Afghan Compact by DR Kim Howells, Dawn, 12!03!2007
Afghan Compact by DR Kim Howells, Dawn, 12!03!2007
Afghan Compact by DR Kim Howells, Dawn, 12!03!2007
By Dr Kim Howells
Many challenges still lie ahead. A year ago, in London, Afghanistan and its friends in the
international community agreed on a framework for cooperation and engagement in
Afghanistan to ensure greater coherence of efforts between the international community
and the Afghan government. This framework, known as the Afghan compact, sets out
benchmarks and mutual obligations to achieve progress in Afghanistan.
Successful implementation of the Afghanistan compact will be key to the progress that
we can make together. One year on, we need to assess what the compact has already
achieved and where we need to make greater efforts. Progress on security, political,
economic and counter-narcotics fronts is putting Afghanistan on the road to recovery. We
must not lose momentum, or be distracted from the cause, by the insurgency in the south.
We need to work together to ensure a comprehensive approach, with international
partners playing a joined-up, supportive role. International coordination is good, but
could be better focused.
We must succeed in achieving our objectives in Afghanistan, not only for the Afghan
people, but also for ourselves. A failed state is a danger to us all: September 11 taught us
that. I know that the Afghan government is absolutely determined to ensure the country
does not slip back to the days of chaos. We share their resolve, and with the international
community remain committed to help. ISAF troops, currently in southern Afghanistan,
are fighting alongside their Afghan counterparts to prevent the Taliban from achieving
their objectives. And that is what we are doing. Slowly but surely, ISAF forces are
holding sway; the Taliban are taking significant losses, and are reverting to increasingly
brutal means to intimidate and bully local people into submission.
But history has taught us that military means alone rarely defeat an insurgency. So we
need to keep reassessing our approach if we are to win.
The Taliban have an efficient method of disseminating information. Their website, while
crude, is updated almost daily. They are always quick to inflate their influence or the
outcome of their actions. They can and do lie. We, on the other hand, cannot. But we can
be quicker off the mark. Responding immediately to Taliban claims, and taking the
initiative with our own messages, is one positive way to hit back. Local Afghans need to
hear the voice of ISAF and the international community if they are to understand what we
are about and why we are there. We need to highlight the widespread use of Taliban
intimidation to control the local population, so people understand this is how the Taliban
operate wherever they are. We need to put the spotlight on their murders of anyone who
does not toe the line.
Our efforts to defeat the Taliban go hand in hand with our reconstruction and
development work. Significant progress has been made. But despite our considerable
efforts, some in Afghanistan do not believe the pace of change is happening fast enough.
This is partly fed by Taliban disinformation, but also a genuine belief that things have
stalled. I don’t believe they have: indeed the economic statistics show they haven’t. Each
time I go to Afghanistan I see a change for the better; whether that be more shops
opening, more people going about their daily business, or new schools and clinics
opening. But people rightly expect more. They grow weary of corruption and
administrative incompetence. They want a responsive, capable government, free from
corruption and geared towards the needs of the people. This is what we want too. The UK
puts 70 per cent of its development aid to Afghanistan, through the Afghan government
system. We encourage others to do the same.
Not only does this allow the Afghan government to operate and develop, but it means that
it can deliver services direct to the population – Afghan to Afghan – allowing the
population to see improvements not brought by the international community or an NGO,
but by the Afghan government. The challenge now for the international community and
the Afghan government is to continue to strengthen the state institutions, improve
economic management, and improve livelihoods. This three-pronged approach is
designed to deliver sustainable development to Afghanistan in a way that strengthens the
government and lifts the living standards of the people.Regional cooperation remains
essential to Afghanistan’s future stability and prosperity, and that of the neighbouring
countries. The rise in trade between Afghanistan and her neighbours since the fall of the
Taliban is testament to that.
But the relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan in particular has not always been
the easiest. Grievances can become public. Issues like cross border cooperation and
tackling the insurgency have been particularly difficult to manage. But this would be the
case in many parts of the world, where two countries with so much in common have such
difficult issues to tackle. We need to support both countries in efforts to remove the
conditions which allow space for the Taliban to operate.
Like others, the UK has been working closely with Pakistan. As a result Taliban
operatives have been arrested on their side of the border. Only recently, the Pakistani
authorities arrested Mullah Obaidullah, a significant Taliban leader. His arrest will cause
disruption, and we expect the Pakistani authorities to keep up the pressure on other
insurgents using Pakistan as a safe haven.
But there are many positives to this relationship. Afghanistan and Pakistan share a rich
history. The links between the two countries transcend national barriers. Trade and
commerce between the two countries continues to grow at a significant rate. The key is to
build on all this, and use it as a force for good.
The idea of a cross-border jirga is something that can do that. It is a start. It has the
potential to begin rebuilding lost confidence on both sides of the border.
I cannot of course speak about Afghanistan without speaking about the drugs trade, which
remains such a major obstacle to progress. The threat from drugs to Afghanistan’s
reconstruction and development ranks alongside the threat from the Taliban. President
Karzai has described the trade as the most corrosive element in Afghan society. It is
impossible to tackle Afghanistan’s problems today if we put off dealing with the drugs
menace until tomorrow. The opium economy accounts for more than 30 per cent of GDP.
Drug addiction within Afghanistan is rising. Drug-related crime and corruption are rife
and permeate all levels of society. And if not dealt with, the trade will continue to be
exploited by the Taliban.
While it is too early to predict this year’s overall cultivation levels, indicators suggest
Afghanistan is facing another year of high poppy cultivation. Security challenges,
insurgent activity and the lack of extension of the rule of law continue to present
obstacles to poppy elimination.Still, we have made some encouraging progress in areas
where there is access to security and rule of law. The Afghan National Drugs Control
Strategy is balanced and represents the right approach. It includes measures to target the
traffickers and to provide legal livelihoods for Afghan farmers so they can move away
from opium poppy cultivation.
With the support of the international community the Afghan government has so far
financed over 17,000 community projects, which have reached some 8.5 million rural
Afghans. We are working to build up the criminal justice system and establish and
support the Counter Narcotics Police Force and the Afghan Special Narcotics Force. In
the last year and a half, this has resulted in the conviction of over 320 traffickers, and an
increase in drug-related seizures. There are no “silver bullets” or quick fixes however.
This will take time and will require the full support of the international community.
In conclusion, when the Taliban were toppled from power, we knew we had a long and
difficult path ahead of us. Afghanistan had suffered over two decades of war, misery and
decline. The people were traumatised, and the country lay destroyed. Five years on,
significant progress has been made. Despite the gloom merchants, things are getting
better. We are turning the tide.
The people of Afghanistan deserve a chance to live normal peaceful lives. The
Afghanistan Compact and the Afghanistan National Development Strategy are the routes
to this. Delivery and focus do perhaps need to be improved. But the path they envisage is
the right one, and it is one the Afghan government has marked out.