Physics XI
Physics XI
Physics XI
The word magnetism is derived from iron ore magnetite (Fe3O4), which was found in the island of magnesia in Greece. It is believed that the Chinese had known the property of the magnet even in 2000 B.C. and they used magnetic compass needle for navigation in 1100 AD. But it was Gilbert who laid the foundation for magnetism and had suggested that Earth itself behaves as a giant bar magnet. The field at the surface of the Earth is approximately 10-4 T and the field extends upto a height of nearly five times the radius of the Earth. 10.1 Earths magnetic field and magnetic elements A freely suspended magnetic needle at a point on Earth comes to rest approximately along the geographical north - south direction. This shows that the Earth behaves like a huge magnetic dipole with its magnetic poles near its geographical poles. Since the north pole of the magnetic needle approximately points towards geographic north (NG) it is appropriate to call the magnetic pole near NG as the magnetic south pole of Earth Sm. Also, the pole near SG is the magnetic north pole of the Earth (Nm). (Fig.10.1)
The Earths magnetic field at any point on the Earth can be completely defined in terms of certain quantities called magnetic elements of the Earth, namely (i) Declination or the magnetic variation . (ii) Dip or inclination and (iii) The horizontal component of the Earths magnetic field Bh 173
Causes of the Earths magnetism The exact cause of the Earths magnetism is not known even today. However, some important factors which may be the cause of Earths magnetism are: (i) Magnetic masses in the Earth. (ii) Electric currents in the Earth. (iii) Electric currents in the upper regions of the atmosphere. (iv) Radiations from the Sun. (v) Action of moon etc. However, it is believed that the Earths magnetic field is due to the molten charged metallic fluid inside the Earths surface with a core of radius about 3500 km compared to the Earths radius of 6400 km. 10.1.1 Bar magnet The iron ore magnetite which attracts small pieces of iron, cobalt, nickel etc. is a natural magnet. The natural magnets have irregular shape and they are weak. A piece of iron or steel acquires magnetic properties when it is rubbed with a magnet. Such magnets made out of iron or steel are artificial magnets. Artificial magnets can have desired shape and desired strength. If the artificial magnet is in the form of a rectangular or cylindrical bar, it is called a bar magnet. 10.1.2 Basic properties of magnets (i) When the magnet is dipped in iron filings, they cling to the ends of the magnet. The attraction is maximum at the two ends of the magnet. These ends are called poles of the magnet. (ii) When a magnet is freely suspended, it always points along north-south direction. The pole pointing towards geographic north is called north pole N and the pole which points towards geographic south is called south pole S. (iii) Magnetic poles always exist in pairs. (i.e) isolated magnetic pole does not exist. (iv) The magnetic length of a magnet is always less than its geometric length, because the poles are situated a little inwards from the free ends of the magnet. (But for the purpose of calculation the 174
geometric length is always taken as magnetic length.) (v) Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other. North pole of a magnet when brought near north pole of another magnet, we can observe repulsion, but when the north pole of one magnet is brought near south pole of another magnet, we observe attraction. (vi) The force of attraction or repulsion between two magnetic poles is given by Coulombs inverse square law. Note : In recent days, the concept of magnetic poles has been completely changed. The origin of magnetism is traced only due to the flow of current. But anyhow, we have retained the conventional idea of magnetic poles in this chapter. Pole strength is denoted by m and its unit is ampere metre. Magnetic moment Since any magnet has two poles, it is also called a magnetic dipole. The magnetic moment of a magnet is defined as the product of the pole strength and the distance between the two poles. If m is the pole strength of each pole and 2l is the distance between the poles, the magnetic moment M = m (2 l ) Magnetic moment is a vector quantity. It is denoted by M. Its unit is A m2. Its direction is from south pole to north pole. Magnetic field Magnetic field is the space in which a magnetic pole experiences a force or it is the space around a magnet in which the influence of the magnet is felt. Magnetic induction Magnetic induction is the fundamental character of a magnetic field at a point. Magnetic induction at a point in a magnetic field is the force experienced by unit north pole placed at that point. It is denoted by B. Its unit is density. 175
N . It is a vector quantity. It is also called as magnetic flux Am
If a magnetic pole of strength m placed at a point in a magnetic field experiences a force F, the magnetic induction at that point is
B = F m
Magnetic lines of force A magnetic field is better studied by drawing as many number of magnetic lines of force as possible. A magnetic line of force is a line along which a free isolated north pole would travel when it is placed in the magnetic field. Properties of magnetic lines of force (i) Magnetic lines of forces are closed continuous curves, extending through the body of the magnet. (ii) The direction of line of force is from north pole to south pole outside the magnet while it is from south pole to north pole inside the magnet. (iii) The tangent to the magnetic line of force at any point gives the direction of magnetic field at that point. (i.e) it gives the direction of magnetic induction (B ) at that point. (iv) They never intersect each other. (v) They crowd where the magnetic field is strong and thin out where the field is weak. Magnetic flux and magnetic flux density The number of magnetic lines of force passing through an area A is called magnetic flux. It is denoted by . Its unit is weber. It is a scalar quantity. The number of magnetic lines of force crossing unit area kept normal to the direction of line of force is magnetic flux density. Its unit is Wb m2 or tesla or N A1m1. Magnetic flux = B . A Uniform and non-uniform magnetic field Magnetic field is said to be uniform if the magnetic induction has the same magnitude and the same direction at all Fig. 10.2 Uniform Magneticfield 176
the points in the region. It is represented by drawing parallel lines (Fig. 10.2). An example of uniform magnetic field over a wide area is the Earths magnetic field. If the magnetic induction varies in magnitude and direction at different points in a region, N S the magnetic field is said to be non-uniform. The magnetic field due to a bar Fig. 10.3 Non-uniform magnetic field magnet is non-uniform. It is represented by convergent or divergent lines (Fig. 10.3). 10.2 Force between two magnetic poles In 1785, Coulomb made use of his torsion balance and discovered the law governing the force between the two magnetic poles. Coulombs inverse square law Coulombs inverse square law states that the force of attraction or repulsion between the two magnetic poles is directly proportional to the product of their pole strengths and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. If m1 and m2 are the pole strengths of two magnetic poles separated by a distance of d in a medium, then F m1m2 and F F F = k
m1m2 d2
1 d2
m1m2 d2
where k is the constant of proportionality and k = permeability of the medium. But = o r 177
where is the
r =
where r - relative permeability of the medium o - permeability of free space or vacuum. Let and m1 = m2 = 1 d = 1 m
k =
o 4
107 1 1 12 F = 10-7 N
Therefore, unit pole is defined as that pole which when placed at a distance of 1 metre in free space or air from an equal and similar pole, repels it with a force of 10-7 N. 10.3 Magnetic induction at a point along the axial line due to a magnetic dipole (Bar magnet)
2l S N d P
NS is the bar magnet of length 2l and of pole strength m. P is a point on the axial line at a distance d from its mid point O (Fig. 10.4).
B1 =
o m F along NP B = 2 m 4 NP o m = 4 (d l )2 along NP
o m along PS 4 SP 2
o m B2 = 4 (d + l )2 along PS
Magnetic induction at P due to the bar magnet, B = B1 B2
o m m - o B = 4 4 (d + l )2 (d l )2
o m 1 1 B = 4 2 d l d l )2 + ( ) (
B = 4 B = B =
om (d + l )2 (d l )2
(d 2 l 2 )2
along NP
om 4ld 2 22 4 (d l )
om 2l 2d 4 (d 2 l 2 )2
o 2Md B = 4 (d 2 l 2 )2
where M = 2ml (magnetic dipole moment). For a short bar magnet, l is very small compared to d, hence l 2 is neglected. o 2M B= 4 d 3 The direction of B is along the axial line away from the north pole. 10.4 Magnetic induction at a point along the equatorial line of a bar magnet NS is the bar magnet of length 2l and pole strength m. P is a point S on the equatorial line at a distance d from its mid point O (Fig. 10.5).
B2 d B1 T P
O 2l
= 4
along NP
B1 cos B2 cos
B2 sin
o m along PS 4 PS 2
o = 4
m d2 + l 2
along PS
Resolving B1 and B2 into their horizontal and vertical components. Vertical components B1 sin and B2 sin are equal and opposite and therefore cancel each other (Fig. 10.6). The horizontal components B1 cos and B2 cos will get added along PT. Resultant magnetic induction at P due to the bar magnet is B = B1 cos + B2 cos . B = (along PT)
l d +l
2 2
o m . 4 d 2 + l 2
o 4
m l 2 2 (d + l ) d + l 2
SO NO = cos = PS NP
(where M = 2ml)
o M 4 d 3
A bar magnet is placed on a plane sheet of a paper. A compass needle is placed near the north pole of the magnet. The north and south poles of the compass are marked by pencil dots. The compass needle is shifted and placed so that its south pole touches the pencil dot marked for north pole. The process is repeated and a series of dots are obtained. The dots are joined as a smooth curve. This curve is a magnetic line of force. Even though few lines are drawn around a bar magnet the magnetic lines exists in all space around the magnet. (i) Magnet placed with its north pole facing geographic north A sheet of paper is fixed on a drawing board. Using a compass needle, the magnetic meridian is drawn on it. A bar magnet is placed on the magnetic meridian such that its north pole points towards geographic north. Using N a compass needle, magnetic lines B B P P of force are drawn around the B B magnet. (Fig. 10.7)
H / H
The magnetic lines of force is due to the combined effect of the magnetic field due to the bar Fig. 10.7 Neutral points - equatorial line magnet and Earth. It is found that when the compass is placed at points P and P along the equatorial line of the magnet, the compass shows no deflection. They are called neutral points. At these points the magnetic field due to the magnet along its equatorial line (B) is exactly balanced by the horizontal component of the Earths magnetic field. (Bh) Hence, neutral points are defined as the points where the resultant magnetic field due to the magnet and Earth is zero. Hence, at neutral points B = Bh
o 4
M (d + l 2 )3/2
= Bh
(ii) Magnet placed with its south pole facing geographic north A sheet of paper is fixed on a drawing board. Using a compass needle, the magnetic meridian is drawn on it. A bar magnet is placed on a magnetic meridian such that its south pole facing geographic north. Bh Using a compass needle, the magnetic P lines of force are drawn around the B magnet as shown in Fig. 10.8.
Bh P
Fig. 10.8 Neutral points - axial line
The magnetic lines of force is due to the combined effect of the magnetic field due to the bar magnet and Earth. It is found that when the compass is placed at points P and P along the axial line of the magnet, the compass shows no deflection. They are called neutral points. At these points the magnetic field (B) due to the magnet along its axial line is exactly balanced by the horizontal component of the Earths magnetic field (Bh).
o 2Md 4 2 (d l 2 )2 = Bh
10.6 Torque on a bar magnet placed in a uniform magnetic field Consider a bar magnet NS of length 2l and pole strength m placed in a uniform magnetic field of induction B at an angle with mB N the direction of the field (Fig. 10.9).
2l B
Due to the magnetic field B, a force mB acts on the north pole along the direction of the field and a force mB acts on the south pole along the direction opposite to the magnetic field.
These two forces are equal and opposite, hence constitute a couple. The torque due to the couple is = one of the forces perpendicular distance between them = F NA = mB NA = mB 2l sin = MB sin Vectorially, = M B ...(2) ...(1)
The direction of is perpendicular to the plane containing M and B. If B = 1 and = 90o Then from equation (2), = M Hence, moment of the magnet M is equal to the torque necessary to keep the magnet at right angles to a magnetic field of unit magnetic induction. 10.7 Tangent law A magnetic needle suspended, at a point where there are two crossed magnetic fields acting at right angles to each other, will come to rest in the direction of the resultant of the two fields. B1 and B2 are two uniform magnetic fields acting at right angles to each other. A magnetic needle B2 mB 2 placed in these two fields will be subjected to two torques tending N mB1 to rotate the magnet in opposite directions. The torque 1 due to 2l the two equal and opposite B1 parallel forces mB and mB tend 1 1 to set the magnet parallel to B1. Similarly the torque 2 due to A mB 1 the two equal and opposite S parallel forces mB2 and mB2 mB2 tends to set the magnet parallel to B2. In a position where the Fig. 10.10 Tangent law torques balance each other, the 183
magnet comes to rest. Now the magnet makes an angle with B2 as shown in the Fig. 10.10. The deflecting torque due to the forces mB1 and mB1 1 = mB1 NA = mB1 NS cos = mB1 2l cos = 2l mB1 cos 1 = MB1cos Similarly the restoring torque due to the forces mB2 and mB2 2 = mB2 SA = mB2 2l sin = 2lm B2 sin 2 = MB2 sin At equillibrium, 1 = 2 MB1 cos = MB2 sin B1 = B2 tan This is called Tangent law Invariably, in the applications of tangent law, the restoring magnetic field B2 is the horizontal component of Earths magnetic field Bh. 10.8 Deflection magnetometer Deflection magnetometer consists of a small magnetic needle pivoted on a sharp support such that it is free to rotate in a horizontal plane. A light, thin, long aluminium pointer is fixed perpendicular to the magnetic needle. The pointer also rotates along with the needle (Fig. 10.11).
90 0 90 0
There is a circular scale divided into four quadrants and each quadrant is graduated from 0o to 90o. A plane mirror fixed below the scale ensures, reading without 184
parallax error, as the image of the pointer is made to coincide exactly with pointer itself. The needle, aluminium pointer and the scale are enclosed in a box with a glass top. There are two arms graduated in centimetre and their zeroes coincide at the centre of the magnetic needle. 10.8.1 End-on (or) Tan A position The magnetic field at a point along the axial line of a bar magnet is perpendicular to the horizontal component of Earths magnetic field. If a magnetometer and a bar magnet are placed in such way that this condition is satisfied, then this arrangement is called Tan A position. To achieve this, the arms of the deflection magnetometer are placed along East-West 90 N direction (i.e) 0 0 E N S perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. 90 d The bar magnet is placed along East Fig. 10.12 End-on (or) Tan A position West direction (i.e) parallel to the arms, as shown in the Fig. 10.12. When a bar magnet of magnetic moment M and length 2l is placed at a distance d from the centre of the magnetic needle, the needle gets deflected through an angle due to the action of two magnetic fields. (i) the field B due to the bar magnet acting along its axis and (ii) the horizontal component of Earths magnetic field Bh. The magnetic field at a distance d acting along the axial line of the bar magnet, o 2Md B = 4 2 2 2 (d l ) According to Tangent law, B = Bh tan
o 2Md 4 (d 2 l 2 )2 = Bh tan
Comparison of magnetic moments of two bar magnets (i) Deflection method The deflection magnetometer is placed in Tan A position (Fig. 10.13). A bar magnet of magnetic moment M1 and length 2l1 is placed at a distance 185
d1 from the centre of the magnetic needle, on one side of the compass box. Since, the sensitivity of the magnetometer is more at 45o, the distance of the bar magnet should be chosen such that the deflection lies between 30o and 60o. The readings corresponding to the ends of the aluminium pointer are noted as 1 and 2. The magnet is reversed pole to pole and kept at the same distance. Two more readings 3 and 4 are noted. By placing the magnet on the other side of the compass box at the same distance, four more readings 5, 6, 7 and 8 are noted as above. The mean of the eight readings gives a value I. The experiment is repeated as above for the second bar magnet of magnetic moment M 2 and 90 N length 2 l 2 by placing at a E 0 0 S distance d2. Now the mean of N the eight readings gives a value 90 d of II.
d2 tan I d1 tan II
Special case If the magnets are placed at the same distance, then d1 = d2 = d
2 d 2 - l1 M1 = M2 d 2 - l2 2
( (
) )
tan I tan II
The deflection E S N 0 0 S N magnetometer is placed in Tan 90 A position (Fig. 10.14). A bar d d magnet of magnetic moment M1 and length 2l1 is placed Fig. 10.14 Null deflection method on one side of the compass box at a distance d1 from the centre of the magnetic needle. The second bar magnet of magnetic moment M2 and length 2l2 is placed on the other side of the compass box such that like poles of the magnets face each other. The second magnet is adjusted so that the deflection due to the first magnet is nullified and the aluminium pointer reads 0o - 0o. The distance of the second magnet is x1. The first magnet is reversed pole to pole and placed at the same distance d1. The second magnet is also reversed and adjusted such that the aluminium pointer reads 0o 0o. The distance of the second magnet is x2.
1 2
The experiment is repeated by interchanging the magnets. Two more distances x3 and x4 are noted. The mean of x1, x2, x3 and x4 is taken as d2. As the magnetic fields due to the two bar magnets at the centre of the magnetic needle are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction, (i.e) B1 = B2
d2 d1
If the bar magnets are short, l1 and l2 are negligible compared to the distance d1 and d2
M1 d3 = 13 M2 d2
10.8.2 Broadside on (or) Tan B position The magnetic field at a point along the equatorial line of a bar magnet is perpendicular to the horizontal component of Earths magnetic field. If the magnetometer and a bar magnet are placed in such way that this condition is satisfied, then this arrangement is called Tan B position. To achieve this, the arms of the deflection magnetometer are placed along the North - South direction (i.e) along the magnetic meridian. The magnet is placed along East - West direction (i.e) parallel to the aluminium pointer as shown in the Fig. 10.15.
d 90 0 90 0
When a bar magnet of magnetic moment M and length 2l is placed at a distance d from the centre of the magnetic needle, the needle gets deflected through an angle due to the action of the following two magnetic fields. (i) The field B due to the bar magnet along its equatorial line (ii) The horizontal component of Earths magnetic field Bh. The magnetic field at a distance d along the equatorial line of the bar magnet, B = 4 (d 2 + l 2 ) 3/2 According to tangent law B = Bh tan (i.e)
o M 2 4 (d + l 2 )3/2 = Bh tan
o M
M = Bh tan d3
The deflection magnetometer is placed in Tan B position. A bar magnet of magnetic d1 moment M1 and length 2l1 is placed at a 90 distance d1 from the centre of the magnetic needle, on one side of the compass box 0 0 (Fig. 10.16). Since, the sensitivity of the 90 magnetometer is more at 45o, the distance of the bar magnet should be chosen such that the deflection lies between 30o and 60o. The readings corresponding to the ends of the aluminium pointer are noted as 1 and 2. The magnet is reversed pole to pole and kept at the same distance. Two more Fig.10.16 Deflection method readings 3 and 4 are noted. By placing the magnet on the other side of the compass box at the same distance, four more readings 5, 6, 7 and 8 are noted as above. The mean of the eight readings gives a value I. The experiment is repeated as above for the second bar magnet of magnetic moment M2 and length 2l2 by placing at a distance d2. Now the mean of the eight readings gives a value of II. Applying tangent law, for the first magnet,
o M1 4 (d1 2 + l1 2 )3/2 = Bh tanI
tan I tan II
Special case If the magnets are placed at the same distance, then d1 = d2 = d 189
2 d 2 + l1 M1 = 2 M2 d 2 + l2
( (
) )
. tan II
tan I
(ii) Null deflection method The deflection magnetometer is placed in Tan B position (Fig. 10.17). A bar magnet of magnetic moment M1 and length 2l1 is placed on one side of the compass box at a distance d1 from the centre of the magnetic needle. The second bar magnet of magnetic moment M2 and length 2l2 is placed on the other side of the compass box such that like poles of the magnets face in the opposite direction. The second magnet is adjusted so that the deflection due to the first magnet is nullified and the aluminium pointer reads 0o - 0o. The distance of the second magnet is x1. The first magnet is reversed pole to pole and placed at the same distance d1. The second magnet is also reversed and adjusted such that the aluminium pointer reads 0o - 0o. The distance of the second magnet is x2.
d1 90 0 90 d2 0
The experiment is repeated by interchanging the magnets. Two more distances x3 and x4 are noted. The mean of x1, x2, x3 and x4 is taken as d2. Since the magnetic fields due to the two bar magnets at the centre of the magnetic needle are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. B1 = B2
o M1 o M2 4 (d1 2 + l1 2 ) 3/2 = 4 (d2 2 + l2 2 ) 3/2
2 2 d1 + l1 M1 = M2 d2 2 + l2 2
If the bar magnets are short, l1 and l2 are negligible compared to the distance d1 and d2
M1 M2 = d2 3 d13
10.9 Magnetic properties of materials The study of magnetic properties of materials assumes significance since these properties decide whether the material is suitable for permanent magnets or electromagnets or cores of transformers etc. Before classifying the materials depending on their magnetic behaviour, the following important terms are defined. (i) Magnetising field or magnetic intensity The magnetic field used to magnetise a material is called the magnetising field. It is denoted by H and its unit is A m1. (Note : Since the origin of magnetism is linked to the current, the magnetising field is usually defined in terms of ampere turn which is out of our purview here.) (ii) Magnetic permeability Magnetic permeability is the ability of the material to allow the passage of magnetic lines of force through it. Relative permeability r of a material is defined as the ratio of number of magnetic lines of force per unit area B inside the material to the number of lines of force per unit area in vacuum Bo produced by the same magnetising field. Relative permeability r = B o H r = H = o o (since r is the ratio of two identical quantities, it has no unit.) The magnetic permeability of the medium = or where o is the permeability of free space. Magnetic permeability of a medium is also defined as the ratio of magnetic induction B inside the medium to the magnetising field H inside the same medium. =
(iii) Intensity of magnetisation Intensity of magnetisation represents the extent to which a material has been magnetised under the influence of magnetising field H. Intensity of magnetisation of a magnetic material is defined as the magnetic moment per unit volume of the material. I =
Its unit is A m-1. For a specimen of length 2l, area A and pole strength m, I = I =
2lm 2lA
m A
Hence, intensity of magnetisation is also defined as the pole strength per unit area of the cross section of the material. (iv) Magnetic induction When a soft iron bar is placed in a uniform magnetising field H, the magnetic induction inside the specimen B is equal to the sum of the magnetic induction Bo produced in vacuum due to the magnetising field and the magnetic induction Bm due to the induced magnetisation of the specimen. B = Bo + Bm But Bo= oH and Bm = oI B = oH + oI B = o (H + I) (v) Magnetic susceptibility Magnetic susceptibility m is a property which determines how easily and how strongly a specimen can be magnetised. Susceptibility of a magnetic material is defined as the ratio of intensity of magnetisation I induced in the material to the magnetising field H in which the material is placed. 192
Thus m =
Since I and H are of the same dimensions, m has no unit and is dimensionless. Relation between m and r
m = I H I = m H
We know B = o (H + I) B = o (H + mH) B = oH (1 + m) If is the permeability, we know that B = H. H = oH (1 + m) = (1 + m) r= 1 + m 10.10 Classification of magnetic materials
On the basis of the behaviour of materials in a magnetising field, the materials are generally classified into three categories namely, (i) Diamagnetic, (ii) Paramagnetic and (iii) Ferromagnetic (i) Properties of diamagnetic substances Diamagnetic substances are those in which the net magnetic moment of atoms is zero. 1. The susceptibility has a low negative value. (For example, for bismuth m= 0.00017).
Diamagnetic liquid
2. Susceptibility is independent of temperature. 3. The relative Watch glass permeability is slightly less than one. 4. When placed in a non uniform magnetic field they have a tendency to move 193
away from the field. (i.e) from the stronger part to the weaker part of the field. They get magnetised in a direction opposite to the field as shown in the Fig. 10.18. 5. When suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field, they set themselves perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field (Fig. 10.19). Examples : Bi, Sb, Cu, Au, Hg, H2O, H2 etc.
(ii) Properties of paramagnetic substances Paramagnetic substances are those in which each atom or molecule has a net non-zero magnetic moment of its own. 1. Susceptibility has a low positive value. (For example : m for aluminium is +0.00002). 2. Susceptibiltity is inversely proportional to absolute temperature (i.e) m decreases. 3. The relative permeability is greater than one. 4. When placed in a non uniform magnetic field, they have a tendency to move from weaker part to the stronger part of the field. They get magnetised in the direction of the field as shown in Fig. 10.20.
Paramagnetic liquid
Watch glass N S
5. When suspended freely in a uniform magnetic field, they set themselves parallel to the S N direction of magnetic field (Fig. 10.21).
Fig. 10.21 Paramagnetic material parallel to the field
(iii) Properties of ferromagnetic substances Ferromagnetic substances are those in which each atom or molecule has a strong spontaneous net magnetic moment. These substances exhibit strong paramagnetic properties. 1. The susceptibility and relative permeability are very large. (For example : r for iron = 200,000) 2. Susceptibility is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature. (i.e) m
decreases. At a particular temperature, ferro magnetics become para magnetics. This transition temperature is called curie temperature. For example curie temperature of iron is about 1000 K. 3. When suspended freely in uniform magnetic field, they set themselves parallel to the direction of magnetic field. 4. When placed in a non uniform magnetic field, they have a tendency to move from the weaker part to the stronger part of the field. They get strongly magnetised in the direction of the field. Examples : Fe, Ni, Co and a number of their alloys. 10.11 Hysteresis Consider an iron bar being magnetised slowly by a magnetising field H whose strength can be changed. It is found that the magnetic induction B inside the material increases with the X/ strength of the magnetising field and then attains a saturated level. This is Hdepicted by the path OP in the Fig. 10.22.
B Y L Q K R O T S Y/ Fig. 10.22 Hysteresis loop U G +H X P
If the magnetising field is now decreased slowly, then magnetic induction also decreases but it does not follow the path PO. Instead, when H = 0, B has non zero value equal to OQ. This implies that some 195
magnetism is left in the specimen. The value of magnetic induction of a substance, when the magnetising field is reduced to zero, is called remanance or residual magnetic induction of the material. OQ represents the residual magnetism of the material. Now, if we apply the magnetising field in the reverse direction, the magnetic induction decreases along QR till it becomes zero at R. Thus to reduce the residual magnetism (remanent magnetism) to zero, we have to apply a magnetising field OR in the opposite direction. The value of the magnetising field H which has to be applied to the magnetic material in the reverse direction so as to reduce its residual magnetism to zero is called its coercivity. When the strength of the magnetising field H is further increased in the reverse direction, the magnetic induction increases along RS till it acquires saturation at a point S (points P and S are symmetrical). If we now again change the direction of the field, the magnetic induction follows the path STUP. This closed curve PQRSTUP is called the hysteresis loop and it represents a cycle of magnetisation. The word hysteresis literally means lagging behind. We have seen that magnetic induction B lags behind the magnetising field H in a cycle of magnetisation. This phenomenon of lagging of magnetic induction behind the magnetising field is called hysteresis. Hysteresis loss In the process of magnetisation of a ferromagnetic substance through a cycle, there is expenditure of energy. The energy spent in magnetising a specimen is not recoverable and there occurs a loss of energy in the form of heat. This is so because, during a cycle of magnetisation, the molecular magnets in the specimen are oriented and reoriented a number of times. This molecular motion results in the production of heat. It has been found that loss of heat energy per unit volume of the specimen in each cycle of magnetisation is equal to the area of the hysteresis loop. The shape and size of the hysteresis loop is characteristic of each material because of the differences in their retentivity, coercivity, permeability, susceptibility and energy losses etc. By studying hysteresis loops of various materials, one can select suitable materials for different purposes. 196
10.11.1 Uses of ferromagnetic materials (i) Permanent magnets The ideal material for making permanent magnets should possess high retentivity (residual magnetism) and high coercivity so that the magnetisation lasts for a longer time. Examples of such substances are steel and alnico (an alloy of Al, Ni and Co). (ii) Electromagnets Material used for making an electromagnet has to undergo cyclic changes. Therefore, the ideal material for making an electromagnet has to be one which has the least hysteresis loss. Moreover, the material should attain high values of magnetic induction B at low values of magnetising field H. Soft iron is preferred for making electromagnets as it has a thin hysteresis loop (Fig. 10.23) [small area, therefore less hysteresis loss] and low retentivity. It attains high values of B at low values of magnetising field H. (iii) Core of the transformer A material used for making transformer core and choke is subjected to cyclic changes very rapidly. Also, the material must have a large value of magnetic induction B. Therefore, soft iron that has thin and tall hysteresis loop is preferred. Some alloys with low hysteresis loss are: radio-metals, pern-alloy and mumetal. (iv) Magnetic tapes and memory store Magnetisation of a magnet depends not only on the magnetising field but also on the cycle of magnetisation it has undergone. Thus, the value of magnetisation of the specimen is a record of the cycles of magnetisation it has undergone. Therefore, such a system can act as a device for storing memory. Ferro magnetic materials are used for coating magnetic tapes in a cassette player and for building a memory store in a modern computer. Examples : Ferrites (Fe, Fe2O, MnFe2O4 etc.). 197
B Soft Iron
Solved Problems
10.1 A short bar magnet is placed with its north pole pointing north. The neutral point is 10 cm away from the centre of the magnet. If B = 4 105 T, calculate the magnetic moment of the magnet. Data : d = 10 102 m; B = 4 105 T; M = ? Solution : When the north pole of a bar magnet points north, the neutral points will lie on its equatorial line.
o M 4 d 3
A short bar magnet of magnetic moment 5.25 102 A m2 is placed with its axis perpendicular to the Earths field direction. At what distance from the centre of the magnet on (i) its equatorial line and (ii) its axial line, is the resultant field inclined at 45o with the Earths field. Magnitude of the Earths field at the place is 0.42 104 T. Data : M = 5.25 102 A m2 = 45o Bh = 0.42 104 T d = ?
Solution : From Tangent Law B = Tan Bh B = Bh tan = 0.42 104 tan 45o B = 0.42 104 T (i) For the point on the equatorial line B =
4 o d3 = 4 4 d3 =
d = 5 102 m
(ii) For the point on the axial line B d3 d3 =
d d 10.4
A bar magnet of mass 90 g has magnetic moment 3 A m2. If the intensity of magnetisation of the magnet is 2.7 105 A m 1, find the density of the material of the magnet. Data : m = 90 103 kg; M = 3 A m2 I = 2.7 105 A m1; = ? Solution : Intensity of magnetisation, I = But, volume V =
I = =
M m
= 8100 kg m3
10.5 A magnetising field of 50 A m1 produces a magnetic field of induction 0.024 T in a bar of length 8 cm and area of cross section 1.5 cm2. Calculate (i) the magnetic permeability (ii) the magnetic susceptibility. Data : H = 50 A m1, B = 0.024 T = 2.4 102 T, 2l = 8 102 m, A = 1.5 x 104 m2 = ?; m = ? Solution : Permeability =
B 2.4 10 2 = = 4.8 10 4 H m 1 H 50
Susceptibility, m = r 1 =
4 10
1 o
4 m = 4.8 10 1 = 381.16 7
Self evaluation
(The questions and problems given in this self evaluation are only samples. In the same way any question and problem could be framed from the text matter. Students must be prepared to answer any question and problem from the text matter, not only from the self evaluation.)
Two magnetic poles kept separated by a distance d in vacuum experience a force of 10 N. The force they would experience when kept inside a medium of relative permeability 2, separated by the same distance is (a) 20 N (c) 5 N (b) 10 N (d) 40 N
The magnetic moment of a magnet is 5 A m2. If the pole strength is 25 A m, what is the length of the magnet? (a) 10 cm (c) 25 cm (b) 20 cm (d) 1.25 cm
A long magnetic needle of length 2l, magnetic moment M and pole strength m is broken into two at the middle. The magnetic moment and pole strength of each piece will be (a) M, m (c) M, (b) (d)
M m , 2 2
m 2
M , m 2
Two short magnets have equal pole strengths but one is twice as long as the other. The shorter magnet is placed 20 cm in tan A position from the compass needle. The longer magnet must be placed on the other side of the magnetometer for zero deflection at a distance (a) 20 cm (c) 20 (2)2/3 cm (b) 20 (2)1/3 cm (d) 20 (2) cm
The direction of a magnet in tan B position of a deflection magnetometer is (a) North South (c) North West (b) East West (d) South West
The relative permeability of a specimen is 10001 and magnetising field strength is 2500 A m-1. The intensity of magnetisation is (a) 0.5 107 A m1 (c) 2.5 1.0+7 A m1 (b) 2.5 107 A m1 (d) 2.5 101 A m1
For which of the following substances, the magnetic susceptibility is independent of temperature? (a) diamagnetic (b) paramagnetic (c) ferromagnetic (d) diamagnetic and paramagnetic
At curie point, a ferromagnetic material becomes (a) nonmagnetic (c) paramagnetic (b) diamagnetic (d) strongly ferromagnetic
Electromagnets are made of soft iron because soft iron has (a) low susceptibility and low retentivity (b) high susceptibility and low retentivity (c) high susceptibility and high retentivity (d) low permeability and high retentivity
State Coulombs inverse square law. Obtain the expressions for the magnetic induction at a point on the (i) axial line and (ii) equatorial line of a bar magnet. Find the torque experienced by a magnetic needle in a uniform magnetic field. State and prove tangent law.
What is tan A position? How will you set up the deflection magnetometer in tan A position? Explain the theory of tan A position. Explain how will you compare the magnetic moments of two bar magnets in this position. What is tan B position? How will you set up the deflection magnetometer in tan B position? Explain the theory of tan B position. Explain how will you compare the magnetic moments of two bar magnets in this position. Define the terms (i) magnetic permeability (ii) intensity of magnetisation and (iii) magnetic susceptibility. Distinguish between dia, para and ferro magnetic substances. Give one example for each. Explain the hysteresis cycle.
Problems 10.21 The force acting on each pole of a magnet placed in a uniform magnetic induction of 5 104 T is 6 103 N. If the length of the magnet is 8 cm, calculate the magnetic moment of the magnet. Two magnetic poles, one of which is twice stronger than the other, repel one another with a force of 2 105 N, when kept seperated at a distance of 20 cm in air. Calculate the strength of each pole. Two like poles of unequal pole strength are placed 1 m apart. If a pole of strength 4 A m is in equilibrium at a distance 0.2 m from one of the poles, calculate the ratio of the pole strengths of the two poles. A magnet of pole strength 24.6 102 A m and length 10 cm is placed at 30o with a magnetic field of 0.01 T. Find the torque acting on the magnet. The magnetic moment of a bar magnet of length 10 cm is 9.8 101 A m2. Calculate the magnetic field at a point on its axis at a distance of 20 cm from its midpoint. 203
Two mutually perpendicular lines are drawn on a table. Two small magnets of magnetic moments 0.108 and 0.192 A m2 respectively are placed on these lines. If the distance of the point of intersection of these lines is 30 cm and 40 cm respectively from these magnets, find the resultant magnetic field at the point of intersection. The intensity of magnetisation of an iron bar of mass 72 g, density 7200 kg m3 is 0.72 A m1. Calculate the magnetic moment. A magnet of volume 25 cm 3 has a magnetic moment of 12.5 104 A m2. Calculate the intensity of magnetisation. A magnetic intensity of 2 103 A/m produces a magnetic induction of 4 Wb/m2 in a bar of iron. Calculate the relative permeability and susceptibility.
10.1 10.4 10.7 10.21 10.23 10.25 10.27 10.29 (a) (b) (a) 0.96 A m2 1 :16 2.787 105 T 7.2 106 A m2 5000, 4999 10.2 10.5 10.8 (b) (b) (c) 10.22 10.24 10.26 10.28 10.3 10.6 10.9 (d) (c) (b)