Double Seal Surface Treatment - Method Statement
Double Seal Surface Treatment - Method Statement
Double Seal Surface Treatment - Method Statement
1. Scope of Works This method statement describes the operations required to undertake the double seal surface treatment on primed GCS base on newly constructed shoulders. The seal is done in two separate operations. 2. Reference Documents General Specifications for Road and Bridge Works Republic of Uganda Volume 3A Section 4200 and 4300 Special conditions of Contract Tender Dossier Volume 4 Section 4200 and 4300 Quality Control Plan: 110.199/QCP/005 3. Materials MC3000 cutback bitumen complying with specification BS 3690 Approved surface dressing chippings, nominal sized 10/14 and 6/10 4. Plant and Labour Binder Distributor, calibrated and approved. Roads authority certificate valid for 12 months. Mechanical broom Front End Loader Rear Mounted, on tipper trucks, chip spreaders, checked and set to application rates of aggregate being applied. Tipper Trucks Farm Type Tractor and Trailer Surfacing foreman Labour Hand Tools(hard brooms shovels)
5. Construction Confirm primed base on shoulder approved for surfacing Ensure traffic control measures in position and correct Check survey, setting out, demarcate are to be sealed Clean and prepare area to remove all loose material or dust before first application of seal. Set out edge lines for binder distributor and chip spreaders to follow Obtain approval and confirm application rates for MC3000 and 10/14 aggregate from Engineers representative. Dip distributor, record quantity and temperature of binder in vehicle Position binder distributor, chip spreaders, roller Distributor sprays closely followed by chip spreader pneumatic roller other chipping vehicles on first seal. Check application of MC3000 sprayed by dipping binder distributor, record quantity and application rate. When chipping vehicles and roller have completed the chipping and rolling, proceed with the following section to be sealed. Back chip, broom and pneumatic roll first seal and prepare to receive second seal, either the same day or within 48 hours. Second seal operations the same as for the first seal. On completion of the double seal, obtain approval from Engineers representative and open road to traffic.
6. Hazards and Risks Risk assessments Refer to: - Health and Safety Plan 110.199/PRM/QSE/HSP/001 - BASIL READ Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Forms On going risk assessments and training of personnel is seen as paramount importance to site management with the view to maintain a high priority on safety risks issues. Environmental risks Refer to: - Environmental Management Plan: 110.199/PRM/QSE/EMP/001 The following environmental risks have been identified: Dust Fuel and oil spillage Spillage of MC3000 Smoke and vapor emissions Waste Material
Measures to control and minimize risks are in place and the monitoring of these controls remains the responsibility of all site personnel.