OFDM (hard copy)
OFDM (hard copy)
OFDM (hard copy)
1. INTRODUCTION-----------------------------------------02
2. MULTIPATH PROPAGATION-----------------------04
5. ORTHOGONALITY-------------------------------------11
6. ORTHOGONAL-FDM-----------------------------------13
7. BLOCK DIAGRAM------------------------------------15
8. OFDM BASICS-----------------------------------------17
9. TYPES OF OFDM-------------------------------------18
12. APPLICATIONS----------------------------------------21
15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT------------------------------25
OFDM has become one of the most exciting
developments in the area of modern broadband wireless
networks. Although the notion of multicarrier transmission
or multiplexing (e.g., frequency-division multiplexing -
FDM) can be dated back to 1950s, high spectral efficiency
and low cost implementation of FDM became possible in
the 1970s and 1980s with advances in Digital Fourier
Transform (DFT). The first OFDM schemes presented in
OFDM is a digital multicarrier transmission technique
that distributes the digitally encoded symbols over several
subcarrier frequencies in order to reduce the symbol clock
rate to achieve robustness against long echoes in a
multipath radio channel. Even though the spectra of the
individual subcarriers overlap, the information can be
completely recovered without any interference from other
subcarriers. This may be surprising, but from a
mathematical point of view, this is a consequence of the
orthogonality of the base functions of the Fourier series.
high frequencies in a long copper wire,
narrowband interference and frequency-selective fading due
to multipath) without complex equalization filters.
Channel equalization is simplified because OFDM may be
viewed as using many slowly-modulated narrowband signals
rather than one rapidly-modulated wideband signal. The low
symbol rate makes the use of a guard interval between
symbols affordable, making it possible to handle time-
spreading and eliminate intersymbol interference (ISI).
This mechanism also facilitates the design of single
frequency networks (SFNs), where several adjacent
transmitters send the same signal simultaneously at the
same frequency, as the signals from multiple distant
transmitters may be combined constructively, rather than
interfering as would typically occur in a traditional single-
carrier system.
In wireless telecommunication, multipath is the
propagation phenomenon that results in radio signals
reaching the receiving antenna by two or more paths.
Causes of multipath include atmospheric
ducting, ionospheric reflection & refraction,
and reflection from water bodies and terrestrial objects
such as mountains and buildings.
multiple copies of the same signal arriving at the receiver
with different delays. Thus, one symbol pulse is delayed,
which affects one or more adjacent symbols, causing ISI.
Mathematical modelling
The mathematical model of the multipath can be
presented using the method of the impulse response used
for studying linear systems.
Suppose to transmit a single, ideal Dirac
pulse of electromagnetic power at time 0, i.e.
x(t) = δ(t)
At the receiver, due to the presence of the multiple
electromagnetic paths, more than one pulse will be and
each one of them will arrive at different times. Thus, the
received signal will be expressed by
N −1
y(t) = h(t) = ∑ρne jφnδ (t −τn )
delay spread),
spread and represent the complex amplitude
(i.e., magnitude and phase) of the generic received pulse.
As a consequence, y(t) also represents the impulse
response function h(t) of the equivalent multipath model.
Keeping our aim at linear, time invariant systems, we can
also characterize the multipath phenomenon by the
channel transfer function H(f),
which is defined as the continuous time Fourier
transform of the impulse response h(t)
For an angle α between the direction of the received signal
and the direction of motion, the Doppler shift ν is given by
Table 1: Doppler frequencies
This very problem of “frequency selective fading” gets
solved when data is transmitted in parallel: on multiple
carriers that overlap in frequency ,but are orthogonal to
each other .
The simple idea of multicarrier transmission to overcome
the limitation of delay spread is to split the data stream
into K substreams of lower data rate and to transmit
these data substreams on adjacent subcarriers. Each
subcarrier has a bandwidth B/K, while the symbol duration
T is increased by a factor of K, which allows for a K
times higher data rate for a given delay spread.
There are two possible ways to look at (and to
implement) this idea of multicarrier transmission. The
first one emphasizes the multicarrier concept by having K
individual carriers that are modulated independently. The
second one is based on a filter bank of K adjacent
bandpass filters that are excited by a parallel data
stream, leading to a transmission parallel in frequency.
This concept is usually implemented in practical systems.
The first concept keeps the subcarrier frequency fixed and
considers the modulation in time direction for each
subcarrier. The second one keeps a time slot of length T
fixed and considers modulation in frequency direction for
each time slot.
Fig.3: Block diagram for multicarrier transmission: Version 1.
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The concept of orthogonal signals is essential for the
understanding of OFDM (orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing) In the normal sense, it may look like a
miracle that one can separately demodulate overlapping
carriers for OFDM. The concept of orthogonality unveils
this miracle. To understand these concepts, it is very
helpful to interpret signals as vectors. Like vectors, signals
can be added, multiplied by a scalar, and they can be
expanded into a base. Two pulses are always orthogonal if
they do not overlap either in time or in frequency
domain, and that a pulse cannot be strictly band limited
and time limited. Thus, we must decide on one of these
two options.
The orthogonality requires that the sub-carrier spacing
is Hertz, where TU seconds is the useful symbol
duration (the receiver side window size), and k is a
positive integer, typically equal to 1. Therefore,
with N sub-carriers, the total passband bandwidth will
be B ≈ N·∆f (Hz).
The orthogonality also allows high spectral efficiency, with
a total symbol rate near the Nyquist rate for the
equivalent baseband signal (i.e. near half the Nyquist rate
for the double-side band physical passband signal). Almost
the whole available frequency band can be utilized. OFDM
generally has a nearly 'white' spectrum, giving it benign
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electromagnetic interference properties with respect to
other co-channel users.
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~ 13 ~
Implementation using the FFT algorithm
The discrete fourier transform (DFT) is very well suited
for performing modulation and demodulation using multiple
carriers. The fast implementation of the discrete fourier
transform is called the FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM
N k =0
1 N−1 − j 2π k
r[n, k] = ∑d '[n, i]e N
N i=0
~ 14 ~
S/P acts as time/frequency mapper.It demultiplexes
serial data stream into N parallel streams.
IIFT computes inverse FFT on each set of symbols,
giving a set of complex time-domain samples. These
samples are then modulated using orthofonal multi-
Cyclic Prefix acts like guard interval and makes
equalization easy (FFT-cyclic convolution vs channel-
linear convolution).
P/S converts parallel streams into serial streams for
transmission. These digital datas are converted to analog
datas by D/A converter(not shown) before transmission.
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Ts = symbol duration
Condition for Orthogonality
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C-OFDM : Coded OFDM.
o COFDM offers real benefit in the presence of isolated
narrow-band interfering signals
o Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB)
o Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB-T)
MIMO-OFDM : Multiple Input, Multiple Output OFDM
o Developed by Iospan Wireless.
o Uses multiple antennas to transmit and receive radio
V-OFDM : Vector OFDM.
o Developed by CISCO
o Increases subscriber coverage & cheap.
o Employs both frequency and spatial diversity
o Creates a robust processing technique for multi-path fading
and narrow band interference
W-OFDM : Wideband OFDM
o Invented by Wi-LAN
o Large spacing between carriers
o - Optimal performance against Multi-path fading
o - Less sensitive to carrier offset
o -Optimal power efficiency of the transmitter amplifier
Flash-OFDM : Fast-hopped OFDM
o Wide-band spread-spectrum technology
o Avoids the compromises inherent in other mobile data
o Capability to work around interfering signals
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Comparing Performance of DS-CDMA, & OFDM :
~ 19 ~
OFDM is spectrally efficient & enhances Channel Capacity.
IFFT/FFT operation ensures that sub-carriers do not
interfere with each other.
Equalization is very simple compared to Single-Carrier
OFDM has excellent robustness in multi-path
Fundamentally, well suited for high bit rate applications.
Timing recovery is very straight forward.
Timing jitter easier to handle Cyclic prefix acts like a
guard interval and it compensate delay spread.
OFDM Sensitive to Small Carrier Frequency Offsets.
OFDM Sensitive to High Frequency Phase Noise.
OFDM Sensitive to Sampling Clock Offsets
The tightly packed subcarriers give rise to increased
sensitivity with respect to carrier frequency errors
(oscillator impairments etc.) and interchannel
interference (ICI) .
The OFDM time-domain signal has a relatively large peak-
to-average power ratio(PAPR)
o tends to reduce the power efficiency of the RF
o non-linear amplification destroys the orthogonality of
the OFDM signal and introduced out-of-band radiation.
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The current status of the research is that OFDM appears
to be a suitable technique as a modulation technique for
high performance wireless telecommunications.OFDM is
emerging as popular solution for wireless LAN, and also for
fixed broad-band access. An OFDM link has been confirmed
to work by using computer simulations, and some practical
tests were performed on a low bandwidth base-band
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OFDM-Based Broadband Wireless Networks
Design and Optimization
-- Hui Liu and Guoqing Li.
Communication Systems (4th edition)
-- Simon Haykin.
Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA
-- Henrik Schulze and Christian Lűders.
Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems
-- B.P. Lathi & Zhi Ding
o http://www.skydsp.com
o http://www.google.co.in
o http://scholar.google.co.in
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There are many people who helped us.
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