HPJ WK 4 01 13
HPJ WK 4 01 13
HPJ WK 4 01 13
pany in Lexington, Va., connect stocker cattle buyers in the High Plains
and sellers in the southeast. Smith, her business partner, and the buyers
who work for them attend weekly livestock auctions in Virginia, West Vir-
ginia, and North Carolina, putting together loads of cattle that will end up
on grass or in feedlots in the High Plains.
There are a number of reasons for this connection between the southeast
and the High Plains, but the price of corn has to be at the top of that list.
In February we had a 75 cent positive basis on corn, Smith said. If
that is not a reason to put cattle on a truck and send them 1,100 miles west,
then I dont know what other reason there is.
That is one reason there are not many feedlots in the southeast, which
means those calves have to find a home someplace. Although farmers are
growing more corn in the south and southeast regions of the country these
days, most of that goes directly to export markets, Smith said.
You do not fatten cattle at that kind of price for corn, Smith said.
Sale barns
Smith deals primarily with community, locally owned sale barns that
offer weekly livestock actions. There are few seasonal sales that operate in
the fall and spring, but most of them are weekly.
They sell bull calves to dairy calves and everything in between, Smith
Most of the herds in her area range in size from 12 to 25 head, and the
producers are part-time operators for the most part. The growers market
when it is convenient for them or when they need some quick cash and not
when the market dictates.
1ournaI story by Doug Rich 1ournaI photo by
HoIIy Martin Cover artwork by Lance L. Ziesch
See Stocker Connection, 3A
Or not.
2012 Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health Division, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66201. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Baytril and Right the rst time are registered trademarks of Bayer. BL121809
You can wait to treat
BRD bacteria
Treat BRD bacteria upfront with Baytril
100 (enrooxacin) Injectable
now FDA-approved for BRD control (metaphylaxis) in high-risk cattle.
*The clinical signicance of in vitro data has not been demonstrated.
Data on le.
Blondeau JM, Borsos S, Blondeau LD, Blondeau BJ, Hesje C. (2005). The killing of clinical isolates of Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) by
enrooxacin (ENR) using minimum inhibitory and mutant prevention drug concentrations and over a range of bacterial inocula. In: ASM
Conference on Pasteurellaceae; 23-26 October 2005; Kohala Coast, Big Island, Hawaii: American Society of Microbiology; Abstract B12.
Blondeau JM, Borsos SD, Hesje CH, Blondeau LD, Blondeau BJ. (2007). Comparative killing of bovine isolates of Mannheimia
haemolytica (MH) by enrooxacin, orfenicol, tilmicosin and tulathromycin using the measured minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
and mutant prevention concentration (MPC) drug values. In: International Meeting of Emerging Diseases and Surveillance (IMED);
Vienna, Austria; February 23-25, 2007; Figures 8-10.
Whether controlling or treating BRD, its important to kill
bacteria to let the calfs immune system get back to work.
Use Baytril
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the smartest buslness declslons a cow/calf producer can make. 8ecause each dollar
spent on Palgro ylelds a return of $40 at sale, lt helps ranchers meet world demand
sustalnably - and bulld a better bottom llne.
A wlthdrawal perlod has not been establlshed for Palgro ln pre-rumlnatlng calves.
Do not use ln calves to be processed for veal. Por complete lnformatlon, refer to
product labellng.
For every $1 you spend on Ralgro