Member Info 2013
Member Info 2013
Member Info 2013
2013 Season
Welcome from Club Chairwoman Welcome to a new season of tennis at Beechgrove Tennis Club Moffat! It was fantastic to see so man" people at the season opening event an# at the club sessions we have ha# so far with the new a#ult pla" sessions being ver" bus"$ We have a full calen#ar of events planne# for the season which I hope "ou will en%o"$ The club is attracting new members all the time an# we tr" to meet the nee#s of all our members if "ou have an" suggestions for events or pla" at the club please tal& to one of our committee members$ This "ear we are hosting match pla" #a"s for our %uniors to help them wor& on their tennis ratings$ We will continue with the 'amil" Session with a caf( from )am on a Satur#a" *irls onl" sessions +#ult an# ,unior leagues -ust" -ac&ets members competing in regional competitions club competitions special events with barbe.ues an# %unior club coaching from our /evel three coach Mi&e McMillin free to all members$ With so man" activities ta&ing place at the club we nee# more help$ So if "ou can spare an" time please spea& to a committee member$ There are man" opportunities ranging from running on court sessions to helping in the caf( or with a#ministration$ I also encourage ever"one ta&e out British Tennis Membership$ This helps raise the profile of the club so that we can receive more assistance from Tennis Scotlan#$ 0lease en%o" "our season at Beechgrove$ /in#a Mc*l"nn Chairwoman Club +ims an# 1b%ectives The Committee2s principal aims continue to be to provi#e an en%o"able non3#iscriminator" famil" frien#l" Tennis Club an# to preserve the rich heritage of Beechgrove -ecreation *roun#s$ 4istorical Bac&groun# Moffat has a long an# illustrious histor" as a 5Tennis Town2$ The tennis club in Moffat was one of the foun#ing members of the Scottish /awn Tennis +ssociation 6now Tennis Scotlan#7 in 18)9$ The Scottish Tennis Championships were hel# in Moffat from 18)9 to 1)0:$ In 1)0; the championships inclu#e# a mi<e# #oubles event= another ) "ears passe# before the first mi<e# #oubles event was pla"e# at Wimble#on! Moffat is of course still home to the historic South of Scotlan# Tennis Championships$ The groun#s at Beechgrove were lai# out in 18:0 at a cost of >?00 an# comprise# of bowling cro.uet an# lawn 3 tennis groun#s an# an 5e<cellent2 pavilion$ The groun#s were gifte# to the Burgh of Moffat b" Mr an# Mrs ,ohn Tough in @ecember 1);1$ The present pavilion which the club shares with the Bowling Club an# the South of Scotlan# Tennis Championships was presente# to the Burgh of Moffat b" Miss Irene 0ar& on 8 th Ma" 1)?8$ We2re #elighte# that Beechgrove /TC is still going strong in 2013$
Courts The club has the use of all si< courts at Beechgrove -ecreation *roun#s$ +s the courts are on municipal groun#s the" are also open to the general public who are entitle# to boo& an# pa" for a court through the Sportsbarn$ +s a club member "ou are entitle# to pla" on the courts at no e<tra charge for the #uration of the season$ To be sure a court will be available when "ou wish to pla" please boo& at the Sportsbarn$ Sportsbarn emplo"ees have a list of club members however we recommen# that "ou &eep "our club pass with "ou at all times when pla"ing as "ou ma" be re.uire# to show it to a Sportsbarn emplo"ee$ 0lease note that the courts are full" boo&e# to the South of Scotlan# Tennis Tournament for an 8 #a" perio# from Sunday 28th to Sunday 4th August 2013 an# as such will not be available to Club members$ +ll our courts are blaes$ Blaes is an attractive pla"ing surface but it #oes re.uire more up&eep than artificial surfaces$ +s a matter of courtes" to other pla"ers please remember to brush the courts with a carpet #ragmat after "ou have finishe# pla"ing$ Coaching We2re #elighte# to announce that our 4ea# Coach Michael McMillin passe# his level 3 Coach Aualification in 2012$ Mi&e is now a full" accre#ite# /T+ coach$ This season Mi&e has re3 structure# our coaching programme an# the changes mean that pla"ers at all levels can benefit from his e<pertise$ Beechgrove is a /T+ Mini Tennis venue$ Mini re# orange an# green tennis is aime# at pla"ers between the ages of 9 an# 10 "ears ol#$ Bach stage has its own court siCe an# t"pe of ball$ -e# balls are :9D slower than full compression "ellow balls orange balls are 90D slower an# green balls are 29D slower$ This "ear we will also be participating in the /T+ Mini Tennis -all" +war#s scheme which is #esigne# to help mini pla"ers learn in stages an# ta&e part in e<citing e<ercises with regular rewar#s which encourage them to #evelop their tennis s&ills at a pace that suits them$ More information about Mini Tennis can be foun# on the /T+ website$ Mini Tennis an# ,unior coaching will ta&e place on Satur#a" mornings$ The sessions are free for club members however non members will be charge# >3 per session$ The last Satur#a" of ever" month will be Matchpla" #a" for our %unior pla"ers 6match results will be sent to the /T+ for processing an# will count towar#s ratings7 an# -all" +war# assessment @a" for our mini tennis pla"ers$ Mi&e is happ" to arrange a##itional in#ivi#ual or group coaching sessions for pla"ers of all ages an# abilities$ 0lease contact him on 0::))033:): for more information$
Social Doubles Satur#a"s 133pm Time# tennis matches for pla"ers over the age of 1?$ Tennis Aces Mon#a"s from :pm +n informal session for members loo&ing to pla" more competitive tennis$ irls !nly" Thurs#a"s ?3:pm +ime# at 0?F: an# secon#ar" school girls$ WeGre reall" conscious of the HI wi#e problem of low female participation in sport$ *irls sa" that the" #onGt li&e e<ercising in front of bo"s an# that the" arenGt confi#ent in their sporting abilities$ With this in min# we starte# a girls onl" session a few "ears ago$ The sessions have been reall" popular an# we now have some e<cellent "oung female pla"ers who are great role mo#els for their "ounger counterparts$ /ong ma" it continue! #usty #ac$ets Thurs#a"s from :pm$ +n informal sociable session for members loo&ing to brush up on their tennis s&ills$ Cardio Tennis Thurs#a"s 83)pm$ Car#io Tennis is a tennis base# e<ercise class$ ItGs a great wa" to get fit$ Jo tennis s&ills re.uire#! The class costs >;$ Jon members are welcome$ Bvents + variet" of events will be organise# throughout the season$ 0lease see our 2013 0rogramme of Bvents for #etails$
Tennis Scotlan# We are affiliate# to The /awn Tennis +ssociation Tennis Scotlan# an# Tennis @umfries an# *allowa"$ The benefits of affiliation to the /T+ inclu#e public liabilit" insurance cover eligibilit" to enter /T+ inter club competitions an# leagues access to the /T+2s resources e<pertise an# support club allocation of Wimble#on tic&ets an# free British Tennis Membership for members$ Being affiliate# to Tennis @umfries K *allowa" means that Beechgrove teams can pla" in the @K* @istrict leagues$ If "ou2re intereste# in pla"ing for an" of our teams 6%unior la#ies2 men2s or mi<e# #oubles7 please contact Mi&e McMillin on the number above$ +nother benefit of affiliation with Tennis @umfries K *allowa" is that our most promising %unior pla"ers are invite# to atten# @istrict coaching sessions an# ma" be selecte# to represent the @istrict in competitions$ British Tennis Membership +s above British Tennis Membership is free to members of affiliate# clubs$ Membership has much to offer inclu#ing /T+ -atings for seniors an# Mini Tennis -atings for 10 an# un#ers$ With -atings "ou get more chances to compete against pla"ers of a similar stan#ar# in competitions an# "ou can easil" measure "our tennis abilit" so "ou can see how "ou are improving$ If "ou aren2t alrea#" a member please %oin now b" ringing 020 8;8: :000 or logging on to www$lta$org$u&$ Chil# 0rotection We ta&e our #uties with regar# to the safet" an# welfare of our %unior members seriousl"$ 1ur electe# Chil# 0rotection 1fficer is +ileen 0almer$ +s a mother of two "oung chil#ren an# an e<perience# 'rench teacher +ileen is well .ualifie# to ta&e on the %ob$ Copies of our Chil# 0rotection 0olic" an# Co#e of Con#uct for +#ults wor&ing with Chil#ren are on #ispla" in the 0avilion$ 0arentsFcarers of all %unior members will be as&e# to complete consent forms$ 0lease assist us b" returning the complete# form to +ileen as soon as possible$ +ileen can be contacte# on 0:)?82)08:0$ 4ealth K Safet" 1ur +cci#ent an# Bmergenc" *ui#ance #ocument is #ispla"e# on a notice boar# in the pavilion an# shoul# be referre# to in case of emergenc"$ The Club2s first ai# bo< is locate# in the pavilion &itchen in the cupboar# un#erneath the microwave$ 0lease remember to recor# an" acci#entFinci#ent on an acci#entFinci#ent report form$ 'orms can be foun# on the table ne<t to the green notice boar#s$ The form shoul# be complete# in full an# then passe# on to a member of the committee to ensure that it is officiall" recor#e# an# an" necessar" action is ta&en$ 'aceboo& The club has a faceboo& page$ 0lease li&e us to &eep up3to3#ate with club news an# event #etails$
Bas"fun#raising 0lease help us raise much nee#e# fun#s for the club b" registering at www$eas"fun#raising$org$u& an# selecting Beechgrove Tennis Club as the cause "ou wish to support$ It is a great website where "ou can raise fun#s for the goo# cause of "our choice simpl" b" shopping an# searching online$
Club -ules Members are as&e# to respect an# abi#e b" the following rules 1$ Beechgrove -ecreation *roun#s an# 0avilion are resources share# with Beechgrove Bowling Club$ 0lease treat both with respect an# care$ The pavilion must alwa"s be left in a clean an# ti#" con#ition$ 2$ In line with Bowling Club polic" members un#er the age of 1? ma" onl" enter the main room of the pavilion when accompanie# b" an over 1?$ 3$When representing the Club in a sporting fi<ture all team members shall compete in a manner of goo# sportsmanship regar#less of the nature of the competition$ ;$ Members must not use au#ible obscenities ma&e obscene gestures of an" &in# or spit whilst on court$ 9$ 0lease treat all Club e.uipment with #ue care an# respect$ In particular nets must not be over tensione# an# shoul# be woun# #own at the conclusion of pla"$ ?$ +ll litter inclu#ing chewing gum must be remove# from the court an# place# in a litter bin$ 0la"ers are welcome to wear coloure# tennisFsports clothing$ The Committee reserves the right to suspen# or terminate the membership of an" member in breach of an" of the above rules$
2013 Committee Chair%an /in#a Mc*l"nn ;: St$ Jinians -oa# Moffat$ Tel$ 222 :?) Secretary Iatharine Wilson *lenarberr" Beattoc& -oa# Moffat$ Tel$ 220 ;?1 Treasurer Mi&e +#len Comel" Ban& 2 4illsi#e Terrace Moffat$ Tel$ 22103? Child &rotection !''icer +ileen 0almer 3 Bastfiel# -ise Moffat$ Tel$ 221 8:: (ead Coach Michael McMillin 'lat 3 Licarlan#s Ballpla" -#$ Moffat$ Tel$ 22189) Junior Ca)tain Thomas ,ohnstone 12+ 1l# Carlisle -oa# Moffat Tel$ 2219): *undraising !''icer Maureen ,ohnstone 12+ 1l# Carlisle -oa# Moffat Tel$ 2219): *irst Aid & (ealth and Sa'ety !''icer +ileen 0almer as above Catering Co+!rdinator /ara McMillin 'lat 3 Licarlan#s Ballpla" -#$ Moffat$ Tel$ 22189) We are a member3run Club an# alwa"s nee# volunteers$ Can "ou spare an" time to help with tournaments club sessions catering or groun# maintenanceM 1ffers of help an# suggestions as to how we can improve the Club are alwa"s gratefull" receive#$ +n"one intereste# in %oining the Committee or in helping out in an" wa" shoul# contact a Committee member$