Anite 2
Anite 2
Anite 2
Anite Telecoms Limited Ancells Business Park Harvest Crescent Fleet Hampshire GU51 2UZ UK Tel: +44(0)1252 775200 Fax: +44 (0)1252 775299
SAFETY NOTES The following safety notes are used in this document. Before using the equipment, you must read this document and familiarise yourself with each safety requirement. You must also read any manuals associated with other items of equipment contained within the system and familiarise yourself with each safety requirement. WARNING Warning denotes a hazard to people. It calls attention to a procedure which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met. Caution denotes a hazard to the product. It calls attention to a procedure that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, would result in damage to or destruction of the product. Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
GENERAL SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS WARNING This is a Safety Class 1 product provided with a protective earthing conductors incorporated in the mains power cables. The mains plugs shall be inserted only in a socket outlet provided with a matching protected earth contact. Any interruption of the protective earthing conductor inside or outside of the product is likely to make the product dangerous. Intentional interruption is prohibited. This equipment must be connected to a primary earth before the mains supply is connected. No operator serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified personnel. To prevent electrical shock do not remove covers. The environmental operating conditions specified for the equipment must be observed. Do not allow the equipment to become wet, and do not allow water to enter the equipment. Do not operate the equipment when wet because in this condition the safety of the equipment may be degraded. This product contains lethal voltages. Do not remove the covers of individual items of equipment. Any adjustments or service procedures that require operation of the equipment with protected covers removed should be performed only by trained personnel. All mains fuses must be replaced only with the same type and rating. The use of other fuses or material may cause a fire hazard and is forbidden. Any deviation from the instructions provided in this procedure, and the associated equipment manuals, may cause the protection provided by the equipment to be impaired. Always use the three pin AC power cord and plug supplied with this product. Failure to ensure adequate grounding may cause product damage. Before this equipment is switched on make sure its primary power circuitry has been adapted to the voltage of the AC power source. Failure to set the AC power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to the equipment when the AC power cable is plugged in.
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Do not obstruct the air inlets or outlets on the system or any item of equipment. Restricting the flow of air could cause the equipment to overheat and may cause damage.
INSTRUMENT MARKINGS The following markings and caution and warning labels are used within the system. Be sure to observe all cautions and warnings. Refer to individual equipment User Manuals for details of their respective instrument markings. Indicates that there are instructions in the documentation that you should read and comply with. A power line switch. O The ON position of a power line switch. The OFF position of a power line switch.
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COPYRIGHT 2005 ANITE TELECOMS LIMITED All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without the prior permission of Anite Telecoms Limited. CONFIDENTIALITY This document and its contents shall not be used by, or disclosed to, any other party without the express written consent of Anite Telecoms Limited. REFERENCES [1] Programmer's Toolset (UTRAN) Programmers Manual (B2748/PM/001) [2] Programmer's Toolset Graphical User Interface (PT GUI) User Manual (B2748/UG/002) [3] Anite Network Licensing User Manual (NL/UM/01) [4] Anite Log Viewer User Manual (LV/UM/01) [5] HSDPA Demo Test Application User Manual (B5007/SW/001) All Anite documents mentioned in this document can be found at the Anite Telecoms Customer Support Website If you would like access to this website please contact PREFACE This Guide, together with the other documentation supplied with your system, will enable you to install and use your Anite SAT(A) system. You can find additional documentation on our support web site: The document is designed to be independent of the versions of software that you are using. Please note, however, that some of the screen-shot images will differ with different software versions. GENERAL FEEDBACK AND SUGGESTIONS We provide a dedicated email address that is monitored by our Managing Director and progressed by our Business Process Manager. All feedback is analysed and actions taken to ensure that we continue to provide for the real needs of our customers.
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Section 1 Page
Introduction........................................................................................................................1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Introducing the SAT(A) platform ...................................................................................1 Introducing the PT application........................................................................................2 What do I need to read? ..................................................................................................2
Components of the SAT(A)...............................................................................................4 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Items delivered with a new system .................................................................................4 Extensions and upgrades .................................................................................................4 About the 8960................................................................................................................5 About the ABP ................................................................................................................5 About the new Anite Combiner ......................................................................................6 About the PCC ................................................................................................................6
Setting up the hardware ....................................................................................................7 3.1 3.2 PCC .................................................................................................................................7 2G systems using the vertical combiner .........................................................................7
3.2.1 Example: SAT4(A)E ..................................................................................................9 Front connections ..................................................................................................9 Rear connections .................................................................................................10 Additional equipment for Test Case TC_21_1 ....................................................11 3.3 Systems using the horizontal combiner ........................................................................12 3.3.1 Front connections .....................................................................................................15 3.3.2 Rear connections ......................................................................................................16 3.3.3 Additional equipment for Test Case TC_21_1.........................................................19 3.3.4 Switching on and warming up..................................................................................19 4 Installing software on the PCC.......................................................................................20 4.1 4.2 4.3 5 Installing PT for 3G or multiRAT testing.....................................................................20 Uninstalling PT .............................................................................................................20 Installing the licence file ...............................................................................................21
Page v Setting 8960 IP addresses....................................................................................24 Checking 8960 IP addresses................................................................................25 5.1.3 ABP and combiner IP addresses ..............................................................................27 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Uploading Anite software to the 8960s.........................................................................30 Checking the 2G setup ..................................................................................................41 Updating PT firmware in the combiner and ABPs .......................................................43 Defining the RAT configuration ...................................................................................45
5.5.1 Defining RAT configuration in the SAT Configuration Tool..................................45 5.5.2 Defining RAT configuration in the HouseKeeping Utility ......................................47 5.6 Entering calibration data ...............................................................................................49 5.6.1 Entering 2G calibration data.....................................................................................50 Combiner calibration ..........................................................................................50 UE cable offset.....................................................................................................51 Power meter information.....................................................................................51 5.6.2 Entering 3G calibration data.....................................................................................52 6 Changing software versions ............................................................................................53 6.1 6.2 6.3 7 8 9 Changing the active PT release .....................................................................................53 Switching the 8960 software version ............................................................................54 Changing the combiner and ABP firmware ..................................................................56
Anite Log Viewer .............................................................................................................57 Using CleanUp to recover from program crashes ........................................................58 Routine maintenance .......................................................................................................59 9.1 Calibration.....................................................................................................................59
9.1.1 Customer calibration ................................................................................................59 I/Q calibration .....................................................................................................59 Open Loop ALC calibration ................................................................................62 9.1.2 Anites calibration service........................................................................................64 9.2 Software updates ...........................................................................................................64
10 Getting help ......................................................................................................................65 10.1 Documentation ..............................................................................................................65 10.2 Anites Help Desk.........................................................................................................65 10.3 Hardware repairs ...........................................................................................................65 11 Glossary ............................................................................................................................66 12 Document history.............................................................................................................67
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Figure Page Figure 1 - 2G system using the vertical combiner .....................................................................8 Figure 2 - Vertical combiner: front connections........................................................................9 Figure 3 - Vertical combiner: rear connections .......................................................................10 Figure 4 - Connections for Test Case TC_21_1 ......................................................................11 Figure 5 - SAT8(A)UE system ................................................................................................12 Figure 6 - Cable brackets .........................................................................................................13 Figure 7 - Baffles .....................................................................................................................13 Figure 8 - SAT4(A)E/SAT3(A)UE system..............................................................................14 Figure 9 - SAT1(A)UE rear connections .................................................................................16 Figure 10 - Setting the Ethernet adapter IP address.................................................................23 Figure 11 - 8960 Instrument Setup screen ...............................................................................24 Figure 12 - 8960 Call Setup screen..........................................................................................25 Figure 13 - SAT Configuration Tool: hardware selection .......................................................26 Figure 14 - SAT Configuration Tool: Hardware tab ...............................................................26 Figure 15 - HouseKeeping: System Configuration tab............................................................27 Figure 16 - HouseKeeping: Device Settings tab......................................................................28 Figure 17 - HouseKeeping: Configure Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors window.29 Figure 18 - Anite Version Controller.......................................................................................31 Figure 19 - 8960 System Config screen...................................................................................31 Figure 20 - 8960 Application Switch screen: selection ...........................................................32 Figure 21 - 8960 Application Switch screen: confirmation.....................................................33 Figure 22 - 8960 Application Setup screen: selection .............................................................33 Figure 23 - Agilent File Utility: licence agreement .................................................................34 Figure 24 - Agilent File Utility: main window ........................................................................34 Figure 25 - Agilent File Utility: Options window ...................................................................35 Figure 26 - Agilent File Utility: scanning for applications......................................................36 Figure 27 - Agilent File Utility: licence file warning ..............................................................36 Figure 28 - Agilent File Utility: applications list.....................................................................37 Figure 29 - Agilent File Utility: Add Test Set window ...........................................................37 Figure 30 - Agilent File Utility: selecting the 8960s ...............................................................38 Figure 31 - Agilent File Utility: connection check confirmation box .....................................38 Figure 32 - Agilent File Utility: checking for applications and licences.................................39 Figure 33 - Agilent File Utility: serial number confirmation box ...........................................39 Figure 34 - Agilent File Utility: updated applications list .......................................................40 Figure 35 - Agilent File Utility: upload confirmation box ......................................................40 Figure 36 - Agilent File Utility: upload progress indicator .....................................................41 Figure 37 - SAT Configuration Tool: Test menu ....................................................................42 Figure 38 - SAT Configuration Tool: successful synchronisation test....................................42 Figure 39 - SAT Configuration Tool: successful EPCP card test............................................42 Figure 40 - HouseKeeping: Device Settings tab......................................................................43 Figure 41 - HouseKeeping: Firmware Upgrade tab.................................................................44 Figure 42 - HouseKeeping: Firmware Upgrade Progress........................................................44 Figure 43 - HouseKeeping: reboot dialogue box.....................................................................45 Figure 44 - SAT Configuration Tool: Hardware tab ...............................................................46 Figure 45 - SAT Configuration Tool: search result .................................................................46 Figure 46 - SAT Configuration Tool: search error result ........................................................47 Figure 47 - HouseKeeping: Device Settings tab......................................................................48 Figure 48 - SAT Configuration Tool: Calibration tab .............................................................50
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Figure 49 - SAT Configuration Tool: calibration file error.....................................................51 Figure 50 - SAT Configuration Tool: Power Meter tab ..........................................................51 Figure 51 - HouseKeeping: Device Settings tab......................................................................52 Figure 52 - Anite Version Controller.......................................................................................54 Figure 53 - 8960 System Config screen...................................................................................55 Figure 54 - 8960 Application Setup screen: selection .............................................................55 Figure 55 - Anite Log Viewer: Options...................................................................................57 Figure 56 - I/Q calibration: System Configuration screen 1....................................................59 Figure 57 - I/Q calibration: System Configuration screen 2....................................................60 Figure 58 - I/Q calibration: Service dialogue box ...................................................................60 Figure 59 - I/Q calibration: progress bar..................................................................................61 Figure 60 - I/Q calibration: completion ...................................................................................61 Figure 61 - Open Loop ALC calibration: Call Setup screen ...................................................62 Figure 62 - Open Loop ALC calibration: dialogue box...........................................................62 Figure 63 - Open Loop ALC calibration: progress bar............................................................63 Figure 64 - Open Loop ALC calibration: completion .............................................................63
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Table Page Table 1 - Sections relevant to different audiences .....................................................................2 Table 2 - RF connections .........................................................................................................15 Table 3 - 10 MHz reference connections.................................................................................16 Table 4 - Intra-ABP sync connections .....................................................................................17 Table 5 - Inter-ABP sync connections .....................................................................................17 Table 6 - LVDS connections....................................................................................................17 Table 7 - Ethernet connections ................................................................................................18 Table 8 - IP addresses for 8960s and ABPs.............................................................................24 Table 9 - UIP numbering in a multiRAT system.....................................................................49
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This document describes two Anite products: the SAT(A) test platform, and components of the PT (Programmers Toolset) application that are used with it. These two products are described together because: Parts of the PT application are used with many of Anites test applications. Tools and utilities delivered with PT are used to configure the SAT(A) platform.
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Users of: Setting up and configuring a 3G or multiRAT SAT(A) system. (Sections 3.3 & 5) Setting up and configuring a 2G-only SAT(A) system. (Sections 3.2 and parts of 5) Installing PT. (Section 4) Changing software versions. (Section 6) Configuring Anite Log Viewer. (Section 7)
See CT (GSM) CT (EGPRS) user manuals PT components installed with SAS PT components installed with ACT
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We recommend that you read at the outset all the sections that apply to you. However, the document is also designed (as far as possible) as a reference manual, allowing you to read sections in isolation. For that reason, you will find that some material is repeated in different places. Please note that when you use Anites HSDPA Layer 1 Test Application (HsdpaUi), parts of this User Guide will not apply. In particular: The application uses a single transceiver only. The IP address of the ABP being used must be set within HsdpaUi. The application does not use the combiner calibration file, so you should either operate without the combiner, or adjust your measurements to take account of losses in the combiner and RF cables.
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This section lists the components that are delivered with a new 3G or multiRAT SAT(A) system, and describes the main components in more detail.
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This section explains how to arrange the hardware units in a SAT(A) system and how to connect them together. It covers both 2G systems that use the vertical combiner (Section 3.2) and 2G, 3G and multiRAT systems using Anites new horizontal combiner (Section 3.3). Before unpacking the equipment, please inspect the delivered packages and make a note of any signs of damage, in case it proves necessary to make a claim against the shipping company. Unpack the equipment carefully to avoid damage, or loss of small components such as the SIM cards and terminators. If possible, retain the original packaging in case you need to return any component to Anite. Please check that you have received all the items listed on the shipping list that accompanied your delivery. CAUTION The 8960 units are heavy and will require two people to lift them: the accompanying Agilent document provides guidance on handling.
3.1 PCC
Please follow the instructions provided by Dell for setting up the PC. Note that the PCs power supply may require switching manually for different mains supply voltages. Plug the dongle into the PCs parallel port. All software is pre-installed when your SAT(A) system is delivered. The software is also provided on CD-ROM, in case reinstallation is required.
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One 8960 is designated as the master 8960: this is numbered #1 in the illustration. The master 8960 controls the synchronisation of the others and is connected in a different way from them, so the arrangement of the units is important. The master 8960 is the unit with the lowest IP addresses. In a new system, IP addresses are pre-configured and indicated on the packaging. If you are configuring a system yourself, you can designate the master 8960 when you set the IP addresses as described in Section 5.1. The general principles for connections are described now, and detailed instructions for one configuration are given in the next section. Together, this provides enough information for connecting any configuration. RF connections are made at the front panels of the 8960s and the combiner. 10 MHz reference connections are made at the rear, in a daisy-chain fashion. Ethernet connections are made at the rear of the 8960s and the PCC; the other end of every Ethernet cable connects to two Ethernet switches in the combiner. The two Ethernet switches are connected together. Mains power connections are made at the rear. The RF and BNC cables are numbered, and labelled at each end with the connection to which they should be attached. For calibration reasons, it is especially important to follow this labelling for RF cables. Each system is supplied with enough cables and terminators to build a system of any size up to eight transceivers, so you may have some unused cables and terminators when the system connections are completed. Keep these in a safe place, especially the RF cables, which will be required when the system is next re-calibrated by Anite.
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Example: SAT4(A)E
Green lines - Use the appropriately numbered RF cable to connect from the RF In/Out connector on each 8960 to the corresponding GSM/GPRS RF connector on the combiner unit. Orange line - Use the GSM SYNC cable to connect from the RF Out Only connector on the master 8960 #1 to the GSM/GPRS RF synchronisation connector on the combiner. Black line - Use the loopback cable to connect the SAT Test In and SAT Test Out connectors on the combiner to each other. Do the same for the U-SAT Test In and USAT Test Out connectors. Attach terminators to all unused connectors.
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Red lines - Using the 10 MHz reference cables supplied with the 8960s: Connect the 10 MHz reference output 3 on the combiner to the 10 MHz IN connector on the master 8960 #1. Then connect the 10 MHz OUT connector on the master 8960 #1 to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #2. Connect the 10 MHz reference output 1 on the combiner unit to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #3. Then connect the 10 MHz OUT connector on 8960 #3 to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #4. If you have a 6- or 8-transceiver system, connect the 10 MHz OUT connector on 8960 #2 to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #5; and connect the 10 MHz OUT connector on 8960 #5 to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #6. If you have an 8-transceiver system, connect the 10 MHz OUT connector on 8960 #4 to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #7; and connect the 10 MHz OUT connector on 8960 #7 to the 10 MHz IN connector on 8960 #8. Blue lines - Using the supplied Ethernet cables: Connect the LAN PORT connector on each 8960 to any of the SAT ports of the Ethernet switches in the combiner unit. (Do not use the connections labelled USAT.) Connect together the two Ethernet switches in the combiner unit, using the patch cable and any ports in each switch. (Do not use the connections labelled U-SAT.) Connect the PCCs internal Ethernet adapter, labelled 8960 ABP Connection, to any port of the Ethernet switches in the combiner unit. (Do not use the connections labelled U-SAT. You do not need to use the PCCs other Ethernet connectors.)
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Connect the EPCP port labelled CN12 in the PCC (the port labelled CN13 is not used) to any port of the Ethernet switches in the combiner unit. (Do not use the connections labelled U-SAT.) Connect mains power to the 8960s and the combiner. These units have power supplies that automatically detect the voltage in use, so no adjustment has to be made for local power supplies.
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#8 #7
#4 #3
#2 #1
#6 #5
#7 baffle
#3 baffle
#1 baffle
First, fit cable brackets: these guide the RF cables that run between the 8960s and the combiner. There are two types of cable bracket: Side bracket (part number B5007/420/A) - Screw this onto the right-hand side of each 8960, using three M4 captive screws. Before fitting it, remove the self-adhesive plastic overlay that covers the screw holes on the side of the 8960. Top bracket (part number B5007/420/B) - Screw this onto the top of either the 8960 or the ABP, using four M3 captive screws.
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The diagram below shows an example system with the two types of cable bracket in place.
Figure 6 - Cable brackets
Place the ABPs and 8960s on a suitable workbench. In systems with more than two transceivers it is necessary to place baffles between transceivers, to avoid overheating. Baffles come in two heights. Use the shorter baffles (part number B4605/600) between short stacks (two 2G transceivers or one 3G transceiver). In all other cases use the taller baffles (part number B5007/421/A). The diagram below shows how to fit baffles.
Figure 7 - Baffles
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If you are configuring a system yourself, please observe these numbering rules: Numbering of 8960s starts at 1 and continues upwards continuously. So in a system with n transceivers, the 8960s are numbered #1, #2#n. 8960 #1 is also known as the master 8960. In a multiRAT system, the 3G transceivers take the highest numbers in the sequence. So in a system with three 2G transceivers and five 3G transceivers, the ABPs are numbered #4, #5#8. Each ABP is paired with the 8960 that has the same number. So, in the same system, ABP #4 is paired with 8960 #4, and so on. The figure below illustrates these rules.
Figure 8 - SAT4(A)E/SAT3(A)UE system
#6 #4 #7 #2 #5
The #-numbering of units determines cabling arrangements (this section) and IP addressing (Section 5.1). It is also relevant to which ABPs are inactive if you choose to configure some 3G transceivers as 2G-only (Section 5.5). The general principles for connections are these. RF connections are made at the front panels of the 8960s and the combiner. 10 MHz reference connections are made at the rear, in a daisy-chain fashion. Sync connections are made at the rear of each ABP, in a daisy-chain fashion. LVDS connections are made between the rear of each 8960 and its paired ABP. Ethernet connections are made at the rear of the 8960s, ABPs and the PCC; the other end of every Ethernet cable connects to the Ethernet switches in the combiner. The two Ethernet switches are connected together. Mains power connections are made at the rear. The next two sections provide detailed instructions for connecting up the largest SAT configuration, a SAT12(A)UE. (However, since the largest configuration currently supported is SAT5(A)E/SAT3(A)UE, connections that apply only to larger configurations are printed in grey.) For a smaller configuration, just ignore the connections to units that are not present. When connecting up a SAT platform, we recommend that you print the tables here, cross out the connections that do not apply, and then tick each remaining connection as you make it. The RF, BNC and Ethernet cables are numbered. RF cables are also labelled at each end with the connection to which they should be attached: for calibration reasons, it is especially important to follow this labelling.
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Rear connections
The diagram below shows the connectors at the rear of an 8960 (bottom), an ABP (middle) and a combiner (top). Connections are shown for a SAT1(A)UE.
Figure 9 - SAT1(A)UE rear connections
10 MHz reference connections are made using the BNC cables supplied with each 8960: between the combiner and 8960s, and in a daisy-chain fashion between 8960s.
Table 3 - 10 MHz reference connections Cable 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 Colour* Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue From Unit Combiner 8960 #1 Combiner 8960 #3 8960 #2 8960 #5 8960 #4 8960 #7 8960 #6 8960 #9 8960 #8 8960 #11 Port 10 MHz O/P 1 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz O/P 2 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT 10 MHz OUT To Unit 8960 #1 8960 #2 8960 #3 8960 #4 8960 #5 8960 #6 8960 #7 8960 #8 8960 #9 8960 #10 8960 #11 8960 #12 Port 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN 10 MHz IN
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Intra-ABP sync connections are made using the short BNC cables supplied with each ABP. The first (lowest-numbered) ABP has two such connections; others have just one.
Table 4 - Intra-ABP sync connections Cable 300 300 Colour* Black Black From Unit First ABP ABP all units Sub-assembly, Port DIO A, SYNC O/P1 DIO B, SYNC O/P1 To Unit First ABP ABP all units Sub-assembly, Port DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO B, SYNC I/P
Inter-ABP sync connections are made in a daisy-chain fashion, using the BNC cables supplied with the combiner. In the table below, the first ABP is the lowest-numbered one present in the system. (For example, in the SAT4(A)E/SAT3(A)UE system shown in Figure 8, the first ABP is #5, the second is #6, and the third is #7.)
Table 5 - Inter-ABP sync connections Cable 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 Colour* Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey Grey From Unit First ABP First ABP Third ABP Second ABP Fifth ABP Fourth ABP Seventh ABP Sixth ABP Ninth ABP Eighth ABP Eleventh ABP Sub-assembly, Port DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC O/P2 DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P DIO A, SYNC Chain O/P To Unit Second ABP Third ABP Fourth ABP Fifth ABP Sixth ABP Seventh ABP Eighth ABP Ninth ABP Tenth ABP Eleventh ABP Twelfth ABP Sub-assembly, Port DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P DIO A, SYNC I/P
LVDS connections are made between each 8960 and its paired ABP, using the LVDS cable supplied with each ABP.
Table 6 - LVDS connections Cable B5007/522 From Unit ABP all units Sub-assembly, Port DIO A, LVDS Interface A To Unit 8960 all units Port Digital Bus
Ethernet connections are made using the cables supplied with the combiner. One end of every cable connects to an Ethernet switch in the combiner. There are Ethernet connections to every 8960, every ABP, three connections to the PCC (two Ethernet adapters and the EPCP card), and two connections to the CRMP within the combiner. Also, the two Ethernet switches are connected together.
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Table 7 - Ethernet connections Cable 212 201 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 210 211 200 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 202 Colour* Grey Red Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Grey Grey Red Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Red From Unit Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Combiner Sub-assembly, Port Top Ethernet Switch, 1 Top Ethernet Switch, 2 Top Ethernet Switch, 3 Top Ethernet Switch, 4 Top Ethernet Switch, 5 Top Ethernet Switch, 6 Top Ethernet Switch, 7 Top Ethernet Switch, 8 Top Ethernet Switch, 9 Top Ethernet Switch, 10 Top Ethernet Switch, 11 Top Ethernet Switch, 12 Top Ethernet Switch, 13 Top Ethernet Switch, 14 Top Ethernet Switch, 16 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 1 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 2 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 3 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 4 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 5 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 6 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 7 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 8 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 9 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 10 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 11 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 12 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 13 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 14 Bottom Ethernet Switch, 15 To Unit Combiner PCC ABP #1 ABP #2 ABP #3 ABP #4 ABP #5 ABP #6 ABP #7 ABP #8 ABP #9 ABP #10 ABP #11 ABP #12 Combiner Combiner PCC 8960 #1 8960 #2 8960 #3 8960 #4 8960 #5 8960 #6 8960 #7 8960 #8 8960 #9 8960 #10 8960 #11 8960 #12 PCC Sub-assembly, Port CRMP ETH2 CRMP Connection Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet Bottom Ethernet Switch, 16 CRMP ETH1 8960 ABP Connection LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port LAN Port EPCP SBC, C12
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If you are using Anites CT application to run the 2G RLM Test Case TC_21_1, you will need the following additional equipment: A National Instruments NI488.2 GPIB PCI card - When a SAT(A) system is ordered with this test case, the GPIB card is fitted in the PCC before shipment. A GPIB cable - Supplied with the card. A Gigatronics 8541C Power Meter - Anite does not supply this. Gigatronics 80401A Modulation Power Sensor (18GHz/N) and cable - Anite does not supply these. The power meter must be correctly calibrated: please refer to the procedure in the Gigatronics Operations and Maintenance Manual. To connect the power meter and power sensor: Connect the GPIB cable from the GPIB card in the PCC to the power meter. Connect the power sensor cable to the A port of the power meter. Connect the power sensor to the upper DL Power Sensor port on the combiner.
Check that all connections are correctly made, then connect the power leads and switch on the PCC, 8960s, ABPs and the combiner: The 8960s will then perform power-up self-checks. Check that all the 8960s are running properly by confirming that the Anite logo is shown on the their displays. Check that the STATUS and POWER indicators on the ABPs are green. If a STATUS indicator is red, the unit may be faulty: please contact Anites Help Desk (see Section 10). Check that the POWER indicator on the combiner is green. Allow 20 minutes for the combiner to warm-up: this is required for its rubidium reference source to reach the correct operating temperature. During the warm-up period the combiners STATUS indicator will remain red.
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If you have purchased a new SAT(A) system, you can skip this section, since the software was installed before delivery.
4.2 Uninstalling PT
When you install a new release of PT (UTRAN) or PT (GERAN), you do not need to uninstall older releases. Anite recommends that you leave old releases installed, so that you can revert to them if needed: the reasons and method for doing this are described in Section 6. Should you decide that you no longer need an older PT release, you can uninstall it as follows. Close all applications, including Anite applications. In particular, stop GuildFTP.exe and AniteLicenser.exe, both of which are accessible via the system tray. Run Cleanup by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | Cleanup UTRAN. Open the Control Panel (select Start | Settings | Control Panel). Select Add/Remove Programs. Select the release that you want to uninstall. Click Change/Remove and follow the on-screen instructions.
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This section explains how to set the software parameters that configure your SAT(A) system. There are six subsections: Assigning IP addresses to the components of the system. Loading software into the 8960s. Checking the setup of the SATs 2G elements. Loading PT firmware into the combiner and ABPs. Defining 2G and 3G transceivers in a multiRAT system. Entering calibration data. If you have purchased a new system, it will have been configured before delivery, so you can skip this section unless you wish to change the configuration. If you have purchased transceivers to add to an existing SAT system, they will have been configured appropriately. However, in some cases it will be necessary for you to follow this section to re-configure your existing system.
PCC IP addresses
The IP address of the PCCs second Ethernet PCI adapter card, labelled Corporate LAN (optional), can be set to any value, so long as it does not use any of the three subnets listed above. For example, it may be configured to connect to another network, such as a corporate network. If, however, you are using a proxy server to connect to that network, you will need to change the proxy settings in Windows as follows: Select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Internet Options: the Internet Properties window opens. Click on the Connections tab. Click the LAN Settings button: the LAN Settings window opens. If you have chosen to use a proxy server, the Advanced button will be visible: click it to open the Proxy Settings window. In the box labelled Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with enter these subnets: 201.20.1.* 201.20.2.* 201.20.3.* Click OK to close each of the windows. IP addresses must be assigned to the other two Ethernet adapters:
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The internal Ethernet adapter on the PCCs motherboard has IP address On a new SAT system, this adapter is named 8960 ABP Connection in Windows Network and Dial Up Connections and on its connector label. The first Ethernet PCI adapter card has IP address On a new SAT system, this adapter is named CRMP Connection in Windows Network and Dial Up Connections and on its connector label.
Assign these IP addresses in Windows: Select Start | Settings | Control Panel | Network and Dial Up Connections. Right-click on the required Ethernet adapter in the list and select Properties. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. Type in the required IP address. Click OK twice to return to the list of Ethernet adapters. Repeat for the second Ethernet adapter.
Figure 10 - Setting the Ethernet adapter IP address
8960 IP addresses
Normally, you will not need to change the IP addresses of your 8960s. This will only be required when, for example, an 8960 is moved from one SAT system to another. Each 8960 unit has a reserved set of four consecutive IP addresses, two of which are used by the Anite software. These two are known as the LAN IP address and the Protocol IP address.
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8960 IP addresses LAN IP address Set by user second IP address Hidden (set automatically) Protocol IP address Set by user fourth IP address Hidden (set automatically)
ABP IP address (See Section 5.1.3)
#1 (master) #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Use the dial to select LAN IP address in the list. Press the Enter key to enter the input mode. Use the keypad to enter the new LAN IP address. Use the Cancel or Enter keys to cancel or confirm the new address.
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Whenever the LAN IP address is changed, the protocol IP address must also be changed. To change the protocol IP address, the Anite application must be running on the unit. To change the protocol IP address: Press the Call Setup key on the 8960 front panel: a screen like this will be displayed.
Figure 12 - 8960 Call Setup screen
Press the key next to Protocol IP Address. Use the keypad to enter the new protocol IP address. Use the Cancel or Enter keys to cancel or confirm the new address.
When the new address is confirmed, the reserved IP addresses will also change. The reserved IP address displayed is the highest in the set of four IP addresses allocated to a unit. Now, to update the IP addresses, switch the 8960 off then on to reboot it.
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The SAT Controller NIC Card panel should display, as shown here. If not, select from the menu Setup | Options | Select Network Card and choose the entry with that address. Now click Find Agilent. You will now see a dialogue box with information about 8960 software versions. We will deal with this later (Section 5.5), so at this stage you should dismiss the dialogue box by clicking OK or No. The values in the IP Entry Boxes panel will now all adopt the subnet 210.20.2.x, and set the fourth octet of each field to the expected values of LAN IP address (4, 8, 12, etc). The SAT Configuration Tool will now search for 8960s at those addresses shown. As each 8960 is
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found, the fourth octet will change from grey to white, to indicate that an 8960 with that address has been found. Check that the result matches your SAT configuration. If it does not, perform the checks listed below, then click Find Agilent to try again. Check that the combiner is switched on. Check that every 8960 is switched on, is displaying the correct IP address, the Anite logo and ExtRef, is not displaying any warning message, and responds when a front panel key is pressed. Check that all cables are connected as described in Section 3, and that no cable is damaged. Check that the indicator light is lit on each Ethernet switch port in use. (You can ignore the Reserve for UTRAN panel for the present: we will return to that later.) Now close the Anite SAT Configuration Tool window.
ABPs and combiners are delivered already configured with IP addresses. You should only need to change them if, for example, an ABP is moved from one SAT system to another. ABP and combiner IP addresses are set by using the HouseKeeping Utility, as follows: Ensure that the combiner and ABPs are connected and switched on. Start HouseKeeping by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | HouseKeeping. Click on the System Configuration tab.
Figure 15 - HouseKeeping: System Configuration tab
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In the SAT U panel, click on the SAT(A) radio button. This will take you to the Device Settings tab.
Figure 16 - HouseKeeping: Device Settings tab
In the PC Controller panel, type in the IP Address text box. (This is the IP address of the PCCs Ethernet adapter CRMP Connection.) In the Centralised RLC/MAC Processor panel, type in the IP Address text box. (This is the first of the CRMPs two IP addresses.) (For the moment, ignore the Combiner and UE Cable panels: we will come back to those later.)
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Click Search for Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors. The HouseKeeping Utility will now search for devices connected on subnets 201.20.1.x and 201.20.2.x. Its findings are displayed in the window illustrated above: Any combiner(s) found appear in the list box on the left side of the Combiners panel. A combiners CRMP has two IP addresses: when you select a combiner on the left, the two addresses are shown in the fields on the right. The Ethernet 1 IP Address should be and Ethernet 2 IP Address should be You can change either or both of these addresses by typing in the new value and then clicking the Set button. Then switch the combiner off and on to reboot it, which puts the address change into effect. A list of ABPs found appears in the list box on the left side of the Baseband Processors panel. When you select an entry in that list, the IP address of that ABP is shown in the Ethernet IP Address field. (Shown below is the Recommended 8960 IP Address for that ABP address. This cannot be changed; it simply reproduces the information in Table 8.) However, it is not possible to tell which entry in the list corresponds to which physical ABP unit. So to properly check that each ABP has the correct IP address it is necessary to follow this build-up procedure: Switch off all ABPs except one. Click Search for Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors. Click on the ABP that appears on the left side of the Baseband Processors panel: this is the ABP that you left connected. Check that its IP address, as shown in the Ethernet IP Address field, accords with Table 8. If not, change it by typing in the correct address and then clicking the Set button. Then switch the ABP off and on to reboot it, which puts the address change into effect. Repeat for each ABP in the system, selecting each time the ABP that newly appears.
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If a device does not appear in a list box, check first that it is switched on and properly connected, then click the Search for Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors button again. If the device still does not appear, the problem may be that it has an IP address other than 201.20.1.x or 201.20.2.x. Follow these steps: In the Set Network ID panel, select, then click the Broadcast button. This will assign all ABPs and CRMPs - including the missing device - into subnet 201.20.2.x. In the Set Network ID panel, click the Broadcast Reboot button. This will reboot all those ABPs and combiners, putting any address change into effect. Wait 30 seconds, then click the Search for Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors button again. The missing device should now appear, and you can adjust its IP address as described above, if necessary. You will also need to restore the Ethernet 1 IP Address in the Combiners panel to its correct value, as described above. The other features of HouseKeepings Configure Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors window are: A Reboot all Anite Combiners and Baseband Processors button: this will reboot all ABPs and combiners identified in the list boxes. The Duplicate IP Addresses field: this lists IP addresses that are assigned to more than one device. You can correct this using the build-up procedure described above. When you have finished setting IP addresses, click the Close button, to reveal again the main HouseKeeping window. To save your settings, select from the menu File | Save File, then close the HouseKeeping window. The other menus in HouseKeeping are: File - entries here allow the opening, saving and exiting of the HouseKeeping configurations. Help - the About entry displays the version number of HouseKeeping. System and Device - these are not used with SAT(A). The other tabs of the HouseKeeping window are: E-MMI System Configuration - this is not used when setting up. UIP Status - this is not used with SAT(A).
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In the drop-down menus of the Version panel, select the version of PT (UTRAN) that you are using. The System Requirements panel will now show: Which version of Anite application software needs to be running in your 8960s: this is the entry that begins SAT(A). Make a note of this. Which version of ABP firmware is required: this is the entry that begins SAT(A)U. (This is for information only; you do not need to make a note of it.) Click Exit to close the window. Now check each of your 8960s in turn to check whether the version of Anite software you just noted is present and running: 1) Press the System Config key on the front panel of the first 8960. A screen like this will appear: in this example, the Anite application (which is named GSM/GPRS RF Modem) is currently running.
Figure 19 - 8960 System Config screen
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If your 8960 is running version of Anite application software you noted earlier, you can move on to the next 8960 in your system. If it is running the Anite application, but not the correct version, skip to step 3. If it is running another application, switch to the Anite application as follows: Press the Application Selection key, then the Application Switch key. The screen displays a list of all the applications installed in your 8960. Using the dial, scroll through the list to select the entry GSM/GPRS RF Modem.
Figure 20 - 8960 Application Switch screen: selection
Push the dial in to select the Anite application. The screen displays a message asking whether you wish to switch. Use the dial to select Yes, then push the dial in.
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You will now see the System Config screen again, now showing the Anite application. Press the Application Selection key, then the Application Setup key. The screen displays a list of all the applications installed in your 8960. Using the dial, scroll through the list to select the entry GSM/GPRS RF Modem, then push the dial in. The screen displays a list of all versions of the Anite application installed on the 8960.
Figure 22 - 8960 Application Setup screen: selection
If the version of the Anite application you noted earlier is already present, use the dial to select it, then push the dial in. The screen displays a message asking whether you
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wish to switch. Use the dial to select Yes, then push the dial in. Finally, switch the 8960 off then on, to reboot it. Then move on to the next 8960 in your system. If that version is not present, you will need to upload it from the PC using the Agilent 8960 File Utility, described next. First, though, finish checking all your 8960s by repeating this procedure.
If the procedure just described shows that any of your 8960s does not have required version of the Anite application, you need to upload it from the PCC using the Agilent 8960 File Utility. Launch the utility from the desktop icon or from the Start menu. The first dialogue box that appears is a licence agreement.
Figure 23 - Agilent File Utility: licence agreement
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The first time you use Agilent File Utility, it needs to be configured to take its software images from the PCC. To do this, choose Options. The settings should be as shown in the following window.
Figure 25 - Agilent File Utility: Options window
Correct the values if necessary and then click OK. You will return to the main window. To install the new software on all 8960s in a system, choose the option LAN Connection (Multiple Test Sets). The utility will then scan the hard disk of the controller PCC for applications. A window opens to show the progress of this function. Wait for the scanning process to complete. The window closes automatically.
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You may see a warning about licence files. This is a normal message and does not indicate an error. If you see a message box like the one shown here, click Yes.
Figure 27 - Agilent File Utility: licence file warning
The bottom half of the next window shows the list of applications found on the hard disk. The list on your system may be different from the picture below, depending on your configuration.
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Next, the list of 8960s must be entered in the top half of the window. You need to add an entry for each 8960 in your system: Click Add Test Set To List: a window opens.
Figure 29 - Agilent File Utility: Add Test Set window
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Referring to Table 8, enter the LAN IP address and a name for the 8960. (The name is any text you choose; we recommend that you include the # number of the 8960.) You do not need to enter the serial number: the Agilent File Utility will obtain it later by interrogating the 8960. Click OK. The 8960 appears in the top half of the main window. Repeat these steps for each 8960 in your system.
When all the 8960s have been entered, select the list of 8960s by clicking each entry while holding down the Ctrl key.
Figure 30 - Agilent File Utility: selecting the 8960s
Click Yes on the confirmation box. The utility then checks each 8960 in turn to find which applications and licences are present. A window opens to show the progress of this function.
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If, while this procedure is taking place, you see the dialogue box shown below, the reason is that Windows was not configured as described at the start of Section 5.1.1. The dialogue box refers to the 8960 whose IP address is currently listed against Current Action in the window shown above. Use Table 8 to determine the # number of that 8960. Then find its serial number by pressing the System Config key on its front panel, enter that in the dialogue box, and click OK.
Figure 33 - Agilent File Utility: serial number confirmation box
When the application check is complete, the main window reappears with information about the applications installed on each 8960.
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Note that the values in the Locations column have changed. The possible values are: Local only - the application exists only on the PCCs hard disk. X Test Sets - the application exists on X 8960s, but not on the PCCs hard disk. Local + X Test Sets - the application exists on X 8960s, and also on the PCCs hard disk. Select the list of 8960s again and select the application and version you wish to upload. Then click Upload To Test Sets. A dialogue box appears.
Figure 35 - Agilent File Utility: upload confirmation box
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Do not switch off the 8960 power until the upload process is complete, otherwise an error will occur when the unit is switched on again. When the upload process is complete: Close the Agilent File Utility. Switch the 8960s off then on, to reboot them
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First, choose Combiner Connections. This causes the 8960s to be synchronised together, thereby checking that all of the connections between 8960s and combiner, and between 8960s, are correct. If this test is successful, this dialogue box appears.
Figure 38 - SAT Configuration Tool: successful synchronisation test
If the test is not successful, check that all cables are connected as described in Section 3, and that no cable is damaged. Then run this test again. Next, choose PCP Connections. This checks that the EPCP card software is running correctly, and that the EPCP card is communicating with the 8960s. If this test is successful, this dialogue box appears.
Figure 39 - SAT Configuration Tool: successful EPCP card test
If the test is not successful, check that the SAT Configuration Tool settings are correct: see Section Close the Anite SAT Configuration Tool window.
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In the UIPs panel, enter in the Number of Enabled Devices spin box the number of ABPs in your SAT(A) system. The Device List field will now show that many entries: if your system has n ABPs, the list will show UIP 1, UIP 2UIP n. (The numbering here is not the same as ABP numbering; this is explained in Section 5.5.2.) Now click on the Firmware Upgrade tab.
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The field PT (UTRAN) Version to Install displays the currently-installed version of PT (UTRAN). Click the Find Devices button: the field Devices and Versions will display the combiner and all the ABPs in your SAT(A) system, together with the versions of PT (UTRAN) firmware currently running in each. If any of the devices are running older versions, click the Upgrade Minimum UIPs button to download firmware to those devices only. Alternatively, you can click Upgrade All UIPs to download firmware to all devices. The progress of the download will be displayed.
Figure 42 - HouseKeeping: Firmware Upgrade Progress
When all the required devices have been upgraded you will be asked whether you wish to reboot them.
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Start the SAT Configuration Tool by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | SATConfig. In the initial Hardware Selection window, choose Agilent and click OK. The SAT Configuration Tool window opens.
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The IP addresses shown are those you set earlier (Section 5.1.2). Set the number of 3G transceivers you require using the Reserve for UTRAN spin box. Please note that in PT (UTRAN) 3.0, this value cannot exceed 3. Then click Find Agilent. The SAT Configuration Tool will ask you to reboot one or more 8960s - the ones whose 2G/3G mode has been changed. (It will identify them by their IP addresses; you can use Table 8 to convert this to their # numbers.) Do this by switching them off then on. Then, click Find Agilent again. The SAT Configuration Tool will now interrogate the 8960s, then display its findings.
Figure 45 - SAT Configuration Tool: search result
If the number of 8960s and the version of the Anite software application are as expected, click Yes. If either of these values is not correct, or if one of these error messages appears The SAT Configuration Tool cannot detect any 8960s.
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One or more 8960s is running an application other than Anites. Different versions of the Anite application are running on different 8960s:
Figure 46 - SAT Configuration Tool: search error result
then the problem is likely to be in earlier configuration steps: please re-visit Sections 5.1 and 5.2.
Start HouseKeeping by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | HouseKeeping. Click on the System Configuration tab. In the SAT U panel, click the SAT(A) radio button. This will take you to the Device Settings tab.
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In the UIPs panel, set the number of 3G transceivers in the Number of Enabled Devices spin box - the same value as you just used in the SAT Configuration Tool. The Device List field will now show ABPs to be used, listing them as UIP 1, UIP 2, etc. In a 3G-only system, UIP numbering is the same as ABP numbering. But in a multiRAT system they are different, because UIP numbering always starts at 1. This table shows the relationship.
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Table 9 - UIP numbering in a multiRAT system Total number of transceivers 8 Number of 3G transceivers 3 2 1 3 7 2 1 3 6 2 1 3 5 2 1 3 4 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 2 1 ABP number UIP 1 #6 #7 #8 #5 #6 #7 #4 #5 #6 #3 #4 #5 #2 #3 #4 #1 #2 #3 #1 #2 #2 #2 #3 #3 #3 #4 #4 #4 #5 #5 #5 #6 #6 #6 #7 #7 UIP 2 #7 #8 UIP 3 #8
When you click on an entry in the Device List field, the IP address field will show the address of the corresponding ABP. (You can check this by converting from UIP number to ABP # number using the table above, then looking up the IP address of that ABP # in Table 8.) Select from the menu File | Save File to save your settings, then close the HouseKeeping window.
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New versions of the files are provided each time the system is calibrated by Anite. Please note that calibration data is correct only when the RF cables are correctly connected: you cannot swap cables between combiner connections. (8960s are calibrated independently, and so may be swapped without loss of accuracy.)
2G calibration data is entered using the SAT Configuration Tool. Start the SAT Configuration Tool: If you have a 2G-only SAT, select Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (GERAN) | Administration | SAT Configuration Tool. If you have a 3G or multiRAT SAT, select Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | SATConfig. In the initial Hardware Selection window, choose Agilent and click OK. The SAT Configuration Tool window opens. Click on the Calibration tab.
Figure 48 - SAT Configuration Tool: Calibration tab
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If this happens, check that you have selected the correct calibration file for your combiner. (The Dual RAT option in the Setup menu, and the Dual RAT Calibration File panel will always be disabled, so you only need to specify one calibration file.)
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Click the Use checkbox, then enter the serial number, calibration date and GPIB address of your power meter (an address of 30 is recommended). Select from the menu File | Save. Then close the Anite SAT Configuration Tool window. Finally, set the GPIB address in your power meter to match the address you have just entered: instructions for this are in the Gigatronics Operations and Maintenance Manual.
3G calibration data is entered using the HouseKeeping Utility. Start HouseKeeping by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | HouseKeeping. Click on the System Configuration tab. In the SAT U panel, click on the SAT(A) radio button. This will take you to the Device Settings tab.
Figure 51 - HouseKeeping: Device Settings tab
In the Combiner panel, click the Combiner Present checkbox, then use the Browse button to select the 3G calibration file for your combiner. In the UE Cable panel, enter the same value you entered in the SAT Configuration Tool for Mobile RF Cable Offset (dB). Select from the menu File | Save File to save your settings, then close the HouseKeeping window.
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This section explains how to change the versions of software running on the PCC, the 8960s, the combiner and ABPs. There are three situations in which you may need to do this: To comply with conformance test rules - If you are running test cases using one of Anites conformance test applications, CT or ACT, there are circumstances where the conformance test authoritys rules allow or require you to load an older version of the Anite application. Each version of Anites conformance test applications requires the matching version of PT. For compatibility with user-written code - If you write your own code to work with specific releases of PT, you may need to switch between those different versions of PT. To diagnose a problem - If you find that a test case or user-written program behaves differently after you have installed a new Anite application, you may need to revert to an older version to diagnose whether the difference was due to the upgrade or some other cause. Changing the version of PT for any of these reasons may in turn mean changing the versions of Anite software running in the 8960s, and the PT firmware running in the combiner and ABPs.
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In the Version panel, choose PT UTRAN in the first drop-down menu, then choose in the second drop-down menu the version you wish to make active. The System Requirements panel will now show: Which version of Anite application software needs to be running in your 8960s: this is the entry that begins SAT(A). Make a note of this. Which version of ABP firmware is required: this is the entry that begins SAT(A)U. (This is for information only; you do not need to make a note of it.) Then click the Install Selected Version button and follow the on-screen instructions. Once the process is complete, you can check that the active release is indeed the version you selected. Click the Show Installed Version button. The name of the box on the right will change to Installation Information and will show the name of the active release. Click Exit to close the window.
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Press the System Config key on the front panel of the first 8960. A screen like this will appear, showing which version of the Anite application is currently running.
Figure 53 - 8960 System Config screen
Press the Application Selection key, then the Application Setup key. The screen displays a list of all the applications installed in your 8960. Using the dial, scroll through the list to select the entry GSM/GPRS RF Modem, then push the dial in. The screen displays a list of all versions of the Anite application installed on the 8960.
Figure 54 - 8960 Application Setup screen: selection
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Use the dial to select the version you noted from Anite Version Controller (see previous section), then push the dial in. The screen displays a message asking whether you wish to switch. Use the dial to select Yes, then push the dial in. Finally, switch the 8960 off then on, to reboot it.
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The Anite Log Viewer allows you to view the .lfa log files created during testing. For full instructions about using the Anite Log Viewer, please read the Anite Log Viewer User Manual [4]: select Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Log Viewer User Manual. Before using the Anite Log Viewer, you need to ensure that it is configured correctly: Start Anite Log Viewer by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Log Viewer. Select from the menu View | Options.
Figure 55 - Anite Log Viewer: Options
In the Directories panel, specify the directories as follows: DLL Root Directory should be C:\Program Files\Anite\LogViewer\DLLs. Log File Root Directory should be C:\. Filter Directory should be C:\Program Files\Anite\LogViewer\Filter. In the C Source Options panel: C Source Editor - if you have a dedicated C source code editor installed, enter its path. Alternatively use Windows Notepad: C:\WINNT\Notepad.exe. C Source Editor Command Line - type: <File>. If your C source code editor supports jumping to a specific line within the source code, you can enter a command string specified by your editors manufacturer instead. If you have installed a TTCN editor, in the TTCN Source Options panel: TTCN Editor - select your TTCN editors executable. CT (UTRAN) users should use: C:\Anite\Conformance Toolset\Bin\ GotoTTCN111.exe. TTCN Editor Command Line PT (UTRAN) users should enter <TestSuite> <Description> <Behaviour>. Save your settings by clicking the OK button.
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The CleanUp utility is designed to clean up the PT (UTRAN) system when a user-written test application fails and leaves the system in an unstable condition. It will remove all running instances of Real Time Diagnostics (RTD) and Real Time Trace (RTT). CleanUp should be run even if the programs do not appear on the task bar, because they may still be running invisibly in the background. Before using CleanUp, close down as many of the PT (UTRAN) programs as possible. Then start Cleanup by selecting Start | Programs | Anite Telecoms | Programmers Toolset (UTRAN) | Cleanup UTRAN. CLEANUP.exe is located in C:\Program Files\Anite\UTRA\PT UTRAN\bin\. It recognises the following command line switches: /demo Terminates the following programs: Real Time Diagnostics (RTD) Real Time Trace (RTT) Anite Log Viewer SAT(H)U UEHarness /ptgui Terminates PTGUI /? Displays all running processes
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Routine maintenance
9.1 Calibration
New systems are calibrated before delivery: each 8960 and combiner is accompanied by a calibration certificate. Re-calibration occurs in two ways, described in this section: Customers should calibrate their 8960s once per year or whenever the 8960 front panel displays a calibration message. This is described in Section 9.1.1. Every two years, the whole system should be calibrated by Anite, as described in Section 9.1.2.
Customer calibration
This section describes two kinds of calibration to be carried out by the customer: I/Q Calibration (Section should be carried out once per year. ALC calibration (Section should be run after an I/Q calibration is done, or whenever the 8960 front panel displays a calibration message. This happens when the ambient temperature has changed by more than 5C since the previous calibration. The 8960 should be powered on and left to warm up for a period of at least 30 minutes before performing this procedure.
Press the More key, next to 1 of 2 on the right-hand side of the screen.
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Only the first IQ modulator needs to be calibrated. You can ignore the second modulator. Press the Enter key to start the calibration. A progress bar appears. The procedure will take up to ten minutes to complete.
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Now switch the 8960 off then on to reboot it. Then perform an Open Loop ALC calibration (next section).
Page 61
Press the F3 key to open the Open Loop Calibration dialogue box.
Figure 62 - Open Loop ALC calibration: dialogue box
Use the down arrow key to select Yes, then press Enter to start the calibration. A progress bar appears. The procedure will take up to ten minutes to complete.
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Every two years, all of the Agilent 8960s and the combiner unit must be returned to Anite for calibration. It is important that calibration is completed by the due date, as accuracy of test results cannot be certain unless the equipment is within the required level of tolerance. Calibration is carried out as part of the maintenance agreement between Anite Telecoms and the customer. To arrange for the calibration to take place, please contact us, by email to, or by telephone to your nearest Anite Telecoms office. The calibration will be carried out by Agilent, at the nearest office to your site. Please always contact Anite Telecoms first - do not contact Agilent directly.
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10 Getting help
10.1 Documentation
While this User Guide is designed to tell you everything you need to know about the SAT(A) platform, you can find more information about Anites software at our support website The documentation there includes: A document setting out the latest versions of Anite software. A list of known issues. Change notes. Separate user manuals for PT GUI [2], Anite Network Licensing [3] and Anite Log Viewer [4]. More information about PT (UTRAN), including the manual for programming using the PT (UTRAN) API [1]. Information about SIM codes. To access Anites support website you will need a username and password; you can obtain this by emailing our Help Desk.
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11 Glossary
8960 ABP ACT API ARFCN CRMP CT DLL Dongle IP LVDS MAC multiRAT PCC PT RAT RLC RF SAS SAT UE E5515C Wireless Communications Test Set from Agilent Technologies Inc (see Section 2.3) Anite Baseband Processor (see Section 2.4) Anites application to run conformance test cases for application enablers Applications Program Interface Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number Centralised RLC/MAC Processor, a component in the Anite Combiner (see Section 2.5) Anites Conformance Toolset application Dynamic-Link Library Anites licence hardware key Internet Protocol Low Voltage Differential Signalling Medium Access Control Multiple radio access technology: UTRAN + GERAN PC Controller: the PC that controls a SAT(A) system Anites Programmers Toolset application Radio Access Technology Radio Link Control Radio Frequency Anites network simulation application Anites test platform, comprising one or more transceivers, a PCC and a combiner (see Section 1.1) User Equipment
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12 Document history
Issue 1.0 2.0 Date June 2005 June 2005 Remarks First issue to accompany the launch of SAT(A)UE. Corrected umber of supported 3G transceivers. Removed section on PT GUI and referenced PT GUI manual. Clarified physical layout. Added adapter naming and labelling. Added new section 5.3 and new Table 9. Deleted appendix. Minor editing changes updates. Sections 1.2 & 1.3 - added references to HSDPA Test Applications. Section 2.1 - corrected shipping list. Section 2.3 - added BBIO FPGA firmware version. Section 3.3 - clarified cable colours. Section 3.3 - clarified baffle arrangements. Section 3.3 - added information about cable brackets. Section 3.3 - Ethernet switch ports no longer optional. Tables 4 & 5 - corrected errors. Figure 10 - corrected. Section 5.6 - nominated directory. Sections & 3.3.3 - new sections. Section 5.6 - added default cable loss value. Section - added 20-second pause.
July 2005
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