x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x x x
TIP: Play previous and next to understand the similarity of field lines.
Bar Magnet:
Geographic Length
1. The line joining the poles of the magnet S P M P
is called magnetic axis. N
Magnetic Length
2. The distance between the poles of the
magnet is called magnetic length of the
3. The distance between the ends of the magnet is called the geometrical
length of the magnet.
F α m1 m2 m1 m2
α r2
k m1 m2 μ0 m1 m2
F= or F=
r2 4π r2
In vector form μ0 m1 m2 r
4π r2
μ0 m1 m2 r
4π r3
Magnetic Intensity or Magnetising force (H):
i) Magnetic Intensity at a point is the force experienced by a north pole of
unit pole strength placed at that point due to pole strength of the given
magnet. H = B / μ
ii) It is also defined as the magnetomotive force per unit length.
iii) It can also be defined as the degree or extent to which a magnetic field can
magnetise a substance.
iv) It can also be defined as the force experienced by a unit positive charge
flowing with unit velocity in a direction normal to the magnetic field.
v) Its SI unit is ampere-turns per linear metre.
vi) Its cgs unit is oersted.
μ0 2 M x BN
BP =
4π (x2 – l2)2
If l << x, then θ
μ0 2 M BS
BP ≈ y
4π x3 BP = BN - BS
θ θ BS
ii) At a point on the equatorial line of P
the magnet: S M N
l l
μ0 M x
4π (y2 + l2)3/2
Magnetic Field at a point on the axial line acts
If l << y, then along the dipole moment vector.
μ0 M Magnetic Field at a point on the equatorial line
BP ≈ acts opposite to the dipole moment vector.
4π y3
Torque on a Magnetic Dipole (Bar Magnet) in Uniform Magnetic Field:
The forces of magnitude mB act
opposite to each other and hence
net force acting on the bar magnet 2l mB
due to external uniform magnetic M
field is zero. So, there is no θ
translational motion of the magnet. mB
t = MxB
Direction of Torque is perpendicular and into the plane containing M and B.
Work done on a Magnetic Dipole (Bar Magnet) in Uniform Magnetic Field:
dW = tdθ
dθ mB
= M B sin θ dθ θ1 θ2
W = ∫ M B sin θ dθ mB B
If Potential Energy is arbitrarily taken zero when the dipole is at 90°, then
P.E in rotating the dipole and inclining it at an angle θ is
Potential Energy = - M B cos θ
Potential Energy can be taken zero arbitrarily at any position of the dipole.
Terrestrial Magnetism:
i) Geographic Axis is a straight line passing through the geographical poles
of the earth. It is the axis of rotation of the earth. It is also known as
polar axis.
ii) Geographic Meridian at any place is a vertical plane passing through the
geographic north and south poles of the earth.
iii) Geographic Equator is a great circle on the surface of the earth, in a
plane perpendicular to the geographic axis. All the points on the
geographic equator are at equal distances from the geographic poles.
iv) Magnetic Axis is a straight line passing through the magnetic poles of
the earth. It is inclined to Geographic Axis nearly at an angle of 17°.
v) Magnetic Meridian at any place is a vertical plane passing through the
magnetic north and south poles of the earth.
vi) Magnetic Equator is a great circle on the surface of the earth, in a plane
perpendicular to the magnetic axis. All the points on the magnetic
equator are at equal distances from the magnetic poles.
Declination (θ): Geographic
The angle between the magnetic meridian and the Meridian
geographic meridian at a place is Declination at that θ
place. δ
It varies from place to place.
Lines shown on the map through the places that
have the same declination are called isogonic line.
Line drawn through places that have zero declination Magnetic Meridian
is called an agonic line.
The total intensity of the earth’s magnetic field does not lie in any horizontal
plane. Instead, it lies along the direction at an angle of dip (δ) to the horizontal.
The component of the earth’s magnetic field along the horizontal at an angle δ
is called Horizontal Component of Earth’s Magnetic Field.
BH = B cos δ
Similarly Vertical Component is BV = B sin δ
such that B = √ BH2 + BV2
Tangent Law: B2 B
If a magnetic needle is suspended in a region
where two uniform magnetic fields are
perpendicular to each other, the needle will align N
itself along the direction of the resultant field of
the two fields at an angle θ such that the tangent B1
of the angle is the ratio of the two fields.
tan θ = B2 / B1
Comparison of Dia, Para and Ferro Magnetic materials:
2. When placed in magnetic The lines of force prefer to The lines of force tend to
field, the lines of force tend pass through the substance crowd into the specimen.
to avoid the substance. rather than air.
2. When placed in non- When placed in non-uniform When placed in non-uniform
uniform magnetic field, it magnetic field, it moves from magnetic field, it moves from
moves from stronger to weaker to stronger field weaker to stronger field
weaker field (feeble (feeble attraction). (strong attraction).
4. If diamagnetic liquid If paramagnetic liquid taken If ferromagnetic liquid taken
taken in a watch glass is in a watch glass is placed in in a watch glass is placed in
placed in uniform magnetic uniform magnetic field, it uniform magnetic field, it
field, it collects away from collects at the centre when collects at the centre when
the centre when the the magnetic poles are the magnetic poles are
magnetic poles are closer closer and collects away closer and collects away
and collects at the centre from the centre when the from the centre when the
when the magnetic poles magnetic poles are farther. magnetic poles are farther.
are farther.
5. When a diamagnetic When a paramagnetic When a ferromagnetic
substance is placed in a substance is placed in a substance is placed in a
magnetic field, it is weakly magnetic field, it is weakly magnetic field, it is strongly
magnetised in the direction magnetised in the direction magnetised in the direction
opposite to the inducing of the inducing field. of the inducing field.
6. Induced Dipole Moment Induced Dipole Moment (M) Induced Dipole Moment (M)
(M) is a small – ve value. is a small + ve value. is a large + ve value.
10. They do not obey Curie’s They obey Curie’s Law. They They obey Curie’s Law. At a
Law. i.e. their properties do lose their magnetic certain temperature called
not change with properties with rise in Curie Point, they lose
temperature. temperature. ferromagnetic properties
and behave like
paramagnetic substances.
Curie’s Law:
Magnetic susceptibility of a material varies inversely with the
absolute temperature.
I α H / T or I / H α 1 / T I
cm α 1 / T
cm = C / T (where C is Curie constant)
Curie temperature for iron is 1000 K, for cobalt 1400 K and for
nickel 600 K.
Hysteresis Loop or Magnetisation Curve:
Intensity of Magnetisation (I) increases with increase in I A
Magnetising Force (H) initially through OA and reaches B
saturation at A.
When H is decreased, I decreases but it does not come to
zero at H = 0.
The residual magnetism (I) set up in the material C O F H
represented by OB is called Retentivity.
To bring I to zero (to demagnetise completely), opposite E
(negative) magnetising force is applied. This magetising
force represented by OC is called coercivity. D