c2 Safety Plan

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National Power Corporation

CHAPTER NO. 2 Page 1 of 66


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TITLE: SAFETY PLAN 2.1 SAFETY PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS This Manual prescribes the requirements that must be complied with by the various NPC organizations in the development of procedures, instructions and/or guidelines that will govern and control the safety activities. 2.1.1 Procedures and Instructions Procedures/instructions shall be prepared, reviewed and revised by the concerned personnel and concurred and approved by officials of the concerned organizations. Each procedure and instruction may be revised as the need arises to upgrade the existing Safety Program. Ideally, these procedures should be reviewed at least once a year. 2.1.2 Implementation Procedures/Instructions shall take effect 10 days after approval by the proper authority. Strict compliance thereto shall be maintained to attain the objectives of the safety program. Effective implementation of the approved procedures/instructions shall be verified by QASD/ESD-TMS through audit activities. 2.1.3 Control and Distribution of Safety Procedures/Instructions Original copies of all procedures/instructions shall be maintained by the originating group for safekeeping and audit purposes. Duplicate copies shall be furnished the QASD/ESD-TMS. Organizations which initiated the preparation of procedures/instructions shall be responsible for the distribution and control of these documents. Copies of all new and revised procedures/instructions for implementation shall be distributed and acknowledged by the controlled copyholders.



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SAFETY TRAINING AND ORIENTATION A continuing safety training and orientation program to promote safety awareness and to inculcate safe working habits and practices among the employees shall be implemented corporate-wide. The program shall consist of the following aspects of safety: a. b. c. Safety orientation and initial training for new employees; Performance improvement for existing personnel; and Methods/techniques in updating and sustaining the performance improvement programs.

The Training and Development Department (TDD-HR), which is responsible for the training needs of the Corporation, shall develop the objectives, course outline and contents, and determine other logistical requirements for conducting different safety training programs in coordination and consultation with the functional groups and/or Safety Officers. The training needs must be reviewed at least once a year. 2.2.1 Safety Orientation and Initial Training for New Employees Safety orientation shall be given to all newly-hired employees regardless of previous work experience. This familiarization training shall include, but not limited to, the following subjects: a. b. c. d. e. Proper conduct and attitude towards safety; Emergency procedures; Accident reporting; Personal protective equipment; and Health and sanitation.

The new employee shall be indoctrinated further by his/her immediate supervisor on safety practices as they relate to his/her job. These include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. Existing occupational hazards; Machine guarding, safety signs and other equipment safeguards; Application of different PPE; Emergency preparedness; Safety tagging and equipment clearance; Good housekeeping; and Land transport safety.



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Performance Improvement Training for Employees General Employee Training on Safety Practices As part of the Corporations objective to maintain safety awareness, employees shall be given additional onthe job safety training through periodic attendance in safety meetings that shall be determined and scheduled by the immediate supervisor or the Safety and Health Committee Chairman. The meeting shall include discussions on safety matters as they relate to the day today activities. Topics for discussion shall include, but not limited to the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Review of accidents caused by similar types of equipment or operation; Introduction to new types of equipment, their operating characteristics and safety features; New safety equipment/products and their uses; Precautionary measures to be observed on crucial and critical jobs; Any unsafe practices and unsafe equipment conditions. Dissemination of important safety information brought to the supervisors attention; Orientation of the different PPE, their specific applications and proper maintenance; and Review of firstaid, emergency equipment and procedures.

Training for Managers/Supervisors The immediate job of accident prevention and control of workrelated hazards fall upon the supervisor. An in house basic safety course for supervisors shall be developed and implemented by TDD in coordination with the functional group and shall be focused on the acceptance and understanding of respective functions. The objectives of the training shall be the following: a. b. c. To establish the manager/supervisor as the key person in preventing accidents; To enable the manager/supervisor to understand the nature of his safety duties; To provide manager/supervisors with information on the causes of accidents and occupational health hazards, and the methods of their prevention;



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e. f.

To develop his problemsolving ability based on his own and others experiences, as they apply to accident prevention; To help the manager/supervisor gain skill in safety activities; and To help the manager/supervisor implement safety practices in his area of responsibilities.

Training for Safety Officers Safety Officers shall possess the expertise in all aspects of loss control management to effectively discharge their safety functions. This is acquired through completion of special accreditation courses for safety practitioners conducted by NPC and other external agencies.

Training for Specialized Operations In cases where operations have a relatively high degree of hazard, a more specialized training program shall be provided in order to enable the workers to identify prevailing occupational hazards and institute safety precautions. Training shall be the primary responsibility of the manager or supervisor concerned. Such specialized operations shall include, but not limited to the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. High voltage/Hot line maintenance activities Hot and Cold works operations. Storage, handling and disposal of chemical compounds and toxic/hazardous materials. Extreme temperature/pressure operations in thermal or geothermal plants; Handling and safeguarding radioactive materials; Driving corporateowned and rented/hired vehicles. (For further discussion, refer to Chapter 8); Emergency preparedness Confined space work Underwater special operations like scuba diving Heavy equipment operation Pollution control and oil spill combating activities.

Training for CRTs The TDD, in coordination with QASD/ESD-TMS, shall be responsible for the development of the training program for the emergency response personnel to ensure that these personnel are capable of performing their



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respective emergency functions. conducted annually.

Retraining shall be

The training program shall include table drills and practical drills in which each individual shall participate and demonstrate the ability to perform his assigned emergency functions. During the practical drills/scenario, on-the-spot assessment/correction of erroneous performance shall be made and a demonstration of the proper performance shall be given to the individual. Dam Safety Training Plant personnel must be trained in problem detection, evaluation, and appropriate remedial (emergency and non-emergency) measures. The Plant Manager/ Safety Officer must ensure that a sufficient number of personnel are trained to assure adequate coverage at all times. All new employees and contractor personnel shall have an orientation/training shortly after starting duty and refresher trainings as determined by the Plant Manager/Safety Officer. All formal trainings shall be documented. The training program shall address the following items: a) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dam Safety Discussion of basic typical design considerations for various types of construction. Procedures for monitoring potential problem areas. Dam safety features in design and construction. Normal operation, surveillance, monitoring, and reporting procedures. Emergency operations, surveillance, monitoring, and reporting procedures. Project specific features and history of problems and potential problems. Exercises


Upon completion of the initial safety training at a new project, EAP exercises shall be programmed and conducted based on the most probable emergency situations that might occur on each major dam feature. Operations and Maintenance personnel shall be retrained every 4 years.



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Refresher Courses Refresher courses shall be conducted, if any or a combination of the following conditions occurs: a. b. c. When an individual or a group begins to exhibit a fairly steady record of poor safety performance; When injuries resulting from a specific operations are frequent; and When product design changes, different materials, or new machines necessitate changes in work methods.


Training Schedule Annually, each installation/plant/project head, in coordination with the Safety Officers, shall prepare a training inventory on critical and specialized work activities and the personnel to be trained and submit to TDD the proposed safety training schedule/program.


Training Records All training sessions shall be appropriately documented to include date of attendance, course objectives/contents, lists of attendees and resource speakers, results/feedbacks on the conduct of the seminar, as well as test results. Certificate of Attendance/Completion shall form part of the personnel 201 file.


SAFETY PROMOTION Motivational tools that shall be used to promote safety shall include, but not limited to the following: meetings, publications, contests, posters, displays and exhibits, and suggestion systems. The safety promotion shall complement the public information program of the Corporate Communication Division. The VicePresidents shall provide the budgetary outlay for the implementation of the safety promotion campaign in their respective functional groups. 2.3.1 Meetings Periodic meetings shall be conducted by the plant/installation/project safety officers, supervisors and employees, in the manner described as follows:



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General Meeting A general meeting shall be held for special purposes as follows: a. b. c. d. e. Announcement of new Corporate Safety Programs and Policies. Launching of safety contests/competitions and other promotional campaigns. Presentation of safety awards/recognition. Introduction of new safety equipment/ techniques. Announcement of an exceptionally good plant safety performance record.

Supervisors Meeting A supervisor meeting shall be conducted periodically to discuss the following safetyrelated matters: a. b. c. d. e. Report of injuries that occurred since the last meeting Results of safety inspections Latest standing on safety contests Discussion of safety practices that need improvement Safety accident prevention subject. An outside resource person may be invited to handle the presentation.

Tool Box Meeting A toolbox meeting shall be conducted by the concerned foreman/supervisor prior to the performance of critical or hazardous work. The topics shall include, but not limited to the following: a. b. c. d. e. Job to be done Required equipment/tools and materials Personal protective equipment/safety paraphernalia needed Assignment of each worker/team Review of work plan, workforce and procedures to be followed

Corporate Safety Meeting An annual corporate safety meeting shall be convened by QASD/TMS to be attended by representatives from the different functional group Safety Officers. This meeting shall include a system for followup, responsibility for



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remedial action, verification of action completed, identification of records needed, time frames for completion and method of reporting progress in subsequent meetings. 2.3.2 Publications Publications on safety shall be in the form of reports, newsletters, handbooks/booklets and leaflets on specific subjects. Safety Rules and Regulations Handbook/Booklets The QASD-TMS, with the assistance of the Safety Officers and in consultation with all concerned NPC offices shall develop/revise the Corporate Safety Code. The booklet shall be approved for implementation by the NPC President and shall be disseminated to all employees. This Corporate Safety Code shall serve as a guide for all NPC employees and shall be used in conjunction with this Corporate Safety and Contingency Plan Manual. Safety Articles The Corporate Communication Division (CorCom), in coordination with the QASD-TMS and the Safety Officers, shall publish in the corporate newsletter safety related topics such as safety contests, causes and prevention of accidents or various hazards, safety rules and regulations, reminders to employees regarding safe work practices, and the safety program. The Safety Officers of the plants/installations/projects shall be the main contributors to the newsletter. Leaflets To ensure compliance with the NPC Safety Code and stimulate safety consciousness/practice within a particular region/area, booklets/leaflets covering specific topics shall be developed and regularly circulated to all concerned employees. Posters and Bulletin Boards a. Posters/Banners Posters shall be strategically placed in each plant/project/installation/office to remind employees of common human traits, to impress people with the



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good sense of working safely, to suggest behavior patterns that help prevent accidents, to inspire a friendly interest in the corporate efforts to foster the attitude that accidents are mistakes and that safety is a mark of skill, and to remind employees of specific hazards. b. Bulletin Boards Safety bulletin boards shall be strategically located in each plant/project/installation/office. Bulletin boards shall be centered at eye level (about 63 inches from the floor), located in a well-lighted place attractively painted, and glass covered. Any program of mutual interest to company and employees may be posted on the bulletin board. c. Display and Exhibits Personal protective devices, tools and firefighting equipment can be displayed on bulletin boards depending on their size. The Safety & Health Committee shall determine the appropriate type, theme and style of presenting displays and exhibits to reflect its safety achievement, attitudes, objective or slogan. d. Suggestion Box System Good suggestions on accident prevention shall be solicited from all employees. Written suggestions may be submitted through appropriately located suggestion boxes. All suggestions shall be acknowledged and resolved promptly to increase the interest of the employees and to establish a spirit of recognition and consultation. 2.3.3 Contests NPC shall launch a corporate safety contest in accordance with NPC Circular No. 2005-39 (03 November 2005), Revised Guidelines Governing NPC Corporate Safety, Environment and Enercon (SEE) Awards.



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2.3.4 Drills The Chairman of the CRTs and Team Leaders are responsible for developing and implementing an emergency preparedness/awareness program consisting of the following 1) 2) 3) Periodic Exercises and Drills Regular review of emergency planning documents and Periodic inspection and maintenance of facilities, equipments and supplies. Safety Drills Periodic exercises and drills shall be conducted in compliance with the Occupational Safety & Health Standards and Fire Code of the Philippines to test the integrated capability and to verify the emergency awareness/preparedness of all participating organizations and agencies. Each drill or exercise shall be conducted to ensure that participants are familiar and aware with their duties and responsibilities, verify the adequacy of methods used in the emergency procedures, test communication system, check the availability of emergency supplies and equipment, verify the operability of emergency equipment, and develop and maintain key skills in emergency operations. A full-scale exercise, simulating events or scenarios resulting from all classes of an emergency to the extent requiring response by offsite authorities, shall be conducted at least annually. Exercises will be conducted under a variety of weather conditions. Some exercises will be unannounced. The following drills shall be conducted at the incidences indicated below. 1. Fire and Earthquake Drills Each drill shall be conducted at least once a year in accordance with approved procedures. 2. Communication Drills Communication with local emergency response organizations shall be tested quarterly. The drills shall be designed to test the understanding of codes, messages and exchange of information. 3. Medical Emergency Drills A medical emergency drill involving the participation of offsite medical treatment facility and local support



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agencies shall be conducted once a year. The offsite portion of the medical drill shall be performed as part of the required yearly exercise. 4. Oil Spill Drills An oil spill drill/exercise shall be conducted annually addressing different scenario to maintain the emergency preparedness of the organization. Such drills shall be in accordance with approved procedures. 5. Dam Emergency Drills A Dam Emergency Drill shall be conducted annually to test, develop or maintain skills in emergency preparedness of the organization. Such drills are considered part of the ongoing training and shall be in accordance with approved procedures. 6. Scenarios and Assessment/Evaluation The scenario to be used in the drill/exercise will be different every year to guarantee that all major elements of the plan are tested. It will include, as a minimum, the following elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The basic objective(s) of each drill/exercise and appropriate assessment/evaluation criteria; The date(s), time, period, place(s) and participating organization and agencies; The simulated events; A time schedule of real and simulated initiating events; A narrative summary describing the conduct of the exercise or drill to include such things as simulated casualties, offsite fire department assistance, rescue of personnel/victims and use of protective equipment; and A description of the arrangements and advance materials to be provided/used by the official observers who are assigned to observe, evaluate/assess and critique the required exercises. A critique will be scheduled at the conclusion of each exercise to evaluate CRTs ability to respond as required in the procedures. From this critique, a formal assessment/evaluation will be prepared which




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NPCMC will use to improve its emergency planning effort. In every drill/exercise conducted, management will consolidate and evaluate the comments/critics made by all assigned/authorized observers. The Chairman of the NPCMC shall approve the appropriate corrective actions and direct the concerned organization for its proper implementation. 2.4 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND PLANT OPERATION/ MAINTENANCE SAFETY A comprehensive safety program shall be implemented during project implementation and operation, maintenance and/or repair work on power generating plants and allied installations to address the general safety of NPC personnel as well as that of contractual workers and the general public. To ensure reliability and safety of operation, each project/generating plant shall have appropriate procedures for the protection of personnel and equipment against safety hazards, injuries and accidents. 2.4.1 Protection and Proper Use of Equipment Machine guards and/or precautionary measures (i.e. tagging, signs, etc.) for the following equipment/areas shall be provided: Transformers, reactors and capacitor bank Switchgear, automatic controls Hoist, cranes, and elevators Control room instruments Governors Protective system and interlocks Valves Electrical and mechanical equipment Chain and sling Crane runways Fire protection and alarm systems Grinders Battery rooms Switchyard Control/computer rooms Fuel storage tanks Electrical and mechanical equipment



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The following precautions shall be implemented: a. b. c. d. e. f. Machine guards shall be removed by authorized personnel only. The condition of machine guards shall be checked before operating the machine. Missing and/or defective guards of equipment shall be reported immediately by the operator. Adjusting of guard, gauge or guide while the machine is in operation shall be prohibited. The area around the equipment must remain clean and free from unnecessary drippings. All greasing should be properly monitored and implemented.

Identification of Piping Systems Exposed piping systems shall be properly identified to indicate materials/fluids being conveyed through the use of stenciled or lettered legends and by color or color bands as provided by Rule 1230 of the OSHS.

Regular Maintenance Equipment/Components





Boilers, turbines, generators, transformers, heat exchangers are typical plant components that shall regularly be inspected and/or maintained for efficiency and safe operation of their protective systems based on manufacturers specification and recommendations. Inspection and maintenance of components are necessary to maintain the following conditions: retain its protective barriers satisfactory operation can isolate itself from the systems (when required) relieve excessive pressures divert flow reduce temperatures shutdown itself automatically (when necessary)

Simulations shall be conducted to assure that safety valves, protective relays and breakers activate when necessary, aside from regular maintenance and inspection activities, tests of protection systems through activation. Local and remote monitoring system for pressure, temperature, flow, voltage, current power, etc., shall be



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operable and accurate for constant monitoring of component and system conditions during operation. 2.4.2 Safety and Health Practices Electrical Works a. b. All electrical works shall be covered by safe work permits. Electrical tools and equipment shall be maintained in a safe, reliable condition and shall be periodically inspected or tested. Proper warning and instructional signs, shall be visibly posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Appropriate lock-out and tag-out procedures shall be implemented and observed. Hazardous electrical wastes shall be properly managed. Radio aerial antennas shall not be attached/installed to poles with energized lines Battery chargers shall be protected against flushing and spillage of battery solution. During maintenance or repair, only standard grounding clusters shall be used for grounding lines and attachments. Maintenance/repair work on capacitors and condensers shall be started only after the fuses or switches have been opened and capacitor cell leads are short-circuited. The short-circuiting jumper shall be applied with the use of hotline tools for high voltage capacitors. Always use field static kits (wrist, ground cord assembly and alligator clip) when working with electronics modules/cards. This prevents damage to the modules by electrostatic discharge. All lighting arrester equipment shall be treated as charged to full line potential, unless it is disconnected from the line and grounded. When testing meters and relays, all connections shall be secured properly. Before removing jumpers in meter/relay testing, all connections shall be restored to the normal conditions. No electric pole shall be over-stressed by adding or removing wires. Hotline tools shall be used when servicing energized lines and installing hotline jumpers.


d. e. f. g. h.




l. m.

n. o.



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p. q. r.


t. u. v. w. x.



During pole replacement, no pole shall be allowed to come in contact with live wires. When stringing wires, standing in-between loops of wire shall be prohibited. Lines that are being cut or re-arranged shall be prevented from sagging to eliminate falling or swinging against other lines. Only insulated tools shall be used in cutting or trimming trees for maintaining clearances from energized conductors. Insulation shall be inspected regularly for wear/damage. Only well-trained and authorized personnel shall do hotline work. Only extension lights with guards shall be used. Only tested rubber gloves, boots and mats shall be used when working in damp locations. During repair/maintenance, grounding of electrical lines and equipment shall be enforced to minimize danger from accidental energizing. Electrical repairs shall be performed only by qualified and authorized electricians with proper tools and personnel protective equipment. Live wires should be de-energized when working on it.

Tools and Equipment a. Operator Tools and equipment shall be operated only by duly authorized employees. Operators shall be held responsible for the proper maintenance and cleanliness of the equipment assigned to them and in reporting to proper authorities of any detected or unusual condition found therein. Nobody shall be allowed under a boom except riggers doing rigging work. Unauthorized persons shall be prohibited by operator to operate or hide in the equipment. Directional signals shall be received by operator only from designated persons. No operator shall be allowed to operate his equipment without proper authorization. Scheduled inspections/checks shall be conducted by the operator on all hoists, load, hook, ropes, brakes and limit switches.



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Hoists and Heavy Equipment Operating mobile heavy equipment without a valid permit/license shall be prohibited. All booms shall be lowered when not in use. No load beyond capacity of the hoisting equipment shall be lifted. No person shall be allowed to stay under a raised load. The use of open hooks on any load that pass over workers shall be prohibited. No mobile crane shall be operated on soft or sloping ground or close to the sides of trenches and excavations. The crane shall be positioned properly before it is put into operation. The use of additional counter-weight to increase the load capacity of a mobile crane shall be prohibited. No person shall be allowed to ride with/on a load that is being hoisted, swung or transported. When traveling along highways or streets, the mobile cranes bow shall be rested on its rack. When not in use, the overhead crane shall be parked with the load hook raised high enough to clear the heads of men working on the floor/ground. Only duly qualified and authorized rigger shall be allowed to direct and guide hoist and lifting operation. Operator under the influence of liquor and or sleep inducing drugs or any medication that will affect vision, judgment and reflexes shall not be allowed to operate hoist and lifting equipment. All hoist and lifting equipment shall be provided with basic emergency tools and equipment where applicable like ho, lights, outrigger matting, fire extinguisher etc. All hoist and lifting equipment shall be subjected to a pre-use inspection for safe operation. All hoist and lifting equipment shall be subjected to scheduled preventive maintenance. All operators shall immediately report any observed unsafe condition of the hoist and lifting equipment. All operators shall report immediately any incident/accident to the company and appropriate authorities.



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All hoist and lifting equipment shall be equipped with the prescribed and approved seat belts. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall conduct repairs to all hoist and lifting equipment. All hoist and lifting equipment shall be subjected to test load inspection as recommended by the manufacturer and as prescribed by DOLE. All critical lift works or jobs shall be covered by critical lift procedure.

Forklift Extreme care should be exercised by the operator when approaching areas where his view is obstructed, or where pedestrians or other vehicles may have difficulty in seeing the approaching forklift. Inspect all loads to be moved to determine proper load position, to maintain stability, and to avoid overloading. When moving loads, keep fork or load as close as possible to the ground or floor. The load should be kept below eye level. Where this is impracticable, operator should drive the forklift backward so that he can see where he is going. Do not drive with greasy hands. Slow down on wet, slippery, and rough surfaces. Never drive high-lift trucks with the platform elevated. Workmen should not be permitted to ride or work on the platform of high-lift trucks. Where possible, materials should be unloaded mechanically from a raised platform. Except the operator, nobody is allowed to ride on the forklift. The operator shall see to it that this rule is strictly followed. The operator concerned shall be responsible in replacing flat tire/s, which will be encountered during its use.


Tools The use of improper tools for a particular job shall be prohibited. Tools shall be inspected prior to use.



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Using hand tools on or very close to any moving part of a machine shall be prohibited. When a pneumatic tool is not in service, the power supply shall be turned-off. Pointed or sharp edges tools shall be provided with casings or covers. Leaving machine tools and other motorized equipment running unattended shall be prohibited. Feeling the edges of cutting tools shall be provided with equipment grounding before use. All portable electrically driven tools shall be provided with equipment grounding before use.

Fire Hazards, Prevention and Protection a. Fire Prevention Electrical equipment, machinery and processing equipment, housekeeping conditions and other sources of fire should be checked for fire hazards at regular intervals. Fire-fighting equipment should be checked regularly to be sure that they are ready for any emergency. Each designated employee must become proficient in the method of handling firefighting equipment installed at the area or station where he works. Gasoline, oil, gases, and other volatile liquids (with low flash point) should be handled with care. Open flames, lighted cigars, cigarettes or pipes should be kept away from them. Employees should eliminate or report to their immediate supervisor fire hazards, particularly in their work area which may cause the loss of life or destruction of company property. Housekeeping: Oil-soaked and paint-saturated rags, paper, waste and other combustible refuse should be deposited in non-combustible covered receptacles, having self-closing covers, and removed daily from the work areas for proper disposal. A procedure on safe collection and disposal of all combustible waste and rubbish should be part of the fire prevention program.



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Accumulation of all types of dust should be cleaned at regular intervals from overhead pipes, beams and machines, particularly from bearing and other heated surfaces. Roofs should be kept free of sawdust, shaving, and other combustible refuse. No such materials should be stored or allowed to accumulate in airshafts, tunnels, out-ofthe-way corners near electric motors or machinery, against steam pipes, or within ten (10) feet of any stove, furnace, or boiler. All passageways leading to portable fire extinguishers, fire hose cabinets and fire exits must be kept free from obstruction at all times. All kinds of fire extinguishers should be placed from strategic places of offices, plants and barges where they can be easily seen during incidents of fire. Specifications of fire extinguishers shall be consulted from the Over-all Safety and Security Officer before being purchased or refilled. Rubbish Disposal Combustible rubbish, weeds and grass should not be allowed to accumulate in plant and office yards, in or around pole yards, or near buildings, other combustible materials, or storage drums/tanks of flammable liquids. Wind and weather conditions should be considered before fires are lighted. Only a controllable amount of materials should be burned at one time and a fire hose or suitable fire-fighting equipment should be on hand. In no case should a fire be started on a windy day where there is any possibility of the fire getting out of control. Electrical Equipment Fires Only approved electrical equipment should be used where flammable gases or vapors may be present. Makeshift wiring should not be used unless absolutely necessary and merely for temporary use. In such cases, it must be adequately protected, properly barricaded



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and should be removed as soon as possible. In no instance should defective or undersized wires be used. Portable electrical tools and extension cords should be inspected at frequent intervals and repaired or replaced promptly when found detective. Users should also visually check the same before usage. Waterproof cords and sockets should be used in damp places, and explosion-proof fixtures and lamps should be used in the presence of highly-flammable gases and vapors. Portable lamp bulbs should be protected by heavy lamp guards or by adequately sealed transparent enclosures and kept away from sharp objects and from falling. Bare bulbs should never be used when exposed to flammable dusts or vapors. Lamp bulbs must be considered as potential hazards in areas where flammable dusts or vapors exist; they must be safeguarded accordingly. Employees should not tamper with and block circuit breakers, use wrong fuses, or bypass fuses. Personally owned electrical cooking/heating appliances such as percolators, stoves and the like should not be plugged into company electrical facilities unless duly authorized by the Cost Center Head concerned. Electrical installations and all electrical equipment should be periodically inspected and tested to assure continued satisfactory performance and to detect deficiencies. Smoking Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the plant, barges and offices except at the designated smoking area/s. No Smoking signs should be posted conspicuously. Where flammable and combustible liquids, vapors, chemicals, gases and the like are stored, employees should be prohibited from carrying matches, lighters and other spark-producing devices.



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Open Flames If gasoline, kerosene, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), acetylene or alcohol torches are used, ensure that the flames are at least eighteen (!8) inches away from wood surfaces. They should not be used near flammable containers, paper or similar materials nor in an area where there is presence of flammable vapors. When portable furnaces, blowtorches and the like are used, there should be an overhead clearance of at least four (4) feet. Combustible materials should be removed or protected by non-combustible insulating boards or sheet metal and preferably by a natural draft hood and flue of noncombustible material.


Handling, Storage, Labeling, Transporting of Flammable Liquids



Flammable liquids shall be properly stored, labeled, handled and disposed according to recommended controls as specified in the MSDS. Receiving Lines or Area for fuel and lube oil delivery must be free from dirt and sediments. Delivery should be supervised by a plant personnel to prevent any spill or contamination of the whole plant premises. Used oil stored in drums must be marked properly. Approved safety pumps and similar devices, shall be used when transferring liquids from one place to another. Motorized pumps shall be properly grounded. Appropriate safety containers shall be used in handling or transporting flammable liquids. Adequate fire control and fire fighting equipment shall always be available in areas where flammable liquids are present. Flammable liquids shall not be discharged into the sewers, drainage, canals or natural waterways. Empty flammable containers shall be disposed of in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.



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Except only as provided in the succeeding rule, the transporting of any flammable liquid aboard NPC vehicles is prohibited. Trucks/pick-ups which normally carry a small amount of gasoline for engine-driven equipment such as power saws, generators, mowers, etc., shall be permitted to do so, provided however, that only approved type of containers for flammable liquid are utilized and the following requirements are satisfied: Metal containers of heavy gauge with a maximum capacity of twenty (20) liters in A1 condition should be used. They should be checked for rust and weak spots which may easily fail due to excessive vibration and pressure build-up. Loading is limited to a maximum of two (2) twenty (20)-liter containers only. Caps should be tightly closed and provided with rubber seal to prevent vapor leakage. Containers should be properly cushioned and secured with the use of wooden racks, ropes, etc., to prevent metal-to-metal contact due to vibration while in transport. Well-ventilated trucks/pick-ups, preferably with open rear-ends, should be used. The vehicle should be equipped with at least one (1) unit 10-lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher.


Portable Fire Extinguishers Extinguishers should be maintained in a fully charged and operable condition and kept in their designated places at all times, except when being used, tested, repaired or replaced. Extinguishers removed from the premises where they are regularly installed for recharging or repair should be temporarily replaced with spare extinguishers of the same type and capacity. Extinguishers should be inspected monthly or at more frequent intervals when circumstances require, to ensure that they are in their designated places, that they have not been tampered with and are fully charged and pressurized and to detect any physical damage, corrosion or other impairments. Extinguishers or



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parts thereof, which are not in good operating condition, should be immediately recharged, repaired or replaced. Each extinguisher should have a durable tag securely attached to show the maintenance or recharge date and the initials or signature of the person who performs this service. Caps should always be replaced with the same shell from which they are removed to prevent mismatching of threads. Caps should be screwed in tightly, making sure that the threads should be applied to rate of raise to reach the test pressure in approximately one minute and the pressure should be held for one minute after which it should be released. Extinguisher shells, cartridges or cylinders that show leakage or permanent distortion in excess of specified limits on with rupture, should be removed from service.


Care of the Fire Hydrants Fire hose should always be in good order and taken care of properly. It should not be used except for the purpose it is needed. Fire hoses provided for yard hydrants should be kept in well-ventilated hose house with sufficient space to hold the hose and equipment. Hot locations should be avoided, if possible. The hose should be stored in such a way that it may be unrolled easily when required. Care must be taken so that gasoline, grease, harmful chemicals and acids do not come in contact with hose. Where such exposure is likely to occur, hoses resistant to these agents should be used. If a hose does not come in contact with any of the above materials, it should be washed with soap and thoroughly rinsed with water. After use, hoses must be drained, cleaned and dried before being stored. Do not store hoses until thoroughly dry. Drying must be done carefully before hanging the hose or placing it on a rack. Hoses should not be dried in the sun on concrete roadways or sidewalks. As soon as the hose is thoroughly dried, it should not be exposed to varied weather conditions. Overexposure, especially in or by the sun can be damaging. Hoses should not be left in hot drying



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towers or cabinets after drying has been completed. If the hose appears to be defective, it should be tested hydrostatically and replaced, if necessary. If the hose has prolonged or severely used during fire incidents, it should be inspected and tested regularly. Nozzles All nozzles should be checked periodically and immediately after use. If there is an obstruction that cannot be removed by fully opening the nozzle, the nozzle should be taken from the hose line and the obstruction removed through the coupling end, since any further attempt to force it out through the tip may damage the nozzle. Care should be taken to avoid dents or nicks in nozzle tips, as this can seriously affect the reach of the stream. Nozzles should not be closed dropped or thrown aside. Nozzle control valves should be opened and closed slowly. This will eliminate unnecessary strain on the hose and coupling and reduce pressure surges. Except in the case of small volume streams at low pressure, nozzles should be shut-off when being moved to new positions at the first scene. Nozzles should be washed with soap and hot water. Submerge the nozzle and work the sleeve or roller until a free movement is obtained and then rinse in water. Lubricate the shut-off valve with silicone gases. When using a nozzle, care should be taken not to twist or bend the handle of the shutoff valve. Either of these conditions may prevent the valve from opening fully or may permit the valve to go past the full opening. In both instances, the waterway would not be fully open and the result would be a broken water steam. During inspection, check that nozzle valves work freely. Otherwise, they should be immediately taken out of service, temporarily replaced, and repaired.



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Couplings Couplings should be kept in good operating conditions, and after each time the hose is used, the coupling threads should be examined. Any length of hose with defective or damaged couplings should be removed from service and repaired. Couplings should be adjusted so that they would function easily by hand. Couplings should not be greased or oiled when stuck. Ordinarily, they can be freed satisfactorily by immersion in warm soapy water. When disconnecting the line after use, care should be taken not to drop couplings on pavement or other hard surface. If, for any reason, it is necessary to move apparatus after lines are in operation, care should be taken to avoid driving over couplings. This can deform couplings. Inspection should be made to see that hose is firmly attached to the coupling so that the coupling and the hose do not come apart.

Gaskets When couplings are inspected, the gasket in the swivel should be checked. Rubber gaskets deteriorating with age will break away from the washer or gasket seat. See to it that the gasket do not protrude into the waterways, particularly at the nozzle coupling as this can cause a ragged steam, thus reducing the effective reach of the nozzle.

Valve shall be closed completely when the cylinder is not in use. Empty cylinders shall be stored and handled similar to that of loaded cylinders. Empty cylinders for the same kind of gas shall be stored together. Gas-fuel cylinders shall be kept away from oxygen cylinders. Placing of hand tools, clothes, gloves, and other things on the top of the cylinder shall be prohibited.



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The use of oxygen to run pneumatic tools to provide ventilation or to purge pipelines and containers shall be prohibited. Only lubricants specifically formulated for oxygen service shall be used for lubrication of equipment handling oxygen. Opening the valve of acetylene gas cylinder more than one turn shall be prohibited. The valve wrench shall be left on the valve whenever the valve is open. Only authorized persons shall be given access to storage areas of compressed gas cylinders.

Chemicals, Gases and Other Materials a. Hazardous Chemicals Toxic chemicals and hazardous waste/substances shall be properly managed (handling, storage, transport and disposal) in accordance with R.A. 6969) Acids and oxidizing agents shall be stored separately from caustics and other reducing agents. Volatile, corrosive and toxic chemicals shall not be poured directly into the containers or equipment in which they will be used. Appropriate pumps, breaker, spatula or similar devices shall be used instead. Carboys and drum pumps shall be equipped with flow control regulators. Equipment and/or instruments used in handling chemicals, such as pumps, hoses, fittings, flow regulating nozzles, motors and wirings shall be replaced or repaired at the first sign of deterioration. Containers of hazardous chemicals shall be labeled properly and clearly. Chemicals, which tend to build up pressure under high temperature, such as ammonia, methylene chloride and hydrogen peroxide shall be stored in cool areas. All related Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall be readily available and communicated to workers for information and reference. All workers that may be exposed to chemical shall be trained on recommended hazard



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controls of various chemicals used in the workplace. Wear the appropriate PPE as stated in the instruction/procedure as advised by the supervisor. All exposed workers shall immediately seek proper medical attention for any untoward effects from handling toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes/substances.


Compressed Gases Gas cylinders shall be chained/supported in an upright position to a wall, cylinder truck, cylinder rack or post. The cylinder cap shall be installed when the cylinder is not in use and when it is being moved. Lifting a cylinder by its valve or cap, or with chain, sling or magnet shall be prohibited. If a number of cylinders are to be moved, the cylinders shall be secured on a platform or cradle. Placing cylinders on hallways, passageways or work areas where they can be hit or struck shall be prohibited. The use of cylinders as table legs to hold up other objects shall be prohibited. Only the right tool shall be used in opening the cylinder valve. Dropping a compressed gas cylinder shall be prohibited. Accumulation of grease, oil and other combustible materials on an oxygen cylinder shall be prohibited. A cylinder shall be used only when the user is sure of its gas content. Cylinders shall be kept away from electrical circuits and excessive heats. Striking of welding arc or tapping of live welding electrode on a cylinder shall be prohibited. Cylinders shall be kept away from direct sunlight, sparks, hot slag, molten metal, and other sources of ignition. Leaking cylinders shall be repaired immediately. When it is necessary to unload the cylinder content, it should be unloaded properly.



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Materials stored in open areas shall be protected against the weather. Stored materials shall not extend beyond the edges of bins/racks. Overhead belt conveyors shall be provided with railings to prevent the load from toppling over the side. Overhead conveyor and elevator tops shall be provided with maintenance platforms. A load shall be hoisted only when it is directly under the hoist. Appropriate safety signs shall be provided conspicuously in storage areas. Appropriate shut-off tool/spanner shall be readily available for use. Flashback arresters shall always be available and properly installed. Gas cylinders shall be labeled, appropriately stored and secured in designated areas. All hoses, gas regulators and other accessories shall be regularly inspected and maintained.

Clearance and Tagging Rules a. b. c. d. The Safety Officer shall be held responsible for the issuance and retrieval of tags. Issuance and retrieval of tags shall be recorded in a tagging logbook for reference purposes. Tampering and/or defacing of tags shall be prohibited. Transferring of tag from one equipment to another shall be prohibited. A tag shall be displayed/hung only where it is specifically intended for. Only duly authorized personnel shall be allowed to remove tags on equipment/system already cleared for operation/usage. The writing on issued tags shall be done in ink. Any error/correction to be reflected in the tag shall be initialed and dated by the issuer to effect legitimacy. Tags with information already unreadable shall be replaced immediately. When tags are to be displayed/hung out-doors, they shall be jacketed/laminated in plastic. Only section heads or personnel holding equivalent positions shall be authorized to request for issuance of tags.



g. h. i.



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No person shall be allowed to render repair work on defective equipment/systems unless the necessary tags have been issued and properly hung.

Hot Works a. b. c. Hot work operations shall be performed only by authorized personnel. Required PPE shall be used while doing hot works. Proper warning and instructional signs shall be visibly posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Work place conditions shall be inspected to eliminate or control hazards that may expose the worker to injury and potential property damage. All hot works shall have treated and approved safe work procedures. Adequate ventilation shall be provided while performing hot works, specially when fumes from zinc, tin, brass and lead which are health hazard are produced. Welding and/or cutting on any container or tank with unknown contents shall be prohibited. Electric welding machines shall be placed in clean and dry areas before performing welding operation. Flammable and combustible materials shall be removed and/or covered properly prior to performance of hot work operation. Power shall be switched off when leaving the work area, or when changing the cable connections to the terminals. Only welding cables in good condition shall be used. Only a friction lighter shall be used in lighting a torch. Hot work permits shall be secured before performing hot work activities.


e. f.

g. h. i.


k. l. m.

Good Housekeeping a. Oil-soaked and paint saturated rags, papers, and other combustible refuses shall be removed from the work areas and disposed off properly. Littering in the work premises shall be prohibited. Broken glass, spilled liquids and other unwanted materials shall be swept, wiped and disposed off properly. Leftover food shall be removed and/or cleaned so as not to attract rodents.

b. c.




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h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o.

All passageways leading to building exits, stairways, shower and wash stations, fire extinguishers and electrical controls shall be lighted adequately and shall be kept free from obstructions at all times. The pouring of flammable liquids, corrosive chemicals and compounds which produce toxic fumes or odors (such as hydrogen cyanide and the likes) into sinks, sewers, and/or drainage systems, shall be prohibited. Left-over materials in work places, such as lumber, rebars, steel, welding butts, etc., shall be removed at the end of each work shift. Work areas shall be provided with waste or trash drums/cans in appropriate places. Lockers shall be kept clean and shall be inspected periodically. Appropriate signs and barricades shall be provided in hazardous areas. Trimming of vegetation in plant and office yards and fuel oil tank farms shall be conducted regularly. Bulletin boards and safety bulletin shall be kept clean and orderly. Defective bowls, fittings and other fixtures of rest rooms shall be repaired immediately. Ventilation and lighting systems should always be maintained clean and in efficient manner. Appropriate measures should be instituted to control stray animals, pest and rodents.

Laboratory Safety a. b. All chemicals and sample containers shall be properly stored and labeled. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all chemicals in storage or in use shall be made available for reference at all times. Safety work procedures for the following tasks shall be provided and reviewed/evaluated periodically. Geochemical and Environmental Sampling Field Data Gathering Laboratory Analysis Laboratory Instrument Operation Waste Collection, Storage, Transport, Treatment and Disposal Chemical Handling


Preparation of acids, bases and other corrosive chemicals shall be done in the fume hood.



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d. e.

f. g.

The laboratory is a non-smoking area Compressed gas cylinders shall be stored, transported and handled as prescribed in Section All instruments, plugs, cables and power outlets shall be labeled with their corresponding power ratings. Eye wash stations and emergency showers shall be available in designated areas and regularly maintained

Workplace Monitoring and Control a. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Safety (Geothermal Plants) Geothermal plants shall have an H2S monitoring and control program in place. Evaluate each job for H2S hazard before starting job and while doing the work. Continuous monitoring of H2S shall be conducted during work activities in areas where its presence is anticipated or expected. Signs indicating the location of H2S detection equipment and supplied air breathing equipment shall be provided. Employee shall report immediately areas with H2S concentration. Areas with potential H2S hazard shall have warning signs. The use of Buddy System is a MUST when working in an area suspected to have a high H2S concentration. Wind direction shall be monitored prior to and during work where H2S may be present. Flags or windsocks shall be installed at strategic locations to help indicate wind direction. Employers shall have in place an H2S information and education campaign program to increase awareness of workers of its hazards. Emergency procedures shall be implemented in case of accidental discharge. Only trained and suitably equipped personnel shall conduct rescue and/or recovery operation in an H2S emergency situation.



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Permissible Noise Exposure Plants shall have a hearing conservation program in place for the exposed workers. Plants must comply with noise exposure levels as mandated by occupational safety and health standards.


Illumination Skylights and windows shall be located and spaced so that daylight conditions are fairly uniform over the working area. All occupied offices and building including perimeters, shall be properly illuminated during normal operation based on the Philippine Electrical Code. Adequate automatic emergency lighting system shall be provided in stairways, exits, workplaces and passengers as required by the Philippine Building Code and the Fire Protection Code. Adequate ground lighting shall be provided within the working premises.


General Ventilation Suitable atmospheric conditions shall be maintained in all work areas by natural and/or artificial means. Measures shall be taken to minimize, if not eliminate, process-related airborne hazards such as dusts, gases, vapor or mists at the source


Temperature Extreme All workers exposed to extreme temperatures shall wear suitable protective clothing. All equipment and facility shall undergo reevaluation for possible redesign or engineering control to minimize temperature hazard.


Radiation All potential sources of electro-magnetic radiation, such as switchyards, high-voltage power lines and transformers, shall be identified and restricted to authorized personnel only.



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All works and materials emitting radiation, such as radiographic, testing and naturally occurring radioactive materials from drilling, shall be covered by appropriate permit and signage. Safe Work Permit a. Established safe work permit procedures shall be implemented in the following works: b. Electrical and Mechanical Lock-out/Tag-out Confined Space Entry Hot Work Excavation Hazardous Materials Handling Work at Heights Major Lifts Radiation Blasting

The above permit shall include the minimum applicable requirement: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Permit Number Authorized permit Originator and Issuer Date of Issue Work Description (Area/Activity Covered) Validity of Permit Work Precaution Checklist Protective Measure Checklist Work Party Acceptance Emergency Response/Equipment Environment Monitoring Hazard Identification Work Carry Over (Turnover of Unfinished Work) Sign Off (Closing)

c. d. e.


Control for issuance and recording of all permits shall be established. Permits shall be properly posted in the work area. Works covered by permit shall be immediately stopped if permit conditions is not complied with or violated. Employees affected by the work permit procedures shall be trained on application procedures. Permitting authorities shall likewise be identified and properly trained.



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A periodic safety audit shall be in place to determine its adequacy on compliance and effectiveness. Explosives Storage, Use and Transportation a. The government laws pertaining to the use, storage and transportation of explosives shall be strictly observed. Manufacturers instructions for the safe handling and storage of explosives are to be followed. Disposal of all empty explosive containers shall be in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Warning signs about the use of radio transmitter must be posted on all access roads. All access points to the blasting area shall be properly guarded until an ALL CLEAR signal is sounded. Explosives or dynamites used for quarrying or road construction shall be stored in magazines as per regulatory standard. Dynamites shall be separated from the blasting ingredients such as blasting caps or fuses when stored or transported. For security reasons, vehicles transporting explosives shall not be marked unless required. Only authorized and qualified personnel shall handle explosives. Explosive magazine shall be constructed as per standards. Danger signs shall be installed to warn the public. Explosive magazine shall be provided with at least two ventilation outlets. Stacking/Piling of boxes of explosives shall only be on eye level. Perimeter gates and doors of the storage magazine shall be provided with two (2) locks each. One for the military and one for the company custodian. Only authorized personnel shall be allowed to enter the storage areas or near explosives. Smoking is strictly prohibited in areas where there are explosives. Military escorts must be present during transport of explosives.

b. c. d.



g. h. i.

j. k.

l. m. n. Warehouse Safety a. b. Warehouse shall be well ventilated and well lighted. If a warehouse is provided with fire sprinkler system, maximum height of stock shall conform to OSHS stacking limit.



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c. d. e. f. g.

Storage areas shall be provided with adequate fire extinguisher located at strategic places. Adequate clearance between stocks and wall shall be provided for easy access. Warehouse shall be provided with enough space for the operation of material handling equipment. Materials stored in open areas shall be protected against weather. Eyewash stations and emergency showers shall be regularly maintained and made available in designated areas. Excavation and Filing Works a. b. c. d. All excavation and filing works shall be covered with appropriate safe work permit. Only authorized personnel shall supervise all excavation and filing works. Required PPE shall be used while doing excavation and filing works. Proper warning and instructional signs shall be visibly posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Excavation sites shall be properly barricaded, delineated and provided with proper safety and warning signs. Gangplanks with railing or metal plates shall be provided where an excavation crosses driveways or streets. Approved access ladder shall be provided and regularly inspected. Work permits to identify location of buried gas, water electricity and telephone lines shall cover all excavation works. Shoring built in accordance with standard engineering practice shall be provided on excavation sites. Excavation works on identified H2S prone area shall be inspected for presence of H2S before any work commences and regularly monitored during the duration of the work. First aid and emergency response shall be available at all times.



g. h.






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Page 36 of 66 Concreting and Structural Works a. Work permits shall cover all structural works at heights and all works that require the use of oxyacetylene cutting and any kind of welding works. Only authorized person shall supervise all concreting and structural works. Required PPE shall be used while doing concreting and structural works in accordance with Section III.A.3 hereof. Proper warning and instructional signs shall be visibly posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Work sites shall be properly barricaded, delineated and provided with proper safety and warning signs. Standard scaffoldings shall be provided when working at height. Lifting procedure shall be implemented for heavy and special lifting works. First aid and emergency response shall be available at all times.

b. c.


e. f. g. h. Road Works/Earth Moving a. b. c. Only authorized personnel shall supervise all road works. Required PPE shall be used while doing road works. Proper warning and instructional signs shall be visibly posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Work place conditions shall be inspected to eliminate or control hazards that may expose the worker to injury. Work sites shall be properly barricaded, delineated and provided with proper safety and warning signs. Only duly qualified and authorized personnel shall be allowed to operate equipment. Heavy equipment shall have spotter to assist the operator. First aid and emergency response shall be available at all times.


e. f. g. h. Piping and Insulation Works a. Only authorized person shall supervise all piping and insulation works.



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b. c. d.


f. g. h. i.


Only duly qualified and authorized personnel shall be allowed to conduct piping and insulation works. Required PPE shall be used while doing piping and insulation works. Proper warning and instructional signs shall be visible posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Work place conditions shall be inspected to eliminate or control hazards that may expose the worker to injury. Work sites shall be properly barricaded, delineated and provided with proper safety and warning signs. Only duly qualified and authorized personnel shall be allowed to operate equipment. All piping and insulation works shall be covered with appropriate safe work permits. All coded piping and insulation work wastes shall be properly disposed of according to environmental regulations. First aid and emergency response shall be available at all times. Mechanical and Equipment Installation a. b. c. Only authorized personnel shall supervise all mechanical and equipment installation. Required PPE shall be used while doing hot works. Proper warning and instructional signs shall be visibly posted at all times when work is being performed, and shall be removed or recovered promptly after work is completed. Work place conditions shall be inspected to eliminate or control hazards that may expose the worker to injury. Only duly qualified and authorized personnel shall be allowed to operate equipment. All mechanical equipment installation shall have detailed and approved safe work procedures. All mechanical equipment installation shall have detailed and approved safe work permits. All mechanical equipment installation work wastes shall be properly disposed according to environmental regulations. First aid and emergency response shall be available at all times. Appropriate lifting equipment and procedures shall be used on mechanical installations.


e. f. g. h.

i. j.



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2.4.3 Power Plant and Control Room Safety Power Plant Safety a. b. c. All personnel shall be qualified and trained in their respective job assignments. All personnel shall undergo occupational safety and health orientation and training. All personnel shall immediately report any observed unsafe condition, incident and accident in accordance with the established company safety reporting procedures and guidelines. All personnel shall be required to wear appropriate and prescribed PPEs. Only qualified and authorized personnel shall conduct repairs and calibration to any plant equipment and instruments. All power plants shall establish work procedures for: Start-up and shutdown Emergency Normal and Abnormal Operation Maintenance work for the following as applicable: Steam Generators Fans and Blowers Pumps Condensers Cooling Towers Turbines and Generators Electrical and Instrumentation Such procedures shall include hazard identification, analysis, mitigation and emergency response. All works shall be covered with appropriate safe work permits

d. e.



Control Room Safety a. Unauthorized personnel are prohibited to manipulate control panel knobs, buttons, and switches. Bystanders are not allowed inside the control room unless authorized. Keep air conditioning unit running 24 hours a day to maintain the control room temperature and to keep the air clean and filtered. Always close the door of control rooms to reduce outside air infiltration/cooling loads and toxic gas contamination. Control rooms are NO SMOKING areas and such policy shall be observed religiously.






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e. f. g.

Lock-out/tag-out procedure and proper clearance from authority shall be strictly complied. Automatic/emergency lighting system shall be provided at all access and means of egress. Keep the door of circuit breaker/panel always closed.

UPS and Battery Bank Room Requirements a. b. No unauthorized personnel are allowed to enter the room. Air conditioning unit must be operated 24 hours a day at temperature not greater than 15oC for electronic equipment cooling. Always close the door of UPS and battery bank room to reduce outside air infiltration/cooling loads and toxic gas contamination. Keep battery bank free from leaking solutions. Do not use battery room as dressing room. The exhaust ventilation must be placed in the proper portion of wall ceiling to eliminate the explosive gas emitted by the battery. The DC system shall be readily available whenever the DC power is interrupted to the system. Eyewash station must be provided near the battery room. Check-up of battery electrolyte leak and specific gravity should be done regularly. Proper handling/storage/disposal of unserviceable batteries should be observed.


d. e. f.

g. h. i. j.

Electrical Power Facilities and Equipment Repair and Troubleshooting a. Only duly authorized personnel are allowed to execute troubleshooting and repair of any line conductors and electrical device and circuitry at equipment control panel board, in proper coordination with Control Room. Always wear safety rubber shoes when performing troubleshooting and repair of any faulty line conductors encased in metallic cable tray. Place warning tags (indicating reasons for isolation) on any circuit cut-out breakers with the requested DE-ENERGIZE line associated. Insulate all dangling and bare terminals of power conductors right after disconnection. De-energize all power line conductors, when troubleshooting and repairing of a particular line



d. e.



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running and encased with other lines in metallic cable tray. Ensure all electrical tools/equipment used are properly insulated and must capable to handle the voltage of the work piece. Conduct insulation resistance testing on any line conductors and equipment being repaired and/or replaced prior to re-energization to determine the dielectric strength of the insulation. Advise superior immediately any faults, tripping or hazards observed on any electrical equipment or installation.

2.4.4 Protection of Personnel Personal Protective Equipment shall be provided to protect workers against all construction, maintenance and operational hazards involved in the following activities: a. welding and cutting b. machining and woodworks c. repair, maintenance and rehabilitation d. startup e. inservice inspection f. working in confined / closed spaces g. working in noisy environment h. working with toxic chemicals and waste i. working with radioactive materials j. working with toxic gaseous fumes and irritants k. other related/similar activities. The following shall be strictly observed: a. Signs shall be posted in the work areas where personal protective equipment is required. b. Tampering with, removing or destroying safety signs are prohibited. c. Appropriate safety goggles shall be worn at all times in jobs where eye protection is needed. d. Corrective spectacles or eyeglasses shall not be used in lieu of safety goggles. e. Face shields shall be used to protect the face and neck from flying particles, sprays of hazardous liquids, splashes of molten metals and hot solutions. f. Gas masks and respirators shall be used where industrial processes create atmospheric contaminants such as toxic materials, gases, fumes, dusts, paints, and the like. g. Only respirators in sound condition shall be used.



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h. Noise levels shall be indicated/posted conspicuously in areas where they could be detrimental to hearing. i. Approved earmuffs or earplugs shall be worn while in areas with noise levels of more than 90 decibels. j. Safety helmets shall be worn in areas where overhead protection is required. k. Safety belts and/or lifelines shall be worn while working on elevated structures, in pits, tunnels, ducts and other confined spaces. l. Belts and lifelines shall be secured/fastened while in use. m.Safety shoes shall be worn in areas where they are required. n. While performing welding jobs, flameproof gauntlets, aprons, welding gloves, leggings and welders masks shall be worn. Ensure that a fire extinguisher is within the work area. o. Appropriate gloves shall be worn when handling poisonous and/or corrosive chemicals/materials and when working with energized electrical circuits/apparatus. p. Before using any diving gear/apparatus, thorough inspection of the equipment shall be conducted. 2.5 DAM SAFETY As a responsible dam owner/operator, NPC is committed to undertake and implement a Dam Safety Program based on current international standards, practices and guidelines, and consistent with the provisions of applicable Philippine Laws and Ordinances. The NPC Dam Safety Program has the following objectives: a) To ensure that all communities located downstream of NPC owned/operated dams are not exposed to unacceptable risks from their existence and operation; To comply with legal requirements and technically accepted Dam Engineering practices for responsible ownership and environmental protection; To assess the quantity of inflows during typhoons (flood forecasting and reservoir inflow/outflow) in order to determine the right time and quantity of water releases to optimize revenues; and To preserve the long-term value of NPC dams, reservoirs and waterways.




2.5.1 Instrumentation and Monitoring Instrumentation shall be properly maintained or replaced, as necessary, in order to obtain accurate readings. Readings shall be made at scheduled frequency and shall be properly recorded and analyzed. Plant personnel must receive training in basic engineering considerations pertaining to major structures, with procedures for surveillance, monitoring, and reporting of potential problems, and



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with procedures for emergency operations. For minimum recommended instrumentation for existing dams refer to Appendices 13.1 and 13.2. 2.5.2 Measures to be taken during Flood Periods During Flood Precaution Period The Flood Operation Manager shall take the following measures by instructing the staff during the flood precaution period: a. To alert the personnel of the flood operation team in the FFWS Office and inform all other personnel on the expected operation; To coordinate with Plant management relative to the operational status of the equipment and facilities required for the operation of the spillway gates, power supply system including auxiliary generators and telecommunications system; To collect weather information from the PAGASA and from other sources; To monitor rainfall, make inflow calculation and flood forecasting; To disseminate the flood warning on receipt of the request thereon from the PAGASA; To control communication on the Radio-telephone system which connects the Type-A Warning stations and warning vehicles with the Flood Operation Office; To announce the flood caution period/to release the flood precaution period and to notify thereon the PAGASA and other concerned government offices; To record the Flood Operation; and To require other activities for effective flood operation.


c. d. e. f.


h. i.

During Flood Caution Period The Flood Operation Manager shall take the following measures during the flood caution period. a. To assign the personnel of the flood operation team to their designated places on the expected flood operation; To coordinate with Plant Management relative to instructions for spillway gate operation; To collect weather information from the PAGASA through the NPC FFWS Office;

b. c.



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d. e.

f. g.


i. j. k.

To monitor rainfall, make inflow calculation and flood forecast; To commence the Reservoir Water level-based operation and to disseminate the dam discharge warning when the reservoir water level rises to the normal high water level; To disseminate the flood warning on receipt of the request thereon from the PAGASA; To control communication on the radio telephone system which connects the Type-A Warning Stations and warning vehicles with the Flood Operation Office; To release the flood caution period/to announce the flood period and to notify thereon the PAGASA and other concerned government agencies; To record the flood operation; To require other activities for effective Flood Operation; and To decide whether or not to initiate a pre-release situation. The Flood Operation Manager may initiate the prerelease when the reservoir water level is at Normal High Water Level and when any of the following conditions exists: When the inflow at the Dam exceeds the minimum flow of a flood inflow; When the accumulated rainfall in telemetering rain gauge stations exceeds 60 mm in the past 24 hours; and When it is forecast by PAGASA that a tropical cyclone will pass the typhoon Marking Area III.

In any case, the amount of pre-release should not exceed minimum flood inflow. However, if the forecast elevation does not exceed the normal high water level, no pre-release shall be made. During Flood Period The Flood Operation Manager shall take the following measures during the flood period. a. b. c. To collect weather information from the PAGASA; To coordinate with Plant Management relative to instructions for spillway gate operation; To monitor rainfall, make inflow calculation and flood forecast;



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d. e. f.


h. i.

To make the dam discharging operation; To disseminate the flood warning on receipt of the request thereon from the PAGASA; To control communication on the radio telephone system which connects the Type-A Warning Stations and warning vehicles with the Flood Operation Center; To terminate the flood period and announce the post flood period and to notify thereon the PAGASA and other concerned government offices; To record the flood operation; and To require other activities for effective flood operation.

During Post Flood Period The Flood Operation Manager shall take the following measures during the post flood period: a. b. c. d. e. To collect weather information from the PAGASA; To coordinate with Plant management relative instructions for spillway gate operation; To monitor rainfall, make inflow calculation and flood forecast; To lower the reservoir water level to the normal high water level: To control communication on the radio-telephone system which connects the Type-A Warning Stations and warning vehicles with the Flood Operation Office; To announce the flood precaution period, flood caution period or flood period, if another flood is expected, and to notify thereon the PAGASA and other concerned government offices; To release the post flood period and to notify thereon the PAGASA and other concerned government offices; To record the flood operation; and To require other activities for effective flood operation.



h. i.

2.5.3 Notices and Warnings Notices a. Notice on Flood Period Whenever any of the flood periods is announced, the Flood Operation Manager shall notify promptly



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thereon the Plant management and the Power Management Center. Refer to Appendices 13.16 and 13.17 for notification flowcharts. b. Notice on Forecast Flood to Related Agencies When it is forecasted that the Dam will release the discharge to cope with the flood inflow, the Flood Operation Manager shall notify promptly the results of the forecast flood and expected dam discharges to the Load Dispatch Center, PAGASA, Plant management, Office of the Provincial Governor where the dam is located and all Municipal Mayors Office in the target area. Dam Discharge Warning The warning to the public in the target area on commencement and rapid increase in the dam discharges (hereinafter referred to as the dam discharge warning) shall be issued and disseminated whenever any of the dam discharges through the spillway is commenced and whenever such possibility is recognized in the course of the dam discharging as some damages would occur to the downstream target area in relation to the rapid increase in the dam discharge. Dissemination of Dam Discharge Warning to the Public a. Target Area Dissemination of the dam discharge warning shall be made to the public in the target area. b. Procedure of Dissemination The dam discharge warning shall be disseminated by sounding the siren and announcing warning messages through the use of loudspeakers in accordance with the procedure formulated by Plant management. Dam Discharge Information The Flood Operation Manager may issue and disseminate information on the dam discharges (hereinafter referred to as the dam discharge information) in addition to the dam discharge warning when it is recognized necessary to



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disseminate such information to the public in the target area. Request by PAGASA on Flood Warning The PAGASA may request the FFWS Dam Office to disseminate warning to the public in the target area on the expected flood (hereinafter referred to as the flood warning). Dissemination of Flood Warning a. Upon receipt of the PAGASAs request, the Flood Operation Manager shall disseminate the warning message specified in the request to the public in the target area. Upon completion of the dissemination, the Flood Operation Manager shall notify promptly thereon the PAGASA.


Communication Control a. Radio Telephone Municipality System Provided for Each

One (1) set of Radio Telephone is installed in each Municipal Mayors Office in the target area for the urgent communication required between the Flood Operation Center and each Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council in relation to the flood warning, evacuation and flood fighting activities. Three (3) sets of portable Radio Telephone may also be provided for each Municipality for the communication between the Municipalitys patrol team and Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council in relation to the evacuation and flood fighting activities.


Restrictions on Use Each Municipal Disaster Coordinating Council is allowed to use the Radio Telephone system prescribed in item (1) above but only for the necessary communication in relation to the flood warning, evacuation and flood fighting activities under the communication control of the FFWS Dam Office.



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Communication Control The Flood Operation Manager shall control communication on the Radio Telephone system for attaining smooth communication among the parties concerned.

2.5.4 Back-up Flood Operation Rule In the Event of Non-functioning of Flood Forecasting System If the reservoir water level detector installed in the Flood Operation Center does not work, then the reservoir water level shall be read on the staff gauge by a gauge reader and reported to the Flood Operation Center on the local telephone system or on the portable Radio Telephone set. In the Event of Non-functioning of Local Telephone System In case such failure in the local telephone system occurs thus affecting the communication between the spillway gate operator and Flood Operation Center and/or between the gauge reader of the reservoir water level and Flood Operation Center, the Flood Operation Manager shall take appropriate countermeasures in accordance with the provisions hereunder: a. To send instructions through the portable radio telephone to the spillway gate operator and/or the gauge reader; To proceed to the control room of the spillway and direct the spillway gate operation; and To consider other appropriate countermeasures.

b. c.

In the Event of Non-functioning of Flood Warning System If no OK answer comes back or if the sound from the loudspeaker of any of the warning stations could not be monitored when the dam discharge warning or the flood warning is disseminated through the Type-A Warning Stations and Type-B Warning Posts, the required warning shall be disseminated by dispatching the warning vehicles to the areas.



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2.5.5 Watershed Protection A fire-fighting team shall be organized to respond to forest fire occurrence. The establishment of appropriate firelines, construction of look-out towers, and timely maintenance of plantations are essential part of this strategy. 2.6 OFFICE SAFETY Severe and fatal accidents may occur in the office and its environment, because hazards exist in both plant and office premises. To prevent office accidents, the following controls shall be effected: 2.6.1 Office Layout The Manager/Head concerned shall consider all safety aspects in the preparation of the office layout. Hazard prevention shall be focused on floors, aisles, stairs, doors, illumination, ventilation, electrical equipment, office equipment, rolling ladders, and chemical products. 2.6.2 Office Safety Rules and Regulations The following office safety rules and regulations shall be observed: Office Behavior a. b. Running and horse-playing in the work area is prohibited. Doors should not be pushed abruptly when opening or slammed when closing. Do not stay within the path of the door swing When carrying a stack of materials, be sure you can see over and around it when walking. Employees should not carry stacks of materials on stairs. They should use the elevator. When an elevator is not available, employees carrying such materials should not have both arms loaded when using stairs. One hand should be free to use the handrails. Employees shall not crowd nor indulge in horseplay on stairs. Commonly, falls/tripping on stairs occur when the person is talking, laughing, and turning to friends while going downstairs/upstairs. Do not congregate on stairs or landings, and do not stay outside doors at the head or feet of stairways. Scooting across the floor while sitting on a chair is prohibited. Leaning out from the chair to pick up



e. f.



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h. i. j.





objects on the floor is also dangerous and should be avoided. When a floor-mounted telephone or electrical outlet box is exposed after moving furniture, mark the box with a tripping hazard sign until it is removed. The outlet must be reported to the concerned Maintenance Section for removal or relocation, if still needed. Do not use spiked or pointed rods for filing or for similar purposes. Do not place pencils in any container with points outward. Keep in a safe place any pointed or bladed instrument immediately after use. Do not hand any such instrument to someone with the point towards him. Do not leave the knife blade of the paper cutter in the raised position. Do not leave breakable objects on the edge of desks or tables where they can easily be pushed off. Before operating new office equipment, always consult the operating manual first. Only authorized persons should operate office machines and equipment. Nobody should tinker with interlocks on the guards. Machines or equipment should not be cleaned or serviced while they are in position. Dart-playing in all offices and work areas is prohibited at all times, even after office hours. Dartplaying shall be allowed only in places specifically designated for the game at the plants recreational facilities/areas. All forms of gambling are prohibited during on or offoffice hours.

Office Furniture and Equipment a. Before receiving new office furniture, the same should be referred to the QA Inspector or Safety Officer for inspection as to compliance with specifications and workmanship. Existing furniture found defective should immediately be reported to the General Services Unit or designated group of office/project/plant for repair. Defective furniture which poses accident hazards should be properly marked or tagged. Keep desk/filing cabinet/drawers closed to prevent personnel from tripping over them.




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d. e.

f. g.


Unplug from the power source the electric machine/equipment when unattended and after office hour. All electric machines should be provided with adequate equipment grounding before use. Rolling ladders and stands used in reaching high storage should have brakes and the like that operate automatically when weight is applied to them. Proper handling and use of office furniture and equipment should always be exercised. Unstable cabinets/shelving should immediately be reported to the General Services Unit or designated group of office/project/plant for remedial measures. Do not stand on lower shelf rungs or any other unstable furniture/makeshift stand to reach for things stored in the upper rung. Standard ladder/stands for the purpose should be used.

Good Housekeeping a. Littering in the work premises is prohibited. Wipe spilled liquids immediately and pick up pieces of paper clips, rubber bands, pencil, and other loose objects. Broken glass should be swept immediately and disposed of in a safe place. Tripping hazards such as defective floors, rugs, floor mats, electric or telephone cords should be reported to the General Services Unit or designated group of office/project/plant for remedial measures. Employee should see to it that their respective furniture are well arranged and maintained in their designated places. This will ensure proper office upkeep and unobstructed evacuation in case of emergency.

b. c.


Fire Hazards a. Flammable solvent-soaked or oily rags used for cleaning duplicating machines or any other office equipment should be kept in metal safety containers. Lighted cigars/cigarettes and the like should not be allowed within (6) feet where flammable solvents are used in duplicating machines or any other office equipment. Do not place matchsticks or cigarette butts directly into the wastebasket. Use ashtrays. Before placing the contents of ashtrays into wastebaskets, be sure





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that there are no lighted cigarette butts, embers or the like. Do not place a lighted cigar/cigarette and the like on any place other on an ashtray.

Storage/Vaults a. Materials should be stored where busy passageways do not have to be crossed to reach them, and they should be stored where they are not likely to fall on anybody. Also, keep passageways clear of obstructions and tripping hazards. Pile materials neatly in stable piles that will not fall over. The heaviest and largest pieces should be at the bottom of the pile. Where materials are stored on shelves, the heavy objects should be on the lower shelf. Flammable fluids used in offices should be stored in safety containers. Lighted cigars/cigarettes and the like should not be allowed in areas where flammable fluids are used, such as in duplicating rooms or supply areas. Employees should not stack boxes, papers, and other heavy objects on filing cabinets, desks, and window ledges, or place these materials improperly on shelves. Card index files, dictionaries, or other heavy objects should not be placed on top of filing objects and other high furniture. Movable objects such as flowerpots, base and bottles should not be allowed on windowsills or ledges. Razor blades, thumbtacks, and other sharp/pointed objects should not be thrown loosely into drawers. They should be carefully boxed or kept in suitable containers. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION








Safety shall be integrated into the mainstream of engineering and design activities, so that safety considerations become inherent in the planning, design and layout of new facilities or of existing ones being modified or redesigned. 2.7.1 Engineering and Design Phases A program for providing safety controls into the following phases of engineering and design activities shall assure that the applicable



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safety requirements are followed and appropriately translated into engineering specifications and drawings. Conceptual design phase Preliminary design phase Final design phase

For new construction

Re-design or modification For existing facilities

2.7.2 Design Considerations The design and engineering effort may either be conducted by the inhouse (NPC) organization, contracted to an outside design agent, or both. Whichever setup is chosen, each participating design organization shall ensure that safety controls and features are incorporated in the design of new facilities and/or in the facility modifications. Dam Safety during Planning Phase During the reconnaissance phase all design documentation, manuals and reports, and postconstruction documentation of foundation, materials, and construction should be identified, scheduled, and resourced in coordination between the Design & Development Dept.-TMS and DRFFD-Hydro Generation. Dam Safety during the Design Phase During the design phase, it shall be ensured that the design criteria include the most current dam safety requirements and that the design is properly documented for the project records. Dam safety concerns during the design phase include the following items: a. Public safety awareness in all phases of design and operation of dam projects to assure adequate security for the general public in downstream areas. Acquisition of lands downstream from spillways for hydrologic safety purposes. Low-level discharge facilities capable of lowering the reservoir pool to a safe level within a reasonable time for safely responding to unanticipated needs such as repair or major rehabilitation for dam safety purposes. Adequate instrumentation and monitoring system as required by good engineering practice. Documentation of Initial Filling Plan.

b. c.

d. e.



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Development of the operation and maintenance manuals during construction.

2.7.3 Design Controls Safety Review/Analysis Design of new installations and design modifications in existing ones are inherent functions of the Design and Development Department (DDD-TMS), which include review and analysis of plans/drawings and specifications. In all phases of design, the DDD-TMS is responsible for ensuring that safety criteria/requirements are incorporated in the design documents, - i.e., drawings/plans, specifications, tender documents, etc. On the other hand, the QASD-TMS shall be notified in advance to aid in identifying hazards and prevent their becoming built in and difficult to correct. The QASD-TMS, or its functional counterpart (Safety Officer) shall review plans, specifications and test procedures for fire protection systems to ensure that applicable codes and standards are used during the design and development of new facilities and the modification or improvement of existing facilities. They shall also be involved in the tests and commissioning of the fire protection system. Follow up a. Existing Facilities and Processes The Safety Officer, in coordination with QASD-TMS, shall ensure that safety considerations have been followed, shall verify the degree of risk control achieved in practice, and shall examine existing facilities and processes periodically. The inspections shall be made just before a new modified activity is made operational. Followup inspections shall be made at least once a year, if no changes are made. b. Procedures and Methods for New and Modified Processes



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Considerations and evaluation criteria are similar to those for facilities. The QASD-TMS/Safety Officer, shall perform safety review of procedures developed for new or modified processes in their respective areas of responsibilities. 2.7.4 Fire Protection Safety Criteria/Requirements Structures, systems, and components shall be designed and located to minimize the probability and effect of fires and explosions. Only noncombustible and heat resistant materials shall be used whenever practicable, particularly, in the control room. Fire detection fighting system of appropriate capacity and capability shall be provided and designed to minimize the adverse effects of fires on structures, systems, and components. Fire fighting systems shall be designed to ensure that their rupture or inadvertent operation does not significantly impair the safety capability of these structures, systems and components. Safetyrelated systems should be designed and arranged to ensure that no single fire occurrence will jeopardize plant safety. Special attention shall be given to electrical system, such as metal cabinets, metal wire ways, high melting point insulation and flame resistant identification markers whenever practicable. The presence of combustible supplies shall be limited in such areas as the control room to minimize possibility of fire. No explosives, gases or flammable liquids shall be stored or located in these areas to minimize or eliminate explosion hazards. The plant fire protection system shall include the following provisions: a. b. c. d. Automatic fire detection equipment in those areas where fire danger is greatest; Physical barriers and firerated walls; Automatic extinguishing systems, stand pipe and portable fire extinguishers as required; Fire alarms and detection devices connected to the station communication system in the control room.


MATERIALS MANAGEMENT SAFETY Safety considerations shall be integrated in the storage, handling and inspection of materials, equipment and supplies and safe disposal of non- toxic and toxic/hazardous waste materials.



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2.8.1 Procurement Requisition Approving authorities of Purchase Requisitions for safety equipment shall be responsible for checking the following safety requirements in every item requested for purchase. a. b. c. d. e. f. Product specification Product design Product usage / function Product quality Product suitability Product reliability

All Purchase Requisitions for Safety Equipment shall be marked/stamped Safety Equipment and shall be reviewed/evaluated by the Safety Officers or for the Head Office, QASD/ESD-TMS, as the case may be, to ensure that all safety and technical requirements based on OSH and company standards are complied with. Supplier Selection and Accreditation At the Head Office, a safety accreditation team shall be formed, the membership of which shall include at least one representative from the QASD-TMS and one from the Materials Management Department (MMD)-Logistics. In the functional areas, the concerned Safety Officers shall be the representative.

The team shall be responsible for the evaluation based on the following criteria: a. b. c. d. e. f. Capability technical, financial and commercial. Credibility and Experience good track record and business reputation. Reliability based on service, product quality, suitability, and stability. Competitiveness fair price that best satisfies the intended use. Compliance with government requirements, permits and regulations. Testing procedures and other requirements. The team shall examine the credentials and other pertinent documents of the supplier; undertake physical inspection of the plants, offices, facilities and



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equipment; source surveillance of the product it sells; recommends the approval and issuance of Accreditation Certificate to complying suppliers. A Memorandum Circular shall be developed to provide a system of accreditation including procedures and guidelines to effect fair, just and uniform evaluation of Safety Manufacturers, Distributors, Dealers, Traders and Suppliers. Product Selection Offers/Bids received by the Materials Management Dept./Procurement units for safety suppliers shall be referred to the concerned Safety Officers or the QASD/ESD-TMS (for H.O.) for safety and technical evaluation to ensure compliance with safety requirements. Receiving Inspection Deliveries of safety supplies and equipment shall be inspected by a receiving inspection team composed of three (3) representatives, one each from MMD, Safety Officer/QASD/ESD-TMS and the requisitioner/end user. The criteria to be considered during receiving of procured safety equipment shall include the following: a. Technical specifications item description and other material specifications shall be checked against the specifications provided in the Purchase Order. Documentation such as Delivery Receipts, Tax Clearance/Tax Declaration, Original Copy of purchase, and other documents that may be required.


2.8.2 Waste Disposal The Pollution Control Officer (PCO) of the respective functional areas/power generating plants in coordination with the Environmental Management Dept. (H.O) shall be responsible for the immediate disposal of hazardous waste materials. The PCO shall also be responsible for the development of procedure to address the safe handling, storage and disposal of waste and toxic materials.



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2.8.3 Warehousing The Warehouse Property Officer/Custodian shall be responsible in implementing the following requirements. Storage a. b. Spaces next to walls shall be kept clear at all times. Proper marking of storage equipment, such as bins, racks. Most important of these markings are the following: c. d. Safe working load Warning and precaution notice Loading and unloading points Floor bearing strength Lifting and attachment points Height and other loading gauge limitations Overhead pipes, cables and other services

e. f. g. h. i.

Segregation of highly flammable or explosive stocks from non-flammables. Proper protection from sunlight, heat, rain, humidity, dust and foreign materials by providing shutters, louvers, venetian blinds, drainage systems, air conditioning, ventilation, and others. Proper storing like stacking, binning, racking, etc. and proper withdrawal of stocks. Unobstructed access to fire hoses and extinguishers. All exits and aisles shall be kept clear at all times. Adequate and proper safety signboards shall be posted conspicuously. Pest control and treatment like fumigation shall be done every 2 years or as required.

Handling a. b. c. d. Qualifications of handling equipment personnel/operators. Maintenance/operation requirement of handling equipment. Unobstructed aisles and hallways to ensure smooth flow of traffic. Maintenance of platforms and pallets.

Inspection The inspection of warehouse as to the conditions of the following shall be made periodically, as required:



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b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

Fire Protection system This includes fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguisher, fire hose, fire alarm, fire escape, etc. Lighting and Ventilation level Steps, stairs, balconies, galleries including floor, gangways and aisles, bins and racks. Electrical wiring including electrical conduits and plastic covered electric wires. Machineries such as hoists, conveyors, forklifts and other mechanical handling devises. Stocks susceptible to damage from destructive insects. Electronics/electrical equipment sensitive to environmental conditions and temperature changes. Good housekeeping requirements within the warehouse.


SAFETY INSPECTION AND REPORTING To detect and control potential safety downgrading incidents that could adversely affect NPC plant/ installations/projects/offices, a systematic safety inspection program shall be instituted. This outlines the requirements and techniques for the conduct of safety inspection to assure compliance with applicable safety codes and standards. 2.9.1 Types of Inspection Periodic Inspection Periodic inspections are those scheduled at regular intervals, either weekly, semimonthly, monthly, and semiannually or at other suitable intervals. These inspections shall be conducted by the Safety & Health Committee for the entire plant area, complex, project, and offices or for certain types of equipment (such as elevators, motor vehicles, unfired pressure vessels, chain and ropes, power presses and fire protection/systems). Intermittent Inspection Intermittent inspection done at irregular intervals shall be performed by the Safety Officer, the Safety & Health Committee and Supervisors to check and correct unsafe acts/conditions prevailing in the plant/installation/project/office. This type of inspection shall also be performed to: a. Determine the extent of existing hazards and to provide controls and safeguards.



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Assess the state of industrial sanitation and food service facilities of a particular installation.

Special Inspection Special Inspection shall be conducted by Safety Officer, if and when any of the following conditions exists: a. A directive from the Management/Safety & Health Committee to inspect the general or specific safety situation in any installation or project. An alarming increase in the occurrence of certain types of incidents.


2.9.2 Pre requisites for Safety Inspection Procedures and/or Instructions Procedures and/or instructions describing the conduct of safety inspection shall be established and approved. Safety Inspector A good safety inspector shall possess the following qualifications: a. b. c. d. e. Knowledgeable in the Corporate Safety Plan and Policies Knowledgeable in the Corporate Safety Code and Safety Procedures. Familiarity with accident potentials and location of hazards. Tactfulness Has attended the pertinent safety training and seminars as required by DOLE. A safety practitioner/consultant accredited by DOLE.


Inspection Schedules The schedule of the periodic inspection in the plant/installation/project/office shall be prepared by the Safety and Health Committee Chairman, in coordination with the Safety Officer, copy furnished the respective functional heads.



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2.9.3 Dams Periodic Inspection and Continuing Evaluation Dams shall be periodically inspected and evaluated to ensure structural stability, safety, and operational adequacy. The DRFFD, in coordination with the Plant Manager, shall ensure the following: a. b. c. d. e. an appropriate level of instrumentation exists at each plant/project, adequate maintenance is programmed, sufficient effort and funding is devoted to the program, timely reduction, interpretation and evaluation of the data occurs and, technical level of performance evaluation is adequate.

The FFWSDO-DRFFD shall conduct monitoring activities during periods when a reservoir is or is expected to be above the maximum pool of record or above a threshold level established from past performance. The Plant management shall evaluate performance and verify the adequacy of flood and outlet control gates and other equipment, which facilitates downstream releases. A report of the findings and evaluation shall be prepared and submitted as soon as possible to the Plant Manager with copy furnished to the VP-Hydro Generation. Special inspections shall be performed by Plant management, DRWD-DRFFD and Safety Officer during and immediately after any unusual loading events. Evaluation reports shall provide a basis for initiating timely remedial or rehabilitation measures. Program Implementation A comprehensive periodic inspection schedule will be established by DRFFD based on the plant size, importance, or its hazard potential. Other inspections, including intermediate, informal, and annual inspections, should be conducted between periodic inspections. Inspections shall be conducted as outlined below: a) Initial Periodic Inspection - the first periodic inspection and evaluation of a new earth dam shall be carried out immediately after topping out the embankment and prior to impoundment of the pool. Second Periodic Inspection - the second inspection for new earth dam shall be made at a reasonable stage of the normal operating pool. Subsequent Periodic Inspections - subsequent inspections will be performed at one-year interval for





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the next two years. The next two inspections will occur at two-year intervals and then be extended to a maximum interval of five-years. Inspection intervals more frequent than indicated above shall be scheduled, if conditions warrant, as programmed by DRFFD in coordination with Plant management. Intermediate Inspections - for dams on a five-year inspection cycle, an intermediate inspection of all or some of the features may be scheduled, if warranted. Selection shall be based on consequences of failure, age, degree of routine observation, a natural event such as an earthquake, performance record and history of remedial measures. Intermediate inspections shall also be made of any portion of the dam exposed during dewatering that could not be accomplished during the scheduled periodic inspection. A summary of the findings from intermediate inspections is to be included in the next periodic inspection report. Informal Inspections - personnel designated by the Plant Manager/ Safety Officer and DRFFD shall make frequent observations of the dam and appurtenant structures. The purpose is to identify and report abnormal conditions and evidence of distress in accordance with training instructions and guidance. Any unusual conditions that seem critical or dangerous shall be reported immediately to Plant management and DRFFD.

2.9.4 Inspection Reports Inspection reports shall be clearly written in detail, properly signed and endorsed to the Manager concerned who shall initiate the necessary corrective actions. Three types of inspection reports shall be prepared, namely: a. The Emergency Report to be made without delay whenever immediate corrective action is necessary. The Routine Report to cover those observations of unsatisfactory (nonemergency) conditions that should be corrected. This report shall be submitted within five (5) working days after the inspection. The Periodic Report the summary of previous routine reports for a given period. This report shall include actual safety activities and accomplishments.





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2.9.5 Contents of the Inspection Reports The following descriptive details shall be contained in each type of inspection reports: a. b. c. d. e. f. Name of department, plant/installation inspected. Date and time of inspection. Name and designation of inspector (s) Date of report Summary of Inspection Report, which includes all the findings/violations. Recommendations.

2.9.6 Reporting of Office Accidents, Injuries and Violations a. Employees shall report any person committing an unsafe act that violates this Manual. The report shall be addressed to his immediate supervisor. The Safety Officer shall initiate the filing of complaint to disciplining authority for appropriate evaluation and action. Any on-duty accidents sustained by an employee, no matter how slight, must be reported at once to his immediate supervisor/superior. The employee or his immediate supervisor, in case of the formers incapacity, shall then personally report the accident or injury by accomplishing and submitting to the Safety Officer the Incident Investigation Report or Supervisors Report on Accident Investigation. In case of off-duty accidents which are categorized as major or serious, the employee shall promptly advise or cause to be advised, his immediate supervisor or superior. Notification of Incidents/Accidents shall be as follows: 1. Injury to Personnel or Injury from Unlawful act/s Fatality : Immediately or right after the incident, within 24 hours. : Not later than 24 hours : Within 48 hours.

b. c.



Medical Evacuation Non Medical Evacuation 2.

Equipment Damage or Property Loss or damage from unlawful act/s. Amount of repair/replacement estimated at more than Php 100,000 Not later than 24 hours. Amount of repair/replacement less than Php 100,000 Within 48 hours.



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2.9.7 Reporting Dam Distress Evidence of distress shall be immediately reported to the highest personnel on-duty. If an engineering evaluation of the evidence of distress indicates the need for immediate remedial action, such conditions shall be immediately reported to the Plant Manager. A post distress joint inspection shall be performed by Plant management and DRFFD to evaluate damages or changes caused by any event listed in the following subparagraph. If the distress is significant enough to require operational restrictions, the implementation of restrictions shall be reported as well. Typical evidences of distress to report are: a) b) Sloughs, settlement, or slides in embankments, spillway slopes or channels, and lock and dam abutments. Evidence of piping or muddy water boils in the area of a structure such as embankments, abutments, dam monoliths, lock walls, or cofferdams. Abnormal increases or decreases of flow from foundation drains, structural joints, or face drains. Any significant increases in seepage quantities through or under embankments or abutments. Any significant change in pore-water pressure in either embankments or their foundations or abutments. Any significant change in uplift pressures under concrete structures. Unusual vertical or horizontal movement or cracking of embankments or abutments. Significant cracking of mass concrete structures, either during construction or after completion. Sinkholes or localized subsidence in the foundation of, or adjacent to, embankments or other pertinent structures critical to the safe operation of the project. Excessive deflection, displacement, or vibration of concrete structures (e.g., tilting or sliding of intake towers, bridge piers, lock walls, or floodwalls). Erratic movement, binding, excessive deflection, or vibration of outlet and spillway gates and large flow control devices. Significant damage to any structure. Significant damage to, or changes in, structures, foundations, reservoir levels, groundwater conditions, and adjacent terrain as a result of seismic events. Excessive vibration, binding, unusual noises, movements, or deflections of gate hoist operating equipment. Actual hydraulic equipment operating pressure in excess of 125 percent of the normal operating pressure. Electric motor operating equipment overheating or stalling.

c) d) e) f) g) h) i)


k) l) m)

n) o)



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p) q) r) s) t) u) v)

Erratic movement or unusual sounds, such as bumping, jumping, or popping of lock miter gates. Wire lifting cables or lifting chains having broken strands or deformed, worn, or severely corroded links. Frequent power interruptions. Excess movement of penstock flexible couplings. Penstocks or turbine spiral cases that show signs of distress such as deformation or cracking. Failure of major mechanical or electrical equipment at local flood protection projects or locks and dams. Any other indications of distress or potential failure that could inhibit the operation of a project or endanger life and property.

2.9.8 Records of Dam Flood Operation Whenever the spillway gates of the Dam are operated regardless of whether there is actual discharge of water through the spillway or not, the Flood Operation Manager shall record and keep the following items (if there is no discharge, then only items a, b and c are to be recorded): a. b. Reason for the gate operation Number of the gate operated, starting time and closing time of each gate operation, and gate opening at the closing time of each gate operation Reservoir water level at starting time of each gate operation, inflow, discharge through the spillway, and discharge for power generation Time and discharge through the spillway at the peak of the dam discharge Time and new discharge when the Power Plant starts, stops or change its output Time and contents of notice and dissemination of the dam discharge warning, and time and route of the warning vehicles for the dissemination of the dam discharge warning Time and contents of dissemination of the flood warning, and time and route of the warning vehicles for the dissemination of the flood warning.


d. e. f.


2.9.9 Report on Flood Operation The Flood Operation Manager shall review the report on the flood operation and shall submit it to the FFWS Center within one (1) month after each flood operation containing the following items: a. b. c. Information on tropical cyclones received from the PAGASA through the FFWS Center Hyetograph at the telemetered rainfall stations Inflow, outflow and reservoir water level hydrographs



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Comments and recommendations on the flood model, flood forecasting, flood warning, Rule, etc.

2.9.10 Documentation Requirements All types of inspection reports as discussed in Section shall be treated as permanent records to be kept for future references and shall be subject to safety audit by QASD-TMS. 2.10 ADMINISTRATIVE SANCTIONS AND REWARDS 2.10.1 Classification of Offenses Any violation of safety rules and regulations shall be classified as less grave offense as provided in NPC Corporate Safety Code. The following and other analogous acts are considered less grave offenses: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. Failure to maintain fire fighting equipment in its operational capability. Failure to provide or require the use of personal protective equipment whenever necessary. Improper storage/stocking of materials and supplies, posing danger to health or fire hazard. Blocking /obstructing emergency exits. Failure to provide and maintain adequate cleaning equipment and materials for plant housekeeping purposes. Failure to initiate and implement proper waste disposal. Smoking in prohibited areas. Unauthorized removal of firefighting equipment Allowing oneself to be relieved by an employee who is under the influence of liquor or drugs. Tampering of power plant controls and equipment. Unauthorized alteration or deactivation of plant safety devices. Failure to report accidents or untoward incidents within the prescribed period

2.10.2 Penalties The penalties for less grave offenses shall be made in accordance with the following schedule of penalties: a. First Offense Transfer or demotion in rank or salary of one grade or fine or suspension of from one month and one day to six months in its minimum period. Second Offense Suspension of six months and one day to eight months in its medium period.




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Third Offense Suspension of eight months and one day to one year or demotion in rank or salary of not more than three grades in its maximum. Fourth offense - the offense shall be considered a grave offense and the penalties for grave offense shall apply.

2.10.3 Delegation of Authority to Investigate Cases and Impose Penalty a. Authority to Investigate Cases Head Office Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Department Managers and their equivalents; or persons in acting capacity or officers-in-charge for offenses committed by their immediate subordinates. They may request for the assistance of the Board of Inquiry and Discipline (BID) of the Office of the General Counsel. TMS/SPUG/Field Offices Department Managers and their equivalents, or persons in acting capacity or officers-in-charge. They may request for the assistance of BID of the Office of the General Counsel. Generation Plant Department Managers and their equivalents, or persons in acting capacity or officers-in-charge. They may request for the assistance of BID of the Office of the General Counsel. b. Authoriy to Impose Penalty Sr. Vice Presidents, Vice- Presidents concerned or persons in acting capacity or OfficersIn-Charge, for offenses committed by their immediate subordinates.

2.10.4 Rewards Rewards shall be launched on year round- basis and open to all NPC employees, power plants, projects and offices as provided in NPC Circular No. 2005-39 (03 November 2005), Revised Guidelines Governing NPC Corporate Safety, Environment and Enercon (SEE) Awards and other similar NPC programs such as STAR and PRAISE.

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