Minakshi Kumari is seeking a job that utilizes her management and computer skills where individual achievements and performance will be recognized, with opportunities for ongoing professional growth and development. She has educational qualifications including a PGDM in Marketing and Human Resources, and technical skills including proficiency in MS Office, Tally, and Oracle. Her objective is to obtain a job as an Agency Manager at Bharti AXA Life Insurance where she can apply her conceptual knowledge of human resource functions and skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork.
Minakshi Kumari is seeking a job that utilizes her management and computer skills where individual achievements and performance will be recognized, with opportunities for ongoing professional growth and development. She has educational qualifications including a PGDM in Marketing and Human Resources, and technical skills including proficiency in MS Office, Tally, and Oracle. Her objective is to obtain a job as an Agency Manager at Bharti AXA Life Insurance where she can apply her conceptual knowledge of human resource functions and skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork.
Minakshi Kumari is seeking a job that utilizes her management and computer skills where individual achievements and performance will be recognized, with opportunities for ongoing professional growth and development. She has educational qualifications including a PGDM in Marketing and Human Resources, and technical skills including proficiency in MS Office, Tally, and Oracle. Her objective is to obtain a job as an Agency Manager at Bharti AXA Life Insurance where she can apply her conceptual knowledge of human resource functions and skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork.
Minakshi Kumari is seeking a job that utilizes her management and computer skills where individual achievements and performance will be recognized, with opportunities for ongoing professional growth and development. She has educational qualifications including a PGDM in Marketing and Human Resources, and technical skills including proficiency in MS Office, Tally, and Oracle. Her objective is to obtain a job as an Agency Manager at Bharti AXA Life Insurance where she can apply her conceptual knowledge of human resource functions and skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork.
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P.G.D.M (Human Resource) A.I.C.T.E
To Get A Job In A Company Where My Management & Computer Skills Can Be Put Together. A Work Plae Where In!i"i!ual Ahie"ements An! Per#ormane Will Be $eogni%e!. &pportunity 'or &n(Going Pro#essional )!uation* Gro+th An! ,e"elopment
Course Institute/College/School ni!ersit"/#oar$ Percentage Year of Passing PG,M-Marketing. -/ st &0 n! sem. Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Research, Pune Autonomous 10.0/ 02/2 PG,M-3$. -/ st * 0 n! & 4 r! sem. Sinhga! Institute o# Business A!ministration & $esearh* Pune AICT) 10.5/ 02/2
Name of Company : Bharti A6A 7i#e Insurane Company8 Project it!e : Attrition o# Ageny Manager8 Coneptual kno+le!ge at about 3uman $esoure #untion. Goo! team player. 7ea!ership skill. Goo! interpersonal ommuniation skill.
"perating system # Win!o+s 9:* Win!o+s 6P. Pac$age: MS( &##ie -Wor!* );el* Po+er Point.* &rale. S<l -9i=.* //i= -general le!ger. OBJECTIVE OBJECTIVES PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION SUMMER INTERNSHIP: - (2 months) E! SILLS TECHNICAL SILL Certi#iation o# &rale >ni"ersity #or ?229GC// Intro!ution to &rale 9i @ SA7 Certi#iation o# &rale >ni"ersity #or //i eBusiness suite. Certi#iation o# &rale >ni"ersity #or //i 3$MS people Management #un!amental ), / P$B. CCCCCC )nglish* 3in!i* Chinese. Course Institute/College/School ni!ersit"/#oar$ Percentage Year of Passing B.S.C(BIO) Bihar University Muzaffarpur Bihar University 5?./ 022: Std XII M.D.D.M College BIC D9 022? Std X MS!B BSB 14 0220 "arti#ipation in #ultural progra$s and ga$es in S#hool level% Singing% &riting "oe$ 'O(I)*+S ')O(C*I,D DUC-+IO' ) "arti#ipating BOX.O((IC at B*-/-+I0-M123 "arti#ipating '-!S*- at B*-/-+I0-M123 Gen$er% Female Marital Status% Single D.&.#.% 02-Feb-88 'anguage Pro(icienc"% nglish, !indi, "hinese#$earning% Permanent A$$ress% Ee+ Polie 7ine* Famur* Babhua -Bihar. Resi$ential A$$ress% &auli A''t ( rd floor Sr)*o)+0,+A, -''osite .onar/ Pooram, ne0t to *aa1 hotel, .ondh2a P3*)48) Email I$% gGuriHyahoo.om*katyani.minakshiHgmail.om Contact No: 9142??D9:D* 9150/?22?9. PERSONAL "ETAIL E"UCATIONAL QUALIFICATION LAN#UA#E E$TRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES