Successq 88

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$ 1.' 1.) 1.1.1/ Date updated: Vessels name: IMO number: Vessels previous name(s) and date(s) of !an"e: Date delivered: %uilder (&!ere built): (la": *ort of +e"istr,: .all si"n: Vessels sat om p!one number: Vessels fa0 number: Vessels tele0 number: Vessels email address: 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.1# 1.1$ 1.1' 1.1) 1.11.2/ 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1,pe of vessel: 1,pe of !ull: .lassifi ation so iet,: .lass notation: If .lassifi ation so iet, !an"ed2 name of previous so iet,: If .lassifi ation so iet, !an"ed2 date of !an"e: IMO t,pe2 if appli able: Does t!e vessel !ave i e lass3 If ,es2 state &!at level: Date 4 pla e of last dr,5do 6: Date ne0t dr, do 6 due Date of last spe ial surve, 4 ne0t surve, due: Date of last annual surve,: If s!ip !as .ondition 7ssessment *ro"ram (.7*)2 &!at is t!e latest overall ratin": Does t!e vessel !ave a statement of omplian e issued under t!e provisions of t!e .ondition 7ssessment 8 !eme (.78): If ,es2 &!at is t!e e0pir, date3 9en"t! Over 7ll (9O7): 9en"t! %et&een *erpendi ulars (9%*): :0treme breadt! (%eam): Moulded dept!: ;eel to Mast!ead (;1M) 4 ;1M in ollapsed ondition (if appli able): %o& to .enter Manifold (%.M) 4 8tern to .enter Manifold (8.M): Distan e brid"e front to enter of manifold: *arallel bod, distan es: (or&ard to mid5point manifold: 7ft to mid5point manifold: *arallel bod, len"t!: 1.33 1.34 (=7 at summer draft 4 1*. immersion at summer draft: =!at is t!e ma0 !ei"!t of mast above &aterline (air draft) 9i"!ts!ip: <ormal ballast: 7t loaded summer dead&ei"!t: Tonn"'es 1.3# 1.3$ 1.3' <et 1onna"e: >ross 1onna"e 4 +edu ed >ross 1onna"e (if appli able): 8ue? .anal 1onna"e 5 >ross (8.>1) 4 <et (8.<1): (ull Mast 9i"!ts!ip <ormal %allast

Version 3


Di&ensions 1.2# 1.2$ 1.2' 1.2) 1.21.3/ 1.31 1.32

8ummer D&t

.ollapsed Mast

Q88.$o& "'e 1 ( 6

INTERTANKOS STANDARD TANKER CHARTERING QUESTIONNAIRE 88 (Q88) 1.3) *anama .anal <et 1onna"e (*.<1): Lo")!ine In#or&"%ion 1.39oadline 8ummer: =inter: 1ropi al: 9i"!ts!ip: <ormal %allast .ondition: 1.4/ 1.41 1.42 Does vessel !ave multiple 8D=13 If ,es2 &!at is t!e ma0imum assi"ned dead&ei"!t3 +e"istered o&ner 5 (ull st,le: (reeboard Draft Dead&ei"!t Displa ement

O*ners+i, "n) O,er"%ion


1e !ni al operator 5 (ull st,le:


.ommer ial operator 5 (ull st,le:


Disponent o&ner 5 (ull st,le:

-. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.# 2.$ 2.' 2.) 2.2.1/ 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.1# 2.1$ 2.1' 2.1) 2.1-

CERTI.ICATION 8afet, :@uipment .ertifi ate: 8afet, +adio .ertifi ate: 8afet, .onstru tion .ertifi ate: 9oadline .ertifi ate: International Oil *ollution *revention .ertifi ate (IO**.): 8afet, Mana"ement .ertifi ate (8M.): Do ument of .omplian e (DO.): A8.> (spe if,: .O.2 9O. or .OI): .ivil 9iabilit, .onvention .ertifi ate (.9.): .ivil 9iabilit, for %un6er Oil *ollution Dama"e .onvention .ertifi ate (.9%.): A.8. .ertifi ate of (inan ial +esponsibilit, (.O(+): .ertifi ate of (itness (.!emi als): .ertifi ate of (itness (>as): .ertifi ate of .lass: International 8!ip 8e urit, .ertifi ate (I88.): International 8e&a"e *ollution *revention .ertifi ate (I8**.) International 7ir *ollution *revention .ertifi ate (I7**):


L"s% Ann/"! or In%er&e)i"%e


Do$/&en%"%ion Does vessel !ave all updated publi ations as listed in t!e Vessel Inspe tion Buestionnaire2 .!apter 25 Buestion 2.242 as appli able: O&ner &arrant t!at vessel is member of I1O*( and &ill remain so for t!e entire duration of t!is vo,a"e4 ontra t: CRE1 2ANAGE2ENT <ationalit, of Master: <ationalit, of Offi ers: <ationalit, of .re&: "'e - ( 6

3. 3.1 3.2 3.3


INTERTANKOS STANDARD TANKER CHARTERING QUESTIONNAIRE 88 (Q88) 3.4 If Offi emplo,ed b, a Mannin" 7"en , 5 (ull st,le:

3.# 3.$ 3.' 3. 4.1 4.2 4. #.1 #.2

=!at is t!e ommon &or6in" lan"ua"e onboard: Do offi ers spea6 and understand :n"lis!: In ase of (la" Of .onvenien e2 is t!e I1( 8pe ial 7"reement on board: HELICO TERS .an t!e s!ip ompl, &it! t!e I.8 Celi opter >uidelines: If Des2 state &!et!er &in !in" or landin" area provided: .OR USA CALLS Cas t!e vessel Operator submitted a Vessel 8pill +esponse *lan to t!e A8 .oast >uard &!i ! !as been approved b, offi ial A8.> letter: Bualified individual (BI) 5 (ull st,le:


Oil 8pill +esponse Or"ani?ation (O8+O) 5(ull st,le:


Cas te !ni al operator si"ned t!e 8.I7 4 .51*71 a"reement &it! A8 ustoms on ernin" dru" smu""lin": CARGO AND 6ALLAST HANDLING Is vessel fitted &it! enterline bul6!ead in all ar"o tan6s: If Des2 is bul6!ead solid or perforated: .apa it, (-)E) of ea ! natural se"re"ation &it! double valve (spe if, tan6s):

5. $.1 $.2 $.3

Do/7!e H/!! Vesse!s

C"r'o T"n8 C","$i%ies

$.4 $.# $.$ $.'

1otal ubi

apa it, (-)E2 e0 ludin" slop tan6s):

8lop tan6(s) apa it, (-)E): +esidual4+etention oil tan6(s) apa it, (-)E)2 if appli able: Does vessel !ave 8e"re"ated %allast 1an6s (8%1) or .lean %allast 1an6s (.%1): =!at is total apa it, of 8%13 =!at per enta"e of 8D=1 an vessel maintain &it! 8%1 onl,: Does vessel meet t!e re@uirements of M7+*O9 7nne0 I +e" 1).2: (previousl, +e" 13.2) Co& man, "rades4produ ts an vessel load4dis !ar"e &it! double valve se"re"ation: Ma0imum loadin" rate for !omo"enous ar"o per manifold onne tion: Ma0imum loadin" rate for !omo"enous ar"o loaded simultaneousl, t!rou"! all manifolds: 7re t!ere an, ar"o tan6 fillin" restri tions. If ,es2 please spe if,: *umps: .ar"o: 8trippin": :du tors: %allast: <o. 1,pe .apa it,

S6T Vesse!s $.) $.$.1/

$.11 $.12 $.13 $.14 $.1#

/&,in' S9s%e&s


Co& man, ar"o pumps an be run simultaneousl, at full apa it,:

C"r'o Con%ro! Roo& Q88.$o& "'e 3 ( 6

INTERTANKOS STANDARD TANKER CHARTERING QUESTIONNAIRE 88 (Q88) $.1' Is s!ip fitted &it! a .ar"o .ontrol +oom (..+): $.1) $.1$.2/ $.21 .an tan6 inna"e 4 ulla"e be read from t!e ..+: .an s!ip operate under losed onditions in a ordan e &it! I8>O11: G"/'in' "n) S"&,!in' =!at t,pe of fi0ed losed tan6 "au"in" s,stem is fitted: 7re overfill (!i"!5!i"!) alarms fitted3 If Des2 indi ate &!et!er to all tan6s or partial: Is a vapor return s,stem (V+8) fitted: <umber4si?e of V+8 manifolds (per side):

V",or E&ission Con%ro! $.22 $.23

Ven%in' $.24 $.2# $.2$ $.2' $.2) $.2$.3/ $.31 $.32 $.33 $.34 $.3# 8tate &!at t,pe of ventin" s,stem is fitted: Does vessel ompl, &it! t!e latest edition of t!e O.IM( F+e ommendations for Oil 1an6er Manifolds and 7sso iated :@uipment: =!at is t!e number of ar"o onne tions per side: =!at is t!e si?e of ar"o onne tions: =!at is t!e material of t!e manifold: Distan e bet&een ar"o manifold enters: Distan e s!ips rail to manifold: Distan e manifold to s!ips side: 1op of rail to enter of manifold: Distan e main de 6 to enter of manifold: Manifold !ei"!t above t!e &aterline in normal ballast 4 at 8D=1 ondition: <umber 4 si?e redu ers: C"r'o 2"ni#o!)s

2"ni#o!) Arr"n'e&en%

S%ern 2"ni#o!) $.3$ $.3' $.3) $.3$.4/ $.41 $.42 Is vessel fitted &it! a stern manifold: If stern manifold fitted2 state si?e: 1,pe of ar"o !eatin" s,stem3 If fitted2 are all tan6s oiled3 If fitted2 &!at is t!e material of t!e !eatin" oils: Ma0imum temperature ar"o an be loaded4maintained: 7re ar"o2 ballast and slop tan6s oated3 .ar"o tan6s: %allast tan6s: 8lop tan6s: $.43 :. '.1 '.2 '.3 8. ).1 If fitted2 &!at t,pe of anodes are used: INERT GAS AND CRUDE OIL 1ASHING Is an Inert >as 8,stem (I>8) fitted: Is I>8 supplied b, flue "as2 inert "as (I>) "enerator and4or nitro"en: Is a .rude Oil =as!in" (.O=) installation fitted: 2OORING Moorin" &ires (on drums) (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: Q88.$o& "'e 3 ( 6 <o. Diameter Material 9en"t! %rea6in" 8tren"t! .oated 1,pe 1o =!at :0tent

C"r'o He"%in'

T"n8 Co"%in'

INTERTANKOS STANDARD TANKER CHARTERING QUESTIONNAIRE 88 (Q88) *oop de 6: ).2 =ire tails (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: *oop de 6: ).3 Moorin" ropes (on drums) <o. (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: *oop de 6: ).4 Ot!er moorin" lines (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: *oop de 6: ).# Moorin" &in !es (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: *oop de 6: ).$ Moorin" bitts (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: *oop de 6: ).' .losed !o 6s and4or fairleads of en losed t,pe (ore astle: Main de 6 f&d: Main de 6 aft: *oop de 6: E&er'en$9 To*in' S9s%e& ).) ).).1/ ).11 ).12 ).13 ).14 ).1# ).1$ 1,pe 4 8=9 of :mer"en , 1o&in" s,stem for&ard: 1,pe 4 8=9 of :mer"en , 1o&in" s,stem aft: <umber of s!a 6les on port able: <umber of s!a 6les on starboard able: =!at is 8=9 and si?e of losed !o 6 and4or fairleads of en losed t,pe on stern: =!at is 8=9 of bollard on poopde 6 suitable for es ort tu": =!at is bra6e !orse po&er of bo& t!ruster (if fitted): =!at is bra6e !orse po&er of stern t!ruster (if fitted): Does vessel ompl, &it! t!e latest edition of O.IM( F+e ommendations for :@uipment :mplo,ed in t!e Moorin" of Vessels at 8in"le *oint Moorin"s (8*M): Is vessel fitted &it! !ain stopper(s): Co& man, !ain stopper(s) are fitted: 8tate t,pe of !ain stopper(s) fitted: 8afe =or6in" 9oad (8=9) of !ain stopper(s): =!at is t!e ma0imum si?e !ain diameter t!e bo& stopper(s) an !andle: <o. 8=9 <o. 8=9 <o. G Drums %ra6e .apa it, <o. Diameter Material 9en"t! %rea6in" 8tren"t! Diameter Material 9en"t! %rea6in" 8tren"t! <o. Diameter Material 9en"t! %rea6in" 8tren"t!


Es$or% T/'

6o*(S%ern T+r/s%er

Sin'!e oin% 2oorin' (S 2) E;/i,&en%

).1' ).1) ).1).2/ ).21

Q88.$o& "'e 4 ( 6

INTERTANKOS STANDARD TANKER CHARTERING QUESTIONNAIRE 88 (Q88) ).22 Distan e bet&een t!e bo& fairlead and !ain stopper4bra 6et: ).23 Is bo& !o 6 and4or fairlead of en losed t,pe of O.IM( re ommended si?e ($//mm 0 4#/mm)3 If not2 "ive details of si?e: Derri 6 4 .rane des ription (<umber2 8=9 and lo ation): =!at is ma0imum outrea ! of ranes 4 derri 6s outboard of t!e s!ips side: Does vessel ompl, &it! re ommendations ontained in O.IM(4I.8 8!ip 1o 8!ip 1ransfer >uide (*etroleum or 9i@uified >as2 as appli able): 2ISCELLANEOUS =!at t,pe of fuel is used for main propulsion3 =!at t,pe of fuel is used in t!e "eneratin" plant3 .apa it, of bun6er tan6s 5 I(O and MDO4M>O: Is vessel fitted &it! fi0ed or ontrollable pit ! propeller(s)3 * H I .lub 5 (ull 8t,le:

Li#%in' E;/i,&en% ).24 ).2# ).2$

S+i, To S+i, Tr"ns#er (STS)

<. -.1 -.2 -.3 -.4 -.#

En'ine Roo&

-.$ -.' -.) -.-.1/ -.11

* H I .lub overa"e 5 pollution liabilit, overa"e: Date and pla e of last *ort 8tate .ontrol inspe tion: 7n, outstandin" defi ien ies as reported b, an, *ort 8tate .ontrol: If ,es2 provide details: Cas vessel been involved in a pollution2 "roundin"2 serious asualt, or ollision in ident durin" t!e past 12 mont!s3 If ,es2 full des ription: 9ast t!ree ar"oes 4 !arterers 4 vo,a"es (9ast 4 2nd 9ast 4 3rd 9ast):

or% S%"%e Con%ro!

Re$en% O,er"%ion"! His%or9

-.12 -.13 -.14

Date4*la e of last 8I+: Inspe tion: Date4*la e of last .DI Inspe tion: +e ent Oil ompan, inspe tions4s reenin"s (1o t!e best of o&ners 6no&led"e and &it!out "uarantee of a eptan e for future business)I: I Blanket "approvals" are no longer given by Oil Majors and ships are accepted for the voyage on a case by case basis.

Q88.$o& "'e 5 ( 6

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