This guide provides general information about how Tilt Renewables develops, builds and
operates Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facilities.
BESS facilities typically consist of several key components including battery units or ‘enclosures’, inverters and
transformers. The final configuration of a BESS facility will depend on the BESS technology, BESS supplier and required
BESS facilities most commonly use lithium-ion to store the electricity until it is ready to be distributed to the network,
however there are a variety of technologies available to store the electricity including sodium ion, molten-state (such
as sodium sulphur) and others.
Where possible, BESS facilities are co-located with or near a grid connection point (such as a terminal station),
therefore minimising the need for additional connection infrastructure.
BESS Lifecycle
There are four key phases in a BESS facilities lifecycle. As a developer, owner and operator, Tilt Renewables
is involved in all phases.
& approvals
& commissioning
• Feasibility studies
• Site investigations
To support the planning and environmental approvals process for a BESS, detailed environmental assessments are
undertaken by technical specialists to assess the potential impacts and associated mitigation measures. The extent
to which these environmental assessments are required are based on the location and jurisdiction of the BESS, but
typically include:
• Biodiversity
• Cultural heritage
• Noise
• Traffic
• Landscape and visual
• Hydrology
• Bushfire and/or Hazard
Construction and commissioning
At Tilt Renewables, we work closely with our contractors, neighbours, local councils and communities to plan and
manage construction responsibly.
We are committed to reducing construction impacts on communities and environment and keeping people safe whilst
we work. Some of the ways we do this include:
Management plans are developed to ensure all requirements are understood and addressed.
A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) provides a ‘guidebook’ for workers on site. It sets out
the approach to managing all aspects of construction including working hours, safety and security, water and dust
management, noise and vibration controls and traffic.
Other environmental management plans (e.g. an Environment Management Plan) identifies potential impacts and the
strategies and plans in place to manage impacts and meet requirements. It ensures that appropriate environmental
management practices are followed.
What should I expect during construction?
Peak traffic movements associated with a BESS will occur during construction. A Traffic Management Plan
(TMP) is developed in consultation with the relevant road authority to ensure that construction traffic
is appropriately managed. We use major highways and main roads where possible and local roads where
necessary to access the construction site.
The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) in each state recommends standard construction hours. This is
generally around 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.
Construction noise targets are guided by state or territory legislation. If construction activities on one of our
projects is expected to exceed the noise targets at any time, we put mitigation measures in place to limit the
impact on local residents as much as possible. This may include scheduling works so that noisier activities occur
at times when they will have the least impact.
Using well maintained equipment and machinery, minimising noise from vehicle reversing beepers, turning off
machinery that is not in use and putting speed limits in place to minimise engine noise, are some other measures
used to reduce noise from our sites.
Safety is our first priority. We work closely with our construction contractors and Health and Safety
Management Plans are developed to drive safe construction practices and ensure that potential risks are
identified, mitigated and communicated to workers. All staff and contractors undertake mandatory training
in safety and emergency procedures before starting work on site.
Grid scale BESS facilities are generally expected to have an operational life of approximately 15 to 20 years and are
typically monitored remotely, without the requirement of permanent staff on site. Staff are however required to
access the site from time to time to undertake inspection and maintenance activities.
What does a BESS look like?
BESS facilities are typically containerised, modular systems that can be configured based on specific site and
capacity requirements. However, BESS technology is continuously evolving, with BESS components becoming
increasingly more efficient and compact in size.
If required, BESS facilities can be screened (by either vegetative or artificial means) to minimise any potential
visual impacts.
BESS facilities are equipped with Battery Management Systems (BMS) that monitor the operational and fault status
of the system for all parameters required to ensure safe operation of the BESS, including State of Charge (SOC),
voltage, current, power limits, and temperatures. Parameters are monitored at the appropriate level of the battery cell,
module and rack as applicable. The BMS functions to prevent potential fires by shutting down battery modules / racks
if monitored conditions are outside of those permissible for safe operation.
Different BESS suppliers have differences in the specific integrated fire monitoring and control systems.
However, all BESS facilities must comply with the relevant guidelines, standards and conditions of any issued
approval and operate in accordance with the legislation applicable to each BESS facilities jurisdiction.
Risk management of a BESS facility is typically undertaken by way of a Risk Management Plan in conjunction with the
relevant fire authority that identifies, assesses and outlines controls for the management of on-site and off-site risks
at the BESS facility.
The emergency procedures for a BESS facility are typically developed in conjunction with the relevant fire authority,
and outlined in an Emergency Management Plan
Will the BESS leak
Chemical hazards from BESS facilities can
arise from acid or corrosive components
leaking from a BESS. To mitigate against this risk,
appropriate containment measures such as bunding,
spill trays and chemical absorbents are installed to
prevent the event of a chemical leak.
Like other utility scale facilities, BESS facilities have the potential to 150
generate some sound. The main source of the sound is the cooling 140
fans required to regulate the operating temperature of the individual
battery cells. The sound they make is similar to an air conditioning unit 130
or a dull whirring noise.
Detailed noise studies are undertaken by specialist consultants who
apply authorised environmental noise guidelines to measure noise
levels during project development to ensure that noise generated will 100
be within the applicable noise limits.
Once operating, BESS facilities are required to meet strict noise
requirements which are put in place through the planning process and 80
comply with the relevant noise protocols and/or guidelines.
Diagram: Typical BESS noise levels are 45dB approx. 200m from
the facility.
When a BESS reaches the end of its life, the facility can be decommissioned and the area returned to its original
condition. Decommissioning of a BESS facility will likely involve:
Details of the decommissioning process are typically outlined by way of a Decommissioning Management Plan,
that is prepared just prior to a BESS being decommissioned and identifies all infrastructure, equipment, buildings
and structures to be removed and details of how these will be removed.
Decommissioning of a BESS facility will be undertaken in accordance with the applicable regulations that govern
the safe transport and disposition of used equipment or waste. Where possible, balance of plant material (such as
steel and concrete) will be recycled. Whilst inverters, control systems and other electronic equipment may be more
challenging to recycle, useful materials from these components can often be recovered.
Whilst the research and opportunities for recycling BESS components is in its infancy, the industry continues
to develop processes that are in line with circular economy principles: cradle to-cradle design, achieving 100%
recyclability, designing out waste and using recycled inputs.
Construction in the renewable energy sector creates jobs on site and in businesses that supply the projects,
directly or indirectly.
• General labourers
• BESS installers
• Concrete suppliers
• Accommodation providers
• Local pubs, hotels, food service providers
Tilt Renewables, as the owner of the BESS facility, will not typically be directly employing workers, this will be done
by our delivery partners and contractors (and their sub-contractors).
You can contact them directly when they are appointed or register your interest on our Goods & Services Register
and we will pass your details onto the appropriate delivery partner or contractor when appointed.
Tilt Renewables is committed to giving back to and enhancing our host communities
by sharing the benefits of all our projects.
We are always exploring innovative and place-appropriate ideas for how best to share the benefits of a Project with
the community, with key focus areas often including support towards education and training programs.
We welcome ideas from the community and encourage you to get in touch using the details in the footer below.
Sign up for project updates to keep abreast of our latest Dalvui
BESS project as it progresses. Hover over the QR code to visit the
project webpage, or send us an email and we’ll add you to the list.
Contact us:
Web: www.tiltrenewables.com | Email: info@tiltrenewables.com | Phone: 1800 WE TILT (938 458)
Postal Address: PO Box 16080, Collins St West, Melbourne VIC 8007 | Version: January 2022