Daily Lesson Plan
Daily Lesson Plan
Daily Lesson Plan
Subject : Physics
Class : Form 4A
Date : 28 May 2009
Time : 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm (30 minutes)
No. of students : 30 students
Learning Area : Power
Learning Objective : Understanding Power
Scientific Concepts:
a. The rate at which work is done
b. The rate at which energy is transformed
Prior Knowledge:
Students have already learned work (W) as the product of an applied force (F) and
displacement (s) of an object in the direction of the applied force i.e. W = Fs.
Teaching and Learning Activities
Phase Content Student Notes
Teacher Activities
Introduction/ Define work (W) Revise previous lesson Students Strategy/Technique:
Eliciting as the product of to strengthen basic respond to Whole class Q&A
Ideas an applied force knowledge of power by teacher’s
(5 minutes) (F) and eliciting students’ ideas questions Resources: PP slides
displacement (s) about work and energy.
of an object in the
direction of the Elicit students’ prior
applied force i.e. knowledge on power
W = Fs. by asking them to
compare the power of
two superheroes and
two cars.
Structuring/ Power Show picture of 2 Students Strategy/Technique:
Restructuring a. is rate at which racing cars which is respond to Interactive
of Ideas work is done quite same. Ask teacher’s demonstration by
(10 minutes) b. is rate at which students to predict questions teacher
energy is which one of the car by making
transformed has more power and prediction. Resources: PP slides
c. is directly give the reason.
proportional to
work Then show video of the Students
d. is inversely racing cars. Ask make
proportional with student their observation
time observation, inference and make
and the physic quantity inference.