Human Relations - Attributed
Human Relations - Attributed
Human Relations - Attributed
Laura Portolese Dias holds a master of business administration from City University and a
Before beginning her teaching career, Laura worked for several organizations in management and
operations. She’s also an entrepreneur who has performed consulting work for companies such as
Microsoft. She is the author of Human Resource Management with Flat World Knowledge and
Personally, Laura does lots of hiking and backpacking with her two dogs and husband, Alain.
Cascades of Washington State. When Laura isn’t in Peshastin, she travels extensively, usually
encouragement, communication, and dedication to this project. Melissa is one of the best in
the business, and I feel lucky to have worked with her on both Flat World Knowledge
Also, thank you to Michael Boezi, whose enthusiasm for the Flat World Knowledge model is
I would also like to acknowledge the behind-the-scenes people who worked on the technical
aspects of this book. Those individuals are a key aspect to the success of the Flat World
Knowledge model!
Thank you to the reviewers who took time to look at content and make suggestions. Their
themselves wrong.
communicate well, and make good decisions are all critical emotional intelligence skills
students need to succeed in career and in life. Our Human Relations book will address all of
the critical topics to obtain career success. This book isn’t an organizational behavior (OB)
text, which is too theoretical for many of our students’ needs. While this book will focus on
some of the theories you might find in an OB book, the focus is a direct benefit to students in
book, as the focus is much broader: it focuses on general career success and how to
The core concept in the book is emotional intelligence and how these skills carry over into
career success, such as through ethics, communication, diversity, teamwork, conflict, good
This book’s easy-to-understand language and tone is written to convey practical information
in an engaging way. Plenty of examples are included in each chapter so students understand
the concepts and how the concepts can benefit their career. This book will meet the needs of
any number of career fields, such as automotive, dental hygiene, culinary, or technology. In
addition, this book would be a great addition to any school offering human relations course
• Human relations
• Career-focused courses
• Professionalism
• Business communications
• Teacher/education certification
Each chapter opens with a realistic example that introduces a concept to be explained in detail
later. Each chapter contains relevant examples, YouTube videos, figures, learning objectives, key
takeaways, Why Human Relations? boxes, exercises, and a chapter-ending case that offer
- Luigi Pirandello
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.
- Maya Angelou
Jenny is going to a BBQ at Monica and Harvey’s house this afternoon. Because it is a big
annual event, it is usually a large party. She will likely know about half the people, as Monica
and Harvey invite people from all aspects of their lives. As Jenny enters the backyard, she
sees familiar faces, as expected, but also sees a lot of people she doesn’t recognize.
Immediately she starts fidgeting, as Jenny isn’t good at making small talk. Instead of making
eye contact and going over to people who are acquaintances, she drops her potluck dish
down, grabs a drink from the cooler, and tries to find Monica so she will have someone to
talk with.
At work, Jenny avoids interpersonal relationships and small talk because she is
uncomfortable revealing too much of herself. When Jenny attends meetings at work, she
sighs impatiently when someone is late and when people veer too far from the topic, and she
makes sure to bring people back to reality. When choosing project teams, people rarely want
to work with Jenny, even though she is very capable in her job. Some of the women from the
office get together for lunch on Tuesdays, but Jenny is never invited. Needless to say, Jenny
We have all met someone like Jenny, who is seemingly uncomfortable with herself and
unpleasant. We may even try to avoid the Jennys we know. Despite Jenny being good at her
job, no one wants to work with her. You would think that success at work only takes talent at
job-specific tasks. However, this isn’t the case. As we will discuss throughout this chapter and
the book, successful people have the skills to do the job, but they also have the human
relations skills to get along with others. The focus of this chapter will be personality,
attitudes, self-esteem, and perceptions—all of these topics and more impact our ability to get
2. Discuss why human relations skills are necessary in your future workplace.
3. Explain how the progression of human relations studies relates to today’s human relations in your
The study and understanding of human relations can help us in our workplace, and as a result,
assist us in achieving career success. The better our human relations, the more likely we are to
grow both professionally and personally. Knowing how to get along with others, resolve
workplace conflict, manage relationships, communicate well, and make good decisions are all
advantages to having good human relations skills. First, of the top ten reasons people are fired,
several reasons relate back to lack of human relations skills—for example, the inability to work
within a team, personality issues, sexual harassment, and dishonesty. Other reasons, perhaps
not directly related to human relations, include absenteeism, poor performance, stealing, political
reasons, downsizing, and sabotage. Second, people who are competent team players and have a
good work ethic tend to get promoted faster. In fact, according to guru on personal
development Brian Tracy, 85 percent of your success in life is determined by social skills and the
ability to interact positively and effectively with others. Another reason to develop good
relationships with others relates to your own personal happiness. According to psychologist
Sydney Jourard, most joy in life comes from happy relationships with other people.
Consider John, a very talented project manager but lacking in human relations skills. While he is
easily able to plan and execute the finest details for a project, no one likes to work with him. He
doesn’t make efforts to get to know his team members and he comes across as unfriendly and
unapproachable. How successful do you think John will be in his workplace? While he has the
skills necessary to do the job, he doesn’t have the people skills that can help him excel at it. One
could say he does not have emotional intelligence skills—that is, the ability to understand others—
therefore, he may always find himself wondering why he isn’t more successful at work (we will
management skills are something we can learn, managers find it difficult to hire people without
the soft skills, or human relations skills. We aren’t saying that skills are not important, but human
relations skills are equally as important as technical skills to determine career and personal
success. Consider human relations skills in your personal life, as this is equally important. Human
relations skills such as communication and handling conflict can help us create better
relationships. For example, assume Julie talks behind people’s backs and doesn’t follow through
on her promises. She exhibits body language that says “get away from me” and rarely smiles or
asks people about themselves. It is likely that Julie will have very few, if any, friends. If Julie had
positive human relations skills, there is a much better chance she could improve her personal
We can benefit personally and professionally from good human relations skills, but how do
organizations benefit? Since many companies’ organizational structures depend upon people
working together, positive human relations skills reduce conflict in the workplace, thereby
making the workplace more productive. Organizational structures refer to the way a company
arranges people, jobs, and communications so that work can be performed. In today’s business
world, teams are used to accomplish company goals because teamwork includes people with a
variety of skills. When using those skills in a team, a better product and better ideas are usually
produced. In most businesses, to be successful at our job, we need to depend on others. The
importance of human relations is apparent in this setting. If people are not able to get along and
resolve conflicts, the organization as a whole will be less productive, which could affect
profitability. Many organizations empower their employees; that is, they give employees freedom
in making decisions about how their work gets done. This can create a more motivated workforce,
which results in more positive human relations. We will explore this topic further in Chapter 6
Most organizations employ a total person approach. This approach recognizes that an
organization does not just employ someone with skills, but rather, the whole person. This person
comes with biases, personal challenges, human relations skills, and technical skills but also comes
with experiences. By looking at a person from this perspective, an organization can begin to
understand that what happens to an employee outside of work can affect his or her job
performance. For example, assume Kathy is doing a great job at work but suddenly starts to arrive
late, leave early, and take longer lunches. Upon further examination, we might find that Kathy is
having childcare issues because of her divorce. Because of a total person approach perspective,
her organization might be able to rearrange her schedule or work with her to find a reasonable
solution. This relates to human relations because we are not just people going to work every day;
we are people who live our personal lives, and one affects the other. Because of this, our human
relations abilities will most certainly be affected if we are experiencing challenges at home or at
Human relations, however, was not always central to the conversation on organizational success.
In fact, until the 1940s, little thought was given to the human aspect of jobs. Many of the jobs in
the early 1900s were focused on production and located in factory-like settings where the jobs
themselves were repetitive. The focus in these types of work environments was on efficiency. We
can call this time period of human relations studies the classical school of management. This
school of thought took place from 1900 to the early 1920s. Several theories were developed, which
revolved around the idea of efficiency, or getting a job done with the least amount of steps.
Frederick W. Taylor was an engineer who today is known as the father of scientific management.
He began his career in a steel company and, because of his intimate knowledge of the industry,
believed that organizations could analyze tasks to make them performed with more efficiency.
Following his work, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth performed numerous studies on physical motions
workers took to perform specific tasks and tried to maximize efficiency by suggesting new ways to
perform the tasks, using less energy and thereby being more efficient.
While Taylor and Gilbreth’s research was more focused on physical motions and tasks, Henri
Fayol began looking at how management could improve productivity instead of focusing on
specific tasks and motions. Fayol created the Fourteen Principles of Management, which focused
on management but also hinted to the importance of human relations:
specialization, or the focus on specific tasks for teams or individuals, to be crucial to success.
2. Authority. Authority is the right to give orders and accountability within those orders. Fayol
believed that along with giving orders and expecting them to be met, that person in authority
4. Unity of command. Workers should receive orders from only one manager. In other words,
reporting to two or more managers would violate Fayol’s Fourteen Principles of Management.
5. Unity of direction. Everyone in the organization should move toward a common goal and
person shouldn’t have priority over the interests of the organization as a whole. This focuses
on teamwork and the importance of everyone acting toward the same goal.
7. Remuneration. Many things should be considered when paying employees, including cost
organization and the amount of decision making that occurs at a central level versus a
decentralized level. For example, in many organizations decisions are made centrally (i.e., in
the “corporate office”), which does not allow as much flexibility as decentralized decision
making; this would mean each individual area can make its own decisions.
9. Scalar chain. This refers to how authority is divided among managers. Specifically, Fayol
10. Order. All materials and people related to one kind of work should be organized and neat.
priority. The cost of hiring a new worker is expensive, so efforts should be maintained to keep
current employees.
13. Initiative. Management should take steps to encourage workers to take initiative. In
addition, workers should be self-directed and not need a lot of management control to
accomplish tasks.
14. Esprit de corps. Managers should encourage harmony among employees. This harmony
Fayol’s research was some of the first that addressed the need for positive human relations in a
work environment. As further research was performed into the 1920s, we moved into a new
period of human relations studies called the behavioral school of management. During this
time period, employees had begun to unionize, bringing human relations issues to the forefront.
Because workers demanded a more humane environment, researchers began to look at how
One of the more notable researchers was Elton Mayo, from Harvard Business School, and his
colleagues. They conducted a series of experiments from the mid-1920s to early 1930s to
investigate how physical working conditions affected worker productivity. They found that
regardless of changes such as heat, lighting, hours, and breaks, productivity levels increased
during the study. The researchers realized the increased productivity resulted because the
workers knew they were being observed. In other words, the workers worked harder because they
were receiving attention and felt cared about. This phenomenon is called
the Hawthorne effect (named for the electrical plant for which the experiments were
conducted). In the 1950s, researchers began to explore management techniques and the effect on
worker satisfaction. This was called the behavioral science approach. These techniques used
psychology, sociology, and other human relations aspects to help researchers understand the
organizational environment.
management science school. So while research today focuses on the human relations aspect,
we are now able to use complex statistical models to improve efficiency and productivity while
important to mention here the immense impact technology has had on this field of study.
Inability to see body language indicators make it more difficult to communicate using technology,
creating conflict and misunderstandings. These misunderstandings can obviously affect human
relations. Also consider that through globalization, we are working with people from all over the
world in many time zones who have different perspectives. Between technology and globalization,
humans have never had to work with such a diverse group of people—using diverse methods of
Technology has allowed us to do this: e-mail, Skype, and instant message, to name a few. The
interactions using technology. Add in the challenge of a global environment and this creates a
Many organizations today are focusing on how to use technology to save workers time commuting
to work. In fact, an estimated 26.2 million workers telecommute, or work from a remote
location at least once per month. Global Workplace Analytics cites the following benefits to
3. Increased productivity
However, Global Workplace Analytics also says there are some key drawbacks:
While technology has greatly impacted human relations at work, there are some common
esteem, and perception impact human relations. How we are, how we behave, and our belief
such as goal setting and emotional intelligence skills. Being able to achieve personal success is
• Chapter 3 "Manage Your Stress". Managing stress and understanding how too much stress
• Chapter 5 "Be Ethical at Work". Ethical decision making is necessary because ethical
decisions must be made all the time in our personal and work lives. Understanding how to
make an ethical decision can help us become better employees and human beings.
• Chapter 6 "Understand Your Motivations". Understanding what motivates you can help you
know the right career path and can assist you in guiding your supervisor. Without an
understanding of our own motivations (our own self-knowledge) we may not be able to
complete tasks as efficiently. Of course, this skill is the key to successful human relations.
• Chapter 7 "Work Effectively in Groups". Working in teams has become necessary in most
every work environment. Understanding how teams work and how they achieve success
together will provide you with the tools to be an effective team member.
• Chapter 8 "Make Good Decisions". Good decision making, both personally and professionally,
can help our human relations in that it provides a framework to make sure we are thinking
about all aspects of the decision. We tend to be happier when we make better decisions, which
• Chapter 9 "Handle Conflict and Negotiation". The ability to manage conflict is necessary in
today’s workplace. Not everything will work exactly as we planned, nor will we get along with
everyone we meet. Learning how to work through these challenges can help us become better
at human relations.
• Chapter 10 "Manage Diversity at Work". The ability to work with a diverse workforce. In a
globalized workforce, we will work with people from all cultures and backgrounds.
Understanding how to effectively work with people different from us can help us be more
successful at work.
• Chapter 11 "Work with Labor Unions". Understanding labor unions and their role in the
workplace will help us understand how unions work, should we become employed in a union
environment. Understanding the concepts in this chapter gives us the working knowledge to
• Chapter 12 "Be a Leader". Leadership and management skills can assist us in understanding
how we can be leaders in our workplace, even if we do not have a formal title.
• Chapter 13 "Manage Your Career". Managing one’s own career, such as etiquette, dealing with
change, and networking. This capstone chapter will relate our discussion back to these key
We will focus on human relations in a work setting, but many examples will also relate to personal
settings. The examples provided will give you tools to have positive relationships with coworkers,
supervisors, and people in your personal life. These positive relationships—both at home and at
work—help us become more rounded, happier individuals. This is good for everyone, including
between people, particularly in a workplace setting. Because a company depends on good
human relations through its organizational structure, developing these skills is important.
• Technology has greatly impacted human relations because so much of our communication
occurs without the advantage of seeing body language. This can result in miscommunications.
Many workers telecommute to work. There are advantages and disadvantages, more notably a
• There was an evolution in human relations study. In the classical school of management, the
• Employees began to unionize in the 1920s due to lack of positive human relations, and therefore
the behavioral school of management was created. During this time period, researchers began to
focus on the human relations aspect of the workplace. One of the major theories developed was
theHawthorne effect, which determined that workers were more productive when they were
• During the 1950s, the behavioral science approach looked at management techniques as a way
• In the 1960s and beyond, sophisticated tools allow researchers to analyze more data and focus
1. Have you ever worked with anyone like Jenny (in the opening case), either in school or at a job?
Discuss your experiences and how you handled working with this person. How could they have
2. Discuss two advantages to learning about human relations skills. Why do companies value good
4. Draw a timeline of human relations research. On the timeline, indicate the events that changed
human relations thinking. Bring your timelines to class and discuss in small groups.
[2] Natalie Jones, “10 Most Common Reasons Why People Are Fired,” Wikinut article, February 28, 2010,
[3] Jean Maye, “7 Steps to Getting Promoted,” Chicago Tribune, 2012, accessed January 31,
[4] Brian Tracy, “Mastering Human Relationships,” Brian Tracy International, August 19, 2009, accessed
[5] Tracy, Brian, “Mastering Human Relationships,” Brian Tracy International, August 19, 2009, accessed
[6] Joan Harrington, “Eight Persuasion Tips to Make Anyone Like You,” Joan Harrington’s True Successes,
[7] Girish Sharmaa, “Henri Fayol’s Principles of Management,” Publish Your Articles, no date, accessed
[8] Telework 2011, “A WorldatWork Special Report,” World at Work Organization, June 2011, accessed
[9] Telework Research Network, “Costs and Benefits: Advantages of Telecommuting,” Telework Research
2. Explain how your attitude and personality has an effect in the workplace.
Our personality is defined as a set of traits that can explain or predict a person’s behavior in a
variety of situations. In other words, personality is a set of characteristics that reflect the way we
think and act in a given situation. Because of this, our personality has a lot to do with how we
relate to one another at work. How we think, what we feel, and our normal behavior characterize
what our colleagues come to expect of us both in behavior and the expectation of their
interactions with us. For example, let’s suppose at work you are known for being on time but
suddenly start showing up late daily. This directly conflicts with your personality—that is, the fact
that you are conscientious. As a result, coworkers might start to believe something is wrong. On
the other hand, if you did not have this characteristic, it might not be as surprising or noteworthy.
Likewise, if your normally even-tempered supervisor yells at you for something minor, you may
believe there is something more to his or her anger since this isn’t a normal personality trait and
also may have a more difficult time handling the situation since you didn’t expect it. When we
come to expect someone to act a certain way, we learn to interact with them based on their
personality. This goes both ways, and people learn to interact with us based on our personality.
When we behave different than our normal personality traits, people may take time to adjust to
the situation.
Personality also affects our ability to interact with others, which can impact our career success. In
a 2009 study by Angelina Sutin et al., it was found that the personality characteristic of
neuroticism (a tendency to experience negative emotional states) had more effect than any
personality characteristic on determining future career success. In other words, those with
positive and hopeful personalities tend to be rewarded through career success later in life.
Although there is debate between whether or not our personalities are inherent when we are born
(nature) versus the way we grew up (nurture), most researchers agree that personality is usually a
result of both nature and our environmental/education experiences. For example, you have
probably heard someone say, “She acts just like her mother.” She likely behaves that way because
she was born with some of her mother’s traits, as well as because she learned some of the
Figure 1.1
As a result, as an adult this person may end up organizing a lot of parties, too. Or the influence of
parties may create the opposite effect, where the person doesn’t want to have parties at all. The
environmental and educational experiences can create positive or negative associations, which
result in how we feel about any situation that occurs in our lives.
Our values help determine our personality. Our values are those things we find most important
to us. For example, if your value is calmness and peace, your personality would show this in many
Saturday nights. You might choose a less stressful career path, and you might find it challenging
We often find ourselves in situations where our values do not coincide with someone we are
working with. For example, if Alison’s main value is connection, this may come out in a warm
communication style with coworkers and an interest in their personal lives. Imagine Alison works
with Tyler, whose core value is efficiency. Because of Tyler’s focus, he may find it a waste of time
to make small talk with colleagues. When Alison approaches Tyler and asks about his weekend,
she may feel offended or upset when he brushes her off to ask about the project they are working
on together. She feels like a connection wasn’t made, and he feels like she isn’t efficient.
Understanding our own values as well as the values of others can greatly help us become better
success Ease of use Meaning Results-oriented
Accountability Efficiency Justice Rule of law
Accuracy Enjoyment Kindness Safety
Adventure Equality Knowledge Satisfying others
All for one & one for
all Excellence Leadership Security
Beauty Fairness Love, romance Self-givingness
Calm, quietude, peace Faith Loyalty Self-reliance
Challenge Faithfulness Maximum utilization Self-thinking
Intensity (of time,
Change Family resources) Sensitivity
Service (to others,
Charity Family feeling Merit society)
things affect our attitudes, including the environment we were brought up in and our individual
experiences. Our personalities and values play a large role in our attitudes as well. For example,
many people may have attitudes toward politics that are similar to their parents, but their
attitudes may change as they gain more experiences. If someone has a bad experience around the
ocean, they may develop a negative attitude around beach activities. However, assume that person
has a memorable experience seeing sea lions at the beach, for example, then he or she may change
their opinion about the ocean. Likewise, someone may have loved the ocean, but if they have a
scary experience, such as nearly drowning, they may change their attitude.
The important thing to remember about attitudes is that they can change over time, but usually
some sort of positive experience needs to occur for our attitudes to change dramatically for the
better. We also have control of our attitude in our thoughts. If we constantly stream negative
In a workplace environment, you can see where attitude is important. Someone’s personality may
be cheerful and upbeat. These are the prized employees because they help bring positive
perspective to the workplace. Likewise, someone with a negative attitude is usually someone that
most people prefer not to work with. The problem with a negative attitude is that it has a
devastating effect on everyone else. Have you ever felt really happy after a great day and when you
got home, your roommate was in a terrible mood because of her bad day? In this situation, you
can almost feel yourself deflating! This is why having a positive attitude is a key component to
But how do we change a negative attitude? Because a negative attitude can come from many
sources, there are also many sources that can help us improve our attitude.
Reams are written about improving your attitude; not so when it comes to defining that thing
Though there are many ways to define attitude, I find the three checkpoints below to be the most
helpful. They make it clear not only what your attitude is made of but also how it affects what you
Before heading down South for a vacation, I expected a relaxing and enjoyable time. This is the
first piece of your attitude: it is what you expect before something happens.
For me, I expected good things. Someone with a more negative bent—at least in relation to
The second piece of your attitude is the way in which you gauge progress. Do you notice what is
I went to dinner the other night with a few friends. I’m always on the lookout for stories to use on
the site, so when they started to comment on the place, I was drawn in. One friend noticed how
noisy the restaurant was, how grumpy the waiter seemed, and how bad the food tasted.
On the heels of this cheery testimonial, the friend sitting next to me said she loved the
atmosphere, the style of the tables, and her dinner. Two attitudes looking for very different things.
The last role your attitude plays happens at the end of a situation or experience. At this point,
I was watching a competition-based reality show the other night and, when two people were sent
home, they were given the chance to talk to the camera one last time.
friendships he had made and the good times he had had. The second was angry and vengeful. To
Reprinted with permission: Get hundreds of simple motivation tips, along
As Note 1.19 "Changing Your Attitude" points out, our attitude is ultimately about how we set our
expectations; how we handle the situation when our expectations are not met; and finally, how we
sum up an experience, person, or situation. When we focus on improving our attitude on a daily
basis, we get used to thinking positively and our entire personality can change. It goes without
saying that employers prefer to hire and promote someone with a positive attitude as opposed to a
negative one. Other tips for improving attitude include the following:
1. When you wake up in the morning, decide you are going to have an excellent day. By having
this attitude, it is less likely you may feel disappointed when small things do not go your way.
2. Be conscious of your negative thoughts. Keep a journal of negative thoughts. Upon reviewing
them, analyze why you had a negative thought about a specific situation.
3. Try to avoid negative thinking. Think of a stop sign in your mind that stops you when you
have negative thoughts. Try to turn those thoughts into positive ones. For example, instead of
saying, “I am terrible in math,” say, “I didn’t do well on that test. It just means I will study
4. Spend time with positive people. All of us likely have a friend who always seems to be negative
or a coworker who constantly complains. People like this can negatively affect our attitude,
too, so steering clear when possible, or limiting the interaction time, is a great way to keep a
5. Spend time in a comfortable physical environment. If your mattress isn’t comfortable and you
aren’t getting enough sleep, it is more difficult to have a positive attitude! Or if the light in
and examine your physical space. Does it match the mental frame of mind you want to be in?
o True
o False
o True
o False
o True
o False
o True
o False
o True
o False
6. I don’t give out compliments because I don’t want someone to get a big ego.
o True
o False
o True
o False
o False
o True
o False
o True
o False
Now, count the number of true and false answers. The more false answers you have, the better
attitude you tend to have. If you have many true answers, what are some ways to help you change
When considering our personality, values, and attitudes, we can begin to get the bigger picture of
who we are and how our experiences affect how we behave at work and in our personal lives. It is
a good idea to reflect often on what aspects of our personality are working well and which we
might like to change. With self-awareness (discussed further in Chapter 2 "Achieve Personal
Success"), we can make changes that eventually result in better human relations.
Our personality traits, attitude, and self-esteem have everything to do with human relations.
When you are planting a vegetable garden, you wouldn’t fill the new garden with old soil that no
longer has nutrients in it. Doing this will result in your plants not growing as large as they can or
could even result in them not growing at all. If we look at our human relations ability, the same
idea applies. Personality, attitude, and self-esteem comprise the nutrient-rich soil
required for our human relations skills to grow. Our personality is how we see the world,
either positive and full of hope or negative and full of despair. Without a positive attitude, it
us! Likewise, having a positive self-image can give us the confidence to nurture relationships,
nutrients, our human relations skills are the same. To make our human relations skills
grow, we need to look at our underlying personality characteristics, attitudes, and self-esteem that
• Personality is defined as a set of traits that predict and explain a person’s behavior. Values are
closely interwoven into personality, as our values often define our traits.
• Our personality can help define our attitudes toward specific things, situations, or people. Most
people prefer to work with people who have a positive attitude.
• We can improve our attitude by waking up and believing that the day is going to be great. We
can also keep awareness of our negative thoughts or those things that may prevent us from
having a good day. Spending time with positive people can help improve our own attitude as
1. Visit Find the section that allows you to take the personality test
for free, take the test, and then review the results. What color are you? How does this impact
how you relate to others either at school or at work?
2. Looking at Note 1.17 "Examples of Values", which five are most important to you? Connect two
to three personality traits you possess as a result of these values. For example, if you value
3. In two or three paragraphs, discuss your attitude and name four specific strategies you will use
[1] Angelina R. Sutin and Paul T. Costa, “Personality and Career Success,” European Journal of
[2] Alexandria Lupu, “Our Personality: Is It Genetically Inherited or Determined by the Environmental
Factors,” Softpedia News, July 2, 2006, accessed February 3, 2012,‐
Personality-‐Is-‐It-‐Genetically-‐Inherited-‐or-‐Determined-‐by-‐The-‐Environmental-‐ Factors-‐28413.shtml
[3] Richard Whitaker, “Improving Your Attitude,” Biznick, September 2, 2008, accessed February 3,
1. Be able to explain influencers of perception that impact your ability to relate to others.
As we have discussed so far in this chapter, many things impact our human relations with others.
based upon our memory. In other words, it is the way you interpret data around you. The data
could come from sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. For example, if you wake up in the
morning to the smell of coffee, your perception is likely correct that your roommate is already
awake. The challenge with perception in human relations is that we may not always understand
someone else’s perception and/or assume their perception is our own. This is where
disagreements and other communication issues can occur. For example, if you perceive that your
significant other is too focused on spending time with friends, your interactions with her will be
based upon this perception. For example, you could be frustrated and short tempered. In a
workplace setting, perceptions can also cause miscommunications. For example, you may
perceive your coworker to be lazy because he always arrives to work at 8:15 a.m. and the start time
is 8 a.m. Suppose he has a child with a medical condition who needs special schooling, and the
school doesn’t open until 8 a.m.? Perhaps he has made arrangements with your supervisor of
which you are unaware. This perception can be a dangerous one, since we don’t have all of the
How many legs does this elephant have? This section on perception is going to address
the many ways we perceive things—and how these perceptions impact our ability to
relate to others.
There are a number of things that influence our perception. [1] First, our heredity can be
major influencers of our perception. Height, skin color, and gender influence the way we see
the world. For example, someone who is 5’ 2” may perceive an object to be stored too high,
Our needs impact our perception as well. Physiological needs, such as food and water (or lack
thereof), can influence how we feel about certain situations. Have you ever been in a social
situation where you were very hungry? If so, you know this impacted your ability to socialize
with other people. You may have found yourself less patient to listen because you were
concerned about when you were going to eat! Or if you have ever taken a road trip and
needed to use the restroom, your perception may be that the highway lacks a sufficient
Our peer group can also impact our perception. Our peers tend to determine what is
desirable or undesirable, thereby giving us information on how to interpret data around us.
You have experienced this personally, no doubt. If you perceive a brand of clothing desirable,
it is more likely your friends also feel similar. The same thing happens at work; for example,
suppose a supervisor uses Skype to conduct meetings because her perception is that it is an
efficient way to do business. It is highly likely that others in your workgroup will perceive it
Our interests impact our perception. If you like running marathons, your perception on how
much to spend on running shoes will be different from someone who prefers kayaking for fun
and needs a pair of athletic shoes. Assume your interest at work is to be promoted. Your
perception of work is very different than someone who can’t stand the job and is looking for a
Our expectations are another driver of our perceptions. For example, research performed by
Ronald Melzack [2] suggests our expectations about how much something will hurt alters our
perception after the fact. For example, if you are dreading getting a flu shot because you
believe it will hurt a lot (expectations), once you actually have it done, you may say, “That
didn’t hurt at all” (perception), because your expectation prepared you beforehand. In other
words, our expectations affect our perception after the fact. In this example, our expectation
was extreme pain, but when that didn’t occur, our perception was quite the opposite. Our
expectations and resulting perception can also be looked at in a work setting. For example, if
you have high expectations that your workgroup will win the annual chili cook-off at your
company picnic, but you don’t win, your perception could be one of unfairness: “The judges
like the marketing department better.” Likewise, if your team wins the chili cook-off and you
expected to win, your perceptions may be, “Of course we won, we knew ours was the best.”
A halo effect or reverse halo effect can also alter our perceptions. The halo affect assumes
that if a person has one trait we like, that all traits must be desirable. The reverse halo effect
is if we find an undesirable trait in someone, we assume all traits are undesirable. Assume
you don’t like the way your coworker, Mariette, speaks. You may then make an assumption
that all of Mariette’s traits are negative. Likewise, if you believe Rhonda is a great dental
hygienist, you may promote her to manage the other dental hygienists. Later, if the other
hygienists complain about her management style, you may realize you promoted her because
you thought her skill as a dental hygienist meant she also had good management skills. In
Awareness of our own perceptions and what drives those perceptions is a key component to
being successful at work. If we know why we believe something to be good, right, fair,
negative, or unfair based on our perceptions, we can begin to let go of some of our
variety of situations. Our personality affects the way we interact with others. Our personality
comes from both environmental factors and some factors we are just born with (nature).
• Values are the things we find important to us. If our values conflict with another’s, there may be
• Attitudes can be favorable or unfavorable feelings toward people, things, or situations. Our
attitudes have a great impact on each other. If one person has a bad attitude, it is likely to be
contagious. We can do many things to change our attitude, but all include making a conscious
effort to be aware of our negative thoughts and feelings.
• Perception refers to how we interpret stimuli such as people, things, or events. Our perception is
important to recognize because it is the driving force behind our reaction to things.
• Heredity, needs, peer group, interests, and expectations all influence our perception. A halo
effect or reverse halo effect can also influence our perception.
1. In groups, discuss a situation where you have experienced the halo or reverse halo effect. What
2. Think of at least five perceptions you had today. What influenced those perceptions? Were your
perceptions correct?
3. In groups, discuss a school, personal, or work situation where your perception was wrong. What
[1] Rita Baltus, Personal Psychology for Life and Work (New York: McGraw-‐Hill, 2000), 27–29.
1. Be able to define and explain the importance of self-‐esteem in your career.
2. Define and use the Johari window as a tool for self-‐discovery.
Self-esteem is the opinion you have of yourself and your perception on your value as a person.
Low (negative) self-esteem can cause people to be negative, lack motivation, and be moody. Those
with higher (positive) self-esteem like themselves, so they expect others to like them, too. They
don’t harshly judge themselves and are comfortable with who they are.
Self-confidence, on the other hand, is your belief in yourself and your abilities. Often, people
with high self-esteem also have self-confidence, although this may not always be the case. Both
self-esteem and self-confidence can translate to positive human relations because if a person feels
good about himself or herself, it is more likely he or she will be more comfortable communicating
and working in teams—key components for success. According to researchers George Hollenbeck
and Douglas Hall, self-confidence can come from several sources:
1. Actual experience. When you have accomplished something and succeeded, it is likely you
2. Experiences of others. If you watch another person perform a task, you may know you can
may feel more confident in our own abilities to perform the same task.
someone we trust.
5. Emotional arousal. This refers to our inner feelings of being adequate or inadequate when
it comes to accomplishing a certain task. This can come from negative or positive self-talk.
Self-efficacy is the confidence you have to carry out a specific task. Someone may have
generally lower self-confidence but have self-efficacy in certain areas of his or her life. For
example, Michael may have low self-esteem in general, but he is a computer whiz so he has
Self-image is a bit different than self-esteem in that it means how an individual thinks
others view him or her. One’s self-image may not always be in line with what people actually
think, but you can imagine the impact this can have on human relations at work. If
someone’s self-image is that people think they are stupid, they may not try as hard since they
believe this is what people think of them anyway. Obviously, this can be an unproductive and
Projection refers to how your self-esteem is reflected in the way you treat others. For
example, if Cheng has low self-esteem, he may project this by putting down other people or
belittling them. Likewise, if Cheng has high self-esteem, his projection onto others may be
Even if our self-confidence needs improvement, the good news is that there are many ways
in quiet moments. It could be, “I did a really good job on that project” or “I am not good in
math.” We constantly have an internal dialogue and our subconscious does not know the
difference between truth and reality. So when we use negative self-talk, our subconscious
actually starts to believe whatever we are telling it! This is why it is important to use positive
self-talk. Visual imagery is focusing on a positive outcome and imagining it. By focusing on a
positive outcome, we begin to believe it, thereby making it more likely to happen. For
example, before you swing a golf club, you may imagine yourself hitting it perfectly with the
ball going in just the right direction. This helps get us mentally ready to perform.
2. Take risks. Risk-taking is an important source of gaining self-confidence. Of course, not all
risks work out the way we want them to, but until we take risks, we are unable to accomplish
can help us gain self-confidence. Of course, as mentioned earlier, often it involves risk taking
in order to accomplish.
4. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has a set of things they are good at.
Knowing what you are good at and focusing on those things can improve self-esteem. Also,
knowing what you are not good at and working to improve those skills can build self-
confidence, too.
5. Choose to spend time with people who boost your self-esteem. There are many
negative people who do not want anyone to succeed because it makes them feel bad about
themselves. Choose friends who boost your self-esteem and limit the time with people who
Everyone can continue working on their self-esteem and self-confidence throughout life.
The Johari window is one tool that can help us determine how we see ourselves and how
others see us. This can serve as a good starting point and self-assessment tool to help us
created, the researchers gave people fifty-six adjectives they could use to describe
themselves. The subjects picked five or six adjectives and then had someone who knew them
well pick six for that person as well. Then, the adjectives were placed in the appropriate place
in the grid. The grid consists of four windows. The first window is the open area. In this
area, these are things that someone knows about themselves and others see in them too. The
second window is the blind area. In the blind area, the person does not know it about
themselves, but others see it in them. In the hidden area, the person knows this about her-
or himself, but others are not aware of it. In the unknown area, neither person knows what
exists there. Through time and as we change and grow, we may have more self-awareness
and aspects of ourselves once in the unknown area may go into one of the other windows.
Having higher self-esteem and higher self-confidence can improve our projection, meaning we
can better accept criticism, learn from our mistakes, and communicate more effectively. This can
result in better human relations at work and, ultimately, higher productivity and higher
than self-‐confidence, which refers to the belief someone has in themselves. Both are important
• Self-‐efficacy is the confidence someone has to carry out a specific task. Self-‐confidence and self-‐
• Self-‐image is how you think others view you, while projection refers to how your self-‐esteem is
• The Johari window is a tool to look at our own self-‐esteem and learn how others view us. The
Johari window involves the open area, hidden area, blind area, and unknown area.
1. Write down the five words that describe you the best. When you look at these words, are they
positive? If they are not positive, what steps can you take to improve your self-‐esteem? How will
[1] George Hollenbeck and Douglas Hall, “Self-‐Confidence and Leader Performance” (technical report,
between people, particularly in a workplace setting. Because a company depends on good
human relations through its organizational structure, developing these skills is important.
• Technology has greatly impacted human relations because so much of our communication
occurs without the advantage of seeing body language. This can result in miscommunications.
Many workers telecommute to work. There are advantages and disadvantages, a more notable
• There was an evolution in human relations study. In the classical school of management, the
• Employees began to unionize in the 1920s due to lack of positive human relations, and therefore
the behavioral school of management was created. During this time period, researchers began to
focus on the human relations aspect of the workplace. One of the major theories developed was
the Hawthorne effect, which determined that workers were more productive when they were
• During the 1950s, the behavioral science approach looked at management techniques as a way
• In the 1960s and beyond, sophisticated tools allow researchers to analyze more data and focus
• Personality is defined as a stable set of traits that can explain or predict a person’s behavior in a
variety of situations. Our personality affects the way we interact with others. Our personality
comes from both environmental factors and some factors we are just born with (nature).
• Values are the things we find important to us. If our values conflict with another’s, there may be
• Attitudes can be favorable or unfavorable feelings toward people, things, or situations. Our
attitudes have a great impact on each other. If one person has a bad attitude, it is likely to be
contagious. We can do many things to change our attitude, but all include making a conscious
effort to be aware of our negative thoughts and feelings.
important to recognize because it is the driving force behind our reaction to things.
• Heredity, needs, peer group, interests, and expectations all influence our perception. A halo
effect or reverse halo effect can also influence our perception.
• Self-‐esteem is defined as the opinion one has about their value as a person. This is different
than self-‐confidence, which refers to the belief someone has in themselves. Both are important
• Self-‐efficacy is the confidence someone has to carry out a specific task. Self-‐confidence and self-‐
• Self-‐image is how you think others view you, while projection refers to how your self-‐esteem is
• The Johari window is a tool to look at our own self-‐esteem and learn how others view us. The
Johari window involves the open area, hidden area, blind area, and unknown area.
1. Using the following adjectives, please select five to six that best describe you. Once you
have done this, have someone who knows you well select five to six adjectives. Compare
those you selected to those your friend selected, and then place in the appropriate
window of Johari’s model, the open area, blind area, unknown area, or hidden area. Then
a. What surprised you most about the adjectives your friend chose?
b. What are some ways you can make your hidden area more open? What are the
c. How do you think this exercise relates to your self-‐esteem?
d. How can the information you gained about yourself apply to positive human relations?
simple brash vulgar unimaginative violent
withdrawn childish unhappy irrational insecure
cynical impatient inane imperceptive hostile
boastful panicky distant loud needy
weak smug chaotic self-satisfied ignorant
unethical predictable vacuous overdramatic blasé
rash foolish passive unreliable embarrassed
callous patient dull dependable insensitive
humorless powerful intelligent dignified dispassionate
sensible proud introverted energetic inattentive
sentimental quiet kind extroverted able
shy reflective knowledgeable friendly accepting
silly relaxed logical giving adaptable
spontaneous religious loving happy bold
sympathetic responsive mature helpful brave
tense searching modest idealistic calm
trustworthy self-assertive nervous independent caring
warm self-conscious observant ingenious cheerful
wise cowardly organized inflexible clever
witty irresponsible timid glum complex
intolerant selfish unhelpful aloof confident
will be most successful, because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that
- Daniel Goleman
If you want to be successful, it’s just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are
- Will Rogers
Reegan is highly committed to her company but is having trouble getting along with two of her
coworkers. They just don’t seem to like her, even though she has a lot of good ideas to contribute
to the team. While she wants to stay with the company, she just doesn’t see that happening with
the current work environment. Reegan schedules a meeting with her manager, Lynn, hoping she
Lynn listens intently to Reegan’s concerns and says, “Reegan, you are an asset to this
organization, with all of your abilities and skills. But as of right now, you are lacking in some areas
we should discuss.” Reegan is very upset with this reaction; she expected Lynn to talk with the
others in her department and force them to be easier to work with. “First, the perception is that
you are not a team player. You spend time in meetings talking about your ideas, but you don’t ask
others what they think of those ideas, nor do you seem to notice body language that indicates
someone might have something to say,” says Lynn. “Another thing I have noticed is your
Remember, this team has worked together for over eight years and they have built personal
they don’t care about bettering this company. They need to speak up if they have comments or
ideas of their own. As far as personal life, I am here to work, not make friends.”
Lynn sits back in her chair and asks Reegan if she has ever heard of emotional intelligence skills.
Reegan hasn’t, so Lynn gives her some websites to check out, and then schedules a meeting to talk
This situation in the workplace is not uncommon yet causes thousands of lost work hours and
frustrations on the part of managers and employees. Emotional intelligence skills (sometimes
referred to as EQ or EI), as we will discuss in this chapter, can help people be aware of their own
emotions, manage those emotions, and work better with others. These skills can be developed
Before we begin this chapter, it is important to distinguish between personal and professional
success, because personal success does not always mean professional success and the other way
around. In addition, personal and professional success means different things to different people.
For example, having a nice car, a beautiful home, and a fancy job title could be considered
professional success. On the other hand, personal success may include the ability to travel,
interpersonal relationships, friendships, and other factors that have little to do with professional
success. Consider Desiree—she does not earn large sums of money and does not have a fancy job
title. She has never been promoted and has worked as an administrative assistant for twelve years
for more or less the same salary. However, she does not have the goal of being promoted and
prefers to leave the office at 5 pm and not have to think about work beyond that. She has a rich
life full of friends and travel and often takes classes to learn new skills such as pottery and
kickboxing. One would not argue that Desiree has achieved success and happiness personally. For
her, achieving this is far more important than achieving what many would call professional
success. However, we know there is much crossover between skills that can help us achieve both
professional and personal success or happiness. Emotional intelligence is one of those skills,
Emotional intelligence is a topic that has been researched since the early 1990s and has been
found to be an important indicator of life and career success. In fact, our book is written
skills. Emotional intelligence (EQ) refers to a form of social intelligence that involves the
ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them,
and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions. [1] This is different
from intelligence quotient (IQ) in that IQ measures intelligence based on a score derived
from intelligence tests. The other main difference between the two is that IQ is stable over a
The original researchers of EQ, John Mayer and Peter Salovey, [2] provided the first hint of
emotional intelligence in their research, but much of the later research on emotional
intelligence was done by Daniel Goleman. [3] According to Goleman, there are four main
aspects to emotional intelligence, which we will discuss later in this section. First, why is
To begin with, different from what was previously thought, IQ is not a good predictor of job
performance, happiness, or success. Goleman points out that if this myth were true, everyone
who graduated at the top of their class with honors would be the most successful people.
success. Research by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greves has shown that EQ makes up 58
percent of our job requirements and is the single biggest predictor of performance in the
workplace and the strongest driver of leadership and personal excellence. [4]Their research
also showed that 90 percent of high performers at work had high EQ, while 20 percent of low
performers had low EQ. In other words, you can be a high performer at work without EQ, but
the chances are slimmer with low EQ. [5]EQ research by Bradberry and Greves shows a link
between higher EQ and higher salary. In fact, for every point increase in EQ, there is a
In one study performed by Virginia Tech, [7] six hundred undergraduate computer science
intelligence and the ability to handle demanding curriculum. Although emotional intelligence
was not directly linked to academic success in the study, students with higher levels of
emotional intelligence had more self-efficacy (belief in one’s own ability), which allowed
them to handle problems better—creating higher academic success. For example, the ability
to read body language and understand when someone is sad or mad and needs to talk is an
emotional intelligence skill. These skills enable us to interact with others successfully.
Consider a person who does not have a “filter” and continually puts down others and says
exactly what is on their mind, even if it is hurtful. This clear lack of emotional intelligence
affects this person’s ability to have good, healthy relationships, both at work and in their
personal life.
So, we know that emotional intelligence is important for success at work, at school, and in
our personal lives. Let’s discuss the four main components of EQ:
from moment to moment. It might seem as if this is something we know, but we often go
about our day without thinking or being aware of our emotions that impact how we behave in
work or personal situations. Understanding our emotions can help us reduce stress and make
better decisions, especially when we are under pressure. In addition, knowing and
recognizing our own strengths and weaknesses is part of self-awareness. Assume that Patt is
upset about a new process being implemented in the organization. Lack of self-awareness
may result in her feeling angry and anxious, without really knowing why. High self-awareness
EQ might cause Patt to recognize that her anger and anxiety stem from the last time the
organization changed processes and fifteen people got laid off. Part of self-awareness is the
idea of positive psychological capital, which can include emotions such as hope; optimism,
which results in higher confidence; and resilience, or the ability to bounce back quickly from
challenges. Psychological capital can be gained through self-awareness and self-
dependent on our self-awareness ability. How do we handle frustration, anger, and sadness?
Are we able to control our behaviors and emotions? Self-management also is the ability to
follow through with commitments and take initiative at work. Someone who lacks self-
awareness may project stress on others. For example, say that project manager Mae is very
stressed about an upcoming Monday deadline. Lack of self-management may cause Mae to
lash out at people in the office because of the deadline. Higher EQ in this area might result in
Mae being calm, cool, and collected—to motivate her team to focus and finish the project on
3. Social awareness. Social awareness is our ability to understand social cues that may
affect others around us. In other words, understanding how another is feeling, even if we do
not feel the same way. Social awareness also includes having empathy for another,
recognizing power structure and unwritten workplace dynamics. Most people high on social
awareness have charisma and make people feel good with every interaction. For example,
consider Erik’s behavior in meetings. He continually talks and does not pick up subtleties,
such as body language. Because of this, he can’t understand (or even fathom) that his
monologues can be frustrating to others. Erik, with higher EQ in social awareness, may begin
talking but also spend a lot of time listening and observing in the meeting, to get a sense of
communicate clearly, maintain good relationships with others, work well in teams, and
manage conflict. Relationship management relies on your ability to use the other three areas
reading people’s emotions and showing empathy for them, even if she doesn’t agree. As a
manager, her door is always open and she makes it clear to colleagues and staff that they are
welcome to speak with her anytime. If Caroline has low EQ in the area of relationship
management, she may belittle people and have a difficult time being positive. She may not be
what is considered a good team player, which shows her lack of ability to manage
To increase our self-awareness skills, we should spend time thinking about our emotions to
understand why we experience a specific emotion. We should look at those things that cause
a strong reaction, such as anger to help us understand the underlying reasons for that
reaction. By doing this, we can begin to see a pattern within ourselves that helps explain how
we behave and how we feel in certain situations. This allows us to handle those situations
To increase our self-management skills, we can focus on the positive instead of the negative.
Taking deep breaths increases blood flow, which helps us handle difficult situations.
Although seemingly childish, counting to ten before reacting can help us manage emotions
such as anger. This gives us time to calm down and think about how we will handle the
situation. Practicing positive self-talk can help increase our self-management. Self-talk
refers to the thoughts we have about ourselves and situations throughout the day. Since we
have over 50,000 thoughts per day, [9] getting into the habit of managing those thoughts is
important. By recognizing the negative thoughts, we can change them for the positive. The
Increasing social awareness means to observe others’ actions and to watch people to get a
good sense of how they are reacting. We can gain social awareness skills by learning people’s
names and making sure we watch body language. Living in the moment can help our
interactions with others as well. Practicing listening skills and asking follow-up questions can
Strategies for relationship management might include being open, acknowledging another’s
feelings, and showing that you care. Being willing to listen to colleagues and employees and
understanding them on a personal level can help enhance relationship management skills.
Being willing to accept feedback and grow from that feedback can help people be more
imperative to being successful at work. Figuring out a plan on how we can increase our
emotional intelligence skills can also benefit us personally in our relationships with others.
Emotional intelligence is the key to everything we will discuss throughout the book, and each
aspect of our discussion relates back to emotional intelligence, as you can see from Figure
We will be discussing each of these emotional intelligence aspects throughout the book.
• Emotional intelligence (EQ) is different from intelligence quotient (IQ) in that EQ can help predict
career success and can be improved over time, whereas IQ is stable over time.
intelligence comprises the ability to understand one’s own emotions and reactions to those
• Self-‐management refers to the ability to manage one’s reactions and emotions.
• Social awareness refers to one’s ability to read body language and social cues to develop positive
• Relationship management skills require all of the three mentioned skills. This skill allows us to
• EQ is important because the majority of successful people have both appropriate IQ levels for
1. Reread the opening case. What emotional intelligence issues do you think Lynn will address with
Reegan when they meet? If you were Lynn, what recommendations would you make to Reegan?
do not need to register) and take the 146-‐question quiz on emotional intelligence,
which should take about an hour. Then answer the following questions:
a. Why do you think EQ predicts more career success than IQ?
b. What were the results of the quiz? Do you agree with them?
c. Formulate a plan to improve your emotional intelligence skills, with at least
[1] Cherniss, Cary. (2000). Paper presented to annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and
Organizational Psychology, New Orleans, LA, April 15, 2000. Accessed February 26,
[2] Mayer, J. D., Salovey, P., & Caruso, D. R. (2000). Models of emotional intelligence. In R. J. Sternberg
(Ed.). Handbook of intelligence (pp. 396–420). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
[4] Bradberry, Travis, & Greaves, Jean. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (p. 21) TalentSmart Publishing.
[5] Bradberry, Travis, & Greaves, Jean. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (p. 21) TalentSmart Publishing.
[6] Bradberry, Travis, & Greaves, Jean. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (p. 22) TalentSmart Publishing.
[7] Virginia Tech. (2005, October 5). Emotional intelligence may be good predictor of success in computing
studies. ScienceDaily.
[8] Luthans, Fred. (2002). The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior.Journal of
[9] Willax, Paul. (1999, December 13). Treat customers as if they are right. Business First, accessed March
2, 2012,
2.2 Goal
1. Be able to explain strategies you can use for goal setting.
2. Embrace strategies on how you can effectively deal with change.
As we discussed, our emotional intelligence is the cornerstone for career success. Part of self-
management is knowing ourselves and being able to set goals based on understanding our own
management. Some people are happy this way, but most people would prefer to have goals that
can set the direction for their life. It is similar to going on a road trip without a map or GPS. You
might have fun for a while, going where the wind takes you, but at some point you may like to see
specific things or stop at certain places, which creates the need for GPS. What happens if you have
been driving aimlessly for a while but decide what you want to see is five hundred miles back the
other way? A goal would have helped you plan the steps along the way in your trip. Goals are the
GPS for your life. Research done by Locke et al. in the late 1960s shows a direct connection
between goal setting and high achievement. One of the most popular methods to setting goals is
called the SMART philosophy. This includes the following “steps” or aspects to goal setting:
1. Specific. First, the goals need to be specific. Rather than saying, “I want to be a better
person,” try a goal such as “volunteer two hours per week.” The more specific the goal, the
more we are able to determine if we were successful in that goal. In other words, being
specific allows us to be very clear about what we want to achieve. This clarity helps us
2. Measurable. The goal must be measured. At the end of the time period, you should be able
to say, “Yes, I met that goal.” For example, “increase my sales” isn’t measureable. Saying
something such as, “I will increase my sales by 10 percent over the next two years,” is very
specific and measureable. At the end of two years, you can look at how well you have
3. Attainable. The goals should be something we can achieve. We must either already have or
be able to develop the attitudes, skills, and abilities in order to achieve the goal. This doesn’t
mean you need these skills right now, but it does mean over time you should be able to
develop them. For example, if my goal is to become a light aircraft pilot, but I am afraid of
flying, it may mean I am not willing (or able) to develop the skills and abilities in order to
achieve this goal. So this goal would not be attainable and I should choose another one.
4. Realistic. The goal that is set must be something you are willing and able to work toward.
The goal cannot be someone else’s goal. For example, earning a business degree because your
parents want you to may not be compelling enough to follow through with that goal. The goal
should be realistic in terms of your abilities and willingness to work toward the goal. If I
decided I wanted to be a WNBA player, this is probably not a realistic goal for me. I am too
old; I am five feet two inches and not really willing to put in the time to get better at
individuals will have longer-term and shorter-term goals. For example, a long-term goal
might be to manage a medical lab. In order to meet this longer-term goal, shorter-term goals
intelligence skills
Within all of our goals, there are shorter-term objectives. Objectives are the shorter-term goals
we must do in order to accomplish our bigger goals. For example, possible objectives for two of
o Study at least three to six hours per day to earn a 3.5 GPA or higher
o Slot one night per week for social time, but focus on studies the rest of the time
Another effective strategy in goal setting is writing goals down. Why is this so important? First,
you are forced to clarify and think about specific goals using SMART objectives. Second, writing
goals down can turn your direction into the right one, and you will be less likely to be sidetracked
by other things. Writing goals down and revisiting them often can also provide an outlet for
helping you celebrate meeting a certain objective. In our previous example, by writing these
things down, we are able to celebrate the smaller successes such as earning a 3.7 GPA or finishing
an internship.
Research performed published in the Academy of Management journal also suggests that goals
are much more likely to be met if the goal is set by the person attaining the goal. For example, if
Sherry’s parents want her to become a dental hygienist, but she really wants to become an
automotive technician, achieving the goal of dental hygienist may be more difficult, because it’s
not her own. While this may seem obvious, we can easily take on goals that other people want us
to achieve—even well into our adult life. Expectations from our partner, spouse, friends, and
social group can influence our goals and make them not our own. For example, if in your group of
friends all have the goal of becoming lawyers, we can assume this should be our goal, too. As a
result, we may try to meet this goal but be unsuccessful or unmotivated because it isn’t truly what
we want.
Another thing to consider about goal setting is that as we change, and situations change, we need
to be flexible with them. For example, let’s say Phil has a goal of earning a degree in marketing.
Suppose Phil takes his first marketing class but creates a great idea for a new business he would
like to start once he graduates. At this point, Phil may decide earning an entrepreneurship degree
instead makes the most sense. It is likely, as a result, since Phil’s goal has changed, objectives and
Revisiting our goals often is an important part to goal setting. One of the most popular examples
for rigidity in goal setting was Ford. In 1969, the goal was to develop a car that weighed less than
2,000 pounds and was less than $2,000. This was to be done by the model year 1971. As you
know, this was a very short time to reengineer and redesign everything the organization had done
in the past. Ford met their goal, as the Ford Pinto was introduced in 1971. However, due to the
rush to meet the goal, common safety procedures were not followed in the development process,
which resulted in disaster. Engineers did not look at the safety issues in placement of the fuel
tank, which resulted in fifty-three deaths when the car went up in flames after minor crashes.
While this is an extreme example, revisiting goals, including timelines, is also an important part
nonviolent offenses and violent offenses. When emotional intelligence was measured, there was a
clear difference between emotional intelligence deficiencies and violence as a vehicle to act out
emotions. This, of course, is an extreme example, but it proves the point: the ability to
appropriately, which in turn can create success personally and at work. It allows us to
create coping tools to deal with emotions such as anger and frustration.
The ability to manage ourselves helps us handle our emotions but also allows us to handle
ourselves in other ways. For example, practicing self-management can teach us how to
forgo immediate gratification to meet our goals, a necessary skill to create the kind
of life you want. Time management, handling change, and other skills allow us to be successful
Social awareness is a skill that helps us to see how we are affecting others. Often, we can get too
tied up with ourselves and we fail to notice how another person is feeling. Someone who “gets” the
social cues, for example, can develop positive working relationships and motivate
relationships with others. Learning how to handle conflict and communicate well are necessary
All of these skills are part of every chapter in this book, as the core of a successful career and a
Part of reaching goals also refers to our ability to manage our time. This is also part of emotional
appropriately allot time to achieve our goals. Time management refers to how well we use the
time we are given. In order to meet our goals, we must become proficient at managing time.
• Learning how to prioritize. Develop the skills of making sure the most important things are
• Avoid multitasking. Focus on one task and finish it before moving on.
• Don’t get distracted—for example, with e-mails, text messages, or other communications—
• Make to-do lists. These lists can be daily, weekly, or monthly. Organizing in this way will help
you keep track of tasks and deadlines. However, note that a study by the Wall Street
Journal suggested 30 percent of people spend more time managing their to-do list than
actually doing the work on them. To-do lists can help manage time but should not be a
• Don’t overwork yourself. Schedule time for breaks and spend time doing things you enjoy.
• Be organized. Make sure your workspace, computer, and home are organized so you can find
things easier. Much time is wasted looking for a file on a computer or a specific item you
while others work better at night. Schedule important tasks for times when you are at your
• Don’t say yes to everything. Everyone has a limit, and being able to say no is an important
• Find ways to improve concentration. Learning how to meditate for twenty minutes a day or
Effective time management can help us manage stress better but also ensures we can have time to
relax, too! Making time management a priority can assist us in meeting our goals. Another
important part of career success and personal success is the ability to deal with change, another
important, being flexible with our goals and understanding that things will change—which can
Dealing with change can be difficult. Since most businesses are always in a state of flux, for career
success, it is important we learn how to handle change effectively. But first, why do people tend to
1. People are afraid the change will affect the value of their skills. For example, if people
are afraid of new technology, this could be because they are nervous their skills on the old
technology will no longer be useful to the company. To combat this concern, use a can-do attitude
about these kinds of changes. Be the first to sign up for training, since we know technological
change is a constant.
2. People are concerned about financial loss. Many people worry about how the change will
affect them from a financial perspective. Will it result in lost hours, lost income? If a change is
introduced and you aren’t sure how it will affect these things—and it is not effectively
3. Status quo is easier. People get comfortable. Because of this comfort level, change and the
unknown seem scary. Try to always look for new ways to enhance and improve the workplace. For
example, revisiting and improving the process for scheduling can help us from becoming
4. Group norms exist. Sometimes team members are happy to change, but the company does not
have a culture that embraces change. Listening to people’s ideas and reacting positively to them
can help create a climate of change. Avoiding defensiveness and “going along with the crowd” can
5. Leadership is required. The leadership in our organizations may not provide all of the
information we need, or we may not trust them enough to lead us through a change. Despite this,
important step to not only understanding the change, but helping the leader become a better
When a change occurs or is occurring, people are likely to experience four phases associated with
that change. First, they may experience denial. In this phase, they do not want to accept the
change nor do they want to move on to the future. In the resistance phase, people may feel angry
or hurt. They may wistfully think about how great things were before the change. In the third
phase, exploration, the person may begin to accept the change but with some reservations. In this
phase there may be confusion as people start to clarify expectations. In the commitment phase,
people have accepted the change, understand how they fit with the change, know how the change
will affect them, and begin to embrace it. For example, assume Alan is an expert on the company’s
most popular product offering, a special computer program used for accounting purposes. He is
the organization’s top seller, with many of his commissions coming from this product. However,
the company has just developed new accounting software, which has much better features for
software, and it has been lucrative for him to sell it. Here is how he might go through the phases:
1. Denial. Alan does nothing. He continues about his job and ignores e-mails about the new
2. Resistance. Alan tells his coworkers that the change is unnecessary and wonders why they
can’t continue selling the old product. He discusses why the old product is much better than
the new one. He may complain to his manager and find reasons why the change is a bad idea.
3. Exploration. Alan is still nervous about the change but begins to use the new software and
realizes it may have some worthwhile features. He wonders how that affects his ability to sell
the product, and he begins to think about how he might sell the new software.
4. Commitment. Alan takes some training classes on the new product and realizes how much
better it is. He talks with his coworkers about the new product and helps them understand
how it works. He sends an e-mail to his customers introducing the new software and all of its
As you can see in this example, Alan’s resistance to the change was because he didn’t understand
the need to change at first and he was worried about how this change would affect the value of his
Because of technology changes and the fact that many companies have global operations and the
need for businesses to be agile, change is a constant force affecting business. Be positive about
change and accept it as a necessary part of our work life. We cannot expect things to stay the same
for very long. The better we can get at accepting change, the more successful we will likely be in
our career.
Figure 2.2
At each phase, the employee will have a different set of feelings. Leadership can go a
long way to helping people understand the need for change, the reason for change, and
Many a theory has been written about how people undergo change, but one of the more
popular models is Lewin’s Model on Change. [7] His model proposes three main phases to
handling change:
1. Unfreezing. Friction causes change and reduction of forces cause a change to happen. For
example, suppose Gillian has been unhappy in her job for three years. She recently gets a new
manager who she doesn’t like, and a friend tells her about a job at a competing company. In
this case, friction occurred (the new manager). In addition, Gillian was worried she wouldn’t
be able to find another job, but now that she knows about a new job, that reduces the forces
2. Change. Now that motivations to change have occurred, the change needs to actually occur.
Change is a process, not one event at one time. For example, assume Gillian realized taking
the new job makes sense, but even though she knows this, accepting the offer and going to her
3. Refreezing. Once the change has been made, the refreezing process (which can take
years or days, depending on the change) is where the change is the new “normal.”
People form new relationships and get more comfortable with their routines. Gillian,
for example, likely felt odd taking a different way to her new job and didn’t know
where to have lunch. Gradually, though, she began to meet people, got used to her
new commute, and settled in.
Figure 2.3
When we become comfortable with change, we are able to allow change into our professional
lives. Often, people are too afraid for various reasons to go after that promotion or a new job.
1. Goal setting is a necessary aspect to career success. We must set goals in order to have a map for
our life.
2. When we set goals, we should use the SMART goals format. This asks us to make sure our goals
3. When setting goals, we will also use objectives. Objectives are the shorter-‐term things we must
4. Time management is also a factor to goal setting. Developing good time management skills can
adverse to change for a variety of reasons. For example, sometimes it is easier to maintain status
quo because we know what to expect. Other reasons may include concern about financial loss
and job security, unclear leadership communication, and the existence of group norms.
6. Besides attitude and behavior, career promotion means being uncomfortable with possible
changes. People resist change because of fear of job security, fear of the unknown, fear of
failure, their individual personality, and bad past experience with change.
7. Lewin’s model suggests three phases of change, which include unfreezing, change, and
refreezing. These changes indicate that some motivation must occur for the change to happen
(unfreeze). Once the change occurs, there can still be discomfort while people get used to the
new reality. Finally, in the refreezing part, people are beginning to accept the change as the new
1. Using the SMART model for setting goals, create at least three long-‐term goals, along with
2. As you learned in this chapter, time management is an important part of meeting goals. Take this
time management quiz to determine how well you currently manage your
[1] Locke, Edwin A., Shaw, Karyll N., Saari, Lise M., & Latham, Gary P. (1981). Goal setting and task
[2] Locke, E. A., & Latham, G. P. (1990). A theory of goal-‐setting and task performance. Englewood Cliffs,
[4] Why Goal Setting can Lead to Disaster. (2012, May 15). Forbes Magazine, accessed May 15,
[5] Knight, Jennifer. (2005). Exploring emotional intelligence and IQ: Comparing violent and non-‐violent
[6] Sandberg, Jared. (2004, September 10). Though time-‐consuming, to-‐do lists are a way of life. The Wall
[7] Lewin, Kurt. (n.d.). Frontiers of group dynamics. Human Relations, 1, 5–41.
1. Understand how continuous learning can help you achieve career and personal success.
Continuous learning involves the process of constantly trying to update skills and learn
new ones. This shows high emotional intelligence in the area of self-awareness and self-
management (“I know I need to learn this new skill to be more valuable to my employee or to
and weaknesses, is the first step in improving our chances for career and personal success.
Once we are aware (self-aware) of our weaknesses, we can better choose areas in which we
would like to learn. For example, if Anton knows he isn’t very good at giving presentations,
being able to recognize this is self-awareness. Then, finding opportunities to work on this,
such as joining a Toastmasters club, shows emotional intelligence in the area of self-
management. Anton recognized his weakness and finds ways to improve his abilities.
People who often learn new skills tend to be happier individuals and more value to their
organizations. For example, Zappos, a shoe retailer based in Seattle, Washington, maintains
a “Wishez” list. Employees post things they are interested in learning, such as how to cook an
ethnic dish, and they are connected with other members in the organization who have these
skills. This focus on continuous learning makes for happier employees, which makes for
more productive workers. In a study by Kansas State University, it was estimated that happy
workers are in fact, more productive. The study found that employees who are
Learning new skills such as taking a pottery class or learning to ski or surf can help people
increase happiness, which in turn can build self-confidence. This confidence can result in a
richer and more fulfilling life since we learn new things that we enjoy doing.
Most people who find career success have a habit of being curious and interested in a variety
of topics that can enhance their personal lives but also their professional lives, too. As
management guru Brian Tracy points out, continuous learning is one of the “nine disciplines”
to being successful. [2] But what does it mean to learn continuously? There are several ways
we can learn, as depicted in Figure 2.4 "Some Suggestions for Continual Learning".
From a career perspective, if we choose not to learn continuously, we end up being stale in
both our skills and abilities. Since most industries change so quickly, it is likely our current
skills will be outdated in five to ten years. This means we need to constantly update to
understand the next set of skills we need to be successful. In addition, sometimes we have to
“unlearn” skills as new and better ways evolve. For example, if you have golfed before, you
may mimic the golf swings you see on television when you go out to play. Although this swing
may work for you for some time, you may get to a point where you want to improve, so you
take a lesson from a golf pro. The golf pro looks at your swing and offers advice on how to
order to improve your golf game. Unlearning can apply to all aspects of our life, not just
sports. When things in an organization change, it can be challenging to unlearn the old way
and be comfortable with the new way of doing things. Unlearning means you may have to let
go of an old way of doing something that may have worked for a long period of time. For
example, Parelli Natural Horsemanship program requires training participants to start from
square one when learning how to train their horse. [3] The idea is they need to “unlearn” their
old ways of training their horse in order to become effective at the sport. So no matter if
someone has ten years of experience with horses or zero years, everyone goes back to basics.
This can happen in organizations, too. For example, an organization that had high sales in
2007 had to unlearn their way of doing business before the recession in order to continue
being successful. A new economy has required relearning of how to operate with many
economic changes. In society today, the ability to learn, unlearn, and then learn again can
happen over a span of a few months rather than many years. For example, many
organizations get “stuck” on a specific way of doing things, and when those things are
unlearned, the company can begin to move forward and learn the new way of doing things.
Many organizations value people who can show their focus and dedication to continually
learning and unlearning. For example, the Office of Personnel Management of the US Fish
and Wildlife Service employs over 9,000 [4] people. Because of their large staff, they have
Continual learning is important because it makes us more valuable to our employers, which
can result in promotions, higher salary, and more responsibility as we grow our career.
Continual learning is valued and expected at all levels with the Fish and Wildlife department.
Everyone should consider creating a plan to help them develop their talents and create new skills.
• What methods will I use? For example, seminars, classes, and so on.
skills and abilities you want to develop can tend to make it more of a priority, which can result in
1. Continuous learning is the process of learning new things to enhance yourself professionally and
2. Continuous learning can help increase personal happiness and career success.
3. One can engage in continuous learning by taking seminars, workshops, reading, working with a
4. Some organizations, such as the Department of Fish and Wildlife, make continuous learning a
1. What new skills would you like to learn? Write down at least five new skills you would like to
learn personally. Then write down five new skills you would like to learn for your career. Identify
all of the options that can help you develop these new skills.
[1] Hodges, Kristin. (2009, February 3). K-‐state researcher says happy employees are critical for an
[2] Korn, Marc. (2011, December 8). Self-‐discipline: The art of continuous learning. Accessed March 6,
[4] US Fish and Wildlife homepage. Accessed March 6, 2012,
[5] US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center website. Accessed March 6,
• Emotional intelligence (EQ) is different from intelligence quotient (IQ) in that EQ can help
predict career success and can be improved over time, whereas IQ is stable over time.
• Emotional intelligence consists of four main components. Self-‐awareness is the first. This
level of intelligence comprises the ability to understand one’s own emotions and reactions to
those emotions.
• Self-‐management refers to the ability to manage one’s reactions and emotions.
• Social awareness refers to one’s ability to read body language and social cues to develop
• Relationship management skills require all of the three mentioned skills. This skill allows us to
• EQ is important because the majority of successful people have both appropriate IQ levels for
• Goal setting is a necessary aspect to career success. We must set goals in order to have a
• When we set goals, we should use the SMART goals format. This asks us to make sure our
goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and have timelines associated with them.
must do in order to meet our goals. Time management is also a factor to goal setting.
Developing good time management skills can bring us closer to our goals.
• Managing our time efficiently is a good way to help us achieve our goals. By looking at time
management, we can make sure the time we spend on activities is geared toward meeting
• Learning how to deal with change is another way to ensure career success. Many people are
adverse to change for a variety of reasons. For example, sometimes it is easier to maintain
the status quo because we know what to expect. Other reasons may include concern about
financial loss and job security, unclear leadership communication, and the existence of group
• Besides attitude and behavior, career promotion means being uncomfortable with possible
changes. People resist change because of fear of job security, fear of the unknown, fear of
failure, their individual personality, and bad past experience with change.
• Lewin’s model suggests three phases of change, which include unfreezing, change, and
refreezing. These changes indicate that some motivation must occur for the change to
happen (unfreeze). Once the change occurs, there can still be discomfort while people are
getting used to the new reality. Finally, in the refreezing part, people are beginning to accept
• Continual learning is an important part of personal development as well as professional
• People who engage in continual learning tend to experience more personal happiness and
career success.
• One can engage in continuous learning by taking seminars, workshops, reading, working with
over the last week. Write down the amount of time you spend doing the following things on an
average week:
• School-‐related activities:
• Continuous learning:
• Time-‐wasting activities:
1. When you look at how you spent your time, are there any areas where you could manage your
time better?
2. Are there any areas you feel like you are spending the perfect amount of time doing?
3. What strategies do you need to implement to manage time better?
4. In our opening case, what emotional intelligence qualities is Reegan lacking? Does this have
anything to do with her time management ability? What are some tips that could be used to
- Douglas Pagels
When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his
deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.
- Winston Churchill
Stressed Out
You are exhausted. When you get home, you drop your work bag and realize you forgot to
send an e-mail to your supervisor about an upcoming project. You groan as you run
downstairs to your computer. The clock says 7:03 p.m. and you feel like you haven’t had a
minute to yourself since this morning. As you think about your day, you realize, you haven’t!
It is your company’s busy time so the last few days have been booked with meetings and a
and sit back down at your computer. You are hoping to get a few more things done on the
project before tomorrow morning. As you work, you receive text messages from a colleague
who is working on one portion of the project. You answer her texts and think about checking
Facebook but decide against it as you just have too much to do. Your status update meeting is
at 9 a.m. and you want to be able to show extensive progress on the project. At 10:30 p.m.,
you shut your computer, go to bed, and have a hard time falling asleep because you are
Does this sound like someone you know? Many people today are struggling with the ability to
manage time with so much work to do and personal/family lives to manage. Technology has
certainly made working longer hours easier, as we are always in touch with the office. What
we can tend to forget is the importance of managing our stress levels so we can function more
effectively. In this situation, having no free time during the day may work for a few days but
isn’t a healthy long-term solution. This chapter will discuss some types of stress, the effects of
1. Be able to define stress and the types of stress that can impact your human relations.
Stress can be challenging to explain, because it means different things to different people.
For example, going swimming might be stressful to some, but for others, it might be
enjoyable. Stress affects our ability to relate to others because too much stress cause us to be
irritable, which affects our communication skills. We will discuss more later on the effects of
change. In 1936, Selye researched this topic and discovered something surprising. When
subjecting lab animals to acute but noxious physical and emotional stimuli—such as blaring
light, loud noises, extreme heat or cold, or frustration—they all experienced the same
physical symptoms of stress, such as the enlargement of the adrenal glands. He saw that
these intense stresses over long periods of time caused other issues such as heart attacks,
strokes, and kidney disease. His conclusion was that stress actually caused these
conditions, [2] not the stimuli themselves. Today, we usually define stress as the body’s way of
responding to a demand. For example, if you are stuck in traffic and are going to be late for
school, this may create stress. Having two tests in one day may cause stress as you try to find
time to study for both. Likewise, you can feel stress in a difficult personal relationship with a
family member or a significant other. Other definitions of stress include the internal reaction
There are four types of stress. The first type of stress is called acute stress. This is the most
common form of stress and normally comes from demands and pressures of the past and
future. [3] This kind of stress tends to be short term. For example, suppose you have a busy
day. You have to drop your niece and nephew at school, stop by the post office, go to class,
take a quiz, get an oil change, pick your niece and nephew up from school, drive home
through traffic, and make dinner. A busy day such as this can create stress, but it is short
term, because perhaps tomorrow you are less busy or are looking forward to the weekend
where you don’t have as much to do. Every person experiences this kind of stress. Acute
stress is a laundry list of the things we must do or a list of the things that didn’t go right. For
example, if your car breaks down on the way to the post office, this creates a certain amount
of acute stress, but once the car is fixed there is no stress associated with it.
Episodic acute stress is a more serious form of acute stress. In this type of stress, the
person feels stress on a daily basis and rarely gets relief. [4] Unlike acute stress, where there
may be one or two busy, stressful days, episodic acute stress happens on a daily basis. The
have probably met these people. They may constantly complain about how much work they
have and may be constantly late or always in a rush and may be anxious and irritable on a
regular basis. Often, a person who suffers from this type of stress may have taken on too
Chronic stress is the type of stress that happens month after month, year after year. This is
long-term stress where people see little way out of a situation. [5]Sometimes, chronic stress
begins with traumatic experiences such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or
childhood experiences. In others, chronic stress can occur in response to everyday stressors
that are ignored or not managed well. [6] For example, someone may have episodic acute
stress, but over a long period of time, this can become chronic stress. With this type of stress,
the person has given up looking for solutions to the stress and tends to just live with it. For
example, consider a couple who is very unhappy in their relationship. While at one point in
time in their relationship they may have experienced acute stress when arguing, this could
have turned into episodic acute stress as the arguing occurred more frequently. Then when
that type of stress was unrelieved for a long time, it became chronic stress. It becomes
We tend to think of all stress as negative, but as Seyle pointed out in his early research, some
types of stress can actually cause us to challenge ourselves and work at a higher level. [7] For
example, if you want to run a marathon, at some point you may have to physically challenge
yourself to keep running even when you are exhausted. This type of stress—positive stress to
help us achieve at a higher level—is called eustress. It can motivate us to reach goals. For
example, we may experience eustress before a job interview. This eustress can be positive if it
helps us achieve success in the interview. Some people may view positive stress as negative
stress and vice versa. For example, if I were told I needed to run a marathon, this would most
definitely create negative stress for me. However, for others, this might be an enjoyable
levels of stress that we may experience and our stress level affects our level of performance.
He calls any state where we are awake and reacting to stimuli an arousal state, such as being
at work. If we compare the amount of stress to our performance, our performance actually
improves when we experience eustress. However, according to this model, there is a point
where chronic stress can impede our performance. Looking at Figure 3.1 "The Human
Function Curve", you can see in the drone zone, for example, that our performance is low. We
may be bored and not have enough positive stress for us to perform at a higher level. In the C
zone, for example, we may experience eustress, which raises our performance. However,
when we reach the fatigue zone, we could be experiencing chronic stress, which impedes our
Another important thing to remember about stress is that it varies from one person to another.
One person may feel intense acute stress when asked to give a speech in front of the class, while
someone may feel eustress if asked to give the same speech. Likewise, it may take one person
much longer—and more stress than another—to reach the C zone of performance. When dealing
with stress, finding the ideal stress level—the one that creates eustress and gets you ready for
challenges—is the goal.
• Stress is the body’s response to change. Stress is defined in many different ways and stress
and the types of things that cause stress can vary from person to person. Today, we
generally say that stress is the body’s way of responding to a demand.
• Acute stress is the type of stress we experience on a day-‐to-‐day basis—for example, the
stress of getting our to-‐do list finished or the stress of unplanned setbacks.
• When a person rarely gets relief from stress, this is called episodic acute stress. This type of
stress usually goes on for longer periods of time with little relief.
are long-‐term situations where the person has given up trying to find a solution.
• Not all stress is bad; some stress can actually help us to perform at a higher level and
1. Take the quiz listed at and then answer the
following questions:
a. What was your score on the test? Do you feel this is accurate?
b. What are some ways you handle stress in your life? Are these methods effective? Why or
why not?
b. Tara just can’t seem to like her job over the last few years.
c. Mika puts a lot of pressure on herself to get everything done on her to-‐do list every day.
e. Jacob has a long list of things that are due today.
f. Karen has been struggling with financial issues her whole adult life.
[1] The American Institute of Stress, “Stress, Definition of Stress,” accessed February 15,
[2] The American Institute of Stress, “Stress, Definition of Stress,” accessed February 15,
[4] American Psychological Association, “Stress: The Different Kinds,” accessed February 15,
[5] American Psychological Association, “Stress Won’t Go Away?” accessed February 15,
[6] American Psychological Association, “Understanding Chronic Stress,” accessed February 15,
[7] Laura Schenck, “Eustress vs Distress,” June 26, 2011, accessed February 15,
[8] Hans Selye, “The Nature of Stress,” The International Institute of Stress, accessed February 15,
1. Be able to explain the physiological changes our body goes through when experiencing stress.
2. Identify the results when we have too much stress in our life.
Our bodies go through a number of changes when we are faced with a stressor. From
prehistoric times, physical changes in our body had to occur in order to prepare us to handle
the stress. For example, we needed to be able to run fast to get away from something that
the fight or flight response. This concept was developed by Walter Cannon in the 1920s,
and he believed that these reactions in the body enabled us to mobilize to deal with a
stressful situation. [1] More recent research has shown the addition of “freeze” to the
response. This occurs when the fight or flight response didn’t work—or we were unable to
react quickly enough to fight or flight, and we “play dead” or become immobilized. This
response is as natural as fight or flight in our body chemistry. Consider the person attacked
by a bear who plays dead and survives. The person couldn’t run (flight) and couldn’t
effectively fight against the bear, so the freeze reaction (or the “do nothing,” play dead)
reaction can sometimes work. We use the freeze reaction in response to stress triggers at
work. For example, we can’t just leave (flight), as we typically need the job to pay our bills; it
also may not be worth it to fight, so we freeze in response to the situation. Although this is an
oversimplification of the body’s chemistry, it illustrates the point that the flight-fight-freeze
response is actually a very prehistoric event. Today, even though our stresses may be
different, our body still reacts the same way as it did in prehistoric times. To fully understand
how stress impacts us, we need to understand how our bodies handles stress. When our
brains initially perceive a threat, a few physiological effects, Figure 3.2 "Physiological Effects
awake at night because of stress. [2] This is one example of how prolonged episodic stress can
affect our personal life and our productivity at work. It is a positive thing for our body to get
ready for acute stress. It prepares our body to perform at a higher level. However, long-term
chronic stress or episodic acute stress can cause a variety of problems. Those problems are
listed in Table 3.1 "Common Effects of Stress on Our Bodies, Moods, and Behaviors".
Table 3.1 Common Effects of Stress on Our Bodies, Moods, and Behaviors
Source: Mayo Clinic Staff, “Stress Symptoms, Effects on Body, Feelings and Behavior,” February
In the 2011 American Psychological Association Stress survey, [3] 42 percent of Americans
report anger as a result of stress, while 37 percent report fatigue as a result of stress. Lack of
interest, motivation, and energy is reported by 35 percent of Americans. Digestion issues and
changes in appetite are also reported. With these being fairly common occurrences, we can
see the importance of learning how to manage stress. These symptoms can affect our ability
to communicate well and be productive at work. If we do not get enough sleep, we lose
interest and motivation and we are not our best at work, which can result in poor human
relations with our coworkers, friends, and family. In Section 3.3 "Sources of Stress", we will
look at some possible causes of stress and discuss some of the ways we can learn to better
handle stress.
2 "Achieve Personal Success", these two abilities are part of emotional intelligence (self-
management and self-awareness). These abilities allow us to identify and then manage our
emotions. When we identify our stressor and our emotion around that stressor, we can begin to
make plans on how to handle it. Without the ability to identify this emotion, we are not as well
equipped to handle the emotions that may come with stress. Without these stress-management
our emotions doesn’t allow us to make rational decisions, nor does it allow us to be
emotionally available to others. Because of this, stress can affect our ability to communicate
and work effectively with people at work. People who are stressed often are impatient, poor
listeners, and may lose their sense of humor. These temporary behaviors that occur when we are
stressed can impact how others see us, and how well we interact with them. Also consider the
effect stress may have on our ability to manage conflict. If someone is stressed about day-to-day
frustrations, such as traffic, bills, workload, and to-do lists, the stress does not allow him or her to
manage conflict, as emotions are in a state of confusion. This can lead to poor decision making
and thus result in the inability to interact effectively with others. Everyone has stress in both their
personal and professional lives. Learning how to manage this stress is one of the first
steps in making sure we are mentally prepared to nurture our relationships at work
and at home.
• The flight or fight response is our body’s physiological response to perceived threats. The basic
physiological function is the same today as it was in prehistoric times.
• Having too much stress can cause many issues—like headaches, sleeplessness, and irritability—
1. Think of a time when you felt very stressed. What kinds of physiological effects occurred? How
[2] American Psychological Association, “Stress in America: Our Health at Risk,” 2011, accessed February
16, 2012,
[3] American Psychological Association, “Stress in America: Our Health at Risk,” 2011, accessed February
16, 2012,
[4] Stresshacker, “Stress and Emotional Intelligence,” 2012, accessed May 31,
1. Explain the sources of stress we can experience, both personally and professionally.
As we have studied so far in this chapter, we can experience a number of possible stressors. We
can divide these stressors into personal stresses and work stresses. Although we divide them for
purposes of ease, it is intuitive that if someone is experiencing personal stress, he or she will also
experience it at work, which will result in lessened workplace performance. In fact, the American
Institute of Stress estimates that workplace stress costs companies $300 billion annually. This
cost is a result of increased absenteeism, employee turnover, and higher medical and insurance
costs due to stress related illness and worker productivity.
According to the American Institute of Stress, some of the common causes of workplace stress
1. Long hours and increased demands. The average American works forty-six hours per
week. Much of this is due to increased technology and expectations that employees will be
available to answer e-mail on weekends and evenings. As a result of this added work time,
employees find less time to engage in leisure and household activities such as grocery
2. Being treated unfairly. Workplace issues such as harassment and bullying (both discussed
in Chapter 10 "Manage Diversity at Work") can cause people to feel stress at work. Additional
issues such as feeling overlooked for promotions can also cause workplace stress. In extreme
cases, perceived workplace unfairness can result in violence. For example, Matthew Beck shot
and killed four supervisors in a Connecticut lottery office because he felt he had been unfairly
overlooked for a promotion. Many organizations offer Employee Assistance Programs that
can offer services, such as counseling, to help deal with workplace stress and other personal
3. Little or no acknowledgment or reward. People can feel stress when they do not feel
they are being recognized for the work they do. This kind of workplace stress can cause people
This type of behavior can also materialize at home with people experiencing this stress being
more irritable, cranky, and moody. At work, these feelings can negatively affect our ability to
supervisor. For example, a micromanager might tell an employee specific tasks should be
worked on in a given day and give specific instructions on how those tasks should be
accomplished. This type of situation can create stress, as the employee feels he or she has
5. Lack of job security. In the last quarter of 2011 (October, November, December), 266,971
employees were subjected to mass company layoffs, and for obvious reasons, this creates
stress upon the workers who had to leave and for those workers who stay. Those workers who
have been laid off may experience financial hardship, and the workers who haven’t been laid
off may need to perform extra work and can suffer from physiological issues even if their jobs
were not eliminated. This phenomenon is calledlayoff survivor syndrome. Many of the
6. Office politics. Dealing with difficult coworkers or supervisors and different personalities
misunderstandings are common in today’s workplace, especially with the use of technology.
All of these factors, which we call office politics, can create stress, which results in lost sleep,
Figure 3.4 Time Use on an Average Work Day for Employed Persons Ages Twenty-five to Fifty-four
with Children
spend more time at work than doing anything else, learning how to manage stress at work
1. Everyday challenges. Getting caught in traffic or a leaky water heater would be examples
of things that cause stress in our personal lives. Luckily, most of us have the abilities to cope
with these daily stresses. However, too many of these types of stressors in one day can build
impact our ability to handle stress. Research published by Meyer Freidman in the
1950s characterized two main personality types, type A and type B. People with
a type A personality tend to be more time conscious, impatient, and preoccupied with
sense of time urgency, and the desire to achieve recognition and advancement. People with a
type A pattern may have a hyperawareness of time and, as a result, perform tasks quickly.
Because of these patterns, the person with TABP may feel constantly rushed as they strive to
be constantly competitive, causing stress and related health issues. Type A personalities are
not viewed as a fixed trait but rather a set of predispositions that may occur in certain
situations only. For example, Amiee may exhibit a type A personality at work but at home
may not be as time sensitive and impatient. Type B personalities are more focused on the
here and now and are much more laid back. Type B personalities do not normally experience
as much stress as their type A counterparts because their viewpoint on time and achievement
is different.
3. Work-life balance. Everyone must manage multiple roles in their life. The roles of mother
or father, boss, employee, spouse, sister, or brother have their own unique demands that can
create stress at home and at work. When we have challenges at work, this can affect our roles
at home and vice versa. Although many organizations promote a work-life balance and create
a culture that allows people to have a “home life,” easy access to send that “one last e-mail” at
9 p.m. for work creates a blurred line between home and work. This creates an even greater
need for our emotional intelligence skills (self-awareness and self-management) in that we
must be aware of our emotions and handle them when they come—rather than just going
4. Life changes. There are forty-three life changes that are characterized as creating stress.
These life changes are measured on a scale called life change units, created by Thomas H.
Holmes and Richard Rahe. The life changes are said to cause stress in one’s personal life.
However, personality type and situational factors may affect how much a particular event
affects a person. For example, suppose a major life change such as the death of a spouse
occurs. This would cause an immense amount of stress, but assume the spouse was very ill for
a long period of time. In this situation, the latter could have caused stress as well. So while the
scale has value in terms of determining what life changes cause the most stress, it is also
important to consider the other factors around the life change, along with a person’s personal
coping ability.
Figure 3.5
Thomas H. Holmes and Richard Rahe measured personal stress by Life Change Units.
According to their research, the more “major changes” one experiences, the higher
chance a person will end up with a stress-induced illness. Someone with a score of 300
or more is said to be at a high risk of illness. [8] If you look at the events of your life over
5. Financial issues. Tough economic times, combined with increasing costs of fuel and other
living expenses, create great stress on individuals and families. Not having enough money to
buy basic needs and lacking the ability to buy the wants we have can lead to anxiety, tension,
and depression. These emotions can carry over into our work life, resulting in lowered
source of stress as well. While most of us depend on friends and family for support, tension
Now that we have discussed the things that cause stress, Section 3.4 "Reducing Stress" will
quiz, and rate how you typically react in each of the situations listed below.
4 = Always
3 = Frequently
2 = Sometimes
1 = Never
Enter the appropriate number in the blank for each question below, and then add up your
4. _____ Do you find yourself speeding up the car to beat the red light?
5. _____ Are you unlikely to ask for or indicate you need help with a problem?
7. _____ Are you overly critical of the way others do their work?
8. _____ Do you have the habit of looking at your watch or clock often?
10. _____ Do you spread yourself “too thin” in terms of your time?
11. _____ Do you have the habit of doing more than one thing at a time?
19. _____ Do you feel vaguely guilty if you relax and do nothing during leisure?
Total: _____
If your score is between 20 and 30, chances are you are nonproductive or your life lacks
A score between 31 and 50 designates a good balance in your ability to handle and control stress.
If you tallied up a score ranging between 51 and 60, your stress level is marginal and you are
If your total number of points exceeds 60, you may be a candidate for heart disease and need to
• Workplace stress costs companies as much as $300 billion annually. Stress experienced at work
can come from higher demands, layoffs, conflicts among coworkers, or office politics.
• Many people also can experience personal stresses, which affect workers’ abilities to be
productive. Personal stress can come from life changes, financial issues, family and friend issues,
or our personality. Type A personalities tend to experience more stress as a result of their high
1. Type A personalities tend to experience more stress than their type B personality counterpart.
you fall into. How do you think your personality contributes (or not) to stress?
2. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? My personality contributes to the amount of stress
I have in my life. Please explain in two to four paragraphs.
[1] The American Institute of Stress, “Stress in the Workplace,” accessed February 19,
[2] The American Institute of Stress, “Stress in the Workplace,” accessed February 19,
[3] The Library Spot, “National Sleep Foundation Study,” accessed February 19,
[4] Johnathan Rabinnoviz, “Lottery Personnel Shows Lottery Killer Came Back Early from Leave,” New York
work-‐early-‐from-‐a-‐leave.html? ref=matthewbeck
[5] The Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Economic News Release: Mass Layoffs,” accessed February 19,
[6] JoNel Aleccia, “Guilty and Stressed, Layoff Survivors Suffers, Too,” MSNBC, accessed February 19,
[8] H. Thomas Holmes and Richard H. Rahe, “The Social Readjustment Rating Scale”,Journal of
[9] Sweet Briar College, “How Stressed Are You? Quiz,” accessed June 2,
1. Explain techniques that can help us better cope with stress.
We all experience stress at one time or another. However, we can take action to assess and
relieve the stress in our life. First, we do some self-analysis to determine the stressors in our
life and how we handle it. This emotional intelligence skill (self-awareness) allows us to see
what we need to improve upon. Then, we can apply self-management tools to help us manage
the stress in our lives. The benefit of this identification and management is that it allows us
to relate better to others both in our work life and personal life.
Look at your habits and emotions and really think about what is causing the stress. For
example, Julie may be stressed about a project due on Friday, but the real stress may be
because she procrastinated in starting the project, and now there isn’t enough time to
complete it. Or perhaps Gene is stressed because his personality type causes him to put too
many things on his to-do list, and he isn’t able to get them done. Accepting responsibility for
the role we play in our own stresses can be the first step in maintaining a life with mostly
positive stress!
Next, we can look at the way we currently deal with stress. For example, when Emily is
feeling stressed, she smokes a pack of cigarettes and tends to have several glasses of wine
at night. When she isn’t stressed, she doesn’t smoke and may limit herself to just one or
two glasses of wine every few days. Some people smoke marijuana or use other drugs to
cope with the stress of everyday life. These substances seemingly help for a period of
time but prevent us from actually dealing with the stress—and doesn’t help us to gain
skills in self-awareness. Understanding your current coping mechanisms for stress can
help you determine what works to manage stress—and what doesn’t.
Once we do some self-analysis, we can use a method called the four As. The four As gives us four
1. Avoid the stressor. We can try to avoid situations that stress us out. If watching certain
television programs causes stress, stop watching them! Spend time with people who help
you relax. We can also look at saying no more often if we do not have the time necessary to
avoid it. When changing a situation, you can be more assertive, manage time better, and
communicate your own needs and wants better. For example, Karen can look at the things
causing her stress, such as her home and school commitments; while she can’t change the
workload, she can examine ways to avoid a heavy workload in the future. If Karen is
stressed about the amount of homework she has and the fact that she needs to clean the
house, asking for help from roommates, for example, can help alter the stressor. Often this
3. Adapt to the stressor. If you are unable to avoid or change the stressor, getting
comfortable with the stressor is a way to handle it. Creating your own coping mechanisms
for the stress and learning to handle it can be an effective way to handle the stress. For
example, we can try looking at stressful situations in a positive light, consider how
important the stressor is in the long run, and adjust our standards of perfectionism.
4. Accept the stressor. Some stressors are unavoidable. We all have to go to work and
manage our home life. So, learning to handle the things we cannot change by forgiving,
developing tolerances, and letting going of those things we cannot control is also a way to
deal with a stressor. For example, if your mother-in-law’s yearly visits and criticisms cause
stress, obviously you are not able to avoid or alter the stress, but you can adapt to it and
accept it. Since we cannot control another person, accepting the stressor and finding ways of
dealing with it can help minimize some negative effects of the stress we may experience.
When your roommate borrowed your car without asking, you need to pick up a friend from the
airport, and you have friends coming over for dinner—all on the same night, finding a way to
reduce stress is important. Reducing stress for every person is going to be different. Being able to
recognize what helps you personally reduce stress is an important part to a healthy work and
home life. For example, exercising may be a great stress reducer for Duana, but for Lisa, finding
time to exercise might cause more stress than the actual exercise helps!
Researchers have found the following activities cut stress significantly:
• Meditating
• Listening to music
• Chewing gum
Other ways to reduce stress might include the following:
• Exercising
• Breathing deeply
• Positive thinking
As this chapter has addressed, stress can be a positive motivator in our lives, but too much stress
can create human relations issues, productivity, and other serious health issues. By practicing
self-awareness and then self-management, we can begin to realize those things that cause us
• The four As of stress reduction can help us reduce stress. They include: avoid, alter, adapt,
and accept. By using the four As to determine the best approach to deal with a certain
• There are a variety of things we can do to reduce stress. Exercise, a healthy diet, meditation,
music, and social interaction can help reduce stress. Also, getting better at time management
1. Of the ways to handle stress listed in this chapter, which ones do you already integrate in your
life? Do you engage in other methods not listed here? Share your ideas for stress reduction in
small groups.
[1] Elizabeth Sboboda, “Feeling Frazzled? 8 Ways to Decrease Stress,” MSNBC, February 15, 2009,
[2] Jenny Kovacs Stamos, “Blissing Out,” WebMD, accessed February 22,
stress and the types of things that cause stress can vary from person to person. Today, we
generally say that stress is the body’s way of responding to a demand.
• Acute stress is the type of stress we experience on a day-‐to-‐day basis, for example, the stress of
finishing our to-‐do list or the stress of unplanned setbacks.
• When a person rarely gets relief from stress, this is called episodic acute stress. This type of
stress usually goes on for longer periods of time with little relief.
• Chronic stress is characterized as long-‐term stress, where there is little hope for relief. These are
long-‐term situations where the person has given up trying to find a solution.
• Not all stress is bad; some stress can actually help us to perform at a higher level and challenge
• The flight or fight response is our body’s physiological response to perceived threats. The basic
physiological function is the same today as it was in prehistoric times.
• Having too much stress can cause many issues—such as headaches, sleeplessness, and
• Workplace stress costs companies as much as $300 billion annually. Stress experienced at work
can come from higher demands, layoffs, conflicts among coworkers, or office politics.
• Many people also experience personal stresses, which affect their ability to be productive at
work. Personal stress can come from life changes, financial issues, family and friend issues, or
our personality. Type A personalities tend to experience more stress as a result of their high need
for achievement.
• The four As of stress reduction can help us reduce stress. They include avoid, alter, adapt, and
accept. By using the four As to determine the best approach to deal with a certain stressor, we
can begin to have a more positive outlook on the stressor and learn to handle it better.
• There are a variety of things we can do to reduce stress. Exercise, a healthy diet, meditation,
music, and social interaction can help reduce stress. Also, getting better at time management
Mandy feels like she can’t deal with the stress anymore. First, her mother moved into her house for
two months because of major home renovations. Mandy feels like her mother is constantly critical of
the way she keeps her house and handles her life. While Mandy knows helping her mom for the next
couple of months is the right thing to do, she can’t help being annoyed. Mandy is also having trouble
at her job. Her job in the medical lab is usually fun, but the organization laid off three workers
recently and Mandy finds her workload has been too much to handle. It is the hospital’s busy time,
too, so Mandy often works late to get the work done. On top of all that, Mandy had lent her best
friend, Sylvia, $200 last month for rent, and Sylvia hasn’t paid it back. Mandy not only needs the
money but also feels that Sylvia was disrespectful when Mandy asked for the money back. Mandy is
3. Using the four As model, how can Mandy go through the process to resolve her stress? Discuss in
- Peter F. Drucker
Electric communication will never be a substitute for the face of someone who with their soul
- Charles Dickens
Improving Communication
When you walked into work this morning, you said your normal "good mornings" and everyone
cheerfully said good morning back to you but one coworker. This is a coworker you have had
and to the point, so you find yourself e-mailing a lot. Your coworker, Nanci, prefers to have every
conversation in person. You feel that while talking in person is nice, it can also be difficult since
everyone has such a hectic schedule. Your workstyle is focused on saving time and using time as
wisely as possible. For example, Nanci asked you to give her a client's e-mail address. You copied
and pasted it from an earlier e-mail and e-mailed it to Nanci. Nanci got very upset at this and
commented about your need to always e-mail things instead of talking in person. You told her it
was easier to do it that way, plus it prevented the chance that you would write the address down
In another example, Nanci stopped by your office to ask about your willingness to help set up for
the company holiday party. Nanci starting talking with you about the decorations and you
interrupted and told her you would be happy to do so and asked her what time you should be
there. Nanci again got upset and told you she had no idea. Her body language showed frustration
and you couldn't understand why, as you were only asking a reasonable question about timing.
Finally, you decide to talk with your supervisor about these issues. The supervisor gives you some
information that was hard to take but also very valuable in the development of a good
communication style. "Andree," she said, "while people in the office really like you, they don't find
you very warm. People say that your facial expressions and the fact you don't smile very often
makes you difficult to approach. To make matters worse, your one- and two-line e-mail responses
In your defense, you say that you are very busy and often don't have time to answer an e-mail with
another line. You also say that you are there to work, not to make friends.
"Yes, this is true," says your supervisor, "but it is important to establish good relationships, which
is something you have not seemed to make an effort to do. Good relationships happen with good
As you leave, you understand that you will need to improve on this area. The first thing you do is
stop by Nanci's office to hear about the decorations she wanted to tell you about for the company
[1] McLean, S. (2010). Business Communication for Success(Version 1.0). Irvington, NY: Flat World
3. Explain the various communication styles and identify your own style.
Communication, as you see in our opening scenario, is key to any successful career. While
communication is likely discussed in several of your other classes, it should also be addressed
How many times do miscommunications happen on a daily basis, either in your personal life
or at your job? The good news is that we can all get better at communication. The first thing
we need to do is learn how we can better communicate with others. Then we will want to look
at our own communication style and compare that with other styles. Have you ever spoken
with someone you just didn’t “get”? It is probably because you have different communication
styles. Body language is also a key contributor to communication; in fact, as was suggested in
the late 1960s by researcher Albert Mehrabian, body language makes up 93 percent of our
communication. [1]
the ability to know and manage our emotions, motivate ourselves, understand others’
In addition to the communication that occurs within organizations, each of us has our own
individual communication style. Many organizations give tests that may indicate their candidate’s
course, learning how to communicate better, as a result, is the cornerstone of a successful career.
Likewise, understanding how companies communicate with employees can result in employees
Those that don’t communicate well, though, see increased turnover, absenteeism, dissatisfied
customers, higher product defect rates, lack of focus on business objectives, and lack of
Four main types of communications occur within a company: upward communication, downward
communication can serve a different purpose in human resources, and many messages may be
Upward communication is when the lower levels of an organization communicate with the
upper levels of an organization. Some examples might be an employee satisfaction survey using
online survey tools such as SurveyMonkey. These kinds of tools can be used to determine the
changes that should occur in a company. Oftentimes human resource departments may develop a
survey such as this to find out how satisfied the employees are with things such as benefits. Then
the organization can make changes based on the satisfaction level of the employees. Employees
might also engage in upward communication in a given work situation. They might tell their
manager their plate is full and they can’t take on any new projects. This is considered upward
communication, too.
communication occurs from the upper levels of an organization down to the lower levels of the
with people at different levels of the organization. When the human resources assistant speaks
with the marketing manager about the hiring of a new employee in marketing, this would be
coordinate work between departments. An accounting manager might share information with a
production manager so the production manager knows how much budget they have left.
Within all the communication methods we discussed, there are a variety of approaches. Of course,
the most obvious is the informal communication that occurs. An e-mail may be sent or a phone
call made. Meetings are another way to communicate information. Companies can also use more
formal means to communicate. A blog would be an example. Many companies use blogs to
communicate information such as financial numbers, changes to policy, and other “state of the
blogs are not just for upper management anymore. Companies are using microblogs more and
more to ensure that people in various departments stay connected with each other, especially
Companies also use social networking sites to keep in touch, such as Twitter and Facebook. For
using social media keeps a large number of employees connected and tends to be a low or no-cost
method of communicating. Rather than sending e-mail to their employees telling them to expect
updates via these methods, the news is spread via word of mouth as most of the employees blog or
use Facebook or other social media to communicate. In fact, Alcatel-Lucent has over eight
hundred groups in its system, ranging from business related to ones social in nature. Use of this
type of technology can result in upward, downward, horizontal, and diagonal communication all
at once.
internal website, meaning that others generally cannot log in and see information there. The
intranet may include information on pay and vacation time as well as recent happenings, awards,
and achievements. No matter how the company chooses to communicate with you, understanding
these variety of methods can help make you a better employee. Now that we have discussed
communication from the company perspective, we should discuss communication from the
personal perspective.
individual communication style. Many organizations give tests that may indicate their candidate’s
Our communication styles can determine how well we communicate with others, how well we are
understood, and even how well we get along with others. As you can imagine, our personality
types and our communication styles are very similar. Keep in mind, though, that no one person is
“always” one style. We can change our style depending on the situation. The more we can
understand our own dominant communication style and pinpoint the styles of others, the better
we can communicate. The styles are expresser, driver, relater, and analytical. Let’s discuss each of
People with an expresser communication style tend to get excited. They like challenges and
rely heavily on hunches and feelings. Depending on the type of business, this can be a downfall as
sometimes hard data should be used for decision-making purposes. These people are easily
recognized because they don’t like too many facts or boring explanations and tend to be antsy if
People with a driver style like to have their own way and tend to be decisive. They have strong
viewpoints, which they are not afraid to share with others. They like to take charge in their jobs
but also in the way they communicate. Drivers usually get right to the point and not waste time
People with a relater style like positive attention and want to be regarded warmly. They want
others to care about them and treat them well. Because relaters value friendships, a good way to
communicate well with them is to create a communication environment where they can feel close
to others.
People with an analytical communication style will ask a lot of questions and behave
methodically. They don’t like to be pressured to make a decision and prefer to be structured. They
Table 4.1 Which One of These Communication Styles Do You Tend to Use?
Let’s discuss an example of how these communication styles might interact. Let’s assume an
analytical communicator and a relater are beginning a meeting where the purpose is to develop a
project timeline. The analytical communicator will be focused on the timeline and not necessarily
the rapport building that the relater would be focused on. The conversation might go something
like this:
What are you doing this weekend? I am going to my son’s baseball game. It
Relater: is supposed to be hot—I am looking forward to it.
That’s great. OK, so I was thinking a start date of August 1st for this
Analytical: project. I can get Kristin started on a to-do list for the project.
That would be great. Kristin is a really hard worker, and I’m sure she won’t
Relater: miss any details.
Yes, she’s OK. So your team will need to start development now with a
Analytical: start day coming up. How are you going to go about this?
How do these two personality styles walk away from this conversation? First, the relater may feel
ignored or rejected, because the analytical communicator didn’t want to discuss weekend details.
The analytical communicator may feel annoyed that the relater is wasting time talking about
personal things when they have a goal to set a project timeline. These types of small
miscommunications in business are what can create low morale, absenteeism, and other
workplace issues. Understanding which style we tend to use can be the key in determining how we
communicate with others. Here is another, personal example of these communication styles and
In this situation, you can see that the expresser is just excited about the trip and brings up the
conversation as such. The driver has a tendency to be competitive and wants to win, hence his
willingness to get there Thursday before everyone else. The expresser, on the other hand, tried to
sell his ideas and didn’t get the feedback he felt he deserved for planning the trip, which made the
three styles. First, a passive communicator tends to put the rights of others before his or her
own. Passive communicators tend to be apologetic or sound tentative when they speak. They do
An aggressive communicator, on the other hand, will come across as standing up for his or
her rights while possibly violating the rights of others. This person tends to communicate in a way
that tells others they don’t matter or their feelings don’t matter.
An assertive communicator respects his rights and the rights of others when communicating.
This person tends to be direct but not insulting or offensive. The assertive communicator stands
up for his or her own rights but makes sure the rights of others aren’t affected.
aggressive by perhaps making negative comments about others or making snide or underhanded
comments. This person might express his or her negative feelings in an indirect way instead of
being direct. For example, you are trying to complete a project for a client and the deadline is
three days away. You and your team are working frantically to finish. You ask one of your
employees to come in to work on Saturday morning to finish up the loose ends so the project will
be ready to present to the client on Monday. Your employee agrees, but when you show up on
Monday, the project isn’t ready to present. You find out that this person had plans on Saturday
but wasn’t direct with you about this. So the project didn’t get completed, and you had to change
the appointment with the client. Later, you also find out that this employee was complaining to
everyone else that you had asked her to come in on Saturday. As you can see from this example,
passive-aggressive behavior doesn’t benefit anyone. The employee should have been direct and
simply said, “I can’t come in on Saturday, but I can come in Sunday or work late Friday night.”
Ideally, we want to be assertive communicators, as this shows our own self-esteem but at the
When dealing with someone who exhibits passive-aggressive behavior, it is best to just be direct
with them. Tell that person you would rather she be direct than not show up. Oftentimes passive-
aggressive people try to play the martyr or the victim. Do not allow such people to press your
buttons and get you to feel sorry for them. This gives them control and can allow them to take
Listening is obviously an important part of communication. There are three main types of
listening. Competitive or combative listening happens when we are focused on sharing our
own point of view instead of listening to someone else. In passive listening, we are interesting
in hearing the other person and assume we hear and understand what the person says correctly
without verifying. In active listening, we are interested in what the other person has to say and
we are active in checking our understanding with the speaker. For example, we may restate what
the person has said and then verify our understanding is correct. The feedback process is the
Figure 4.2
Source: Steil, L., Barker, L., & Watson, K. (n.d.). SIER hierarchy of active listening.
form, such as e-mail. When using e-mail as a communication tool, we should consider the four Cs:
• Complete. We want to make sure that all facts are included in the e-mail. When responding
• Concise. Try to make e-mails as concise as possible. If your e-mail becomes long, it may be
better to have a personal conversation rather than an e-mail to make sure the message gets
• Correct. Be sure to check e-mail, grammar, and spelling. E-mails should always have a
When considering the four Cs, we also want to consider the following e-mail tips:
• Use upper and lower case letters. Using all uppercase would be like shouting your message.
• Before sending, always reread your message to make sure you are conveying your message
• Do not send e-mails when you are angry or upset. Use a twenty-four-hour rule before replying
• Try to avoid “text message” writing in e-mails—for example, shortening of words such as LMK
(let me know).
the long run to spend time writing a good e-mail rather than trying to e-mail back and forth with
someone who did not understand your message the first time.
One of the challenges of written communication is the inability to see the receivers reaction to
your e-mail. In other words, e-mail does not allow us to see the nonverbal responses from our
receivers. The nonverbal aspects of communication will be the next topic in this chapter.
• Emotional intelligence can be improved over time, unlike IQ, which stays stable throughout life.
• Emotional intelligence includes knowing and managing your emotions, motivating yourself,
• There are four types of communication at work: downward, upward,horizontal, and diagonal. All
types of communication can happen at once, especially with the use of blogs and social
networking sites.
• Companies that use good communication tend to have less turnover and less absenteeism.
• There are four main types of communication styles: expresser, driver, relater, and analytical. The
better we can understand our own style of communication and the communication styles of
others, the easier it will be to communicate with them.
• Passive, aggressive, and passive-‐aggressive behaviors are not healthy ways of communicating.
Assertive behavior, on the other hand, respects one’s own rights and the rights of others.
• Nonverbal communication is one of the most important tools we can use to communicate how
we feel. Watching others’ body language can give us signals as to how they may really feel.
interested in what the other person has to say, and we check with the speaker to make sure we
understand what they have said. Competitive or combative listening is when we are focused on
sharing our own point of view. Passive listening is when we listen to someone but do not verify
• When sending e-‐mails, follow the four Cs: complete, concise, correct and clear.
b. What are some things you can do to improve your EI? What strategies might you use to
2. Which communication style, the expresser, driver, relater, or analytical, do you typically use? How
can you get better at understanding other people’s style and get comfortable communicating in
their style?
3. Do you tend to be passive, assertive, or aggressive? Give an example of when you used each style
[1] Mehrabian, A., & Ferris, S. R. (1967). Inference of attitudes from nonverbal communication in two
[2] Business Performance. (n.d.). Effective communication in the workplace, accessed July 19,
ication?taxonomyId=209&page Number=3.
1. Explain how your nonverbal communication can impact communication with others.
2. Explain how the principles of nonverbal communication should be considered when you
How do you know when your boss or instructors are pleased with your progress (or not)? You
might know from the smiles on their faces; from the time and attention they give you; or
perhaps in other nonverbal ways, like a raise, a bonus, or a good grade. Whether the
interaction takes place face-to-face or at a distance you can still experience and interpret
nonverbal responses.
warrant. Suppose you have just gotten home from your first date with Amanda and you feel it
went very well. How soon should afterward should you call Amanda? There are lots of advice
columns, informal rules and customs, and friends with opinions to offer you suggestions, but
you know what is right for you. You also know that texting her at five o’clock the next
morning might be a bit early. You may choose to wait until a coffee break around 10 a.m. to
send a short text message and realize that you might not get a response until later that
interested in you than you are in her? While you might give it more attention than it
deserves, and maybe let it weigh on your mind and distract you from other tasks, the time
interval for responding may not have as much intentional meaning as you think. It might
mean that Amanda has a different sense of time urgency than you do or that she simply
Chances are you have had many experiences where words were misunderstood or where the
meaning of words was unclear. When it comes to nonverbal communication, meaning is even
harder to discern. We can sometimes tell what people are communicating through their nonverbal
Nonverbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words. It
can include gestures and facial expressions, tone of voice, timing, posture, and where you stand as
you communicate. It can help or hinder the clear understanding of your message, but it doesn’t
reveal (and can even mask) what you are really thinking. Nonverbal communication is far from
simple, and its complexity makes our study and our understanding a worthy but challenging goal.
Where does a wink start and a nod end? Nonverbal communication involves the entire body, the
space it occupies and dominates, the time it interacts, and not only what is not said, but how it is
not said. Try to focus on just one element of nonverbal communication and it will soon get lost
among all the other stimuli. Let’s consider eye contact. What does it mean by itself without
context, chin position, or eyebrows to flag interest or signal a threat? Nonverbal action flows
almost seamlessly from one to the next, making it a challenge to interpret one element or even a
series of elements.
We perceive time as linear, flowing along in a straight line. We did one task, we’re doing another
task now, and we are planning on doing something else all the time. Sometimes we place more
emphasis on the future, or the past, forgetting that we are actually living in the present moment
whether we focus on “the now” or not. Nonverbal communication is always in motion, as long as
correction, or retraction. While it never makes the original statement go completely away, it does
allow for correction. Unlike written communication, oral communication may allow “do-overs” on
the spot: you can explain and restate, hoping to clarify your point. You can also dig the hole you
are in just a little bit deeper. The old sayings “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging” and
“Open mouth, insert foot” can sometimes apply to oral communications. We’ve all said something
we would give anything to take back, but we all know we can’t. Oral communication, like written
communication, allows for some correction, but it still doesn’t erase the original message or its
impact. Nonverbal communication takes it one step further. You can’t separate one nonverbal
action from the context of all the other verbal and nonverbal communication acts, and you can’t
take it back.
In a speech, nonverbal communication is continuous in the sense that it is always occurring, and
because it is so fluid, it can be hard to determine where one nonverbal message starts and another
stops. Words can be easily identified and isolated, but if we try to single out a speaker’s gestures,
smile, or stance without looking at how they all come together in context, we may miss the point
and draw the wrong conclusion. You need to be conscious of this aspect of your nonverbal
behavior, to quote another old saying, “actions speak louder than words.” This is true in the sense
that people often pay more attention to your nonverbal expressions more than your words. As a
result, nonverbal communication is a powerful way to contribute to (or detract from) your success
right in the middle of tallying a spreadsheet whose numbers just don’t add up. You see that the e-
mail is from a coworker and you click on it. The subject line reads “pink slips.” You could
interpret this to mean a suggestion for a Halloween costume or a challenge to race for each other’s
car ownership, but in the context of the workplace you may assume it means layoffs.
Your emotional response is immediate. If the author of the e-mail could see your face, they would
know that your response was one of disbelief and frustration, even anger, all via your nonverbal
communication. In the same way, you express yourself via nonverbal communication all the time
without much conscious thought at all. You may think about how to share the news with your
partner and try to display a smile and a sense of calm when you feel like anything but smiling.
Nonverbal communication gives our thoughts and feelings away before we are even aware of what
we are thinking or how we feel. People may see and hear more than you ever anticipated. Your
nonverbal communication includes both intentional and unintentional messages, but since it all
happens so fast, the unintentional ones can contradict what you know you are supposed to say or
People tend to pay more attention to how you say it than what you actually say. In presenting a
speech this is particularly true. We communicate nonverbally more than we engage in verbal
communication and often use nonverbal expressions to add to, or even replace, words we might
otherwise say. We use a nonverbal gesture called an illustrator to communicate our message
effectively and reinforce our point. Your coworker Andrew may ask you, “Barney’s Bar after
work?” as he walks by, and you simply nod and say “yeah.” Andrew may respond with a nonverbal
gesture, called an emblem, by signaling with the “OK” sign as he walks away.
example, if someone is telling you a message that is confusing or upsetting, you may hold up your
hand, a commonly recognized regulator that asks the speaker to stop talking.
Let’s say you are in a meeting presenting a speech that introduces your company’s latest product.
If your audience members nod their heads in agreement on important points and maintain good
eye contact, it is a good sign. Nonverbally, they are using regulators encouraging you to continue
with your presentation. In contrast, if they look away, tap their feet, and begin drawing in the
margins of their notebook, these are regulators suggesting that you better think of a way to regain
“Affect displays are nonverbal communication that express emotions or feelings.” An affect
display that might accompany holding up your hand for silence would be to frown and shake your
head from side to side. When you and Andrew are at Barney’s Bar, smiling and waving at
coworkers who arrive lets them know where you are seated and welcomes them.
“Adaptors are displays of nonverbal communication that help you adapt to your environment
and each context, helping you feel comfortable and secure.” A self-adaptor involves you
meeting your need for security (e.g., playing with your hair) by adapting something about yourself
in way for which it was not designed or for no apparent purpose. Combing your hair would be an
use of an object in a way for which it was not designed. You may see audience members tapping,
chewing, or playing with their pencils while ignoring you and your presentation. Or perhaps
someone pulls out a comb and repeatedly rubs a thumbnail against the comb’s teeth. They are
using the comb or the pencil in a way other than its intended design, an object-adaptor that
Intentional nonverbal communication can complement, repeat, replace, mask, or contradict what
we say. When Andrew invited you to Barney’s, you said, “Yeah” and nodded, complementing and
repeating the message. You could have simply nodded, effectively replacing the “yes” with a
nonverbal response. You could also have decided to say no but did not want to hurt Andrew’s
feelings. Shaking your head “no” while pointing to your watch, communicating work and time
issues, may mask your real thoughts or feelings. Masking involves the substitution of appropriate
nonverbal communication for nonverbal communication you may want to display. Finally,
nonverbal messages that conflict with verbal communication can confuse the listener. Table 4.3
Term Definition
Adaptors Help us feel comfortable or indicate emotions or moods
Affect displays Express emotions or feelings
Complementing Reinforcing verbal communication
Contradicting Contradicting verbal communication
Emblems Nonverbal gestures that carry a specific meaning and can replace or reinforce words
Illustrators Reinforce a verbal message
Masking Substituting more appropriate displays for less appropriate displays
Object-adaptors Using an object for a purpose other than its intended design
Regulators Control, encourage, or discourage interaction
Repeating Repeating verbal communication
Replacing Replacing verbal communication
Adapting something about yourself in a way for which it was not designed or for no
Self-adaptors apparent purpose
Consider the many contexts in which interaction occurs during your day. In the morning, at work,
after work, at home, with friends, with family, and our list could go on for quite a while. Now
consider the differences in nonverbal communication across these many contexts. When you are
at work, do you jump up and down and say whatever you want? Why or why not? You may not
engage in that behavior because of expectations at work, but the fact remains that from the
moment you wake until you sleep, you are surrounded by nonverbal communication.
If you had been born in a different country, to different parents, and perhaps as a member of the
opposite sex, your whole world would be quite different. Yet nonverbal communication would
Nonverbal communication can be confusing. We need contextual clues to help us understand, or
begin to understand, what a movement, gesture, or lack of display means. Then we have to figure
it all out based on our prior knowledge (or lack thereof) of the person and hope to get it right. Talk
about a challenge. Nonverbal communication is everywhere, and we all use it, but that doesn’t
frustration to you. Would the nonverbal aspects of your response be intentional or unintentional?
Your job is to be pleasant and courteous at all times, yet your wrinkled eyebrows or wide eyes may
have been unintentional. They clearly communicate your negative feelings at that moment.
Restating your wish to be helpful and displaying nonverbal gestures may communicate “no big
deal,” but the stress of the moment is still “written” on your face.
Can we tell when people are intentionally or unintentionally communicating nonverbally? Ask ten
people this question and compare their responses. You may be surprised. It is clearly a challenge
nonverbal communication when in fact their display is unintentional and often hard to interpret.
interpersonal nonverbal communication that serve our discussion. One is that you often react
faster than you think. Your nonverbal responses communicate your initial reaction before you can
Albert Mehrabian asserts that we rarely communicate emotional messages through the spoken
nonverbally, with at least 55 percent associated with facial gestures. Vocal cues, body position and
movement, and normative space between speaker and receiver can also be clues to feelings and
Is your first emotional response always an accurate and true representation of your feelings and
attitudes, or does your emotional response change across time? We are all changing all the time,
and sometimes a moment of frustration or a flash of anger can signal to the receiver a feeling or
emotion that existed for a moment but has since passed. Their response to your communication
will be based on that perception, even though you might already be over the issue. This is where
the spoken word serves us well. You may need to articulate clearly that you were frustrated, but
not anymore. The words spoken out loud can serve to clarify and invite additional discussion.
Building on the example of responding to a situation with facial gestures associated with
frustration before you even have time to think of an appropriate verbal response, let’s ask the
question, what would you believe, someone’s actions or their words? According to William Seiler
and Melissa Beall, most people tend to believe the nonverbal message over the verbal message.
People will often answer that “actions speak louder than words” and place a disproportionate
emphasis on the nonverbal response. This is why it is important for us to be aware of our own
nonverbal communication and ensure we are communicating what we mean. In our next section,
• Decreased smiling
• Nonverbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words; it
relates to the dynamic process of communication, the perception process and listening, and
verbal communication.
• Nonverbal communication is fluid and fast, universal, confusing, and contextual. It can add to
• Nonverbal communication communicates feelings and attitudes, and people tend to believe
1. Does it limit or enhance our understanding of communication to view nonverbal communication
as that which is not verbal communication? Explain your answer and discuss with the class.
2. Choose a television personality you admire. What do you like about this person? Watch several
minutes of this person with the sound turned off, and make notes of the nonverbal expressions
you observe. Turn the sound back on and make notes of their tone of voice, timing, and other
messages. Ask an equal number of men and women and compare your results with those of your
[1] McLean, S. (2003). The basics of speech communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[2] McLean, S. (2003). The basics of speech communication (p. 77). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[3] McLean, S. (2003). The basics of speech communication (p. 77). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[4] McLean, S. (2003). The basics of speech communication (p. 77). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[5] Beebe, S. [Steven], Beebe, S. [Susan], & Redmond, M. (2002). Interpersonal communication relating to
[6] Mehrabian, A. (1972). Nonverbal communication. Chicago, IL: Aldine Atherton.
[7] Seiler, W., & Beall, M. (2000). Communication: Making connections (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn &
1. Describe the similarities and differences among eight general types of nonverbal communication.
Now that we have discussed the general principles that apply to nonverbal communication,
let’s examine eight types of nonverbal communication to further understand this challenging
aspect of communication:
1. Space
2. Time
3. Physical characteristics
4. Body movements
5. Touch
6. Paralanguage
7. Artifacts
8. Environment
When we discuss space in a nonverbal context, we mean the space between objects and people.
Space is often associated with social rank and is an important part of business communication.
Who gets the corner office? Why is the head of the table important and who gets to sit there?
People from diverse cultures may have different normative space expectations. If you are from a
large urban area, having people stand close to you may be normal. If you are from a rural area or a
culture where people expect more space, someone may be standing “too close” for comfort and
Edward T. Hall, serving in the European and South Pacific Regions in the Corps of Engineers
during World War II, traveled around the globe. As he moved from one place to another, he
noticed that people in different countries kept different distances from each other. In France, they
stood closer to each other than they did in England. Hall wondered why that was and began to
study what he called proxemics, or the study of the human use of space and distance in
In The Hidden Dimension, he indicated there are two main aspects of space: territory and
personal space. Hall drew on anthropology to address the concepts of dominance and submission
and noted that the more powerful person often claims more space. This plays an important role in
modern society, from who gets the corner office to how we negotiate space between vehicles. Road
rage is increasingly common where overcrowding occurs, and as more vehicles occupy the same
painted it your favorite color or put up posters that represent your interests or things you consider
unique about yourself. Families or households often mark their space by putting up fences or
walls around their houses. This sense of a right to control your space is implicit in territory.
Territory means the space you claim as your own, are responsible for, or are willing to defend.
The second aspect Hall highlights is personal space, or the “bubble” of space surrounding each
individual. As you walk down a flight of stairs, which side do you choose? We may choose the
right side because we’ve learned that is what is expected, and people coming up the same stair
choose their right. The right choice insures that personal space is not compromised. But what
happens when some comes up the wrong side? They violate the understood rules of movement
and often correct themselves. But what happens if they don’t change lanes as people move up and
down the stairs? They may get dirty looks or even get bumped as people in the crowd handle the
invasion of “their” space. There are no lane markers, and bubbles of space around each person
We recognize the basic need for personal space, but the normative expectations for space vary
greatly by culture. You may perceive that in your home people sleep one to each bed, but in many
cultures people sleep two or more to a bed and it is considered normal. If you were to share that
bed, you might feel uncomfortable, while someone raised with group sleeping norms might feel
uncomfortable sleeping alone. From where you stand in an aerobics class in relation to others, to
where you place your book bag in class, your personal expectations of space are often at variance
with others.
As the context of a staircase has norms for nonverbal behavior, so does the public speaking
context. In North America, eye contact with the audience is expected. Big movements and
gestures are not generally expected and can be distracting. The speaker occupies a space on the
“stage,” even if it’s in front of the class. When you occupy that space, the audience will expect to
behave in certain ways. If you talk to the screen behind you while displaying a PowerPoint
presentation, the audience may perceive that you are not paying attention to them. Speakers are
expected to pay attention to, and interact with, the audience, even if in the feedback is primarily
nonverbal. Your movements should coordinate with the tone, rhythm, and content of your speech.
Pacing back and forth, keeping your hands in your pockets, or crossing your arms may
As a general rule, try to act naturally, as if you were telling a friend a story, so that your body
will relax and your nonverbal gestures will come more naturally. Practice is key to your level
of comfort; the more practice you get, the more comfortable and less intimidating it will seem
to you.
Hall articulated four main categories of distance used in communication as shown in Figure
expectations of adherence (or ignorance) of time. Some people, and the communities and cultures
they represent, are very time-oriented. The Euro Railways trains in Germany are famous for
departing and arriving according to the schedule. In contrast, if you take the train in Argentina,
you’ll find that the schedule is more of an approximation of when the train will leave or arrive.
“Time is money” is a common saying across many cultures and reveals a high value for time. In
social contexts, it often reveals social status and power. Who are you willing to wait for? A doctor
for an office visit when you are sick? A potential employer for a job interview? Your significant
other or children? Sometimes we get impatient, and our impatience underscores our value for
When you give a presentation, does your audience have to wait for you? Time is a relevant factor
of the communication process in your speech. The best way to show your audience respect is to
honor the time expectation associated with your speech. Always try to stop speaking before the
audience stops listening; if the audience perceives that you have “gone over time,” they will be less
willing to listen. This in turn will have a negative impact on your ability to communicate your
Suppose you are presenting a speech that has three main points. Your audience expects you to
regulate the time and attention to each point, but if you spend all your time on the first two points
and rush through the third, your speech won’t be balanced and will lose rhythm. The speaker
occupies a position of some power, but it is the audience that gives them that position. By
displaying respect and maintaining balance, you will move through your points more effectively.
Chronemics is the study of how we refer to and perceive time. Tom Bruneau at Radford
University has spent a lifetime investigating how time interacts in communication and
[3] [4] [5]
culture. , , As he notes, across Western society, time is often considered the equivalent of
money. The value of speed is highly prized in some societies. In others, there is a great respect
When you order a meal at a fast food restaurant, what are your expectations for how long you will
have to wait? When you order a pizza online for delivery, when do you expect it will arrive? If you
order cable service for your home, when do you expect it might be delivered? In the first case, you
might measure the delivery of a hamburger in a matter of seconds or minutes, and perhaps thirty
minutes for pizza delivery, but you may measure the time from your order to working cable in
days or even weeks. You may even have to be at your home from 8 a.m. to noon, waiting for its
installation. The expectations vary by context, and we often grow frustrated in a time-sensitive
In the same way, how long should it take to respond to a customer’s request for assistance or
information? If they call on the phone, how long should they be on hold? How soon should they
expect a response to an e-mail? As a skilled business communicator, you will know to anticipate
normative expectations and do your best to meet those expectations more quickly than
anticipated. Your prompt reply or offer of help in response to a request, even if you cannot solve
the issue on the spot, is often regarded positively, contributing to the formation of positive
communication interactions.
Across cultures the value of time may vary. Some Mexican American friends may invite you to a
barbecue at 8 p.m., but when you arrive you are the first guest, because it is understood that the
gathering actually doesn’t start until after 9 p.m. Similarly in France, an 8 p.m. party invitation
would be understood to indicate you should arrive around 8:30, but in Sweden 8 p.m. means 8
p.m., and latecomers may not be welcome. Some Native Americans, particularly elders, speak in
well-measured phrases and take long pauses between phrases. They do not hurry their speech or
compete for their turn, knowing no one will interrupt them. Some Orthodox Jews observe
You didn’t choose your birth, your eye color, the natural color of your hair, or your height, but
people spend millions every year trying to change their physical characteristics. You can get
colored contacts; dye your hair; and if you are shorter than you’d like to be, buy shoes to raise
your stature a couple of inches. You won’t be able to change your birth, and no matter how much
you stoop to appear shorter, you won’t change your height until time and age gradually makes
itself apparent. If you are tall, you might find the correct shoe size, pant length, or even the length
of mattress a challenge, but there are rewards. Have you ever heard that taller people get paid
more? There is some truth to that idea. There is also some truth to the notion that people prefer
symmetrical faces (where both sides are equal) over asymmetrical faces (with unequal sides; like a
crooked nose or having one eye or ear slightly higher than the other).
characteristics, and researchers are quick to note that those judgments are often
[10], [11]
inaccurate. Regardless of your eye or hair color, or even how tall you are, being comfortable
with yourself is an important part of your presentation. Act naturally and consider aspects of your
presentation you can control in order to maximize a positive image for the audience.
The study of body movements, called kinesics, is key to understanding nonverbal
communication. Since your actions will significantly contribute to the effectiveness of your
business interactions, let’s examine four distinct body movements that complement, repeat,
you may be providing an orientation presentation to a customer about a software program. As you
say, “Click on this tab,” you may also initiate that action. Your verbal and nonverbal messages
reinforce each other. You can also reinforce the message by repeating it. If you first say, “Click on
the tab,” and then motion with your hand to the right, indicating that the customer should move
the cursor arrow with the mouse to the tab, your repetition can help the listener understand the
In addition to repeating your message, body movements can also regulate conversations. Nodding
your head to indicate that you are listening may encourage the customer to continue asking
questions. Holding your hand up, palm out, may signal them to stop and provide a pause where
Body movements also substitute or replace verbal messages. Ekman and Friesen found that facial
features communicate to others our feelings, but our body movements often reveal how intensely
we experience those feelings. For example, if the customer makes a face of frustration while
trying to use the software program, they may need assistance. If they push away from the
computer and separate themselves physically from interacting with it, they may be extremely
frustrated. Learning to gauge feelings and their intensity as expressed by customers takes time
and patience, and your attention to them will improve your ability to facilitate positive
Touch in communication interaction is called haptics, and William Seiler and Melissa
Beall identify five distinct types of touch, from impersonal to intimate, as listed in Table 4.4
"Types of Touch".
Touch can show warmth, love and caring for another. In a workplace setting, a social-polite touch,
such as a handshake, shows you are friendly and open to doing business with the other person.
Paralanguage is the exception to the definition of nonverbal communication. You may recall that
we defined nonverbal communication as not involving words, but paralanguage exists when we
are speaking, using words. Paralanguage involves verbal and nonverbal aspects of speech that
Perhaps you’ve also heard of a pregnant pause, a silence between verbal messages that is full of
meaning. The meaning itself may be hard to understand or decipher, but it is there nonetheless.
For example, your coworker Jan comes back from a sales meeting speechless and with a ghost-
white complexion. You may ask if the meeting went all right. “Well, ahh…” may be the only
response you get. The pause speaks volumes. Something happened, though you may not know
what. It could be personal if Jan’s report was not well received, or it could be more systemic, like
the news that sales figures are off by 40 percent and pink slips may not be far behind.
Silence or vocal pauses can communicate hesitation, indicate the need to gather thought, or serve
as a sign of respect. Keith Basso quotes an anonymous source as stating, “It is not the case that a
man who is silent says nothing.” Sometimes we learn just as much, or even more, from what a
person does not say as what they do say. In addition, both Basso and Susan Philips found that
traditional speech among Native Americans places a special emphasis on silence.
you know someone who has a tattoo and does not need to cover it up on their job? Expectations
vary a great deal, but body art or tattoos are still controversial in the workplace. According to
the San Diego Union-Tribune,
• 20 percent of workers indicated their body art had been held against them on the job,
• 42 percent of employers said the presence of visible body art lowered their opinion of
• 67 percent of workers who have body art or piercings cover or remove them during work
In your line of work, a tattoo might be an important visual aid, or it might detract from your
effectiveness as a business communicator. Body piercings may express individuality, but you need
Artifacts are forms of decorative ornamentation that are chosen to represent self-concept. They
can include rings and tattoos but may also include brand names and logos. From clothes to cars,
watches, briefcases, purses, and even eyeglasses, what we choose to surround ourselves with
communicates something about our sense of self. They may project gender, role or position, class
or status, personality, and group membership or affiliation. Paying attention to others’ artifacts
though we are all aware of the importance communication plays in our work-life, somehow these
others. In other words, every relationship you have built has relied on communication for it to be
successful. Those relationships that may have been unsuccessful could have resulted from not
understanding each other’s communication style. As you already know from this chapter,
awareness skills, which are part of emotional intelligence. These are the skills that allow
us to communicate with others and handle various personalities and work styles. For example,
when your roommate or significant other comes home from work, it doesn’t take but a second or
two to see this person has had a bad day. Their facial expressions and the way they talk all point to
a challenge at work. Social awareness skills help you understand this, empathize with that person,
and bring up bad news—such as the fact rent is due—at a later time. These types of skills, or
ability to handle social situations well, is what creates positive communication in our
The first step to applying communication skills is to first understand your own
style. Are you direct or indirect? Do you know how your facial expressions and other nonverbal
language impact your verbal communication? When you write an e-mail, how does your
intelligence skill) our own style can help us understand our strengths and weaknesses and become
Environment involves the physical and psychological aspects of the communication context.
More than the tables and chairs in an office, environment is an important part of the dynamic
communication process. The perception of one’s environment influences one’s reaction to it. For
example, Google is famous for its work environment, with spaces created for physical activity and
even in-house food service around the clock. The expense is no doubt considerable, but Google’s
actions speak volumes. The results produced in the environment, designed to facilitate creativity,
• Nonverbal communication can be categorized into eight types: space, time, physical
1. Do a Google search on space and culture. Share your findings with your classmates.
2. Note where people sit on the first day of class and each class session thereafter. Do students
return to the same seat? If they do not attend class, do the classmates leave their seat vacant?
3. To what degree is time a relevant factor in communication in the information age? Give some
[1] Hall, E. T. (1963). Proxemics: The study of man’s spacial relations and boundaries. In I. Galdston
(Ed.), Man’s image in medicine and anthropology (pp. 422–45). New York, NY: International Universities
[2] Hall, E. (1966). The hidden dimension. New York, NY: Doubleday.
[3] Bruneau, T. (1974). Time and nonverbal communication. Journal of Poplular Culture, 8, 658–66.
[4] Bruneau, T. (1990). Chronemics: The study of time in human interaction. In J. DeVito & M. Hecht
(Eds.), The nonverbal reader (pp. 301–11). Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
[6] Schwartz, T. (1989, January/February). Acceleration syndrome: Does everyone live in the fast
[7] McLean, S. (1998). Turn-‐taking and the extended pause: A study of interpersonal communication styles
across generations on the Warm Springs Indian reservation. In K. S. Sitaram & M. Prosser (Eds.), Civic
discourse: Multiculturalsim, cultural diversity, and global communication (pp. 213–27). Stamford, CT:
[8] Burnham, T., & Phelan, J. (2000). Mean genes: From sex to money to food: Taming our primal instincts.
[9] Burnham, T., & Phelan, J. (2000). Mean genes: From sex to money to food: Taming our primal instincts.
[10] Wells, W., & Siegel, B. (1961). Stereotypes somatypes. Psychological Reports, 8, 77–78.
[11] Cash, T., & Kilcullen, R. (1985). The eye of the beholder: Susceptibility to sexism and beautyism in the
evaluation of managerial applicants. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 15, 591–605.
[12] Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. (1967). Head and body cures in the judgment of emotions: A
[13] Seiler, W., & Beall, M. (2000). Communication: Making connections (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn &
[14] Basso, K. A. (1970). To give up on words: Silence in western Apache culture. In D. Carbaugh
(Ed.), Cultural communication and intercultural contact (pp. 301–18). Hillsdale, NJ: Laurence Erlbaum.
[15] Philips, S. (1983). The invisible culture: Communication in the classroom and community on the Warm
[16] Kinsman, M. (2001, August 20). Tattoos and nose rings. San Diego Union-‐Tribune, p. C1.
At some point in your career you will be called upon to give a speech. It may be to an
audience of one on a sales floor or to a large audience at a national meeting. You already
know you need to make a positive first impression, but do you know how to use movement in
your presentation? In this section we’ll examine several strategies for movement and their
Customers and audiences respond well to speakers who are comfortable with themselves.
Comfortable doesn’t mean overconfident or cocky, and it doesn’t mean shy or timid. It means
that an audience is far more likely to forgive the occasional “umm” or “ahh,” or the nonverbal
equivalent of a misstep, if the speaker is comfortable with themselves and their message.
Let’s start with behaviors to avoid. Who would you rather listen to, a speaker who moves
confidently across the stage or one who hides behind the podium; one who expresses herself
nonverbally with purpose and meaning or one who crosses his arms or clings to the lectern?
Audiences are most likely to respond positively to open, dynamic speakers who convey the
feeling of being at ease with their bodies. The setting, combined with audience expectations,
will give a range of movement. If you are speaking at a formal event, or if you are being
covered by a stationary camera, you may be expected to stay in one spot. If the stage allows
you to explore, closing the distance between yourself and your audience may prove effective.
Rather than focus on a list of behaviors and their relationship to environment and context,
give emphasis to what your audience expects and what you yourself would find more
engaging instead.
Novice speakers are often told to keep their arms at their sides or to restrict their movement
to only that which is absolutely necessary. If you are in formal training for a military
presentation or a forensics (speech and debate) competition, this may hold true. But in
business and industry, “whatever works” rules the day. You can’t say that expressive
gestures—common among many cultural groups, like arm movement while speaking—are
The questions are, again, what does your audience consider appropriate and what do you feel
comfortable doing during your presentation? Since the emphasis is always on meeting the
needs of the customer, whether it is an audience of one on a sales floor or a large national
gathering, you may need to stretch outside your comfort zone. On that same note, don’t
stretch too far and move yourself into the uncomfortable range. Finding balance is a
Movement is an important aspect of your speech and requires planning, the same as the
words you choose and the visual aids you design. Be natural, but do not naturally shuffle your
feet, pace back and forth, or rock on your heels through your entire speech. These behaviors
distract your audience from your message and can communicate nervousness, undermining
your credibility.
audience through transitions. The speaker’s triangle (see Figure 4.6 "Speaker’s Triangle")
indicates where the speaker starts in the introduction, moves to the second position for the first
point, across for the second point, then returns to the original position to make the third point
and conclusion. This movement technique can be quite effective to help you remember each of
your main points. It allows you to break down your speech into manageable parts, and putting
tape on the floor to indicate position is a common presentation trick. Your movement will
channel your nervous energy into a positive activity that benefits your speech and gives you
something to do with your hands. For example, watch people in normal, everyday conversations.
They frequently use their hands to express themselves. Do you think they think about how they
use their hands? Most people do not. Their arm and hand gestures come naturally as part of their
expression, often reflecting what they have learned within their community.
For professional speakers this is also true, but deliberate movement can reinforce, repeat, and
even regulate an audience’s response to their verbal and nonverbal messages. You want to come
across as comfortable and natural, and your use of your arms and hands contributes to your
presentation. We can easily recognize that a well-chosen gesture can help make a point
As professional speakers lead up to a main point, they raise their hand slightly, perhaps waist
high, often called an anticipation step. The gesture clearly shows the audience your
The implementation step, which comes next, involves using your arms and hands above your
waist. By holding one hand at waist level pointing outward and raising it up with your palm
spoken word, and as students of speech have noted across time, audiences respond to this
nonverbal reinforcement. You then slowly lower your hand down past your waistline and away
from your body, letting go of the gesture and signaling your transition.
The relaxation step, where the letting go motion complements your residual message,
As you progress as a speaker from gestures and movement, you will need to turn your attention to
facial gestures and expressions. Facial gestures involve using your face to display feelings and
attitudes nonverbally. They may reinforce, or contradict, the spoken word, and their impact
cannot be underestimated. As we have discussed, people often focus more on how we say
something than what we actually say and place more importance on our nonverbal gestures. As
in other body movements, your facial gestures should come naturally, but giving them due
thought and consideration can keep you aware of how you are communicating the nonverbal
Facial gestures should reflect the tone and emotion of your verbal communication. If you are
using humor in your speech, you will likely smile and wink to complement the amusement
expressed in your words. Smiling will be much less appropriate if your presentation involves a
serious subject such as cancer or car accidents. Consider how you want your audience to feel in
response to your message, and identify the facial gestures you can use to promote those feelings.
The single most important facial gesture (in mainstream US culture) is eye
contact. Eye contact refers to the speaker’s gaze that engages the audience members. It can
vary in degree and length and, in many cases, is culturally influenced. Both in the speaker’s
expectations and the audience member’s notion of what is appropriate will influence normative
expectations for eye contact. In some cultures, there are understood behavioral expectations for
male gaze directed toward females, and vice versa. In a similar way, children may have
expectations of when to look their elders in the eye, and when to gaze down. Depending on the
culture, both may be nonverbal signals of listening. Understanding your audience is critical when
When giving a presentation, avoid looking over people’s heads, staring at a point on the wall, or
letting your eyes dart all over the place. The audience will find these mannerisms unnerving. They
will not feel as connected, or receptive, to your message, and you will reduce your effectiveness.
Move your eyes gradually and naturally across the audience, both close to you and toward the
back of the room. Try to look for faces that look interested and engaged in your message. Do not
to focus on only one or two audience members, as audiences may respond negatively to perceived
favoritism. Instead, try to give as much eye contact as possible across the audience. Keep it
• To use movement strategically in your presentation, keep it natural and consider using the
speaker’s triangle, the three-‐step sequence, facial gestures, and eye contact.
would the dance look like? Practice in front of a mirror.
2. Ask a friend to record you while you are having a typical conversation with another friend or
family member. Watch the video and observe your movements and facial gestures. What would
you do differently if you were making a presentation? Discuss your thoughts with a classmate.
3. Play “Lie to Me,” a game in which each person creates three statements (one is a lie) and tells all
three statements to a classmate or group. The listeners have to guess which statement is a lie.
[1] Mehrabian, A. (1981). Silent messages: Implicit communication of emotions and attitudes(2nd ed.).
[2] Seiler, W., & Beall, M. (2000). Communication: Making connections (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn &
• There are four types of communication at work: downward, upward, horizontal, and diagonal. All
types of communication can happen at once, especially with the use of blogs and social
networking sites.
• Companies that use good communication tend to have less turnover and less absenteeism.
• There are four main types of communication styles: expresser, driver, relater, and analytical. The
better we can understand our own style of communication and the communication styles of
others, the easier it will be to communicate with them.
• Passive, aggressive, and passive-‐aggressive behaviors are not healthy ways of communicating.
Assertive behavior, on the other hand, respects one’s own rights and the rights of others.
interested in what the other person has to say, and we check with the speaker to make sure we
understand what they have said. Competitive or combative listening is when we are focused on
sharing our own point of view. Passive listening is when we listen to someone but do not verify
• When sending e-‐mails, make sure to follow the four Cs: Clear, correct, concise, and complete.
• Nonverbal communication is the process of conveying a message without the use of words; it
relates to the dynamic process of communication, the perception process and listening, and
verbal communication.
• Nonverbal communication is fluid and fast, universal, confusing, and contextual. It can add to or
• Nonverbal communication communicates feelings and attitudes, and people tend to believe
• Nonverbal communication can be categorized into eight types: space, time, physical
In each of the situations, identify the type of communication used (upward, downward, or
horizontal). Then address the issues with the communication and strategies to improve the
1. Joey is the branch manager and sends an e-‐mail to all of his employees, notifying them of a
vacation time policy change. Employees are disappointed with this communication, as they
felt they should have had some say in the way the policy has changed.
2. Mariette works on the factory floor and notified her supervisor verbally of some safety
concerns. The supervisor is busy and forgets to follow up on the safety concerns.
3. Kashia works in the hospital’s mental health unit and notifies her colleague via e-‐mail about
4. Amiee
about what is expected for the day. The morning supervisor doesn’t understand one of the
5. At a car dealership, the parts manager and service manager need to work together to order
parts needed for services scheduled the following week. This is done via a weekly meeting.
However, last week’s meeting was canceled, so all of the parts aren’t in stock to complete the
service jobs.
6. The chief executive officer used a survey to determine employee satisfaction. Only 10 percent
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you
- Abraham Lincoln
- Unknown author
As the assistant manager at an automotive parts department, Jeremy has lots of experience
with cars and the automotive parts business. Everyone has their own preference for car part
brand, including him. When he works with customers, he might show them the other brand
but tends to know more about his favorite brands and shows those brands more often.
However, at the new product training seminar three weeks ago, all managers were told they
will receive a bonus for every DevilsDeat brake pad they or their employees sell. Employees
would also receive a bonus. Furthermore, it was recommended that managers train their
employees only on the DevilsDeat products, so the managers and employees alike could earn
a higher salary. Personally, Jeremy feels DevilsDeat brake pads are inferior and has had
several products malfunction on him. But the company ordered this to be done, so Jeremy
Last week, a customer came in and said his seventeen-year-old daughter had been in an
accident. The store had sold a defective DevilsDeat brake pad, and his daughter was almost
killed. Jeremy apologized profusely and replaced the part for free. Three more times that
week customers came in upset their DevilsDeat products had malfunctioned. Jeremy
replaced them each time but began to feel really uncomfortable with the encouragement of
Jeremy called to discuss with the district manager, who told him it was just a fluke, so
Jeremy continued on as usual. Several months later, a lawsuit was filed against DevilsDeat
and Jeremy’s automotive parts chain because of three fatalities as a result of the brake pads.
chapter will discuss some of the challenges associated with conflicting values, social
1. Be able to define ethics and give examples of ethical decisions you make in your daily life.
2. Explain the levels of ethics and how they relate to human relations.
3. Explain how your ethics are developed both personally and in the workplace.
Before we begin our conversation on ethics, it is important to note that making ethical decisions is
intelligence skills contribute to our career success, so learning how to make ethical decisions is
First, though, what exactly is ethics? Ethics is defined as a set of values that define right and
wrong. Can you see the challenge with this ambiguous definition? What exactly is right and
wrong? That obviously depends on the person and the individual situation, which is what makes
ethics difficult to more specifically define. Values are defined as principles or standards that a
person finds desirable. So we can say that ethics is a set of principles that a person or society finds
desirable and help define right and wrong. Often people believe that the law defines this for us. To
an extent it does, but there are many things that could be considered unethical that are not
necessarily illegal. For example, take the popularized case where a reality production crew was
filming about alcoholism—a show called Intervention. They followed one woman who got behind
felt this was extremely unethical, but it wasn’t illegal because they were viewed as witnesses and
therefore had no legal duty to intervene. This is the difference between something ethical and
illegal. Something may not necessarily be illegal, but at the same time, it may not be the right
thing to do.
often individuals’ ethics are shown through the ethics of an organization, since individuals are the
ones who set the ethics to begin with. In other words, while we can discuss organizational ethics,
remember that individuals are the ones who determine organizational ethics, which ties the
conversation of organizational ethics into personal ethics as well. If an organization can create an
ethically oriented culture, it is more likely to hire people who behave ethically. This behavior is
part of human relations, in that having and maintaining good ethics is part of emotional
intelligence. Of our four levels of ethics discussed next, the first two may not apply to us directly
as individuals in the company. As possible leaders of an organization, however, presenting all four
There are four main levels of ethical levels within organizations. The first level is societal issues.
These are the top-level issues relating to the world as a whole, which deal with questions such as
the morality of child labor worldwide. Deeper-level societal issues might include the role (if any)
of capitalism in poverty, for example. Most companies do not operate at this level of ethics,
although some companies, such as Tom’s Shoes, feel it is their responsibility to ensure everyone
has shoes to wear. As a result, their “one for one” program gives one pair of shoes to someone in
need for every pair of shoes purchased. Concern for the environment, for example, would be
another way a company can focus on societal-level issues. This level of ethics involves areas of
because of the ethics the organization creates due to the care and concern for individuals.
company’s actions. In this level, businesses must deal with policies that affect their customers,
employees, suppliers, and people within the community. For example, this level might deal with
fairness in wages for employees or notification of the potential dangers of a company’s product.
For example, McDonald’s was sued in 2010 because the lure of Happy Meal toys were said to
encourage children to eat unhealthy food. This is a stakeholder issue for McDonald’s, since it
affects customers. Although the case was dismissed in April 2012, the stakeholder issue
revolves around the need for companies to balance healthy choices and its marketing campaigns.
The third level is the internal policy issue level of ethics. In this level, the concern is internal
relationships between a company and employees. Fairness in management, pay, and employee
participation would all be considered ethical internal policy issues. If we work in management at
some point in our careers, this is certainly an area we will have extensive control over. Creation of
policies that relate to the treatment of employees relates to human relations—and retention of
those employees through fair treatment. It is in the organization’s best interests to create policies
around internal policies that benefit the company, as well as the individuals working for them.
The last level of ethical issues is personal issues. These deal with how we treat others within our
organization. For example, gossiping at work or taking credit for another’s work would be
considered personal issues. As an employee of an organization, we may not have as much control
over societal and stakeholder issues, but certainly we have control over the personal issues level of
ethics. This includes “doing the right thing.” Doing the right thing affects our human relations in
that if we are shown to be trustworthy when making ethical decisions, it is more likely we can be
promoted, or at the very least, earn respect from our colleagues. Without this respect, our human
our own personal ethics. For example, suppose you believe strongly that child labor should not be
used to produce clothing. You find out, however, that your company uses child labor in China to
produce 10 percent of your products. In this case, your personal values do not meet the societal
and stakeholder values you find important. This kind of difference in values can create challenges
working in a particular organization. When choosing the company or business we work for, it is
important to make sure there is a match between our personal values and the values within the
How important is it for you to work for an organization that has values and ethics similar
to yours?
can gain our values by watching others, such as parents, teachers, mentors, and siblings. The
more we identify with someone, say, our parents, the more likely we are to model that person’s
behavior. For example, if Jenny sees her father frequently speed when driving on the highway,
there is a good chance she will model that behavior as an adult. Or perhaps because of this
experience, Jenny ends up doing the exact opposite and always drives the speed limit. Either way,
this modeling experience affected her viewpoint. Likewise, if Jenny hears her mother frequently
speak ill of people or hears her lying to get out of attending events, there is a good chance Jenny
may end up doing the same as an adult—or the opposite. Besides our life models, other things that
1. Religion. Religion has an influence over what is considered right and wrong. Religion can be
the guiding force for many people when creating their ethical framework.
2. Culture. Every culture has a societal set of values. For example, in Costa Rica living a “pure
life” (Pura Vita) is the country’s slogan. As a result of this laid back attitude, the culture
focuses on a loose concept of time compared to the United States, for example. Similar to our
models, our culture tells us what is good, right, and moral. In some cultures where corruption
and bribery is the normal way of doing business, people in the culture have the unspoken code
that bribery is the way to get what you want. For example, in India, China, and Russia,
exporters pay bribes more often than companies from other countries, according to the New
York Times. In Europe, Italian businesses are more apt to pay bribes compared to other
European Union countries. While bribery of a government official is illegal in many countries,
it can happen anyway. For example, the government officials, such as police, may view
themselves as underpaid and therefore find it acceptable to accept bribes from people who
on a Thursday night, advertisements for skin creams and hair products might tell her that
good skin and shiny hair are a societal value, so she should value those things, too.
4. Models. Our parents, siblings, mentors, coaches, and others can affect our ethics today and
later in life. The way we see them behave and the things they say affect our values.
5. Attitudes. Our attitudes, similar to values, start developing at a young age. As a result, our
impression, likes, and dislikes affect ethics, too. For example, someone who spends a lot of
time outdoors may feel a connection to the environment and try to purchase environmentally
friendly products.
6. Experiences. Our values can change over time depending on the experiences we have. For
example, if we are bullied by our boss at work, our opinion might change on the right way to
Our personality affects our values, too. For example, in Chapter 3 "Manage Your Stress", we
discussed type A personalities and their concern for time. Because of this personality trait, the
ethically—with or without these codes—is a key ingredient to successful human relationships with
others. As we have discussed so far throughout the book, emotional intelligence is a key
component to career success. Aspects of emotional intelligence, which relate to ethics, include
self-management, social awareness, and empathy. Lacking social awareness and empathy
when it comes to ethics can have disastrous effects. For example, after the 2010 BP oil
spill in the Gulf, former CEO of BP Tony Hayward said, “I’d like my life back,” but later watched
yacht races, showing a lack in social awareness (how our actions affect others) and empathy. As
he said this, thousands of gallons of oil leaked into the Gulf, affecting thousands of people living
in the area. Even though Hayward apologized later, the damage had been done, as he showed his
lack of social awareness and empathy for the situation. This can be taken for a sign of lack of
ethics. Learning how to make ethical decisions makes us more trustworthy, honest, and caring of
how our decisions affect others. When we make ethical decisions and are viewed as ethical
individuals, our career can begin to grow and so can our relationships with others.
religion, attitudes, and experiences, companies create policies and standards to ensure employees
and managers understand the expected ethics. These sources of ethics can be based on the levels
of ethics, which we discussed earlier. Understanding our own ethics and company ethics can
apply to our emotional intelligence skills in the form of self-management and managing our
relationships with others. Being ethical allows us to have a better relationship with our
For example, companies create values statements, which explain their values and are tied to
company ethics. A values statement is the organization’s guiding principles, those things that the
• Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
• Integrity: Be real
• Mutual respect
• Quality
• Trust
• Teamwork
• Cheating on exams
• Plagiarizing
• Breaking trust
• Gossiping
• Conflicts of interest
A company publicizes its values statements but often an internal code of conduct is put into
place in order to ensure employees follow company values set forth and advertised to the
public. The code of conduct is a guideline for dealing with ethics in the organization. The
code of conduct can outline many things, and often companies offer training in one or more
of these areas:
• Workplace violence
• Employee privacy
• Conflicts of interest
• Insider trading
• Bribes
Some companies have 1-800 numbers, run by outside vendors, that allow employees to
anonymously inform about ethics violations within the company. Someone who informs law
Mitchell Magid worked as an oral surgeon for Sanford Health in North Dakota. When he
reported numerous safety violations, he claimed he was fired from his job. In an initial
ruling, Dr. Magid was awarded $900,000 for the firing, although Sanford Health claims he
was fired for other reasons and will appeal the case. [12] In the United States, several laws
protect whistleblowers. For example, the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA)
protects whistleblowers when they report safety violations. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Figure 5.2
successful person. Understanding where our ethics come from is a good introduction into how we
can make good personal and company ethical decisions. Ethical decision making ties into human
management. The ability to manage our ethical decision-making processes can help us make
better decisions, and better decisions result in higher productivity and improved human relations.
We will discuss ethical decision making and self-management in Section 5.2 "Making Ethical
• Ethics is defined as a set of values that define right and wrong. Values are standards or principles
• There are four levels of ethical issues. First, societal issues deal with bigger items such as taking
care of the environment, capitalism, or embargos. Sometimes companies get involved in
societal-‐level ethics based on their company policies—for example, not using child labor in
overseas factories.
• The second level of ethical issues is stakeholder issues. These are the things that a stakeholder
• Internal policy issues are the third level of ethical issues. This includes things like pay and how
• Personal issues, our last level of ethical issues, refer to how we treat others within our
• There are sources of personal ethics and sources of company ethics. Our personal sources of
ethics may come from the models we had in our childhood, such as parents, or from
experiences, religion, or culture. Companies use values statements and codes of ethics to ensure
everyone is following the same ethical codes, since ethics vary from person to person.
1. Provide an example of each level of ethical issue and describe.
2. Create a personal values statement. This should include five to ten things you find important.
Now assess your close relationships. Do they match? What can occur when your personal values
3. Find a code of conduct online and write three paragraphs on some of the main areas of focus. Be
4. In our opening case, what do you think Jeremy should do and why?
[1] Weinstein, B. (2007, October 15). If it’s ethical, it’s legal, right? Businessweek, accessed February 24,
[2] Brown, M. (2010). Ethics in organizations. Santa Clara University, accessed June 2,
[3] Sims, R. R. (1991). Journal of Business Ethics, 10(7), 493–506
[4] Rao Rama, V. S. (2009, April 17). Four levels of ethics. Citeman Network, accessed February 24,
[5] Jacobson, M. (2010, June 22). McDonald’s lawsuit: Using toys to sell Happy Meals, accessed February
[6] The Associated Press. (2012, April 5). Calif. judge dismisses suit against McDonald’s toys. USA Today,
[8] Durando, J. (2010, June 1). BP’s Tony Hayward: I’d like my life back, USA Today, accessed June 3,
[9] The Coca Cola Company website, accessed February 25, 2012, http://www.thecoca-‐
[12] Outpatient Surgery. (n.d.). Whistle blowing surgeon awarded $900,000, accessed February 24,
1. Be able to explain the models you can use for ethical decision making.
Now that we have working knowledge of ethics, it is important to discuss some of the models
we can use to make ethical decisions. Understanding these models can assist us in developing
our self-management skills and relationship management skills. These models will give you
the tools to make good decisions, which will likely result in better human relations within
your organization.
Most people use a combination of several models, which might be the best way to be
thorough with ethical decision making. In addition, often we find ethical decisions to be
quick. For example, if I am given too much change at the grocery store, I may have only a few
seconds to correct the situation. In this case, our values and morals come into play to help us
make this decision, since the decision making needs to happen fast.
to ethical decision making. [1] In her model, she suggests asking yourself questions to
determine if you are making the right ethical decision. This model asks people to reframe
their perspective on ethical decision making, which can be helpful in looking at ethical
choices from all angles. Her model consists of the following questions: [2]
2. How would you define the problem if you stood on the other side of the fence?
4. To whom and what do you give your loyalties as a person and as a member of the company?
8. Can you engage the affected parties in a discussion of the problem before you make your
9. Are you confident that your position will be as valid over a long period of time as it seems
10. Could you disclose without qualms your decision or action to your boss, your family, or society
as a whole?
Consider the situation of Catha and her decision to take home a printer cartilage from work,
despite the company policy against taking any office supplies home. She might go through
1. My problem is that I cannot afford to buy printer ink, and I have the same printer at home.
Since I do some work at home, it seems fair that I can take home the printer ink.
2. If I am allowed to take this ink home, others may feel the same, and that means the company
3. It has occurred due to the fact I have so much work that I need to take some of it home, and
6. If I take home this ink, my intention may show I am disloyal to the company and do not
7. The decision could injure my company and myself, in that if I get caught, I may get in trouble.
8. Yes, I could engage my boss and ask her to make an exception to the company policy, since I
9. No, I am not confident of this. For example, if I am promoted at work, I may have to enforce
this rule at some point. It would be difficult to enforce if I personally have broken the rule
10. I would not feel comfortable doing it and letting my company and boss know after the fact.
11. The symbolic action could be questionable loyalty to the company and respect of company
with my supervisor to find a way to get my work done without having a printer cartridge at
As you can see from the process, Catha came to her own conclusion by answering the
questions involved in this model. The purpose of the model is to think through the situation
from all sides to make sure the right decision is being made.
As you can see in this model, first an analysis of the problem itself is important. Determining
your true intention when making this decision is an important factor in making ethical
decisions. In other words, what do you hope to accomplish and who can it hurt or harm? The
ability to talk with affected parties upfront is telling. If you were unwilling to talk with the
affected parties, there is a chance (because you want it kept secret) that it could be the wrong
ethical decision. Also, looking at your actions from other people’s perspectives is a core of
this model.
Figure 5.3
understanding all of the possibilities and combining them is the best way to look at ethical decision
making. The steps consist of stop and think, clarify goals, determine facts, develop options,
As mentioned, the first step is to stop and think. When we stop to think, this avoids rash
decisions and allows us to focus on the right decision-making process. It also allows us to
determine if the situation we are facing is legal or ethical. When we clarify our goals, we allow
ourselves to focus on expected and desired outcomes. Next, we need to determine the facts in
the situation. Where are we getting our facts? Is the person who is providing the facts to us
credible? Is there bias in the facts or assumptions that may not be correct? Next, create a list
look at the possible consequences of our actions. For example, who will be helped and who
might be hurt? Since all ethical decisions we make may not always be perfect, considering
how you feel and the outcome of your decisions will help you to make better ethical decisions
in the future. Figure 5.4 "An Example of Josephson’s Model when Dealing with the Ethical
Situation of Downloading Music from Share Websites." gives an example of the ethical
Figure 5.4 An Example of Josephson’s Model when Dealing with the Ethical Situation of
model was created in the late 1990s for the counseling profession but can apply to nearly every
profession from health care to business. In this model, the authors propose eight steps to the
decision-making process. As you will note, the process is similar to Josephson’s model, with a few
1. Step 1: Identify the problem. Sometimes just realizing a particular situation is ethical can
be the important first step. Occasionally in our organizations, we may feel that it’s just the
“way of doing business” and not think to question the ethical nature.
2. Step 2: Identify the potential issues involved. Who could get hurt? What are the issues
that could negatively impact people and/or the company? What is the worst-case scenario if
we choose to do nothing?
procedures in place to handle this situation? For example, if a client gives you a gift, there may
be a rule in place as to whether you can accept gifts and if so, the value limit of the gift you can
4. Step 4: Know relevant laws and regulations. If the company doesn’t necessarily have a
5. Step 5: Obtain consultation. Seek support from supervisors, coworkers, friends, and
family, and especially seek advice from people who you feel are moral and ethical.
6. Step 6: Consider possible and probable courses of action. What are all of the possible
solutions for solving the problem? Brainstorm a list of solutions—all solutions are options
7. Step 7: List the consequences of the probable courses of action.What are both the
positive and negative benefits of each proposed solution? Who can the decision affect?
8. Step 8: Decide on what appears to be the best course of action. With the facts we
have and the analysis done, choosing the best course of action is the final step. There may not
always be a “perfect” solution, but the best solution is the one that seems to create the most
Most organizations provide such a framework for decision making. By providing this type of
framework, an employee can logically determine the best course of action. The Department of
Defense uses a similar framework when making decisions, as shown in Note 5.14 "Department of
b. Ask questions.
9. Rank the remaining options according to how close they bring you to your goal, and solve the
Philosophers and ethicists believe in a few ethical standards, which can guide ethical decision
making. First, the utilitarian approach says that when choosing one ethical action over
another, we should select the one that does the most good and least harm. For example, if the
cashier at the grocery store gives me too much change, I may ask myself, if I keep the change,
what harm is caused? If I keep it, is any good created? Perhaps the good created is that I am not
able to pay back my friend whom I owe money to, but the harm would be that the cashier could
lose his job. In other words, the utilitarian approach recognizes that some good and some harm
can come out of every situation and looks at balancing the two.
In the rights approach, we look at how our actions will affect the rights of those around us. So
rather than looking at good versus harm as in the utilitarian approach, we are looking at
individuals and their rights to make our decision. For example, if I am given too much change at
the grocery store, I might consider the rights of the corporation, the rights of the cashier to be
paid for something I purchased, and the right of me personally to keep the change because it was
their mistake.
The common good approach says that when making ethical decisions, we should try to benefit
the community as a whole. For example, if we accepted the extra change in our last example but
donated to a local park cleanup, this might be considered OK because we are focused on the good
The virtue approach asks the question, “What kind of person will I be if I choose this action?”
In other words, the virtue approach to ethics looks at desirable qualities and says we should act to
obtain our highest potential. In our grocery store example, if given too much change, someone
might think, “If I take this extra change, this might make me a dishonest person—which I don’t
want to be.”
The imperfections in these approaches are threefold:
this section when making ethical decisions. If we consider all approaches and ways to make
ethical decisions, it is more likely we will make better ethical decisions. By making better ethical
decisions, we improve our ability to self-manage, which at work can improve our relationships
with others.
• We can use a variety of models and frameworks to help us in ethical decision making. For
example, one such model is the Twelve Questions Model. This model encourages us to ask
questions such as who this decision affects to determine the best ethical choice.
• Josephson’s model consists of six steps. They include stop and think, clarify goals, determine
• Another model discussed has the following steps: identify the problem, identify the potential
issues involved, review relevant ethical guidelines, know relevant laws and regulations, obtain
consultation, consider possible and probable courses of action, list the consequences of the
probable courses of action, and decide on what appears to be the best course of action.
• Philosophers look at ethical frameworks following a utilitarian approach, common good
approach, rights approach, and the virtue approach. These approaches provide a framework for
1. Think of a recent ethical decision you have made. Using the model or framework of your choice,
discuss how you went through the process of making a sound ethical decision.
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each model presented in this section? How can you
[1] Nash, L. (1981). Ethics without the sermon. Howard Business Review, 59 79–90, accessed February 24,
[2] Nash, L. (1981). Ethics without the sermon. Howard Business Review, 59 79–90, accessed February 24,
[3] Corey, G., Corey, M . S., & Callanan, P. (1998). Issues and ethics in the helping professions.Toronto:
Brooks/Cole Publishing Company; Syracuse School of Education. (n.d.). An ethical decision making model,
[4] United States Department of Defense. (1999). Joint Ethics Regulation DoD 5500.7-‐R., accessed
February 24,
2012, andhttp://ogc.hqda.
[5] Santa Clara University. (n.d.). A framework for thinking ethically, accessed February 24,
1. Explain and give examples of the levels of social responsibility in your professional and personal
not only companies, can engage in social responsibility. Being socially responsible shows
both social awareness and self-management skills—that is, an awareness of how our
decisions affect others. This section will first discuss social responsibility on the corporate
level and then social responsibility on the individual level. As we discussed with ethical
responsibility from individual ethics and social responsibility, since people are the ones
making the corporate policies. For purposes of this section, we will first discuss social
Since social responsibility was first mentioned in the 1960s, companies have felt pressure
from society to behave in a more socially responsible manner. Social responsibility is the
businesses should be concerned about the welfare of society and mindful of how its actions
could affect society as a whole. We know that social responsibility doesn’t always happen,
despite the seemingly best efforts of a company. For example, court papers accuse British
Petroleum (BP) of gross negligence for safety violations and knowingly failing to maintain
the oil rig, which caused the death of eleven workers and leaked oil in the Gulf of Mexico for
eighty-seven days. [1] In this case, and others like it, people question the ability of companies
to fulfill their duty to society. Ideally, companies should look at four main areas of social
responsibility and act ethically in all four areas. In fact, even as individuals we should be
aware of these areas of social responsibility, which we will discuss in this section. Those four
1. Economic aspects. Companies need to maintain strong economic interests so they can stay
in business. Being profitable and providing value to shareholders is part of a company being
socially responsible.
2. Legal aspects. A company must follow the law and have a legal obligation to do so. For
example, car companies are required to meet a certain level of emissions standards in car
3. Ethical aspects. Acting ethically means going above and beyond the legal requirements and
meeting the expectations of society. In a recent example, Apple Inc. policies were questioned
when it was discovered the high suicide rate of workers producing iPhones in the Chinese
Foxxconn factory. As a result of the newfound awareness, Foxxconn raised the salary for
workers from 900 yuan ($143) to 1,800 yuan. In other words, the ethical expectations (and
4. Philanthropic aspects. This is the expectation that companies should give back to society in
the form of charitable donations of time, money, and goods. Some organizations, such as REI,
based in Seattle, Washington, donate 3 percent of profit and thousands of hours to nonprofit
community groups each year.
Based on these areas, many believe business should go above and beyond the law to act
ethically, meet expectations of society, and even go beyond by donating profit back to the
communities in which the businesses operate. As we mentioned at the start of this section,
businesses are not the only ones who engage in social responsibility. Since people run
businesses, often we see business social responsibility initiatives that are directly related to
individuals in the organization. For example, the Body Shop founder, Anita Roddick, [5]cared
deeply for the environment and for animals, and as a result, her organization (now owned by
L’Oreal) focused on environmentally friendly products and products that did not test on
More recently, social responsibility has been looked at as going above and beyond even
philanthropy. Past ideas on social responsibility implied that businesses must trade off social
responsibility for profits—in other words, in order to make profit, businesses had to actually
harm society. This way of thinking has changed with the idea of creating shared value. This
concept, created by Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer of Harvard University, attempts
responsibility.[6] Creating shared value (CSV) is the premise that companies and the
community are tied closely together, and if one benefits, they both benefit. For example, if
companies donate money to schools, it actually benefits both the community and the
company in that a better educated workforce can be profitable for the company in the long
run. The idea that social responsibility is something that costs companies money is no longer
in favor. In fact, behaving socially responsibly can help a company save money. Small things,
such as turning off computers at night, result in cost savings in electricity and are the right
thing to do from a social responsibility perspective, too. As Porter and Kramer have pointed
out through their research, benefiting the community does not have to be at the cost of the
not), individuals in the organization are the ones who create policies surrounding social
awareness and empathy, can be shown through our use of social responsibility efforts within
personal actions have an effect on the community. ISR can include the following:
2. Working for the community, such as volunteering, giving blood donations, and working at a
3. Supporting issues that affect society, such as advocating political or social issues that can help
others—for example, advocating for child labor laws, purchasing fair trade products, recycling.
4. Individual ethics, such as integrity and honesty. These individual ethics can also include the
“golden rule”: treat others how you wish to be treated. This might mean with empathy and a
sense of fairness.
through the use of social awareness—that is, understanding how our actions can affect others and
engaging in empathy for others. In addition, we can build our self-esteem and self-perception by
helping others and engaging in socially responsible activities. As we have discussed throughout
the chapter, to improve human relations skills, we must understand that ethics, social
responsibility, and emotional intelligence skills are intertwined with each other. Those who
continually develop their emotional intelligence skills will likely engage in ethical and socially
• Social responsibility is defined as the duty of business to do no harm to society.
be profitable; the responsibility to meet the legal obligations—businesses must comply with the
law and regulations; companies have a responsibility to act ethically and morally and to choose
the action that causes the least, if any, harm; and finally, philanthropic is the idea that businesses
should give back, either in time, money, or goods, to the community in which they serve.
• People used to believe that the relationship between social responsibility and the community
was an inverse one, where if companies benefited society, it came at economic cost to them.
Recent research has pointed out that in fact creating shared value (CSV) actually benefits both
parties and not at a cost to one or the other.
• ISR or individual social responsibility refers to our awareness of how our actions affect the
community as a whole. ISR can include volunteering time, giving money, and standing up for
1. Name and discuss at least two companies you believe to be socially responsible. Address each of
2. Is it possible for companies to be socially responsible in one area but not another? Provide an
[1] United Press International. (2012, February 24). BP trial will push gross negligence claim, accessed
[2] Carroll, A. (n.d.). The pyramid of corporate social responsibility. Business Horizons, accessed February
[5] Lyall, S. (2007, September 12). Anita Roddick, founder of the Body Shop, dies at 64. New York Times,
[6] Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2011, January). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review,
[7] Bénabou, R. & Tirole, J (2010). Individual and corporate social responsibility.Economica, 77, 1–19.
• Ethics is defined as a set of values that define right and wrong. Values are standards or principles
• There are four levels of ethical issues. First, societal issues deal with bigger items such as taking
care of the environment, capitalism, or embargos. Sometimes companies get involved in
societal-‐level ethics based on their company policies—for example, not using child labor in
overseas factories.
• The second level of ethical issues is stakeholder issues. These are the things that a stakeholder
• Internal policy issues are the third level of ethical issues. This includes things like pay and how
• Personal-‐level ethical issues refer to how we treat others within our organization.
• There are sources of personal ethics and sources of company ethics. Our personal sources of
ethics may come from models we had in our childhood, such as parents, or they could come
ensure everyone is following the same ethical codes, since ethics vary from person to person.
• We can use a variety of models and frameworks to help us in ethical decision making. For
example, one such model is the Twelve Questions Model. This model encourages us to ask
questions such as who this decision affects to determine the best ethical choice.
• Josephson’s model consists of six steps. They include stop and think, clarify goals, determine
• Another model discussed has the following steps: identify the problem, identify the potential
issues involved, review relevant ethical guidelines, know relevant laws and regulations, obtain
consultation, consider possible and probable courses of action, list the consequences of the
probable courses of action, and decide on what appears to be the best course of action.
• Philosophers look at ethics in a framework following a utilitarian approach, common good
approach, rights approach, and the virtue approach. These approaches provide a framework for
• Social responsibility is defined as the duty of business to do no harm to society.
• There are four levels of social responsibility. First is economics, or the responsibility of the
business to be profitable. Second is the responsibility to meet the legal obligations. Businesses
must comply with the law and regulations. Next, companies have a responsibility to act ethically
and morally, and to choose the action that causes the least, if any, harm. Finally, philanthropic is
the idea that businesses should give back—either in time, money, or goods—to the community
• People used to believe that the relationship between social responsibility and the community
was an inverse one, where if companies benefited society, it came at economic cost to them.
Recent research has pointed out that in fact creating shared value (CSV) actually benefits both
parties and not at a cost to one or the other.
manager, he is responsible for working with vendors to provide services to his clients. One part of his
job is to screen out potential vendors for clients and then make overall recommendations and
provide project plans to the client based on his selected vendors. This relationship is important
because the client places an immense amount of trust in the vendor choices made. Damon, with his
straightforward communication style, is talented in picking and choosing the best vendors for the
client, which was one reason he was hired. The nature of the job requires Damon to often meet with
potential vendors and salespeople. One late afternoon, a vendor meeting with Valerie runs into
dinnertime. Valerie asks Damon if he wants to have a drink and some appetizers while they continue
discussing the services the vendor has to offer. They go next door to a pub and continue their
discussion. When the check comes, Damon picks it up and the Valerie says, “No, you can’t pay for
this. I got it.” Damon hands her the check and thanks her for dinner.
Later that week, after Damon has met with all possible vendors for the project, he decides to go with
Valerie’s company. They provide the highest-‐quality services at the best price. In fact, their pricing is
about 10 percent less while the services they will provide get rave reviews from other clients. Damon
is confident it is the right choice. When Damon goes to the project manager with this decision, the
project manager, Janet, says she prefers not to work with that vendor, then asks, “Didn’t Valerie take
Damon replies, “Yes, but that isn’t why I choose them to be our vendor for this project.” Janet
doesn’t respond and turns back to her computer and asks Damon to explain why Valerie’s company is
1. What is the potential conflict of interest in this case?
2. How can outside perception impact our ethical choices? Should outside perception affect our
3. Using one of the models discussed in the chapter, address how Damon should have gone about
- Pat Riley
- Raymond Chandler
Brenden decided to go to college with one goal in mind: to get a job where he could make lots
of money. His hope was that the job would allow him to live in a large house, drive a nice car,
and take two nice vacations per year. Once he graduated, he accepted a sales job that
About two years into his job, he realized that while he was making a lot of money, he didn't
really like his job. It required a lot of travel and working with unhappy clients. Brenden then
decided to create a list of the most important things to him in a job. The first on the list was
the fact he would feel good about his contributions to society. The second on the list was his
ability to pay his bills with a little money left over to save. The third most important thing on
the list was that he would be home during the week so he could spend more time with his
The more Brenden looked at his "wish" list, he realized what he wanted wasn't lots of money,
as he had thought. Other things, as he grew in his career, were far more important to him.
Brenden's situation is common. Often, people think they are motivated by money, but when
they step back, they realize that money is just one part of a person's overall satisfaction at
work. For years, managers have tried to motivate people based on money, but research has
shown this can only be effective to an extent. Other things, such as flexible schedules or more
vacation time, can motivate people more than a pay raise. This is the topic of our chapter,
human motivation and developing an understanding of what motivates you. Knowing what
motivates you as you select a career path can help you be a successful, happy employee later
6.1 Human
1. Be able to discuss why you or others may not be satisfied at work.
2. Be able to explain how the human motivation theories apply to you.
There are a number of theories that attempt to describe what makes a satisfied employee versus
an unsatisfied employee. Knowing what motivates us—and what doesn’t—is the key to choosing
the right career path. It may be surprising, but much of what makes us satisfied or unsatisfied at
work has little to do with money. We will discuss some of these theories next.
being unhappy—because for most of us, we start out happy but then gradually become unhappy.
One of the basic theories is the progression of job withdrawal theory, developed by Dan Farrell
and James Petersen. It says that people develop a set of behaviors in order to avoid their work
situation. These behaviors include behavior change, physical withdrawal, and psychological
Within the behavior change area, an employee will first try to change the situation that is causing
the dissatisfaction. For example, if the employee is unhappy with the management style, he or she
might consider asking for a department move. In the physical withdrawal phase, the employee
If an employee is unable to leave the job situation, he or she will experience psychological
withdrawal. They will become disengaged and may show less job involvement and commitment to
the organization, which can create large costs to the organization, such as dissatisfied customers,
not to mention the cost to employee and his or her unhappiness in the job.
Often, our process of job withdrawal has to do with our lack of motivation, which we will discuss
This was some of the first research performed that looked at human motivation at work. His
results were surprising, as he found that no matter which experiments were performed, worker
output improved. His conclusion and explanation for this was the simple fact the workers were
happy to receive attention from researchers who expressed interest in them. As a result, these
experiments, scheduled to last one year, extended to five years to increase the knowledge base
The implication of this research applies to us as employees, even today. It tells us that our
supervisors and managers should try to do things that make us feel valued. If not, we need to find
In 1943, Abraham Maslow developed what was known as the theory of human motivation. His
theory was developed in an attempt to explain human motivation. According to Maslow, there is a
hierarchy of five needs, and as one level of need is satisfied, it will no longer be a motivator. In
other words, people start at the bottom of the hierarchy and work their way up. Maslow’s
• Self-actualization needs
• Esteem needs
• Social needs
• Safety needs
• Physiological needs
Physiological needs are our most basic needs, including food, water, and shelter. Safety needs at
work might include feeling safe in the actual physical environment or job security. As humans, we
have the basic need to spend time with others. Esteem needs refer to the need we have to feel
good about ourselves. Finally, self-actualization needs are the needs we have to better ourselves.
The implications of his research tell us, for example, that as long as our physiological needs are
met, increased pay may not be a motivator. Needs might include, for example, fair pay, safety
standards at work, opportunities to socialize, compliments to help raise our esteem, and training
In 1959, Frederick Herzberg published The Motivation to Work, which described his studies to
performed interviews in which employees were asked what pleased and displeased them about
their work. From his research, he developed the motivation-hygiene theory to explain these
The things that satisfied the employees were motivators, while the dissatisfiers were the hygiene
factors. He further said the hygiene factors were not necessarily motivators, but if not present in
the work environment, they would actually cause demotivation. In other words, the hygiene
factors are expected and assumed, while they may not necessarily motivate.
His research showed the following as the top six motivation factors:
1. Achievement
2. Recognition
4. Responsibility
5. Advancement
6. Growth
1. Company policies
2. Supervision
4. Work conditions
5. Salary
The implication of this research is clear. Salary, for example, is on the hygiene factor list. Fair pay
is expected, but it doesn’t actually motivate us to do a better job. On the other hand, programs to
motivator. Therefore, the actual motivators tend to be the work and recognition surrounding the
work performed.
Douglas McGregor proposed the X-Y theory in his 1960 book called The Human Side of
Enterprise. McGregor’s theory gives us a starting point to understanding how management
style can impact the retention of employees. His theory suggests two fundamental approaches to
managing people. Theory X managers, who have an authoritarian management style, have the
• Most people need to be threatened with punishment to work toward company goals.
• Most workers will use imagination and ingenuity in solving company problems.
As you can see, these two belief systems have a large variance, and managers who manage under
1700s during the Seven Years’ War. In business today, the stick approach refers to “poking and
prodding” to get employees to do something. The carrot approach refers to the offering of some
reward or incentive to motivate employees. Many companies use the stick approach, as in the
following examples:
• Everyone will have to take a pay cut if we don’t produce 15 percent more than we are
currently producing.
As you can imagine, the stick approach does little to motivate us in the long term! While it may
work for some time, constant threats and prodding do not motivate.
• If production increases by 15 percent, the entire team will receive an extra day off next
The carrot approach takes a much more positive approach to employee motivation but still may
not be effective. For example, this approach can actually demotivate employees if they do not feel
the goal is achievable. Has this ever happened to you at work? Some reward was offered, but you
knew it wasn't really achievable? If so, you know how this can actually be demotivating! Also, if
organizations use this as the only motivational technique, ignoring physiological rewards such as
understand our own emotions that we can begin to understand what we need to do to motivate
Of course, the more motivated we are, the more likely we are to experience career success. Most, if
not all, managers want to hire and promote people who show extensive motivation in their job.
This is impossible to do if we do not first identify what actually motivates us as individuals. If you
are motivated by intrinsic rewards, such as feeling good about your job, you are more likely to be
better at your job because you enjoy it! Not only will we be better at our job if we like it, but it is
highly likely we will be happier. When we are happier we tend to show better human
relations skills, and this happiness can come in part from understanding our own motivations
and making sure we choose a career path that matches with our motivations.
work. In addition, we discussed motivation and the various motivational theories that can help us
understand our own motivations. But why is this important? As you saw in the opening story, if
we understand our own motivations, we can better choose a career path that will make us happy.
Also, keep in mind that your motivations may change over time. For example, as a college student
your motivation may lie in the ability to make money, but after working for a few years, your
motivation may change to look at more flexibility in your job. It is important to keep your
motivations, needs, and wants in check, because what you want today will change over time.
Consider the recent twenty-two-year-old college graduate. What his priorities are today will
change as his life changes; for example, meeting a significant other and maybe raising a family
can make his priorities change when he is thirty-two. To continually understand our motivations,
it is important to keep track, perhaps on a yearly basis, of what our priorities are. This can help us
• The theory of job withdrawal explains the process someone goes through when they are not
• There are many motivation theories that attempt to explain people’s motivation or lack of
• The Hawthorne studies were a series of studies beginning in 1927 that initially looked at physical
environments but found that people tended to be more motivated when they felt cared about.
The implications to retention are clear, in that employees should feel cared about and developed
• Maslow’s theory on motivation says that if someone already has a need met, giving them
something to meet more of that need will no longer motivate. Maslow divided the needs into
physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-‐actualization needs. Many companies only motivate
based on the low-‐level needs, such as pay. Development of training opportunities, for example,
• Herzberg developed motivational theories based on actual motivation factors and hygiene
factors. Hygiene factors are those things that are expected in the workplace and will demotivate
employees when absent but will not actually motivate when present. If managers try to motivate
only on the basis of hygiene factors, turnover can be high. Motivation on both of his factors is
• McGregor’s theory on motivation looked at managers’ attitudes toward employees. He found
that theory X managers had more of a negative view of employees, while theory Y managers had
a more positive view. Providing training to the managers in our organization can be a key
offering some incentive to motivate them to do the work. This theory implies these are the only
two methods to motivate, which, of course, we know isn’t true. The implication of this in our
retention plan is such that we must utilize a variety of methods to retain employees.
• Finally, understanding our own motivations at work is an important step to making sure we
1. What types of things will motivate you in your career? Name at least five things. Where would
these fit on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two-‐factor theory?
2. Have you ever been unhappy at a job? Or if you haven't worked, have you ever felt unhappy in a
specific team or group? Consider this experience and write about how you went through each
[1] Dan Farrell and James C. Petersen, “Commitment, Absenteeism and Turnover of New Employees: A
Longitudinal Study,” Human Relations 37, no. 8 (August 1984): 681–92, accessed August 26,
[2] Elton Mayo, The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilization (1949; repr., New York: Arno Press, 2007).
[3] Abraham Maslow, Toward a Psychology of Being, 3rd ed. (New York: Wiley, 1999).
[4] Frederick Herzberg, Bernard Mausner, and Barbara Bloch Snyderman, The Motivation to Work (New
[5] Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise (1960; repr., New York: McGraw-‐Hill, 2006).
1. Explain the strategies companies use to try to retain employees.
understanding what makes us happy or unhappy at our jobs. Companies implement many
strategies to keep us motivated at work. This section will discuss some of those specific
important to note that when we look at compensation, it is much more than only pay but things
Some of the considerations companies use surrounding pay can include the following:
1. Instituting a standard process. Many organizations do not have set pay plans, which can
result in unfairness when onboarding (the process of bringing someone “on board” with the
Companies should make sure the process for receiving pay raises is fair and defensible, so as
2. A pay communication strategy. Many companies work hard to make sure the fair pay
process is communicated to employees. Transparency in the process of how raises are given
and then communicated can help companies retain good employees.
3. Paid time off (PTO). Companies pay us not only with our salary but also from the time off
and managers offer training programs within the organization and pay for employees to attend
career skill seminars and programs. It is a great idea to take advantage of these types of self-
growth opportunities in your current or future organization. In addition, many companies offer
tuition reimbursement programs to help you earn a degree. Dick’s Drive-In, a local fast food
restaurant in Seattle, Washington, offers $18,000 in scholarships over four years to employees
working twenty hours per week. There is a six-month waiting period, and the employee must
continue to work twenty hours per week. In a high turnover industry, Dick’s Drive-In boasts one
The performance appraisal is a formalized process to assess how well an employee does his or
her job. The effectiveness of this process can contribute to employee retention, in that we can gain
constructive feedback on our job performance, and it can be an opportunity for the manager to
work with the us to set goals within the organization. This process can help ensure our upper-level
self-actualization needs are met, but it also can address some of the motivational factors
Succession planning is a process of identifying and developing internal people who have the
potential for filling positions. As we know, many people leave organizations because they do not
see career growth or potential. Companies can combat this by having a clear career path for us to
follow. For example, perhaps you start as a sales associate, become assistant manager, and then
become manager. Proper succession planning shows what we must accomplish at each level in
order to attain a higher-level position. This type of clear career path can help with our motivation
at work. If your current or future organization does not have a succession plan, consider speaking
According to a survey, the ability to work from home and flexible work schedules are
benefits that would entice us to stay in our job. The ability to implement this type of retention
strategy might be difficult, depending on the type of business. For example, a retailer may not be
able to implement this, since the sales associate must be in the store to assist customers.
However, for many professions, it is a viable option, worth including in the retention plan and
Some companies, such as Recreational Equipment Incorporated, based in Seattle, offer twelve
weeks of unpaid leave per year (beyond the twelve weeks required under the Family and Medical
Leave Act) for the employee to pursue volunteering or traveling opportunities. In addition, with
fifteen years of service with the company, paid sabbaticals are offered, which include four weeks
In a recent Gallup poll of one million workers, a poor supervisor or manager is the number one
reason why people leave their jobs. Managers who bully, use the theory X approach,
communicate poorly, or are incompetent may find it difficult to motivate employees to stay within
the organization. While, as employees, we cannot control a manager’s behavior, companies can
Perceptions on fairness and how organizations handle conflict can be a contributing factor to our
motivation at work. Outcome fairness refers to the judgment that we make with respect to the
outcomes we receive versus the outcomes received by others with whom we associate with. When
we are deciding if something is fair, we will likely look at procedural justice, or the process
used to determine the outcomes received. There are six main areas we use to determine the
2. Bias suppression. We perceive the person making the decision does not have bias or
4. Correctability. The decision is able to be appealed and mistakes in the decision process
can be corrected.
5. Representativeness. We feel the concerns of all stakeholders involved have been taken
into account.
For example, let’s suppose JoAnn just received a bonus and recognition at the company party for
her contributions to an important company project. However, you might compare your inputs
and outputs and determine it was unfair that JoAnn was recognized because you had worked on
bigger projects and not received the same recognition or bonus. As you know from the last
section, this type of unfairness can result in being unmotivated at work. Excellent communication
with your manager when dealing with these types of situations would be imperative.
Ensuring our skills set and what we enjoy doing matches with the job is important. Some
companies will use a change in job design, enlarge the job or empower employees to motivate
more rewarding. For example, if we as retail salespersons are good at creating eye-catching
displays, allowing us to practice these skills and assignment of tasks around this could be
considered job enrichment. Job enrichment can fulfill our higher level of human needs while
creating job satisfaction at the same time. In fact, research in this area by Richard Hackman and
Greg Oldham found that we, as employees, need the following to achieve job satisfaction:
• Task identity, or being able to complete one task from beginning to end
• Task significance, or the degree to which the job has impact on others, internally or
current job, can create job satisfaction. Assigning us to a special project or task is an example of
job enlargement.
Employee empowerment involves management allowing us to make decisions and act upon
those decisions, with the support of the organization. When we are not micromanaged and have
the power to determine the sequence of our own work day, we tend to be more satisfied than
those employees who are not empowered. Empowerment can include the following:
• Make sure we, as employees, have the information we need to do our jobs; for example, we
• Management styles that allow for participation, feedback, and ideas from employees.
meeting preset objectives within the organization. For example, in a merit-based pay system, we
might be rewarded for meeting or exceeding performance during a given time period. Rather than
a set pay increase every year, the increase is based on performance. Some organizations offer
bonuses to employees for meeting objectives, while some organizations offer team incentive pay if
a team achieves a specific, predetermined outcome. For example, each player on the winning
team of the 2010 NFL Super Bowl earned a team bonus of $83,000, while the losing team of the
Super Bowl took home $42,000. Players also earn money for each wild card game and playoff
game. Some organizations also offer profit sharing, which is tied to a company’s overall
performance. Gain sharing, different from profit sharing, focuses on improvement of productivity
within the organization. For example, the city of Loveland in Colorado implemented a gain-
sharing program that defined three criteria that needed to be met for employees to be given extra
compensation. The city revenues had to exceed expenses, expenses had to be equal to or less than
the previous year’s expenses, and a citizen satisfaction survey had to meet minimum
As we have already addressed, pay isn’t everything, but it certainly can be an important part of
According to Fortune’s “100 Best Companies to Work For,” things that companies do to
motivate us may be more unusual. For example, the list includes the following:
• “Summer Fridays,” when all employees work half days on Fridays during the summer
• Various support groups for cancer survivors, weight loss, or support in caring for aging
While some of these options may not be options in the companies we work for, the important
thing to remember is often our own motivation comes from us internally. As a result, we need to
be aware of our changing motivations and ask for those things that could make us more motivated
at work.
• Salary and benefits are a major component of what employers do to motivate us. Consistent pay
• Many companies offer paid tuition programs, reimbursement programs, and in-‐house training to
• Performance appraisals provide an avenue for feedback and goal setting. They also allow for us
• Succession plans allow us, as employees, the ability to see how we can continue our career with
the organization, and they clearly detail what we need to do to achieve career growth.
• Flextime and telecommuting are options some companies use as motivators. These types of
plans allow us flexibility when developing our schedule and some control of our work. Some
• Since one of the reasons people are dissatisfied at their job is because of the relationship with
their manager, many companies require management training and communication training to
ensure managers are able to establish good relationships with employees.
• Some companies may change the job through empowerment or job enlargement to help grow
our skills.
• Other, more unique ways companies try to retain employees might include offering services to
make the employee’s life easier, such as dry cleaning, daycare services, or on-‐site yoga classes.
1. Research two different companies you might be interested in working for. When reviewing their
list of benefits, which ones are offered that might motivate you to stay with the organization?
[1] “The Knowledge of Pay Study,” WorldatWork and The LeBlanc Group LLC, 2010, accessed February 26,
[2] “Employee Job Satisfaction and Retention Survey, 2007/2008,”, 2008, accessed February
[3] “No. 1 Reason People Quit Their Jobs,” AOL News, Netscape, accessed July 28,
[4] Robert N. Ford, Motivation through the Work Itself (New York: American Management Association,
1969); William J. Paul, Keith B. Robertson, and Frederick Herzberg, “Job Enrichment Pays Off,” Harvard
[6] “100 Best Companies to Work For,” CNN Money, 2011, accessed February 26,
• The theory of job withdrawal explains the process someone goes through when they are not
• There are many motivation theories that attempt to explain people’s motivation or lack of
• The Hawthorne studies were a series of studies beginning in 1927 that initially looked at physical
environments but found that people tended to be more motivated when they felt cared about.
The implications to retention are clear, in that employees should feel cared about and developed
• Maslow’s theory on motivation says that if someone already has a need met, giving them
something to meet more of that need will no longer motivate. Maslow divided the needs into
physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-‐actualization needs. Many companies only motivate
based on the low-‐level needs, such as pay. Development of training opportunities, for example,
• Herzberg developed motivational theories based on actual motivation factors and hygiene
factors. Hygiene factors are those things that are expected in the workplace and will demotivate
employees when absent but will not actually motivate when present. If managers try to motivate
• McGregor’s theory on motivation looked at managers’ attitudes toward employees. He found
that theory X managers had more of a negative view of employees, while theory Y managers had
a more positive view. Providing training to the managers in our organization can be a key
• The carrot-‐and-‐stick approach means you can get someone to do something by prodding or by
offering some incentive to motivate them to do the work. This theory implies these are the only
two methods to motivate, which of course, we know isn’t true. The implication of this in our
retention plan is such that we must utilize a variety of methods to retain employees.
• Finally, understanding our own motivations at work is an important step to making sure we
• Salary and benefits are a major component of what employees do to motivate us. Consistent pay
systems and transparent processes as to how raises occur should be clearly communicated.
• Training and development meets the higher-‐level needs of the individual. Many companies offer
paid tuition programs, reimbursement programs, and in-‐house training to increase the skills and
• Performance appraisals provide an avenue for feedback and goal setting. They also allow for
• Succession plans allow us, as employees, the ability to see how we can continue our career with
the organization, and they clearly detail what employees need to do to achieve career growth.
• Some companies use flextime and telecommuting options as motivators. These types of plans
allow the employee flexibility when developing his or her schedule and some control of his or her
work. Some companies also offer paid or unpaid sabbaticals after a certain number of years with
• Since one of the reasons people are dissatisfied at their job is because of the relationship with
their manager, many companies require management training and communication training to
• Some
• Other, more unique ways companies try to retain employees might include offering services to
make the employee’s life easier, such as dry cleaning, daycare services, or on-‐site yoga classes.
1. The following is a list of some possible strategies companies use to motivate employees.
Rank each one in order of importance to you (one being the most important). Then
categorize where you think each would go in Maslow's Hierarchy and Hertzberg's theory.
a. Salary
c. Benefits
e. Team bonuses
h. Flextime scheduling
j. Tuition reimbursement
k. Job satisfaction
individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common
- Andrew Carnegie
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it
- Margaret Mead
Teamwork at Quick-Lube
At Quick-Lube, the promise to customers is to change oil within ten minutes. There is no way that
Quick-Lube could do this without teamwork. For example, in one shift, there is someone assigned
as the customer interface, the below hood, and the above hood. The duties of the customer
interface include checking people in, moving the car into the stall, and managing the oil change
process. The below the hood person is responsible for draining the oil and replacing it. The above
hood person washes the windows, vacuums the floors, and also checks the above the hood items
such as the air filter. All of these people must communicate well in order to finish the job in ten
minutes. Sometimes, on busy days such as Saturday afternoon, this can be stressful, but each
team member knows their job, which creates a better and faster customer experience.
As humans, we are social beings. We naturally form relationships with others, as in our opening
example of Quick-Lube. Sometimes forming relationships is necessary to serve the customer best.
In fact, relationships are often noted as one of the most important aspects of a person’s life, and
they exist in many forms. Interpersonal communication occurs between two people, but group
communication may involve two or more individuals. Groups are a primary context for
interaction within the business community. Groups may have heroes, enemies, and sages
alongside new members. Groups overlap and may share common goals, but they may also engage
in conflict. Groups can be supportive or coercive and can exert powerful influences over
Within a group, individuals may behave in distinct ways, use unique or specialized terms, or
display symbols that have meaning to that group. Those same terms or symbols may be
confusing, meaningless, or even unacceptable to another group. An individual may belong to both
groups, adapting his or her communication patterns to meet group normative expectations.
Groups are increasingly important across social media venues, and there are many examples of
successful business ventures on the web that value and promote group interaction.
Groups use words to exchange meaning, establish territory, and identify who is a stranger versus
who is a trusted member. Are you familiar with the term “troll”? It is often used to identify
someone who is not a member of an online group or community; does not share the values and
beliefs of the group; and posts a message in an online discussion board to initiate flame wars,
cause disruption, or otherwise challenge the group members. Members often use words to
respond to the challenge that are not otherwise common in the discussions, and the less-than-
Groups have existed throughout human history and continue to follow familiar patterns across
and modern life. We need groups, and groups need us. Our relationship with groups warrants
attention on this interdependence as we come to know our communities, our world, and
[1] McLean, S. (2010). Business Communication for Success(Version 1.0). Irvington, NY: Flat World
What Is a Group?
2. Discuss how primary and secondary groups meet our interpersonal needs.
3. Discuss how we can understand group norms in our own current or future workplace.
Our ability to work effectively in a group shows our emotional intelligence skills of social
relationships, we need to have social awareness and be able to manage those relationships in
a positive way. Let’s get into a time machine and travel way, way back to join early humans in
prehistoric times. Their needs are like ours today: they cannot exist or thrive without air,
food, and water—and a sense of belonging. How did they meet these needs? Through
cooperation and competition. If food scarcity was an issue, who got more and who got less?
This serves as our first introduction to roles, status and power, and hierarchy within a group.
When food scarcity becomes an issue, who gets to keep their spoon? In some Latin American
cultures, having a job or earning a living is referred to by the slang term cuchara, which
literally means “spoon” and figuratively implies food, safety, and security.
Now let’s return to the present and enter a modern office. Cubicles define territories and
corner offices denote status. In times of economic recession or slumping sales for the
company, there is a greater need for cooperation, and there is competition for scarce
resources. The loss of a “spoon”—or of one’s cubicle—may now come in the form of a pink
We form self-identities through our communication with others, and much of that
interaction occurs in a group context. A group may be defined as three or more individuals
context. Group communication may be defined as the exchange of information with those
who are alike culturally, linguistically, and/or geographically. Group members may be known
by their symbols, such as patches and insignia on a military uniform. They may be known by
their use of specialized language or jargon; for example, someone in information technology
may use the term “server” in reference to the Internet, whereas someone in the food service
industry may use “server” to refer to the worker who takes customer orders in a restaurant.
Group members may also be known by their proximity, as in gated communities. Regardless
of how the group defines itself, and regardless of the extent to which its borders are porous or
permeable, a group recognizes itself as a group. Humans naturally make groups a part of
Mergers, forced sales, downsizing, and entering new markets all call upon individuals within a
business or organization to become members of groups. Groups may be defined by function. They
can also be defined, from a developmental viewpoint, by the relationships within them. Groups
can also be discussed in terms of their relationship to the individual and the degree to which they
Some groups may be assembled at work to solve problems, and once the challenge has been
resolved, they dissolve into previous or yet to be determined groups. Functional groups like this
may be immediately familiar to you. You take a class in sociology from a professor of sociology,
and adhere to a common framework to for viewing the world. Disciplines involve a common set of
theories that explain the world around us, terms to explain those theories, and have grown to
reflect the advance of human knowledge. Compared to your sociology instructor, your physics
instructor may see the world from a completely different perspective. Still, both may be members
of divisions or schools, dedicated to teaching or research, and come together under the large
perceive their tasks differently from a member of the sales staff or someone in accounting. You
may work in the mailroom, and the mailroom staff is a group in itself, both distinct from and
Relationships are part of any group and can be described in terms of status, power, control, as
well as role, function, or viewpoint. Within a family, for example, the ties that bind you together
may be common experiences, collaborative efforts, and even pain and suffering. The birth process
may forge a relationship between mother and daughter, but it also may not. An adoption may
transform a family. Relationships are formed through communication interaction across time and
often share a common history, values, and beliefs about the world around us.
Figure 7.1
Groups and teams are an important part of any type of communication that happens at work.
In business, an idea may bring professionals together and they may even refer to the new product
or service as their “baby,” speaking in reverent tones about a project they have taken from the
drawing board and “birthed” into the real world. As in family communication, work groups or
teams may have challenges, rivalries, and even “birthing pains” as a product is developed,
adjusted, adapted, and transformed. Struggles are a part of relationships, both in families and
Through conversations and a shared sense that you and your coworkers belong together, you
meet many of your basic human needs, such as the need to feel included, the need for affection,
and the need for control. In a work context, “affection” may sound odd, but we all experience
affection at work in the form of friendly comments like “good morning,” “have a nice weekend,”
and “good job!” Our professional lives also fulfill more than just our basic needs (i.e., air, food,
and water, as well as safety). While your work group may be gathered together with common
goals, such as to deliver the mail in a timely fashion to the corresponding departments and
individuals, your daily interactions may well go beyond this functional perspective.
In the same way, your family may provide a place for you at the table and meet your basic needs,
but they also may not meet other needs. If you grow to understand yourself and your place in a
way that challenges group norms, you will be able to choose which parts of your life to share and
to withhold in different groups, and to choose where to seek acceptance, affection, and control.
There are fundamentally two types of groups that can be observed in many contexts, from church
to school, family to work. These two types are primary and secondary groups. The hierarchy
denotes the degree to which the group(s) meet your interpersonal needs. Primary groups meet
most, if not all, of one’s needs. Groups that meet some, but not all, needs are
called secondary groups. Secondary groups often include work groups, where the goal is to
complete a task or solve a problem. If you are a member of the sales department, your purpose is
to sell.
In terms of problem solving, work groups can accomplish more than individuals can. People, each
of whom have specialized skills, talents, experience, or education come together in new
combinations with new challenges, find new perspectives to create unique approaches that they
Secondary groups may meet your need for professional acceptance and celebrate your success,
but they may not meet your need for understanding and sharing on a personal level. Family
members may understand you in ways that your coworkers cannot, and vice versa.
This old cliché refers to the human tendency to form pairs. Pairing is the most basic form of
relationship formation; it applies to childhood best friends, college roommates, romantic couples,
business partners, and many other dyads (two-person relationships). A group, by definition,
includes at least three people. We can categorize groups in terms of their size and complexity.
When we discuss demographic groups as part of a market study, we may focus on large numbers
of individuals that share common characteristics. If you are the producer of an ecologically
innovative car such as the Smart ForTwo and know your customers have an average of four
members in their family, you may discuss developing a new model with additional seats. While
the target audience is a group, car customers don’t relate to each other as a unified whole. Even if
they form car clubs and have regional gatherings, a newsletter, and competitions at their local
race tracks each year, they still subdivide the overall community of car owners into smaller
The larger the group grows, the more likely it is to subdivide. Analysis of these smaller, or
microgroups, is increasingly a point of study as the Internet allows individuals to join people of
similar mind or habit to share virtually anything across time and distance. A microgroup is a
small, independent group that has a link, affiliation, or association with a larger group. With each
[2], [3]
additional group member the number of possible interactions increases.
intrapersonal communication, while two may constitute interpersonal communication, and both
may be present within a group communication context. You may think to yourself before making
a speech or writing your next post, and you may turn to your neighbor or coworker and have a
side conversation, but a group relationship normally involves three to eight people, and the
In Table 7.1 "Possible Interaction in Groups", you can quickly see how the number of possible
interactions grows according to how many people are in the group. At some point, we all find the
possible and actual interactions overwhelming and subdivide into smaller groups. For example,
you may have hundreds of friends on MySpace or Facebook, but how many of them do you
regularly communicate with? You may be tempted to provide a number greater than eight, but if
you exclude the “all to one” messages, such as a general tweet to everyone (but no one person in
Group norms are customs, standards, and behavioral expectations that emerge as a group forms.
If you post an update every day on your Facebook page and your friends stop by to post on your
wall and comment, not posting for a week will violate a group norm. They will wonder if you are
sick or in the hospital where you have no access to a computer to keep them updated. If, however,
you only post once a week, the group will come to naturally expect your customary post. Norms
involve expectations that are self and group imposed and that often arise as groups form and
everyone has a chance to speak, listen, and respond. Some will dominate, others will recede, and
smaller groups will form. Finding a natural balance within a group can also be a challenge. Small
groups need to have enough members to generate a rich and stimulating exchange of ideas,
information, and interaction, but not so many people that what each brings cannot be shared.
• Forming groups fulfills many human needs, such as the need for affiliation, affection, and
control; individuals also need to cooperate in groups to fulfill basic survival needs.
• Part of our ability to be successful at work depends on our ability to work in groups.
• A primary group is one that meets most, if not all of your needs.
• Secondary groups are groups that may meet some but not all of your needs. Secondary groups
are normally those found in the workplace, while our family and friends might be considered a
primary group.
1. Think of the online groups you participate in. Forums may have hundreds or thousands of
members, and you may have hundreds of friends on MySpace or Facebook, but how many do you
regularly communicate with? Exclude the “all-‐to-‐one” messages, such as a general tweet to
everyone (but no one person in particular). Do you find that you gravitate toward the group norm
of eight or fewer group members? Discuss your answer with your classmates.
2. What are some of the primary groups in your life? How do they compare with the secondary
groups in your life? Write a two-‐ to three-‐paragraph description of these groups and compare it
target sample size, and conduct your survey. Report how you completed the activity and your
4. Are there times when it is better to work alone rather than in a group? Why or why not? Discuss
[1] Schutz, W. (1966). The interpersonal underworld. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books.
[2] Harris, T., & Sherblom, J. (1999). Small Group and Team Communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[3] McLean, S. (2003). The basics of speech communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[4] Galanes, G., Adams, K., & Brilhart, J. (2000). Communication in groups: Applications and skills (4th ed.).
1. Identify the typical stages in the life cycle of a group you have worked with.
2. Describe different types of group members and group member roles.
Groups are dynamic systems in constant change. Groups grow together and eventually come
apart. People join groups and others leave. This dynamic changes and transforms the very
nature of the group. Group socialization involves how the group members interact with
one another and form relationships. Just as you were once born and changed your family,
they changed you. You came to know a language and culture, a value system, and set of
beliefs that influence you to this day. You came to be socialized, to experience the process of
learning to associate, communicate, or interact within a group. A group you belong to this
year—perhaps a soccer team or the cast of a play—may not be part of your life next year. And
those who are in leadership positions may ascend or descend the leadership hierarchy as the
there are universal stages we can all recognize. You were born. You didn’t choose your birth, your
parents, your language, or your culture, but you came to know them through communication. You
came to know yourself, learned skills, discovered talents, and met other people. You learned,
worked, lived, and loved, and as you aged, minor injuries took longer to heal. You competed in
ever-increasing age groups in your favorite sport, and while your time for each performance may
have increased as you aged, your experience allowed you to excel in other ways. Where you were
once a novice, you have now learned something to share. You lived to see some of your friends
pass before you, and the moment will arrive when you too must confront death.
In the same way, groups experience similar steps and stages and take on many of the
characteristics we associate with life. They grow, overcome illness and dysfunction, and
Your first day on the job may be comparable to the first day you went to school. At home, you may
have learned some of the basics, like how to write with a pencil, but knowledge of that skill and its
application are two different things. In school, people spoke and acted in different ways than at
home. Gradually, you came to understand the meaning of recess, the importance of raising your
hand to get the teacher’s attention, and how to follow other school rules. At work, you may have
had academic training for your profession, but the knowledge you learned in school only serves as
your foundation—much as your socialization at home served to guide you at school. On the job
they use jargon terms, have schedules that may include coffee breaks (recess), have a supervisor
In order to better understand group development and its life cycle, many researchers have
described the universal stages and phases of groups. While there are modern interpretations of
these stages, most draw from the model proposed by Bruce Tuckman. This model, shown
in Table 7.2 "Tuckman’s Linear Model of Group Development", specifies the usual order of the
phases of group development and allows us to predict several stages we can anticipate as we join a
new group.
Stages Activities
Forming Members come together, learn about each other, and determine the purpose of the group.
Members engage in more direct communication and get to know each other. Conflicts
Storming between group members will often arise during this stage.
Members establish spoken or unspoken rules about how they communicate and work.
Norming Status, rank, and roles in the group are established.
Performing Members fulfill their purpose and reach their goal.
Adjourning Members leave the group.
Tuckman begins with the forming stage as the initiation of group formation. This stage is also
called the orientation stage because individual group members come to know each other. Group
members who are new to each other and can’t predict each other’s behavior can be expected to
experience the stress of uncertainty. Uncertainty theory states that we choose to know more
about others with whom we have interactions in order to reduce or resolve the anxiety associated
[4], [5], [6]
with the unknown. The more we know about others and become accustomed to how they
communicate, the better we can predict how they will interact with us in future contexts. If you
learn that Monday mornings are never a good time for your supervisor, you quickly learn to
If you don’t know someone very well, it is easy to offend. Each group member brings to the group
a set of experiences, combined with education and a self-concept. You won’t be able to read this
information on a nametag, but instead you will only come to know it through time and
interaction. Since the possibility of overlapping and competing viewpoints and perspectives
exists, the group will experience a storming stage, a time of struggles as the members
themselves sort out their differences. There may be more than one way to solve the problem or
task at hand, and some group members may prefer one strategy over another. Some members of
the group may be more senior to the organization than you, and members may treat them
differently. Some group members may be as new as you are and just as uncertain about
everyone’s talents, skills, roles, and self-perceptions. The wise business communicator will
anticipate the storming stage and help facilitate opportunities for the members to resolve
uncertainty before the work commences. There may be challenges for leadership, and there may
be conflicting viewpoints. The sociology professor sees the world differently than the physics
professor. The sales agent sees things differently than someone from accounting. A manager who
understands and anticipates this normal challenge in the group’s life cycle can help the group
A clear definition of the purpose and mission of the group can help the members focus their
energies. Interaction prior to the first meeting can help reduce uncertainty. Coffee and calories
can help bring a group together. Providing the group with what they need and opportunities to
Groups that make a successful transition from the storming stage will next experience
the norming stage, where the group establishes norms, or informal rules, for behavior and
interaction. Who speaks first? Who takes notes? Who is creative, who is visual, and who is detail-
oriented? Sometimes our job titles and functions speak for themselves, but human beings are
complex. We are not simply a list of job functions, and in the dynamic marketplace of today’s
business environment you will often find that people have talents and skills well beyond their
“official” role or task. Drawing on these strengths can make the group more effective.
The norming stage is marked by less division and more collaboration. The level of anxiety
associated with interaction is generally reduced, making for a more positive work climate that
promotes listening. When people feel less threatened and their needs are met, they are more
likely to focus their complete attention on the purpose of the group. If they are still concerned
with who does what and whether they will speak in error, the interaction framework will stay in
the storming stage. Tensions are reduced when the normative expectations are known and the
degree to which a manager can describe these at the outset can reduce the amount of time the
group remains in uncertainty. Group members generally express more satisfaction with clear
Ultimately, the purpose of a work group is performance, and the preceding stages lead us to
the performing stage, in which the group accomplishes its mandate, fulfills its purpose, and
reaches its goals. To facilitate performance, group members can’t skip the initiation of getting to
know each other or the sorting out of roles and norms, but they can try to focus on performance
with clear expectations from the moment the group is formed. Productivity is often how we
measure success in business and industry, and the group has to produce. Outcome assessments
may have been built into the system from the beginning to serve as a benchmark for success. Wise
managers know how to celebrate success, as it brings more success, social cohesion, group
participation, and a sense of job satisfaction. Incremental gains toward a benchmark may also be
cause for celebration and support, and failure to reach a goal should be regarded as an
It is generally wiser to focus on the performance of the group rather than individual
contributions. Managers and group members will want to offer assistance to underperformers as
well as congratulate members for their contributions. If the goal is to create a community where
competition pushes each member to perform, individual highlights may serve your needs, but if
you want a group to solve a problem or address a challenge as a group, you have to promote group
cohesion. Members need to feel a sense of belonging, and praise (or the lack thereof) can be a
sword with two edges: one stimulates and motivates while the other demoralizes and divides.
Groups should be designed to produce and perform in ways and at levels that individuals cannot,
or else you should consider compartmentalizing the tasks. The performing stage is where the
productivity occurs, and it is necessary to make sure the group has what it needs to perform.
Missing pieces, parts, or information can stall the group and reset the cycle to storming all over
again. Loss of performance is inefficiency, which carries a cost. Managers will be measured by the
group’s productivity and performance. Make sure the performing stage is one that is productive
Imagine that you are the manager of a group that has produced an award-winning design for an
ecologically innovative four-seat car. Their success is your success. Their celebrations are yours
even if the success is not focused on you. A manager manages the process while group members
perform. If you were a member of the group that helped design the belt line, you made a
fundamental contribution to the style of the car. Individual consumers may never consider the
line from the front fender, across the doors, to the rear taillight as they make a purchase decision,
but they will recognize beauty. You will know that you could not have achieved that fundamental
part of car design without help from the engineers in the group, and if the number-crunching
accountants had not seen the efficiency of the production process that produced it, it may never
have survived the transition from prototype to production. The group came together and
Now, as typically happens, all groups will eventually have to move on to new assignments. In
the adjourning stage, members leave the group. The group may cease to exist or it may be
transformed with new members and a new set of goals. Your contributions in the past may have
caught the attention of the management, and you may be assigned to redesign the flagship
vehicle, the halo car of your marque or brand. It’s quite a professional honor, and it’s yours
because of your successful work in a group. Others will be reassigned to tasks that require their
talents and skills, and you may or may not collaborate with them in the future.
You may miss the interactions with the members, even the more cantankerous ones, and will
experience both relief and a sense of loss. Like life, the group process is normal, and mixed
emotions are to be expected. A wise manager anticipates this stage and facilitates the separation
with skill and ease. We often close this process with a ritual marking its passing, though the ritual
On a more sober note, it is important not to forget that groups can reach the adjourning stage
without having achieved success. Some businesses go bankrupt, some departments are closed,
and some individuals lose their positions after a group fails to perform. Adjournment can come
suddenly and unexpectedly or gradually and piece by piece. Either way, a skilled business
communicator will be prepared and recognize it as part of the classic group life cycle.
have a somewhat isolated job, part of what we do will impact others. Developing skills that can
help us work better in these groups relates to the social awareness and relationship management
Success". These two skills—the ability to understand social cues that can be affecting
others and our ability to communicate and maintain good relationships—are the
For example, in the group development process, we depend greatly on our social awareness skills
in order to make successful first impressions during the forming stage. We use our ability to
resolve conflict during the storming and norming phase. Having the skills to handle these
different phases are key to successful and productive group work. Have you ever worked with a
dysfunctional group, perhaps on a class project? These types of groups are lacking in
communication and possibly emotional intelligence skills, which can make the group more
cohesive. Group cohesiveness is the goal in any type of group setting. This makes the
performing stage more productive, less stressful, and maybe even enjoyable!
In a study by Jordan and Troth, there was a significant correlation between higher team
performance and the emotional intelligence skills of the team members. Being able to
and establish positive relationships built on trust is what makes groups work most
Just as groups go through a life cycle when they form and eventually adjourn, so do the group
members fulfill different roles during this life cycle. These roles, proposed by Richard Moreland
[8] [9]
and John Levine, are summarized in Table 7.3 "Life Cycle of Member Roles".
search. You’ve gathered extensive information on a couple of local businesses and are aware that
they will be participating in the university job fair. You’ve explored their websites, talked to
people currently employed at each company, and learned what you can from the public
information available. At this stage, you are considered a potential member. You may have an
electrical, chemical, or mechanical engineering degree soon, but you are not a member of an
engineering team.
You show up at the job fair in professional attire and completely prepared. The representatives of
each company are respectful, cordial, and give you contact information. One of them even calls a
member of the organization on the spot and arranges an interview for you next week. You are
excited at the prospect and want to learn more. You are still a potential member.
The interview goes well the following week. The day after the meeting, you receive a call for a
follow-up interview that leads to a committee interview. A few weeks later, the company calls you
with a job offer. However, in the meantime, you have also been interviewing with other potential
employers, and you are waiting to hear back from two of them. You are still a potential member.
After careful consideration, you decide to take the job offer and start the next week. The projects
look interesting, you’ll be gaining valuable experience, and the commute to work is reasonable.
Your first day on the job is positive, and they’ve assigned you a mentor. The conversations are
positive, but you feel lost at times, as if they are speaking a language you can’t quite grasp. As
a new group member, your level of acceptance will increase as you begin learning the groups’
rules, spoken and unspoken. You will gradually move from the potential member role to the
role of new group member as you learn to fit into the group.
Figure 7.2
Over time and projects, you gradually increase your responsibilities. You are no longer looked at
as the new person, and you can follow almost every conversation. You can’t quite say, “I
remember when,” because your tenure hasn’t been that long, but you are a known quantity and
know your way around. You are a full member of the group. Full members enjoy knowing the
rules and customs and can even create new rules. New group members look to full members for
leadership and guidance. Full group members can control the agenda and have considerable
Full members of a group, however, can and do come into conflict. When you were a new member,
you may have remained silent when you felt you had something to say, but now you state your
case. There is more than one way to get the job done. You may suggest new ways that emphasize
efficiency over existing methods. Coworkers who have been working in the department for several
years may be unwilling to adapt and change, resulting in tension. Expressing different views can
When this type of tension arises, divergent group members pull back, contribute less, and
start to see themselves as separate from the group. Divergent group members have less eye
contact, seek out each other’s opinion less frequently, and listen defensively. In the beginning of
After several months of trying to cope with these adjustments, you decide that you never really
investigated the other two companies, that your job search process was incomplete. Perhaps you
should take a second look at the options. You will report to work on Monday but will start the
process of becoming an ex-member, one who no longer belongs. You may experience a sense of
relief upon making this decision, given that you haven’t felt like you belonged to the group for a
while. When you line up your next job and submit your resignation, you make it official.
This process has no set timetable. Some people overcome differences and stay in the group for
years; others get promoted and leave the group only when they get transferred to regional
headquarters. As a skilled business communicator, you will recognize the signs of divergence, just
as you have anticipated the storming stage and do your best to facilitate success.
If someone in your group always makes everyone laugh, that can be a distinct asset when the
news is less than positive. At times when you have to get work done, however, the class clown may
become a distraction. Notions of positive and negative will often depend on the context when
[11], [12] [13], [14]
discussing groups. Table 7.4 "Positive Roles" and Table 7.5 "Negative Roles" list both
[15], [16]
positive and negative roles people sometimes play in a group setting.
Now that we’ve examined a classical view of positive and negative group member roles, let’s
examine another perspective. While some personality traits and behaviors may negatively
Just as the class clown can have a positive effect in lifting spirits or a negative effect in distracting
members, a dominator may be exactly what is needed for quick action. An emergency physician
doesn’t have time to ask all the group members in the emergency unit how they feel about a
course of action; instead, a self-directed approach based on training and experience may be
necessary. In contrast, the pastor of a church may have ample opportunity to ask members of the
congregation their opinions about a change in the format of Sunday services; in this situation, the
The group is together because they have a purpose or goal, and normally they are capable of more
than any one individual member could be on their own, so it would be inefficient to hinder that
progress. But a blocker, who cuts off collaboration, does just that. If a group member interrupts
another and presents a viewpoint or information that suggests a different course of action, the
point may be well taken and serve the collaborative process. But if that same group member
repeatedly engages in blocking behavior, then the behavior becomes a problem. To become
• Groups and their individual members come together and grow apart in predictable patterns.
• Group lifecycle patterns refer to the process or stages of group development.
• There are five stages to the group development process, which include forming, norming,
• Within each of the stages, group members have a variety of roles, which include potential
member, new member, full member, divergent member, marginal member, and an ex-‐member.
• You can take on a variety of roles when working with a group. These roles can be positive or
negative, and you can rely on your emotional intelligence skills to make sure they are positive.
1. Is it possible for an outsider (a nongroup member) to help a group move from the storming stage
to the norming stage? Explain your answer and present it to the class.
2. Think of a group of which you are a member and identify some roles played by group members,
including yourself. Have your roles, and those of others, changed over time? Are some roles more
3. In the course where you are using this book, think of yourself and your classmates as a group. At
what stage of group formation are you currently? What stage will you be at when the school year
4. Think of a group you no longer belong to. At what point did you become an ex-‐member? Were
you ever a marginal group member or a full member? Write a two-‐ to three-‐paragraph
[1] Moreland, R., & Levine, J. (1982). Socialization in small groups: Temporal changes in individual group
relations. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 153.
[2] B. Tuckman, “Developmental Sequence in Small Groups,” Psychological Bulletin 63, (1965): 384–99.
[3] Tuckman, B. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384–99.
[4] Berger, C., & Calabrese, R. (1975). Some explorations in initial interactions and beyond: Toward a
developmental theory of interpersonal communication. Human Communication Research, 1, 99–112.
[5] Berger, C. (1986). Response uncertain outcome values in predicted relationships: Uncertainty
reduction theory then and now. Human Communication Research, 13, 34–38.
[6] Gudykunst, W. (1995). Anxiety/uncertainty management theory. In R. W. Wiseman (Ed.),Intercultural
[7] Jordan, Peter and Troth, Ashlea, “Managing Emotions during Team Problem Solving,”Journal of Human
[8] Moreland, R., & Levine, J. (1982). Socialization in small groups: Temporal changes in individual group
relations. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 153.
[9] Moreland, R., & Levine, J. (1982). Socialization in small groups: Temporal changes in individual group
relations. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 15, 153.
[10] Fisher, B. A. (1970). Decision emergence: Phases in group decision making. Speech Monographs, 37,
[11] Beene, K., & Sheats, P. (1948). Functional roles of group members. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 41–49.
[12] McLean, S. (2005). The basics of interpersonal communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[13] Beene, K., & Sheats, P. (1948). Functional roles of group members. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 41–49.
[14] McLean, S. (2005). The basics of interpersonal communication. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
[15] Beene, K., & Sheats, P. (1948). Functional roles of group members. Journal of Social Issues, 37, 41–49.
2. Understand how you can use technology to aid in group communications.
Business and professional meetings are a part of the communication climate of any business.
Some view meetings as boring, pointless, and futile exercises, while others see them as
and execution makes all the difference. Remember, too, that meetings do not have to take
place in a physical space where the participants meet face to face. Instead, a number of
technological tools make it possible to hold virtual meetings in which the participants are
half a world away from one another. Virtual meetings are formally arranged gatherings
where participants, located in distinct geographic locations, come together via the Internet.
A meeting, like a problem-solving group, needs a clear purpose statement. The specific goal for
the specific meeting will clearly relate to the overall goal of the group or committee. Determining
your purpose is central to an effective meeting and getting together just to get together is called a
party, not a meeting. Do not schedule a meeting just because you met at the same time last month
or because it is a standing committee. Members will resent the intrusion into their schedules and
meeting announced at the last minute is sure to be less than effective. People may be unable to
change their schedules, may fail to attend, or may impede the progress and discussion of the
group because of their absence. Those who attend may feel hindered because they needed more
If a meeting is necessary, and a clear purpose can be articulated, then you’ll need to decide how
and where to meet. Distance is no longer an obstacle to participation, as we will see later in this
section when we explore some of the technologies for virtual meetings. However, there are many
advantages to meeting in person. People communicate not just with words but also with their
body language—facial expressions, hand gestures, head nodding or head shaking, and posture.
These subtleties of communication can be key to determining how group members really feel
about an issue or question. Meeting in real time can be important, too, as all group members have
the benefit of receiving new information at the same time. For purposes of our present discussion,
If you have a purpose statement for the meeting, then it also follows that you should be able to
create an agenda or a list of topics to be discussed. You may need to solicit information from
members to formulate an agenda, and this premeeting contact can serve to encourage active
participation. The agenda will have a time, date, place, and method of interaction noted, as well as
a list of participants. It will also have a statement of purpose, a list of points to be considered, and
a brief summary of relevant information that relates to each point. The start and end times need
to be clearly indicated somewhere on the agenda, and it is always a good idea to leave time at the
end for questions and additional points that individual members may want to share. If the
meeting has an emotional point or theme, or the news is negative, plan for additional time for
interactions among the participants and limit them. Smaller groups are generally more
productive. If you are gathering to present information or to motivate the sales staff, a large
audience, where little interaction is expected, is appropriate. Each member has a role, and
attention to how and why they are interacting will produce the best results. Review the stages of
group formation in view of the idea that a meeting is a short-term group. You can anticipate a
“forming” stage, and if roles are not clear, there may be a bit of “storming” before the group
establishes norms and becomes productive. Adding additional participants for no clear reason
will only make the process more complex and may produce negative results.
Inviting the participants via e-mail has become increasingly common across business and
industry. Software programs like Microsoft Outlook allow you to initiate a meeting request and
receive an “accept” or “decline” response that makes the invitation process organized and
straightforward. Reliance on a software program, however, may not be enough to encourage and
ensure participation. A reminder on the individual’s computer may go off fifteen minutes prior to
the meeting, but if they are away from their computer or if Outlook is not running, the reminder
will go unseen and unheard. A reminder e-mail on the day of the meeting, often early in the
morning, can serve as a personal effort to highlight the activities of the day.
If you are the person responsible for the room reservation, confirm the reservation a week before
the meeting and again the day before the meeting. Redundancy in the confirmation process can
help eliminate double-booking a room, where two meetings are scheduled at the same time. If
technology is required at the meeting, such as a microphone, conference telephone, or laptop and
projector, make sure you confirm their reservation at the same time as you confirm the meeting
room reservation. Always personally inspect the room and test these systems prior to the meeting.
There is nothing more embarrassing than introducing a high-profile speaker, such as the
company president, and then finding that the PowerPoint projector is not working properly.
presentation. Each member has a part to perform and they should each be aware of their roles
and responsibilities prior to the meeting. Everyone is a member of the group, ranging from new
members to full members. If you can reduce or eliminate the storming stage, all the better. A
People may know each other by role or title but may not be familiar with each other. Brief
introductions can serve to establish identity, credibility, and help the group transition to
performance. The purpose of the meeting should be clearly stated, and if there are rules or
Mary Ellen Guffey provides a useful participant checklist that is adapted here for our use:
• Arrive on time and stay until the meeting adjourns (unless there are prior arrangements).
• Respect space and don’t place your notebook or papers all around you.
conflict. The agenda serves as your guide and you may need to redirect the discussion to the topic,
but always demonstrate respect for each and every member. You may also need to intervene if a
point has reached a stalemate in terms of conflict (this text offers specific guidelines for managing
There has been quite a discussion on the role of seating arrangements in meeting within the field
of business communication. Generally, a table that is square, rectangular, or U-shaped has a fixed
point at which the attention is directed, often referred to as the head of the table. This space is
often associated with power, status, and hierarchy and may play an important role in the flow of
administration to managers, for example, a table with a clear focal point for the head or CEO may
be indicated. Tables that are round, or tables arranged in a circular pattern, allow for a more
egalitarian model of interaction, reducing the hierarchical aspects while reinforcing the clear line
of sight among all participants. If a meeting requires intense interaction and collaboration,
Some meetings do not call for a table but rather rows of seats all facing toward the speaker; you
probably recognize this arrangement from many class lectures you have attended. For relatively
formal meetings in which information is being delivered to a large number of listeners and little
Transitions are often the hardest part of any meeting. Facilitating the transition from one topic to
the next may require you to create links between each point. You can specifically note the next
point on the agenda and verbally introduce the next speaker or person responsible for the content
area. Once the meeting has accomplished its goals in the established time frame, it is time to
facilitate the transition to a conclusion. You may conclude by summarizing what has been
discussed or decided and what actions the group members are to take as a result of the meeting. If
Feedback is an important part of any communication interaction. Minutes are a written document
that serves to record the interaction and can provide an opportunity for clarification. Minutes
often appear as the agenda with notes in relation to actions taken during the meeting or specific
indications of who is responsible for what before the next meeting. In many organizations,
minutes of the meeting are tentative, like a rough draft, until they are approved by the members
of the group or committee. Normally minutes are sent within a week of the meeting if it is a
monthly event and more quickly if the need to meet more frequently has been determined. If your
organization does not call for minutes, you can still benefit by reviewing your notes after a
meeting and comparing them with those of others to make sure you understood what was
Given the widespread availability and increasingly low cost of electronic communication,
technologies that once served to bring people together across continents and time zones are now
also serving people in the same geographic area. Rather than traveling (by plane, car, or even
elevator within the same building) to a central point for a face-to-face interaction, busy and cost-
conscious professionals often choose to see and hear each other via one of many different
Nevertheless, these technologies are a boon to today’s business organizations, and knowing how
to use them is a key skill for all job seekers. We will discuss the technologies by category,
have been using the phone all your life, yet did you know that some executives hire professional
voice coaches to help them increase their effectiveness in phone communication? When you stop
to think about it, we use a great many audio-only modes of communication, ranging from phone
calls and voice-activated telephone menus to radio interviews, public address systems, dictation
recording systems, and computer voice recognition technology. The importance of audio
communication in the business world has increased with the availability of conference calls, web
Your voice has qualities that cannot be communicated in written form, and you can use these
qualities to your advantage as you interact with colleagues. If you are sending a general
informative message to all employees, an e-mail may serve you well, but if you are congratulating
one employee on receiving an industry award, your voice as the channel carries your enthusiasm.
Take care to pay attention to your pronunciation of words, stating them correctly in normal
ways, and avoiding words that you are not comfortable with as you may mispronounce them.
Mispronunciation can have a negative impact on your reputation or perceived credibility. Instead
of using complicated words that may cause you to stumble, choose a simple phrase if you can or
learn to pronounce the word correctly before you use it in a formal interactive setting.
Your voice quality, volume, and pitch also influence how your spoken words are
interpreted. Quality often refers to emotional tone of your voice, from happy and enthusiastic to
serious or even sad. In most business situations, it is appropriate to speak with some level of
formality yet avoid sounding stilted or arrogant. Your volume (the loudness of your voice)
should be normal, but do make sure your listeners can hear you. In some situations, you may be
using a directional microphone that only amplifies your voice signal if you speak directly into it.
not help them to understand you any better than speaking in a normal tone. Your word choices
will make a much more significant impact when communicating across cultures; strive to use
direct sentences and avoid figures of speech that do not translate literally.
Pitch refers to the frequency, high or low, of your voice. A pleasant, natural voice will have some
variation in pitch. A speaker with a flat pitch, or a monotone (one-tone) voice, is often interpreted
If you are leaving a voice mail, state all the relevant information in concise, clear terms, making
sure to speak slowly; don’t forget to include your contact information, even if you think the person
already knows your phone number. Imagine you were writing down your phone number as you
recite it and you will be better able to record it at a “listener-friendly” speed. Don’t leave a long,
rambling voice mail message. You may later wish you had said less, and the more content you
provide the more you increase the possibility for misunderstandings without your being present
for clarification.
Rather than call each other, we often call and interact in both audio and visual ways via the
Internet. There are several ways to interface via audio and video, and new technologies in this
area are being invented all the time. For example, VoIP software allows the participants to see and
hear each other across time and distance with one-on-one calls and video conferencing. The audio
portion of the call comes through a headset, and the callers see each other on their computer
monitors, as if they were being broadcast on television. This form of audio-visual communication
If you are going to interact via audio and visual signals, make sure you are prepared. Appropriate
dress, setting, and attitude are all required. The integration of a visual signal to the traditional
If you are unfamiliar with the technology, practice with it before your actual business interaction.
Try out the features with a friend and know where to find and access the information. If the call
doesn’t go as planned, or the signal isn’t what you expected or experienced in the past, keep a
Online communities, forums, blogs, tweets, cloud computing, and avatar-activated environments
are some of the continually developing means of social media being harnessed by the business
world. The Internet is increasingly promoting tools and platforms for people to interact. From
bulletin boards that resemble the FreeNet posts of years past, to interactive environments like
Second Life, people are increasingly representing and interpreting themselves online.
Humans seek interaction, and this has led to new ways to market, advertise, and interact;
however, caution is warranted when engaging in social media online. When you use these media,
1. Not everything is as it appears. The individuals on the forum may not all be who they
2. The words you write and the images you send, regardless of how much you trust the
3. Always consider what you access and what you post and how it represents you and your
employer, even if you think others cannot know where you work or who you are.
4. Be aware that Internet service providers (ISPs) are required by law to archive information
concerning the use and traffic of information that can become available under subpoena.
common interest. From owner-enthusiast websites that celebrate the new Mini Cooper, where
owners discuss modifications and sell parts to each other, to forums that emphasize a viewpoint,
such as the Life After the Oil Crash (LATOC) discussion board, affectionately called doomers,
Professional networking sites such as LinkedIn allow people to link to, and interact with,
others who work in their industry or related ones. More general social media sites include
MySpace and Facebook, which also present threaded discussions and dynamic interfaces with
groups that may or may not be limited to those that user intends. Interactive writing platforms
such as blogs, wikis, and cloud computing involve having common documents stored on the
Internet, which can be accessed from multiple sites at once, further facilitating the
interaction. Blogs are Web pages with periodic posts that may or may not feature feedback
responses from readers. Wikis are collaborations on web content that are created and edited by
users. Cloud computing involves secure access of files from anywhere as information is stored
remotely. Somewhere between a social networking site, where people gather virtually to
interact, and a computer game lies the genre of avatar-activated virtual worlds such as Second
Life. In these environments, users can meet others and make friends, participate in activities, and
Business and industry organizations may also incorporate posts and threaded discussions but
platform. Employees may use their business-provided computer equipment to access sites that
are not business related (if not specifically blocked), but all information associated with each
Every computer is assigned an Internet protocol or IP address. The IP address can be specifically
traced back to the original user, or at least to the computer itself and to who is responsible for its
use. From an e-mail via one of the free sites (e.g., Juno, Google’s Gmail, or Yahoo! Mail) to cloud
computing and wikis, your movements across the web leave clear “footprints.”
Whether you maintain a personal web page or a blog or engage with peers and colleagues via
Twitter, take care when considering what personal information to make public. Privacy is an
increasing issue online and your safety is a priority. Always represent yourself and your
organization with professionalism, knowing that what you search for and how you use your
• Meetings require planning, appropriate conduction of the meeting, choice of appropriate
technology, and understanding of organizational communication to enhance their success.
• Forming groups fulfills many human needs, such as the need for affiliation, affection, and
control; individuals also need to cooperate in groups to fulfill basic survival needs.
• Primary groups are those groups that meet all or most of our needs. Secondary groups are those
• A group includes at least three people. Groups and their individual members come together and
grow apart in predictable patterns. This is called the group development stages, which include
forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. Groups have norms, which can change
over time.
• Each group member has a life cycle that defines their role as they enter and exit the group.
• There are a number of negative and positive roles that group members can play within a group.
“meeting” have a purpose? What preparations were made and what technology was used? Is
there a follow-‐up or a plan for the next class meeting? Compare your notes with another student
to see if you understood all the information conveyed in the class.
2. Collaborate with one or more classmates and contribute to a computing cloud or a wiki. What
was the activity like? Did you learn new information that you would not have learned by studying
3. Make an audio recording of your voice and listen to it. Are there aspects of your voice quality,
pronunciation, or delivery style that you would like to improve? Practice daily and make more
[1] Guffey, M. (2007). Essentials of business communication (7th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson/Wadsworth.
• Part of our ability to be successful at work depends on our ability to work in groups.
• A primary group is one that meets most, if not all, of your needs.
• Secondary groups may meet some, but not all, of your needs. Secondary groups are normally
those found in the workplace, while our family and friends might be considered a primary
• Group lifecycle patterns refer to the process or stages of group development.
• There are five stages to the group development process, which include forming, norming,
member, new member, full member, divergent member, marginal member, and an ex-‐
• You can take on a variety of roles when working with a group. These roles can be positive or
negative and rely on your emotional intelligence skills to make sure they are positive.
• Meetings require planning, choice of appropriate technology, and understanding of
organizational communication.
• There are a number of negative and positive roles that group members can play within a
group to enhance the success of the meeting. Meetings require planning, appropriate
conduction of the meeting, and choice of appropriate technology to enhance its success.
Assume you have been put in charge of a new task force to determine the cause of lost sales in the
Western region of your plastics manufacturing firm. As leader of the task force, it is your job to
schedule and run effective meetings. The outcome of the meetings will be a report that includes
research and possible reasons and solutions for the decline in sales. On your task force will be
representatives from the marketing, accounting, and manufacturing departments. Traditionally, your
marketing team and manufacturing team have conflicting goals, and you are concerned about this as
an issue in the meeting. Because you only have time to meet three times, you know the meetings
need to be effective to complete the task at hand.
2. Discuss the phases of the group development process your team will likely go through.
3. As the team leader, you are concerned about personality conflicts that may occur during the
storming phase. What are some strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate any issues?
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn.
- David Russell
Andi graduated from Spokane Community College two weeks ago with her degree in Business
Management. She is anxious to put her knowledge to good use at a job she enjoys.
Andi has an idea of her perfect job and begins work to apply to those organizations that meet her
criteria. Using social media and traditional approaches to job searching, Andi gets three
After what seems like a week interviewing, Andi receives two job offers! She is thrilled but isn't
sure which one to choose. One of the offers is for a higher salary than she expected but requires
one week of travel per month. The other job is a lower salary and position, but the possibilities to
grow with the company seem better. Andi isn't sure which job to choose.
right decision for our needs. This chapter will discuss the ways we can learn to make good
personal decisions but also good decisions for the organizations we work for.
[1] Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Organizational Behavior>(Version 1.1). Irvington, NY: Flat World
1. Define decision making and describe how you can make better decisions.
2. Understand the different types of decisions you may make in your career and personal life.
Decision making refers to making choices among alternative courses of action—which may
also include inaction. This chapter will help you understand how to make decisions alone or
in a group while avoiding common decision-making pitfalls. As you know, the key to positive
Individuals throughout organizations use the information they gather to make a wide range
of decisions. These decisions may affect the lives of others and change the course of an
organization. For example, the decisions made by executives and consulting firms for Enron
ultimately resulted in a $60 billion loss for investors, thousands of employees without jobs,
and the loss of all employee retirement funds. But Sherron Watkins, a former Enron
employee and now-famous whistleblower, uncovered the accounting problems and tried to
enact change. Similarly, the decision made by firms to trade in mortgage-backed securities is
having negative consequences for the entire economy in the United States. All parties
involved in such outcomes made a decision, and everyone is now living with the
have major consequences or even require a lot of thought. For example, before you come to
class, you make simple and habitual decisions such as what to wear, what to eat, and which
route to take as you go to and from home and school. You probably do not spend much time
termed programmed decisions, or decisions that occur frequently enough that we develop
an automated response to them. The automated response we use to make these decisions is
called the decision rule. For example, many restaurants face customer complaints as a
routine part of doing business. Because complaints are a recurring problem, responding to
them may become a programmed decision. The restaurant might enact a policy stating that
every time they receive a valid customer complaint, the customer should receive a free
On the other hand, unique and important decisions require conscious thinking, information
aware of the need to respond to growing customer concerns regarding the unhealthy aspects
(high in fat and calories) of the food they sell. This is a nonprogrammed decision, because for
several decades, customers of fast-food restaurants were more concerned with the taste and
price of the food rather than its healthiness. In response to this problem, McDonald’s decided
with apple slices, and in 2007 they banned the use of trans fat at their restaurants.
Figure 8.2
In order to ensure consistency around the globe such as at this St. Petersburg, Russia, location,
McDonald’s Corporation trains all restaurant managers at Hamburger University, where they take
the equivalent of two years of college courses and learn how to make decisions on the job. The
A crisis situation also constitutes a nonprogrammed decision for companies. For example, the
leadership of Nutrorim was facing a tough decision. They had recently introduced a new product,
ChargeUp with Lipitrene, an improved version of their popular sports drink powder, ChargeUp.
of gastrointestinal distress that might be related to their product, which led to a decision to recall
ChargeUp. The decision was made without an investigation of the information. While this
decision was conservative, it was made without a process that weighed the information. Two
weeks later it became clear that the reported health problems were unrelated to Nutrorim’s
product. In fact, all the cases were traced back to a contaminated health club juice bar. However,
the damage to the brand and to the balance sheets was already done. This unfortunate decision
caused Nutrorim to rethink the way decisions were made when under pressure. The company
now gathers information to make informed choices even when time is of the essence.
Decisions can be classified into three categories based on the level at which they occur.
Strategic decisions set the course of an organization. Tactical decisions are decisions about
how things will get done. Finally, operational decisions refer to decisions that employees
make each day to make the organization run. For example, think about the restaurant that
routinely offers a free dessert when a customer complaint is received. The owner of the restaurant
made a strategic decision to have great customer service. The manager of the restaurant
implemented the free dessert policy as a way to handle customer complaints, which is a tactical
decision. Finally, the servers at the restaurant are making individual decisions each day by
evaluating whether each customer complaint received is legitimate and warrants a free dessert.
and evaluate the effectiveness of nonprogrammed decisions. We will cover four decision-making
approaches, starting with the rational decision-making model, moving to the bounded rationality
decision-making model, the intuitive decision-making model, and ending with the creative
decision-making model. The importance of making good decisions relates to our ability to manage
our emotional intelligence to make sure we make the right decisions. These models will help us
consider if their goal is to maximize the quality of their outcomes. In other words, if you want to
Let’s imagine that your old, clunky car has broken down, and you have enough money saved for a
substantial down payment on a new car. It will be the first major purchase of your life, and you
want to make the right choice. The first step, therefore, has already been completed—we know
that you want to buy a new car. Next, in step 2, you’ll need to decide which factors are important
to you. How many passengers do you want to accommodate? How important is fuel economy to
you? Is safety a major concern? You only have a certain amount of money saved, and you don’t
want to take on too much debt, so price range is an important factor as well. If you know you want
to have room for at least five adults, get at least twenty miles per gallon, drive a car with a strong
safety rating, not spend more than $22,000 on the purchase, and like how it looks, you have
identified the decision criteria. All the potential options for purchasing your car will be
evaluated against these criteria. Before we can move too much further, you need to decide how
important each factor is to your decision in step 3. If each is equally important, then there is no
need to weigh them, but if you know that price and mpg are key factors, you might weigh them
heavily and keep the other criteria with medium importance. Step 4 requires you to generate all
alternatives about your options. Then, in step 5, you need to use this information to evaluate
each alternative against the criteria you have established. You choose the best alternative (step 6),
and then you would go out and buy your new car (step 7).
Of course, the outcome of this decision will influence the next decision made. That is where step 8
comes in. For example, if you purchase a car and have nothing but problems with it, you will be
less likely to consider the same make and model when purchasing a car the next time.
for alternatives in the fourth step can be the most challenging and often leads to failure. In fact,
one researcher found that no alternative generation occurred in 85 percent of the decisions he
studied. Conversely, successful managers know what they want at the outset of the decision-
making process, set objectives for others to respond to, carry out an unrestricted search for
solutions, get key people to participate, and avoid using their power to push their perspective.
The rational decision-making model has important lessons for decision makers. First, when
making a decision, you may want to make sure that you establish your decision criteria before you
search for alternatives. This would prevent you from liking one option too much and setting your
criteria accordingly. For example, let’s say you started browsing cars online before you generated
your decision criteria. You may come across a car that you feel reflects your sense of style and you
develop an emotional bond with the car. Then, because of your love for the particular car, you
may say to yourself that the fuel economy of the car and the innovative braking system are the
friends to ride in the back seat, which was something you should have thought about. Setting
criteria before you search for alternatives may prevent you from making such mistakes. Another
advantage of the rational model is that it urges decision makers to generate all alternatives
instead of only a few. By generating a large number of alternatives that cover a wide range of
possibilities, you are unlikely to make a more effective decision that does not require sacrificing
Despite all its benefits, you may have noticed that this decision-making model involves a number
of unrealistic assumptions as well. It assumes that people completely understand the decision to
be made, that they know all their available choices, that they have no perceptual biases, and that
they want to make optimal decisions. Nobel Prize–winning economist Herbert Simon observed
that while the rational decision-making model may be a helpful device in aiding decision makers
when working through problems, it doesn’t represent how decisions are frequently made within
Think about how you make important decisions in your life. It is likely that you rarely sit down
and complete all eight of the steps in the rational decision-making model. For example, this
model proposed that we should search for all possible alternatives before making a decision, but
that process is time consuming, and individuals are often under time pressure to make decisions.
Moreover, even if we had access to all the information that was available, it could be challenging
to compare the pros and cons of each alternative and rank them according to our preferences.
Anyone who has recently purchased a new laptop computer or cell phone can attest to the
challenge of sorting through the different strengths and limitations of each brand and model and
arriving at the solution that best meets particular needs. In fact, the availability of too much
information can lead to analysis paralysis, in which more and more time is spent on gathering
information and thinking about it, but no decisions actually get made. A senior executive at
Hewlett-Packard Development Company LP admits that his company suffered from this spiral of
analyzing things for too long to the point where data gathering led to “not making decisions,
instead of us making decisions.” Moreover, you may not always be interested in reaching an
optimal decision. For example, if you are looking to purchase a house, you may be willing and
able to invest a great deal of time and energy to find your dream house, but if you are only looking
for an apartment to rent for the academic year, you may be willing to take the first one that meets
your criteria of being clean, close to campus, and within your price range.
making processes. According to this model, individuals knowingly limit their options to a
manageable set and choose the first acceptable alternative without conducting an exhaustive
search for alternatives. An important part of the bounded rationality approach is the tendency
to satisfice (a term coined by Herbert Simon from satisfy and suffice), which refers to accepting
the first alternative that meets your minimum criteria. For example, many college graduates do
not conduct a national or international search for potential job openings. Instead, they focus their
search on a limited geographic area, and they tend to accept the first offer in their chosen area,
even if it may not be the ideal job situation. Satisficing is similar to rational decision making. The
main difference is that rather than choosing the best option and maximizing the potential
outcome, the decision maker saves cognitive time and effort by accepting the first alternative that
processes. This model refers to arriving at decisions without conscious reasoning. A total of 89
percent of managers surveyed admitted to using intuition to make decisions at least sometimes
and 59 percent said they used intuition often. Managers make decisions under challenging
conditions, and highly visible and high-stakes outcomes. Thus, it makes sense that they would not
have the time to use the rational decision-making model. Yet when CEOs, financial analysts, and
health care workers are asked about the critical decisions they make, seldom do they attribute
success to luck. To an outside observer, it may seem like they are making guesses as to the course
of action to take, but it turns out that experts systematically make decisions using a different
model than was earlier suspected. Research on life-or-death decisions made by fire chiefs, pilots,
and nurses finds that experts do not choose among a list of well thought out alternatives. They
don’t decide between two or three options and choose the best one. Instead, they consider only
one option at a time. The intuitive decision-making model argues that in a given situation, experts
making decisions scan the environment for cues to recognize patterns. Once a pattern is
recognized, they can play a potential course of action through to its outcome based on their prior
experience. Thanks to training, experience, and knowledge, these decision makers have an idea of
how well a given solution may work. If they run through the mental model and find that the
solution will not work, they alter the solution before setting it into action. If it still is not deemed a
workable solution, it is discarded as an option, and a new idea is tested until a workable solution
is found. Once a viable course of action is identified, the decision maker puts the solution into
motion. The key point is that only one choice is considered at a time. Novices are not able to make
effective decisions this way, because they do not have enough prior experience to draw upon.
models, creative decision making is a vital part of being an effective decision maker. Creativity is
the generation of new, imaginative ideas. With the flattening of organizations and intense
decisions ranging from cutting costs to generating new ways of doing business. Please note that,
while creativity is the first step in the innovation process, creativity and innovation are not the
same thing. Innovation begins with creative ideas, but it also involves realistic planning and
follow-through. Innovations such as 3M’s Clearview Window Tinting grow out of a creative
decision-making process about what may or may not work to solve real-world problems.
The five steps to creative decision making are similar to the previous decision-making models in
some keys ways. All the models include problem identification, which is the step in which the
need for problem solving becomes apparent. If you do not recognize that you have a problem, it is
impossible to solve it. Immersion is the step in which the decision maker consciously thinks about
the problem and gathers information. A key to success in creative decision making is having or
acquiring expertise in the area being studied. Then, incubation occurs. During incubation, the
individual sets the problem aside and does not think about it for a while. At this time, the brain is
actually working on the problem unconsciously. Then comes illumination, or the insight moment
when the solution to the problem becomes apparent to the person, sometimes when it is least
expected. This sudden insight is the “eureka” moment, similar to what happened to the ancient
Greek inventor Archimedes, who found a solution to the problem he was working on while taking
a bath. Finally, the verification and application stage happens when the decision maker
consciously verifies the feasibility of the solution and implements the decision.
A NASA scientist describes his decision-making process leading to a creative outcome as follows:
He had been trying to figure out a better way to de-ice planes to make the process faster and safer.
After recognizing the problem, he immersed himself in the literature to understand all the
options, and he worked on the problem for months trying to figure out a solution. It was not until
he was sitting outside a McDonald’s restaurant with his grandchildren that it dawned on him. The
golden arches of the M of the McDonald’s logo inspired his solution—he would design the de-icer
creative solution, he was done with that problem, except to reflect on the outcome and process.
Researchers focus on three factors to evaluate the level of creativity in the decision-making
process. Fluency refers to the number of ideas a person is able to generate. Flexibility refers to
how different the ideas are from one another. If you are able to generate several distinct solutions
unique a person’s ideas are. You might say that Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix Inc., is
a pretty creative person. His decision-making process shows at least two elements of creativity.
We do not know exactly how many ideas he had over the course of his career, but his ideas are
fairly different from each other. After teaching math in Africa with the Peace Corps, Hastings was
accepted at Stanford, where he earned a master’s degree in computer science. Soon after starting
work at a software company, he invented a successful debugging tool, which led to his founding of
the computer troubleshooting company Pure Software LLC in 1991. After a merger and the
subsequent sale of the resulting company in 1997, Hastings founded Netflix, which revolutionized
the DVD rental business with online rentals delivered through the mail with no late fees. In 2007,
Hastings was elected to Microsoft’s board of directors. As you can see, his ideas are high in
originality and flexibility.
people’s personality traits (openness to experience, risk taking), their attributes (expertise,
imagination, motivation), and the situational context (encouragement from others, time
pressure, physical structures). [9] For example, research shows that individuals who are open
to experience, less conscientious, more self-accepting, and more impulsive tend to be more
creative. [10]
o Diversify your team to give them more inputs to build on and more opportunities to
o Change group membership to stimulate new ideas and new interaction patterns.
o Leaderless teams can allow teams freedom to create without trying to please anyone
up front.
• Team Process
o Engage in brainstorming to generate ideas. Remember to set a high goal for the
number of ideas the group should come up with, encourage wild ideas, and take
brainwriting breaks.
o Use the nominal group technique (see Tools and Techniques for Making Better
• Leadership
o Let people decide how to achieve goals rather than telling them what goals to
o Support and celebrate creativity even when it leads to a mistake. Be sure to set up
• Culture
Sources: Adapted from ideas in Amabile, T. M. (1998). How to kill creativity.Harvard Business
Review, 76, 76–87; Gundry, L. K., Kickul, J. R., & Prather, C. W. (1994). Building the creative
organization. Organizational Dynamics,22, 22–37; Keith, N., & Frese, M. (2008). Effectiveness
Pearsall, M. J., Ellis, A. P. J., & Evans, J. M. (2008). Unlocking the effects of gender faultlines on
team creativity: Is activation the key? Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 225–34. Thompson, L.
There are many techniques available that enhance and improve creativity. Linus Pauling, the
Nobel Prize winner who popularized the idea that vitamin C could help strengthen the
immune system, said, “The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.” [11] One
popular method of generating ideas is to use brainstorming. Brainstorming is a group
process of generating ideas that follow a set of guidelines, including no criticism of ideas
during the brainstorming process, the idea that no suggestion is too crazy, and building on
other ideas (piggybacking). Research shows that the quantity of ideas actually leads to better
idea quality in the end, so setting high idea quotas, in which the group must reach a set
number of ideas before they are done, is recommended to avoid process loss and maximize
the effectiveness of brainstorming. Another unique aspect of brainstorming is that since the
variety of backgrounds and approaches give the group more to draw upon, the more people
are included in the process, the better the decision outcome will be. A variation of
brainstorming is wildstorming, in which the group focuses on ideas that are impossible and
then imagines what would need to happen to make them possible. [12]
One example of a creative decision making model is the Edward Debono model. The Edward
Debono's model of the Six Thinking Hats provides us with a different way of thinking
about the way we make decisions. The six hats provide us with perspectives from six different
perspectives. Similar to the rational decision making model discussed earlier, this model uses
hats to represent the steps we need to follow in order to make good decisions. For example,
the white hat helps us look at the facts of the situation. The red hat helps us look at the
emotional aspect of the problem or solution. The black hat helps us to look at the negatives of
the solution, while the yellow hat helps us think about the positives of the solution. The green
hat allows us to come up with potential solutions or courses of action, while the blue hat
helps us manage the process of making the decision. For example, consider the opening
scenario where Andi is considering which job to accept. If she were using the six hats model,
first she would look at the facts—that is, the aspects of each job offer (white hat). Then, she
would look at how she feel (red hat) about each job. Next, she would look at the downsides of
each job (black hat). Then, she would look at the positives of each job (yellow hat). Next, she
would use the green hat to look at the job offers from a creative way and look at potential of
all hats to make a decision and, based on the data, would go ahead and make the best choice.
Figure 8.7
therefore make the wrong one. By developing self-awareness skills (I am feeling xx way)
and then managing our emotions once we recognize them, we can learn to make
healthy, wise decisions. As you read about the Debono decision-making model, this model
specifically asks that you look at your own emotions and the emotions of others. This is part of
self-awareness and social awareness in emotional intelligence. Without these skills, it can be
at human relations. When we understand how we feel about a certain decision we have to
make, we can look realistically at all possible solutions from a cognitive level, which allows us to
also make better decisions. These emotional intelligence skills, specifically self-awareness and
self-management, can help us make thoughtful, sound decisions that improve our productivity,
happiness, and satisfaction. All these skills are important ingredients to positive human relations
• Decision making is choosing among alternative courses of action, including inaction.
• There are different types of decisions ranging from automatic, programmed decisions to more
• Each of these can be useful, depending on the circumstances and the problem that needs to be
1. What do you see as the main difference between a successful and an unsuccessful decision? How
much does luck versus skill have to do with it? How much time needs to pass to know if a decision
2. Research has shown that over half of the decisions made within organizations fail. Does this
3. Have you used the rational decision-‐making model to make a decision? What was the context?
Why or why not? When would you be most likely to engage in satisficing?
5. Do you think intuition is respected as a decision-‐making style? Do you think it should be? Why or
why not?
[1] Garvin, D. A. (2006, January). All the wrong moves. Harvard Business Review, 84, 18–23.
[2] Nutt, P. C. (1994). Types of organizational decision processes. Administrative Science Quarterly, 29,
[3] Nutt, P. C. (1998). Surprising but true: Half the decisions in organizations fail. Academy of Management
[4] Zell, D. M., Glassman, A. M., & Duron, S. A. (2007). Strategic management in turbulent times: The short
and glorious history of accelerated decision making at Hewlett-‐Packard. Organizational Dynamics, 36, 93–
[5] Burke, L. A., & Miller, M. K. (1999). Taking the mystery out of intuitive decision making. Academy of
[6] Breen, B. (2000, August). What’s your intuition? Fast Company, 290; Klein, G. (2003).Intuition at work.
New York: Doubleday; Salas, E., & Klein, G. (2001). Linking expertise and naturalistic decision making.
[7] Interview conducted by author Talya Bauer at Ames Research Center, Mountain View, CA, 1990.
[8] Conlin, M. (2007, September 14). Netflix: Recruiting and retaining the best talent. Business Week
recruiting-‐and-‐retaining-‐the-‐best-‐talentbusinessweek -‐business-‐news-‐stock-‐market-‐and-‐financial-‐advice.
[9] Amabile, T. M. (1988). A model of creativity and innovation in organizations. In B. M. Staw & L. L.
Cummings (Eds.), Research in organizational behavior, (vol. 10, pp. 123–67). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press;
Amabile, T. M., Conti, R., Coon, H., Lazenby, J., & Herron, M. (1996). Assessing the work environment for
creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 39, 1154–84; Ford, C. M., & Gioia, D. A. (2000). Factors
Tierney, P., Farmer, S. M., & Graen, G. B. (1999). An examination of leadership and employee creativity:
The relevance of traits and relationships. Personnel Psychology, 52, 591–620; Woodman, R. W., Sawyer, J.
E., & Griffin, R. W. (1993). Toward a theory of organizational creativity. Academy of Management
[10] Feist, G. J. (1998). A meta-‐analysis of personality in scientific and artistic creativity.Personality and
[12] Scott, G., Leritz, L. E., & Mumford, M. D. (2004). The effectiveness of creativity training: A quantitative
2. Understand hindsight, anchoring, and framing bias and how to avoid them.
No matter which model you use, it is important to know and avoid the decision-making traps that
exist. Daniel Kahnemann (another Nobel Prize winner) and Amos Tversky spent decades studying
how people make decisions. They found that individuals are influenced by overconfidence bias,
hindsight bias, anchoring bias, framing bias, and escalation of commitment. An awareness of
some of the pitfalls of decision making enhances our ability to make good decisions. When we
make good decisions, we are happier, which makes for more positive human relations skills.
events. Many people exhibit signs of overconfidence. For example, 82 percent of the drivers
surveyed feel they are in the top 30 percent of safe drivers, 86 percent of students at the
Harvard Business School say they are better looking than their peers, and doctors
consistently overestimate their ability to detect problems. [1] Much like friends that are 100
percent sure they can pick the winners of this week’s football games despite evidence to the
contrary, these individuals are suffering from overconfidence bias. Similarly, in 2008, the
French bank Société Générale lost over $7 billion as a result of the rogue actions of a single
trader. Jérôme Kerviel, a junior trader in the bank, had extensive knowledge of the bank’s
control mechanisms and used this knowledge to beat the system. Interestingly, he did not
make any money from these transactions himself, and his sole motive was to be successful.
He secretly started making risky moves while hiding the evidence. He made a lot of profit for
the company early on and became overly confident in his abilities to make even more. In his
defense, he was merely able to say that he got “carried away.” [2] People who purchase lottery
tickets as a way to make money are probably suffering from overconfidence bias. It is three
times more likely for a person driving ten miles to buy a lottery ticket to be killed in a car
accident than to win the jackpot. [3]Further, research shows that overconfidence leads to less
successful negotiations. [4] To avoid this bias, take the time to stop and ask yourself if you are
Hindsight bias is the opposite of overconfidence bias, as it occurs when looking backward in
time and mistakes seem obvious after they have already occurred. In other words, after a
surprising event occurred, many individuals are likely to think that they already knew the
event was going to happen. This bias may occur because they are selectively reconstructing
the events. Hindsight bias tends to become a problem when judging someone else’s
decisions. For example, let’s say a company driver hears the engine making unusual sounds
before starting the morning routine. Being familiar with this car in particular, the driver may
conclude that the probability of a serious problem is small and continues to drive the car.
During the day, the car malfunctions and stops miles away from the office. It would be easy
to criticize the decision to continue to drive the car because in hindsight, the noises heard in
the morning would make us believe that the driver should have known something was wrong
and taken the car in for service. However, the driver in question may have heard similar
sounds before with no consequences, so based on the information available at the time,
continuing with the regular routine may have been a reasonable choice. Therefore, it is
important for decision makers to remember this bias before passing judgments on other
people’s actions.
Anchoring refers to the tendency for individuals to rely too heavily on a single piece of
information. Job seekers often fall into this trap by focusing on a desired salary while
ignoring other aspects of the job offer such as additional benefits, fit with the job, and
working environment. Similarly but more dramatically, lives were lost in the Great Bear
Wilderness Disaster when the coroner, within five minutes of arriving at the accident scene,
declared all five passengers of a small plane dead, which halted the search effort for potential
survivors. The next day two survivors who had been declared dead walked out of the forest.
How could a mistake like this have been made? One theory is that decision biases played a
large role in this serious error, and anchoring on the fact that the plane had been consumed
by flames led the coroner to call off the search for any possible survivors. [5]
Framing bias is another concern for decision makers. Framing bias refers to the tendency of
decision makers to be influenced by the way that a situation or problem is presented. For
example, when making a purchase, customers find it easier to let go of a discount as opposed
to accepting a surcharge, even though they both might cost the person the same amount of
money. Similarly, customers tend to prefer a statement such as “85 percent lean beef” as
opposed to “15 percent fat.” [6] It is important to be aware of this tendency, because
after information reveals it may be a poor path to follow. It is sometimes called the “sunken
costs fallacy,” because continuation is often based on the idea that one has already invested
in the course of action. For example, imagine a person who purchases a used car, which turns
out to need something repaired every few weeks. An effective way of dealing with this
situation might be to sell the car without incurring further losses, donate the car, or use it
until it falls apart. However, many people would spend hours of their time and hundreds,
even thousands of dollars repairing the car in the hopes that they might recover their initial
investment. Thus, rather than cutting their losses, they waste time and energy while trying to
A classic example of escalation of commitment from the corporate world is Motorola Inc.’s
Iridium project. In the 1980s, phone coverage around the world was weak. For example, it could
take hours of dealing with a chain of telephone operators in several different countries to get a call
through from Cleveland to Calcutta. There was a real need within the business community to
improve phone access around the world. Motorola envisioned solving this problem using sixty-six
low-orbiting satellites, enabling users to place a direct call to any location around the world. At
the time of idea development, the project was technologically advanced, sophisticated, and made
financial sense. Motorola spun off Iridium as a separate company in 1991. It took researchers a
total of fifteen years to develop the product from idea to market release. However, in the 1990s,
the landscape for cell phone technology was dramatically different from that in the 1980s, and the
widespread cell phone coverage around the world eliminated most of the projected customer base
for Iridium. Had they been paying attention to these developments, the decision makers could
have abandoned the project at some point in the early 1990s. Instead, they released the Iridium
phone to the market in 1998. The phone cost $3,000, and it was literally the size of a brick.
Moreover, it was not possible to use the phone in moving cars or inside buildings. Not
surprisingly, the launch was a failure, and Iridium filed for bankruptcy in 1999. In the end, the
company was purchased for $25 million by a group of investors (whereas it cost the company $5
billion to develop its product), scaled down its operations, and modified it for use by the
Department of Defense to connect soldiers in remote areas not served by land lines or cell phones.
Why does escalation of commitment occur? There may be many reasons, but two are particularly
important. First, decision makers may not want to admit that they were wrong. This may be
because of personal pride or being afraid of the consequences of such an admission. Second,
decision makers may incorrectly believe that spending more time and energy might somehow
help them recover their losses. Effective decision makers avoid escalation of commitment by
distinguishing between when persistence may actually pay off versus when it might mean
escalation of commitment. To avoid escalation of commitment, you might consider having strict
turning back points. For example, you might determine up front that you will not spend more
than $500 trying to repair the car and will sell it when you reach that point. You might also
consider assigning separate decision makers for the initial buying and subsequent selling
decisions. Periodic evaluations of an initially sound decision to see whether the decision still
makes sense is also another way of preventing escalation of commitment. This type of review
becomes particularly important in projects such as the Iridium phone, in which the initial
decision is not immediately implemented but instead needs to go through a lengthy development
process. In such cases, it becomes important to periodically assess the soundness of the initial
decision in the face of changing market conditions. Finally, creating an organizational climate in
which individuals do not fear admitting that their initial decision no longer makes economic sense
would go a long way in preventing escalation of commitment, as it could lower the regret the
decision maker may experience.
Figure 8.9
So far we have focused on how individuals make decisions and how to avoid decision traps. Next
we shift our focus to the group level. There are many similarities as well as many differences
between individual and group decision making. There are many factors that influence group
dynamics and also affect the group decision-making process. We will discuss some of them in the
following section.
• Understanding decision-‐making traps can help you avoid and manage them.
• Hindsight bias can similarly cause a person to incorrectly believe in the ability to predict events.
• Anchoring and framing biases show the importance of the way problems or alternatives are
• Escalation of commitment demonstrates how individuals’ desire to be consistent or avoid
admitting a mistake can cause them to continue to invest in a decision that is no longer prudent.
4. Which of the traps seems the most dangerous for decision makers and why?
[1] Tilson, W. (1999, September 20). The perils of investor overconfidence. Retrieved March 1, 2008,
[2] The rogue rebuttal. (2008, February 9). Economist, 386, 82.
[3] Orkin, M. (1991). Can you win? The real odds for casino gambling, sports betting and lotteries. New
[4] Neale, M. A., & Bazerman, M. H. (1985). The effects of framing and negotiator overconfidence on
[5] Becker, W. S. (2007). Missed opportunities: The Great Bear Wilderness Disaster. Organizational
[6] Li, S., Sun, Y., & Wang, Y. (2007). 50% off or buy one get one free? Frame preference as a function of
consumable nature in dairy products. Journal of Social Psychology, 147, 413–21.
[7] Finkelstein, S., & Sanford, S. H. (2000, November). Learning from corporate mistakes: The rise and fall
[8] Wong, K. F. E., & Kwong, J. Y. Y. (2007). The role of anticipated regret in escalation of
1. Understand
2. Learn
3. Be able to recognize and use a variety of tools in your decision-‐making processes.
The answer to this question depends on several factors. Group decision making has the advantage
of drawing from the experiences and perspectives of a larger number of individuals. Hence, a
group may have the potential to be more creative and lead to more effective decisions. In fact,
groups may sometimes achieve results beyond what they could have done as individuals. Groups
may also make the task more enjoyable for the members. Finally, when the decision is made by a
group rather than a single individual, implementation of the decision will be easier, because
group members will be more invested in the decision. If the group is diverse, better decisions may
be made, because different group members may have different ideas based on their backgrounds
and experiences. Research shows that for top management teams, diverse groups that debate
issues make decisions that are more comprehensive and better for the bottom line.
Despite its popularity within organizations, group decision making suffers from a number of
disadvantages. We know that groups rarely outperform their best member. While groups have
the potential to arrive at an effective decision, they often suffer from process losses. For example,
groups may suffer from coordination problems. Anyone who has worked with a team of
individuals on a project can attest to the difficulty of coordinating members’ work or even
coordinating everyone’s presence in a team meeting. Furthermore, groups can suffer from
groupthink. Finally, group decision making takes more time compared to individual decision
making, because all members need to discuss their thoughts regarding different alternatives.
Thus, whether an individual or a group decision is preferable will depend on the specifics of the
situation. For example, if there is an emergency and a decision needs to be made quickly,
individual decision making might be preferred. Individual decision making may also be
appropriate if the individual in question has all the information needed to make the decision and
if implementation problems are not expected. On the other hand, if one person does not have all
the information and skills needed to make a decision, if implementing the decision will be difficult
without the involvement of those who will be affected by the decision, and if time urgency is more
Have you ever been in a decision-making group that you felt was heading in the wrong
direction but you didn’t speak up and say so? If so, you have already been a victim of
groupthink. Groupthink is a tendency to avoid a critical evaluation of ideas the group favors.
Iriving Janis, author of a book called Victims of Groupthink, explained that groupthink is
4. Stereotyped views of outgroups are seen when groups discount rivals’ abilities to
5. Direct pressure is exerted on any members who express strong arguments against any
6. Self-censorship occurs when members of the group minimize their own doubts and
protect the group from information that runs counter to the group’s assumptions and
course of action.
Figure 8.11
seven astronauts aboard. The decision to launch Challenger that day, despite problems with
mechanical components of the vehicle and unfavorable weather conditions, is cited as an example of
groupthink. [3]
o Invite experts or qualified colleagues who are not part of the core decision-making
group to attend meetings and get reactions from outsiders on a regular basis and
o Debate the ethical implications of the decisions and potential solutions being
o Monitor personal behavior for signs of groupthink and modify behavior if needed.
o Remind members of the ground rules for avoiding groupthink if they get off track.
o Have more than one group work on the same problem if time and resources allow it.
o Remain impartial and refrain from stating preferences at the outset of decisions.
o Create an anonymous feedback channel through which all group members can
contribute if desired.
Sources: Adapted and expanded from Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of groupthink. New York:
Houghton Mifflin; Whyte, G. (1991). Decision failures: Why they occur and how to prevent
Nominal Group Technique (NGT) was developed to help with group decision making by
ensuring that all members participate fully. NGT is not a technique to be used routinely at all
meetings. Rather, it is used to structure group meetings when members are grappling with
problem solving or idea generation. It follows four steps. First, each member of the group
begins by independently and silently writing down ideas. Second, the group goes in order around
the room to gather all the ideas that were generated. This process continues until all the ideas are
shared. Third, a discussion takes place around each idea, and members ask for and give
clarification and make evaluative statements. Finally, group members vote for their favorite ideas
by using ranking or rating techniques. Following the four-step NGT helps to ensure that all
members participate fully, and it avoids group decision-making problems such as groupthink.
first questionnaire asks individuals to respond to a broad question such as stating the
from the information gathered in the previous one. The process ends when the group reaches
a consensus. Facilitators can decide whether to keep responses anonymous. This process is
often used to generate best practices from experts. For example, Purdue University Professor
Michael Campion used this process when he was editor of the research journal Personnel
Psychology and wanted to determine the qualities that distinguished a good research article.
Using the Delphi technique, he was able to gather responses from hundreds of top
researchers from around the world and distill them into a checklist of criteria that he could
use to evaluate articles submitted to his journal, all without ever having to leave his office. [6]
Majority rule refers to a decision-making rule in which each member of the group is given a
single vote and the option receiving the greatest number of votes is selected. This technique
has remained popular, perhaps due to its simplicity, speed, ease of use, and representational
technique. [7] However, those who did not vote in favor of the decision will be less likely to
support it.
Consensus is another decision-making rule that groups may use when the goal is to gain
support for an idea or plan of action. While consensus tends to require more time, it may
make sense when support is needed to enact the plan. The process works by discussing the
issues at hand, generating a proposal, calling for consensus, and discussing any concerns. If
concerns still exist, the proposal is modified to accommodate them. These steps are repeated
cooperative, and democratic. Research shows that consensus can lead to better
accuracy, [8] and it helps members feel greater satisfaction with decisions. [9]However, groups
take longer with this approach, and if consensus cannot be reached, members tend to become
frustrated. [10]
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) are interactive computer-based systems that
are able to combine communication and decision technologies to help groups make better
decisions. Research shows that a GDSS can actually improve the output of groups’
collaborative work through higher information sharing. [11] Organizations know that having
spending reflects this reality. Businesses invested $2.7 billion into new systems in 2002, and
projections were for this number to double every five years. As the popularity of these
systems grows, they risk becoming counterproductive. Humans can only process so many
ideas and information at one time. As virtual meetings grow larger, it is reasonable to assume
that information overload can occur and good ideas will fall through the cracks, essentially
recreating a problem that the GDSS was intended to solve, which is to make sure every idea is
heard. Another problem is the system possibly becoming too complicated. If the systems
evolve to a point of uncomfortable complexity, it has recreated the problem. Those who
understand the interface will control the narrative of the discussion, while those who are less
savvy will only be along for the ride. [12] Lastly, many of these programs fail to take into
account the factor of human psychology. These systems could make employees more
reluctant to share information because of lack of control, lack of immediate feedback, or the
Decision trees are diagrams in which answers to yes or no questions lead decision makers
to address additional questions until they reach the end of the tree. Decision trees are helpful
in avoiding errors such as framing bias. [13]Decision trees tend to be helpful in guiding the
making—that is, every time certain conditions are present, the decision maker will follow one
course of action as opposed to others if the decision is made using a decision tree.
Figure 8.13
Utilizing decision trees can improve investment decisions by optimizing them for maximum
payoff. A decision tree consists of three types of nodes. Decision nodes are commonly
represented by squares. Chance nodes are represented by circles. End nodes are
represented by triangles.
• There are trade-‐offs between making decisions alone and within a group.
• Groups have a greater diversity of experiences and ideas than individuals, but they also have
• Groupthink can be avoided by recognizing the eight symptoms discussed.
• Finally, there are a variety of tools and techniques available for helping to make more effective
decisions in groups, including the nominal group technique, Delphi technique, majority rule,
1. Do you prefer to make decisions in a group or alone? What are the main reasons for your
2. Have you been in a group that used the brainstorming technique? Was it an effective tool for
3. Have you been in a group that experienced groupthink? If so, how did you deal with it?
4. Which of the decision-‐making tools discussed in this chapter (NGT, Delphi, and so on) have you
[1] Simons, T., Pelled, L. H., & Smith, K. A. (1999). Making use of difference: Diversity, debate, decision
comprehensiveness in top management teams. Academy of Management Journal, 42, 662–73.
[2] Miner, F. C. (1984). Group versus individual decision making: An investigation of performance
measures, decision strategies, and process losses/gains. Organizational Behavior and Human
[3] Esser, J. K., & Lindoerfer, J. L. (1989). Groupthink and the space shuttle Challenger accident: Toward a
quantitative case analysis. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2, 167–77; Moorhead, G., Ference, R., &
Neck, C. P. (1991). Group decision fiascoes continue: Space shuttle Challenger and a revised groupthink
[4] Janis, I. L. (1972). Victims of groupthink. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
[5] Delbecq, A. L., Van de Ven, A. H., & Gustafson, D. H. (1975). Group techniques for program planning: A
guide to nominal group and Delphi processes. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman.
[7] Hastie, R., & Kameda, T. (2005). The robust beauty of majority rules in group decisions. Psychological
[8] Roch, S. G. (2007). Why convene rater teams: An investigation of the benefits of anticipated
discussion, consensus, and rater motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 104,
[9] Mohammed, S., & Ringseis, E. (2001). Cognitive diversity and consensus in group decision making: The
role of inputs, processes, and outcomes. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 85, 310–
[10] Peterson, R. (1999). Can you have too much of a good thing? The limits of voice for improving
[11] Lam, S. S. K., & Schaubroeck, J. (2000). Improving group decisions by better pooling information: A
comparative advantage of group decision support systems. Journal of Applied Psychology, 85, 565–73.
[12] Nunamaker, J. F., Jr., Dennis, A. R., Valacich, J. S., Vogel, D. R., & George, J. F. (1991, July). Electronic
meetings to support group work. Communications of the ACM, 34(7), 40–61.
[13] Wright, G., & Goodwin, P. (2002). Eliminating a framing bias by using simple instructions to “think
harder” and respondents with managerial experience: Comment on “breaking the frame.” Strategic
• Some decisions are obvious and can be made quickly, without investing much time and effort in
the decision-‐making process. Others, however, require substantial consideration of the
depending on various environmental factors. Some decisions are best made by groups. Group
decision-‐making processes also have multiple models to follow, depending on the situation.
• Even when specific models are followed, groups and individuals can often fall into potential
decision-‐making pitfalls. If too little information is available, decisions might be made based on a
feeling. On the other hand, if too much information is presented, people can suffer from analysis
paralysis, in which no decision is reached because of the overwhelming number of alternatives.
Warning: Do not discuss this exercise with other members of your class until instructed to do so.
You are a member of the moon space crew originally scheduled to rendezvous with a mother ship
on the lighted surface of the moon. Due to mechanical difficulties, however, your ship was forced
to land at a spot some 200 miles (320 km) from the rendezvous point. During reentry and landing,
much of the equipment aboard was damaged, and because survival depends on reaching the
mother ship, the most critical items available must be chosen for the 200-‐mile (320 km) trip.
Please see the list of the fifteen items left intact and undamaged after landing. Your task is to
rank the items in terms of their importance for your crew to reach the rendezvous point. Place
the number 1 by the most important, 2 by the next most important, and so on, with 15 being the
least important.
8 . 1
My Group NASA My Group
Undamaged items ranking ranking ranking difference difference
Box of matches
Food concentrates
50 feet of nylon
My Group NASA My Group
Undamaged items ranking ranking ranking difference difference
Parachute silk
Portable heating unit
Two 45-caliber pistols
One case dehydrated milk
Two 100 lb. tanks oxygen
Stellar map (of moon's
Life raft
Magnetic compass
5 gallons of water
Signal flares
First aid kit containing
injection needles
Solar powered FM receiver–
Significant portions of this chapter were adapted from Talya Bauer and Berrin
- Dale Carnegie
During a negotiation, it would be wise not to take anything personally. If you leave
personalities out of it, you will be able to see opportunities more objectively.
- Brian Koslow
Negotiation Breakdown
You are part of a team charged with negotiating the new collective bargaining agreement for your
union. Your union is requesting profit sharing, a 10 percent raise for all union members and an
When you go into the meeting with management, they present their terms, which include a 5
percent pay cut due to lower product demand and greater responsibility to cover the cost of health
care for union members, which would amount to about $50 per person, per paycheck.
The lead team member laughs at management's requests and tells them they have a long way to
go in order to avoid a strike. You are uncomfortable with this comment, as you believe it doesn't
set the right tone for the negotiation. In addition, the statement appears to be threatening, which
When your team presents their items, management says there is no way they can meet those
demands, so the union better get more realistic about the current economic state of the company.
As you leave the bargaining table with no progress, you know there is a long way to go before the
The focus of this chapter is to discuss conflict and negotiation and how to avoid situations such as
[1] Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2010). Organizational Behavior(Version 1.1). Irvington, NY: Flat World
1. Be able to explain the nature of conflict in your personal life or at work.
2. Understand the different types of conflict you may experience at work and in your personal life.
In this chapter, you’ll see that learning how to handle conflict and engaging in effective
negotiation are key to successful human relations and to a successful career. Learning how to
handle conflict confidently is a key component in your emotional intelligence toolkit,
specifically, self-awareness and relationship management. Without the ability to deal with
conflict, we would have no friends or partner, and very little work would get done.
Conflicts range from minor annoyances to outright violence. For example, one million
workers (18,000 people per week) are assaulted on the job in the United States alone. [1] One
of the major ways to avoid conflicts escalating to these levels is through understanding the
causes of conflict and developing methods for managing potential negative outcomes.
Negotiation is one of the most effective ways to decrease conflict and will also be examined in
Similar to how conflicts can range from minor to major, negotiations vary in terms of their
company’s survival and its demise. On the other end of the spectrum, we deal with minor
negotiations on a regular basis, such as negotiating with a friend about which movie to see.
Maybe you make a concession: “OK, we’ll watch what you want but I get to pick where we
eat.” Maybe you hold tough: “I don’t want to watch anything except a comedy.” Perhaps you
even look for a third option that would mutually satisfy both parties. Regardless of the level,
conflict management and negotiation tactics are important skills that can be learned. First,
Conflict is a process that involves people disagreeing. Researchers have noted that conflict is
like the common cold. Everyone knows what it is, but understanding its causes and how to
treat it is much more challenging. [2] As we noted earlier, conflict can range from minor
disagreements to workplace violence. In addition, there are three types of conflict that can
is expected or wanted, or you have a sense of being inadequate to perform a task, you are
roles. A manager may want to oversee a subordinate’s work, believing that such oversight is a
necessary part of the job. The subordinate, on the other hand, may consider such extensive
oversight to be evidence of a lack of trust. Role conflict, another type of intrapersonal conflict,
includes having two different job descriptions that seem mutually exclusive. This type of conflict
can arise if you’re the head of one team but also a member of another team. A third type of
intrapersonal conflict involves role ambiguity. Perhaps you’ve been given the task of finding a
trainer for a company’s business writing training program. You may feel unsure about what kind
of person to hire—a well-known but expensive trainer or a local, unknown but low-priced trainer.
If you haven’t been given guidelines about what’s expected, you may be wrestling with several
Figure 9.1
Harvard Business School, who closely follows the computer industry, notes that the conflict may stem
from their differences in terms of being from different generations and having different management
Interpersonal conflict is among individuals such as coworkers, a manager and an
employee, or CEOs and their staff. For example, in 2006 the CEO of Airbus SAS, Christian
Streiff, resigned because of his conflict with the board of directors over issues such as how to
restructure the company. [3] This example may reflect a well-known trend among CEOs.
According to one estimate, 31.9 percent of CEOs resigned from their jobs because they had
conflict with the board of directors. [4] CEOs of competing companies might also have public
conflicts. In 1997, Michael Dell was asked what he would do about Apple Computer. “What
would I do? I’d shut it down and give the money back to shareholders.” Ten years later, Steve
Jobs, as CEO of Apple Inc., indicated he had clearly held a grudge as he shot back at Dell in
an e-mail to his employees, stating, “Team, it turned out Michael Dell wasn’t perfect in
predicting the future. Based on today’s stock market close, Apple is worth more than
Dell.” [5] In part, their long-time disagreements stem from their differences. Interpersonal
conflict often arises because of competition, as the Dell/Apple example shows, or because of
personality or values differences. For example, one person’s style may be to “go with the gut”
on decisions, while another person wants to make decisions based on facts. Those differences
will lead to conflict if the individuals reach different conclusions. Many companies suffer
because of interpersonal conflicts. Keeping conflicts centered around ideas rather than
Figure 9.2
Conflicts such as the Air Canada pilot strike can have ripple effects. For example, Air
Canada’s parent company threatened to cancel a $6.1 billion contract with Boeing for
new planes if they were unable to negotiate an agreement with the pilots who would fly
them. Conflict consequences such as these could affect those working at this Boeing
Intergroup conflict is conflict that takes place among different groups. Types of groups may
companies that supply the same customers. Departments may conflict over budget allocations,
unions and management may disagree over work rules, and suppliers may conflict with each
other on the quality of parts. Merging two groups together can lead to friction between the
groups—especially if there are scarce resources to be divided among the group. For example, in
what has been called “the most difficult and hard-fought labor issue in an airline merger,”
Canadian Air and Air Canada pilots were locked into years of personal and legal conflict when the
two airlines’ seniority lists were combined following the merger. Seniority is a valuable and
scarce resource for pilots, because it helps to determine who flies the newest and biggest planes,
who receives the best flight routes, and who is paid the most. In response to the loss of seniority,
former Canadian Air pilots picketed at shareholder meetings, threatened to call in sick, and had
history of past conflicts among organizations and employees makes new deals challenging.
Most people are uncomfortable with conflict, but is conflict always bad? Conflict can be
dysfunctional if it paralyzes an organization, leads to less than optimal performance, or, in the
worst case, leads to workplace violence. Surprisingly, a moderate amount of conflict can actually
be a healthy (and necessary) part of organizational life. To understand how to get to a positive
level of conflict, we need to understand its root causes, consequences, and tools to help manage it.
The impact of too much or too little conflict can disrupt performance. If conflict is too low, then
performance is low. If conflict is too high, then performance also tends to be low. The goal is to
hold conflict levels in the middle of this range. While it might seem strange to want a particular
level of conflict, a medium level of task-related conflict is often viewed as optimal, because it
because it stimulates creativity. However, it can interfere with complex tasks in the long
run. Personal conflicts, such as personal attacks, are never healthy because they cause stress
and distress, which undermines performance. The worst cases of personal conflicts can lead to
workplace bullying. At Intel Corporation, all new employees go through a four-hour training
module to learn “constructive confrontation.” The content of the training program includes
dealing with others in a positive manner, using facts rather than opinion to persuade others, and
focusing on the problem at hand rather than the people involved. “We don’t spend time being
defensive or taking things personally. We cut through all of that and get to the issues,” notes a
trainer from Intel University. The success of the training remains unclear, but the presence of
this program indicates that Intel understands the potentially positive effect of a moderate level of
conflict. Research focusing on effective teams across time found that they were characterized by
low but increasing levels of process conflict (how do we get things done?), low levels of
relationship conflict with a rise toward the end of the project (personal disagreements among
team members), and moderate levels of task conflict in the middle of the task timeline.
• There are several different types of conflict, including intrapersonal, interpersonal, and
intergroup conflict.
• Moderate conflict can be a healthy and necessary part of organizational life.
1. What are the types of conflicts that individuals may have at work? Which type have you
3. Explain how miscommunication might be related to a conflict at work.
[1] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (1997). Violence in the workplace. Retrieved
[2] Wall, J. A., & Callister, R. R. (1995). Conflict and its management. Journal of Management, 21, 515–58.
[3] Michaels, D., Power, S., & Gauthier-‐Villars, D. (2006, October 10). Airbus CEO’s resignation reflects
[4] Whitehouse, K. (2008, January 14). Why CEOs need to be honest with their boards. Wall Street Journal,
[5] Haddad, C. (2001, April 18). Why Jobs and Dell are always sparring. Business Week Online. Retrieved
Markoff, J. (2006, January 16). Michael Dell should eat his words, Apple chief suggests. New York Times.
Canada and Canadian Airlines. Paper presented at the American Bar Association Midwinter Meeting,
[7] Amason, A. C. (1996). Distinguishing the effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict on strategic
decision making: Resolving a paradox for top management teams. Academy of Management Journal, 39,
[8] De Dreu, C. K. W., & Weingart, L. R. (2003). Task versus relationship conflict: Team performance, and
team member satisfaction: A meta-‐analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 741–49.
[9] Dahle, C. (2001, June). Is the Internet second nature? Fast Company, 48, 144.
[10] Jehn, K. A., & Mannix, E. A. (2001). The dynamic nature of conflict: A longitudinal study of intergroup
conflict and group performance. Academy of Management Journal, 44, 238–51.
1. Understand different causes of conflict both at work and in your personal life.
There are many potential root causes of conflict at work. We’ll go over six of them here.
Conflict tends to take different forms, depending upon the organizational structure.
Resources such as money, time, and equipment are often scarce. Competition among people or
departments for limited resources is a frequent cause for conflict. For example, cutting-edge
laptops and gadgets are expensive resources that may be allocated to employees on a need-to-
have basis in some companies. When a group of employees have access to such resources while
others do not, conflict may arise among employees or between employees and management.
While technical employees may feel that these devices are crucial to their productivity, employees
with customer contact such as sales representatives may make the point that these devices are
important for them to make a good impression to clients. Because important resources are often
limited, this is one source of conflict many companies have to live with.
Another cause of conflict is task interdependence; that is, when accomplishment of your goal
requires reliance on others to perform their tasks. For example, if you’re tasked with creating
layout, the photographer or videographer to create the visuals, the media buyer to purchase the
advertising space, and so on. The completion of your goal (airing or publishing your ad) is
dependent on others.
Sometimes conflict arises when two parties think that their goals are mutually exclusive. Within
an organization, incompatible goals often arise because of the different ways department
managers are compensated. For example, a sales manager’s bonus may be tied to how many sales
are made for the company. As a result, the individual might be tempted to offer customers
“freebies” such as expedited delivery in order to make the sale. In contrast, a transportation
manager’s compensation may be based on how much money the company saves on transit. In this
case, the goal might be to eliminate expedited delivery because it adds expense. The two will butt
heads until the company resolves the conflict by changing the compensation structure. For
example, if the company assigns the bonus based on profitability of a sale, not just the dollar
amount, the cost of the expediting would be subtracted from the value of the sale. It might still
make sense to expedite the order if the sale is large enough, in which case both parties would
support it. On the other hand, if the expediting negates the value of the sale, neither party would
Personality differences among coworkers are common. By understanding some fundamental
differences among the way people think and act, we can better understand how others see the
world. Knowing that these differences are natural and normal lets us anticipate and mitigate
interpersonal conflict—it’s often not about “you” but simply a different way of seeing and
behaving. For example, Type A individuals have been found to have more conflicts with their
coworkers than Type B individuals.
Sometimes conflict arises simply out of a small, unintentional communication problem, such as
lost e-mails or dealing with people who don’t return phone calls. Giving feedback is also a case in
which the best intentions can quickly escalate into a conflict situation. When communicating, be
sure to focus on behavior and its effects, not on the person. For example, say that Jeff always
arrives late to all your meetings. You think he has a bad attitude, but you don’t really know what
Jeff’s attitude is. You do know, however, the effect that Jeff’s behavior has on you. You could say,
“Jeff, when you come late to the meeting, I feel like my time is wasted.” Jeff can’t argue with that
statement, because it is a fact of the impact of his behavior on you. It’s indisputable, because it is
your reality. What Jeff can say is that he did not intend such an effect, and then you can have a
In another example, the Hershey Company was engaged in talks behind closed doors with
Cadbury Schweppes about a possible merger. No information about this deal was shared with
Hershey’s major stakeholder, the Hershey Trust. When Robert Vowler, CEO of the Hershey Trust,
discovered that talks were underway without anyone consulting the Trust, tensions between the
major stakeholders began to rise. As Hershey’s continued to underperform, steps were taken in
what is now called the “Sunday night massacre,” in which several board members were forced to
resign and Richard Lenny, Hershey’s then current CEO, retired. This example shows how a lack
of communication can lead to an escalation of conflict. Time will tell what the lasting effects of
this conflict will be, but in the short term, effective communication will be the key. Now, let’s turn
One of the most common outcomes of conflict is that it upsets parties in the short
run. However, conflict can have both positive and negative outcomes. On the positive side,
conflict can result in greater creativity or better decisions. For example, as a result of a
disagreement over a policy, a manager may learn from an employee that newer technologies help
On the other hand, conflict can be dysfunctional if it is excessive or involves personal attacks or
underhanded tactics.
• Increased stress and anxiety among individuals, which decreases productivity and
• Feelings of being defeated and demeaned, which lowers individuals’ morale and may
increase turnover
• A climate of mistrust, which hinders the teamwork and cooperation necessary to get work
You may be at increased risk for workplace violence if your job involves the following:
o Working with drugs, alcohol, or those under the influence of them, such as
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. (1997). Violence in the workplace.
for Occupational Safety and Health. (2006). Workplace prevention strategies and research needs.
Given these negative outcomes, how can conflict be managed so that it does not become
• Conflict has many causes, including organizational structures, limitations on resources, task
• Outcomes of well-‐managed conflict include increased participation and creativity, while
negatives of poorly managed conflict include increased stress and anxiety.
• Jobs that deal with people are at higher risk for conflict.
2. What are the outcomes of workplace conflict? Which types of job are the most at risk for
[1] Jaffe, D. (2000). Organizational theory: Tension and change. New York: McGraw Hill.
[3] Jargon, J., Karnitschnig, M., & Lublin, J. S. (2008, February 23). How Hershey went sour. Wall Street
[4] Bergman, T. J., & Volkema, R. J. (1989). Understanding and managing interpersonal conflict at work: Its
issues, interactive processes and consequences. In D. M. Kolb & J. M. Kolb (Eds.), Hidden conflict in
There are a number of different ways of managing organizational conflict, which are
When structure is a cause of dysfunctional conflict, structural change can be the solution to
resolving the conflict. Consider this situation. Vanessa, the lead engineer in charge of new product
development, has submitted her components list to Tom, the procurement officer, for purchasing.
Tom, as usual, has rejected two of the key components, refusing the expenditure on the purchase.
Tom counters, “You’re always choosing the newest, leading-edge parts—they’re hard to find and
expensive to purchase. I’m supposed to keep costs down, and your requests always break my
“But when you don’t order the parts we need for a new product, you delay the whole project,”
Vanessa says.
Sharon, the business unit’s vice president, hits upon a structural solution by stating, “From now
on, both of you will be evaluated on the total cost and the overall performance of the product. You
need to work together to keep component costs low while minimizing quality issues later on.” If
the conflict is at an intergroup level, such as between two departments, a structural solution could
be to have those two departments report to the same executive, who could align their previously
incompatible goals.
the team, separating the personalities that were at odds. In instances in which conflict is
attributed to the widely different styles, values, and preferences of a small number of members,
replacing some of these members may resolve the problem. If that’s not possible because
everyone’s skills are needed on the team and substitutes aren’t available, consider a physical
layout solution. Research has shown that when known antagonists are seated directly across from
each other, the amount of conflict increases. However, when they are seated side by side, the
conflict tends to decrease.
such as the competition. For example, two software groups may be vying against each other for
marketing dollars, each wanting to maximize advertising money devoted to their product. But by
focusing attention on a competitor company, the groups may decide to work together to enhance
the marketing effectiveness for the company as a whole. The “enemy” need not be another
company—it could be a concept, such as a recession, that unites previously warring departments
vote, and the idea with the most votes is the one that gets implemented. The majority rule
approach can work if the participants feel that the procedure is fair. It is important to keep in
mind that this strategy will become ineffective if used repeatedly with the same members typically
winning. Moreover, the approach should be used sparingly. It should follow a healthy discussion
of the issues and points of contention, not be a substitute for that discussion.
Problem solving is a common approach to resolving conflict. In problem-solving mode, the
individuals or groups in conflict are asked to focus on the problem, not on each other, and to
uncover the root cause of the problem. This approach recognizes the rarity of one side being
Individuals vary in the way that they handle conflicts. There are five common styles of handling
These styles can be mapped onto a grid that shows the varying degree of cooperation and
assertiveness each style entails. As we discuss each of these, consider your own conflict
management style and what benefits or negatives you receive from this style.
avoid conflict altogether by denying that it is there. They are prone to postponing any
decisions in which a conflict may arise. People using this style may say things such as, “I
don’t really care if we work this out,” or “I don’t think there’s any problem. I feel fine about
how things are.” Conflict avoidance may be habitual to some people because of personality
traits such as the need for affiliation. While conflict avoidance may not be a significant
problem if the issue at hand is trivial, it becomes a problem when individuals avoid
The accommodating style is cooperative and unassertive. In this style, the person gives in to
what the other side wants, even if it means giving up one’s personal goals. People who use this
style may fear speaking up for themselves or they may place a higher value on the relationship,
believing that disagreeing with an idea might be hurtful to the other person. They will say things
such as, “Let’s do it your way” or “If it’s important to you, I can go along with it.” Accommodation
may be an effective strategy if the issue at hand is more important to others compared to oneself.
However, if a person perpetually uses this style, that individual may start to see that personal
express their own concerns and get their way but still respect the other person’s goals. The
compromiser may say things such as, “Perhaps I ought to reconsider my initial position” or
“Maybe we can both agree to give in a little.” In a compromise, each person sacrifices something
valuable to them. For example, in 2005 the luxurious Lanesborough Hotel in London advertised
incorrect nightly rates for £35, as opposed to £350. When the hotel received a large number of
online bookings at this rate, the initial reaction was to insist that customers cancel their
reservations and book at the correct rate. The situation was about to lead to a public relations
crisis. As a result, they agreed to book the rooms at the advertised price for a maximum of three
nights, thereby limiting the damage to the hotel’s bottom line as well as its reputation.
People exhibiting a competing style want to reach their goal or get their solution adopted
regardless of what others say or how they feel. They are more interested in getting the outcome
they want as opposed to keeping the other party happy, and they push for the deal they are
interested in making. Competition may lead to poor relationships with others if one is always
seeking to maximize their own outcomes at the expense of others’ well-being. This approach may
be effective if one has strong moral objections to the alternatives or if the alternatives one is
The collaborating style is high on both assertiveness and cooperation. This is a strategy to use
for achieving the best outcome from conflict—both sides argue for their position, supporting it
with facts and rationale while listening attentively to the other side. The objective is to find a win–
win solution to the problem in which both parties get what they want. They’ll challenge points but
not each other. They’ll emphasize problem solving and integration of each other’s goals. For
example, an employee who wants to complete a degree may have a conflict with management
when he wants to reduce his work hours. Instead of taking opposing positions in which the
employee defends his need to pursue his career goals while the manager emphasizes the
company’s need for the employee, both parties may review alternatives to find an integrative
solution. In the end, the employee may decide to pursue the degree while taking online classes,
and the company may realize that paying for the employee’s tuition is a worthwhile investment.
This may be a win–win solution to the problem in which no one gives up what is personally
the time it will depend on the situation. However, the collaborative style has the potential to be
We do know that most individuals have a dominant style that they tend to use most frequently.
Think of your friend who is always looking for a fight or your coworker who always backs down
from a disagreement. Successful individuals are able to match their style to the situation. There
are times when avoiding a conflict can be a great choice. For example, if a driver cuts you off in
traffic, ignoring it and going on with your day is a good alternative to “road rage.” However, if a
colleague keeps claiming ownership of your ideas, it may be time for a confrontation. Allowing
such intellectual plagiarism to continue could easily be more destructive to your career than
confronting the individual. Research also shows that when it comes to dealing with conflict,
managers prefer forcing, while their subordinates are more likely to engage in avoiding,
accommodating, or compromising. It is also likely that individuals will respond similarly to the
person engaging in conflict. For example, if one person is forcing, others are likely to respond
people think that conflict is inherently bad—that it undermines goals or shows that a group or
meeting is not running smoothly. In fact, if there is no conflict, it may mean that people are
silencing themselves and withholding their opinions. The reality is that within meaningful group
discussions, there are usually varying opinions about the best course of action. If people are
suppressing their opinions, the final result may not be the best solution. During healthy debates,
people point out difficulties or weaknesses in a proposed alternative and can work together to
solve them. The key to keeping the disagreement healthy is to keep the discussion focused on the
task, not the personalities. For example, a comment such as “Jack’s ideas have never worked
before. I doubt his current idea will be any better” is not constructive. Instead, a comment such as
“This production step uses a degreaser that’s considered a hazardous material. Can we think of an
alternative degreaser that’s nontoxic?” is more productive. It challenges the group to improve
Throughout its history, HP viewed itself as a scientific organization, and their culture valued
teamwork and respect. But over time, HP learned that you can be “nice to death.” In fact, in the
1990s, HP found it difficult to partner with other organizations because of their culture
differences. During role-plays created to help HP managers be more dynamic, the trainers had to
modify several mock situations, because participants simply said, “That would never happen at
HP,” over the smallest conflict. All this probably played a role in the discomfort many felt with
Carly Fiorina’s style as CEO and the merge she orchestrated with Compaq Computer Corporation,
which ultimately caused the board of directors to fire Fiorina. On the other hand, no one is calling
conflict is what shows our positive human relations skills.Conflict management is a key skill
to learn because we already know our personal happiness and career success
depends on our ability to show positive human relations skills—even when conflict
is present.
team members. Either way, the ability to handle and resolve the conflict are imperative to
maintaining positive human relations in your work environment and in your personal life, too.
conflict (self-awareness emotional intelligence skill) can prevent us from saying the
wrong thing or saying something we will regret. If we can recognize how we feel during a
conflict, such as angry, sad, or frustrated, we can begin to take steps to manage those emotions
emotions, it is much easier to work toward a solution during the conflict. Otherwise,
our emotions may get the best of us, resulting in saying or doing something we regret—which
• Conflict management techniques include changing organizational structures to avoid built-‐in
conflict, changing team members, creating a common “enemy,” using majority rules, and
problem solving.
• Conflict management styles include accommodating others, avoiding the conflict, collaborating,
• People tend to have a dominant style. At times it makes sense to build in some conflict over
1. List three ways to decrease a conflict situation. What are some pros and cons of each of these
3. What is your usual conflict-‐handling style at work? Do you see it as effective or ineffective?
4. Describe a situation in which not having enough conflict can be a problem.
[1] Gordon, J., Mondy, R. W., Sharplin, A., & Premeaux, S. R. (1990). Management and organizational
[2] Horowitz, A., Jacobson, D., Lasswell, M., & Thomas, O. (2006, January–February). 101 dumbest
[3] Howat, G., & London, M. (1980). Attributions of conflict management strategies in supervisor-‐
1. Be able to apply the five phases of negotiation to your work or personal life.
2. Learn negotiation strategies for use at work or in your personal life.
A common way that parties deal with conflict is via negotiation. Negotiation is a process
whereby two or more parties work toward an agreement. There are five phases of
The first step in negotiation is the investigation, or information gathering stage. This is a key
stage that is often ignored. Surprisingly, the first place to begin is with yourself: What are your
goals for the negotiation? What do you want to achieve? What would you concede? What would
you absolutely not concede? Leigh Steinberg, the most powerful agent in sports (he was the role
model for Tom Cruise’s character in Jerry Maguire), puts it this way: “You need the clearest
possible view of your goals. And you need to be brutally honest with yourself about your
priorities.” Knowing your goals during the investigation phase can relate back to our earlier
own emotions and thoughts in check will likely make it a more successful negotiation.
During the negotiation, you’ll inevitably be faced with making choices. It’s best to know what you
want, so that in the heat of the moment you’re able to make the best decision. For example, if
you’ll be negotiating for a new job, ask yourself, “What do I value most? Is it the salary level?
Working with coworkers whom I like? Working at a prestigious company? Working in a certain
geographic area? Do I want a company that will groom me for future positions or do I want to
One important part of the investigation and planning phase is to determine your BATNA, which
is an acronym that stands for the “best alternative to a negotiated agreement.” Roger Fisher and
William Ury coined this phrase in their book Getting to Yes: Negotiating without Giving In.
Thinking through your BATNA is important to helping you decide whether to accept an offer you
receive during the negotiation. You need to know what your alternatives are. If you have various
alternatives, you can look at the proposed deal more critically. Could you get a better outcome
than the proposed deal? Your BATNA will help you reject an unfavorable deal. On the other hand,
if the deal is better than another outcome you could get (that is, better than your BATNA), then
Think about it in common sense terms: When you know your opponent is desperate for a deal,
you can demand much more. If it looks like they have a lot of other options outside the
As Fisher and Ury said, “The reason you negotiate is to produce something better than the results
you can obtain without negotiating. What are those results? What is that alternative? What is your
The party with the best BATNA has the best negotiating position, so try to improve your BATNA
whenever possible by exploring possible alternatives.
Going back to the example of your new job negotiation, consider your options to the offer you
receive. If your pay is lower than what you want, what alternatives do you have? A job with
another company? Looking for another job? Going back to school? While you’re thinking about
your BATNA, take some time to think about the other party’s BATNA. Do they have an employee
Once you’ve gotten a clear understanding of your own goals, investigate the person you’ll be
negotiating with. What does that person (or company) want? Put yourself in the other party’s
shoes. What alternatives could they have? For example, in the job negotiations, the other side
wants a good employee at a fair price. That may lead you to do research on salary levels: What is
the pay rate for the position you’re seeking? What is the culture of the company?
Greenpeace’s goals are to safeguard the environment by getting large companies and
organizations to adopt more environmentally friendly practices such as using fewer plastic
components. Part of the background research Greenpeace engages in involves uncovering facts.
For instance, medical device makers are using harmful PVCs as a tubing material because PVCs
are inexpensive. But are there alternatives to PVCs that are also cost effective? Greenpeace’s
research found that yes, there are. Knowing this lets Greenpeace counter those arguments and
you’ve gathered in a way that supports your position. In a job hiring or salary negotiation
situation, for instance, you can present facts that show what you’ve contributed to the
organization in the past (or in a previous position), which in turn demonstrates your value.
Perhaps you created a blog that brought attention to your company or got donations or funding
for a charity. Perhaps you’re a team player who brings out the best in a group.
During the bargaining phase, each party discusses their goals and seeks to get an agreement. A
natural part of this process is making concessions, namely, giving up one thing to get something
else in return. Making a concession is not a sign of weakness—parties expect to give up some of
their goals. Rather, concessions demonstrate cooperativeness and help move the negotiation
disputes, which can get bogged down by old issues. Making a concession shows forward
movement and process, and it allays concerns about rigidity or closed-mindedness. What would a
typical concession be? Concessions are often in the areas of money, time, resources,
responsibilities, or autonomy. When negotiating for the purchase of products, for example, you
might agree to pay a higher price in exchange for getting the products sooner. Alternatively, you
could ask to pay a lower price in exchange for giving the manufacturer more time or flexibility in
One key to the bargaining phase is to ask questions. Don’t simply take a statement such as “We
can’t do that” at face value. Rather, try to find out why the party has that constraint. Let’s take a
look at an example. Say that you’re a retailer and you want to buy patio furniture from a
manufacturer. You want to have the sets in time for spring sales. During the negotiations, your
goal is to get the lowest price with the earliest delivery date. The manufacturer, of course, wants to
get the highest price with the longest lead time before delivery. As negotiations stall, you evaluate
your options to decide what’s more important: a slightly lower price or a slightly longer delivery
date? You do a quick calculation. The manufacturer has offered to deliver the products by April
30, but you know that some of your customers make their patio furniture selection early in the
spring, and missing those early sales could cost you $1 million. So you suggest that you can accept
the April 30 delivery date if the manufacturer will agree to drop the price by $1 million.
“I appreciate the offer,” the manufacturer replies, “but I can’t accommodate such a large price
cut.” Instead of leaving it at that, you ask, “I’m surprised that a two-month delivery would be so
costly to you. Tell me more about your manufacturing process so that I can understand why you
“Manufacturing the products in that time frame is not the problem,” the manufacturer replies,
“but getting them shipped from Asia is what’s expensive for us.”
When you hear that, a light bulb goes off. You know that your firm has favorable contracts with
shipping companies because of the high volume of business the firm gives them. You make the
following counteroffer: “Why don’t we agree that my company will arrange and pay for the
shipper, and you agree to have the products ready to ship on March 30 for $10.5 million instead
of $11 million?” The manufacturer accepts the offer—the biggest expense and constraint (the
shipping) has been lifted. You, in turn, have saved money as well.
Closure is an important part of negotiations. At the close of a negotiation, you and the other
party have either come to an agreement on the terms, or one party has decided that the final offer
is unacceptable and therefore must be walked away from. Most negotiators assume that if their
best offer has been rejected, there’s nothing left to do. You made your best offer and that’s the
best you can do. The savviest of negotiators, however, see the rejection as an opportunity to learn.
go with the competition, the CEO decided to inquire as to why negotiations had fallen through.
With nothing left to lose, the CEO placed a call to the prospect’s vice president and asked why the
offer had been rejected, explaining that the answer would help improve future offerings.
Surprisingly, the VP explained the deal was given to the competitor because, despite charging
more, the competitor offered after-sales service on the product. The CEO was taken by surprise,
originally assuming that the VP was most interested in obtaining the lowest price possible. In
order accommodate a very low price, various extras such as after-sales service had been cut from
the offer. Having learned that the VP was seeking service, not the lowest cost, the CEO said,
“Knowing what I know now, I’m confident that I could have beaten the competitor’s bid. Would
you accept a revised offer?” The VP agreed, and a week later the CEO had a signed contract.
Sometimes at the end of negotiations, it’s clear why a deal was not reached. But if you’re confused
about why a deal did not happen, consider making a follow-up call. Even though you may not win
the deal back in the end, you might learn something that’s useful for future negotiations. What’s
more, the other party may be more willing to disclose the information if they don’t think you’re in
a “selling” mode.
they leave some negotiating room when extending initial job offers. The survey also found that
many of the hiring managers agree to a candidate’s request for a higher salary. “Salary negotiation
has become a growing opportunity in the job acquisition process,” says Bill Hawkins, president
and CEO of the Hawkins Company, a full-service executive search firm with offices in Los Angeles
and Atlanta. “Candidates who fail to make a counteroffer could forfeit significant income.”
Source: Adapted from information in Reed-Woodard, M. (2007, April). Taking money off the
see the situation as a pie that they have to divide between them. Each tries to get more of the pie
and “win.” For example, managers may compete over shares of a budget. If marketing gets a 10
percent increase in its budget, another department such as R&D will need to decrease its budget
by 10 percent to offset the marketing increase. Focusing on a fixed pie is a common mistake in
A newer, more creative approach to negotiation is called the integrative approach. In this
approach, both parties look for ways to integrate their goals under a larger umbrella. That is, they
look for ways to expand the pie, so that each party gets more. This is also called a win–win
approach. The first step of the integrative approach is to enter the negotiation from a cooperative
rather than an adversarial stance. The second step is all about listening. Listening develops trust
as each party learns what the other wants and everyone involved arrives at a mutual
understanding. Then, all parties can explore ways to achieve the individual goals. The general idea
is, “If we put our heads together, we can find a solution that addresses everybody’s needs.”
Unfortunately, integrative outcomes are not the norm. A summary of thirty-two experiments on
negotiations found that although they could have resulted in integrated outcomes, only 20
percent did so. One key factor related to finding integrated solutions is the experience of the
negotiators who were able to reach them.
o The first step is to overcome your fears. Many people don’t even begin a salary
negotiation. We may be afraid of angering the boss or think that because we are doing
a good job, we’ll automatically be rewarded. But just because you’re doing a good job
doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get a raise. Why? If you don’t ask for one, the boss
may believe you’re satisfied with what you’re getting. So why should he pay you
more? Imagine going into a car dealership and being absolutely delighted with a car
choice. The sticker price is $19,000. Would you pay the dealer $23,000 just because
you really like the car? Of course not. You probably wouldn’t even offer $19,000. If
the car was up for auction, however, and another bidder offered $20,000, you’d likely
o That’s what salary negotiation is like. Your boss may be thrilled with you but at the
same time is running a business. There’s no reason to pay an employee more if you
o Before you enter into the negotiation, do some background research. What are other, and to get a feel for the market. Look at surveys
o How important are you to the organization? How have you contributed? Perhaps you
contributed by increasing sales, winning over angry customers, getting feuding team
members to cooperate, and so on. Make a list of your contributions. Be sure to focus
on the contributions that your boss values most. Is it getting recognition for the
mention that as a fact. However, don’t use this as a threat unless you’re prepared to
take the other offer. Mentioning interest from another employer gets the boss to
think, “If I don’t give this raise, I may lose the employee.” (By the way, if you don’t
feel you have a strong case for your raise, perhaps this isn’t the time to ask for one.)
o Set your target salary goal based on your research and the norms of what your
organization will pay. Now ask yourself, if you don’t get this figure, would you quit? If
not, are there other alternatives besides a salary increase that you’d consider? For
example, would you accept a higher title? More vacation time? Paid training to learn
o Start the discussion on a strong but friendly tone. “I think I’m worth more than I’m
o Let your boss name the figure. You can do this by asking, “How much of a raise could
you approve?” However, if the boss insists that you name a figure, ask for the most
that you can reasonably expect to get. You want to be reasonable, but you need to
allow room to make a concession. Your boss will assume your opening number was
high and will offer you less, so asking for the actual figure you want may leave you
feeling disappointed.
o If the boss opens with, “The salary range for this position is $66,000 to 78,000,” ask
for the high end. If your goal was higher than that range, challenge the range by
explaining how you are an exception and why you deserve more.
o You’ll learn more by listening rather than talking. The more you listen, the better the
boss will feel about you—people tend to like and trust people who listen to them.
o If you can’t get a raise now, get your boss to agree to one in a few months if you meet
agreed-upon objectives.
Sources: Adapted from information in Brodow, E. (2006). Negotiation boot camp. New York:
Currency/Doubleday; Nemko, M. (2007, December 31). The general way to get a raise. US News
established that about one-third of the gender differences observed in the salaries of men and
women can be traced back to differences in starting salaries, with women making less, on average,
when they start their jobs. Some people are taught to feel that negotiation is a conflict situation,
and these individuals may tend to avoid negotiations to avoid conflict. Research shows that this
negotiation avoidance is especially prevalent among women. For example, one study looked at
students from Carnegie-Mellon who were getting their first job after earning a master’s degree.
The study found that only 7 percent of the women negotiated their offer, while men negotiated 57
percent of the time. The result had profound consequences. Researchers calculate that people
who routinely negotiate salary increases will earn over $1 million more by retirement than people
who accept an initial offer every time without asking for more. The good news is that it appears
that it is possible to increase negotiation efforts and confidence by training people to use effective
negotiation skills.
Thinking only about yourself is a common mistake, as we saw in the opening case. People from
the United States tend to fall into a self-serving bias in which they overinflate their own worth and
discount the worth of others. This can be a disadvantage during negotiations. Instead, think about
why the other person would want to accept the deal. People aren’t likely to accept a deal that
doesn’t offer any benefit to them. Help them meet their own goals while you achieve yours.
Integrative outcomes depend on having good listening skills, and if you are thinking only about
your own needs, you may miss out on important opportunities. Remember that a good business
relationship can only be created and maintained if both parties get a fair deal.
toughest negotiations around, from public policy to marital disputes. She takes an integrative
approach in the negotiations, identifying goals that are large enough to encompass both sides. As
she puts it, “We are never going to be able to sit at a table with the goal of creating peace and
harmony between fishermen and conservationists. But we can establish goals big enough to
include the key interests of each party and resolve the specific impasse we are currently facing.
Setting reasonable goals at the outset that address each party’s concerns will decrease the tension
in the room, and will improve the chances of reaching an agreement.” Those who set
Negotiations, by their very nature, are emotional. The findings regarding the outcomes of
expressing anger during negotiations are mixed. Some researchers have found that those who
express anger negotiate worse deals than those who do not, and that during online
negotiations, those parties who encountered anger were more likely to compete than those who
did not. In a study of online negotiations, words such as despise, disgusted, furious,
and hate were related to a reduced chance of reaching an agreement. However, this finding
may depend on individual personalities. Research has also shown that those with more power
may be more effective when displaying anger. The weaker party may perceive the anger as
potentially signaling that the deal is falling apart and may concede items to help move things
along. This holds for online negotiations as well. In a study of 355 eBay disputes in which
mediation was requested by one or both of the parties, similar results were found. Overall, anger
hurts the mediation process unless one of the parties was perceived as much more powerful than
the other party, in which case anger hastened a deal. Another aspect of getting overly emotional
is forgetting that facial expressions are universal across cultures, and when your words and facial
expressions don’t match, you are less likely to be trusted.
Research shows that negotiators who had previously experienced ineffective negotiations were
more likely to have failed negotiations in the future. Those who were unable to negotiate some
type of deal in previous negotiation situations tended to have lower outcomes than those who had
successfully negotiated deals in the past. The key to remember is that there is a tendency to let
the past repeat itself. Being aware of this tendency allows you to overcome it. Be vigilant to
examine the issues at hand and not to be overly swayed by past experiences, especially while you
best recourse is to agree that you disagree on those topics and then focus only on the ones
that you can reach an agreement on. Summarize what you’ve agreed on, so that everyone
feels like they’re agreeing, and leave out the points you don’t agree on. Then take up those
issues again in a different context, such as over dinner or coffee. Dealing with those issues
• Be patient. If you don’t have a deadline by which an agreement needs to be reached, use
that flexibility to your advantage. The other party may be forced by circumstances to agree
to your terms, so if you can be patient you may be able to get the best deal.
• Whose reality? During negotiations, each side is presenting their case—their version of
reality. Whose version of reality will prevail? Leigh Steinberg offers this example from the
NFL, when he was negotiating the salary of Warren Moon. Moon was forty-one years old.
That was a fact. Did that mean he was hanging on by a thread and lucky to be employed in
the first place? “Should he be grateful for any money that the team pays him?” Steinberg
posed, “Or is he a quarterback who was among the league leaders in completions and
attempts last year? Is he a team leader who took a previously moribund group of players,
united them, and helped them have the best record that they’ve had in recent years?” All
their merit.
• Deadlines. Research shows that negotiators are more likely to strike a deal by making
more concessions and thinking more creatively as deadlines loom than at any other time
• Be comfortable with silence. After you have made an offer, allow the other party to
respond. Many people become uncomfortable with silence and feel they need to say
Sources: Adapted from information in Stuhlmacher, A. F., Gillespie, T. L., & Champagne, M. V.
Conflict Management, 9, 97–116; Webber, A. (1998, October). How to get them to show you the
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) includes mediation, arbitration, and other ways of
resolving conflicts with the help of a specially trained, neutral third party without the need for a
formal trial or hearing. Many companies find this effective in dealing with challenging
problems. For example, Eastman Kodak Company added an alternative dispute resolution panel
of internal employees to help them handle cases of perceived discrimination and hopefully stop a
conflict from escalating.
In mediation, an outside third party (the mediator) enters the situation with the goal of assisting
the parties in reaching an agreement. The mediator can facilitate, suggest, and recommend. The
mediator works with both parties to reach a solution but does not represent either side. Rather,
the mediator’s role is to help the parties share feelings, air and verify facts, exchange perceptions,
and work toward agreements. Susan Podziba, a mediation expert, has helped get groups that
sometimes have a hard time seeing the other side’s point of view to open up and talk to one
another. Her work includes such groups as pro-choice and pro-life advocates, individuals from
Israel and Palestine, as well as fishermen and environmentalists. According to the US Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission, “Mediation gives the parties the opportunity to discuss
the issues raised in the charge, clear up misunderstandings, determine the underlying interests or
concerns, find areas of agreement and, ultimately, to incorporate those areas of agreements into
resolutions. A mediator does not resolve the charge or impose a decision on the parties. Instead,
the mediator helps the parties to agree on a mutually acceptable resolution. The mediation
process is strictly confidential.” One of the advantages of mediation is that the mediator helps
the parties design their own solutions, including resolving issues that are important to both
parties, not just the ones under specific dispute. Interestingly, sometimes mediation solves a
conflict even if no resolution is reached. Here’s a quote from Avis Ridley-Thomas, the founder and
administrator of the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Dispute Resolution Program, who explains,
“Even if there is no agreement reached in mediation, people are happy that they engaged in the
process. It often opens up the possibility for resolution in ways that people had not
anticipated.” An independent survey showed 96 percent of all respondents and 91 percent of all
charging parties who used mediation would use it again if offered.
Diego: Pfeiffer; Mache, K. (1990). Handbook of dispute resolution: Alternative dispute resolution
In contrast to mediation, in which parties work with the mediator to arrive at a solution,
in arbitration the parties submit the dispute to the third-party arbitrator. It is the arbitrator
who makes the final decision. The arbitrator is a neutral third party, but the decision made
by the arbitrator is final (the decision is called the “award”). Awards are made in writing and
are binding to the parties involved in the case. [26] Arbitration is often used in union-
Figure 9.9
It is common to see mediation followed by arbitration. An alternative technique is to follow the
arbitration with mediation. The format of this conflict resolution approach is to have both sides
in a sealed envelope. Following this, the two parties work through mediation. If they are unable to
reach an agreement on their own, the arbitration decisions become binding. Researchers using
this technique found that it led to voluntary agreements between the two parties 71 percent of the
time versus 50 percent for mediation followed by arbitration.
• Negotiation consists of five phases that include investigation, determining your BATNA,
• Different negotiation strategies include the distributive approach (fixed-‐pie approach) and the
• Research shows that some common mistakes made during negotiations include accepting the
first offer made, letting egos get in the way, having unrealistic expectations, getting overly
emotional, and letting past negative outcomes affect the present ones.
• Third-‐party negotiators are sometimes needed when two sides cannot agree.
1. What are the negotiation phases and what goes on during each of them?
2. When negotiating, is establishing a BATNA important? Why or why not?
[1] Webber, A. (1998, October). How to get them to show you the money. Fast Company, 198. Retrieved
Penguin Books.
[3] Pinkley, R. L. (1995). Impact of knowledge regarding alternatives to settlement in dyadic negotiations:
[4] Layne, A. (1999, November). Conflict resolution at Greenpeace? Fast Company. Retrieved November
[5] Adapted from Malhotra, D., & Bazerman, M. H. (2007, September). Investigative negotiation. Harvard
[6] Malhotra, D., & Bazerman, M. H. (2007, September). Investigative negotiation. Harvard Business
[7] Thompson, L., & Hrebec, D. (1996). Lose-‐lose agreements in interdependent decision
[8] Thompson, L. (1990). Negotiation behavior and outcomes: Empirical evidence and theoretical
[9] Gerhart, B. (1990). Gender differences in current and starting salaries: The role of performance,
college major, and job title. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 43, 418–33.
[10] CNN. (2003, August 21). Interview with Linda Babcock. Retrieved November 14, 2008,
[11] Babcock, L., & Lascheve, S. (2003). Women don’t ask: Negotiation and the gender divide. Princeton,
[12] Stevens, C. K., Bavetta, A. G., & Gist, M. E. (1993). Gender differences in the acquisition of salary
negotiation skills: The role of goals, self-‐efficacy, and perceived control. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78,
[13] Rothenberger, C. (2008, September 11). Negotiation 201: Refine your skills. Fast Company. Retrieved
[14] Kopelman, S., Rosette, A. S., & Thompson, L. (2006). The three faces of Eve: An examination of the
strategic display of positive, negative, and neutral emotions in negotiations. Organizational behavior and
negative effects of anger on dispute resolution: Evidence from electronically mediated disputes. Journal of
[16] Brett, J. M., Olekalns, M., Friedman, R., Goates, N., Anderson, C., & Lisco, C. C. (2007). Sticks and
stones: Language, face, and online dispute resolution. Academy of Management Journal, 50, 85–99.
[17] Van Kleef, G. A., & Cote, S. (2007). Expressing anger in conflict: When it helps and when it
[18] Friedman, R., Anderson, C., Brett, J., Olekalns, M., Goates, N., & Lisco, C. C. (2004). The positive and
negative effects of anger on dispute resolution: Evidence from electronically mediated disputes. Journal of
[19] Hill, D. (2007). Emotionomics: Winning hearts and minds. Edina, MN: Adams Business & Professional;
Holloway, L. (2007, December). Mixed signals: Are you saying one thing, while your face says
[20] O’Connor, K. M., Arnold, J. A., & Burris, E. R. (2005). Negotiators’ bargaining histories and their effects
[21] New York State Unified Court System. (2008, October 28). Alternative dispute resolution. Retrieved
[22] Deutsch, C. H. (2004, August 24). Race remains a difficult issue for many workers at Kodak. New York
[23] The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2007, December 4). Mediation. Retrieved
[24] Layne, A. (1999, November). Conflict resolution at Greenpeace? Fast Company. Retrieved November
[25] Layne, A. (1999, November). Conflict resolution at Greenpeace? Fast Company. Retrieved November
[26] American Arbitration Association. (2007). Arbitration and mediation. Retrieved November 11, 2008,
Are hardball tactics OK to use? Sometimes a course of action is legal but is questionable in terms
of ethics. A good rule of thumb is that hardball tactics should not be used because the negotiation
is likely not to be the last time you will interact with the other party. Therefore, finding a way to
make a deal that works for both sides is preferable. Otherwise, if you have the complete upper
hand and use it to “destroy” the other party, it’s likely that at a future date the other party will
have the upper hand and will use it to retaliate mercilessly against you. What’s more, your
reputation as a negotiator will suffer. As J. Paul Getty said, “My father said: ‘You must never try to
make all the money that’s in a deal. Let the other fellow make some money too, because if you
have a reputation for always making all the money, you won’t have many deals.’”
Ethics establish a way of doing what is right, fair, and honest. If your counterpart feels you are
being unfair or dishonest, he or she is less likely to make any concessions—or even to negotiate
• Be honest.
• Follow the Platinum Rule. The Golden Rule tells us to treat others the way we want to be
treated. Author Tony Alessandra goes a step further with the Platinum Rule: “Treat people
the way they want to be treated.” Caring about others enough to treat them the way they
want to be treated helps build long-term relationships based on ethics and trust.
or lower threshold for conflict. For example, in countries such as Japan or Korea, the preference
is for harmony (called wa in Japan) rather than overt conflict. Americans and Germans have a
much higher tolerance for conflict as a way of working through issues. In a study of Japanese,
German, and American cultures, it was found that almost half of the preference for different
conflict management styles was related to the country in which participants were raised.
In Japan, much like Pakistan, the tendency is not to trust what is heard from the other party until
a strong relationship is formed. Similarly, in China, conversations start out with innocuous topics
to set a mood of friendliness. This differs a great deal from American negotiators who tend to
like to “get down to business” and heavily weigh first offers as reference points that anchor the
There are also differences in how individuals from different cultures use information and offers
during the negotiation process. Observations show that Japanese negotiators tend to use offers as
an information exchange process. Research has found that American negotiators tend to reveal
more information than their Japanese counterparts. Japanese negotiators might learn little
from a single offer, but patterns of offers over time are interpreted and factored into their
negotiations. Since Japan is a high-context culture, information is learned from what is not said
cultures tend to think of negotiations as a business activity rather than a social activity, but in
other cultures, the first step in negotiations is to develop a trusting relationship. Negotiators in
Brazil, for example, seriously damaged relationships when they tried to push negotiations to
continue during the Carnival festival. “The local guys took that as a disrespectful action,” said
Oscar Lopez, commercial director for Hexaprint, SA De CV in Mexico. “It took several weeks to
restore confidence and move on.”
Also keep in mind what agreement means in different cultures. For example, in China, nodding of
the head does not mean that the Chinese counterpart is agreeing to what you are proposing,
merely that they are listening and following what you are saying. “Culturally, Chinese companies
and workers do not like to say no,” says a buyer at a manufacturer based in the United States.
Here’s how to overcome the problem. Instead of phrasing a question as, “Can you do this for us?”
which would put the Chinese official in an uncomfortable position of saying no (which they likely
would not do), rephrase the question as, “How will you do this for us and when will it be done?”
• Being honest during negotiations, keeping your promises, and treating others as you would like
• Not understanding the culture of a person or group of people you are negotiating with can be a
major mistake.
• Try to learn as much as you can about the culture of others involved and be sure to clarify key
• Also, keep in mind that agreement (e.g., nodding one’s head up and down or saying “yes, yes”)
1. Is the goal of negotiation to maximize your economic outcome at all costs? Why or why not? Is it
2. What are some similarities and differences in conflict management preference and negotiation
practices among different countries around the globe? Have you had any experiences with
individuals from other cultures? If so, how did it go? How might it have gone better?
[2] Stark, P. B., & Flaherty, J. (2003). Ethical negotiations: 10 tips to ensure win–win outcomes. Negotiator
[3] Lebra, T. S. (1976). Japanese patterns of behavior. Honolulu, HI: University Press of Hawaii.
[4] Tinsley, C. (1998). Models of conflict resolution in Japanese, German, and American cultures. Journal of
[5] US Commerce Department. (2007). Retrieved November 11, 2008, from
[6] Adair, W. L., Weingart, L., & Brett, J. (2007). The timing and function of offers in the US and Japanese
[7] Adair, W. L., Okumua, T., & Brett, J. M. (2001). Negotiation behavior when cultures collide: The United
[8] Teague, P. E. (2006, August 17). Collaboration trumps negotiations. Purchasing, 135(11), 58.
[9] Hannon, D. (2006, May 18). DO’s and DON’Ts of doing business in China. Purchasing,135(8), 52.
time, conflict can increase creativity and innovation, or it can bring organizations to a grinding
• There are many different types of conflict, including interpersonal, intrapersonal, and intergroup.
• Within organizations, there are many common situations that can spur conflict.
• Certain organizational structures, such as a matrix structure, can cause any given employee to
have multiple bosses and conflicting or overwhelming demands. A scarcity of resources for
employees to complete tasks is another common cause of organizational conflict, particularly if
• Of course, simple personality clashes can create intrapersonal conflict in any situation.
• Communication problems are also a very common source of conflict even when no actual
• When conflict arises, it can be handled by any number of methods, each with varying degrees of
• Negotiations occur during many important processes, and possessing astute negation skills can
• A key component to negotiations involves having a BATNA, or “best alternative to a negotiated
• Negotiations typically move through five phases, including investigation, determining your
• During a negotiation, it is important not to make any number of common mistakes. These
mistakes can include accepting the first offer, letting ego get in the way, having unrealistic
expectations of the outcome of the negotiation, becoming too emotional during the process, or
being weighed down by previous failures and letting the past repeat itself.
• It is important to keep in mind that many cultures have preferential methods for handling
conflict and negotiation. Individuals should understand the cultural background of others to
Listening can be an effective tool during negotiations. William Devine was representing a client on
a land purchase. “The owner and I spent 2 hours on the phone horse-‐trading contract issues, then
turned to the price,” Devine explained. “We were $100,000 apart.” The owner then said, “The
price your client proposes will leave us well short of our projections. That makes it very tough on
“My impulse was to say something in response to the silence, and I started to speak, then
stopped. As I hesitated, I sensed that if I said, ‘My client can pay all cash,’ or ‘It’s still a good deal
for you,’ then the owner would take my comment as an invitation to joust, we would battle over
the hundred grand, and my client would end up having to pay some or all of that sum. The owner
had not asked a question or proposed a compromise, so no response was required from me at
that moment. I decided to remain silent. After what felt like days but was probably less than 30
seconds, I heard, ‘But I guess it’s good for us [i.e., his company] to just get this deal done, so we’ll
do it.’”
1. What does this case suggest about the role of silence in negotiations?
2. Have you ever had a similar experience when saying nothing paid off?
3. Are there times when silence is a bad idea? Explain your answer.
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.
- Anne Frank
Hiring Multicultural
On a Tuesday afternoon, as you are getting ready to go to lunch, you receive an e-mail from your
human resources (HR) manager about the need to hire a new project manager, and there is a
your friend Daniel, because you know he would be great for the job. Daniel is eventually hired for
the position, and a few months later a new e-mail goes out asking for friend recommendations for
a new position. You and Daniel both recommend someone, and eventually that person gets hired.
Over the next year, hiring notices are not advertised externally as the organization has had good
luck with this hiring practice. Seems like a great way to recruit new people, doesn’t it? It can be,
but it also can be a detriment to the diversity and multiculturalism of the workplace. How, you
might wonder?
While not true across the board, people have a tendency to spend time with people who are like
themselves, in race, income level, and other aspects of diversity such as sexual orientation. In fact,
according to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and a study
published in the American Journal of Sociology, it is much more likely that someone will name a
person in their own race as a friend than someone of a different race. Likewise, even from a
young age, people tend to choose friends who are of the same race. As a result, when you
recommend Daniel for a position, it is highly likely that Daniel is similar, from a diversity
perspective, to you. Then, when Daniel recommends someone for a job, it is highly likely that he,
too, is recommending someone with similar characteristics as you both. This obviously creates a
lack of multicultural diversity in the workplace, which can mean lost profits for companies. In
[1] James Moody, “Race, School Integration, and Friendship Segregation in America,” American Journal of
2. Provide reasoning as to why diversity is important to maintain good human relations skills.
Many people use the terms diversity and multiculturalism interchangeably, when in fact,
there are major differences between the two. Diversity is defined as the differences between
people. These differences can include race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, background,
socioeconomic status, and much more. Diversity, when talking about it from the workplace
compliance standards.
and respect, and also by looking at unequal power in society. In a report called the “2007
State of Workplace Diversity Management Report,” [1]most human resources (HR) managers
This chapter focuses on the advantages of a diverse workplace and discusses how to work in a
multicultural workplace.
and has a goal of making sure, through policies, that everyone is treated the same. While this is
the legal and the right thing to do, multiculturalism looks at a system of advantages based on race,
gender, and sexual orientation called power and privilege. In this system, the advantages are
based on a system in which one race, gender, and sexual orientation is predominant in setting
The interesting thing about power and privilege is that if you have it, you may not initially
recognize it, which is why we can call it invisible privilege. Recognizing power and privilege can
help you begin to understand how you relate to others. This is an important emotional
intelligence skill of relationship management. Here are some examples of invisible privilege:
1. Race privilege. Let’s say you (a Caucasian) and your friend (an African American) are
having dinner together, and when the bill comes, the server gives the check to you. While
this may not seem like a big issue, it assumes you (being Caucasian) are the person paying
for the meal. This type of invisible privilege may not seem to matter if you have that
2. Social class privilege. When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in 2005, many people
from outside the storm area wondered why so many people stayed in the city, not even
thinking about the fact that some people couldn’t afford the gas to put in their car to leave
the city.
3. Gender privilege. This refers to privileges one gender has over another—for example,
the assumption that a female will change her name to her husband’s when they get
my desk without worrying about what others think. I can talk about our vacations together
or experiences we’ve had without worrying what someone might think about my
relationship. This is not the case for many gay, lesbian, and transgendered people and
their partners.
Oftentimes the privilege we have is considered invisible, because it can be hard to recognize one’s
own privilege based on race, gender, or social class. Many people utilize the color-blind approach,
which says, “I treat everyone the same,” or “I don’t see people’s skin color.” In this case, the
person is showing invisible privilege and thus ignoring the privileges he or she receives because of
race, gender, or social class. While it appears this approach would value all people equally, it
doesn’t, because people’s different needs, assets, and perspectives are disregarded by not
acknowledging differences.
Another important aspect of power and privilege is the fact that we may have privilege in one area
and not another. For example, I am a Caucasian female, which certainly gives me race privilege
but not gender privilege. Important to note here is that the idea of power and privilege is not
about “white male bashing” but understanding our own stereotypes and systems of advantage so
So what does this all mean in relation to the workplace? It means we can combine the
understanding of certain systems that allow for power and privilege, and by understanding we
may be able to eliminate or at least minimize these issues. Besides this, one of the best things we
can do for our organizations is to have a diverse workforce, with people from a variety of
perspectives. This diversity leads to profitability and the ability to better serve customers for the
company and better human relations skills for us. We discuss the advantages of diversity in
Section 1.
color, or social class shouldn’t matter. So diversity can help us with policies to prevent
discrimination, while multiculturalism can help us gain a deeper understanding of the differences
between people. Hopefully, over time, rather than look at diversity as attaining numerical goals or
complying with the law, we can combine the concepts to create better workplaces. Although many
books discuss laws relating to diversity, not many actually describe why diversity is necessary in
1. It is the law.
2. We can better serve customers by offering a broader range of services, such as being able
3. We can better communicate with one another (saving time and money) and customers.
Promoting a multicultural work environment isn’t just the law. Through a diverse work
study found those businesses with greater racial diversity reporter higher sales revenues, more
customers, larger market shares, and greater relative profits than those with more homogeneous
workforces. Other research on the topic by Scott Page, the author of The Difference: How the
Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies ended up with similar
results. Page found that people from varied backgrounds are more effective at working together
than those who are from similar backgrounds, because they offer different approaches and
perspectives in the development of solutions. Often people believe that diversity is about checking
a box or only providing window dressing to gain more customers, but this isn’t the case. As put by
Eric Foss, chairperson and CEO of Pepsi Beverages Company, “It’s not a fad. It’s not an idea of the
month. It’s central and it’s linked very directly to business strategy.” A study by the late Roy
Adler of Pepperdine University shows similar results. His nineteen-year study of 215 Fortune 500
low on equal opportunity issues earned 7.9 percent profit, while those who rated highest with
more equal opportunities resulted in 18.3 percent profit. These numbers show that diversity
and multiculturalism certainly is not a fad but a way of doing business that better serves
customers and results in higher profits for companies, while allowing us to get better at human
relations skills. As employees, we need to recognize this so we may begin to understand our own
Perhaps one of the best diversity statements by a Fortune 500 company was made by Jose
Manuel Souto, the CFO for Visa in Latin America. He says, “A diverse workforce is critical to
providing the best service to our global clients, supporting our business initiatives, and creating a
workplace environment that promotes respect and fairness.”
The first step to being effective at working in a diverse environment is understanding that
everyone comes from a different place of power and privilege, and as a result, everyone has a
different perspective. Once we understand this, our understanding can translate into better verbal
and nonverbal communication. These different perspectives are what makes companies
Now that you have an understanding of the meaning of diversity, power, and privilege, as well as
race but also in terms of people of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and socio-economic status.
Appreciating and understand this diversity is what helps us be successful in our career path. The
The success in working in diverse environments can come through use of emotional
skills allow us to understand how another person feels or why they do something, even if we do
not agree. These skills also allow us to be accepting of others and appreciate differences even
Developing the skills to work in a multicultural environment can help us work with people from
any variety of backgrounds and also helps us to communicate better with everyone we may come
across, both professionally and personally. These abilities, acceptance and understanding,
• Diversity is the real or perceived differences between individuals. This can include race, gender,
• Multiculturalism is a term that is similar to diversity, but it focuses on development of a greater
understanding of how power in society can be unequal due to race, gender, sexual orientation,
• Power and privilege is a system of advantages based on one’s race, gender, and sexual
orientation. This system can often be invisible (to those who have it), which results in one race or
gender having unequal power in the workplace. Of course, this unequal power results in
• Diversity is important to the success of organizations. Many studies have shown a direct link
between the amount of diversity in a workplace and the company’s success.
1. Perform an Internet search to find a specific diversity policy for an organization. What is the
policy? From what you know of the organization, do you believe they follow this policy in reality?
2. Visit the website and find their latest “top fifty list.” What criteria
are used to appear on this list? What are the top five companies for the current year?
[1] Society for Human Resource Management, The 2007 State of Workplace Diversity Management
[2] Victoria C. Plaut, Kecia M. Thomas, and Matt J. Goren, “Is Multiculturalism or Color Blindness Better
[3] Cedric Herring, “Does Diversity Pay? Racial Composition of Firms and the Business Case for Diversity”
(paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada,
[4] Scott E. Page, The Difference: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and
[5] William J. Holstein, “Diversity Is Even More Important in Hard Times,” New York Times, February 13,
[6] Roy Adler, “Women in the Executive Suite Correlate to High Profits,” Glass Ceiling Research Center.
[7] Melissa Lauber, “Studies Show That Diversity in Workplace Is Profitable,” Project Equality, n.d.,
[8] National Latina Business Women Association, “Women and Minorities on Corporate Boards Still Lags
1. Define the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
2. Explain the various types of laws covered by the EEOC.
As we already know, it is in an organization’s best interest to hire and promote a
multicultural and diverse workforce. It is also in our best interest to work with a variety of
people as it enables us to develop skills working with people who may not be exactly like us.
Although most people believe in fairness, sometimes people are still discriminated against at
work. As a result, a federal agency has been established to ensure employees have a place to
file complaints should they feel discriminated against. Should you feel you have been
discriminated against at work, knowing these laws can benefit you in knowing who to turn to
for help.
with the task of enforcing federal employment discrimination laws. The laws include those that
protect people from discrimination in all areas of employment, such as discrimination based on
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, and disability. People who have filed a
discrimination charge are also protected against discrimination under the EEOC. Employers with
at least fifteen employees (twenty for age discrimination) are covered under the EEOC. This
agency covers not only discrimination in hiring but also discrimination in all types of work
situations such as firing, promotions, harassment, training, wages, and benefits. The EEOC has
the authority to investigate charges of discrimination against employers. The agency investigates
the claims, makes a finding, and then tries to settle the charge. If they are unsuccessful in settling
the charge, the EEOC has the right to file a lawsuit on behalf of the complainants. The EEOC has
headquarters in Washington, DC, with fifty-three field offices throughout the United States.
If a company has more than one hundred employees, a form called the EEO-1 must be filled out
yearly. This form confirms the demographics of an organization based on different job
categories. An organization that employs more than fifty people and works for the federal
government must also file an EEO-1 yearly, with the deadline normally in September. In addition,
organizations must post the EEOC notice, which you have probably seen before, perhaps in the
company break room. Finally, organizations should keep on file records such as hiring statistics in
It is necessary to mention here that while there is a legal compliance concern, as discussed before,
it is in the company’s best interest to hire a diverse workforce. So while we can discuss the legal
aspects, remember that the purpose of having a diverse workforce is not just to meet EEOC
requirements but to create a better, more profitable workplace that better serves customers.
Table 10.1 How the EEOC Process Works and Requirements for Employers
Requirements by EEOC
Post Federal and State EEOC notices
File yearly report called EEO-1
Keep copies of documents on file
Process for Investigation
1. The EEOC complaint is filed.
2. The EEOC notifies the organization of the charges.
3. The EEOC acts as a mediator between the employee and the employer to find a solution.
4. If step 3 is unsuccessful, the EEOC will initiate an investigation.
5. The EEOC makes a determination, and then the employer has the option of remedying the situation
or face a potential lawsuit.
While the EEOC is the larger governing body, many pieces of legislation relating to multicultural
practices are part of the EEOC family of laws. Many of these laws began
with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. This act, enforced by the EEOC, covers several
bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) is a quality or attribute employers are allowed
to consider when making decisions during the selection process. Examples of BFOQs are a
maximum age limit for airline pilots for safety reasons and a Christian college’s requirement that
These EEOC laws relate the following protected groups in terms of discrimination in the
1. Age
2. Disability
3. Equal pay
4. Genetic information
5. National origin
6. Pregnancy
7. Race/color
8. Religion
9. Retaliation
10. Sex
Age discrimination involves treating someone less favorably because of his or her age. Created in
1967, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) is enforced by the EEOC. This
law covers people who are age forty or older. It does not cover favoring an older worker over a
younger worker, if the older worker is forty years or older. The law covers any aspect of
employment such as hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, fringe
The law also goes deeper by forbidding harassment of someone based on age. While simple
teasing or offhand comments are not covered, more serious offensive remarks about age are
disabilities and is enforced by the EEOC. Discrimination based on disability means treating a
qualified person unfavorably because of a disability. For example, if someone has AIDS that is
controlled, the employee cannot be treated unfavorably. The law requires an employer to provide
accommodation would cause significant difficulty or expense for the employer. A reasonable
accommodation is defined by the EEOC as any change in the work environment or in the way
things are customarily done that enables an individual with a disability to enjoy equal
accessible for wheelchair use or providing equipment for someone who is hearing or vision
This law does not mean that organizations are required to hire unqualified people. The law
specifically states the person must be qualified for the job and have a disability defined by the law.
1. Physical or mental condition that limits a major life activity (walking, talking, seeing,
hearing, or learning)
3. Physical or mental impairment that is not transitory (lasting or expected to last less than
six months)
The law places limits on employers when it comes to asking job applicants questions about
The basis of this law is that people are paid the same for the same type of work, and the law
specifically addresses gender pay differences. Rather than job title, job content is used to
determine if the job is the same work. In addition to covering salary, it deals with overtime pay,
bonus, stock options, profit sharing, and other types of bonus plans such as vacation and holiday
pay. If inequality in pay is found, the employer cannot reduce the wages of either sex to equalize
the pay.
An employee who files an equal pay charge has the option to go directly to court rather than the
This law is one of the newer EEOC laws, which took effect in November 2009. The EEOC’s
definition of genetic information includes family medical information or information about the
discriminate against an employee whose family has a history of diabetes or cancer. This
information could be used to discriminate against an employee who has an increased risk of
getting a disease and may make health care costs more expensive for the organization.
In addition, the employer is not allowed to seek out genetic information by requesting, requiring,
or purchasing this information. However, there are some situations in which receiving this
3. If the information is required as documentation to receive benefits for the Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA). FMLA will be discussed in the section about pregnancy.
long as the employer is not specifically searching those sources for the purpose of finding
genetic information.
6. For those professions that require DNA testing, such as law enforcement agencies. In this
case, the genetic information may only be used for analysis in relation to the specific case at
This law also covers how information about genetics should be kept. For example, genetic
It is illegal to treat people unfavorably because they are from a particular country or part of the
world, because of their accent, or because they appear to be of a particular descent (even if they
are not). The law protecting employees based on national origin refers to all aspects of
employment: hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, and fringe
benefits. An employer can require an employee to speak English only if it is necessary to perform
the job effectively. An English-only policy is allowed only if it is needed to ensure the safe or
efficient operations of the employer’s business. An employer may not base an employment
decision on a foreign accent, unless the accent seriously interferes with job performance.
This section of the EEOC refers to the unfavorable treatment of a woman because of pregnancy,
Discrimination Act of 1978, added to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is enforced by the EEOC. The
female who is unable to perform her job owing to pregnancy must be treated the same as other
temporarily disabled employees. For example, modified tasks or alternative assignments should
be offered. This law refers not only to hiring but also to firing, pay, job assignments, promotions,
layoffs, training, and fringe benefits. In addition to this law against discrimination of pregnant
women, the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is enforced by the US Department of
Labor. The FMLA requires companies with fifty or more employees to provide twelve weeks of
3. Care for immediate family members (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health
4. Medical leave for the employee who is unable to work because of a serious health condition
This type of discrimination refers to treating someone unfavorably because he or she is of a
certain race or because of certain characteristics associated with race. These characteristics might
include hair texture, skin color, or facial features. Discrimination can occur when the person
discriminating is the same race or color of the person who is being discriminated against. EEOC
law also protects people who are married to or associated with someone of a certain race or color.
As with the other types of antidiscrimination laws we have discussed, this law refers not only to
the initial hiring but also to firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, and fringe
This part of the EEOC refers to treating a person unfavorably because of their religious beliefs.
practices, unless doing so would burden the organization’s operations. For example, allowing
flexible scheduling during certain religious periods of time might be considered a reasonable
accommodation. This law also covers accommodations in dress and grooming, such as a
headscarf, religious dress, or uncut hair and a beard in the case of a Sikh. Ideally, the employee or
applicant would notify the employer that he or she needs such an accommodation for religious
reasons, and then a discussion of the request would occur. If it wouldn’t pose hardship, the
employer should honor the request. If the request might cause a safety issue, decrease efficiency,
laws, this relates to hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, and fringe
benefits. This law directly ties into sexual harassment laws, which include unwelcome sexual
advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature.
In all the laws mentioned, the EEOC set of laws makes it illegal to fire, demote, harass, or retaliate
against people because they filed a charge of discrimination, complained about discrimination, or
sexual harassment and retaliation cases was that of Sanders v. Thomas. Isiah Thomas, then coach
of the New York Knicks, fired Anucha Browne Sanders because she hired an attorney to file sexual
harassment claims charges. The jury awarded Browne Sanders $11.6 million in punitive charges
because of the hostile work environment Thomas created and another $5.6 million because
Browne Sanders was fired for complaining. A portion of the lawsuit was to be paid by Madison
Square Garden and James Dolan, chairman of Cablevision, the parent company of Madison
Square Garden and the Knicks. Browne Sanders’s lawyers successfully argued that the inner
workings of Madison Square Garden were hostile and lewd and that the former marketing
executive of the organization subjected her to hostility and sexual advances. Thomas left the
organization as coach and president in 2008. As in this case, there are large financial and public
relations penalties not only for sexual harassment but also for retaliation after a harassment suit
The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERR) protects people
who serve or have served in the armed forces, Reserves, National Guard, or other uniformed
services. The act ensures these individuals are not disadvantaged in their civilian careers because
of their service. It also requires they be reemployed in their civilian jobs upon return to service
development and enforcement of laws relating to multiculturalism and diversity in the
• The EEOC covers discrimination based on several areas. Companies cannot discriminate based on
age; EEOC law covers people who are forty years or older.
• Employers cannot discriminate against people with disabilities and must provide reasonable
accommodations, such as the addition of a wheelchair ramp to accommodate those with
• Equal pay refers to the fact that people should be paid the same amount for performing the
same type of work, even if the job title is different.
• The newest addition to EEOC law prohibits discrimination based on genetic information, such as
• Unfavorable treatment of people because they are from a particular country or part of the world
or have an accent is covered by the EEOC. An organization cannot require people to speak
English, unless it is a requirement for the job or needed for safety and efficient operation of the
• Women can’t be discriminated against because they are pregnant. The inability to perform
certain tasks due to pregnancy should be treated as a temporary disability; accommodation can
• The EEOC protects people from discrimination based on their race or color.
• Religion is also an aspect of the EEOC family of laws. The protection of religion doesn’t allow for
discrimination; accommodations include modifications of work schedules or dress to be made
• Discrimination on the basis of sex is illegal and covered by the EEOC. Sexual harassment is also
covered by the EEOC and states that all people, regardless of sex, should work in a harassment-‐
free environment.
• Retaliation is also illegal. An organization cannot retaliate against anyone who has filed a
Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This act requires organizations to give twelve weeks of unpaid leave in
the event of an adoption, a birth, or a need to provide care to sick family members.
1. Visit the EEOC website at and explain the methods an employee can use in
2. If an employer is found to have discriminated, what are some “remedies” listed on the EEOC
[1] Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, 2011 EEO-‐1 Survey, accessed December 20,
[2] US Department of Labor, Leave Benefits: Family and Medical Leave, US Department of Labor, accessed
[3] Michael Schmidt, “Jury Awards $11.6 Million to Former Knicks Executive,” New York Times, October 2,
• Diversity is the real or perceived differences between individuals. Diversity can include race,
understanding of how power in society can be unequal because of race, gender, sexual
• Power and privilege is a system of advantages based on one’s race, gender, and sexual
orientation. This system can often be invisible (to those who have it), which results in one race or
gender having unequal power in the workplace. Of course, this unequal power results in
• Diversity is important to the success of organizations. Many studies have shown a direct link
between the amount of diversity in a workplace and the success of the company.
• The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal agency charged with
development and enforcement of laws relating to multiculturalism and diversity in the
• The EEOC covers discrimination based on several areas. Companies cannot discriminate based on
age—that is, against someone who is forty or older. They also can’t discriminate against people
with disabilities or on the basis of race, genetic information, national origin, gender, or religion.
• Retaliation is also illegal, based on EEOC laws. An organization cannot retaliate against anyone
who has filed a complaint with the EEOC or a discrimination lawsuit.
• The US Department of Labor oversees some aspects of EEOC laws, such as the Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This act requires organizations to give twelve weeks of unpaid leave in
the event of an adoption, birth, or caregiving of sick family members.
You are the manager for a fifty-‐person firm that specializes in the development and marketing of
plastics technologies. When you were hired, you felt the company had little idea what you should be
paid and just made up a number, which you were able to negotiate to a slightly higher salary. While
multiculturalism, besides the way your salary was offered. The following are some of those items:
1. You know that some of the sales team, including the sales manager, get together once a
2. A Hispanic worker left the organization, and in his exit interview, he complained of not seeing
3. The only room available for breast-‐feeding mothers is the women’s restroom.
4. The organization has a policy of offering $200 to any employee who refers a friend, as long as
the friend is hired and stays at least six months.
6. You have heard managers refer to those wearing turbans in a derogatory way.
What do you think needs to be done to create a more inclusive environment without losing the
culture of the company? What suggestions would you make to those involved in each of the
- Samuel Gompers
Only a fool would try to deprive working men and working women of their right to join the
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
One afternoon, one of your employees comes to you with some news. She tells you that she
has heard talk of employees unionizing if they do not receive pay raises within the next few
months. She expresses that the employees are very unhappy and productivity is suffering as a
result. She says that employees have already started the unionization process by contacting
the National Labor Relations Board and are in the process of proving 30 percent worker
interest in unionization. As you mull over this news, you are concerned because the
organization has always had a family atmosphere, and a union might change this. You are
also concerned about the financial pressures to the organization should the employees
unionize and negotiate higher pay. You know you must take action to see that this doesn’t
happen. However, you know you and all managers are legally bound by rules relating to
unionization, and you need a refresher on what these rules are. You decide to call a meeting
first with the CEO and then with managers to discuss strategy and inform them of the legal
implications of this process. You feel confident that a resolution can be developed before the
unionization happens.
2. Explain some of the reasons for a decline in union membership over the past sixty years.
3. Be able to explain the process of unionization and laws that relate to unionization.
There is a good chance that, at some time in your career, you will join a labor union. The
purpose of this chapter is to give you some background about unions. Oftentimes, depending
on your union involvement, you may have to use a number of human relations skills you have
gained so far from reading this book. For example, the ability to work in a team and handle
conflict are all aspects you may experience as a union member—or a member of any
common goals, such as better pay, benefits, or promotion rules. In the United States, 11.9
percent of American workers belong to a union, down from 20.1 percent in 1983. [1] In this
section, we will discuss the history of unions, reasons for decline in union membership,
union labor laws, and the process employees go through to form a union. First, however, we
benefits and believe that a union can help them receive better economic prospects. Fairness
in the workplace is another reason why people join unions. They may feel that scheduling,
vacation time, transfers, and promotions are not given fairly and feel that a union can help
eliminate some of the unfairness associated with these processes. Let’s discuss some basic
little skill and thus the entirety of power was shifted to the employer. When this power shifted,
many employees were treated unfairly and underpaid. In the United States, unionization
increased with the building of railroads in the late 1860s. Wages in the railroad industry were low
and the threat of injury or death was high, as was the case in many manufacturing facilities with
little or no safety laws and regulations in place. As a result, the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers and several other brotherhoods (focused on specific tasks only, such as conductors and
brakemen) were formed to protect workers’ rights, although many workers were fired because of
their membership.
The first local unions in the United States were formed in the eighteenth century, in the form
The National Labor Union, formed in 1866, paved the way for other labor organizations. The
goal of the NLU was to form a national labor federation that could lobby government for
labor reforms on behalf of the labor organizations. Its main focus was to limit the workday to
eight hours. While the NLU garnered many supporters, it excluded Chinese workers and only
made some attempts to defend the rights of African Americans and female workers. The NLU
can be credited with the eight-hour workday, which was passed in 1862. Because of a focus
on government reform rather than collective bargaining, many workers joined the Knights of
Knights grew in popularity as the labor union of choice. The Knights promoted the social and
cultural spirit of the worker better than the NLU had. It originally grew as a labor union for
coal miners but also covered several other types of industries. The Knights of Labor initiated
strikes that were successful in increasing pay and benefits. When this occurred, membership
increased. After only a few years, though, membership declined because of unsuccessful
strikes, which were a result of a too autocratic structure, lack of organization, and poor
management. Disagreements between members within the organization also caused its
The American Federation of Labor (AFL) was formed in 1886, mostly by people who wanted
to see a change from the Knights of Labor. The focus was on higher wages and job security.
Infighting among union members was minimized, creating a strong organization that still
exists today: in the 1930s, the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) was formed as a
result of political differences in the AFL. In 1955, the two unions joined together to form the
Currently, the AFL-CIO is the largest federation of unions in the United States and is made
up of fifty-six national and international unions. The goal of the AFL-CIO isn’t to negotiate
specific contracts for employees but rather to support the efforts of local unions throughout
the country.
Source: AFL-CIO.
industry-specific local unions. There are also numerous independent national and international
International Union, United Farm Workers of America, and United Food and Commercial
The national union plays an important role in legislative changes, while the local unions focus on
collective bargaining agreements and other labor concerns specific to the area. Every local union
has a union steward who represents the interests of union members. Normally, union stewards
A national union, besides focusing on legislative changes, also does the following:
4. Works with allied organizations and sponsors various programs for the support of unions
For example, in 2011, the national Teamsters union organized demonstrations in eleven states to
protest the closing of an Ontario, California, parts distribution center. Meanwhile, Teamster Local
495 protested at the Ontario plant.
in the opening of this section, the United States has seen a steady decline of union membership
since the 1950s. In the 1950s, 36 percent of all workers were unionized, as opposed to just over
11 percent today.
Claude Fischer, a researcher from University of California Berkeley, believes the shift is cultural.
His research says the decline is a result of American workers preferring individualism as opposed
to collectivism. Other research says the decline of unions is a result of globalization and the fact
that many jobs that used to be unionized in the manufacturing arena have now moved overseas.
Other reasoning points to management and that its unwillingness to work with unions has caused
the decline in membership. Others suggest that unions are on the decline because of themselves.
Past corruption, negative publicity, and hard-line tactics have made joining a union less favorable.
To fully understand unions, it is important to recognize the global aspect of unions. Statistics on a
worldwide scale show unions in all countries declining but still healthy in some countries. For
example, in eight of the twenty-seven European Union member states, more than half the
working population is part of a union. In fact, in the most populated countries, unionization rates
are still at three times the unionization rate of the United States. Italy has a unionization rate of
30 percent of all workers, while the UK has 29 percent, and Germany has a unionization rate of 27
In March 2011, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker proposed limiting the collective bargaining
rights of state workers to save a flailing budget. Some called this move “union busting” and said
this type of act is illegal, as it takes away the basic rights of workers. The governor defended his
position by saying there is no other choice, since the state is in a budget crisis. Other states such
as Ohio are considering similar measures. Whatever happens, there is a clear shift for unions
Globalization is also a challenge in labor organizations today. As more and more goods and
services are produced overseas, unions lose not only membership but also union values in the
stronghold of worker culture. As globalization has increased, unions have continued to demand
more governmental control but have been only somewhat successful in these attempts. For
example, free trade agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) have
made it easier and more lucrative for companies to manufacture goods overseas. For example, La-
Z-Boy and Whirlpool closed production facilities in Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio, and built new
factories in Mexico to take advantage of cheaper labor and less stringent environmental
standards. Globalization creates options for companies to produce goods wherever they think is
best to produce them. As a result, unions are fighting the globalization trend to try and keep jobs
There are a number of reasons why companies do not want unions in their organizations, which
we will discuss in greater detail later. One of the main reasons, however, is increased cost and less
environment. In doing so, they try to provide higher wages and benefits so workers do not feel
compelled to join a union. Companies that want to stay union free constantly monitor their
to cover airlines. The act received support from both management and unions. The goal of the act
is to ensure no disruption of interstate commerce. The main provisions of the act include
alternate dispute resolution, arbitration, and mediation to resolve labor disputes. Any dispute
must be resolved in this manner before a strike can happen. The RLA is administered by the
National Mediation Board (NMB), a federal agency, and outlines very specific and detailed
courts from issuing injunctions (a court order that requires a party to do something or refrain
from doing something) against nonviolent labor disputes and barred employers from interfering
with workers joining a union. The act was a result of common yellow-dog contracts, in which a
worker agreed not to join a union before accepting a job. The Norris-LaGuardia Act made yellow-
dog contracts unenforceable in courts and established that employees were free to join unions
In 1935, the Wagner Act (sometimes called the National Labor Relations Act) was passed,
changing the way employers can react to several aspects of unions. The Wagner Act had a few
main aspects:
1. Employers must allow freedom of association and organization and cannot interfere with,
2. Employers may not discriminate against employees who form or are part of a union or
The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) oversees this act, handling any complaints
that may arise from the act. For example, in April 2011, the NLRB worked with employees at
Ozburn-Hessey Logistics in Tennessee after they had been fired because of their involvement in
forming a union. The company was also accused of interrogating employees about their union
activities and threatened employees with loss of benefits should they form a union. The NLRB
utilized their attorney to fight on behalf of the employees, and a federal judge ordered the
company to rehire the fired employees and also to desist in other antiunion activities.
The Taft-Hartley Act also had major implications for unions. Passed in 1947, Taft-Hartley
amended the Wagner Act. The act was introduced because of the upsurge of strikes during this
time period. While the Wagner Act addressed unfair labor practices on the part of the company,
the Taft-Hartley Act focused on unfair acts by the unions. For example, it outlawed strikes that
were not authorized by the union, called wildcat strikes. It also prohibited
secondary actions (or secondary boycotts) in which one union goes on strike in sympathy for
another union. The act allowed the executive branch of the federal government to disallow a strike
should the strike affect national health or security. One of the most famous injunctions was made
by President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Air traffic controllers had been off the job for two days
despite their no-strike oath, and Reagan ordered all of them (over eleven thousand) discharged
The Landrum Griffin Act, also known as the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure
(LMRDA) Act, was passed in 1959. This act required unions to hold secret elections, required
unions to submit their annual financial reports to the US Department of Labor, and created
standards governing expulsion of a member from a union. This act was created because of
Teamsters union found they were linked to organized crime, and the Teamsters were banned
from the AFL-CIO. The goal of this act was to regulate the internal functioning of unions and
contact several employees and discuss the possibility of a union, or employees may contact a
union on their own. The union will then help employees gather signatures to show that the
employees want to be part of a union. To hold an election, the union must show signatures
forward with a secret-ballot election. An alternative to the secret-ballot election is the card
check method, in which the union organizer provides the company with authorization cards
signed by a simple majority (half plus one). The employer can accept the cards as proof that
the employees desire a union in their organization. The NLRB then certifies the union as the
If the organization does not accept the card check method as authorization for a union, the
second option is via a secret ballot. Before this method is used, a petition must be filed by the
NLRB, and an election is usually held two months after the petition is filed. In essence, the
employees vote whether to unionize or not, and there must be a simple majority (half plus
one). The NLRB is responsible for election logistics and counting of ballots. Observers from
all parties can be present during the counting of votes. Once votes are counted, a decision on
unionization occurs, and at that time, the collective bargaining process begins.
during the process to prevent unionization of the organization. It is advisable for HR and
management to be educated on what can legally and illegally be said during this process. It is
illegal to threaten or intimidate employees if they are discussing a union. You cannot
threaten job, pay, or benefits loss as a result of forming a union. Figure 11.5 "Things That
Figure 11.5 Things That Shouldn’t Be Said to Employees during a Unionization Process
Obviously, it is in the best interest of the union to have as many members as possible. Because of
this, unions may use many tactics during the organizing process. For example, many unions are
also politically involved and support candidates who they feel best represent labor. They provide
training to organizers and sometimes even encourage union supporters to apply for jobs in
nonunion environments to actively work to unionize other employees when they are hired. This
practice is called union salting. Unions, especially on the national level, can be involved in
corporate campaigns that boycott certain products or companies because of their labor practices.
The United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), for example, has a “Wake Up Walmart
cost to the organization and operation efficiency. Collective bargaining at times can put
management at odds with its employees and cost more to produce products and services. Ideally,
companies will provide safe working conditions, fair pay, and benefits so the employees do not
When a union vote may occur, most organizations will develop specific strategies to encourage
employees to vote “no” for the union. Some of the arguments that might be used include talking
3. Employees and management may no longer be able to discuss matters informally and
6. Many decisions within a union, such as vacation time, are based on seniority only.
Organizations such as Change to Win are in the process of trying to increase union membership.
This organization has four affiliated unions, with a goal to strengthen the labor movement.
Teamsters, United Food and Commercial Workers, United Farm Workers, and Service Employees
International Union are all unions affiliated with this organization. The next few years will be
workers do receive higher wages, this can be a negative impact on the organization. Unionization
also impacts the ability of managers to make certain decisions and limits their freedom when
working with employees. For example, if an employee is constantly late to work, the union
contract will specify how to discipline in this situation, resulting in little management freedom to
handle this situation on a case-by-case basis. In 2010, for example, the Art Institute of Seattle
faculty filed signatures and voted on unionization. Some of the major issues were scheduling
issues and office space, not necessarily pay and benefits. While the particular National Labor
Relations Board vote was no to unionization, a yes vote could have given less freedom to
Another concern about unionization for management is the ability to promote workers. A union
contract may stipulate certain terms (such as seniority) for promotion, which means the manager
Section 11.2 "Collective Bargaining" and Section 11.3 "Grievance Process" discuss the collective
• Union membership in the United States has been slowly declining. Today, union membership
consists of about 11.9 percent of the workforce, while in 1983 it consisted of 20 percent of the
• The reasons for decline are varied, depending on whom you ask. Some say the moving of jobs
overseas is the reason for the decline, while others say unions’ hard-‐line tactics put them out of
• Besides declining membership, union challenges today include globalization and companies’
• The United States began its first labor movement in the 1800s. This was a result of low wages, no
exists today, although it merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and is now
known as the AFL-‐CIO. It is the largest labor union and represents local labor unions in a variety
of industries.
• The United States has a low number of union members compared with other countries. Much of
Europe, for example, has over 30 percent of their workforce in labor unions, while in some
countries as much as 50 percent of the workforce are members of a labor union.
• Legislation has been created over time to support both labor unions and the companies who
have labor unions. The Railway Labor Act applies to airlines and railroads and stipulates that
employees may not strike until they have gone through an extensive dispute resolution process.
The Norris-‐LaGuardia Act made yellow-‐dog contracts illegal and barred courts from issuing
• The Wagner Act was created to protect employees from retaliation should they join a union.
The Taft-‐Hartley Act was developed to protect companies from unfair labor practices by unions.
• The National Labor Relations Board is the overseeing body for labor unions, and it handles
disputes between companies as well as facilitates the process of new labor unions in the
developing stages. Its job is to enforce both the Wagner Act and the Taft-‐Hartley Act.
• The Landrum Griffin Act was created in 1959 to combat corruption in labor unions during this
time period.
• To form a union, the organizer must have signatures from 30 percent of the employees. If this
occurs, the National Labor Relations Board will facilitate a card check to determine more than 50
percent of the workforce at that company is in agreement with union representation. If the
company does not accept this, then the NLRB holds secret elections to determine if the
employees will be unionized. A collective bargaining agreement is put into place if the vote is
• Companies prefer to not have unions in their organizations because it affects costs and
operational productivity. Companies will usually try to prevent a union from organizing in their
• Managers
affected, and everything must be guided by the contract instead of management prerogative.
1. Visit the National Labor Relations Board website. View the “weekly case summary” and discuss it
in at least two paragraphs, stating your opinion on this case.
2. Do you agree with unionization within organizations? Why or why not? List the advantages and
[1] “Union Members: 2010,” Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Department of Labor, news release, January
[2] “Teamsters Escalate BMW Protests across America,” PR Newswire, August 2, 2011, accessed August
[3] Gerald Friedman, “Labor Unions in the United States,” Economic History Association, February 2, 2010,
[4] Claude Fischer, “Why Has Union Membership Declined?” Economist’s View, September 11, 2010,
[5] Federation of European Employers, “Trade Unions across Europe,” accessed April 4,
[6] “Federal Judge Orders Employer to Reinstate Three Memphis Warehouse Workers and Stop
Threatening Union Supporters While Case Proceeds at NLRB,” Office of Public Affairs, National Labor
judge-‐orders-‐employer-‐reinstate-‐three-‐memphis-‐warehouse-‐workers-‐ and-‐stop-‐threatening-‐un.
[7] Change to Win website, accessed April 7, 2011,
[8] “Union Push in For-‐Profit Higher Ed,” Inside Higher Ed, May 24, 2010, accessed August 15,
2. Understand the types of bargaining issues and the rights of management.
When employees of an organization vote to unionize, the process for collective bargaining
begins. Collective bargaining is the process of negotiations between the company and
in Chapter 9 "Handle Conflict and Negotiation". Many of the tips in that chapter can help you
The goal is for management and the union to reach a contract agreement, which is put into
place for a specified period of time. Once this time is up, a new contract is negotiated. In this
manage and operate the business, hire, promote, or discharge employees. However, in the
should work. Management rights also include the ability of the organization to direct the work of
Another important point in the collective bargaining process is the aspect of union security.
Obviously, it is in the union’s best interest to collect dues from members and recruit as many new
members as possible. In the contract, a checkoff provision may be negotiated. This provision
occurs when the employer, on behalf of the union, automatically deducts dues from union
members’ paychecks. This ensures that a steady stream of dues is paid to the union.
To recruit new members, the union may require something called a union shop.
A union shop requires a person to join the union within a certain time period of joining the
organization. In right-to-work states a union shop may be illegal. Twenty-two states have
passed right-to-work laws, as you can see in Figure 11.6 "Map of Right-to-Work States". These
laws prohibit a requirement to join a union or pay dues and fees to a union. To get around these
laws, agency shops were created. An agency shop is similar to a union shop in that workers do
not have to join the union but still must pay union dues. Agency shop union fees are known
as agency fees and may be illegal in right-to-work states. A closed shop used to be a
mechanism for a steady flow of membership. In this arrangement, a person must be a union
member to be hired. This, however, was made illegal under the Taft-Hartley Act. According to a
study by CNBC, all twenty-two right-to-work states are in the top twenty-five states for having the
best workforces. However, according to the AFL-CIO, the average worker in a right-to-work
state makes $5,333 less per year than other workers.
This means they have a mutual obligation to participate actively in the deliberations and
indicate a desire to find a basis for agreement. There are three main classification of
bargaining topics: mandatory, permissive, and illegal. Wages, health and safety, management
rights, work conditions, and benefits fall into the mandatory category.
Permissive topics are those that are not required but may be brought up during the
process. An example might include the requirement of drug testing for candidates or the
required tools that must be provided to the employee to perform the job, such as a cellular
phone or computer. It is important to note that while management is not required by labor
laws to bargain on these issues, refusing to do so could affect employee morale. We can also
classify bargaining issues as illegal topics, which obviously cannot be discussed. These types
• Incentive programs
• Job classification
• Health plans
• Layoff procedures
• Seniority
• Training process
• Severance pay
The collective bargaining process has five main steps; we will discuss each of these steps
next. The first step is the preparation of both parties. The negotiation team should consist of
individuals with knowledge of the organization and the skills to be an effective negotiator. An
important part of this preparation step. Establishing objectives for the negotiation and
reviewing the old contract are key components to this step. Both sides should also prepare
the negotiations. In addition, setting ground rules for how the negotiation will occur is an
In the third step, each party comes to the table with proposals. It will likely involve initial opening
statements and options that exist to resolve any situations that exist. The key to a successful
proposal is to come to the table with a “let’s make this work” attitude. An initial discussion is had
and then each party generally goes back to determine which requests it can honor and which it
can’t. At this point, another meeting is generally set up to continue further discussion.
Once the group comes to an agreement or settlement (which may take many months and
proposals), a new contract is written and the union members vote on whether to accept the
agreement. If the union doesn’t agree, then the process begins all over again.
is called a bargaining impasse. Various kinds of strikes are used to show the displeasure of
unhappiness about the economic conditions during contract negotiations. For example, 45,000
Verizon workers rallied in the summer of 2011 when contract negotiations failed. The two
Workers, claim that the new contract is unfair, as it asks Verizon workers to contribute more to
health plans, and the company is also looking to freeze pensions at the end of the year and reduce
sick time. Verizon says the telecommunications business is changing, and it cannot afford these
expenses. An unfair labor practices strike can happen during negotiations. The goal of
an unfair labor practices strike is to get the organization to cease committing what the union
believes to be an unfair labor practice. A bargaining impasse could mean the union goes on strike
or a lockout occurs. The goal of a lockout, which prevents workers from working, is to put
pressure on the union to accept the contract. A lockout can only be legally conducted when the
existing collective bargaining agreement has expired and there is truly an impasse in contract
negotiations. In summer 2011, the National Basketball Association locked out players when the
collective bargaining agreement expired, jeopardizing the 2011–12 season while putting
pressure on the players to accept the agreement. Similarly, the goal of a strike is to put pressure
on the organization to accept the proposed contract. Some organizations will impose a lockout if
engage in a slowdown instead of a strike, because the workers still earn pay, while in a strike they
do not. A sick-out is when members of a union call in sick, which may be illegal since they are
using allotted time, while a walk-out is an unannounced refusal to perform work. However, this
judge. Jurisdictional strikes are used to put pressure on an employer to assign work to
members of one union versus another (if there are two unions within the same organization) or to
put pressure on management to recognize one union representation when it currently recognizes
another. The goal of a sick-out strike is to show the organization how unproductive the company
would be if the workers did go on strike. As mentioned under the Taft-Hartley Act, wildcat strikes
are illegal, as they are not authorized by the union and usually violate a collective bargaining
agreement. Sympathy strikes are work stoppages by other unions designed to show support for
the union on strike. While they are not illegal, they may violate the terms of the collective
bargaining agreement.
First and foremost, when working with labor unions, a clear understanding of the contract is
imperative for all managers. The contract (also called the collective bargaining agreement) is the
guiding document for all decisions relating to employees. All human resources (HR) professionals
and managers should have intimate knowledge of the document and be aware of the components
of the contract that can affect dealings with employees. The agreement outlines all requirements
of managers and usually outlines how discipline, promotion, and transfers will work.
Because as managers we will be working with members of the union on a daily basis, a positive
relationship can not only assist the day-to-day operations but also create an easier bargaining
process. Solicitation of input from the union before decisions are made can be one step to creating
this positive relationship. Transparent communication is another way to achieve this goal.
• A union has two goals: to add new members and to collect dues. A check-‐off provision of a
contract compels the organization to take union dues out of the paycheck of union members.
• In a union shop, people must join the union within a specified time period after joining the
organization. This is illegal in right-‐to-‐work states. An agency shop is one where union
membership is not required but union dues are still required to be paid. This may also be illegal
in right-‐to-‐work states.
• Made illegal by the Taft-‐Hartley Act, a closed shop allows only union members to apply and be
• Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating the contact with union representatives.
Collective bargaining, to be legal, must always be done in good faith.
• There are three categories of collective bargaining issues. Mandatory issuesmight include pay
be discussed, which can include issues that could be considered discriminatory.
• The collective bargaining process can take time. Both parties prepare for the process by
gathering information and reviewing the old contract. They then set timelines for the bargaining
and reveal their wants and negotiate those wants. A bargaining impasse occurs when members
• When a bargaining impasse occurs, a strike or lockout of workers can occur. An economic
strike occurs during negotiations, while an unfair labor practices strike can occur anytime, even
during negotiations. A sick-‐out can also be used, which is when workers call in sick for the day.
These strategies can be used to encourage the other side to agree to collective bargaining terms.
• Some tips for working with unions include knowing and following the contract, involving unions
1. Research negotiation techniques, and then list and describe the options. Which do you think
2. Of the list of bargaining issues, which would be most important to you and why?
[1] “Best Workforces Are in Right to Work States,” Redstate, June 30, 2011, accessed August 14,
[2] “Right to Work for Less,” AFL-‐CIO, accessed August 14, 2011,‐and-‐
[3] Dan Goldberg, “Verizon Strike Could Last Months,” New Jersey News, August 7, 2011, accessed August
15, 2011,
15, 2011,
[5] Steve Kyler, “Division among Owners?” HoopsWorld, August 8, 2011, accessed August 15,
agreement. The grievance procedure outlines the process by which grievances over
contract violations will be handled. As you have probably already identified, the grievance
Negotiation". Learning how to handle this type of conflict takes self-management skills—or
the ability to avoid taking things personally—and relationship management skills. This will
process is specific to each contract, so we will discuss the process in generalities. A grievance is
normally initiated by an employee and then handled by union representatives. Most contracts
specify how the grievance is to be initiated, the steps to complete the procedure, and identification
of representatives from both sides who will hear the grievance. Normally, the human relations
department is involved in most steps of this process. The basic process is shown in Figure 11.8 "A
The discussion of labor unions in this chapter applies to many of the human
running of unions would not be possible. Because conflicts happen between union and
management, the ability to manage the conflict in a positive way (relationship management
emotional intelligence skill) can not only help the negotiations but also help you achieve success
While it pertains to all companies, human relations skills become that much more
employees must work together. Conflict in these situations can result in major issues on
both sides, such as grievances and strikes. Employing effective human relations skills can reduce
a union representative. Many grievances never go further than this step, because often the
If the complaint is unresolved at this point, the union will normally initiate the grievance
process by formally expressing it in writing. At this time, HR and management may discuss
the grievance with a union representative. If the result is unsatisfactory to both parties, the
complaint may be brought to the company’s union grievance committee. This can be in the
After discussion, management will then submit a formalized response to the grievance. It
may decide to remedy the grievance or may outline why the complaint does not violate the
Further discussion will likely occur, and if management and the union cannot come to an
agreement, the dispute will normally be brought to a national union officer, who will work
with management to try and resolve the issue. A mediator may be called in, who acts as an
impartial third party and tries to resolve the issue. Any recommendation made by the
mediator is not binding for either of the parties involved. Mediators can work both on
grievance processes and collective bargaining issues. For example, when the National
Football League (NFL) and its players failed to reach a collective bargaining agreement, they
agreed to try mediation. [1] In this case, the agreement to go to mediation was a positive sign
after several months of failed negotiations. In the end, the mediation worked, and the NFL
players started the 2011–12 season on time. In Washington State (as well as most other
collective bargaining related) and arbitrations. The goal of such an organization is to avoid
disruptions to public services and to facilitate the dispute resolution process. In Washington,
the organization is called the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC). Figure 11.9
"The Mediation Process for the Public Employment Relations Commission in Washington
State" shows the typical grievance handling process utilizing the free PERC services.
Figure 11.9 The Mediation Process for the Public Employment Relations Commission in
Washington State
If no resolution develops, an arbitrator might be asked to review the evidence and make a
decision. An arbitrator is an impartial third party who is selected by both parties and who
ultimately makes a binding decision in the situation. Thus arbitration is the final aspect of a
1. One employee was promoted over another, even though he had seniority.
3. An employee was terminated, although the termination violated the rules of the contract.
are individual/personal grievances, in which one member of the union feels he or she has
been mistreated. A group grievance occurs if several union members have been mistreated
in the same way. A principle grievance deals with basic contract issues surrounding
seniority or pay, for example. If an employee or group is not willing to formally file a
grievance, the union may file a union or policy grievance on behalf of that individual or
The important things to remember about a grievance are that it should not be taken
personally and, if used correctly, can be a fair, clear process to solving problems within the
• The grievance process is a formal process to address any complaints about contract violations.
• The grievance process varies from contract to contract. It is an important part of the contract
that ensures a fair process for both union members and management.
• HR is normally involved in this process, since it has intimate knowledge of the contract and laws
• The grievance process can consist of any number of steps. First, the complaint is discussed with
the manager, employee, and union representative. If no solution occurs, the grievance is put into
writing by the union. Then HR, management, and the union discuss the process, sometimes in
• Management
• If the union decides to escalate the grievance, the grievance may be brought to the national
union for a decision. At this point, an arbitrator may be brought in, suitable to both parties, to
• There are four main types of grievances. First, the individual grievance is filed when one member
of the union feels mistreated. A group grievance occurs when several members of the union feel
they have been mistreated and file a grievance as a group. A principle grievance may be filed on
behalf of the union and is usually based on a larger issue, such as a policy or contract issue. A
union or policy grievance may be filed if the employee does not wish to file individually.
• Grievances should not be taken personally and should be considered a fair way in which to solve
problems that can come up between the union and management.
1. What are the advantages of a grievance process? What disadvantages do you see with a
[1] Associated Press, “NFL, Union Agree to Mediation,” February 17, 2011, accessed August 15,
• Union membership in the United States has been slowly declining. Today, union membership
consists of about 11.9 percent of the workforce, while in 1983 it consisted of 20 percent of the
• The reasons for decline are varied, depending on who you ask. Some say the moving of jobs
overseas is the reason for the decline, while others say unions’ hard-‐line tactics put them out of
• The United States began its first labor movement in the 1800s. This was a result of low wages, no
• Many labor organizations have disappeared, but the American Federation of Labor (AFL) still
exists today, although it merged with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) and is now
known as the AFL-‐CIO. It is the largest labor union and represents local labor unions in a variety
of industries.
• The United States has a low number of union members compared with other countries. Much of
Europe, for example, has over 30 percent of their workforce in labor unions, while in some
countries as much as 50 percent of the workforce are members of a labor union.
• Legislation has been created over time to support both labor unions and the companies who
have labor unions. The Wagner Act was created to protect employees from retaliation should
they join a union. The Taft-‐Hartley Act was developed to protect companies from unfair labor
• The National Labor Relations Board is the overseeing body for labor unions, and it handles
disputes between companies as well as facilitates the process of certifying new labor unions. Its
• The Landrum Griffin Act was created in 1959 to combat corruption in labor unions during this
time period.
• To form a union, the organizer must have signatures from 30 percent of the employees. If this
representation. If the company does not accept this, then the NLRB holds secret elections to
• A union has two goals: to add new members and to collect dues. The checkoff provision of a
contract compels the organization to take union dues out of the paycheck of union members.
• In a union shop, people must join the union within a specified time period of joining the
• Made illegal by the Taft-‐Hartley Act, a closed shop allows only union members to apply and be
• Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating the contact with union representatives.
Collective bargaining, to be legal, must always be done in good faith.
• There are three categories of collective bargaining issues. Mandatory issuesmight include pay
and benefits. Permissive bargaining items may include things such as drug testing or the required
equipment the organization must supply to employees. Illegal issues are those things that cannot
be discussed, which can include issues that could be considered discriminatory.
• The collective bargaining process can take time. Both parties prepare for the process by
gathering information and reviewing the old contract. They then set timelines for the bargaining
and reveal their wants and negotiate those wants. A bargaining impasse occurs when members
• When a bargaining impasse occurs, a strike or lockout of workers can occur. These are both
strategies that can be used to encourage the other side to agree to collective bargaining terms.
• The grievance process is a formal process that addresses any complaints about contract
• The grievance process varies from contract to contract. It is an important part of the contract
that ensures a fair process for both union members and management.
• The grievance process can consist of any number of steps. First, the complaint is discussed with
the manager, employee, and union representative. If no solution occurs, the grievance is put into
a decision. At this point, an arbitrator may be brought in, suitable to both parties, to make the
• There are four main types of grievances. First, the individual grievance is filed when one member
of the union feels mistreated. A group grievance occurs when several members of the union feel
they have been mistreated and file a grievance as a group. A principle grievance may be filed on
behalf of the union and is usually based on a larger issue, such as a policy or contract issue.
Aunion or policy grievance may be filed if the employee does not wish to file the grievance
• Grievances should not be taken personally and should be considered a fair way in which to solve
problems that can come up between the union and management.
You work in a large logistics company that is also unionized. Because of the union, your
organization has very set pay levels and specific rules for promotion. Recently, your organization
has received many big orders and as a result, your manager promoted a fellow employee who did
not meet the criteria outlined by the union. You felt you would have been good for the job and
are disappointed that you were not selected. You are deciding whether or not to file a grievance.
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of filing a grievance in this situation?
3. Explain the process you might go through in order to file a grievance.
- Donald H. McGannon
- Tom Peters
Casey is the Human Resource manager at your company. You set an appointment with him
“Casey,” you say, “I really need to vent. Can I sit down and talk with you?” Casey offers you a
seat. You begin to tell him about Sam, your supervisor, and the way he has been managing
You say, “Sam was a really great manager when he started here three months ago. He had
individual meetings with all of us, and he asked a lot of questions. We were all really excited
to have him as our new boss, because he really seemed to care and implemented some of our
“Lately, though, he seems to be short-tempered and seems to want to make all of the
decisions. I have talked with him about it, but he doesn't seem to notice that it has become a
problem. In fact, I know of two people that are looking for other jobs because of it.”
Casey thinks about the situation and asks you if the timing of Casey's behavior change was
Casey explains that many of the managers have been told they need to make some changes in
the organization, and these changes are those that must be done without feedback from
Casey says that he knows it is different than the usual management style of the branch and
asks you if you can hang on for a little longer. He believes once the changes are made, Sam
will be back to his old self. In the meantime, Casey suggests you talk with your manager
Although you feel a bit nervous to do so, you feel talking with Sam might be the best thing for
your department.
1. Define the various types of management styles you may be exposed to at work.
2. Explain how, when we become managers, we can determine which style to use in a variety of
As we saw in the opening case, most managers will use a variety of management styles
depending upon the situation. In our scenario, Sam obviously may have gone too far in his
use of management style. As we will discuss in this chapter, there are several management
styles that can be used in a variety of situations. As you read this chapter, consider past
managers and think about what style they may have used. Understanding management styles
can help us become better managers or prepare us to take on the role of manager someday.
In addition, understanding your manager’s style can be beneficial to know—as it can help you
Management style ties in very closely with communication style. There isn’t necessarily one
management style that is better than another; they are simply different and might be used in
a variety of situations.
A manager with a task-oriented style will focus on the technical or task aspects of the job. The
concern for this manager is that employees know what is expected of them and have the tools
A people-oriented style is more concerned with the relationships in the workplace. The
manager emphasizes the interpersonal relations, as opposed to the task. The manager is most
concerned about the welfare of the employee and tends to be friendly and trusting.
Understanding these two main differences in management style, we will now look at other
people-centered style. This style emphasizes how the employee’s assigned task fits into the bigger
picture. This style will provide support and input where needed. As a result, the focus is on the
task but also on the person and the relationships required to get the task done. This style might be
used when the employees are experienced and the deadlines reasonable enough to provide the
time needed to focus both on the task and the person. If more hands-on management is
required, a directing management style might be appropriate. Consider a very tight
deadline or an emergency situation in which someone needs to be calling the shots. For example,
assume you own a business that creates specialty home-baked dog treats. You just received an
order for one hundred dog cookies by later this afternoon. You might consider using a directing
style with your employees to make sure it gets done on time. This style doesn’t focus on the
person but rather on getting the task done; hence it tends to be more of a task-oriented style.
A manager who uses a teamwork management style believes there is a value (or necessity) in
having people work in teams. As a result, this style tends to require a people-centered approach.
Relationships are most important, and assuming the individuals work well together, the task will
be successfully accomplished. The advantage to this style, given the type of task and situation, is
that as a manager you are able to pool resources and abilities from several different people. Use of
a team style can also provide big benefits for the company. For example, Google uses a teamwork
approach it calls “grouplets.” Google believes that individuals should be able to spend time on
something that interests them and is also company related. Engineers at Google spend 20 percent
of their time on this endeavor. As a result, grouplets are formed, and the grouplet works on their
idea with no specific budget. Some of the best ideas from Google have come through this
teamwork process. Gmail, in fact, was developed using a grouplet.
things done, and relationships are secondary. This type of manager tends to tell people what to do
and takes a “my way or the highway” approach. Another description for this type of manager is a
taskmaster. This person uses his or her authority and makes all the decisions as to who does what,
goals, making plans, and determining objectives are viewed as a group effort, rather than the
At the other extreme, a free-rein style gives employees total freedom to make decisions on how
things will get done. The manager may establish a few objectives, but the employees can decide
how those objectives are met. In other words, the leader tends to be removed from the day-to-day
activities but is available to help employees deal with any situation that may come up.
employees to meet those goals. Aspects include clarification of the task and scope of the process.
Clarification of the employee’s role and clarification around how the success of the task will be
measured are key aspects in this model. The leader also is involved in guidance and coaching
surrounding the goal and removes obstacles for employees that might affect the completion of the
task. The path goal theory says that if employees are satisfied by the leadership style, they will be
motivated toward the goals of leadership. Part of the model also stresses that the skills,
experience, and environmental contingencies of the job play a role in the success of the leader.
just as important as knowing the management styles. In this section, we will discuss how and
when you might use each style when managing people. If you aren't managing people yet,
consider the style your current (or past) manager uses. Do you think it is effective based on
our discussion?
Another way we can view leadership is through the situational leadership model. [3] This
model, developed by Ken Blanchard (author of the One Minute Manager series of books),
does a good job explaining how we might use one type of management style versus another.
The model looks at three areas: the relationship behavior of the manager, the task behavior
of the manager, and the readiness of employees. The relationship behavior means how
supportive the manager needs to be in helping employees. Task behavior refers to the type of
style the manager should use when managing employees based on their readiness level.
Readiness includes the willingness and skills to perform the task at hand. Depending on
where the employees fall in each of these areas, a manager might use a different style:
• D4—High competence, high commitment. Experienced at the job and comfortable with
their own ability to do it well. May even be more skilled than the leader.
• D3—High competence, variable commitment. Experienced and capable but may lack the
• D2—Some competence, low commitment. May have some relevant skills but won’t be able
to do the job without help. The task or the situation may be new to them.
• D1—Low competence, high commitment. Generally lacking the specific skills required for
the job at hand but has the confidence and/or motivation to tackle it.
Based on the readiness and commitment of the employee, the leader can see what
• S1—Telling/directing—High task focus, low relationship focus. Leaders define the roles
and tasks of the “follower” and supervise them closely. Decisions are made by the leader
and announced, so communication is largely one way. This style can be used with people
who lack competence but are enthusiastic and committed and who need direction and
• S2—Selling/coaching—High task focus, high relationship focus. Leaders still define roles
and tasks but seek ideas and suggestions from the follower. Decisions remain the leader’s
prerogative, but communication is much more two-way. This approach can be used with
people who have some competence but lack commitment and who need direction and
supervision because they are still relatively inexperienced. These individuals may also
need support and praise to build their self-esteem and involvement in decision making to
to-day decisions, such as task allocation and processes, to the follower. The leader
facilitates and takes part in decisions, but control is given to the follower. This style can
be used with people who have the necessary competence but lack confidence or
motivation. These individuals may need little direction because of their skills, but support
• S4—Delegating—Low task focus, low relationship focus. Leaders are still involved in
decisions and problem solving, but control is with the follower. The follower decides
when and how the leader will be involved. This style would work with people who have
both competence and commitment and who are able and willing to work on a project by
The bottom line when discussing management style is that no one style works best in all
situations. We may be more comfortable with one style versus another, but we need to
change our management style depending on the person and task we are working with. For
example, if you have an employee who is brand new, you will likely work with that person
using a more directive style. As she develops, you might change to a participative style.
Likewise, someone who does good work and has lots of experience may prefer a free-rein
style. Many managers make the mistake of trying to use the same style with every person in
every situation. To be a great manager, we must change our styles based on the situation and
"not so good" management can help develop us for when we are placed in management positions,
if we aren't already.
• Just like in communication, a different management style should be used depending on the
• Task styles focus on getting the job done, while people-‐centered styles focus on relationships.
focused on the task and doesn’t allow for employee participation. A teamwork style focuses on
teamwork and is a people-‐oriented style. The advantage of this style is the ability to use
• An autocratic style doesn’t allow much room for employee decision making; the focus is on
getting the task done. A participative style constantly requires input from employees. The free-‐
rein style gives employees freedom to make decisions on how things will get done.
• The situational leadership model, which looks at relationship behavior, task behavior, and the
readiness of employees, is used to recommend different management styles.
• No one management style works in all situations. Just like with communication, you will likely
want to vary your approach based on the situation to get the best results.
1. Why is it important to understand management style in a human relations course? Discuss at
2. What combinations of management style might you use in each of these situations and
a. You are considering a major change in the way your company does business. Your staff
has an excellent record of achieving goals, and your relationship with them is trusting
and supportive.
b. Your employees do a great job. A situation has developed in which you need to make
quick decisions and finish a project by the end of the week.
c. Your employees are having trouble getting the job done. Their performance as a whole
d. You have an employee who is very motivated but has little experience.
[2] Bharat Mediratta, as told to Julie Bick, “The Google Way: Give Engineers Room,” New York Times,
[3] Ken Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi, and Drea Zigarmi, Leadership and the One Minute Manager (New
[4] Situational Leadership Grid, Chimaera Consulting, 2008, accessed February 4,
2. Describe several different leadership styles you may use and their likely influence on followers.
Many people use the term leadership as interchangeable with management, but the two terms are
actually quite different. The term management implies someone has been given a position, and
through that position or title they have power to guide others. Leadership, on the other hand,
does not require specific titles. Consider the last group project you worked on for school. It was
likely that someone took on the leadership role for this project, such as coordinating schedules, e-
mailing the team, and so forth. This person did not have a formal title but lead the group anyway.
This is an example of leadership. To be successful at our jobs, we must show leadership skills.
These leadership skills can come from our emotional intelligence skills—for example, self-
for your group project and feel frustrated with response times, you must have the ability to be
aware of this emotion and manage it by not yelling at your team member when you see them!
Getting the team to work better together requires social awareness skills, or the ability to
understand how actions of one team member may affect another. Finally, relationship
management is necessary to manage group conflict and maintain good relationships with your
team. As you can see, leadership encompasses all of the emotional intelligence skills we have been
discussing throughout the book. Do you think leadership comes natural to some and not to
Whether or not there is a “natural leader,” born with a combination of talents and traits that
enable a person to lead others, has been a subject of debate across time. In a modern context, we
have come to recognize that leadership comes in many form and representations. Once it was
thought that someone with presence of mind, innate intelligence, and an engaging personality
was destined for leadership, but modern research and experience shows us otherwise. Just as a
successful heart surgeon has a series of skill sets, so does a dynamic leader. A television producer
must both direct and provide space for talent to create, balancing control with confidence and
trust. This awareness of various leadership styles serves our discussion as groups and teams often
have leaders, and they may not always be the person who holds the title, status, or role.
Leaders take on the role because they are appointed, elected, or emerge into the role. The group
authority to serve in that capacity, irrespective of the thoughts or wishes of the group. They may
serve as the leader and accomplish all the designated tasks, but if the group does not accept their
role as leader, it can prove to be a challenge. As Bruce Tuckman notes, “storming” occurs as
group members come to know each other and communicate more freely, and an appointed leader
who lacks the endorsement of the group may experience challenges to his or her authority.
A democratic leader is elected or chosen by the group but may also face serious challenges. If
individual group members or constituent groups feel neglected or ignored, they may assert that
the democratic leader does not represent their interests. The democratic leader involves the group
in the decision-making process and ensures group ownership of the resulting decisions and
actions as a result. Open and free discussions are representative of this process, and the
An emergent leader contrasts the first two paths to the role by growing into the role, often out
of necessity. The appointed leader may know little about the topic or content, and group members
will naturally look to the senior member with the most experience for leadership. If the
democratic leader fails to bring the group together or does not represent the whole group,
the modern business or organization and reflect our modern economy. We are not born leaders
but may become them if the context or environment requires our skill set. A leader-as-
technician role often occurs when we have skills that others do not. If you can fix the copy
machine at the office, your leadership and ability to get it running again are prized and sought-
after skills. You may instruct others on how to load the paper or how to change the toner, and
even though your pay grade may not reflect this leadership role, you are looked to by the group as
a leader within that context. Technical skills, from Internet technology to facilities maintenance,
may experience moments where their particular area of knowledge is required to solve a problem.
The leader-as-conductor involves a central role of bringing people together for a common goal.
In the common analogy, a conductor leads an orchestra and integrates the specialized skills and
sounds of the various components the musical group comprises. In the same way, a leader who
conducts may set a vision, create benchmarks, and collaborate with a group as they interpret a set
script. Whether it is a beautiful movement in music or a group of teams that comes together to
address a common challenge, the leader-as-conductor keeps the time and tempo of the group.
Coaches are often discussed in business-related books as models of leadership for good reason.
A leader-as-coach combines many of the talents and skills we’ve discussed here, serving as a
teacher, motivator, and keeper of the goals of the group. A coach may be autocratic at times, give
pointed direction without input from the group, and stand on the sidelines while the players do
what they’ve been trained to do and make the points. The coach may look out for the group and
defend it against bad calls and may motivate players with words of encouragement. We can
recognize some of the behaviors of coaches, but what specific traits have a positive influence on
the group? Thomas Peters and Nancy Austin identify five important traits that produce results:
Coaches are teachers, motivators, and keepers of the goals of the group. There are times when
members of the team forget that there is no “I” in the word “team.” At such times, coaches serve
to redirect the attention and energy of the individuals to the overall goals of the group. They
conduct the group with a sense of timing and tempo, and at times, they relax and let the members
demonstrate their talents. Through their listening skills and counseling, they come to know each
member as an individual but keep the team focus for all to see. They set an example. Coaches,
however, are human and by definition are not perfect. They can and do prefer some players over
others and can display less than professional sideline behavior when they don’t agree with the
referee, but the style of leadership is worthy of your consideration in its multidisciplinary
approach. Coaches use more than one style of leadership and adapt to the context and
environment. A skilled business communicator will recognize that this approach has its merits.
Since we have discussed both leadership and management in this chapter, you can see where the
difference between the two is not altogether clear. Either way, looking toward future careers it can
be valuable to understand both management and management styles as well as the process of
effective leader, you must exhibit all aspects of emotional intelligence skills. For
example, good leaders will know themselves well and know their strengths and weaknesses. Good
leaders also know their feelings from moment to moment and they have learned how to handle
those emotions. Good leaders have many similar qualities, such as empathy, ethics,
understanding, and patience. These skills are also emotional intelligence skills—specifically, social
Social awareness skills are key in leadership, including reading and interpreting
social cues and body language, setting goals, resolving conflict, understanding the
around, because they have a certain charisma that draws us to them! Leaders are also excellent at
relationship management in that they handle relationships with others well. Remember, you do
not need a fancy title to be a leader, but showing these skills in the workplace can not only make
you a happier person but also show your supervisor you are ready to move up within your
• Leadership is a bit different than management in that management includes a "title" while
leadership and the leadership development process can occur without a title.
• Leaders can be appointed into a role, elected into the role, or emerge into the role of leader.
• There are three types of leaders. The first is leader as technician—meaning the person who takes
• The second, leader as conductor role, involves a central role of bringing people together to reach
a common goal.
• The third, leader as coach, combines many talents and skills, such as teacher and motivator.
• Many leaders will use a variety of approaches, depending on the situation.
1. Think of a leader you admire and respect. How did this individual become a leader—for example,
by appointment, democratic selection, or emergence? How would you characterize this leader’s
style—is the leader autocratic or laissez-‐faire, a technician or a coach? Write three paragraphs
and describe.
[1] Tuckman, B. (1965). Developmental sequence in small groups. Psychological Bulletin, 63, 384–99.
[2] T. Harris and J. Sherblom, Small group and team communication (Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon, 1999).
[3] T. Peters and N. Austin, A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference (New York, NY: Random
House, 1985).
• Just like in communication, a different management style should be used depending on the
• Task styles focus on getting the job done, while people-‐centered styles focus on relationships.
• A participatory style involves both task-‐oriented and people-‐centered styles. Adirecting style is
focused on the task and doesn’t allow for employee participation.
• A teamwork style focuses on teamwork and is a people-‐oriented style. The advantage of this
style is the ability to use strengths from everyone on the team.
• An autocratic style doesn’t allow much room for employee decision making; the focus is on
getting the task done. A participative style constantly requires input from employees. The free-‐
rein style gives employees freedom to make decisions on how things will get done.
• The situational leadership model, which looks at relationship behavior, task behavior, and the
readiness of employees, is used to recommend different management styles.
• No one management style works in all situations. Just like with communication, you will likely
want to vary your approach based on the situation to get the best results.
• Leadership and management are similar, although management implies a specific title.
Leadership may be selected in a variety of ways, such as an appointment leader, democratic
leader or emergent leader. Some people may be excellent leaders, although they may not have a
• Depending on the situation, a leader may take on a variety of roles to solve challenges.
worked together since that time. Recently, the manager left and you need to hire a new manager.
You have decided that one of the four people currently working for you would definitely be great for
the job, but you need to create a list of criteria for the job and then compare it with the skills of your
existing employees. Your task is to develop specific criteria or a "wish list" of skills and abilities for
3. Leadership skills
Once you have created the criteria, rank the skills in each category and provide a written description
- Helen Keller
- Lao-Tzu
A Shining Star
In the morning, Jackson gives a lot of thought to what he is going to wear to work. Not only
does he want to look nice, but he also finds that clients respect him more and look to him for
answers when he dresses up. His company has a casual policy, but Jackson always wears at
least dress pants and a button-up shirt. The program director wears the same outfit, and
Jackson wants to be promoted some time, so he assumes it is best to look the part.
Another thing Jackson does for career success is to have an awareness of his power position.
To create a stronger power position, Jackson is helpful to his colleagues, has a positive
attitude, shows his problem-solving ability, and handles conflicts with people well. He also
rarely complains. These are all human relations skills he has learned over his ten-year career.
Jackson is a positive, upbeat person who others like to be around. He is polite, friendly, and
himself to client satisfaction, and tries to continuously learn new things. When a deadline is
looming, Jackson stays late to help his colleagues finish projects. Jackson always recognizes
intelligent, which in turn, creates better relationships and thus more career opportunities.
Like Jackson, you can do many things to achieve career success, no matter what career you
choose. It is impossible to achieve career success without human relations skills. This chapter
will discuss some of the strategies, such as understanding power positions, dealing with
change, and dressing and networking that can help propel anyone to have positive human
relations and high emotional intelligence, which are both ingredients to career success.
success? Here is how emotional intelligence skills tie into our chapter on career success.
Throughout this book, we have discussed the factors that create good human relations with
our work relationships and personal relationships. When you started reading this book, you
learned how your personality, attitude, and self-esteem could impact your human relations
• Understanding diversity, and how our own diversity and that of others could impact our
human relations.
• How to work in teams, as working on a team is a mainstay of the workplace, and working
• Handling conflict in the workplace. The ability to handle conflict in a constructive manner
• People respect others who are ethical; therefore, making ethical decisions can assist us in
• Having an understanding of human motivation can give us perspective into how others
• Knowing what it means to have personal success can create happiness—which leads to
• The ability to make sound decisions relates to human relations, in that these skills can
help us think logically and not emotionally, which can improve how we relate to others in
group decision making. Knowing how to make sound decisions also relates to conflict
With an understanding and practice in all of these areas, we can become successful people in
our careers. This is the focus of the chapter—the skills it takes to be productive individuals
through positive human relations. The first step is developing an understanding of how we
Understanding power and power structure in our organizations can assist us in being more
successful in our career. Power refers to our ability to influence others and convince them to
do what we want them to do. Power is different than influence, in that influence is the
application of the power we have to get people to do what we want them to do. Although it
may seem this only applies to managers, we all use power in a variety of ways, both in our
personal and professional lives. For example, Abbey may use her power to convince Amy
they should have sushi for dinner tonight, but that doesn’t mean that Amy thinks it is the
right thing to do. It isn’t until Abbey uses her influence that Amy agrees to eat sushi. Please
keep in mind that power is not a negative thing if used in the correct way. Power and
influence, ultimately, are what allow things to get done in our organizations. [1] Whether or
not we are leaders in our organization, power can come in many forms. A study by John
French and Bertram Raven in 1959 identified the ways leaders can influence others. [2] They
1. Reward power. Reward power refers to a person’s ability to present the receiver some
type of reward, should they do something in return. For example, a manager may use
raises or praise. If John wants to reward his employees, he might use reward power by
offering them a bonus if they meet certain sales goals. John, as a parent, may promise
2. Coercive power. Coercive power refers to the power of someone to punish someone
should they not do something the person wants them to do. For example, John may say,
“If you don’t meet the sales goal, you will have to look for another job.” This type of power
is focused on punishment rather than rewards. As a parent, John may tell his son he will
3. Legitimate power. This type of power refers to the ability to make another feel obligated
or responsible. Because John’s title is manager, for example, this gives him the power or
the right to make certain decisions. This can be powerful at first, but over time it can
become less important if trust does not exist. Have you ever heard your Mom say,
“Because I said so,” without further explanation? This is an example of legitimate power.
The mother has the power simply because she is the mother.
4. Expert power. Sometimes people have power because they have a lot of knowledge or
are known as experts in a certain area. John, for example, might use expert power by
saying, “I know you can meet the sales goal because I was able to meet this same sales goal
last year.” Because John is an expert salesperson, his employees respect his abilities and
this respect gives him power. If John is using expert power with his son when teaching
him to play baseball, he might tell his son about the years of experience he has had playing
5. Referent power. Referent power is often referred to as charisma, charm, or appeal. This
type of power comes from one person respecting and liking another, so they are willing to
do what the leader says. For example, if John’s employees really like and respect him, his
source of power is the fact that people want to do what he says. If John is a convincing
person with charisma, he may also use his power to convince his friends to go to the movie
he wants to see.
Again, we feel it is important to point out there is nothing wrong with utilizing power to
compulsive. Power compulsive means the person’s personality has a lust for power and
may use it for personal gain. This is the opposite of the power-shy personality, who prefers
not to be in charge of things and is not comfortable using power. Power-shy individuals may
not be positive either, in that at some point, people must be willing to use power to make
decisions. Keep in mind, we all use power, no matter what title we hold at work.
Figure 13.1
Tacticians, and Bystanders,” Organizational Dynamics 12, no. 3 (New York: American
As mentioned earlier, the idea of “power” often seems negative, but we can use power in an
appropriate way when getting ahead in our organizations. This is called power position.
Power position comes from the concept of feng shui, where the power position is the physical
position in the room for a business meeting. In this position, the person can see all entrances
to the room and is seated against a wall. Because of this, they are said to be the center of
attention and thus in the power position. Our meaning here refers to your ability to use
conscientious techniques that can lead to personal and professional organizational growth;
these also happen to be the characteristics needed for career success, and we can tie into
emotional intelligence. Techniques that may help increase your power position at work
1. Be authentic. Be yourself. Stay true to your values and those things you find important.
2. Refuse to let people push your buttons. This can result in conflict, which does not
increase your position power. Make an effort to try and get along with others.
4. Be a team player. Do all the things necessary to be part of a team. Get along with and
help others. Helping others shows leadership, ability, and good citizenship. It can put you
in a position of not only earning the respect of others but also showing your value to the
5. Be someone that makes others feel good. Make others feel good when they are
6. Develop your communication skills. Work on your written, oral, and nonverbal
7. Be visible in the workplace. Don’t take credit for others’ work, but do take credit for
your own work. Choose high-profile projects that can put you in a position where others
8. Don’t complain. Unless you can also provide a solution, don’t offer a complaint!
9. Be goal oriented and willing to take risks. Focus on goal setting personally and
professionally. Show managers and colleagues how you can help them meet goals.
10. Have positive psychological capital. There are four aspects to positive
to belief in your own abilities while optimism means to have a positive outlook. Resiliency
In addition to the techniques, we can think about position power as a set of behaviors we exhibit
on a daily basis. These five behaviors can help us increase our power position at work. We can
think about the acronym POWER to remember these behaviors:
power position. Avoiding rumors, gossip, and other negative behaviors can gain the trust
of others.
• Open. Being open to others, new ideas, and people can help increase your power position.
• Willingness. The willingness to do things different, try something new, and take risks can
• Employing. Employing things like tact, common courtesies, humor, patience, and
• Remembering. Know your purpose, set goals, and always do your best.
Having an understanding of the types of power and how to improve your own power position at
work can increase your human relations at work and, therefore, your success—and probably make
• Power refers to our ability to influence others and convince them on what to do. This is different
from influence, which is the application of our power to get people to do what we want them to
do. In other words, power is our ability, while influence allows us to move someone to action.
• Someone who is power-‐compulsive may lust for power, while someone who is power-‐shy may
try to avoid situations where he or she might have to exert power.
• Our power position can help us achieve career success. Our power position refers to the use of
• Power positioning can be done using a variety of methods, but specific techniques and behaviors
can be used to up our power position. For example, the POWER method refers to behaviors we
can exhibit to increase our power position. They include positive approach, openness,
willingness, employing things like tact and social skills, and remembering our purpose and goals.
1. In a small group, discuss examples you or your team members have experienced relating to each
of the sources of power. The discussion can be examples from past or present work experience,
school, or home life. Compile a list and then present to the rest of the class.
[1] Mind Tools Website. (n.d.). French and Raven’s five forms of power, accessed March 12,
[2] French, J. R. P., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright & A. Zander
[3] Luthans, F., Avolio, B. J., Avey, J. B., & Norman, S. M. (2007). Positive psychological capital:
Measurement and relationship with performance and satisfaction. Leadership Institute Faculty
[4] Dawson, J. (2007–8) What good leaders do. ADI Performance website, accessed March 13,
1. Describe how you can be promoted in your current or future organization.
Since this chapter is all about professional growth, it makes sense to discuss planning
strategies used by people who want to further their careers. Each of these involves and
requires emotional intelligence skills discussed in Chapter 2 "Achieve Personal Success" and
throughout the book. Having emotional intelligence skills, as you may recall, is even more
important than having a high IQ. [1] Knowing ourselves and the ability to manage ourselves is
the core of this section in the form of a discussion on what kinds of human relations
How to get promoted must be one of the questions managers are asked the most. Often
earning a promotion or movement into a higher level is dependent on not only one’s skills
and abilities but also certain behaviors. According to Long Yun Siang of Career Success for
Newbies, [2] there are several characteristics people have that can help them earn a
promotion, and these areas fall into one of three categories: plan, attitude, and action. They
are as follows:
1. Perform self-analysis. Where are you and why are you there? Is there a key strength
that has gotten you to where you are now? What skills can you continue to leverage to get
that promotion? Likewise, are there weaknesses you must handle before moving to the
next level?
2. Keep your eye on the goals. Where do you want to be and how do you get there?
Remember our chapter on goal setting? Now is the time to apply those ideas! Using
SMART objectives (Chapter 2 "Achieve Personal Success"), determine where you want to
be in the short, medium, and long term. Then create objectives that will help you meet
those goals.
3. Put pride, passion, and belief in everything you do. People who get promoted have
pride in their work; they enjoy what they are doing and have genuine enthusiasm. They
work toward their own goals but also the goals of the company and of the department.
acquire skills. Take seminars and workshops and attend conferences. Make sure you
as ways to improve your skills but also to show others you are capable of solving problems.
6. Understand your role in helping the organization achieve goals.Be a team player
to understand what you must do to help the rest of the department and organization
7. Do your best and do more than necessary. Volunteer for more work or projects, and
take initiative. Look at how you can solve problems for the manager.
8. Do work from the next level up. Continue to do your own work, but try to take on
assignments that may be “above your pay grade” or above your normal expected workload.
friends, and employers. They might include events through your local chamber of
commerce, charity functions, and professional organization conferences and events. The
ability to stay in touch with people we meet at events has never been easier through the
use of technology. Building relationships with others takes time but also is worthwhile.
People you meet today may be a future employer or client one year from now. Networking
can also help us find mentors and gain new insights into our industry.
Besides understanding the skills, attitudes, and abilities needed for promotion, learning how
to handle change is a great way to earn a promotion and obtain career success. We discussed
change in Chapter 2 "Achieve Personal Success"; because it’s necessary both from a personal
and career perspective, it is good to discuss it here from a career approach. Oftentimes,
people get too comfortable in their job, which does not allow them to move upwardly within
the organization. We know that change is a continual process, and the more comfortable we
can get, the better, especially to experience continued success at work. But why do people
avoid change in their careers or jobs and why would they avoid taking on more responsibility
to earn a promotion, there are many reasons why people may be afraid of such a change.
It is important to identify the reasons why you may avoid change. When we identify them and our
behaviors, we can begin to understand why we behave the way we do, which is a key component
to self-knowledge and emotional intelligence skills. Another aspect to career success is knowing
• Part of career success is making sure you know how to increase your power position and having
Examples include being willing to go above and beyond your job description and having a specific
path you know you want to reach. Besides goal setting, having a positive, can-‐do attitude can
• Besides attitude and personality, career promotion means being uncomfortable with possible
changes. People resist change because of fear of job security, the unknown, and failure; their
1. Go to and
a. Based on your results, what are some things you could do to improve your resistance to
b. Why do you think the abilities to deal with change and with job promotion are so
closely tied?
2. Discuss each of the personality ways to obtaining a promotion. If you were a manager, how
important do you think these are? Which would be the most important to you?
[1] Goleman, D. (n.d.). Emotional intelligence. New York Times, accessed May 23,
[2] Siang, L. Y. (2006). How to get promoted. Career Success for Newbies, accessed March 13,
[3] Fox News. (2008, June 3). The importance of networking, accessed May 21,
1. Be able to explain etiquette aspects that can help you achieve career success.
Perhaps the most important components to career success are how we manage our
reputation and the impression we give to others both in person and online. Learning how to
manage our reputation can be a key ingredient to developing good human relations, which
often results in career success. Although much of this will be a review, it is important to
An introduction to a person is possibly one of the most important aspects to etiquette. This
nonverbal behavior can send positive or not-so-positive messages to a person with whom you
want to make a good impression. Here are the components to a good handshake and
1. Firm handshake. A firm handshake shows self-confidence. Try not to make it too firm or
too soft. Do not place your hand on top of the other person’s hand while shaking.
2. Web to web. When you shake someone’s hand, put your right hand out and the web of
skin between your thumb and pointer finger should touch the web of the other person. Try
3. Eye contact. As you shake the person’s hand, make direct eye contact. This can be
challenging for some people who grew up in a culture where direct eye contact would be
4. Say your name and repeat the other person’s name. As you are making eye contact
and shaking hands, you might say something like, “Hi, my name is Laura Portolese Dias. It
is a pleasure to meet you.” When they say their name, make sure to repeat it, which will
make it easier to remember. In fact, if they give you a business card, perhaps write down
some of the things you discussed. This way, when you meet again, you are more likely to
5. Introducing two people. If you know two people and are introducing them, say both
people’s names and try to tell them something they have in common they can discuss. For
example, “Casey, meet Ms. Robins. Both of you went to the University of Washington-
Bothell campus.” This gives them a starting point to begin their conversation.
Good handshakes and introductions are important, but they also take practice. Often, people are
too worried about the impression they are making to focus on their handshake, eye contact, and
other aspects. The more comfortable you can get with this, the more second nature it will become
Often a time will come when you must have a business dinner with your supervisor or
colleagues. When we dine alone or with our family, sometimes we do not pay as much
attention to table manners as we should. Showing you have proper table manners in a
business setting not only conveys high emotional intelligence but also can create positive
relationships with others. Let’s discuss this as if we are starting a dinner from the beginning.
Sometimes the amount of dinnerware can be overwhelming! For forks, use the last one
out and work your way in. Make sure the napkin goes on your lap. Also be aware, your
bread and butter plate will always be on your left, while your glasses will be on your
First, it would be proper to make sure the host is seated before you sit. Unless the host is
male, in which case he would wait until all females are seated until he takes his seat.
Likewise, in any situation, such as a job interview, you should never sit unless invited. Next,
you will want to put the napkin on your lap. Avoid wiping your face or nose with the napkin.
If you need to get up, leave the napkin on either side of your plate.
Try to order within the same price range as your host. Never order the most expensive menu
item. Also avoid ordering alcohol unless the host is ordering it, and even then, never drink
more than your limit in a business situation. When food is served, you should not begin
Any food dish on the left is yours; any glass that is yours is on the right. Most silverware is set
so the one you will use first is on the outside, and you work your way in. For example, the
appetizer fork might be on the outside, then the salad fork, then the dinner fork. When you
are finished with your meal, rest the silverware crosswise on your plate to indicate you are
Silverware resting together indicates to the server that you are finished with your meal.
If you are in a situation where food should be passed, always pass from left to right. Avoid
reaching past people’s plates to get something. If someone asks you for salt and pepper, always
pass both together, even if both were not requested. It goes without saying, but don’t talk with
your mouth full or play with food on your plate. If you don’t like something, try to take a few bites,
but it is ok to leave food. If you have special dietary restrictions—for example, if you are a
vegetarian—don’t make a big deal out of it and just avoid eating those things you wouldn’t
normally eat.
Always say please and thank you to anyone who does something for you, such as refilling your
water or removing your plate. These basic manners can go a long way in showing politeness.
When the check comes and there is no obvious host, reach for it. If there is an obvious host, such
as your supervisor had told everyone he was going to take the department to dinner, it is fine not
to reach for the check. If people are splitting the check, it is normal to split it evenly, unless of
course people had significantly different-priced items. For example, if one person had only a salad
and another person had the porterhouse steak, splitting might not be appropriate. Likewise, if
you had drinks but someone else didn’t, offering to pay more would be appropriate. It is also
customary to tip 15 to 20 percent, and not doing so would be considered in poor taste. Please note
that dining etiquette discussed here is specific to the United States. Before you travel, consider
Dress is another consideration with etiquette. Dress will vary greatly from region to region. For
example, in the Seattle area, it is normal for many people to wear jeans to work, while in other
parts of the country, this would be considered inappropriate. When deciding what to wear, it is
always best to be a bit overdressed than underdressed. For job interviews, jeans or shorts would
rarely, if ever, be acceptable. Normally in job interviews, dressing one “step up” from what people
Showing too much skin or revealing tattoos or facial piercings in some work environments may
prevent upward movement in a company, as it sends the wrong message to your boss, or future
boss (fair or not). In a study by Peter Click, women in high-level positions who dress in what is
seen as sexy attire are viewed as less competent, regardless of their skill sets. Fair or not, there
are many unspoken rules about what is appropriate and what is not. The best thing to do is to
look at what the successful people around you are wearing. For example, if all of the men in the
workplace wear suit jackets and rarely take them off, this is an indicator of expected workplace
dress. If all of the women in the office wear closed toed shoes and leave the flip flops at home, it
might be a good idea for you to do the same as well. Personal style and individuality are
important, but in some professions, it makes sense to err on the side of caution when choosing a
work wardrobe.
the increased use of technology has actually made people more rude; according to an Intel
survey, 9 of 10 Americans report they’ve seen others misuse technology and 75 percent agree
that mobile etiquette is worse than it was a year ago. [4] Here are some examples of basic
• Don’t use a phone for calls or texts while at the dinner table.
• Avoid letting “text speak” cross over into e-mails (i.e., “tho” is OK for texts, but spell it
out—“though”—for e-mails).
• Try to avoid multitasking with your phone in inappropriate places, such as when in the
• When sending e-mails, avoid clogging up peoples’ e-mail boxes with “reply all” messages.
• Try to answer e-mails within twenty-four hours, even if it is to say, “I am not sure about
Another note related to technology is the use of social media and the Internet.
Many companies pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month to monitor and clean
up their online reputations. The process of monitoring your online reputation is called
“fixing” online reputations, has become popular for companies looking to enhance their
online image. Reputation management isn’t just for companies—individuals are using these
services to make unflattering things on the Internet about them disappear. [5]
Anything posted on the Internet, from a picture on Facebook to a comment on a blog, will be
in cyberspace indefinitely. Consider the case of a New York professor. Eight years earlier, he
had been charged with receiving grant money wrongfully. If you googled his name, you would
find a press release listing this charge as one of his name’s top search results, even though he
had paid the $2,000 fine. [6] Not exactly something he would want a potential or current
employer to see! This is exactly why it is important in career development to be aware of the
kinds of things you post—whether you are looking for a job or already have a job. For
example, thirteen Virgin Airlines employees were fired for a chat they had on Facebook about
example, [8] a job seeker posted the following to Twitter: “Cisco just offered me a job! Now I
have to weigh the utility of a fatty paycheck against the daily commute to San Jose and hating
the work.” And Cisco, who regularly monitors the Internet for mentions of their name
(reputation management), replied, “Who is the hiring manager. I’m sure they would love to
know that you will hate the work. We here at Cisco are versed in the web.” Needless to say,
Websites that allow for professional networking can be a great tool but can also be
detrimental. For example, BG, a natural gas company, had an employee post his resume on
LinkedIn and clicked the “job seeker” box. When his employer saw this, he was fired for
expressing interest in other job opportunities, along with his posting of disparaging
So how exactly can you monitor your online reputation? Here are some tips:
• Google yourself often and see what the search results return.
• Consider changing your privacy settings in Facebook, so people you are not friends with
• Change your Facebook setting so you must approve posts that “tag” you.
• Do not talk about work on Twitter, Facebook, or any other social media site.
Managing your online reputation can make sure that when an employer or potential
employer sees your online persona, they are seeing the side you want them to see. It will
show them that you represent the company in a positive light, which can enhance career
professionalism, both skills that create positive relationships with others. Some of these include
the following:
• Be on time for appointments. If you can’t be on time, call if you will be more than five
minutes late.
• Always send thank you notes when someone goes out of their way for you.
• Always bring a gift, wine, or flowers to the host when dining at another person’s home.
• Hold the door—whether you are male or female—if you get to the door first.
• When given a business card, always look at it before tucking it away. Do not put it in a
• Avoid hording a conversation. Learn how to ask questions and be interested in what
Understanding and following general etiquette can help boost your career. People who do not
have manners may not be as respected, and as a result, they may not be promoted or experience
career growth. Etiquette is part of social intelligence skills, which—as we discussed in Chapter 2
"Achieve Personal Success"—are proven to help people attain career success. Speaking of career
growth, how does one actually grow in their career? That will be the topic of Section 13.4 "Career
• To ensure career success, there are a few main things to be concerned about. First impressions
are important, so having a firm handshake that is web to web is important.
• When meeting someone, shake their hand, look them in the eye, and repeat their name to help
• When dining, there are many etiquette rules. For example, place the napkin on your lap and use
the right forks and glasses. Generally speaking, the first forks you will use are farthest from the
plate, and then you work your way in. Dinnerware, such as a bread plate, is always on the left
• Basic commonsense etiquette such as not using the napkin on your face or nose and waiting to
begin eating until everyone has their food would be important to consider in dining etiquette.
• The use of technology has increased and so has the rudeness, some studies show. Basic etiquette
for phones includes not texting while you are having a face-‐to-‐face conversation with someone
• Other things to consider regarding technology might include not copying everyone on an e-‐mail,
• Make sure to engage in careful consideration before posting comments on social media. This is
• Other tips for etiquette include sending thank you cards (not e-‐mails), being on time, keeping
1. Shake the hands of five people you know well. Ask them to give you feedback on your handshake,
and then write at least two to three paragraphs about it.
are alone and when others are around them. What did you observe? What would be considered
rude and what would be considered acceptable and normal behavior? Write four paragraphs on
[1] Lorenz, K. (2009, September 9). Six tips for a perfect handshake. Career Builder, accessed March 15,
[3] Sinberg, L. (2009, July 22). What not to wear to work. Forbes, accessed May 21,
[4] Bruzzese, A. (2011, March 27). Technology increases rudeness quotient. TribLive Business News,
[5] Tozzi, J. (2008, April 30). Do reputation management services work? Businessweek, accessed May 22,
[6] Bilton, N. (2011, April 1). Erasing the digital past. New York Times, accessed May 22,
[7] Bloomberg News. (2008, November 1). Facebook chat gets 13 Virgin Airlines employees fired, accessed
[8] Popkin, H. (2009, March 23). Twitter gets you fired in 140 characters or less., accessed
[9] Nichols, S. (2012, January 5). Employee challenges dismissal after posting CV on LinkedIn. V3
1. Be able to explain the personality characteristics that can increase the chances for your personal
career growth.
2. Be able to explain why having a mentor can be an important part of your career growth.
While this section doesn’t discuss job searching, resumes, and cover letters (since you do that
in other classes), we will discuss tips for developing a career after you already have the job.
First, we already know there are some personality characteristics that tend to be required for
career success. Please note that this is different than behaviors, which we discussed earlier.
Personality is a stable set of traits, while behavior is an expression of those traits in different
circumstances. Although personality traits tend to be stable over time, we can change our
personality traits. For example, Phil’s personality may normally not be career driven and
motivated. This could come out in the way he relates to others in his organization. But
suppose Phil finds a job he really likes. His behavior can change in that his satisfaction makes
him confident, relaxed, and able to work well in teams. So sometimes when we change our
behavior, our personality can change—and our human relations can change, too.
Some of the personality characteristics for success might include the following:
• Motivated
• Driven
• Listening
• Written communication
• Verbal communication
• Teamwork
• Handling conflict
• Managing emotions
• Managing stress
• Being ethical
• Positive attitude
• Goal oriented
Of course this list is not exhaustive, but we have discussed many of these throughout the
book. But how do you develop these skills? First, being aware of your own need for self-
improvement can go a long way to improving these skills. Assume Steve isn’t a very good
listener and he identifies this as an area for improvement. Steve then needs to make a
conscious effort to improve his listening skills. Having an awareness of this need and then
putting together an improvement plan is a step in the right direction. But until we are able to
recognize our strengths and weaknesses, we are not able to improve upon them. In another
example, assume Duana realizes she gets very stressed at work, and that stress causes her to
be short with people. Learning how to manage stress better can create better relations with
other people.
be difficult to work for, we will have colleagues who we don’t enjoy working with,
and personal relationships will have their ups and downs. How we handle these
situations is the true measure of our human relations skills. How well can we handle
situations that are difficult or learn to make decisions that may be challenging? By employing the
human relations information throughout the book, we can begin to analyze our own strengths and
weaknesses in each of these areas. If we have an “I’m fine” attitude, we are not able to improve,
limiting our potential for positive human relations, thus, limiting our career success.
To get better at human relations, we need to hone on our strengths and weaknesses
(self-awareness skills) and understand what human relations skills we should and
could improve upon. Those areas we identify as our strengths, we need to continue
• I want to improve e-mail communication (), so I am more focused and clear, resulting in
• I tend to be impatient and protective of my time. Because of this personality trait (), I can
• I want to improve the way I deal with difficult team or group situations (), so I don’t get so
• Improve conflict management skills. My emotions run too high when there is conflict and
disagreement. I want to improve this skill, because I know effective skills will allow me to
logical thinking in the decisions I make and teach others to do the same through the
example I set.
people may behave differently from me based upon their background (). Because I know
this skill by reading about other cultures and traveling to experience the culture firsthand.
• A strength is my willingness to help team members. I try to always go above and beyond
to assist someone who may lack skills that I have (). I will make an effort to continually do
This example shows how you might assess your own strengths and weaknesses in relation to your
own human relations. As we know from this chapter, first acknowledging the need to further
develop, then making efforts to improve the skills are the first steps to a positive human
Soon, you will be taking final exams, working on final projects, and moving on to the next set of
classes—or maybe a new career. Don’t think of your journey for improving emotional
intelligence skills as ending; really, it is just beginning. As you begin the process of self-
assessment and self-awareness, you can do this more thoroughly because you know the
One of the ways we can develop the skill of recognizing your strengths and weaknesses is to utilize
have formal mentorship programs. Often, though, the best mentorships come from relationships
that form over time. For example, when Paul started working at Ascent Corporation, he knew he
wanted to move up the company ranks but didn’t know how. When Paul was put on a project with
Beth, a managing director, he knew that he wanted to talk with her to find out how she made it to
that position. Paul felt nervous approaching Beth at first because she was so busy. But he decided
to take the risk and invited her to have coffee after their meeting. After that, they began to speak
weekly and Beth took an interest in helping Paul in his career. Together, the two worked to
develop strategies and objectives for Paul’s career. When he had questions about his career path,
she helped him. When a position opened up, Beth coached Paul on the interview and he was
Make sure you continue learning. Taking seminars and courses can help make you more
marketable in your field. Since most fields change on a regular basis, we must continually update
our skills to build upon what we already know and learn new things.
• There are many personality characteristics that can help someone be successful at work. They
include learning how to manage emotions, being ethical, and learning how to deal with stress.
• Other factors to career success might include the ability to set goals, make decisions, and deal
with conflict.
• Knowing which of these things you are good at and which need work is an important part to
• Getting a mentor, that is, someone who can guide you through your career, is also a valuable
• Continually learning is another way to grow in your career. Make sure you stay updated on new
technologies and discoveries in your field. This can happen through formal training courses or
1. Looking at the list of personality characteristics for success in this section, rate yourself on a scale
from one to ten, with ten being your strongest areas. Once you rate yourself, look at the three
lowest areas. Create specific goals and objectives that will help you overcome these weaknesses.
[1] Goleman, D. (2004, January). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, accessed May 23,
• Power refers to our ability to influence others and convince them on what to do. This is different
from influence, which is the application of our power to get people to do what we want them to
do. In other words, power is our ability, while influence allows us to move someone to action.
• Someone who is power-‐compulsive may lust for power, while someone who is power-‐shy may
try to avoid situations where he or she might have to exert power.
• Our power position can help us achieve career success. Our power position refers to the use of
• Power positioning can be done using a variety of methods, but specific techniques and behaviors
can be used to up our power position. For example, the POWER method refers to behaviors we
can exhibit to up our power position. They include positive approach, open, willingness,
employing things like tact and social skills, and remembering our purpose and goals.
• Part of career success is making sure you know how to increase your power position, but it is also
• There are three main behavioral aspects to optimizing career success: planning, attitude, and
action. Examples include being willing to go above and beyond your job description and having a
specific path you know you want to reach. Besides goal setting, having a positive, can-‐do attitude
impressions are important, so having a firm handshake that is web to web is important.
• When meeting someone, shake their hand, look them in the eye and repeat their name to help
• When dining, there are many etiquette rules—for example, placing the napkin on your lap and
using the right forks and glasses. Generally speaking, the first forks you will use are farthest from
the plate, and then you work your way in. Dinnerware, such as a bread plate, is always on the left
• Basic commonsense etiquette such as not using the napkin on your face or nose, waiting to begin
eating until everyone has their food, and others would be considered important things to
• The use of technology has increased and so has the rudeness, some studies show. Some basic
etiquette rules for phones include not texting while you are having a face-‐to-‐face conversation
• Other things to consider regarding technology might include not copying everyone on an e-‐mail,
• Other tips for etiquette include sending thank you cards (not e-‐mails), being on time, keeping
• Many personality characteristics can help someone be successful at work. They include many
topics discussed throughout this book, such as learning how to manage emotions, being ethical,
• Other factors to career success might include the ability to set goals, make decisions, and deal
with conflict.
• Knowing which of these things you are good at and which need work is an important part to
• Getting a mentor, that is, someone who can guide you through your career is also a valuable tool
and discoveries in your field. This can happen through formal training courses or reading
Robert is a supervisor at a large bottling company. His job includes managing safety and breaks and
setting schedules for his twenty-‐five employees who use forklifts and other machinery to package
and move filled bottles on to trucks for delivery. Robert has career goals with the organization. First,
he would like to become the bottling manager, which is one step up from his current job. In five
years, Robert would like to become the director of operations who oversees the entire factory floor.
Robert is an excellent, well-‐liked manager by his employees, but when it comes to his supervisors, he
is very quiet. He never mentioned the fact that his shift had one hundred accident-‐free days in a row
or that productivity had increased 10 percent since he took over the shift. Robert is also a bit shy, so
he avoids any kind of social interaction such as the holiday party.
While Robert wants to be promoted in the organization, he knows he lacks some of the skills needed
to do the job, such as the ability to put together budgets. Because of this, he has identified two
courses he would like to take to improve his financial skills.
Robert was recently asked to review the operational processes during his shift and excelled at it. In
fact, because of the shifts’ awareness, Robert motivated his staff to change some of the procedures
to be more cost effective. Since Robert would like a promotion, he knows he should assess his
1. Consider each of the following topics discussed in this chapter and discuss Robert’s
strengths and weaknesses in each of the following areas (making reasonable assumptions is
fine). Then create a plan addressing what Robert can do to improve in each area:
a. Power positioning
c. Etiquette
d. Personality characteristics
e. Mentoring
f. Continual learning
2. Once you complete some ideas for Robert, think about your strengths and weaknesses in each