Syllabus CHEM-182 Ocean
Syllabus CHEM-182 Ocean
Syllabus CHEM-182 Ocean
Course Syllabus
OCEAN COUNTY COLLEGE School of Math, Science, & Technology CHEM-182, General Chemistry II Syllabus Christine S. Snyder, Ph.D. 609-713-6984
Course Title and number: General Chemistry II, Chem - 182 Catalog Description: This course, intended for science majors, is the second course of a two - courses sequence. Course topics include equilibrium reactions, kinetics, principles of reactivity, redox reactions and nuclear chemistry. Other Meeting Times: To arrange a meeting with your instructor in addition to the regularly scheduled office hours, please contact your instructor directly on his/her personal phone number or email. Required Text and other Materials: Lecture: Chemistry & chemical reactivity, the 8th edition by Kotz, TreIchel, Townsend, Publisher Thomson, Brooks/Cools 2012, Belmont, CA 94002-3098. ISBN-13: 978-0-8400-4828-8
The Textbook MUST be purchased from the Ocean County College Bookstore either in person, online at, or by calling 732-255-0333.
Chemistry OWL Access Card (OWL) is mandatory for online students. Please go to OWL URL at
Laboratory: Chemistry kit CK-2 must be purchased new through For financial aid Students, Chemistry kit CK-2 MUST be purchased by the 1st day of the start of the class (September 6 th, 2011). For all other students, Chemistry Kit must be purchased through the bookstore or directly from before the first day of semester. The new labpaq code the kit for Chem-182 you need for purchasing is; LP-0137-CK-01 (CK-2). All students NOT on the lapaq list will be academically withdrawn from the course. No used kits or sharing will be permitted. If you have taken this course before, you MUST purchase a new kit and re-do ALL experiments. Lab reports must be accompanied by at least two pictures of the students performing the lab. Lab kits include a CD with the lab manual and a pair of goggles. Goggles must be worn all the time during the experiments performance. Lab kits will not be sent to a PO Box. All lab reports may be submitted in any of these formats: jpg, pdf, doc, doc x, exils, and RF files only. Course Learning Objectives: Laboratory Objectives: Laboratory work includes basic laboratory techniques and is intended to support lecture topics. Structures will become proficient in redox reactions, pH calculations of solutions with and without buffers, graphing data, rate laws, and thermodynamic values predicting spontaneity of reactions.
Lecture Objectives: 1. Discuss the properties of liquids and solids as related to gases through the interaction of intermolecular forces. 2. Describe the properties of solutions with intimate mixtures of gases, liquids, and solids. 3. Examine the rates of chemical processes and the factors controlling these rates. 4. Describe the kinetics of chemical reactions at equilibrium. 5. Describe chemical reactions at equilibrium related to reactions involving acids and bases in water. 6. Examine the chemical reactions at equilibrium related to reactions leading to insoluble salts. 7. Describe the role of thermodynamics related to control of chemical reactions. 8. Define, identify, and balance all reduction-oxidation reactions pertaining to the electrochemical cells. 9. Classify and discuss the transition elements and their compound. 10. Designate the changes in the nucleus of an atom as related to nuclear reactions. Course Standard: This online course is not self-paced. All due dates and time are clearly located on the Course Schedule, Virtual Office, and the Chapters Units assignments. Laboratory: a. Lab work that is not handed in the correct format (jpg, pdf, doc, docx, xls, or rtf) will not be accepted. Each lab report MUST contain at least two pictures of the students performing the corresponding experiment to be accepted. b. Labs will not be accepted unless appropriate electronic signature is offered by student using the Microscale Safety Agreement in the Kits CD. Students must initial and sign the agreement, then submit the agreement successfully under the Introduction unit. c. Lab reports are MANDATORY part of this course. Any student receive
zero on any lab report will automatically fail this course. A minimum of 70% average must be maintained on lab reports to successfully pass this course. Resubmissions of lab reports will not be accepted. Please read the section on plagiarism in the OCC student handbook. Students may not hand in the EXACT copies of labs in a given semester or from past semesters. Lab reports are saved on computer files. A zero grade will be given to ALL parties that hand in identical lab reports. After that, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will be notified for proper disciplinary action. Exams and Quizzes: Exams and quizzes are available under each chapters Unit and they are accessible to students for a period of time indicated under the Course Schedule. The students are responsible for knowing the due dates, Eastern Standard Times and duration of exams. Once assessments (quizzes or exams) closed, they will not reopen. Assessments are timed. Once you have exceeded the time, you will be locked out and no further answer will be accepted. Students may not collaborate on exams nor use the internet for assistance. All exams scours will be shown AFTER the exam period has ended. Group Discussion Forum: Group Discussion is a useful tool to enrich learning and collaboration of students. The discussion forum questions selected either from the end of chapters questions or a case study. Each Discussion titled according to the chapter covered that week. Please refer to the Course Schedule for further details. Attendance Policy: Since this is an online course, students activity will be monitored online. If a student is not actively participating online, he/she will be notified first by e-mail. If a consistent failure to participate, hand in assignments, and take assessments is noted, student may be academically withdrawn from this course. Course Outlines: Unit One: Introduction Chapter 12 Intermolecular Forces Liquids
Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Exam I Unit Two: Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Exam II Unit Three: Chapter17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Exam III Unit Four: Chapter 20 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Exam IV
Chemistry of Acids and Bases Principles of Reactivity Aqueous Equilibria Principles of Reactivity Entropy and Free Energy
Principles of Reactivity Electron Transfer Reactions Chemistry of Transition Elements Nuclear Chemistry
Grading Scale: METHOD OF EVALUATION Total grades average is based on the following course required assignments: Assignment Individual assignment % Numbers of Total present% assignments
ONLINE exams via the Chapters units. Online Quiz (110) via the Chapters units. Ten Online Discussion Forum, questions, and ATTENDENCE Lab Reports (111) posted to the dropbox. Total E
10 2 2
4 10 10
40 20 20
20 100
xExample of a Discussion Rubric: CATEGORY 2 1 0.5 0 Topic Response Responding to theResponding to theResponding to theNot responding to instructor's topic instructor's topic instructor's topic the instructor's by Wednesday. by Friday. by Sunday. topic. Peer Response Responding to 3 Responding to 3 Responding to 3 Responding to peer postings by peer postings by peer postings by NO peer postings. Friday. Saturday - OR - Sunday - OR ONLY responding ONLY responding to 2 peers. to 1 peer. Final Response Responding to all peers who have posted a response to you. Responding to 3/4Responding to 1/2Responding to of the peers who of the peers who NONE of the have posted a have posted a peers who have response to you. response to you. posted a response to you.
Quality Threads Student Student Student Student does not comments that comments that comments that do participate at all in add significantly add moderately to not add to the the threaded to the discussion the discussion by discussion. discussion by suggesting suggesting other Student does not other solutions, solutions, pointing substantiate any pointing out out problems, or comments made problems, or even even respectfully with reasoning or respectfully disagreeing. even source disagreeing. Student does not citation. Posting is Student also substantiate any simple: "I agree"
substantiates any comments made with reasoning or even source citation. Extra Credits Details:
Assessment Type Week % Final Optional Professors Survey 1 4 1 Optional Professors Survey 2 7 1 Optional Professors Survey 3 11 1 Final Course Assessment 15 2 Survey Total 5
Chemistry Department Grading and Testing Policy GRADING SCALE: 90 100% 86 89% 80 85% 76 79% 70 75% 60 69% 59 & Below A B+ B C+ C D F
Total points = All points for required activities + All points for extra-credit activities, if the criteria met by the student.
To drop the course with W Withdrawal, you must fill the drop/add form. Students may receive a "W" by 60% of the course beginning. The form has to be signed by the course instructor. Bring a signed drop/add form to the office of registration. There will be no exception so please obtain the instructor
signature before then. Grade Breakdown: Lecture Exams 40% - Four lecture exams include materials that correspond with units: Unit-1(Exam 1), Unit-2 (Exam 2), Unite-3 (Exam 3), and Unit - 4 (Exam 4). Each exam weighs 10% the average of 40% of the final grades. Lab Reports - 20% - 10 laboratory reports will be assigned, each weighs 2%. All work MUST be submitted by the due date and time indicated in the Course Schedule. No work will be accepted after this time. Lab reports will NOT be accepted without a properly signed (legible otherwise need a seal from Public Notary), initialed along each paragraph and dated Safety Agreement. This Michroscale Safety Agreement is located in your CD lab manual and under getting started. The students must submit the lab report before the due date, in the correct format (ipg, pdf, doc, docx, xls or rtf only), and with TWO pictures of the student (show me a face) preforming the laboratory experiment. If any part of this requirement is missing, Points off the total grade will be assigned without exception. If a student receives three zeroes on any lab report, this is an automatic failure of the course. Laboratory participation is mandatory and all students MUST maintain a 70% average on lab assignments. Quizzes 20% - Students may retake the quiz. Each quiz weighs 2% of your total grades. These quizzes are timed. Once the quiz closed it will not reopen. The grade given will be used toward your final grade. The following is very conflicting I found In the portal under Unit 1 Introduction it says
Take the course content quiz (you have the options of retaking this quiz until you pass it, and the passing grade is 80%). 4. The weekly activities are as follow; a. Practice tests ; These are practical problems prepared for students to reinforce thier problem solving skill. The practice tests are 0% of your total grade, although they are going to be graded and given final scores in the grad book. b. Quizzes: Are assigned for each chapter and they weigh 20% of your total 100%. c. Discussion Forums: These are assigned from the back of your chapters in the Practice Skills Questions. Discussion Forum weigh 20% of your total
100%. d. Lab Reports: Weigh 20% of your total 100%, and they should be attached to their dropbox under the Dropbox icon at the top of the main course screen. e. Exams; four exams are assigned during the course, each weigh 10% of your total grade. f. Last but not least, always remember to use the netiquette in your online communication with your course instructor and with your classmates. Refer to the netiquette in the week 1 navigation. g. Course Weekly activities Schedule: 1. Discussion Forums are open from Sundays till Wednesdays 2. Labs are due Sunday's 3. Quizzes are open Thursday until saturdays 4. Exams are four and they are due in the following weeks; 4, 7, 11, and 15. Normally, Exams are open for the entire week. Check the actual date and time for each exam.
Discussion Forum 20% - includes ten Discussion Form, each discussion forum is covering chapter related problems or case study. You can find the discussion forum under each Week Unit. Each discussion forum weighs 2% of your final grade. Discussions are timed; once the discussion closed it will not reopen. I am grading on correctly answering those problems assigned from the 8th edition text and your ability to collaborate with your online peers. Statement of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of another writer's words or ideas without disclosure of the source. All essays and papers submitted by students for credit in courses at Ocean County College must make honest and full disclosure of any sources used, professional or non-professional co-writers. Failure to make full disclosure of sources will subject students to penalties prescribed by plagiarism policy #5180. See the current students handbookplanner, Time Well Spent, for the complete text of this policy.
Statement about Civility: Please refer to the netiquette policy under getting started in the home page for civil online and acceptable behavior. Smartthinking services: For 24/7 online-campus tutoring, use the smartthinking tool under Course Home. Smarthinking is a free online tutoring offered to all DL students without exception. You can have the step by step life session guidelines about the service accessibility, availability, and how you can benefit from this multi choices service. For more information on college services you can go to the AZ index on the college website (for example under "T" for Tutoring or under "S" for study Strategy Sessions). Statement of Accommodation: If there is any student in this class who has special needs because of learning disabilities or other links of disabilities, please feel free to come and discuss this matter with me or a staff member in the Center for Academic Excellence. If you have a 504 form, this MUST be presented to me at least 1 week prior to the exam in order for me to accommodate you according to the form. Disclaimer: Individual faculty members may make reasonable changes to this course outline exclusive of course requirements, course calendar, and grading procedures. All individuals should not assume that anything received, sent, or stored in this course or in any course is private. Students' written work, assignments, and test results may be used anonymously for college assessment purposes. Course content, support materials, and communications (including chats, discussions, emails, and any other forms of communication) may be used for quality assurance purposes by authorized college administrators. IMPORTANT NOTES Ocean Cruiser is the official email communication for students at OCC ( Failure to pay for this course may result in your being dropped for nonpayment