C4203 (New Syllabus) : General Info
C4203 (New Syllabus) : General Info
C4203 (New Syllabus) : General Info
Oil System General Info - 18.5 US quarts - provides a steady flow of filtered oil to the engine bearings, reduction gears, accessory drives, and propeller - Includes a pressure system, scavenge system and cooling system Pressurization - Pressurized to ensure lubrication of all necessary parts - Two oil pickup elements: - Normal in center of oil tank - Inverted near top of tank - Pressure pump - Supplies pressure during normal and inverted flight by using a normal and inverted pickup Scavenge - Scavenge system returns used oil from bearings and gearbox to the oil tank - Uses two scavenge pumps to pump oil back - Dual element gear type - One inside accessory gearbox and one outside Oil Cooler - Scavenged oil passes through oil cooler before going back into tank Oil Tank - Integrally cast with compressor air inlet - Vented into accessory gear box by breather valve and centrifugal breather Filters - Main oil filter in the oil tank - Filter bypass valve allows oil to enter system if main oil filter becomes clogged - Oil strainers located in the power, compressor and accessory drive areas Chip Detector - Located in the reduction gear box - Detects metal particles in oil and warns of possible engine gear damage - Displays CHIP light on EICAS Checking Oil Level - Use dipstick to check within 30 minutes of engine shutdown - Most accurate 15-20 minutes after shutdown - If at or below ADD, service oil level to MAX HOT - Do not use sight glass on side of oil tank to measure levels
Normal Oil Indications - Normal oil pressure between 90-120 psi - During aerobatics or spins between 40-130 psi - Normal oil temperature 10-105 degrees C Abnormal Oil Indications - Red OIL PX master warning - IDLE power and pressure falls below 15 psi - Above IDLE power and pressure falls below 40 psi - Amber OIL PX message - IDLE power and pressure between 15-40 psi - Above IDLE power and pressure between 40-90 psi for 10 seconds - Both red and amber OIL PX messages - At IDLE power oil pressure remains between 15-40 psi for 5 seconds or more - Regardless of oil pressure engine damage can occur at zero gs - Inverted time limit of 15 seconds - Zero g time limit of 5 seconds Oil Pressure Transducer - Downstream of main oil pump - Signal sent from TRX to EDM to SCU to EICAS - SCU contains the logic to display warnings on the EICAS - Very sensitive, may momentarily illuminate amber caution while maneuvering - OIL TRX circuit breaker on battery bus Oil Emergencies - CHIP detector - Possible metal contamination in engine oil supply. If contamination is severe, engine may fail with little to no warning - Oil System Malfunction - Used for red or amber OIL PX warnings, oil pressure fluctuations, and oil temperature out of limits - If OIL PX warning illuminates and oil pressure <5 psi check OIL TRX breaker - SCU may cause momentary illumination of amber OIL PX while maneuvering - Both red and amber OIL PX messages with normal pressure indicates an SCU failure Propeller System Engine Failures
1. Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff a. Indications: Total loss of power and a fairly rapid reduction in airspeed b. If sufficient runway remains straight ahead
i. Procedure: Asterisk Memory Item 1. Idle To increase drag, thus increasing sink rate 2. OFF To reduce sink rate (Propeller feathered) c. If there is not sufficient runway straight ahead i. Eject 1. Ejection Handle Pull (BOTH) 2. Engine Failure During Flight a. Indications: loss of power and airspeed, rapid decay in N1, torque, and ITT, and
warranted. i. Accomplished by pulling 20o climb (if able) and ejected before a sink rate develops e. Zoom above 150 KIAS, procedure i. Climb using a 2G pull up to 20o ii. Approaching desired glide speed, initiate a 0 to +0.5G pushover to capture speed f. Procedure: Asterisk Memory Item g. Flame Out: i. Two Types 1. Fuel Starvation a. Fuel flow goes to 0 first b. N1, ITT, NP, oil PX, hyd PX slowly go down to 0 c. Airstart is warranted for first airstart 2. Air disruption a. Torque goes to 0 immediately b. OBGOS FAIL c. N1 begins to decrease d. Oil PX begins to decrease at a slower rate once N1 descends e. Hydraulic pressure decrease slowly f. Lose FF once torque goes to 0 h. Seizure i. All indications drop rapidly ii. Torque drops off first iii. The biggest difference is the rate that the hydraulic pressure drops off seizure the PX drops immediately, while flameout slowly decreases 3. Compressor stall i. Indications i. Abnormal engine noise ii. Increasing ITT iii. Decreasing N1and torque iv. Loud bangs, backfire, engine sputtering v. Flames or smoke from exhaust stack
Recovery Procedure i. Boldface ii. NOTE: DEFOG switch on, automatically selects high bleed air to relieve backpressure in the compressor
Forced Landing
1. A 360* pattern designed to position the aircraft for landing from a PEL or power loss 2. PEL and forced landing both use the ELP; however, in the PEL you still have some
useable power and expecting a possible engine failure. In the forced landing, you have no useable power 3. Procedure a. TURN to nearest suitable field commensurate with altitude and gliding distance. b. CLIMB or ACCELERATE if not within dead engine gliding distance (1/2DME + KEY). Use 100% if the emergency is not related to oil system or strong engine vibrations; if related use minimum necessary to intercept the ELP and avoid unnecessary PCL movements. Climb at 140 KIAS. c. CLEAN up the gear and flaps and report it clean d. CHECK the instruments and any secondary indications e. BIP i. B Boost Pump: Not warranted ii. I Ignition Switch: Not warranted iii. P Plan: Based on the conditions plan to 1. Intercept ELP at or above high key 2. Intercept the ELP at a point other than high key with appropriate configuration 3. Eject if it becomes clear that aircraft cannot be safely recovered f. DETERMINE the duty runway (Say (OLF) Landing) g. DELIVER a simulated voice report over the ICS Using the ISPI format. Identification, Situation, Position, Intention (May-day, may-day, may-day, REDKNIGHT 030, I have a failed engine, Position is 3 nm north of Brewton, I intend to complete a forced landing at Brewton) h. REDUCE or ensure PCL is off and re-trim for 125 KIAS once sufficient altitude is reached to make the field. If excess altitude is gained during the climb, lower the gear, slip or S-turn. Position the a/c for some sort of final to set up for a good HK. i. LOWER the landing gear prior to HK. Must use EMG LDG GR system j. REPORT the Before Landing Checklist. If approaching HK in 125 KIAS glide and you are below profile, enter the ELP farther down in the pattern. If below 2,000 AGL and doubtful of intercepting ELP/making runway, consider ejection k. At HIGH KEY: Turn towards crosswind portion using 10-20 degrees while maintaining 120 KIAS and make appropriate call: (OLF) RDO, Red Knight 0##, High Key runway __
m. n. o. p. q.
At LOW KEY: Vary the AOB as necessary to arrive at 2/3 WTD abeam the intended point of landing at the proper altitude. Level the wings momentarily to check and make appropriate call 0##, Low Key with the gear down and locked i. LOWER flaps when the field is made but no sooner than LK. If below profile, consider ejection. If above profile between HK and the 90, slip is the preferred method to lose altitude. After the 90, a slip may be used. CONTINUE to turn towards the 90 degree position and arrive at the 90 600-800 AGL at 120 KIAS. Check and report Gear down, flaps TO/LDG, landing checklist complete. DECELERATE towards 110 KIAS from the 90 to final until commencing the landing transition. Transition to touchdown. Note no NWS, use rudder and differential braking to maintain centerline
land on the upwind or back side of the swell i. Avoid face of swell Ejection
1. Controlled Ejection a. Avoid Ejecting with a sink rate b. Always trade excess airspeed for altitude if conditions permit c. Ejection when the decision has been made to eject, there is at least 2,000 AGL of d. e. f. g. h. i. j.
altitude, and the aircraft is still under positive control Allows time for aircrew to complete necessary procedures to ensure a safe egress, notification to response personnel, and minimize damage to surrounding area Done at 125-180 KIAS If no positive pressure in the mask is felt after ejection, the Green Ring must be pulled because of the possibility that the emergency O2 system was not activated Best chance for a successful ejection is when the decision is made early If over mountainous terrain over 8,000 MSL, the Manual Override Handle (MOR) should be pulled to initiate pilot/seat separation and to deploy the parachute Procedure: Refer to PCL
2. Uncontrolled Ejection a. Perform above 6000 AGL (Recommended) b. At maximum sink rate of 10,000 ft/min and flying at 130 KIAS the minimum
altitude is approximately 300 AGL. If going faster than 130 minimum altitude decreases, so just use 300 ft c. If dive angle is at max of 90o at 370 KIAS, minimum altitude is approximately 1100 AGL. If going slower minimum altitude decreases, so just use 1100 d. If at max angle of bank of 180o and flying at 130 KIAS, minimum altitude is approximately 240 AGL. If going faster than 130 minimum altitude decreases, so just use 240 ft