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REXRESEARCH P o B O X1 9 2 5 0 JEAN Nv 89019 USA

Kt?- KRO


KRo rflR-e {l|\ote',u [.r 6 ener^{o.

--- This is a provenfreeM0LECULAR GENERATOR Raymond: KROMREY, Hith the peculiarity that generator, monophase transfonner of a type energy parillel The stators are powerfui rotors. and make up the stators tne cores permanentmagnets and the rotor cores are soft iron. Interactions take placebetrieen t h e n a g n e tf i l e d a n d E a r t h ' s g r a v i t y f i e l d . T i m e d s v i t c h i n g power fully efficientlyto produce t a k e s a o v a n t a go ef g r a v l t y a c c e l e r a t i o n of the Principles report, Here is Kromrey's USPatent and "0perating Molecular G e n e r a t o r. " . 2 8 P p ..

O P E P S T I } IP GR I ! { E I P t E S OF THE GE\ERAToR FFRRor,!4,GNETrC by the inventor R- Kromrey The energy relationships are as follows : valid for earth's systen of refercncc


L kg-n,/sec * 9.81 watts - 2.3 cal/see - 1.36 i{atts = 0.32 cal,/sec) ( lft.1blsec dynamo transfonrrs the earth's energy. valid tbroughout Eo systen. gravitati.onal energ;'-

A conventional into . electrical

fn & very rvide senge tire figures the entrire univcrsc. acceieration sar:le tine,.


above are coasidered - alcirough gravit)eoniiderabl)froe

and,. at thc syster

can Cif f er

. I t l s w e l l k n o w nt h a t t h e n o t i o n o f g r a v i t y i s o f p r i n o r d i a l iroportancebecause it is fron gravity alone that the entire science of dynanics is dcrived.
Having said that, .1 the principle acceleration difference generator between a con:'entioral is that the forner energy (using

generator and tl:c fcrronagnetic


converts tbe earthrs

into .elcctrlcal,

Lotentzts force as an interraediary) whereas the ferronagrretic generator transfonns or converts ferromagnctic attraction directly intr electrical energy.

It 13 not entirely fortuitous thst the universal fornula for gravity and the Coulonb-Poisson foraulae .have a sinilar structure F.k Ml -_t-



-... ',2 P r i . n ci P 1 es o f t h c l . ( o L e c u l a r G e n e t a t o r / /

the only essential cient "k".


being the Presence of;hc


Apart frorn this, it is usefu! of the coilservatiotr principle tative purcly conservation specufative. of notion

to note that

the fundanental

of energy lies with the' quan- beYond this renains

l'lhat thcn, are the principal generator ?


of the molecular

lVe are speaking here of a tyFe of nonophase transfotmer with that the cores ' respectively parallei!, twothe peculiarity by-trvo, nake up the stators and rotors. Preferably' the st3tors should be powerful pernanent nagnets and the rotor iron. it successiveiy cores should be of soft


l'rhen the' arnature tlrrns'


enters and leqves the

field and the nagnetic ficlil , and vice earthr s gravitaticnal v e r s a , i n S u c h a w a y t h a t t h c s o f t i r o n c o r e s a r e s u bj e c t e < l successively to a rnagneiic attraction and the earthts gravitational attraction.

Since, on the other hand, each action has an eoual and opposite r e a c t i o n , and W e i e h t - F o r c e . l f a s s x a c c e l e r a t i o n : l+ - !o.g the production of electrlcity through c13ssical dYnanics In effect, electric can be explained quite easily

rve know thst the electron possesses a na-qs. For Elotcr, the nagnetic field (or indoctor) has only a

0perating Principles

of t-he MolecuLar Generstor/' ' ' ' ' 3

secondary ro1e, that of deflection, in such a way that the energy E ' m v2 (for exaraple the outPrlt electronic ki[etic frorn a battery), remains conser?ed if :he motor runs r+ithout load. the machine works as & qenerator: the naghetic field has merely an interrnediary role of transforning kinetlc energy - in this case resulting from the It is exacttf the sane if earthts Sravitational systen - into electrical enerEv'

For the molecular generator'. things happen very dlfferently' Ilcre, the rotor is subjected alternatively to an cxtra-teTtestrial accelefation,- enortnously superior to thst of the earthrs .gravity, which produces an electronic curre::t'

Since Newton's third larr is fundamental , because it even includes the princinal o.f the contervation oF enerqy, the of the nolecular generator is easi'ly explained' the two ttlin cores constituting the rotor, fall field into the nore intense fron the earthrs gravitational nsgnetic fie1d, and grow heavier because of this. In effect, current is produced by short' for exarnple, the winding of the arnature, it can circuiting, be seen that the magnetic acceleration first observed, purely conrith regard to tho atTnature , is subsequentiy partially If, sinultaneously, an electric surnedin order to accelelate the electrons.


O p e r a t i n g P r i n c i . p l e s o f t h e M o l e c u l a r G e n e r a t o r , /. . . . . . . . 4

acceleration of the rotor dininishes to the advantage of an electronic acceleration' the rotors become betveen rotor and In other words the attraction lighter. Since the initial stator while disappears producing so that the rotor current. induction field coil is continues to turn freely an cloctric

Ttris is conpletely (or rotor) ossentially subject

normal , since a soft-iron to the expression :

t h a c h a s b e c o r : r eh e a v i e r

in a nagnetic

Mass t Acccleration and which, on expending its novenent of electrons, the stator. Naturally,. that, classical the foregoing is

Weight in favour of a lose j.ts attlaction


must obviously


only understandable electricity is, after all,


one renernbers

before anything else,

obeys the la:rs of a branch of

dynaurics. Electricity

nechani.cs, and not the reverse as the theory of general postulates. relativity People have always tried whereas, in fact, even the unified field t o c o m p l e n e n t l t l e r v t o n t sc o n c e p t s , was already containeC in his work, theory.


Here is the explanation: force by In Nevtont s, it nas usual to /neasure gravitational using a sinple pendulun and thc forrnula for the duration of an oscillation given by Huygens :


Operacing Principles

o f t h e l ' { o 1 e c u 1 a rG e n e r a t o r /


r - znl|
{ - a7i2

frour uhich i s d e r i v e d :
1 o

( g ' G )

G ' Acceleration

due to the earth' 5 gravity'

sane for all locatio:rs '--.. Since the density of the earth is rrot the er'rployedin geologic this sinple instrunent could be usefully exist for exanple ' prospecting because nhere nineral deposits quickly' tho pendulun nould oscillate nore At the sane tine it is quite pendulurn is the different ial (diagran renarkable that. of a fly-rcheel. icii in itself, the :

llere is the Proof

atound a lever art of a length "1" has a A nass r'!0r' turring of the pendulun r i h ' r . -O n e c o n P l e t e o s c i l l a t i o n potential drop. of nass trnrrat a therefore corresponds to a revolution of the 'ro"' distance rrlrt from the centre of rotation The rate in the of d i s p t a c e r n e n t o f t h e m a s s " 4 " i s e x p r e s s e d

equation v . Zt I

where T corresponds to the duration of

'tnrr of the pcndttlun one cyc1e. Thus in a single cyc1e, the nass ' 1 ) so that in one drops tuice fron the high point ( h drop, tho nork performed will be vertical P.21 '' n -u2

But since the pcndtrlun fall's be vritten successively :

through the arc of a circlc'



/ .(



Operating P;lnc ip les of the liiolecular Gcneratot/. . ' . .6



t -

( w.

o n 6 g a) 4 ) ' < ' c -(


Iw, E

E.g. I


sinca :


4 7 T Z , fz cissi:
, *Ltr

T z -






to give:

o r - ?irlf


h'hat ls the slgnlficance dtfferenti.i see fronr the following lf for

of thc fact thar a pendulu;r is thc of a fl'7-xhee1 i' il';!te considerabie ' as one car: :

exanpile, a f1y-nhee1 of considerable nass is placed encrgy is exon the noori at a speed of 1500 rpn' very little i s 1 6 3 c m / s e c . 2, pended because the lunar force of attraction ninimal conpared with the earthrs force of attraction of 981

cm/sec-. I f t h e s a r n ef l y - r h e e l c o u l d b e t r a n s p o r t e d i n r e d i a t e l y v i t h i n the oarthrs gravltatlon8l field' lts rate of rotation would b e l n n o w a y d i n i n i s h e d . 0 n t h e c o n t r a r y , t h e s p e e Co f r o t a tlon ri1l have a tendency to increase even nore and s1so result in a conslderablegain in kinetic energy - and this slthout conringtnto conflict ttith the principal of the conservation of energy.

'7 O p e r a t i n g P ; i n c i . P l e s o f t h e M o l e c u l a r S e n e r s t o r , /, , "

fs1l In other words, if the nass of a body drops ln free rneires during towards the earthts, surface, it will travel 4'91 second. T'lre sane nass fall'ing towards tha noon's the flrst only'0'81 nettcs efter the first surface *r1l have travelled second. Masses possessing weight and masses that are' inort in the tvo systens of reference ' are therefore qulte different the sane for the respective kinetic energies ' and it,ls Schools, however, teach the folloring: Tbb fact a force place, that I bocly has a Dass neans, in the flrst uould is necessary in order to accelerate it; but this that

alsobethecaseifthebo<iyvr.s'notatt'acte'itourardsihe - atld earthtg surface - ln other rords if it nas nci'gh:less weight and froc this can be deduced thg fact that notions oi of uass have absolutely nothing in connon'
At the sane tiIfle, !he4


concept "I{eiqht" | gravl

the conceDt "nass" and the h a s b e e n e x c l u d e d w h i c h i s o b v i o u sL v

an error. Mach's law no longer holds good. Accordlng to Ernst l{ac},anC also Albert Elnstein, inertla Is a property of a nass dete!u i n e d b y t h c p r e s e n c e o f a l l t h e o t h e r m a s s e sl n t h e u n i v e r s e ' Infact,inertialsindlrectcorrelationxlththefiniteand The systen of reference tberefore the conttarl' of infinity' can be determined. For this teason, unity should be defined
as acceleration of masswl11 ln future be the nass exerted on s nass identical to the distgnce 1' a c c el e r a t i o n 1 . ltself. The unity

Operating Principles

o f t h e I { oI e c u l . ar Generator /...



impossible to agree with schools of thousht that naintain of iron as that i n m o t i o n o n t h e r n o o nv i l 1 requirc the in

the to put a ball sane effort notion reouired to nrake the same ball of iron

on eatth.

le eited corresponds e x a c t l y w i t h t h e e x p e r i n e n t o f The exarnp t h e f l y - w h e e l - s e t i n n o t i o n on earth at one tine, then at another tine nasses that on the moon. In the end, it ls not the kilcgrarnhave to be rnoved b u t t h e k i l o g r a n - w e i g h t s . is essentially

T h e a n o u n t o f u r o u v e m e n tr e l e a s e d b y a n a c t i o n linked to the binary systern of reference.

nre invariability pcndulun Paris, a result in

or stability

of the oscillation

path of the is noc

.:.;ug3ir11's faraous experlnent

at the Pairtheori ia nasscs bur

designed to demonstrate the earthrs rotation, of the presence of al1 the other stellar result

of the rnutual attraction nass and the rnass of the pendulum. Newtonian gravitation nass of a litre Eiffel

1s a" direct

of the tsrrestrial

is based on instantaaeous action

at a the

<iistance, an opinion which is not questioned . 0n raisinr of water ( 1'000 grams) to the top of the Tower in Paris (300 netres) the Hater will reight. At 10 kilonetres its only I51 kf.

lose one weight will be

ten-thousandth of its

onl)' 965 kf and, 10'000 kilonetres, Principles

of the l{o1ecu1arGenerator/. . . . ,9


is the nlnute loss in welght by a body ral-"ed to ccnsidedistances above the earthts to the work perforraed. surface that is the real



The expression "potential energy" is an unfortunate tern used to irlplf that a. certain tension exists belweentvo nasses tha! are trying to unite.
In the terlestrisl systen of reference, lt neight is clear chat ii a

(even of sevcral }:ilonetres ) It will only lose a nintte part of lts veight. This ts because it is the enormous nass of the earth - to all intents end purposes alone - 1s responsible for the effcct oi p,ravity. body is raised to a certain It is ther+tore thac a body raised to a height ,'h,, to an arnount of work that is practicallf rec-:rperalogical journey.

corresponds ted lf

the body is released to nake the return generator uses, therefore,

The noleculr ture

a grat'ltaticnal A soft-iron

effect arna-

( ferronagnet isEt) to accelerate

the electrons. as it

is caught by a rnagneti.cfield

and becones very hearlg over leaves the superinposed

a distance of several centinetres, acceleration The nolecular paths, that onters

of the 1oca11y very i.ntense nagneti.c field. generator can produce energy on two inverse ls to say, 8s'the rotor approaches the stator If the rotor and Boves away frorn thc stator,

also as the rotor

the magnetic field ( a gratuitous effect) , the current produced destroys the attraction. If the rotor leaves th! prinary tragnetic fie1d, then thc secondary field !ratuitorrsly dormed by influence, disappears, causes cut-off, then onee nore productlon of electiiclty. It ls true that for each isolated systetl of reference the theoretlcal yleld cannot be greatcr tha:t 1. But the forces of various systenls can, at the sametine. be


operatlng oi the


Generator,/. . .lC



A1so, rhen tvo gravitational fields possible (and without contradicting conservation of energy) thst val1d :

becomepartners, the prlncipal

iE is

the folloving

of the expression. ls

force recovered



In other words, each tine that two gravttaticnal fieLCs cone into actlon, 1t il p o s s i b l e t o p r o d u c e e n e r g y c he a p 1 y . nachlnery driv en by tidal notron uses the flur and reflux of the sea. The action of the noonrs gravttational field associated with the terrestr'al field (working at, a dlstance of 3g4,400 kilonttres) raises enornious nasses of water to a height of rnetres, twice every 24 hours, at absolutely no cost - equivalent to apFroxinately 1016 kf" of kinetic energy. Thi.s is si.milar to r,rhat happens in the cgse of the rnolecuiar generator. On the one hand, the rotor is subJected to the t l ' co.r!", ,, e a r t h r s g r a v l t y ; a n d o n h h e o t h e r h a n C , t o n a f l n e t l c sravltl, L."4 , to glvo snother possibility of producing energy choaply. To conclude, Nerrtonrs Lau of rfotion are conf irned, r+ith the suggestion thst e fourth law be added as follovs : Againr for eranple,


v 9 l : I ( r L i i . A . r r l l v 4 r . v -

!r !-


on 1y b e u r o d i f i e d l n a in anY qiven The encr varietv results in f i n i t e t i m e e c u l i a r t o t h ! s y st e n . T h i s 5^--o< fnr d i f f e r e n t i s o1 a te 4 s Y s t e : r s '


betveen a conveniirrnal Here, then ' are the PrinciPal distinctions equiPPed a:': ent-ll!8gnet dynano and a tnolecular gcnerator Per'rn rvi,th. permanent nagnets of the sane force : l. Theoretically fastEr it in outputthe dynano is not linited turns, the bigger the outPut' the

produces 9'81 Watts' Z. For f kg,/s the dynarno

/ ,t - -'i' , , / ' , ,- ' ; " | 1l t a )'co

A dynano transforrns.acceleration due t b t h e e a r t h r s gravlty (981 cn,/sec'; into electrical energy. 4. l'ihen s.hort.-circurted , the dynamohas a naxinun bral:ing effect on the sourcs used to drive it, '9' notor' ' turbine, f1Y-wheel. 5. The molecular generator can only deliver o f polter. a qiven amount

pernanent 6 . T h i s p o r v e r i s 1 i mj . t e d b y t h e c a p a c i t y o f t h e n a g n e t s v i t h w h i c h i t i s e q u i p p e d' 7 . A t Iov speed, i.e. low frequency, the amplitude curves' are large. o f t h e i . n t e n si t Y

are 8 . A t h i g h s p e e d t h e a r a P l i t u d e o f t h c i n t e n si t Y c u r v e s snal1 and thc Periods nunerous'

O p e r a t l n gP r i n c l p l e s o f t h e M o l e c u l a r G e n e r a t o r,/ . , . L z

9. fn' the tvo caseg cited thc asne.

above ' the output remains

10. The nolecular generator ttansfofins the acceleraticn dus to E petnanent magnetic fiold into electrical enetgy. the nolecular generator has 11. In short-circuiting, e.nininun brakigg effect.

v D w l . L E , c T t t I c c t ; Nl i l l A T ( ) , i
This concerns a full-y ne\r type of electric generaror tviticil operates accordin. ro ph]'sical tlteories developed over the last 25 years and lvhich took rnore thal lr million Sr,,iss francs inwes tments for research anci testing. It is types now ready for inclustriat pro(lt,ction can .icmonstrate. f t is. protecr.ed by as rrorlii ttr; proto_ jntc.rn:riional pa_

The rTlain caracreristics





r: -. A1most vari

constant elec tric Power output a tion range of i t s r o t o r s p e e d o f output curve : ----A B, o n d i a g r a r n ) .

r rr

: Pr

Abili ty to work under short-circuiting heating_ of its rocor or any other part ef f ec t .(t ba-cV_ tDr? *el) High production better than on and curve -

c o n d . i .t i o n s and without

wirhour braking

,driving efficency (rario output force), conventionaJ eq,ripement (cf . crrrve ____ at same speed, D Cc A level, on diagram). crrrtent: electrj-c freqrrency actaptable to porrrer nett/orlis on which ex_ ir

Produces al ternative isting frequency of wi 11 be connec ted . notor rcquires a


sneecl of



l+OO nFIl .

Constrltctj-on costs irllolrt ]Od. rrnrler costs of eqlrlpemen t of same instalfed power, because cons truc ta on, too.ling and engineering. For certaj-n construction particul-al.ities the generator ts manj-y appropriated for important above a minirnum of I.OOO KVA.

a r . a ( il l i o n a j ol- fl,ol.e sinlDle

use of Dover

rhis 1evel,

di agram

t taclred

f J r - - WD L l l C l l l I C



diagram and

shows the / of of






electric be tween their

generator output ---+-

classicat speed

generator. ratio.

Difference (v,lrrs/nelt).

force curwe curwe

drivlng new

generator deneraior



0 Rpfl


aaa<.a,.a a4.-

lr rl4



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Filed Jan. l, 1964


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{JmtedStates PatenrOfrce
3374.316 ELECTRIC CENERATOR Raynood Kromrly, 15 Ru. du i\tl nlarc,

Patented Mar. 19, 1968

cncrgy a: rhc [o* irough thc wiDdi-o8 oppoie! "urreat lhc magn.tizioB actioo of the ficld a.d ircrcas! tlc apparen! magnclicrcluctarceof lhc erfiature. Tbir exoiains !vhy, ir a syslctrt cobodying my idvcntion, rhc spc.d of Gen.v!, SF,ilzerhDd 5 lhc Scncrator rcmiids substantially unchuS.d wbca tho Fil.d Jrr. 9, 1954, Sc.. No, 3f,5,76t output circuit is cirh.r opcncd o! closcd. I Claim. (Cl. 310-112) A! tic armsturc approacbes its politiod of alignmeot with tbc gap, thc constllt magnctic ficld cxjstiog tberrMy prcJcDt iovcltiol relatc: to gcnctator acros! tcndi to 8ccclcrstg thq rotrliod of th6 amatu.-c scrvioE to colvcrt mlSDctic force ilto clcstric cDcrgy rrlativo !o rhc polc piccq rhcrcby aidiog rb. appli.d with rhe aid of two relativcly rotatablo ocobcrr, i.c, i tO dnving rorquc; thc oppositc aqion, i.c. a Gtardiog ctfccL stctor ald a rotor, olc oi tbcac roafirbcrs bcitrg providcd oc{ur! af&r tbq aralturc pallcs tbrough ia alig.d posiwith electronagaclic or lErmallco!-tuagleric ocans !ion. A! th6 roaor atlains a clrtai! ipcc4 hovcver, tho adaptcd ro induca a voltaSr in a whdiDg forrniog part flf,',/hc.l cffcqt of it! qlals ovcrcom.! thcsc Rucmatiocr ic of ao oulput circuit o! thc othcrdctobr. th. lolal applied torquo so lhat t sdroolh rotatioo cruuc!. 15 g.ncrators of this typc utilizc a windilg In r practicd cmbodim.nt, accordioBto a d|or. spccific .Convcotiooal wbosc conductors focm loops io diffcrcot axial olani Icatu.c of tr|y ilvcDtiorl rbo maglcric-flux parb irclud6 wheEby, upon rclativc rotatioo of tbc two mambcrs, two axially spacrd magactic ficlds traycEiog tha rotor diamctricauy opposite ponions of cach looD Dass twicc nxis sub.taDtiallt, at riShr an8lcg rbcac 6cld! bcirg 8en. pcr rcvolutjon r-brouShthc ficld of cacb poli pair of thc l0 errted by rcapcclivc polc paiB co-opcratilg witb tno mlgncric iDducror meglbcr (u3ually thc'staror). If thc ariauy spaccd armarurcs of thc chaEctc. describcd. It loops arc opeo-circuitcd, rlo curleot flows in thc wiodinc will gcncrally bc convcni.o! to arrarlge thc two annaturcs and. Do reaclion lorquc is devclopcd so t-battbc rolor will rn a common arial plane, thc two neld-producilg pole De lrec to tum at thc maxidum spccdof its driving unir. pairs bcing similarly coplaoar. Thc armaturca arc prefcrAs soon is ttrc outpur circuit iDcluding tbc windiog is 95 ably of the la6inarcd ty?. to mitrimizc tbc flow oi cddy shoit-ciacuitcd or conncclcd across a load. rhc rcsuliioc curreDtl thcreid; thn5, thcy Eay consist in csscoc oi hig.hcurcnt flow tcDd3to retard tbe EolioD of thc rotor t5 ly pcmea'bh (c.g- soft-i.on) foil! u,hos. p.i.tcipal dimcaan exleEt d:pcnden! upou tbc rDagnjrudcof thc curFnr, sioo is perpcndicular to rhc roto. ais, rhc foils icing h.ld rt bernsr-baraiore ncaessary to plovidc compensatlng spccdtogetheaby dvcts or othcrsuitablc fastcring masos. jf tcgulati4g dcvicd i! t dcsired ro maio|aia a subsrarr- 30 If thc fenomagnctic elcm.ots a.c pan of tbc rotor, thc tially- colstaDt tcrmioal volta8.. Morcover, rhe variablc ourput ciEuit will ioclude tbc usual reactton lorqua subjacts the aotor ald its transmission to . rncrns, rcb a! !lip ri!g! orcomrnutator sagmenr, accordl conlidc.rablc tocclaEical strr$cs whici, in t!. crse of ing to whctbcr altcnariog or dircct currcnt i3 dcsired,Thc widcly irrcruad-lg lodd cu.rcnts, may tead to objcciio;source of cocrcivc forcc in tbc stator includcs. advantaable striirlraJ gcorBly, a pair ol oppositcly dbpolcd yokc-shlDcd trlaeIt jr rhcrcforc' tlc gcocral obicct of my prcscnt ard ncl! of th. pc.marE|rt or rhc clcclricajly cocrgizca type, Dcw Inrrltloo to providc an clcgtric whorc cxrremilica conrdmtc the aforcmeoriooca oi c tcoeEtor wbich obvratest-bccforcdalcribcd dfuadvaotErca. pieccs-If clcctromrgnctr aic uscd in tiq maSDcliccircuil A E|orc particular obiccr ot fly iivcnrion ir to providc - tbcy may b cncrgizcd by a! cxt rnal sourcc of by direct a gcDe.atot of such conslructio! thst iB reactioo-rorquc (0 currcot from thc output sircui! of th gcocrator itsclf. 3nd. th.reforc,.it! rolor spccd in respoascto a given driv_ I havc found that thc tcrminal voltaSc of thc oulprrt vancs.bur lirdc upotr cbangcover from opcn ci.coit of a gencrstq. according to the iorcntiod do6 iq-.:?T* crrcurr to currcnt dclivcry or vicc vena. rot vary proportionatcly lo tbc rotor spcad, as nlight is also aD object oI tlis iovcnrioo to p.ovidc ad ,Ijbc cxpcctcd, but drops at a consid.aably slowcr ritc elcctllc gcnerator lebosc lcrminal vollage varics at a 45 with dccrcasinB sp..d of rotation: thus, in a particular co:r o-craDlyIesscr ratc tbrn its rotor spccd so as lo bc Lu!l tcstcd, this voltagc fell only to about half irs rTl aI::tsd than convcrrionalgcnerarors by fluclualio:rs origioal value upon a cunirg of rhe roto! spccd to orraor s onung rate. third- Thi! noolincar reiationship belwecn terminal voltfouhd..i! .ccordance with this invcntioa, lhat ,.i-htve agc and dnying rate eoableslhc oaidtenancc of a subtne IurcSolngobiectscan be rcalizcd by lhc relative rota- 50 stantjally constad! Ioad curcnt and, thcreforc, elcctric ron ot an elongalcd feBomag-octic clerhent,such a9 a output ovcr a wide specd rangc, it lcast undcr ccrtain sof!,iron irmarule. and a pai. of pol. picccs load cooditions, inasmuch as thc inductive rcactlnce of ?ll,.nopaO .l gap rvbercin a magncric ficld- is scr up the winding is proponional ro frcqucncy (and cons::i1,"-qth. ^air !ndcr io8ueDce of a suirablcsourccof cocrcivcforcc. _- quen y to rotor spcEd) so as !o drop off morc rapidly rne Jnnalurc carrias a wiDdiDg,advantagaously in thc a'5 thnn thc lcrmioal voltagc, io tbc cvcoi of a spccd riduc'rorm ot tlvo serics{onncctcd coils c'rbraciog oppogilcai_ tion, witb a.csulti!|g irnprovemcnt in thc powcr lac(or trcmilrcs tbcrcof, which is includcd ia an 6utiut circuit of the Ioadcircuit, adiptcd to be connecrcdto a Ioad. As thc atmarurc rotatcs If thc magDetic circuit includes but a single polc pair within t-h statiodary air gap (or, coovcrscly, tbe polc per air gap,thc ffux inducld in rbc rclativelyrotatiogarmapreces swing about the stalionaryarmalurc), the magnctic 60 turc *ill changr irs dircctioD twicc per rcvolulon so clrclrlt is irlerri.:ittenrly complctcd and lbc armatuJ-e cxthat each rcvolulion produccsonc complatc cycle of 360 perienccs pericdic remagnetizatiooswitb succcssivc revelselectrical deSrees. Ia gcneral, thc oumbc! of clcctricAl alsof polarity. degrecs per rcvolulion will equal 360 timcs thc nuanhe. Whcn the_output circuit is opco, thc mcchanical cncrsy oI polc pai.s, ir bcinS apparcnrrhat this tumbcr ouhl -bc rpprreu lo thc dnveo rolor membcr is convcrlad, ro the 6; ro bc odd sinc. rvith even numbcrs it would lot cxtent iha! lt is nol neededto oveacomcIrictional ,esist_ Iossiblc to havc pol6 altemaring id polarity along ttc ance, rnto work of magnctizatioa wbich in tum is dissipath of lhc rrmaturc and also ro hovc rhc oor$i rnd paled as iu acturl praclice, howevcr, thc rcsultant south polcs of cacb pair ct dia&ctricaily oppositc locanse ro urc temperatureoi the armaturc will bc hardlv tions. In any casc i! is important to dimcnsioo thc codptrticularly ii rhe armaturc is part of rhe con- 70 ironting arcuatc faces of noriceablc. thc polc plirs in sucb maoocr linu(tusiyair,cooledrotor assembly. Ivhco thc output ciras to avoid b.idging of adjoioio8 poles by thc armatir.. cuit is closed,Fln of rhis ivork js tlanslatedinto electricrl heoce it behoovcsto maka the sum of the arcs spnnna(l

by tr'rsa Jo".t (i! ihc plancof rolatioD)equalto co!sidlrablylessthan 160' electrical. q'itb g.catcr Tbc invcntiott will bc dcscribcd bircinaftcr dctau ..f.reocc bciDg eado ro rhc accompanyi-og d.wiugiolvhich: i 1A illujrratci lirst cmbodimco! oi my - FIcs. i and inventioo io a jal scctjoo and io a cross-scctionai vicw lalc,n-od lioc IA-IA ot FIG, I, rcspcctivcly; vicwsilrusrraring tlo - Flcs. i and 3 arc pcrspccr.ivc fgnher crnbodimclts r. iUustrarc two outpur ,, . FICS.-4aid 5 diagcaooalicdly ci'cuiti for a -tbr invcotion,icsiSocd tcspcctivclyfor! atrd alt matidg currcor; arrd FIC. 6 is a_son,.wbat diagraooaric illusrrationoI ar lr .' atraaco--.otfor coEparirs thc or.rtputs of a .onvcn'ronal gcnc'nlor aod a g.ncralo. accordingto tb. in-

30J carqing I prir of lamilat.d soft-i.ooalmalurcs 302',3C2"roralable in rh. air Saps piir oi efcctrooii ';inaing. magdelsJol', iol,' bcaringiiteir;ni soy' :09". Thc commL,iatoi"i0s iiiio io-oi.or". *itl "nd a pari of brushes of ivhichonly oi., a.rig"l,"a :OZ,i. visibre rr thc figure. Ttrii lr.rr,, *6-i.j-oi roa, "i'",n1a sllp is elcirricay connccled ro a bru3h313 cngaging rio8 3lt on ao exrremityot shaft 303 whici atso car. riesrwo funhcrstip rings:is;,:rs,; io .oiai.,,"" .ootart wirh ring 314 6ui iniuruiia i.o,n ,ir-",i"rtlit"o ru.rherbrushcsil6,,3tc,,contaqt if,, iine" Jil5fffS- _a G.p""ti""ty connectcd!o wioditgs 309, ard 309", "ai rcspccrivcly, r.hrorhcr cndsof thcscdiodiogsil,ng "on. nccrcdto an aDalogousystcmof Uruslct;;d slip .iog on lhc oFpositc,i;il;i;;;il;;;;;;;;;o mulotor brwbc arc cffccdvclybridlrd icros: tte wioa"orin$ 309' anci :or" in paraitct. tit thi" fnri"ai,n"nt,

dere.nined wir,.or course. bcalparenr ro persons fffi";:,iJt;51"t :*^'ll;,i:l r Frc. r have sbown gcncraror,30o a bajicarry :ilf'"['iil:';it-'i:o1,'"11,:t"';.*nTiT.J::] _rn similar to generaror100
of FICS. I rnd lA, irs shaft 79 pcxded cl3im.

107'.I07" thararc carriedby _ i! sanc! iro! 10E', on howing 10{ with murualinsulation; {5 "rn" wilh lh; assoilatca 108" t,iaasrzl"a iizi"--"*ri" ', "''--'brushes107'. l07" cq-spe.x1. wrth a pai. of_comrnuratci tric powei dc[vcrcd lV "r""s*"raloi, sc8dents105', 105" (scerlso FIC. 4).which arc sup"*Uclutchllt, shaft of thc - Upoo engagcmeot 103witb its poned bv 3 disk ros of insula.inr marcrialon shaft r0i. ffy*rr".r rr"z-is tio"cb;;"1;;;;;i arii"i"ip..a By virtue of thc sericscoonectilon oJ coils 1o6,,.luid. -- lioo..p.-. rvhercupon lhe switch421 i! the edclgrarlg "r belwee' the segmenls 10i' ard 105", as illusrrateaso io it'"on""o-rio,i"t g"o"-toi aooi.iil ,"-p. tl! alternatingvoltage induccd in thcsc coils "l."uii a22 ligbi iomegiaretyand tbc corr.spondiog "-ioria. wattmetcr TG: il 8ilvesr)se to a reatificdoltpu! voltage at brushes107, 423 sh-ows -dclivercd. an rortrat oltput of 500 watts; this output,IO,r. a^d \tt1"i lhc u'icircctioDal currenr by tbcse .u"r, oiofsl*r"otly -"a ibc iy.whcclrrz iia"""il*rc0 uy loot showr) 'oav be smoorhcd, in a - rhc braling efrccr "sd;;;;;;r; lT:!:: i:,i i"lo fi"1;';;'";r-" manner kDowo pcr se,by conventional 6lter meaos repr6- 6E 492. scnled diagtamrnadcally by a condenscr ll2 in FIG.4. Ncxr, thc is rcpcarcdbut wir-bswirch 421 _procedurc In FIG' 2 I havc shown a modifcd opeo-ana s*irctr,t2l 200 ,6 Sencraror too. whosc.hou.sint204 supponsa staror :or-'.onsistiig "r"i.a Thc lamps "1":isir"-iui'g*"""1"io. 1; valtrrcter !23 sbowsa! -t.; rrgnl up ano 16c sen(ialfyof tv.'o tennanentbar macnct! ZOt' ana VO7-" cotrstantfor an r!_ ,^ 9ur-pu!of 50u *arts whtcb rc.drii-os cxtendioaparallelto the drivc shaft;03 on oppotil" 60 uennireperiod,rhereu"i"g lll, ot the.cof, each flywhcel tl7. rvben rtrc iiurcl'iii'i, "" "pp[i"i-1"'i"""i"?too 9f trlesem.gncts bcing rigid- *irh a rc,"il.ij'""a ra" pair of spccrive pole shoes 20la- 2017ooa:oti,, ioia. rolor speed grrdually decreasei, ir," o",puiii-"*"r",o, R-oro. 202.cornprises a prir of laminrrcd 100is siiil sulsranrrairv or.otu.". zoi, -"s soo*iii 292", simila. !o rhosc of rhe precedingembodimcar, und r.muins h;; ; 3;l';?,Ji,;#;""1#: "1"1"J.j "iqiriri:i:"fr whosc ootplrt coils 206a,206b, 206c, 206d arc serially 05 ". funher ro 600 r.p.m, (onnected bcllveen a slip ring 205,.supportcd on shaft Io a similartestwith a gencrator of tic Femaneot203 rhrough rhc intermediary of drs-k .uen., iip", suchcs ttrcone shown at 200 iu FlG. 2, a :l lnslla.,ils 205' and 3nothcr tcrrninal hcre rcPresented by the substantialiy'coostant outputwasobservcd ovct a rangc ot shaft 203 i6elf. Slip .ing conracred Srounded by _n 1600to brush 107 on a holder20E.thc oulput of rhis brlsh ,u trIodifi.urion. ot the specifcarrangemeots dcscribed currcnt cr a irequencv

each composed of two :::l-1t-t 1T:i. similar^windids!, sene3-comcclc(t coils I05d. l06d aod 1066,I0dc, surrouDdrhe rotor aimaturcs ro2' ^Ad.ro2",respeciivcly. -ik rgrm.pad of a.o^ourpur circuit iurtrti. I:*, locludes n p'ir oI brushes "r,icir

pol picces havc coo.cvc fac.s conriontiog comenergizing '"i"oire lo9.i i09;.-i;;;;';'";:;"" plcmcniarily;onn;clcd- by a commoo shan r03 iarrying a fly"* -coove'x faces 102a, t02d oi armaru;e t02' and lg2b, l02c of amarure 102". These faces, whosc whecl rl7, *tit ,i,"it *i"g-.o"p[j li"i.'i ,rs ," concavities ale all ccttcr.d on rhc a s ot sbaft 103, "i" cOi'lriJ a dlive moro. lll rvherebiytlj ,oton " roz of cxtend over arcs of approldmat ly 20 to 25' each io the both gcoeraton arc rotatoblc 3j --izo-ara ia uuison as ioai.orcO Ov planc of rotatioo (FIG. lA) so tha( lbc sum of rhesc a.rrow 110. r*o latiirics iib,lrlJ* *,r, arcs adds up ro cbou! 90' eomcrrical aDd crcctricar. switch.s r2r. and 421, arc a"p..*ot ti"i & iiu* to. lbc sta-to. arc surrouDdcd srrplrlyirg drccl clrrco! to Ibc stator wioding, - Thc magnet! fof" lof-;f '*-" '-' lo9', toy' by rcspccriveencrgizirg. winrlings 109,. f09,, which arc una jOCi aOC.'of the two g.n.r"trr. co'rnectco icros:l I suttlble sourcc of co stant direct cur- 40 Thc rcctiEcd outprlt of gc-ncrator100 is dclivercd to a

mioated elcctromagnets 101', lol" whosc exricmities iion,ru"t *ir'" unitlo"riiiiitsli1"",i'iA:*i; o."oform tvo pairsof coplanar Dolcpicceirespccrivcly ucntionai generuor {00o1thetypc fruririg;ilofa d-csi8naled lold' r0r, (nonht ind 10Ic, totd {southi. 30 ",^"'lhe '-- rurc 402 .-otrr"ut" ,n a gap of a srator dratDct 401 wrrh

stato...Shaft 103 is couplcd wirh a sourcl of drivjns og describcd i n connrctioo with FIG. 4. Powcr indicateddiaqramoadcallvby an arrow 110. In FlG. 6I hav. siro*n a-tl-t-circuit dcsigncd !o com. parc the outpurs oi a generato. according ro thc irve!.Tbc stator 101 includcs a iair-- of yote-shapcd la-

oi a.sencmtor hou;io8r01 of :^-.:9 l!-i* mareri.l !04.',.194': nonmaSn.trc (c.g.aruminu-ar) rigid wirh rbc

priscs a stalo. mcmbcr l0l and a .oto. mcmbc! 102, tbc to 501' and 30r- qmiac, for-crimptc, oi ,til'I"jr,". ,*n lan.r comprisiog a pair of larddctcd armatures i02., -' soft iroo) will bavc a resjdual coercive forcc su.6icieD! to lu2" ca.ried on a sha-frr03 lvhich is roratably jou(nalcd incuc. an iddar ourp!! vollage 3s is k;;;;-p". sc.

rr,cseleraro' 100 shown ic F'GS. r and rA com- :i,ii:1":1ii:it:1?l,Ii3'uir"#;.ffi:r"':fl":':#'*sT;

Narurally, rhe circuiril*a.s jio; tr," u*ii,l :oz to rhc windings 309,,J09- rn"-y ;n-tuainri"i-'i"un" u.

load122,hcrcsrtoti,o astiicc sc.ics*on*iii'ii""nu"". ceotlamp! a Glbil *"u, -w^irh-combi[cd g"n"r"toi 400 woruogi;io *"""r,i-pii"" la*ii".r r*i q;. r*. iurt ;;t;ij-;;;d;. ;;ji"r""'lj'"orr"n, "r".s'rz: wiDdiogs raspccuvcry coanecrcd in sbun! .rnd

.t d t4)(' r o
o 5 cqual of rhc arcaspatncd by said faccabeitg substaotially I claim: !o 90' id thc alaDcof rotrtioo. l. An clectric gcnarltor comP.i3ing a frrcd stllor ald a rolor coaial wilh said stator: drivc mcanl for totating Rfe..dcq! Citrd said.otor about i!5 axi!, said stalor bcing prcvid.d witb UNTTED STATES PATENTS a pai! of elongatcdbar magoct! cxteodiD8 Parallcl tg said 5 axis on oppo3itc sidcr tbcrco[ aod termiDatrnBin trros--------- 3 10-.l26 XR 419,t02 l0l 1890 Bradlcy of srid vcnr crtlcmitics, oplrositcly polcd cxlrc{litict 310-158 2,500,730 3/t950 Yookcn -------ma8lcts co.tfronti.!8 escl ot-hct 5Dd dcfining maSDlt 310-168 2,769,tO6 to/1956 Dcmbowlki ------mrads havin9 two axially spacadpolc prir! dispolcd iD s 310-ll4 3,t73,047 3/ t955 Fodcr pab a forming of diarEctrically commoo alial lhoc and l 0 I , l 7 5 , lI t 310-126 1/ 1965 Orr .rt.ndirB ai! gsF for cstablishiaga oagDetic-flur path id3,205,3 84 9/ t965 Scarr 3to-l l2 cluding two axially spaccd parallcl roogactic 6cld! across 6/1945 Viclcn ----------3l0--46 u78,668 said air trlversing said axh substaaiially at right 2,669,687 2/ 1954 Tait6 3t0-46 providcd with trro axially spaccd angl6, said rotor bcinS 2,82.4,272 2/t958 Dclaponc----------310--46 parallcl cioDgated ferromagnctic clcrDcntr slightly shortc! J,0u,445 3/ t962 Wdch I 10-49 lha! tic spacilg of said con-&ooti!8 cxfmiticJ and cxlcnding p.rpcndicuLarly tg said axis at location! coplaoar FOREIGN PATENTS wilh said polc pairs for conclrrcn! periodic alignmcot oi Ftuncg. 3/1923 said clelncats ,.,itb said 6.ldJ il said air gap3 upoo rota8 3 8 , 0 1 2 Ftloccl 2/1939 tion of seid .otor; ald aa output circlit od said rotor 474,918 I l/1937 GrcatBritai!" includiog wioding meaos oD cacb of said elcmcDts aDd collector Ecals io scrics with said pindid8 ocaruL cactr MILTON O. HIRSHRELD, Primary Ezanincr, of said polc pairs aod the corrcspondiog elcltcnts havin8 coufroatiog arcuatc facs cc[lclcd or! said a.xis,thc su.o J, W. CIBBS, D. G. DUCGAN, Attisto t E ami,rett.

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