Smart Grid

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The key takeaways are that smart grids use IT and communication technologies to modernize the electric power grid, enable two-way communication between consumers and providers, and help integrate renewable energy sources.

The main components of a smart grid system are smart meters, two-way communication between consumers and providers, and sensors that monitor energy use in homes.

Some advantages of smart grids are reduced costs of blackouts, helping measure and reduce energy costs and conservation, and opening opportunities for tech companies and jobs.



Purusottam Thakur Electrical Engg.(2010-14) Redg. No.1001217049


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Smart grid refers to the a next generation electric power network that makes use of IT and high technologies. Compared to the telecommunication network, the electric power network have not developed remarkably in terms of creating innovative technologies. However, smart grid by revolutionizing the electric power network and being almost as powerful as the internet, is attracting many attentions among various industries. Smart grid is a system that enables two-many communications in between consumers and electric power companies. In a smart grid system consumers information is received by the electric power companies in order to provide the most efficient electric network operations. In addition to the efficient operations of a power plant ,smart grid also make it possible to control power demand and distributed energy, including renewable energies. By installing an intelligent meter (smart meter) on the consumer side, especially households, monitoring the use of energy becomes much easier and even helps to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

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Historical development of the electricity grid

The first alternating current power grid system was installed in 1886 .[4] At that time, the grid was conceived as a centralized unidirectional[5] system of electric power transmission, electricity distribution, and demand-driven control. In the 20th century power grids originated as local grids that grew over time, and were eventually interconnected for economic and reliability reasons. By the 1960s, the electric grids of developed countries had become very large, mature and highly interconnected, with thousands of 'central' generation power stations delivering power to major load centres via high capacity power lines which were then branched and divided to provide power to smaller industrial and domestic users over the entire supply area. The topology of the 1960s grid was a result of the strong economies of scale of the current generation technology: large coal-, gas- and oil-fired power stations in the 1 GW (1000 MW) to 3 GW scale are still found to be cost-effective, due to efficiency-boosting features that can be cost effectively added only when the stations become very large. Power stations were located strategically to be close to fossil fuel reserves (either the mines or wells themselves, or else close to rail, road or port supply lines). Siting of hydro-electric dams in mountain areas also strongly influenced the structure of the emerging grid. Nuclear power plants were sited for availability of cooling water. Finally, fossil fuel-fired power stations were initially very polluting and were sited as far as economically possible from population centres once electricity distribution networks permitted it. By the late 1960s, the electricity grid reached the overwhelming majority of the population of developed countries, with only outlying regional areas remaining 'off-grid'. On the other side, in recent years there have been some efforts for application of smart grid in developing countries. Some countries like China, India and Brazil are pioneer on smart grid in developing world.[6] Metering of electricity consumption was necessary on a per-user basis in order to allow appropriate billing according to the (highly variable) level of consumption of different users. Because of limited data collection and processing capability during the period of growth of the grid, fixed-tariff arrangements were commonly put in place, as well as dual-tariff arrangements where night-time power was charged at a lower rate than daytime power. The motivation for dual-tariff arrangements was the lower night-time demand. Dual tariffs made possible the use of low-cost night-time electrical power in
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applications such as the maintaining of 'heat banks' which served to 'smooth out' the daily demand, and reduce the number of turbines that needed to be turned off overnight, thereby improving the utilisation and profitability of the generation and transmission facilities. The metering capabilities of the 1960s grid meant technological limitations on the degree to whichprice signals could be propagated through the system. Through the 1970s to the 1990s, growing demand led to increasing numbers of power stations. In some areas, supply of electricity, especially at peak times, could not keep up with this demand, resulting in poor power quality including blackouts, power cuts, and brownouts. Increasingly, electricity was depended on for industry, heating, communication, lighting, and entertainment, and consumers demanded ever higher levels of reliability. Towards the end of the 20th century, electricity demand patterns were established: domestic heating and air-conditioning led to daily peaks in demand that were met by an array of 'peaking power generators' that would only be turned on for short periods each day. The relatively low utilisation of these peaking generators (commonly, gas turbines were used due to their relatively lower capital cost and faster start-up times), together with the necessary redundancy in the electricity grid, resulted in high costs to the electricity companies, which were passed on in the form of increased tariffs.

Modernization opportunities Since the early 21st century, opportunities to take advantage of improvements in electronic communication technology to resolve the limitations and costs of the electrical grid have become apparent. Technological limitations on metering no longer force peak power prices to be averaged out and passed on to all consumers equally. In parallel, growing concerns over environmental damage from fossil-fired power stations has led to a desire to use large amounts of renewable energy. Dominant forms such as wind power and solar power are highly variable, and so the need for more sophisticated control systems became apparent, to facilitate the connection of sources to the otherwise highly controllable grid. Power from photovoltaic cells (and to a lesser extent wind turbines) has also, significantly, called into question the imperative for large, centralised power stations. The rapidly falling costs point to a major change from the centralised grid topology to one that is highly distributed, with power being both generated and consumed right at the limits of the grid. Finally, growing concern over terrorist attack in some countries has led to calls for a
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more robust energy grid that is less dependent on centralised power stations that were perceived to be potential attack targets Origin of the term "smart grid" The term smart grid has been in use since at least 2003, when it appeared in the article "Reliability demands will drive automation investments" by Michael T. Burr.The term had been used previously and may date as far back as 1998.There are many smart grid definitions, some functional, some technological, and some benefits-oriented. A common element to most definitions is the application of digital processing and communications to the power grid, making data flow and information management central to the smart grid. Various capabilities result from the deeply integrated use of digital technology with power grids, and integration of the new grid information flows into utility processes and systems is one of the key issues in the design of smart grids. Electric utilities now find themselves making three classes of transformations: improvement of infrastructure, called the strong grid in China; addition of the digital layer, which is the essence of the smart grid; and business process transformation, necessary to capitalize on the investments in smart technology. Much of the modernization work that has been going on in electric grid modernization, especially substation and distribution automation, is now included in the general concept of the smart grid, but additional capabilities are evolving as well. Early technological innovations Smart grid technologies have emerged from earlier attempts at using electronic control, metering, and monitoring. In the 1980s, Automatic meter reading was used for monitoring loads from large customers, and evolved into the Advanced Metering Infrastructure of the 1990s, whose meters could store how electricity was used at different times of the day.[9] Smart meters add continuous communications so that monitoring can be done in real time, and can be used as a gateway to demand response-aware devices and "smart sockets" in the home. Early forms of such Demand side management technologies were dynamic demand aware devices that passively sensed the load on the grid by monitoring changes in the power supply frequency. Devices such as industrial and domestic air conditioners, refrigerators and heaters adjusted their duty cycle to avoid activation during times the grid was suffering a peak condition. Beginning in 2000, Italy's Telegestore Project was the first to network large numbers (27 million) of homes using such smart meters connected via low bandwidth power line communication.[10] Recent projects use Broadband over Power Line (BPL) communications, or wireless technologies such as mesh networking that
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is advocated as providing more reliable connections to disparate devices in the home as well as supporting metering of other utilities such as gas and water. Monitoring and synchronization of wide area networks were revolutionized in the early 1990s when the Bonneville Power Administration expanded its smart grid research with prototype sensorsthat are capable of very rapid analysis of anomalies in electricity quality over very large geographic areas. The culmination of this work was the first operational Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) in 2000.[11] Other countries are rapidly integrating this technology China will have a comprehensive national WAMS system when its current 5-year economic plan is complete in 2012[12] The earliest deployments of smart grids include the Italian system Telegestore (2005), the mesh network of Austin, Texas (since 2003), and the smart grid in Boulder, Colorado (2008). SeeDeployments and attempted deployments below

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A SMART GRID delivers electricity from supplier to consumers using two- way digital technology to control appliances at consumers homes to save energy, reduce cost and increase reliability and transparency. It overlays the electricity distribution grid with an information and net metering system. Power travels from the power plant to your house through an amazing system called the power distribution grid. Such a modernized electricity networks is being promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy independences, global warming and emergency resilience issues. Smart meters may be part of smart grid, but alone do not constitute a smart grid.

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A smart grid includes an intelligent monitoring system that keeps track of all electricity flowing in the system. It also incorporates the use of superconductive transmission lines for less power loss, as well as the capability of the integrating renewable electricity such as solar and wind. When power is least expensive the user can allow the smart grid to turn on selected home appliances such as washing machines or factory processes that can run at arbitrary hours. At peak times it could turn off selected appliances to reduce demand.

Smart Grid And its Need

Understanding the need for smart grid requires acknowledging a few facts about our infrastructure. The power grid is the backbone of the modern civilization, a complex society with often conflicting energy needs-more electricity but fewer fossil fuels, increased reliability yet lower energy costs, more secure distribution with less maintenance, effective new construction and efficient disaster reconstruction. But while demand for electricity has risen drastically, its transmission is outdated and stressed. The bottom line is that we are exacting more from a grid that is simply not up to the task.


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How smart should a smart power grid

The utilities get the ability to communicate with and control end user hardware, from industrial- scale air conditioner to residential water heaters. They use that to better balance supply and demand, in part by dropping demand during peak usage hours. Taking advantages of information technology to increase the efficiency of the grid, the delivery system, and the use of electricity at the same time is itself a smart move. Simply put, a smart grid combined with smart meters enables both electrical utilities and consumer to be much more efficient. A smart grid not only moves electricity more efficiently in geographic terms, it also enables electricity use to be shifted overtime-for example, from period of peak demand to those of off-peak demand. Achieving this goals means working with consumers who have smart meters to see exactly how much electricity is being used at any particular time. This facilitates two-way communication between utility and consumer. So they can cooperate in reducing peak demand in a way that its advantageous to both. And it allow to the use of two way metering so that customer who have a rooftop solar electric panel or their own windmill can sell surplus electricity back to the utility.

1. Intelligent

Capable of sensing system overloads and rerouting power to prevent or minimize a potential outage; of working autonomously when conditions required resolution faster than humans can respond and co-operatively in aligning the goals of utilities, consumers and regulators.
2. Efficient

Capable of meeting efficient increased consumer demand without adding infrastructure.

3. Accommodating

Accepting energy from virtually any fuel source including solar and wind as easily and transparently as coal and natural gas: capable of integrating any and all better ideas and technologies energy storage technologies. For e.g.- as they are market proven and ready to come online.

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4. Motivating

Enable real-time communication between the consumer and utility, so consumer can tailor their energy consumption based on individual preferences, like price and or environmental concerns.
5. Resilient

Increasingly resistant to attack and natural disasters as it becomes more decentralization and reinforced with smart grid security protocol.
6. Green

Slowing the advance of global climate change and offering a genuine path towards significant environmental improvement.

The bulk of smart grid technologies are already used in other applications such as manufacturing and telecommunications and are being adapted for use in grid operations. In general, smart grid technology can be grouped into five key areas


Integrated communications
Some communications are up to date, but are not uniform because they have been developed in an incremental fashion and not fully integrated. In most cases, data is being collected via modem rather than direct network connection. Areas for improvement include: substation automation, demand response, distribution automation, supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA), energy management systems, wireless mesh networks and other technologies, power- line carrier communication s and fiber-optics. Integrated communication will allow for real time control, information and data exchange to optimize system reliability, asset utilization, and security.


Sensing and measurement

core duties are evaluating congestion and grid stability, monitoring equipment health, energy theft prevention, and control strategies support. Technologies include: advanced microprocessor meters (smart meter) and meter reading equipment, wide-area monitoring system, dynamic line rating(typically based on online reading by distributed temperature sensing combined with Real time thermal rating (RTTR) systems), electromagnetic signature measurement/analysis, time-of-use and real-time pricing tools, advanced switches and cables, backscatter radio technology, and Digital protective relays.

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Smart meters
A smart grid replaces analog mechanical meters with digital meters that record usage in real time. Smart meters are similar to Advanced Metering Infrastructure meters and provide a communication path extending from generation plants to electrical outlets (smart socket) and other smart gridenabled devices. By customer option, such devices can shut down during times of peak demand. Advanced components Innovations in superconductivity, fault tolerance, storage, power electronics, and diagnostics components are changing fundamental abilities and characteristics of grids. Technologies within these broad R&D categories include: flexible alternating current transmission system devices, high voltage direct current, first and second generation superconducting wire, high temperature superconducting cable, distributed energy generation and storage devices, composite conductors, and intelligent appliances.



TECHNICAL LOSSES IN T&D SYSTEM Transmission system comprises of transmission towers, conductors, insulators and switchgear protection system transmits power from generating station to any particular distribution substation. Distribution system comprises of feeder towers, poles and insulators etc. which distribute power from distribution substation to any particular area.

Parameters influencing T&D system: 1) Transformer

2) Transmission line 3) Distribution line

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Transformer losses

Iron losses (constant losses)

Copper losses (variable losses)

The loss of power consumed to sustain the magnetic field in transformer steel core. It is also known as iron losses.

Magnetic losses = hysteresis loss + eddy current loss b) COPPER LOSSES

The total power loss taking place in the winding of transformer is called as copper (Cu) loss or electrical losses.

Cu losses = I12R1+ I22R2

Now, that we have learned the number of losses in T&D sector so also lets have a view to reduce or conserve this losses. The major percentage of losses occurring in T&D sector are only transformer losses. It contributes to 40% of losses in T&D system. So, it is sole responsibility to reduce them.


Transformer is a static device. It does not have any moving parts. So, a transformer is free from mechanical and frictional losses. Thus, it faces only electrical losses and magnetic losses. Hence the efficiency of conventional transformer is high around 95-98%. Thus, energy conservation opportunities for trans former are available only in design and material used. Also optimizing loading of transformer can increase efficiency of system.
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The environmental protection agency (EPA) brought study report that nearly 61 billion K WH of electricity is wasted in each year only as transformer losses. Study of typical grid system showed that, power transformer contributes nearly 40% to 50% of total transmission and distribution losses. Maintaining maximum efficiency to occur at 38% loading (as recommended by REC), the overall efficiency of transformer can be increased and its losses can be reduced. The load loss may be even reduced by using thicker conductors.

Transformer ratings
25 KVA 63KVA 100KVA

Reduction in losses at 38% loading

685-466W 1235-844W 1760-1196W


This is nothing but the reducing No-Load losses or Core Losses. They can be reduced by following methods:-

1) BY USING ENERGY EFFICIENT TRANSFORMERBy using superior quality or improved grades of CRGO (Cold Rolled Grain Oriented) laminations, the no-load losses can be reduced to 32%.

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Transformer with superior quality of core material i.e. amorphous alloy is called Amorphous Transformers. Amorphous alloy is made up of Iron-boron-silicon alloy. The magnetic core of this transformer is made with amorphous metal, which is easily magnetized / demagnetized. Typically, core loss can be 7080% less than its Molten metal mixture when cooled to solid state at a very high speed rate, retain a random atomic structure that is not crystalline. This is called Amorphous.

Amorphous transformer

ENERGY CONSERVATION IN TRANSMISSION LINE:Transmission losses can be reduced as follows:1) BY REDUCING RESISTANCE -

Losses are directly proportional to I2r in conductor. So, if we reduce R from this surely the losses will be reduced. For this we can use stranded or bundled conductors or ACSR conductors. And even this method is been adopted and also successful.

Smart Grid

ACSR Conductor
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This can be done by following methods1. By using voltage controllers 2. By using voltage stabilizer

3. By using power factor controller


This is one of most important and useful/helpful for energy conservation. This can be done by asking consumer to make use of energy efficient equipments, by giving seminar about energy conservation and make them aware and understand about the happening and there advantages and disadvantages etc. Effective use of smart grid technologies by customer helps utilities Optimizes grid use. Improve grid efficiency and security. Better align demand with supply constraints & grid congestion. Enable distributed generation (especially from renewable sources)

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As a result of unequal loads on individual phase sequence, components causes over heating of transformers, cables, conductors motors. Thus, increasing losses and resulting in the motor malfunctioning under unbalanced voltage conditions. Thus, keeping the system negative phase sequence voitage within limits, amount of savings in capital (saving the duration of equipment )as well as energy losses. Thus, to avoid this losses, the loads are distributed evenly as is practical between the phases.

Low power factor will lead to increased current and hence increase losses and will affect the voltage. The power factor at peak is almost unity. However, during off peak hours, mainly (11 am to 3 pm ) the power factor decreases to around 0.8, this may be due to following reasons, Wide use of fans. Wide industrial loads. Wide use of agricultural and domestic pumping motors. Less use of high power factor loads like lightubg etc. Now, to improve power factor at off peak hours the consumers must be aware of the effects of low power factor and must connect compensation equipments DSTACOM, capacitor bank.

A smart meter generally refers to a type of advanced meters that identifies consumption in more detail than a conventional meter and communicates that information back to the local utility for monitoring and billing, a process known as telemetering.

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These meters includes additional functions to power measurement such as communication, data storage, remote programming, and time-of-use rates , and are intended to be deployed as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) solution. Smart meters are the next generation of electricity and gas meters. smart meter will empower customer to make choices on how much energy they use. Supplier will install two-way communication system that display accurate real time information on energy use in the home to the consumer and back to the energy supplier.


1) Self-heals

Todays grid
Respond to prevent further damage. focus is on protection of assets following system faults.

Smart grid (Modern grid)

Automatically detects & respond to actual & emerging transmission &distribution problems. Focus is on prevention. minimizes computer impacts. Informed involve &active consumers. Broad penetration of demand response. Resilient to attach &natural disasters with rapid restoration capabilities. Quality of power meets industry standards & consumers need. PQ issues identified &revolved prior to manifestation. Various levels of PQ at various prices. Very large no. of diverse distributed generation & storage devices deployed to complements the large generating plant.

2) Motivates & includes the consumers 3) Resist attack

Consumers are uniformed &non-participative with the power system. Vulnerable to malicious acts of terrors natural disasters. Focused on outstage rather than power quality problems. Solve response in revolving PQ issues.

4) Provided power quality for 21st century needs

5) Accommodates all generation and storage option.

Relatively small no. of large generating plants. numerous obstacles exist for interconnecting DER.

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Advantages Of Smart Grid Reduces the cost of blackouts. Helps measure and reduces energy conservation and costs. Help businesses to reduce their carbon footprints. Opens up new opportunities for tech companies meaning more jobs created.

Disadvantages Of Smart Grid

Biggest concern: it has security and privacy. Two-way communication between power consumer and provider and sensors so it is costly. Some type of meter can hacked. HACKERGain control of thousand even millions, of meters. Increases or decreases the demand of power. Not simply a single component .various technology components are used are software, system integrators, the power generators.

In the new future, will not be any vast development. Risky because of financial developments and regulations. In the long run, attitudes will change, wide spread usage of the smart grid from every business to every home just like the internet.

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Resources of information
Energy Conservation Through Energy Management - by Prof. S. P. Rath (IEEMA magazine, January 2008) WIRELESS Transmission Of Electric Power - by Syed Khadeerullah (Electrical India magazine, January 2008) Magazine of Electrical India 2010


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