Vehicle To Vehicle RF Propagation Measurements
Vehicle To Vehicle RF Propagation Measurements
Vehicle To Vehicle RF Propagation Measurements
This text presents results from vehicle to vehicle RF propagation measurements in the 900 MHz band focusing on determining delay spread, probability distribution parameters (in particular, the Rician K factor) and path loss rates. The parameters and results are discussed with implications for the use of RF communication between automobiles in Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems (IVHS).
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3.1 Introduction
The purpose of this text is to present propagation measurements of RF signals between vehicles. The results help determine the feasibility of using RF communication between vehicles in IVHS platoons. The organization of this text is as follows. Section 3.2 is a review of RF propagation theories. Section 3.3 outlines the measurement procedure and presents the measurement results. Section 3.4 discusses the results and presents some conclusions.
received signals from the transmitter to the receiver. More formally we consider the RMS and Mean Excess delay spread in which the instantaneous impulse response is treated like a probability distribution function (pdf). Multipath transmission manifests itself as variation in the received signal strength over frequency. Often researchers consider the coherence bandwidth as a measure of how much the received power level varies in the frequency domain. Coherence bandwidth appears to be inversely proportional to the delay spread. Time variation of the channel is due to the assumption that the communicating vehicles are in motion. Closely related to Doppler shifting, time variation in conjunction with multipath transmission leads to variation of the instantaneous received signal strength about the mean power level as the receiver moves over distances on the order of less than a single carrier wavelength. Given that the vehicles are in motion, time variation of the channel is realized as spatial variation and becomes uncorrelated approximately every half carrier wavelength over distance. The variation of received signal amplitude in the time domain observes a probability distribution in one of two forms. The first form, Rayleigh fading, generally occurs when there is no direct line-of-sight path between the transmitter and the receiver. The second and more general form of multipath fading is Rician fading and occurs when a line-of-sight path is present. A Rician distribution consists of two parameters; the Rician K factor and local mean signal power. The K factor is defined as the ratio of the direct line-of-sight signal strength to the scattered (reflected) signal components. For Rayleigh fading, the K factor is zero and thus the Rician distribution reduces mathematically to a Rayleigh distribution.
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3. Channelling Effects. 4. Multipath Fading. Large Scale Attenuation We model the propagation channel as a dominant direct component, with an amplitude determined by path loss, a set of early reflected waves adding coherently with the dominant wave, and intersymbol interference caused by the excessively delayed waves, adding incoherently with the dominant wave. We learn from propagation models proposed for micro-cellular communication that the path loss shows a transition from free-space loss to a ground wave propagation. Free-space loss is experienced if r < 4 hr ht where r represents the distance from the transmitter, is the wavelength of the carrier wave, and hr & ht are respectively the heights of the receiving and transmitting antennas. Harley [20] suggested a smooth transition, with
p = r
r 1 + --- rg
where r g is the normalized turn over distance, and p is the local-mean power (i.e., received power averaged over a few meters). Studies done by [15] indicate that actual turn over distances on the order of 800 meters are reasonable around 2 GHz. Other models, such as a stepwise transition, have been proposed. Empirical values for 1 and 2 have been reported e.g. [21]. Shadowing Effect The shadowing effect refers to the fluctuation of the local-mean power about the area-mean power (i.e., received power averaged over tens to hundreds of meters) due to large scale reflections. Due to the limited (micro-cellular) transmission distances involved with the Intelligent Vehicle/Highway Systems, there will generally be a line-of-sight (LOS) path between the transmitter and receiver. A factor to consider is obstruction due to traffic on the highway. Studies in [15] show that the shadowing effects in the IVHS environment do not necessarily give rise to the log-normal distribution of the local-mean power as is the case in the usual macro-cellular environments. Further, shadowing and
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multipath appear not to behave as independent processes [15]. Calculations in [15] to determine the received power involve determining which rays are obstructed (if any) and subsequently using a specific Multi-Ray model. In the extreme case of an obstruction of the LOS and ground waves, the power is Rayleigh distributed. In this text, we will make the assumption that there is always a line-of-sight path. Channelling Effects Specular reflections from near and far walls that are typical along highways lead to fairly quick variations of power with distance [15]. Multipath Fading Road side base stations may be assumed to be transmitting to vehicles within distances on the order of a few hundred meters. The channel is also characterized by the presence of multipath reflections due to the relatively low antenna positions. The received signals hence consist of a dominant line-of-sight component and reflections of the transmitted signals. This leads to rapid power fluctuations as the vehicle moves within the coverage area of the base station. In this text, only narrowband channels are considered. This implies that the interarrival times of the reflected waves are small compared to the variations in the modulating signal. The reflected waves hence add coherently. RMS delay spreads on the order of 1 ns have been computed [15] for the IVHS environment at carrier frequencies around 1800 MHz. The coherence bandwidth is hence around 100 MHz. Given the assumption of bit rates of up to 80 kHz between vehicles and base stations, the narrowband assumption is reasonable. RMS delay spreads longer than 1 ns have been reported; e.g., 300 ns is reported for small city microcells [22]. The narrowband assumption is still valid for this value. Rician fading occurs in a channel if the central limit theorem can be applied to the reflected waves. This in turn only occurs if the number of reflected waves is large, and none of them dominates the joint reflected power. Considering the characteristics of the channel described above, Rician fad-
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2 =
dg. Har-
leys [20] smooth transition, has been described earlier. However when the distance between the receiver and antenna is small and unobstructed the direct line-of-sight component and the ground reflected component will cause strong fluctuations in the received signal power due to mutual interference between these two waves. Thus the local mean power of the dominant wave does not show a smooth transition between free-space and groundwave propagation. Rather this transition is marked by strong fluctuations in the local mean power.
6 of 14 Path Loss Near a Dielectric Surface The road surface is neither a perfect conductor nor dielectric so the reflection coefficient depends on the dielectric constant and the conductivity of the road surface. In order to facilitate computation we assume the road surface to be smooth and thus the dielectric constant and conductivity do not vary with distance. The reflection coefficient for horizontally polarized waves is given by [23] 2 --------sin --- j 0 0 ( cos ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 sin + ---- j -------- 0 ( cos ) 0 where is the angular frequency of the signal, 0 is
is the
angle of incidence, which we assume to be equal to the angle of reflection, and 18 10 = --------= -----------------------. 0 f For vertical polarization the reflection coefficient is given by [23] ( r j ) sin ( r j ) ( cos ) = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 2 ( r j ) sin + ( r j ) ( cos )
2 9
Since this reflection coefficient is complex, the reflected ground wave will differ in both amplitude and phase. The phase difference of the two paths is [14] 2 2 2 2 2 { d + ( h + h ) d + ( h h ) }. = -----t r t r If the field strength at the receiving antenna due to the direct line-of-sight wave is E0,
then the
received field due to the sum of the direct line-of-sight component and ground reflected component i s
E = E 0 [ 1 + exp ( j j ) ] = E 0 [ 1 + cos ( ) + j sin ( j ) ] Taking the absolute value we find that E = E 0 [ 1 + + 2 cos ( j ) ]
2 12
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and since the received power pr is proportional to the square of the received energy we have pr = E0 [ 1 + + 2 cos ( j ) ] and pr 2 2 = --------G G [ 1 + + 2 cos ( j ) ] . --- t r 4d pt
2 2
If d >> ht hr, i.e. the angle of incidence becomes small, the reflection coefficient 1 . Thus (7) becomes E = 2 E 0 sin ------2 . Then using the small angle approximation sin
( 4 ht hr ) ( d) , both valid approximations for a large separation distance, (9) can be expressed as 4 ht hr 2 pr --------------- . ---= G G 2 t r pt d
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cover a frequency range of 50 MHz to 13.5 GHz with a maximum frequency resolution of 100 kHz. The network analyzer automatically calibrated out the coaxial cable loss. All tests had a transmit power level of +10 dBm. The network analyzer provided frequency response as well as the time domain instantaneous impulse response data corresponding to a given frequency response sweep. This data was ported to the PC for analysis via a GPIB connection.
900 MHz
Tx Antenna Rx Antenna
Figure 3.1
Measurement Setup
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not taken.
-25 -35 Power (dBm) n = 2.36 -45 -55 -65 -75
20 30 40 Distance (feet)
Figure 3.2
Path Loss
One explanation could be that the relative received signal strength of long reflections in the channel oscillates as a function of antenna separation distance. The significant objects in our channel are simply two consecutive vehicles and a flat roadway. Furthermore, the test environment did not have any objects above the vehicles or to the left or right that were close enough to have a serious impact on the channel. This observation has implications for many of the n-ray models (for integer n, typically small) that are being proposed to characterize channels. Models which describe a wireless channel as having a small, finite number of signal paths can afford an almost deterministic approach due to the reduced number of variables to consider. In effect, it may become possible to predict locations at which certain reflections may be cancelled out. It is this kind of prediction that would lend itself to explaining Fig. 3.3. The oscillations in Fig. 3.3 diminish as distance increases. This makes sense since a large antenna separation distance should overshadow the variations that occur on the order of a wavelength. Additionally, greater distances allow for more reflections which reduces the significance of any single reflection. Another explanation is the effect of a LOS path plus a ground reflection as the dominant components of the Rician channel model. One can view the channel as a phasor sum of: a) LOS, b) strong ground reflection, and c) many random scatters. The RMS delay spread tends to be inversely correlated with the amplitude of the two strong components.
Time (ns)
20 30 Distance (feet)
Figure 3.3
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Since both the local mean power, p , and the sample mean, E, are empirically determined, (12) can be used to solve for K. The largest measured K factor was 17.6. This value occurred several times. More typical values were in the range of 5.0 to 11.0. Large K factors were anticipated due to the obvious strong LOS signal that is present between the two vehicles. Contrary to anticipation, however, were occasional measured K factors around 1.5 (the lowest was 1.38). Recall that the K factor represents the ratio of the received LOS component to the received scattered components. This concept of K factor, first put forth in [13], is very difficult to measure in a physically meaningful manner; i.e., by isolating the direct signal from the scattered components. Since the K factor can serve as a metric for differentiating Rician from Rayleigh distributions, the question becomes, how large must K be to truly have a Rician distribution? It is inferred that the consistency of larger measured K factors (i.e., 11.1, 17.6, etc.) is evidence of a Rician distribution. However, the few low values that were measured does cause concern. It
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seems more likely that the channel is Rician with a dominant component consisting of at least two paths; an LOS and a reflection off of the roadway. These two components may be interacting with one another in such a way as to have a sinusoidal type of frequency response which affects the computations. As part of future work, alternative method for measuring the K factor can be employed. One, very nonexplicit method for accomplishing this task is to match various (with differing parameters) Rician distribution functions to the tabulated results from the measurements. The distribution (and corresponding K factor) that most closely matches is optimum.
3.4 Conclusion
The results of RF wireless vehicle to vehicle measurements at close range are: path loss with an exponential drop off rate of 2.36 and RMS delay spread with a range of values between 8.9 to 20.8 ns. Of note is the RMS delay spreads that had an oscillating behavior that can lend itself to many of the n-ray channel characterization models. Additionally, the Rician K factor results mostly range from 5.0 to 11.0 with extreme values as high as 17.6 and as low as 1.38. The channel is not strictly Rician. Unlike the traditional view of a Rician channel, it is inferred that the channel consists of two dominant components: a LOS signal and a strong reflection off of the roadway. Over distance the two dominant components sum up in a oscillatory manner.
3.5 References
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