensitivity, the results are shown in Table 4-2. The initial cold gap voltages (zero speed) remain the same as
Table 42 Corrected Proximity Probe Gap Voltages At Turbine Exhaust End #2 Bearing Probe and Angular Location Y-Axis @ 315 X-Axis @ 225 Cold Gap Voltage -9.66 volts DC -9.23 volts DC Hot Gap Voltage -9.73 volts DC -10.97 volts DC Differential Gap Voltage -0.07 volts DC -1.74 volts DC Differential Position -0.35 Mils -8.70 Mils

before. The displacement shift is again determined by dividing the differential gap voltages by 0.2 Volts/Mil to determine the distance shift. For the Y-Axis probe, this yields a displacement change of 0.35 Mils away from the probe. The X-Axis transducer now displays a -1.74 volt change, which is equal to an 8.70 Mil position shift away from the transducer. The total shift of the journal centerline position is therefore equivalent to a vector shift of 8.71 Mils at 47 (cold to hot position). Thus, the temperature correction reveals that the shaft is really riding higher in the bearing than the uncorrected data revealed. Certainly the accuracy of this correction may be improved by detailed temperature sensitivity calibration of each transducer on each machinery train. However, that type of information is often not available, or the expense of producing and maintaining this database might be cost prohibitive. Hence, the use of a reasonable voltage correction is considered to be adequate and acceptable for this situation. Correcting each of the hot gap voltages from the initial shaft centerline diagram produces the journal positions presented in Fig. 4-11. Again, the exhaust end probes are mounted on the bottom of the shaft, and the corrected DC voltages reveal a shaft rise. It is evident that agreement between the calculated and
Vertical Clearance (Mils)
8 4 0 -4 -8 -16 Exhaust End #2 Bearing with Hot Probe Gap Correction


A-5,330 RPM A-5,100 RPM A-5,340 RPM B-5,350 RPM C-5,010 RPM

CCW Rotation

1 VW 1
8 12 16

D-5,350 RPM Calculated




Horizontal Clearance (Mils) Fig. 411 Shaft Centerline Position On Four Gas Turbines At Exhaust End #2 Bearing Based On Temperature Corrections To The Proximity Probe Gap Voltages

Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


measured journal position has been signicantly improved by this simple probe gap temperature correction. The remaining deviations in measured radial position between both ends of the turbine may now be attributed to the presence of external loads, moments, or other inuences acting upon the shaft. Since the inlet end #1 bearing is adjacent to the accessory coupling, very little torque is transmitted during normal operation. Thus, the presence of external forces, and misalignment loads are minimal at the front end bearing. As previously observed, the measured positions agree very well with the theoretical calculations that consider only the load due to the applied journal weight. However, at the gas turbine exhaust end bearing, the full power output from the turbine is transmitted across the load coupling. Dependent upon coupling type, alignment position and associated external forces, the actual journal location would probably deviate from the predicted eccentricity that was computed with only the journal weight. In fact, the reverse statement might also be appropriate. That is, since the exhaust end shaft centerline position agrees with the computed location, the inuence of external forces may be considered to be minimal (i.e., indicative of a well-aligned Load coupling). Overall, the eccentricity calculations at both ends of the turbine appear to be realistic and representative of average machine behavior. This correlation between the measured journal positions, and the computed equilibrium location is considered to be supportive of the accuracy of the analytical uid lm bearing calculations. Similar measurements and comparisons with calculated results may be performed at other speeds or different oil supply conditions. In most cases there should be a respectable correlation between the measured and the calculated shaft centerline position. This technique may also be used as a diagnostic tool. For example, if the measured shaft operating position is substantially different from the calculated position, the diagnostician should give strong consideration to the presence of internal or external shaft preloads.


Assuming a proper bearing design, constant mechanical conguration, and the availability of a suitable lubricant at the required ow, temperature, and pressure most of the variables shown in the bearing equations migrate towards constant values. The one parameter that generally does not remain constant is the bearing clearance. Although uid lm bearings are often touted as lifetime bearings, the reality is that these babbitt bearings are subject to physical damage whenever the oil lm collapses. This could be caused by heavy shock loads on the bearings, loss of lubricant, or the detrimental long-term effects from excessive unbalance or misalignment. Many other physical mechanisms will also produce attrition in bearing babbitt thickness. In all cases, it is necessary to monitor journal position at each radial bearing with X-Y proximity probes, and to compare and trend this data within accurate bearing clearance diagrams. The total diametrical clearance between the stationary bearing and the rotating shaft may appear to be an easily measurable value. Unfortunately, it is



often quite difcult to accurately determine the true assembly clearance of a journal bearing. For a simple bearing conguration such as a plain circular bore, the clearance is the difference between the shaft diameter and the inner diameter bore of the bearing. Dependent on the length of the journal, the shaft diameter is normally measured at two or more axial locations (minimum fore and aft positions). Each axial location is typically measured at three to ve different diameters. Besides providing the necessary average shaft diameter, this data checks for any gross diameter variations, or taper across the length of the journal. If the bearing is assembled (without the shaft), the inner diameter of the bearing should be measured in a manner similar to the shaft. The average diametrical clearance for a plain circular bore bearing is therefore: Cd

= 1, 000 ( D b D s )


Cd-plain = Average Diametrical Bearing Clearance (Mils) Db = Average Bearing Inner Diameter (Inches) Ds = Average Shaft Outer Diameter (Inches)

If the shaft is resting solidly in the bottom half of the bearing, Plastigage may be placed on top of the shaft, and the upper bearing half installed, bolted down, unbolted, and then removed. Comparison of the deformed width of the Plastigage against the Width Chart supplied on each package of Plastigage will identify the diametrical clearance. Care should be taken to insure that the correct thickness of Plastigage be used for the bearing clearance measurement. The common colors and measurement ranges are as follows: Green Plastigage .................1 to 3 Mils Red Plastigage .....................2 to 6 Mils Blue Plastigage ................... 4 to 9 Mils If these ranges are not appropriate, or if Plastigage is not available, then lead wire (or soft solder) may be used. For this measurement, the lead wire may be placed on top of the shaft, the top half of the bearing installed, bolted down, unbolted, and then removed. The thickness of the lead wire may then be measured with a 0 to 1 inch micrometer. The resultant thickness will correspond to the diametrical bearing clearance. For long journal bearings, a strip of Plastigage or lead wire should be placed at either end of the bearing (i.e., fore and aft). Ideally, the clearances should be the same at both ends of the bearing. If variations do appear, the journal should be checked for a possible taper, and the bearing should be checked for wear or any evidence of a conical bore. In addressing this type of incongruity, it might be desirable to run a strip of Plastigage or lead wire axially along the top of the shaft. This would help to identify if the dissimilar bearing clearances vary uniformly along the length of the journal, or if some type of step change in clearance has occurred somewhere within the bearing. For a xed two lobe bearing such as an elliptical or lemon bore bearing, the

Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


previous techniques may be used to measure the vertical bearing clearance. Horizontal clearances are somewhat more difcult to determine. One approach is to measure across the assembled width of the bearing to determine the horizontal bearing diameter. Since these types of bearings are often provided with axial oil supply grooves at the splitline, it is important to measure the distance from above one groove to below the opposite groove as shown in Fig. 4-12. Two mea-

Oil Inlet Groove

D h1
Fig. 412 Horizontal Diameter Of Elliptical Bearing With Axial Oil Grooves


surements are obtained at each end of the bearing, and they are averaged to determine the horizontal bearing inner diameter. Subtracting the shaft diameter, and multiplying by 1,000 will yield the average horizontal clearance in Mils. This should be compared with the vertical clearance to verify that a proper ratio exists. Typically, a large steam turbine will have a horizontal to vertical clearance ratio of 1.5:1, and an industrial gas turbine will generally be in the vicinity of 2:1. Another way to measure horizontal clearance on an elliptical bearing is to use feeler gages between the shaft and the bottom half of the bearing (top half removed). Measurements must be made on both sides of the journal, and their sum is a good approximation of the horizontal diametrical bearing clearance. As bearing complexity increases, the techniques used to measure bearing clearances become more sophisticated. For stationary multi-lobe bearings, devices such as custom taper gauges, various multipoint measurement devices, or prole measurement machines may be used to determine bearing dimensions. Once again, when the minimum inner bearing dimensions are determined, subtraction of the shaft diameter yields the effective diametrical clearance. In essence, an expression similar to equation (4-8) may be used to determine the running clearance of xed pad bearings. For pressure dam bearings, care should be taken to insure that the primary clearance measurement is based upon the dam lip, and not the pressure dam depth. A further complication is introduced when tilt pad radial bearings are considered instead of xed geometry bearings. In these assemblies, the clearance is inuenced by pivoting of the bearing shoes. For instance, Fig. 4-13 depicts a ve shoe bearing with an internal shaft journal. This is the same type of bearing that was used for computation of the Fig. 4-1 data. For illustration purposes, the journal in Fig. 4-13 is drastically undersized to allow an improved graphical visualization of the pad motion. If the ve bearing pads are uniformly positioned



Shaft C L

Bearing Centerline C + Drop


Shaft C L

Fig. 413 Total Vertical Clearance In A Five Pad LBP Tilting Pad Journal Bearing

around the journal (i.e., no tilt), and the journal center is coincident with the bearing center the distance from the journal surface to the center of each pad is equal to the radial bearing clearance Cb. If the journal is lifted vertically upward (left side of Fig. 4-13), the shaft will stop at the center of the upper pad. The total vertical travel from the bearing center will be equal to the radial bearing clearance Cb. If the shaft is now allowed to sink into the bottom half of the bearing, the condition shown on the right side of Fig. 4-13 will occur. In this diagram, the shaft will sink below the physical bearing clearance circle due to the rotation of the two bottom pads. The amount of the vertical shift will be equal to the radial bearing clearance Cb, plus an additional Drop due to the pad pivot. It should be noted that this Drop only occurs in the static shaft condition depicted in Fig. 4-13. During machine operation, the diametrical bearing clearance is twice the radial bearing clearance Cb, and the static Drop does not occur. However, if bearing clearance is to be extracted from the static journal Lift, the pad Drop must be subtracted. Stated in another way, if a dial indicator is used to measure the total vertical Lift of the shaft within the bearing, the indicator reading will exceed the bearing clearance. Clearly, the Lift value must be reduced by the pad Drop in order to determine the actual diametrical bearing clearance.


Fig. 414 Shaft Drop In A Radial Tilting Pad Bearing Due To Pad Pivot


Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


A direct approach for determining bearing clearance from shaft Lift was presented in the 1994 papers by Nicholas5, plus Zeidan and Paquette6. These authors used diagrams similar to Figs. 4-13 and 4-14 to explain this characteristic of radial tilting pad bearings. Specically, within Fig. 4-14, the dotted line describes the radial bearing clearance Cb, and is the angle between the vertical centerline and the pad pivot point. The trigonometric relationship within this right triangle is as follows: Cb - cos = -------------------------- C b + Drop or Cb - C b + Drop = ---------- cos From Fig. 4-13, the total shaft Lift for this tilt pad bearing is the summation of the movement in the top half plus the bottom half of the assembly. This may be stated and combined with the last expression as: Lift = ( Top Half Clearance ) + ( Bottom Half Clearance ) Lift = ( C b ) + ( C b + Drop ) Cb 1 - = C b 1 + ----------Lift = ( C b ) + ---------- cos cos The diametrical clearance Cd may be determined by solving the last equation for the radial bearing clearance Cb, and multiplying by 2 to yield: Cd 2 Lift = 2 C b = -------------------------1 1 + ---------- cos (4-9)


A sub-subscript odd has been added to the diametrical clearance solution of equation (4-9). This identies the fact that this solution is for a tilt pad bearing with an odd number of pads. The assembly diagram shown in Fig. 4-13 represents a load between pad (LBP) conguration. However, if this bearing was turned upside down, a load on pad (LOP) arrangement would be depicted. Thus, equation (4-9) is correct for either a LOP or a LBP tilt pad bearing with an odd number of pads. For an even number of pads with LOP conguration, = 90,
5 John C. Nicholas, Tilting Pad Bearing Design, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (September 1994), pp. 179-194. 6 Fouad Y. Zeidan, and Donald J. Paquette, Application of High Speed and High Performance Fluid Film Bearings In Rotating Machinery, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (September 1994), pp. 209-233.



and the cosine of 90 is equal to 1. Thus, equation (4-9) may be simplied as: Cd 2 Lift 2 Lift 2 Lift = -------------------------- = ------------------- = ------------------- = Lift 2 1 1 1 + ---------- 1 + - cos 1 (4-10)

LOP even

The nal common conguration for a radial tilt pad bearing would be a LBP with an even number of pads. This bearing type would display excessive clearance or Drop in both the upper, and the lower halves, and the total Lift would be: Lift = ( Top Half Clearance ) + ( Bottom Half Clearance ) Lift = ( C b + Drop ) + ( C b + Drop ) Cb Cb 2 Cb - + ----------- = --------------Lift = ---------- cos cos cos Once more, the diametrical clearance Cd may be determined by solving for the radial bearing clearance Cb, and multiplying by 2 to produce: Cd 2 Lif t cos = 2 C b = --------------------------------------- = Lif t cos 2 (4-11)

LBP even

For symmetrical tilting pad bearings with an odd number of pads, the angle between the vertical centerline and the pad pivot point is xed. The following values are typically used for this bearing angular dimension: 3 Pads ..................... = 60 4 Pads ..................... = 45 5 Pads ..................... = 36 6 Pads ..................... = 30 7 Pads ..................... = 25.7 8 Pads ..................... = 22.5 For purposes of simplication and easy reference, the developed equations (4-9) and (4-11) are combined with the standard bearing pad pivot angles, and a diametrical clearance to lift ratio calculated for each conguration. These results are summarized in Table 4-3, and the trivial case represented by equation (4-10)
Table 43 Tilt Pad Bearing Diametrical Clearancea Based On Shaft Lift Measurements Load LBP LOP

3 Pads 0.667xLift 0.667xLift

4 Pads 0.707xLift Lift

5 Pads 0.894xLift 0.894xLift

6 Pads 0.866xLift Lift

7 Pads 0.948xLift 0.948xLift

8 Pads 0.924xLift Lift

Clearance = Numerical Factor x Lift

Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


has also been included. If the shaft Lift in a radial tilt pad bearing is measured with a dial indicator or a proximity probe, the measured Lift may be converted to a diametrical clearance based upon the factors in Table 4-3 for the specic bearing conguration. For example, if a Lift of 14 Mils was measured, and the bearing was a ve pad assembly, the diametrical bearing clearance is determined from Table 4-3 as follows: Cd

= 0.894 Lift = 0.894 16 Mils = 14.3 Mils 14 Mils

Table 4-3 may also be applied to the situation where a lift check of the journal within the bearing is not physically possible. In these cases, a separate mandrel may be used to measure the allowable motion within the bearing (i.e., the Lift). The shaft bearing journal diameter must be accurately measured as previously discussed, and a suitable mandrel cut on a precision lathe to exactly the same dimensions. Depending on the bearing conguration, the mandrel and assembled bearing may be mounted either vertically or horizontally. Typically, the mandrel is xed, and the bearing housing is physically moved back and forth across the pads. For a xed mandrel, a dial indicator is used to measure the overall motion of the bearing housing about the mandrel. Conversely, if the bearing housing is mounted in some rigid xture, the fabricated mandrel may be moved between pads, and the overall motion of the mandrel measured with the dial indicator. In either case, care must be exercised to insure that the stationary element remains xed, and that the mandrel and bearing housing are collinear (i.e., the axial centerline of the mandrel is parallel to the bearing axial centerline). In addition, an accurate dial indicator reading to tenths of a Mil should be used for these measurements. The resultant Shift or Lift may then be multiplied by the appropriate geometric factor from Table 4-3 to determine the diametrical bearing clearance of the tilt pad bearing. When checking tilt pad bearing clearances with a mandrel and an assembled bearing, it is desirable to check clearances in more than one direction. For instance, a four pad bearing should be checked at orthogonal diameters. That is, the updown, and the leftright pads should be measured to verify that uniform clearances exist in both directions. For a ve pad bearing, a total of three positions should be checked to insure that clearances are measured with respect to each pad. Obviously, the same concept may be extended to bearings with a larger number of pads. This discussion of bearing Lift checks was predicated upon the assumption that a vertical Lift or Shift measurement could be made directly at the bearing. Obviously, this is an ideal condition. In many instances it is physically impossible to both mount a dial indicator next to the bearing housing, and position the indicator on top of the shaft. A more common condition is shown in Fig. 4-15. This diagram depicts a three stage rotor, horizontally supported between two radial journal bearings. In the sketch at the top of Fig. 4-15, a vertical dial indicator is located close to the coupling end of the rotor. The axial distance between the adjacent bearing and the indicator is identied as Zb-i. The span or axial distance between bearing centerlines is specied as Zb.



Proximity Probe

Proximity Probe

Dial Indicator

Rotor in Bottom of Bearings


Rotor with Coupling End Elevated


Bearing Vertical Force Lift @ Dial Indicator Lift @ Proximity Probe Lift @ Bearing Lift Lift
b p

Fig. 415 Field Lift Check Of Coupling End Bearing On A Horizontal Rotor Mounted Between Two Journal Bearings

Assumed Pivot Point



In addition, a vertical proximity probe is located on the outside of each bearing in Fig. 4-15. If an upward vertical force is applied at the coupling end of this rotor, the shaft will move towards the top of the coupling end bearing. It is assumed that the left end shaft remains reasonably stationary at the bottom of the outboard end bearing. This may be veried by another dial indicator at the outboard bearing, or the DC gap of the proximity probe at this bearing. If no interference occurs, and if the rotor remains rigid, a straight lift should occur between the zero motion pivot point at the outboard end of the rotor, and the lifting point. This elevated rotor position is shown in the middle sketch of Fig. 4-15. Additionally, the vertical change in shaft centerline along the length of the rotor is presented at the bottom of Fig. 4-15. In this diagram, the vertical axis is expanded for clarity. It is noted that a series of similar right triangles are present in this ideal lift diagram. By simple proportion of these right triangles, the following expression evolves: Lif t b Lif t i -------------- = -------------------------Zb Zb + Zb i


Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


This equation of proportions may be solved for the bearing Liftb, as follows: Lif t i Z b L if t i Lif t b = -------------------------- = --------------------------Zb + Zb i Z b i 1 + ----------- Z


Thus, the bearing shaft Liftb may be determined based upon a dial indicator Lifti obtained at a different axial location on the shaft. Next, the bearing diametrical clearance may be determined by applying the appropriate correction factor from Table 4-3 for a tilt pad bearing, or by equating the Lift to the vertical clearance for a xed pad bearing. If a vertical proximity probe is mounted adjacent to the bearing (e.g., Fig. 4-15), the change in DC gap voltages may also be used to determine the lift as shown in equation (4-13): Mils - { DC Ga p rest DC Ga p elevated } Volts Lif t p = 5.0 ---------Volt (4-13)

In many cases, the vertical shaft lift measured by a proximity probe Liftp may be very close to the shaft shift within the bearing Liftb. This is due to the short axial distance between the bearing and the probe location (e.g., the conguration shown in Fig. 4-15). In fact, it is highly desirable to compare the corrected dial indicator readings from equation (4-12) with the differential probe gap readings computed with equation (4-13). This logic also applies to the opposite end of the machine. For instance, in Fig. 4-15, the outboard bearing is the assumed pivot point for lifting the rotor. At this location a vertical dial indicator should show zero motion as the shaft is lifted. In many cases, this non-motion is taken for granted, and an indicator is seldom positioned at the bearing opposite the unit subjected to lift check. However, proximity probes are often installed, and these probes should be monitored to verify that the shaft is not moving at the opposite end of the rotor. In practice, the DC gaps at this opposite bearing should not change as the shaft is raised. On many installations, the machinery is equipped with the preferable combination of X-Y proximity probes. Often these transducers are mounted at 45 from the vertical centerline, and a true vertical proximity probe does not exist. In this situation, the distance changes with respect to each probe should be vectorially summed to determine the overall shaft lift at that location. The specic steps are outlined in the following case history 7.



Case History 7: Expander Journal Bearing Clearance A 5,000 HP hot gas expander operates at 8,016 RPM with 4.00 inch diameter journals mounted in tilting pad bearings. The bearings are four pad with a load between pad (LBP) conguration. This machine is equipped with X-Y proximity probes adjacent to each bearing at 45 from vertical. A dial indicator was mounted 11 inches from the bearing, and the distance between bearing centerlines was measured to be 53 inches. The shaft was lifted with a pry bar, and the indicator showed a vertical lift of 10.5 Mils. The probe gap voltages measured during the lift are summarized in Table 4-4:
Table 44 Summary Of Probe Gap Voltages During Lift Check Shaft Physical Position Probe Location At Rest - Bottom of Bearing Elevated - Top of Bearing Y-Axis 45 Left of Vertical -10.73 Volts DC -9.96 Volts DC X-Axis 45 Right of Vertical -9.69 Volts DC -8.51 Volts DC

The lift at the bearing may be calculated based upon the external lift measurement, and the axial distances between bearings and indicator position. Using equation (4-12), it is easily determined that: Lif t i 10.5 Mils 10.5 Mils Lif t b = --------------------------- = ------------------------------------ = -------------------------- = 8.69 Mils Z ( 1 + 0.208 ) 11 Inches b i 1 + -----------1 + -------------------- 53 Inches Z

This mechanical result should now be compared with the lift measurements obtained with the shaft proximity probes. Applying equation (4-13) for each transducer, the shaft shift detected by each probe may be computed in the following manner: Lif t p Mils - { ( 10.73 ) ( 9.69 ) } Volts = 5.20 Mils = 5.0 ---------Volt and Lif t p Mils - { ( 9.96 ) ( 8.51 ) } Volts = 7.25 Mils = 5.0 ---------Volt

Y Axis

X Axis

The negative signs indicate that the shaft movement was towards the probes. If a standard coordinate system is used, the true horizontal axis would be at 0, and true vertical would be at 90. Within this coordinate system the X-Axis probe would be located at 45, and the Y-Axis transducer at 135. If the measured shifts are considered as vectors towards each probe, the overall motion may be

Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


expressed as the following two vectors: V y = A = 5.20 Mils 135 V x = B = 7.25 Mils 45 The sum of horizontal vector components are determined with (2-31): V add V add
horiz horiz

= A cos + B cos

= 5.20 cos 135 + 7.25 cos 45 = 3.68 + 5.13 = 1.45 Mils

Similarly, the sum of vertical vector components are computed with (2-32): V add V add
vert vert

= A sin + B sin

= 5.20 sin 135 + 7.25 sin 45 = 3.68 + 5.13 = 8.81 Mils

From these shaft position changes it is noted that the shaft did not come straight up in the bearing. The horizontal shift of nominally 1.5 Mils indicates that the shaft moved sideways. This is not a surprising result since the pry bar used for the lift was not completely level, and some horizontal force was probably applied to the rotor. For bearing clearance purposes, the vertical lift of 8.8 Mils should be used for further calculations. However, before addressing the bearing clearances, it is desirable to conclude the vector addition computations of the shifts measured by the proximity probes. If equation (2-33) is used to determine the combined magnitude shift, the following result is obtained: V add = ( V add

) + ( V add


) =

( 1.45 ) + ( 8.81 ) =

79.72 = 8.93 Mils

Note that the vector sum of 8.9 Mils is very close to the vertical shift of 8.8 Mils determined in the previous group of calculations. Finally, the angle of the shaft lift is determined from equation (2-34) as: V add vert 8.81 - = atan --------- = atan ( 6.076 ) = 80.6 81 add = atan ---------------------- 1.45 V add horiz Ideally, the lift angle should be 90. Since some horizontal shift was imposed, a slight variation in angles does occur. If the lift angle is between 75 and 105 the total vertical lift error will be less than 4%. In many cases, it is more convenient to add the shift vectors on a handheld calculator rather than go through the detail required in the previously outlined steps. For this application, the diagnostician should make sure that the calculator is capable of easily performing vector addition (e.g., HP 48SX). The vertical lift readings based upon the dial indicator should be close to the values measured by the proximity probes (assuming that the probes are mounted next to the bearing). If the deviation between the two values is greater than approximately 5 to 10% then there is something wrong, and the entire



measurement scenario should be re-examined. In this case, the calculated lift from the X-Y probes (8.8 Mils) should be compared with the mechanical lift as measured with the dial indicator (8.7 Mils). Since the probes are mounted outboard of the bearing, the indicated vertical lift from the probes is slightly greater than the mechanical lift corrected to the center of the bearing. It is reasonable to conclude that the vertical bearing lift is equal to 8.7 Mils. Based on this information, Table 4-3 or equation (4-11) may be used to determine the vertical diametrical bearing clearance as follows: Cd
LBP even

= Lif t cos = 8.7 cos 45 = 8.7 0.707 = 6.2 Mils

The nal step is to verify the general validity of this measurement. Typically, a bearing clearance ratio (BCR) is calculated as follows: Bearing Diametrical Clearance ( Mils ) BCR = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Journal Diameter ( Inches ) Since this expander had 4.00 inch journals, the BCR is simply: 6.2 Mils Bearing Diametrical Clearance ( Mils ) BCR = ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------------ = 1.6 Mils/Inch 4.00 Inches Journal Diameter ( Inches ) A clearance to diameter ratio of 1.6 makes good sense for this bearing conguration in a horizontal machine. Table 4-5 describes the general behavior of key parameters as the BCR is varied. Most bearing designers agree that a BCR of 1.0 is generally on the tight side. Small bearing clearances result in high oil lm stiffness, and this is accompanied by low shaft vibration, and potentially high bearing temperature. If the BCR is increased to 2.0, the stiffness and damping will decrease, vibration will increase, and the bearing would probably run cooler. In addition, the machine with larger bearing clearances would be more susceptible to a variety of instability mechanisms. In most horizontal industrial machines, the BCR is seldom less than 1.0, and it generally does not exceed 2.0. In specialized applications, with exotic mechanical designs and metallurgy, these traditional limits may be extended. However, in most cases, the BCR runs between 1.0 and 2.0. On large vertical machines, the radial bearing loads are low, and the weight of the rotating element is supported by a massive thrust bearing that is usually located at the top of the machine. On these units, the radial bearing clearances
Table 45 General Trends Of Key Bearing Parameters With Variations In Bearing Clearance Ratio (BCR) For Horizontal Machines Mounted In Fluid Film Bearing Bearing Clearance Ratio (BCR) 1.0 Mil/Inch 1.5 Mils/Inch 2.0 Mils/Inch Oil Film Stiffness Increases Nominal Decreases Oil Film Damping Increases Nominal Decreases Shaft Vibration Decreases Nominal Increases Bearing Temperature Increases Nominal Decreases


Fluid Film Radial Bearing Clearance Measurements


are much tighter, and Table 4-5 is not applicable. For these vertical machines, the bearings are basically a ooded oil bath, with diametrical clearances that generally vary between 10 and 20 Mils (0.010 and 0.020 inches). These are typically referred to as guide bearings, and their fundamental function is to keep the shaft running in a vertical position. The clearance of these bearings are normally obtained by physically swinging the rotor back and fourth in orthogonal directions (e.g., North-South and East-West). In this case, the upper thrust bearing becomes the pivot point, and bearing clearance is measured with dial indicators at each bearing. For vertical machines equipped with tilt pad bearings, the individual pads are often radially adjustable in position to provide the capability to change the overall bearing clearance. On xed geometry bearings, the proper clearance has to be built into the bearing based upon actual diameter. In any lift measurement on assembled machines, consideration must be given to physical congurations or conditions that could cause measurement errors. For instance, close clearance seals, or a long balance piston might restrict the rotor lift, and appear as reduced bearing clearances. On gear boxes, if an element is partially supported by a mating gear, the lift check will be erroneous since the starting point will not be at the bottom of the bearing. Similarly, installed couplings, governor drive gears, and engaged turning gears will all inhibit the shaft lift, and may be incorrectly interpreted as reduced bearing clearances. Conversely, excessive clearances in other machinery parts associated with the bearings may look like large clearances. Loose hold down bolts, or housing attachment bolts can produce inordinate shaft lift readings. On electric machines such as motors or generators, the bearings are normally insulated with some type of non-conducting material. This electrical insulation isolates the rotor voltage from passing to ground through the machine bearings. These insulating blocks are usually installed with zero clearance. However, clearances can expand with time and excessive vibration, with an overall reduction in support stiffness. The same argument applies to the t between the bearing assembly and the housing. Although wide variations may be encountered for this dimension, most machines operate somewhere between an interference t, or crush, of 1 or 2 Mils; and a clearance of 1 or 2 Mils. Clearly, excessive crush can distort the bearing assembly resulting in premature failure, whereas excessive clearance will reduce the support stiffness. This stiffness reduction may allow a rotor resonance that normally resides above operating speed to creep back into the operating speed domain. When this occurs, shaft vibration increases, and the propensity towards early failure of the bearing increases. It is generally advisable to refer to the OEM specications for guidance in establishing the proper clearances between the bearing assembly and the bearing cap. If this information is not available, then a zero to 1 Mil clearance should be used as a reasonable starting point. Determination of this clearance may be difcult due to the possibility of a zero clearance. If Plastigage or lead wire in installed between machine parts that have essentially no clearance, the measurement media becomes smeared, and essentially useless. The solution to this situation resides in providing an initial, or reference, clearance at the split line.



Blue Plastigage or Lead Wire 5 Mil Shim Bearing


Fig. 416 Typical Clearance Measurement Between Bearing Liner And Bearing Housing

Bearing Pedestal

For example, a 5 Mil shim has been installed at the housing split line shown in Fig. 4-16. This shim elevates the entire upper half of the bearing cap by 5 Mils, and allows the use of Blue Plastigage (4 to 9 Mil range) to measure the remaining clearance. If the Plastigage shows a 4 Mil clearance, then subtraction of the 5 Mil shim reveals an interference t of 1 Mil. Conversely, if the Plastigage indicates a 6 Mil clearance, then subtraction of the 5 Mil split line shim results in a bearing to cap clearance of 1 Mil. For clearances that exceed the measurement range available from Plastigage, lead wire may be used. In either case, when the measurement checks are completed, the Plastigage (or lead wire) remnants, plus the split line shims must be removed before nal assembly of the housing. If excessive cap to bearing clearances are encountered, the best permanent solution is to re-machine the offending stationary element(s) to restore proper clearances. In some cases, this is not a viable option due to production or maintenance demands. In this situation, a temporary stainless steel shim may be installed between the cap and the bearing to tighten up the assembly. If this correction technique is used, then the machine history records should clearly indicate the installation of this shim. In all cases, the success of the lift check is highly dependent upon the method used to mechanically lift the shaft. For light rotors, a simple pry bar is quite adequate for this task. For heavier rotors, a screw jack, or an overhead chain hoist might be used. On very heavy rotors, a hydraulic jack may be necessary to lift the rotor. It must be recognized that this is a potentially dangerous practice. Rotors have been permanently bent, and bearing housings have been cracked or broken due to the aggressive use of a hydraulic jack. This type of lift should be performed carefully, and with full knowledge of the expected clearances. Multiple dial indicators might be installed axially on the shaft to verify that a linear (straight line) lift is occurring. This information would help to minimize potentially bending the shaft. It might also be desirable to mount a sepa-

Bearing Supports Measurements and Calculations


rate dial indicator on the outboard end of the bearing housing. This vertical indicator would be used to reveal any tendency towards a vertical lift of the housing. This information would help to minimize any damage to the bearing housing from the vertical hydraulic jack under the shaft.


The previously discussed bearing characteristics are associated with the properties of the oil lm between the rotating shaft, and stationary bearings of different congurations. This is an acceptable description of the rotor support system if the bearings are rigidly supported. Industrial machines with heavy cases, and light rotating elements fall within this category. Barrel compressors with internal bearings, rigid gear boxes, high pressure pumps, and many older pieces of equipment operate with structural stiffness that are substantially greater than the oil lm stiffness. However, this is not the case for many other machines that have exible supports and/or foundations. Units such as induced draft or forced draft fans, steam or gas turbines, horizontally split centrifugal compressors, and pumps with external bearings are just a few examples of machines that operate with exible supports. For these types of machines the remainder of the mechanical system must be included. In a general case, the effective support stiffness for a typical rotor on a exible support may be dened by equation (4-15) that describes the relationship as a group of springs in series: 1 1 1 1 1 1 ----------- = ---------- + ------------ + --------------- + ------------- + ------K eff K oil K hsg K base K fnd etc
where: Keff Koil Khsg Kbase Kfnd = = = = = Effective Rotor Support Stiffness (Pounds/Inch) Oil Film (Bearing) Support Stiffness (Pounds/Inch) Bearing Housing Support Stiffness (Pounds/Inch) Baseplate Support Stiffness (Pounds/Inch) Foundation Support Stiffness (Pounds/Inch)


This expression will be subjected to substantial modication if the support structure is in a resonant condition, or if the support is highly exible. However, these are rare occurrences, and the above equation (4-15) is considered to be generally representative of the normal rotor support parameters. Quantication of the structural support terms in equation (4-15) is a formidable technical feat. The calculation of these individual stiffness terms is difcult at best, and in some cases it is virtually impossible. The most reasonable approach for determination of the support coefcients is a direct measurement of the dynamic stiffness of the support structure. This measurement requires the application of a dened force to the structure, and the determination of the resultant movement. In the simplest case, a dial indicator is used to measure the displacement in thousands of an inch, and a calibrated hydraulic jack provides the force. Division of the applied force by the total movement yields a static stiff-



ness in Pounds/Inch. This is a zero frequency technique that often fails to provide the correct structural stiffness since the characteristics vary with frequency. It is possible to measure variable frequency structural stiffness by exciting the system with an appropriate device, and measuring the response with a vibration transducer. A frequency response function (FRF) measurement (a.k.a., transfer function) may be performed between the signal emitted by a force transducer, and the resultant displacement motion signal. This FRF measurement should include the amplitude relationship between force and motion at each frequency bin, plus phase and coherence information. The force applied to the structure would typically be measured in Pounds, and the structural response would be measured in Inches. The vibration or motion measurement could be made with a proximity probe mounted on an isolated stand, or with a seismic transducer that is integrated to displacement. In most cases, the eld motion measurements are obtained with an accelerometer, and this signal is double integrated to obtain casing displacement. The engineering units for the frequency response function are Pounds/Inch, and this measurement is commonly referred to as Dynamic Stiffness. The device used to excite the structure may vary from an electromechanical shaker to an impact hammer. The use of an electromechanical shaker provides a highly controllable excitation source, whereas an impact hammer is easily applied in a variety of situations. The physical installation of any shaker is often hampered by limited access to the assembled machinery bearing housings. In some cases, an electromechanical shaker with a stinger attached may be used to reach specic mechanical elements. In other situations, the selection of an impact hammer provides the necessary size and exibility to excite a machine bearing housing with an acceptable and denable impact force. A typical arrangement for measuring the horizontal stiffness of a bearing housing with an
Bearing High Sensitivity Accelerometer











Fig. 417 Typical Test Arrangement For Bearing Housing Horizontal Impact Test

Impact Hammer Output to DSA Accelerometer Output to DSA

Bearing Supports Measurements and Calculations


impact hammer is shown in Fig. 4-17. Manual impact hammers come in various sizes for different testing applications. For instance, small hammers weigh between 1 and 2 Grams, and exhibit a frequency limit of nominally 900,000 CPM (15 KHz). These miniature impact hammers are used for static testing of items such as turbine blades. At the other end of the scale a 12 pound sledge hammer, or an instrumented battering ram may be used for low frequency tests on large structures such as foundations or buildings. For bearing housing measurements, a typical impact hammer weighs between 0.3 and 3 Pounds, and it is capable of producing a concentrated 5,000 pound force upon the test element. The dynamic force produced by the hammer is generally measured with an integral piezoelectric force transducer. Frequency response characteristics typically vary from 300 CPM (5 Hz), to a usable maximum frequency of about 60,000 CPM (1,000 Hz). Thus, the dynamic characteristics of a small to medium sized force hammer adequately cover the operating speed range of most machines. During structural impact tests, the casing response is usually measured with an accelerometer attached to the bearing cap. The accelerometer should have a frequency range that is compatible with the force transducer. In addition, the accelerometer signal must be double integrated to convert acceleration to casing displacement. This double integration may be performed in an external analog device, or by application of wave form math in the DSA. In either case, the nal FRF measurement between the applied force (Pounds) and the resultant displacement response (Inches) yields an equivalent support stiffness for the bearing housing (Pounds/Inch). In all cases, the validity of the frequency response data is checked with the coherence function, and the relative phase between signals should be examined. For measurements of structural natural frequencies, the test setup is identical to the dynamic stiffness measurements, but the transducers are reversed. In this type of test, a FRF is performed between the measured acceleration divided by the input force. Double integration of the acceleration signal is neither required, nor desirable and the FRF output units are typically Gs/Pound. This type of data is commonly referred to as Inertance, and it should be performed whenever a structural resonance is suspected. Case History 8: Measured Steam Turbine Bearing Housing Stiffness For demonstration purposes, a typical data set is presented in Fig. 4-18. This information was obtained with a eld instrumentation setup identical to Fig. 4-17. This test was performed on the exhaust bearing housing of an 8,000 HP steam turbine that normally operates at 8,520 RPM. The data was acquired with a 3 pound impact hammer, and a high sensitivity accelerometer mounted in a horizontal plane. Both the impact hammer and the accelerometer were directly connected to an HP-35665A Dynamic Signal Analyzer (DSA). The power source within the DSA was used to drive both piezoelectric transducers, and the resultant data was stored on a oppy disk. The data was later examined on an HP35670A, and the data displayed in Fig. 4-18 committed to hard copy format with



an HP-5L LaserJet printer. The FRF yields the dynamic stiffness plot at the bottom of Fig. 4-18. Since this data covers a wide amplitude range, a log scale was used for the stiffness. It is noted that a reasonably at region exists between 4,800 and 13,000 CPM. At the normal operating frequency of 8,520 RPM the FRF reveals a dynamic stiffness value of 1,210,000 Pounds/Inch. This is judged to be a realistic value for the heavy cast steel bearing housing. The FRF also shows a substantial drop in stiffness at frequencies of 660 and 16,560 CPM. If the center phase plot in Fig. 4-18 is examined, the large phase shift at 16,560 CPM might be interpreted as a structural resonance. However, when the coherence plot at the top of Fig. 4-18 is considered, it is evident that coherence between force and motion signals has dropped to below 0.2 at 16,560 CPM. This indicates that the FRF data is not valid, and the signicance of the change at 16,560 CPM should be removed from further consideration. At the turbine speed of 8,520 RPM the computed coherence was 0.97. Generally, coherence values greater than 0.9 are indicative of acceptable FRF data. Hence, the information in the vicinity of the turbine running speed is considered

Fig. 418 Frequency Response Function (FRF) Of Steam Turbine Bearing Housing Horizontal Dynamic Stiffness

Bearing Supports Measurements and Calculations


to be excellent data. When coherence drops to levels below 0.9, the FRF data should be cautiously applied. If coherence drops below 0.7, the FRF data should generally be ignored. The data array shown in Fig. 4-18 is easily acquired, and rapidly processed. From the previous discussion it is summarized that the dynamic stiffness at turbine speed of 8,520 RPM was obtained directly from the FRF plot, and veried by the coherence. The validity of the amplitude and phase change at 16,560 CPM was found to be highly questionable due to the low coherence. However, the drop in FRF amplitudes at low frequencies was not fully explained. For an improved understanding of this behavior, and examination of the component force and displacement signals is required. This supplemental data is presented in Fig. 4-19 over the same frequency range used for the FRF data in Fig. 4-18.

Fig. 419 Force And Displacement Data Used to Develop Steam Turbine Frequency Response Function (FRF) Dynamic Stiffness Plot

The upper diagram in Fig. 4-19 is the force (in Pounds) applied across the frequency domain of 0 to 24,000 CPM. If this same data was viewed in the time domain, a sharp initial pulse would be observed. Within the frequency domain, this pulse provides a reasonably uniform excitation across the selected analysis bandwidth. Hence, it may be properly concluded that the low frequency drop off of the FRF data is not due to any signicant variations in the applied force. However, the measured displacement presented in the bottom diagram of Fig. 4-19 reveals a large increase in the response at 660 CPM. There might be a tendency to consider the 660 peak as a resonance, but this conclusion is not supported by the differential phase data of Fig. 4-18. Furthermore, structural resonances have a narrow bandwidth, and the 660 CPM peak show in Fig. 4-18 does not display this characteristic. In all probability, the 660 CPM peak is due to a measurement anomaly. More specically, an accelerometer was used to make the bearing housing response measurements. The acceleration signal was double integrated to obtain displacement. This conversion is accomplished within the DSA by dividing the acceleration signal by frequency squared. At the boundary condition of zero frequency, the integrated displacement would have a value of innity. This does not appear in the data because there is



virtually no measurable acceleration output until the vibration transducer becomes active around 180 CPM (3 Hz). However, it is a fundamental fact that displacement amplitudes at low frequencies may be abnormally amplied due to the double integration process. This is further complicated by any noise in the acceleration signal that might also be erroneously amplied during double integration. Hence, the mechanical signicance of the 660 CPM peak is eliminated. In addition, the displacement drop at 16,560 CPM is not meaningful information due to the previously mentioned low coherence at this frequency. Since the dynamic stiffness FRF consists of force divided by displacement, the increased displacement at low frequencies produces a reduction in the dynamic stiffness. This is common behavior in all of these measurements, and low frequency data is generally ignored. This is acceptable since the low speed stiffness is considerably less important than the housing stiffness within the operating speed domain. From a measurement standpoint, it should be mentioned that the casing displacement resulting from an impact hammer test is very small. For example, the peak displacement at 8,520 CPM on Fig. 4-19 is only 3.36 x 10-7 Inches,o-p. This value is equivalent to 0.000672 Mils,p-p. Using equation (2-21), this displacement converts to an accelerometer output of 0.000693 Gs,o-p at the machine frequency. Fortunately, a high sensitivity accelerometer was used for this data, and the scale factor of 10,000 mv/G resulted in a signal strength of only 6.93 millivolts,o-p. If the DSA is set for a full scale range of 1.0 volt,o-p, the acceleration signal would appear at -43 dB. Although this is a small voltage, it is still within the range of most analyzers. As an alternate scenario, if the response accelerometer had a scale factor of only 100 mv/G, the electrical signal would be proportionally reduced. In this situation, the analyzer would have to accommodate a low level signal of -83 dB. Unfortunately, many instruments do not have an adequate dynamic range to handle this variation in amplitudes. In all cases, it is recommended that a high sensitivity accelerometer (1,000 or 10,000 mv/G) be employed for this type of measurement. In addition, the data should be processed with a DSA that has a sufciently large dynamic range (e.g., HP-35670A). If an electromechanical shaker was substituted for the impact hammer, the applied force would be greater, and the resultant casing motion measured by the accelerometer would also increase. Thus, the measurement problems would diminish. However, the larger signal amplitudes must be compared with the potential difculty and time required to properly mount an electromechanical shaker in the eld. Regardless of the excitation source, the data processing and examination techniques are essentially the same. Overall, the user must be fully aware that this type of measurement is subject to a variety of errors, and all aspects of the FRF must be validated. In retrospect, the primary objective of this exercise is directed at a measurement of bearing housing dynamic stiffness. As discussed, the bottom plot of Fig. 4-18 depicts the variation of this parameter with frequency. In many cases it is desirable to develop an equation that describes this behavior. By using appro-

Bearing Supports Measurements and Calculations


priate curve tting software within the DSA, a suitable polynomial equation may be dened that relates frequency to stiffness. This is an important consideration during the accurate modeling of rotating equipment as discussed in chapter 5. However, there are situations when this type software is not available, and another approach must be used to develop the characteristic equation. Case History 9: Measured Gas Turbine Bearing Housing Stiffness The data presented in Fig. 4-20 was acquired on the inlet bearing housing of a natural gas red 40,000 HP gas turbine. This machine operates at 5,300 RPM, and casing stiffness information was required to enhance the accuracy of the analytical rotor model. Data was obtained in the vertical direction (Y-Y) with a vertical accelerometer, and a vertical impact hammer excitation. Information was also acquired in the horizontal plane (X-X) with a horizontal accelerometer, and a horizontal impact. For consistency with previous examples, the horizontal FRF data is shown in Fig. 4-20. This information was derived with a three pound

Fig. 420 Horizontal Stiffness Measurement Of Gas Turbine Inlet End #1 Bearing Housing

force hammer directly connected to an HP-3560A portable analyzer. Casing motion was measured with a high sensitivity accelerometer that was subjected to analog double integration prior to DSA processing. A comparison of this FRF with the previous example reveals a somewhat jagged curve in Fig. 4-20. After examining the various supplemental plots, it was concluded that the deviations are attributed to the analog double integration. Fortunately, coherence was above 0.9 at all frequencies above 1,000 CPM. Hence, the FRF data was considered to be acceptable, but a polynomial equation of this FRF was still required. Since the HP-3560A does not have curve tting capabilities, the FRF data was exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, and dynamic stiffness values were listed at 30 CPM intervals. This data was then subjected to a sixth degree polynomial curve between frequencies of 1,000 and 6,000 CPM, and the following characteristic equation was generated:





Cpm 6 Cpm 5 Cpm 4 - 86, 566 -------------- + 678, 621 -------------= 4, 317 ------------- 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000

Cpm 3 2 6 6 - + 5.2612 ( Cpm ) 5, 165 ( Cpm ) + 2.448 10 2.6269 10 ------------- 1, 000 Within the specied frequency range, this polynomial expression may be used to calculate the horizontal structural stiffness of this inlet end #1 gas turbine bearing housing as a function of speed. As an example, the horizontal stiffness at the machine running speed of 5,300 RPM may be computed in the following manner. KS 5, 300 6 5, 300 5 5, 300 4 - 86, 566 -------------- + 678, 621 -------------= 4, 317 ------------- 1, 000 1, 000 1, 000


5, 300 3 2 6 6 - + 5.2612 ( 5, 300 ) 5, 165 ( 5, 300 ) + 2.448 10 2.6269 10 ------------- 1, 000 KS


= { 95.684 362.015 + 535.464 391.085 + 147.787 27.347 + 2.448 } 10 KS


= 0.909 10 = 909, 000 Pounds/Inch

This calculated value of 909,000 Pounds/Inch is consistent with the FRF measurement in Fig. 4-20. This type of curve tting may also be used to determine the oil lm stiffness as a function of rotating speed. The calculated stiffness versus speed curves (e.g., Fig. 4-1) may be converted to a polynomial equation, and the resultant expression used within the rotor response programs. In most cases, a third or fourth degree polynomial is sufcient to describe the stiffness curves, but the use of fth or sixth degree equations are common. The oil lm stiffness, and various structural stiffness are combined in a reciprocal manner as described in equation (4-15). However, the eld FRF tests essentially combine the stationary structural elements into a single housing stiffness. Thus, it is reasonable to simplify the overall or effective rotor support equation into the following common format: 1 1 1 ----------- = ---------- + -----------K eff K oil K hsg (4-16)

In this expression, the oil lm stiffness is identical to the previous discussion, and the housing stiffness reects the results of the eld impact or shaker test. That is, the measured housing stiffness incorporates the exibility of all of the bearing housing support elements. From a practical side, it is reasonable to assume that baseplate and foundation stiffness values are much greater than the bearing housing stiffness. Hence, the lower bearing housing stiffness is the dominant or controlling structural stiffness. This simplication provides the familiar format for the effective stiffness for two springs in series. It is understandable that the effective support stiffness upon the rotor is always lower than

Bearing Housing Damping


either the oil lm stiffness, or the housing support stiffness. The diagnostician should always be cautious in the application and interpretation of structural dynamic stiffness measurements. The excitation source, the elements inuenced by the excitation source, the specic measurement points, method of accelerometer double integration, plus the nal signal windowing and processing within the DSA can all contribute to substantial errors. These informative measurements should be carefully performed, and thoroughly understood. As previously mentioned, these FRF housing measurements are combined with the speed dependent oil lm coefcients. Both of these coefcients are used within the stability and damped critical speed analysis, plus the forced response analysis. This combination of parameters provides a substantially improved model of the rotor support system across the operating range.


The foregoing discussion has centered on the determination of bearing housing support stiffness. Although stiffness is a major consideration, it is not fully denitive of the complete mechanical system. In chapter 2 of this text, a minimum mechanical system description consisted of mass and damping in addition to the stiffness. In most cases, the mass may be considered as the weight of the bearing housing assembly. However, the determination of structural damping is considerably less dened. Technical papers by Gunter and Kirk7, Barrett and Nicholas8, and Nicholas, Whalen and Franklin9 generally include some type of support damping. The most common form recommended for structural damping consists of 10% of the critical damping for the housing or pedestal. By expanding equation (2-62) and dividing by 10, the structural damping for the bearing housing may be estimated with the following expression: K hsg W hsg C hsg 0.2 --------------------------------G
where: Chsg Khsg Whsg G = = = = Housing Damping (Pounds-Seconds / Inch) Housing Stiffness (Pounds / Inch) Housing Weight (Pounds) Acceleration of Gravity (386.1 Inches / Second2)


7 Edgar J. Gunter, and R.G. Kirk, The Effect of Support Flexibility and Damping on the Dynamic Response of a Single Mass Flexible Rotor in Elastic Bearings. Report No. ME-4040-10672U, University of Virginia, 1972. 8 L.E Barrett, and John C. Nicholas, The Effect of Bearing Support Flexibility on Critical Speed Prediction, ASLE Transactions, 1984 Joint Lubrication Conference, San Diego, California, February 1984 (revised June, 1984). 9 John C. Nicholas, John K. Whalen, and Sean D. Franklin, Improving Critical Speed Calculations Using Flexible Bearing Support FRF Compliance Data, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (November 1986), pp. 69-78.



The housing stiffness in (4-17) is the measured value from the FRF measurements at a particular speed. In practice, the support stiffness polynomial equations are modied in accordance with equation (4-17), and plots of housing damping versus speed are generated. Alternatively, structural damping plots may be subjected to a polynomial curve t to develop the equations for support damping as a function of speed. It should be noted that the housing damping values are quite small when compared to the oil lm characteristics. In one case, the structural damping was in the range of 200 to 300 Pounds-Seconds/Inch, whereas the oil lm damping coefcients were calculated to vary between 6,000 to 20,000 Pounds-Seconds/Inch. Although the support damping is a minor correction, inclusion of this parameter should improve the analytical model accuracy.


In addition to the radial journal bearings, most industrial machines contain some type of thrust bearing to restrain axial motion of the shaft. As the journal bearings support the static rotor weight plus dynamic loads the thrust bearings must contain constant thrust loads plus various axial dynamic forces. The constant thrust loads are primarily due to differential pressure across wheels in uid handling machines (turbines and compressors), or axial components of gear contact forces. Additional dynamic axial forces are caused by items such as cocked wheels, bent rotors, or misaligned shafts. It should be noted that electric machines such as motors or generators do not contain thrust bearings. The magnetic forces across the air gap center the rotor within the stator. In addition to restraining axial forces, the thrust bearing must also hold the rotor in a xed axial position with respect to the stationary casing. This is necessary from a machine efciency standpoint. For instance, in a steam turbine the critical clearance between the rst stage wheel and the nozzle block is maintained by the thrust bearing. Similarly, the axial position between wheels and diaphragms in a centrifugal compressor is maintained by the thrust bearing assembly. It should be recognized that axial clearances in most machines are relatively small, and the thrust bearing is required to maintain the axial position, and prevent catastrophic contact between the rotating and the stationary parts. In all cases, the thrust bearing assembly must fulll this requirement for maintaining axial position, plus axial oat within the thrust bearing. These two basic requirements demand two adjustments to the thrust bearing assembly. In many machines, solid shims are installed behind the thrust shoes to establish these critical axial dimensions. These shims are precision ground to tight tolerances, and they are normally segmented into two 180 sections. Typically, the axial position shim located behind the active thrust shoes is ground to establish the axial location of the rotor. Then the shims behind the inactive shoes are ground to establish the total thrust oat within the bearing. Typical installations of thrust shims are shown in Figs. 4-21 and 4-22. It should also be mentioned that other mechanical schemes are used on process machines. However, in virtually all applications, one adjustment must be available for the rotor position, and

Fluid Film Thrust Bearings


a second adjustment must be available to set the thrust oat. On journal bearings, maximum shaft surface velocities are often limited to 200 or 250 feet per second. By comparison, the larger diameter thrust collars may exhibit peripheral speeds in the vicinity of 450 to 500 feet per second. These higher speeds demand proper lubrication to cool the higher temperatures associated with the increased surface velocities. In most machines, thrust bearings consist of segmented oating pads that are often used in conjunction with directed lubrication between the pads (e.g. Kingsbury type bearing). The stationary thrust bearing pads are assembled in a circular pattern, and they operate with an oil lm between the stationary pads and a rotating thrust collar. As shown in Fig. 4-21, a machine normally contains a set of active thrust shoes, plus a set of inactive shoes. Under normal operating conditions, the machine runs on the active shoes. During process or mechanical upsets, the rotor may slam up against the inactive thrust shoes. To protect the machine during this type of transition, the inactive thrust bearing is often identical to the active thrust bearing in terms of mechanical construction, and load carrying capability.
Thrust Float Stationary Casing Journal Bearing

Thrust Collar

Shaft Thrust Probe

Normal Thrust

Fig. 421 Typical Single Thrust Collar Assembly On Horizontal Machinery

Shims for Axial Position Active Thrust Shoes

Shims for Thrust Float Inactive Thrust Shoes

The diagram in Fig. 4-21 is representative of the thrust bearing arrangement in most centrifugal compressors, many large pumps, and small turbines. This conguration consists of a removable thrust collar that is mounted on the shaft with an interference (shrink) plus a keyed t. If the thrust collar becomes damaged, it may be replaced with a spare collar. The active and inactive thrust shoe assemblies are rolled into the casing on either side of the single thrust collar. Precision ground shims are installed behind the shoes to establish the proper axial position of the rotor with respect to the stator, and to establish the thrust oat indicated on Fig. 4-21. For uid lm thrust bearings, the thrust or axial oat is normally in the vicinity of 15 Mils (0.015 Inches). Thrust oats of less than 10 Mils (0.010 Inches) or greater than 20 Mils (0.020 Inches) are seldom encountered on uid lm thrust bearings. Due to the critical nature of the rotor thrust position, a proximity probe system is employed to monitor the relative rotor axial position via changes in the probe DC gap voltage. As shown in Fig. 4-21, an axial probe is used to observe



the end of the shaft. During bearing assembly and setup, a dial indicator is also positioned axially, and changes in probe gap readings are compared with axial movements measured with the dial indicator. For system redundancy during operation, two thrust probes are normally installed, and the readings from both probes are compared with the dial indicator. In virtually all cases, all three readings (2 probes plus 1 indicator) must compare within 1.0 Mil. Although this might seem like a tight tolerance, it is almost 7% of a normal oat zone. Hence, this is a precision measurement that must be accurately calibrated and setup in a static condition. If this is not done properly, then the information obtained from the electronic probes when the machine is running will always be questionable.
Thrust Float


Normal Thrust

Thrust Probe Journal Bearing Active Thrust Shoes Shims for Axial Position Inactive Thrust Shoes Shims for Thrust Float

Fig. 422 Typical Dual Thrust Collar Assembly On Horizontal Machinery

A thrust bearing conguration commonly used on large steam and gas turbines is depicted in Fig. 4-22. In this arrangement, dual thrust collars are employed. These collars are generally integral with the shaft forging. Hence, if these thrust collars are damaged, the rotor or stub shaft might have to be scrapped and replaced. The journal bearing in Fig. 4-22 is mounted between the thrust shoes, and the stationary casing supports the bearings, as well as the shims mounted behind each set of thrust shoes. Once again, one or more axial proximity probes are used to measure rotor thrust position. Due to the differences in thrust bearing congurations, the axial probe shown in Fig. 4-22 will display an increase in gap voltage as the thickness of the active thrust pads diminish under normal thrust loads. However, the thrust bearing shown in Fig. 4-21 will display a decrease in axial probe gap voltage as the thickness of the active pads diminish under load. Depending on the thrust bearing conguration, the direction of the normal thrust loads, and the location of the axial proximity probes the probe gap voltage may either increase or decrease as thrust bearing attrition occurs. Both situations can occur, and the machinery diagnostician must have full documentation of the mechanical setup in order to be condent in the on-line DC probe gap information. Thrust bearings in large horizontal machines nominally contain 40 to 80 Mils (0.040 to 0.080 inches) of babbitt. In most cases, the babbitt is considered as the sacricial element. During a thrust failure, the machine should coastdown

Inactive Thrust Collar

Active Thrust Collar

Fluid Film Thrust Bearings


on the available babbitt, and not allow contact between other parts of the rotor and the casing. The specic machine and probe setup for proper thrust monitoring is presented in chapter 6. Another common application for a uid lm thrust bearing occurs on large vertical machines such as motors or generators. These vertical units are usually directly coupled to pumps or turbines, and the entire weight of the machinery train is supported by a single thrust assembly at the top of the upper machine. A typical installation is shown in Fig. 4-23. The radial guide bearings in this type of machinery often consist of a series of tilt pad bearings, and the thrust bearing usually consists of segmented pads. The thrust bearing may be a xed geometry or a tilting pad conguration. In either case, an oil bath is provided for the thrust bearing, and high pressure oil lifting jets are often used to supplement the oil bath during startup and shutdown.
CW Rotation

Axial Probes 1Y Thrust Runner A-3 Guide Bearing A-1


1X K

Thrust Bearing



Fig. 423 Typical Fluid Film Thrust Bearing On Large Vertical Machinery


Transducers and Rotation Are Viewed From the Top of the Machine Looking Down

Vertical load support for this machine occurs at the thrust runner shown in Fig. 4-23. Shaft weight is essentially hung from the center of the thrust runner, and this mechanical element is positioned over the uid lm thrust bearing. Since smooth operation of this machine often depends upon proper behavior of the thrust runner, it is an ideal location to measure vibration and position. As noted in Fig. 4-23, X and Y probes are mounted in a true horizontal direction to observe radial motion of the thrust runner. A Keyphasor probe is installed at the same angular location as the X axis probe for train timing measurements. A group of three axial probes are mounted in the true vertical direction observing the top of the thrust runner. On the horizontal machines previously discussed, only one axial thrust position probe was required for thrust position measurement. Two thrust probes were normally installed on horizontal machines to provide full redundancy for the axial measurement. This is particularly necessary to support the voting logic used on monitoring systems setup for automatic trip. However, on a large vertical machine, there are very few installations that incorporate automatic trip based upon changes in axial position. For




Vertical Thrust Runner Position (Mils)

-7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14


Probe A-1 Probe A-2 Probe A-3




Fig. 424 Variation In Vertical Thrust Position Of Thrust Runner As A Function Of Generator Load








Generator Load (Megawatts)

these vertical machines, three probes are installed above the thrust runner to determine the relative level of the thrust runner. Since three points determine a plane, any signicant deviation in differential gap voltages from the three axial probes is easily interpreted as a tilting of the thrust runner. For instance, Fig. 4-24 describes the thrust position changes measured by three axial probes mounted on a unit congured like Fig. 4-23. In this case, the three proximity probes provide consistent information. Clearly, the level of the thrust runner remains constant as load is varied on this turbine generator set. The same transducers may also be used to examine the axial vibration of the thrust runner. For example, running speed 1X vectors were obtained at slow roll speeds of 40 to 50 RPM, and at synchronous speed of 277 RPM at 14 megawatts. The full speed vectors were corrected for slow roll, and the runout compensated 1X vectors are presented in Table 4-6. The probe angle corrections represent the angular spacing between the three probes. These static angles may be used to correct to dynamic vectors to a common location. In this case, the probe A-1 was selected as the common reference point, and the vectors from A-2 and A-3 were adjusted to the equivalent angular position of A-1. The resulting three corrected vectors are totally consistent in terms of both amplitude and angle. The nal 1.5 Mil synchronous vector is considered to be quite acceptable for this class of machine.
Table 46 Runout Compensated Axial 1X Vectors With Probe Angle Correction At 14 MW Axial Transducer Identication Probe A-1 Probe A-2 Probe A-3 Runout Compensated 1X Vector 1.49 Mils,p-p @ 307 1.43 Mils,p-p @ 65 1.49 Mils,p-p @ 188 Probe Angle Correction 0 240 120 1X Vector with Static Angle Correction 1.49 Mils,p-p @ 307 1.43 Mils,p-p @ 305 1.49 Mils,p-p @ 308

Rolling Element Bearings



Most large process machines rely on uid lm bearings to support the rotating or reciprocating elements. When uid lm bearings are properly designed, installed, and operated, their life expectancy is quite long. However, another class of bearings are normally installed on smaller machines, or machines that require close tolerances, or minimal relative motion between parts (e.g., precision machine tools such as lathes or milling machines). Categorically, these bearings are identied as rolling element bearings, but they are commonly referred to as ball bearings, roller bearings, tapered roller bearings, etc. These bearings all contain a series of internal elements that roll between an inner and an outer race. They may depend on external lubrication, or they may be internally packed with grease. Bearings of this type run with very close clearances, and they provide high stiffness combined with low damping to the rotor system. The application of high loads, shock loads, or bearing attrition due to extended run times will expand the internal clearances, and result in bearing failure. Due to these fundamental characteristics, this class of bearings is considered to have a nite lifespan. Since rolling element bearings have a limited life, it is desirable to monitor these bearings for early indication of impending failures. It has been historically demonstrated that vibration analysis is an effective tool for this type of monitoring. In addition, vibration analysis is useful for analysis of bearing faults. In many instances, the machinery diagnostician may be able to successfully predict the remaining life of a bearing. This allows maintenance to be performed in a scheduled and cost-effective manner rather than in reaction to a failure.
Contact Angle Outer Race Cage Inner Race Pitch Diameter - Dpitch

Bearing Centerline

Shaft Centerline

Fig. 425 Typical Rolling Element Bearing Conguration

Ball Diameter - Dball



Within any bearing, the primary dynamic excitation occurs at shaft rotational frequency. Analysis of the vibratory behavior of a shaft in a uid lm bearing often centers around the running speed vibration, and harmonics of this primary excitation. However, in a rolling element bearing, the fundamental shaft vibration is supplemented by the mechanics inherent with the additional moving bearing parts. For instance, consider Fig. 4-25 that depicts a typical ball bearing. In this example, assume that the outer race remains stationary, and that the inner race rotates at shaft frequency. It is clear that the supplemental frequencies emitted by this type of bearing must consider the geometry of the bearing in addition to the fundamental shaft rotational speed RPM. This would include the number of rotating balls N, the ball diameter Dball, and the ball pitch diameter Dpitch. The contact angle between the balls and the races is also signicant in the determination of the fundamental defect frequencies. This contact angle is identied as angle in Fig. 4-25. Intuitively, the running position of a rolling element bearing is dependent upon the radial and axial forces applied to the bearing. If this ratio is changed due to variations in either the radial or the axial forces, the load contact angle across the bearing will be inuenced. In addition, the basic model for this bearing requires a tight clearance t, with the internal balls rolling (and not sliding) in the raceways as the shaft turns. If the balls are sliding, this is indicative of excessive bearing clearance, and the general equations for specic defects are no longer applicable. The traditional equations for the repetition rate of various defects were formulated in the 1960s. Based upon the bearing geometry, and the rotational speed, it can be shown that a defect in the bearing outer race will generate a frequency Ford that may be computed with the following expression: D ball N RPM - 1 ----------------- cos F ord = ------------------------- D pitch 2 (4-18)

For bearing defects on the inner race, the emitted frequency Fird may be determined with the next equation: D ball N RPM - 1 + ----------------- cos F ird = ------------------------- 2 D pitch (4-19)

From a vibration measurement standpoint, the outer race defects normally appear at higher amplitudes than the inner race defects. These types of aws are often combined with vibration at the ball spin frequency that is coincident with the frequency for a ball defect. This ball defect frequency Fbd may be calculated with equation (4-20): RPM D pitch D ball 2 - ----------------- ----------------- ( cos ) F bd = ------------- D ball D pitch 2 (4-20)

Rolling Element Bearings


The fundamental train frequency, or more commonly the cage defect frequency Fcd may be determined by: D ball RPM - 1 ----------------- cos F cd = ------------- D pitch 2
where: Ford Fird Fbd Fcd N RPM Dball Dpitch = Frequency of Outer Race Defect (Cycles / Minute) = Frequency of Inner Race Defect (Cycles / Minute) = Frequency of Ball Defect (Cycles / Minute) = Frequency of Cage Defect (Cycles / Minute) = Number of Contained Balls or Rollers (dimensionless) = Rotational Speed of Bearing Inner Race (Revolutions / Minute) = Diameter of Ball or Roller (Inches) = Pitch Diameter of Balls or Rollers (Inches) = Bearing Load Contact Angle (Degrees)


The defect frequencies computed with equations (4-18) through (4-21) carry the engineering units of Cycles per Minute (CPM). If frequencies in Cycles per Second (Hz) are desired, the results from the last four equations may be divided by 60. Once again, these equations are for a stationary outer race, and a rotating inner race, with rolling and not sliding balls or rollers. It must always be recognized that ball bearings in real machines with reasonable loads do actually slip, and the measured and calculated frequencies will probably not be identical. Clearly, the frequencies computed with these equations are non synchronous. For a typical 100 HP motor with less than 20 balls, the outer race defect frequency computed by (4-18) will be a high frequency component in the vicinity of 40 to 45% of rotating speed times the number of balls ( 0.45xRPMxN). The inner race defect frequency from equation (4-19) will also be a higher frequency component at about 55 to 60% of speed times the number of balls ( 0.6xRPMxN). The ball spin or ball defect frequency will be in the order of 3 to 4 times running speed ( 3.5xRPM), and the cage defect frequency will be approximately 45% of running speed ( 0.45xRPM). For a stationary inner race and a rotating outer race, equations (4-18) through (4-20) remain the same. The expression for a cage defect with a xed inner race is given by equation (4-22). In this situation, the frequency of the cage defect will be greater that one half of running speed ( 0.55xRPMout). D ball RPM out - 1 + ----------------- cos F cd _ fir = --------------------- 2 D pitch
where: Fcd_r = Frequency of Cage Defect with Fixed Inner Race (Cycles / Minute) RPMout = Rotational Speed of Bearing Outer Race (Revolutions / Minute)


Bearing dimensional data is often available directly from the bearing manufacturer. Some suppliers publish lists of these fault identication frequencies for their bearings. Whether tabular lists or discrete calculations are used, the machinery diagnostician should recognize that a new bearing will probably



exhibit some, or all of these frequencies at very low amplitudes. As defects occur, the amplitudes at the associated defect frequencies will increase. As the defects continue to grow with time, the observed frequencies will often shift as the load distribution changes, and the balls (or rollers) begin sliding instead of rolling. In this condition, overall vibration levels are probably unacceptable, and the unit should be shutdown for bearing replacement. The commonly observed types of damage on rolling element bearings result in craters or spalls on the raceways. As the rolling elements pass over these indentations, impact or shock pulses are generated. In some cases, the defect frequencies identied by the previous equations may not be visible in a frequency spectrum. However, as noted by John Mitchell10, if this housing vibration data is observed in the time domain, the repetitive pulses are easily distinguished. In time domain analysis, the period of the four defect frequencies should be used to identify the origin of the pulse patterns. For the sake of completeness, it should be mentioned that other transducers, measurements, and data processing techniques are used to examine the vibratory behavior of rolling element bearings. Methods such as spike energy, envelope detection, shock pulse, and various demodulation techniques are commonly employed. From a practicality standpoint, the diagnostician should evaluate any bearing analysis tool on the basis of performance. Specically, the following question should always be asked: can the instrumentation successfully and consistently identify mechanical failures on the rolling element bearings?


In the opinion of the senior author, the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) do a credible job of designing, building, and installing bearings. Within the industrial end user community there seems to be an overt tendency to redesign, and continually attempt to improve on the OEM bearings. In multiple cases, the bearing redesign has rendered the machinery inoperative. In other situations, the operating speed range of the machinery has been severely limited following the installation of presumably improved bearings. In all cases, the machinery diagnostician must approach bearing problems carefully, and conduct a methodical engineering analysis of the problem. Specically, the following items should always be thoroughly examined and in some cases re-examined:
r r r r r

Check that the oil console or reservoir contains the correct lubricant. Check the oil quality for proper density, viscosity, water content, etc. Check the oil for the presence of any foreign materials. Check for proper oil supply pressure, temperature, and system control. Check the oil ow rate to each bearing, and verify that orices are properly installed, and that orice diameters are both reasonable and correct.

10 John S. Mitchell, Introduction to Machinery Analysis and Monitoring, second edition (Tulsa, OK: Pennwell Publishing Company, 1993), pp. 241-249.

Before Considering Bearing Redesign


r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

Check the oil drain temperatures, and relative ow rates. Check that the bearing is properly installed with respect to shaft rotation. Check that anti-rotation pins are properly installed with respect to rotation. Check that the shaft to bearing clearance is correct. Check that the bearing to housing clearance is correct. Check that the bearing liner is not distorted or warped. Check that the bearing splitline is not sealed with RTV, silicone, or other incompressible sealants. Use a thin grade of Permatex sealant for this job. Check for other mechanical changes in the train that would inuence bearing load (e.g., changing a gear coupling to a large diaphragm coupling). Check rotor balance records, and the last set of transient startup data. Check coupling alignment for proper cold offset and hot running position. Check for proper temperatures from imbedded thermocouples or RTDs. Check bearing temperature trends (day to night, week to week, etc.). Check to be sure that shaft is level when hot and running. Check bearings, seals, and couplings for evidence of electrical discharge. Check pads and backing for evidence of wear, cracking, or fretting. Check bearings for evidence of edge wear across bearings and machines. Check for proper position of the journal within the bearing with prox probes. Check shaft vibration for normal 1X running speed vibration vectors. Check shaft vibration for any abnormal frequency components. Check the attachment of the bearing housing to the casing and/or baseplate. Check grout condition, and the attachment of baseplate to foundation.

If these checks are followed, and all identied problems corrected, the necessity to redesign or continually replace bearings will be greatly reduced. Bad habits seem to develop over time, and both operations and maintenance personnel have a tendency to get complacent. In many instances this will allow small oversights to turn into major problems. Hence, before jumping into a major redesign effort, the use and abuse of the current bearings should be examined. There are situations when the bearings really do require an upgrade. If rotor or coupling changes are to be implemented, if the process loads or the lube and seal oil system are to be modied, or if greater reliability is required then the existing bearings should be audited for potential areas of improvement. The addition of ball and socket bases for tilt pad bearings, the use of micro-babbitt, a change in bearing metallurgy for improved heat transfer, or providing directed lubrication are all common modications that may benet a particular bearing installation. In some applications, the installation of new bearing designs such as the Flexure Pivot Bearings described by Zeidan and Paquette11 may be highly benecial. In other cases, an additional ve gallons per minute of oil ow may be all that is required. Once again, the machinery diagnostician is advised to proceed with logic, and proper engineering discipline.
11 Fouad Y. Zeidan, and Donald J. Paquette, Application of High Speed and High Performance Fluid Film Bearings In Rotating Machinery, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (September 1994), pp. 209-233.



1. Allaire, Paul E. and Ronald D. Flack, Design of Journal Bearings for Rotating Machinery, Proceedings of the Tenth Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratories, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (December 1981), pp. 25-45. 2. Barrett, L.E and John C. Nicholas, The Effect of Bearing Support Flexibility on Critical Speed Prediction, ASLE Transactions, 1984 Joint Lubrication Conference, San Diego, California, February 1984 (revised June 1984). 3. Gunter, Edgar J., Dynamic Stability of Rotor Bearing Systems, NASA Report SP113, 1966. 4. Gunter, Edgar J. and R.G. Kirk, The Effect of Support Flexibility and Damping on the Dynamic Response of a Single Mass Flexible Rotor in Elastic Bearings. Report No. ME-4040-106-72U, University of Virginia, 1972. 5. McHugh, James D., Principles of Turbomachinery Bearings, Proceedings of the Eighth Turbomachinery Symposium, Gas Turbine Laboratories, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (November 1979), pp. 135-145. 6. Mitchell, John S., Introduction to Machinery Analysis and Monitoring, second edition, pp. 241-249, Tulsa, OK: Pennwell Publishing Company, 1993. 7. Nicholas, John C., Tilting Pad Bearing Design, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (September 1994), pp. 179-194. 8. Nicholas, John C., John K. Whalen, and Sean D. Franklin, Improving Critical Speed Calculations Using Flexible Bearing Support FRF Compliance Data, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (November 1986), pp. 69-78. 9. Salamone, Dana J., Journal Bearing Design Types and Their Applications to Turbomachinery, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratories, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (November 1984), pp. 179-188. 10. Zeidan, Fouad Y. and Donald J. Paquette, Application of High Speed and High Performance Fluid Film Bearings In Rotating Machinery, Proceedings of the TwentyThird Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas (September 1994), pp. 209-233.

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