JAN2012 - Snake River Elks Newsletter 1 Repaired)

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The Elks National "Hoop Shoot" Free Throw Program is open to all boys and girls, ages 8 through 13. All public and private
schools within the jurisdiction of the local Elk Lodge are invited to participate in the Elks National "Hoop Shoot" Free Throw
Contest. Depending on interest, many school districts may participate in the Lodge contest.

The six Lodge Champions, one boy and one girl in each age-group, will advance to a District contest. A typical District contest
may have from five to 12 lodge entries in each category and age-group. The six finalists in each District contest will advance to
the State finals. The State Champions will compete at a Regional contest to determine the contestants that will compete at the
National Finals. Your local "Hoop Shoot" Director can tell you the number of lodges and districts in your state and the states
that make up your region.

The Elks' nationwide sanctioned program gives youngsters an opportunity for spirited competition, fine relationships with their
peers, and travel statewide, regionally and nationally at minimal expense to their parents or school. The parents of finalists at
the state, regional and national levels attend the competition as guests of the Elks.

The "Hoop Shoot" Contest
The "Hoop Shoot" contest is arranged in two divisions, one for boys and one for girls, in age categories 8-9, 10-11 and 12-13.
Contestant age-groups are determined by their ages as of April 1.

The "Hoop Shoot" contest will be conducted in five tiers to qualify for the National Finals: the School contest, the Lodge
contest, the District contest, the State contest, and the Regional contest.

In the 8-9 boys age division, the 28.5 basketball will be used in all levels of competition.

In the 10-11 and 12-13 age divisions, a regulation-size official basketball with 7-9 lbs. of air and channels and/or seams not
exceeding 1/4 inch in width. A leather ball will be used in all state, regional and national contests.

All girls age-groups will use the girls regulation size basketball for girls with 7-9 lbs of air with channels and/or seams not to
exceed 1/4 inch in width.

Boys and girls in the 8-9 age category may shoot from a line four feet in front of the regulation foul line.

A leather ball will be used at the state, regional and national contests.

The program director in each school has the flexibility to conduct the school contest within the constraints for time and
facilities. However, the contestants will shoot for the best of 25 baskets at the Lodge contest and beyond. Ties will be broken
by a five-basket shoot-off.
Certificates may be awarded to all participants in the School contest. Contestants may receive certificates at each tier of the
contest. Trophies are awarded to the 1st- and 2nd-place winners in each boy and girl age-group at the District contest. 1st-,
2nd- and 3rd place trophies will be awarded in all age-groups at the State, Regional and National Contests. National winners
also have their names inscribed on a permanent "Hoop Shoot" plaque at the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in
Springfield, Massachusetts.

For more information contact Lyle Moore @ (208) 404-9187

Snake River Elks #2807
Fridge Flyer - January
~ Events Not to Forget ~

.50 Wings $6 Pitchers $10 Beer Buckets (6btls)

412 East 200 South
Jerome, Idaho 83338-6731
(208) 324-0200

This Month's Lodge Meetings
(Held the 2
and 4
Thursdays of the month)

January 12

January 26

(By-Law and House Rule changes
will be discussed at this meeting )

Please come out and
Support your Lodge.

This would be a great time to come out to
meet and welcome our new members!

This month's
Wednesday Night
50/50 Raffle Dinner


Friday Night Dinners start at 6pm
1saeser'r Ietesr ktcar 0taare Irrctstr
6th - Pork Loin 13th - Roast Beef

20th-Chicken Fried Steak 27th - Prime Rib

Remember to come in
for your

on any Friday
for your Birthday this month!

These businesses, organizations, and/or individuals have contributed
to help offset the cost of the monthly newsletter.
Your patronage would be very much appreciated.

Idaho Sand & Gravel
Idaho Concrete Co.

Asphalt Paving &
Larry Covey -
Office: 208-324-5100
Cell: 208-280-2646

Mixed Concrete & Quality
Rock and Sand Products

Travis Doty -
Office: 208-733-5933
Cell: 208-280-1795
"For all your construction needs"

Seurrow Mcuts
Custom Meat Processing
- Marinated or seasoned on request -
Don Scarrow
331 N. Road Jerome, ID 83338
Office: 208-324-7657
Cell: 208-539-1331

Authorized Traeger Dealer
Grills, Pellets,
Marinades & Accessories
Linda Ekren Realtor
700 South Lincoln Jerome, ID 83338
Cell: (208) 539-3458
Home: (208) 324-3354
Fax: (208) 324-3363
Office: 1-800-278-9305

For a monthly contribution you can now
advertise in this newsletter to help us
offset the cost of mailing.

Members ~ $5 a month / $60
a year
Non-members ~ $10 a month /
$120 a year
All advertising must be submitted
and paid for prior to our deadline
of the 20
of the month. (Please
call for possible extension of this

Advertising submissions and contributions
can be mailed to:

Snake River Elks Lodge #2807,
ATTN: Brenda Sreca/Newsletter
412 East 200 S.
Jerome, ID, 83338-6731
Ad info can be emailed to:
bjsreca.snakeriverelks2807@gmail.com &
payment mailed to the Lodge.

If you have any questions, please call
Brenda Sreca at 208-316-4770.

Arrangements can also be made for
submission pick up when further detail is

Xl! \JJb\lb 1LlJHL, lb
(208) 308-6870

"The solution to your catering equation"

This space available for

We are in need of some service to our Lodge to make it more functional, inviting
and comfortable.
Our carpet is in need of replacing-even a good cleaning would be good for
An overall good thorough cleaning is needed throughout the Lodge
Even a new paint job would be nice

Please contribute what you can to our Building Maintenance Fund. If you cannot
send a cash donation maybe you can contribute a needed item, service or some of
your time.

First impressions speak wonders when visitors come into our Lodge. For this
reason we need to stay on top of its maintenance and cleaning.

These facilities are available to all our members and others for functions and events.

Let's keep up the pride in our Lodge, by keeping up with its upkeep.

Please mail your monetary contribution to the Lodge stating that it is for the
Building Maintenance Fund or call to make arrangements for donations of items or
for volunteering to help with cleaning or other desired involvement.

Every little bit of help would be very much appreciated.


We are considering closing in the dining area to make it more of a smoke free
environment for those of you who are non smokers. The majority of members that
come into our Lodge on a regular basis are smokers. To make the Lodge totally
smoke free, would very possibly be detrimental to our Lodge at this time. So we
are trying to come up with a viable compromise.

The wall would also create a better atmosphere for families and children by
separating the dining room from the bar area.

To accomplish this we would need supplies to build the proposed wall and to
modify our exhaust system.

Your input on this matter would be very much appreciated. Please call Brenda
Sreca @ 208-316-4770 with your thoughts or suggestions.

To send in donations for this project, please address your contribution to:
Snake River Elks #2807, Attn: Brenda Sreca/Dining Wall Fund.
The Snake River ELKS #2807 are looking for and accepting applications

Officers - At the moment we have 2 vacancies for officers.
Leading Knight......................................Vacant
Loyal Knight..........................................Vacant

Volunteers - We can always use volunteers for various projects and events that
we have at the lodge. At the moment, since Marvin Lamm our club manager
and the cook at our Lodge is still awaiting surgery on his foot, it would be very
helpful if anyone who has any bartending and/or kitchen experience to please
let us know. Marvin will be laid up for a bit after his surgery and will not be able
to put weight on his foot during some of his recuperative time. We would very
much appreciate any help you would be willing to provide.

Thank you
to all those

who donated
If you haven't come
into the Lodge in the
past couple of weeks,
it is all decorated and
looks very nice. Come on in
and take a peek before
we have to take them down.
The Holiday Decor
Silent Auction

was held throughout the month of
December and the winners got to take
home their winnings on December 21st
after the BBQ Rib Feed. Dottie Roberts did
an awesome job collecting the donated
items. They were all very attractive items
and the bidding went well. Proceeds went
to the Christmas Basket Fund.
Elks C-Note Program

One of the many ways you can help
patients at the Idaho Elks
Rehabilitation Hospital is through
the C-note Program.

Established in 1968 by the Idaho
State Elks Association, the C-Note
Program helps rehabilitate
hundreds of patients who cannot
otherwise afford to pay for the
services they receive at the Idaho
Elks Rehabilitation Hospital.

What is a C-Note?

A C-Note is a pledge of a donation
($100 or more). The donor
determines how much he will
pledge and how long he will take to
pay the donation in full.

01 Joe Arellano
03 Linda Morrey, Luke McCoy
04 Cynthia Bledsoe
05 Michael D. Nelson
06 Dennisa Lancaster
07 Kevin Moss, Randi Morgan,
Steve Maxwell
08 Lyle L. Moore
09 Jan Rukavina
13 Robert M. Kulm
14 Myron R. Schroeder,
Henry L. Wills
15 Delwyn Carnell
17 Leon Culver
18 James J. Winterholer
19 Sandra Siebert
25 Robert C. White,
Howard W. McKray
28 Michael Scott Mueller
30 Bret Bulcher

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
House & Trustee
& 8

3 4 5
PER Meeting

Dinner Special:
Pork Loin

8 9 10 11 12
Lodge Meeting

Dinner Special:
Roast Beef

15 16 17 18
Night Dinner

19 20
Dinner Special:
Fried Steak

22 23 24 25 26
Lodge Meeting

(Discussion on New
Dinner Special:
Prime Rib

29 30 31
We have replaced a
Free Birthday Drink with a
Free Birthday Dinner!

Starting this month, for all Elk
members, we are implementing a
free Birthday Dinner for your
birthday. Come on in on any Friday
Night Dinner night in your birthday
month and you will receive a free
birthday dinner of your choice. It
can be anything on the menu, the
Special or off of our appetizer

Come on in and celebrate your
Birthday with us!

Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your
neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better
man. Benjamin Franklin
In Memoriam

Ring out the grief that saps the mind
For those that here we see no more;
Ring out the feud of rich and poor,
Ring in redress to all mankind.

Ring out a slowly dying cause,
And ancient forms of party strife;
Ring in the nobler modes of life,
With sweeter manners, purer laws.

Ring out the want, the care, the sin,
The faithless coldness of the times;
Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes
But ring the fuller minstrel in.

Ring out false pride in place and blood,
The civic slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.

Ring out old shapes of foul disease;
Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the Christ that is to be.

In Memoriam
by Lord Alfred Tennyson

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,
The flying cloud, the frosty light:
The year is dying in the night;
Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring, happy bells, across the snow:
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Also, anyone interested in chairing an
event, please call Brenda @ 208-316-
4770. Help and ideas are always

Thank You
Anita & Carl Woodward for the
Awesome BBQ Feed that you
made for the Monthly
Wednesday Night 50/50 Raffle

A HUGE Thank You goes out to
our Anonymous Donor for help
with the BBQ Rib Feed.

Thank You to Dottie Roberts
for all her hard work in putting
together the Holiday Silent
Auction. Great job Dottie!

Thank You to ALL who have
very generously donated their
time and monetary support to
the Christmas Basket Program.

The winning raffle ticket for the
December 21
Wednesday Night Dinner - 50/50 Raffle
was won by
Brenda Sreca - $93.00
Congratulations Brenda!

We had another .
Anita and Carl Woodward pulled off
another great BBQ. It was wonderful.

Turnout was very good. Thank you to
everyone who attended. We continue to
encourage all those who have not
participated in these dinners to come
out and support your lodge.

From the Secretary's Desk

On Wednesday, January 25, 2012 we will be
holding the second annual Idaho Elks
Legislative Day at the State Capitol. It will be
on the second floor of the rotunda from
9am-3pm. Last year we had 10 fantastic
table displays and I am sure we will have
the same this year.

Submitted by Maria Yurkevicius

A very heartfelt Thank You goes out to
everyone who donated their time and
monetary support to our Christmas
Basket Program.

This year we exceeded last year with the
amount of baskets that were delivered to
families in the area. Last year we
delivered 60 baskets this year was 81.
Without everyone's support this would
not have been possible. Again, Thank You
so much.

You can see pictures on the Snake River
Elks Facebook site at this address:

If anyone knows of any functions,
charities or community events
that you would like to see us
become a part of or to put in the
newsletter, please let us know.

Also, if there is an event that you
would like to see us put on at the
Lodge, we are always open to

Please contact the Lodge or
Brenda Sreca at 208-316-4770, or
any of the Trustees or Officers.


Annual Lodge dues are required to be
paid each year ON or BEFORE April 1st.

If your dues for this year are not
current at this time, please call or stop
in and see the Lodge Secretary for
assistance in getting your membership
in good standing.

From the Kitchen

I would like to take this opportunity to
thank all of those who have supported
the kitchen. Due to the cost of food stuffs
and the loss that has been occurring I
will no longer be keeping menu items
thawed for Friday night dinners. The
menu items will be available but I would
ask for your patience in prep time as
each order will have to be thawed to
order. I intend to have a dinner special
ready to serve at 6 p.m. and that item
will be listed on the calendar. Thank you
for your understanding and I look
forward to serving you in the New Year.
Marvin Lamm

"An Elk is never forgotten,
never forsaken."

The Elks Memorial Day Service was held
December 4th. This service was held for
all our departed members.
Volume 2 ISSUE NO. 1 NEWSLETTER January 2012

0rjIwg 06rwer

December 22
Larry Webb - $125.00

True Meaning of Christmas

My brother Ron and I were delivering Christmas Baskets this year, as we do every
year together. This year, we had a total of 7 Christmas Baskets to be delivered as our share
of the baskets. Two of our families were not home in the morning so we set out later in the
afternoon to deliver them. The last of the two baskets we delivered went to a woman and
her son. She told us that she had lost her job and her son's hours at work had been
After we were finished with our deliveries, Ron and I went to the Club to meet
some friends from out of town. While we were there Ron received a phone call from the
woman from our last delivery, who was in tears. She told him how grateful she and her son
were. She told him that she had only a $1.42 left on her food stamps and would not receive
any more until January. She had bought a bell pepper to have with the spaghetti she would
have been making for Christmas dinner. Now they had a real Christmas dinner.
My brother handed me the phone. Her son spoke with me and then thanked me
profusely and said how grateful they were to the Elks for providing them with a real
Christmas dinner. I told him that the Elks were glad we could help them and that when he
got on his feet again to help someone else in need. He promised to do so.
When the phone conversation was over, Ron and I agreed that that was the best
Christmas present we ever had. Knowing we had changed Christmas for someone who very
much needed it.
So, to all of you Elks who donated money and time...Thank You. Thank You for
participating in such a worthwhile cause that helped many in the Magic Valley.

The next major project on the agenda is the Hoop Shoot. This will be held at Canyon Ridge High
School in Twin Falls on January 21
at 11:30am. Volunteers are still needed so please come out
and lend a hand.
Lyle L. Moore - Exalted Ruler (208) 404-9187

412 East 200 South, Jerome, Idaho 83338-6731

Snake River ELKS #2807
2011 Elected & Appointed Officers

Exalted Ruler.......................Lyle Moore
Leading Knight............................Vacant
Loyal Knight................................Vacant
Lecturing Knight...........Carl Woodward
Secretary...............Maria H. Yurkevicius
Treasurer..................Dennisa Lancaster
Esquire..............................Stan Novacek
Chaplin...........................Jackie Kennedy
Inner Guard........................Duke Drotar
Tiler.......................................Joe Bedzyk

Lodge Meetings are the 2nd & 4th
Thursdays of the month @ 8pm
5 year Trustee.................Ron Lancaster
4 year Trustee...................Dean Carnell
3 year Trustee............Anita Woodward
2 year Trustee.......................Gail Quinn
1 year Trustee...................Brenda Sreca

House & Trustee Committee
meetings are on the 1st Monday
of the month @ 7pm & 8pm
House Committee
Lyle Moore..........................Chairperson
Dean Carnell Ron Lancaster
Gail Quinn Carl Woodward
Brenda J. Sreca Anita Woodward

Welcome New Members

Cynthia Bledsoe -
proposed by Marvin Lamm
Bobby C. Trivitt -
proposed by Mark Walters
Ann & Mark Newbury
proposed by Dottie Roberts

Propose a Friend for Membership

We like you we'll like your friend.
Discover Elks -

here't 0 0rjIwg ere

Your name could be here!
We would love to see you at the
meetings! Your input is very
important to our Lodge!

Proposed New Members

Heather Newbury
Allison Duggan
Casey Duggan
all proposed by Dottie Roberts

Proposed By-Law Changes
The following By-Law changes will be discussed by the membership at a regular Lodge
meeting on January 26th. All changes agreed upon at this meeting will be voted on by all
present members at a regular Lodge meeting on February 9, 2012.

Upon affirmative vote(s), changes will be submitted to Grand Lodge Judiciary
representative for Area 8 review. Upon successful review the changes will be published in
the Newsletter.

Amend Article V: Compensation of the Secretary
Amend Article V: Compensation of the Treasurer
Article V Sec. 6: Remove Organist
Article V Sec. 7: Remove Vocalist
Article IX Sec. 1: Operation, Management of Home, Club
Article XV-A Sec. 1: Remove Auxiliaries

House Rules will also be reviewed at the January 26th meeting.

If you have any changes in mind, please attend these meetings and submit your input.
Voting on both By-Laws and House Rules will be held on February 9, 2012.

Please take the time to visit these very informative Links:
B.P.O.E National Site - http://www.elks.org/

Idaho State Elks Association - http://www.idahoelks.org

Discover Elks - http://discoverelks.org/

Elks Rehab Hospital - http://www.idahoelksrehab.org/
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage

Twin Falls, Idaho
Permit No. 175
Changing your mailing address
or phone number?

Please let us know so we can keep in
contact with you.
The Elks on The Move bulletin is the official publication of the Snake River Elks, B.P.O.E. No. 2807.
The purpose of the Elks on The Move bulletin is to provide a ready means of communication within the Lodge.
Address communications to: Elks on The Move, c/o Snake River Elks #2807 - 412 East 200 South, Jerome, Idaho 83338

Idaho State Elks
412 East 200 South
Jerome, Idaho 83338-6731
Snake River ELKS #2807


Return Service Requested
Contributions of interesting and
pertinent reading material and
photographs are welcome and

The deadline for receiving all
material for publication is the 20th of
the month.

Call Brenda Sreca at (208) 316-4770
for possible acceptance of late
material. We will do everything we
can to include your submissions.

Happy New Year

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