Fault Modeling
Fault Modeling
Fault Modeling
ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty
Fault Modeling
Why model faults? Some real defects in VLSI and PCB Common fault models Stuck-at faults
Single stuck-at faults Fault equivalence Fault dominance and checkpoint theorem Classes of stuck-at faults and multiple faults
ECE 269
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ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty
ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty
Fault Models
Faults must match level of abstraction in terms of
Component types Signal values Time units
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Behavioral Faults
The switch (id) clause may fail:
All the specified cases are selected None of the specified cases are selected
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Useful if not too complex for test generation, and provides good coverage of low-level faults
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x1 x2 xn
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Cells can have any implementation All possible (combinational) cell faults are allowed; truth table can change in any way C-testability: constant number of test patterns, independent of circuit size (Ripple-carry adder needs only 8 test patterns for all single stuck-at faults)
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Krish Chakrabarty
Example: XOR circuit has 12 fault sites and 24 single stuck-at faults
1 0
a b
d e
h i
z k
Does not account for timing/delay faults Few physical defects behave like SSL faults
Also called stuck-at Matches circuit level, easy to use Moderate number of faults (2n for an n-line circuit) Tests for SSL faults provide good defect coverage (experiments)
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Fault-free function z = AB+CD Fault-free function z = AB+CD Faulty function zf = AB Faulty function zf = AB+D
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2-input OR gate
a b z
a/0 a/1 b/0 b/1 z/0 z/1 x x x x
x x x x
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a/0 a/1 b/0 b/1 z/0 z/1 x x x x x x x x
f1 and are f2 equivalent iff f1 dominates f2 and f2 dominates f1. Significant fault list collapsing is possible (drop dominated & equivalent faults).
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Fault Equivalence
Number of fault sites in a Boolean gate circuit = #PI + #gates + # (fanout branches). Fault equivalence: Two faults f1 and f2 are equivalent if all tests that detect f1 also detect f2. If faults f1 and f2 are equivalent then the corresponding faulty functions are identical. Fault collapsing: All single faults of a logic circuit can be divided into disjoint equivalence subsets, where all faults in a subset are mutually equivalent. A collapsed fault set contains one fault from each equivalence subset.
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Equivalence Rules
sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 AND sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 NAND sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 NOR sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 FANOUT
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sa1 sa0
Equivalence Example
sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 sa0 sa1 20 Collapse ratio = ----- = 0.625 32
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sa0 sa1
Fault Equivalence
Theorem: An n-input NAND, NOR, AND or OR gate has n+2 equivalent classes: {x1/c},{x2/c},,{xn/c},{z/(ci)},{z/(ci},x1/c,x2/c,} Local fault collapsing reduces number of faults by almost 50%
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Fault Dominance
If all tests of some fault F1 detect another fault F2, then F2 is said to dominate F1. Dominance fault collapsing: If fault F2 dominates F1, then F2 is removed from the fault list. When dominance fault collapsing is used, it is sufficient to consider only the input faults of Boolean gates. See the next example. In a tree circuit (without fanouts) PI faults form a dominance collapsed fault set. If two faults dominate each other then they are equivalent.
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Dominance Example
All tests of F2 F1 s-a-1 F2 s-a-1 001 110 000 101 100 s-a-1 s-a-1 s-a-1 s-a-0 A dominance collapsed fault set
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010 011
Only test of F1
n-input XOR gate: 2 test patterns (n odd), 3 test patterns (n odd) Independent of n!
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Testing a Circuit
Controllability problem: Apply test patterns to inputs of the CUT that produces desired pattern at fault site (fault activation) Observability problem: Propagate an error from fault site to observable primary output
0 1
10 (D)
ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty
Fanout-Free Circuits
Definition: (1) Every line branches out to at most one gate (2) There is just one path from every line to the primary output Theorem: In a fanout-free circuit, every test set that detects all SSL faults on primary input lines is complete. Corollary: An n-input fanout-free circuit can be tested with at most 2n test patterns (non-optimal)
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Fanout-free circuits
. . . N1 . N . . 2 k-inputs . . . Nk Level m-1 Level m
Corollary: An n-input fanout-free circuit can be tested for all SSL faults with n+1 tests (optimal result) Proof outline: By induction on m, the
number of levels. Obviously true for m=1. Assume true for m-1 levels. WLOG, assume G is a NAND gate. The tests for Nis that produce 1 at the output can be applied in parallel. (How many?) The remaining n patterns produce a single 1 on the NAND input.
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Krish Chakrabarty
Primary inputs and fanout branches of a combinational circuit are called checkpoints. Checkpoint theorem: A test set that detects all single (multiple) stuck-at faults on all checkpoints of a combinational circuit, also detects all single (multiple) stuck-at faults in that circuit.
Total fault sites = 16 Checkpoints ( ) = 10
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ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty
Stuck-open Faults
Floating node
Case 1: a = b = 1, z pulled down to 0 Case 2: a = 1, b =0, z retains previous state A test for a stuck-open fault requires two patterns {ab = 00, ab = 10}
initialization vector
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test vector
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Stuck-Open Example
Vector 1: test for A s-a-0 (Initialization vector) Vector 2 (test for A s-a-1) pMOS FETs 1 0
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b a
T1 stuck-on: (1,1) possible test pattern Output for T2, T2, T3 turned on should be 1 T4 stuck-on: (1,0) possible test pattern Output for T2, T2, T3 turned on should be 0 Only one of these faults can be detected Limitation of voltage monitoring techniques Current monitoring techniques needed
T2 T3 T4
z b a
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A 0 0 1 1
B 0 1 0 1
z 0 0 1 1
zf 0 ? ? 1
Wired-AND 0 0 0 1
Wired-OR 0 1 1 1
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Bridging Faults
Wired-OR or WIRED-AND?
Bridging fault
z Gnd c
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Feedback vs Non-Feedback BF
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Delay Faults
Affect propagation delay of the circuit, circuit fails at high speeds More important for high-speed circuits Gate delay fault (GDF): slow 1-to-0 or 0to-1 transition at a gate output Path delay fault (PDF): exists a path from a primary input to primary output that is slow to propagate a 0-to-1 or 1-to-0 transition
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Delay Faults
1 0 1 1 Gate delay fault 0 1 1 0 1 0 Path delay fault
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Types of GDFs
Gross GDFs (G-GDF): gate delay defect size is greater than system clock period
DFs in all paths going through faulty gate, hence catastrophic Also called transition faults (TFs)
Small GDFs (S-GDF): delay defect size is smaller than system clock period
Detectable if causes PDF in at least one path through the gate
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ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty
Fault models are analyzable approximations of defects and are essential for a test methodology. For digital logic single stuck-at fault model offers best advantage of tools and experience. Many other faults (bridging, stuck-open and multiple stuck-at) are largely covered by stuck-at fault tests. Stuck-short and delay faults and technology-dependent faults require special tests. Memory and analog circuits need other specialized fault models and tests.
ECE 269
Krish Chakrabarty