Integration of SD and HR
Integration of SD and HR
Integration of SD and HR
Is there any integration between SD module and HR module? 1) Primary Relationship : Enterprise Structure : the highest level of the HR module is Enterprise Structure and this is the base for every module. While implementing S P for the companies all the consultants of various modules sit together and identify the elements of enterprise structure from their point of vie! and form a common code for their various terminlogies. "et us say Personnela rea ::::::: Human Resource Plant ::::::: ## and PP Sales organisation ::::::: S$ "i%e this for the same area !e do address !ith several names from different S P #odules. &or this 'ommon rea !e ta%e a common code let us say 1(((. So the highest level of organisation after the company code is identified. )e*t to this step +ur responsibility is to identify ,Personnel Sub reas, -t is a division or $epartment belo! the level of personnel area. &rom S$ module belo! the sales organisation distribution channel and divisions !ill come. lso the sales reas . these are all assigned to the Sales organisation. nd !e %no! sales organisation has to be assigned to the 'ompany 'ode. #eas &rom HR Personnel area . Sales +rg in S$ Personnel Subarea . $istribution channel / $ivision 0o identify !hich is the common terminology for personnel subarea/ !e need to identify the reporting structure of the company and its accountability at each level . 0H-S PPE RS 0+ S-#P"E 120 S+ '+#P"E3. "i%e this maintaining the relationship at enterprise structure level should be done 4) Secondary Relationship 5-ndirect Relationships): Sales areas are assigned to another sales areas. Here many to many relationships are maintained rather than many to one 5 many Sales orgs to one company code) of primary relationships. Here !e should be very %een &rom H R point of vie! to identify personnel sub areas.
t the same time !e should %eep in mind the functionality of cost center also !hile framing the structure . 6) Employee relationships : HR Point of vie!: +nce !e identify the employee groups in the company li%e permanent/ contracts/ temporary/ trainee etc./ !e do focus on Employee Sub 7roups. S$ Point of vie! : -f the employee is at 0R -)EE or PER# )E)0 or 0E#P+R R8 has to be decided and accordingly should be assigned on recruitment at org assignemnt infotype (((1. We aslo %no! that infotype (9(( may also be initiated for maintaining the master data of employee at P 6( to assign sales organisation/ Sales +ffice/ Sales 7roups to each employee. :) Recruitment : We at HR have to identify the position and declare it as vacancy then !e can recruit as per our procedure as every body %no!s. +ther !ise go to the transcation code P "1 and creat sales representative and assign him to respective org div through (((1 infotype. P "6/P ": also may be useful. "i%e this at enterprise structure and employee structure HR and S$ share common ideas.
SAP Tickets -
hat Is That?
Handling tic%ets is called -ssue 0rac%ing system. 0he errors or bugs for!arded by the end user to the support team are prioriti;ed under three seviority High/ #edium and "o!. Each and every seviority as got its time limits before that !e have to fi* the error. 0he main <ob of the supporting consultant is to provide assistance on line to the customer or the organisation !here S P is already implemented for !hich the person should be very strong in the sub<ect and the process !hich are implemented in S P at the client side to understand/to analyse/to actuate and to give the right solution in right time.0his is the <ob of the support consultant. 0he issues or the tic%ets5problems) !hich are arised is ta%en care of on priority basis by the support team consultants. 0he !or% process in support pro<ects are given belo! for your reference. 1. 0he customer or the end user logs a call through any tool or by mail 5R $-3). 4. Each one of the support team is a part of support group. 6. Whenever a customer logs a call he =she has to mention to !hich !or% group 5by name).
:. +nce the calls came to the !or% group the support consultant or the team need to send an -R 5-nitial Response) to the user depending upon the priority of the calls. 50op/High/#ed/"o!/)one) >. 0hen the error is fi*ed/ debugged by the support consultant or the team. 0hen after testing properly by generating 0R50ransport Re?uest through the basis admin) @. 0hen it is informed to the end user=customer=super user about the changes !hich have moved to the production server by '0S process. 0hese are the process. -n summary/ !hat - understand is that if any configuration or customi;ation is re?uired to solve the issue/ then the consultant have to !or% on $EA 'lient/ then the end user !ill test it in the B client and after approval the 1 S-S consultant has to transport it to the PR+$2'0-+) client. n e*ample: 0ic%ets in S$ can be considered as the problems !hich the end user or the employee in the company face !hile !or%ing on R=6. 0ic%ets usually occur during the implementation or after the implementation of the pro<ect. 0here can be numerous problem !hich can occur in the production support and a person !ho is !or%ing in the support has to resolve those tic%ets in the limited duration/ every tic%et has the particular deadline alert so your responsibility is to finish it before that deadline. 0o begin !ith/ !e should give ,0-'CE0, to you for not %no!ing it. Here is an eg of a tic%et raise: End user is not able to 1. 'reate Sales order for a customer from a )e! plant/ since shipping point determination is not happened . 5 Without Shipping point the document becomes -)'+#P"E0E and he !ill not be able to proceed further li%e $E"-AER8/ 1-""-)7). He raises a tic%et and the priority is set in one of the belo!: 1. "o! 4. #edium 6. High. )o! you need to solve this tic%et. 8ou !ould analy;e the problem and identify that the SP configuration has to be done for the ne! plant. 8ou !ould re?uest a transport for $EA '"-E)0 to 1 S-S. 8ou do the change and Re?uest one more 0ransport to 1 S-S for B client. 0he End user !ill test the same by creating a sales order for the ne! plant and approve it. &inally/ you re?uest a transport to move the changes to PR+$2'0-+). +nce the change is deployed in production the 0-'CE0 is closed. What - have given is a small e*ample. 8ou !ould get some real issues !ith severity H-7H in your dayDday support.
)ote J 0his documents are prepared in Aanilla S P Standards DD 0hings differ from one implementation to another/ and it al!ays depends on the type of business !hich is opting for S P. hat is Attendance # Absences $uota? Absence Quotas: n employeeEs entitlement to a certain absence. 0he ?uota has a limited validity period/ and is reduced by each recorded absence. ttendance Buota: $etermines an employeeEs timeDrestricted entitlement to certain attendances. +ne such e*ample is overtime approval. Recording an attendance of this type reduces an employeeEs entitlement hat is Substitutions? substitution is employee !or%ing time that deviates from planned !or%ing time and=or is paid at a different rate because the employee !or%s at an alternative position. Substitutions allo! shortDterm deviations to personal !or% schedules/ as !ell as different payment for an employee/ to be recorded in the system. Substitutions can be set up regardless of !hether the absent person is actually being replaced or substituted for temporarily. hat is A%ailability? $escription of !hen a service employee is or is not available. 0he resource planner uses availability as bac%ground information !hen scheduling a service employee. hat are Attendance # Absence Ty"es? 7rouping together of employeesE scheduled attendances and actual attendances according to the reason for the attendance. ttendances can also be grouped for other personnelDrelated reasons/ such as for employee time accounts and for valuation of personnel times. How do we record a &%ertime? +vertime approvals can restrict the amount and the e*act point in time !hen !or%ing time is recogni;ed as ,overtime., 0he type and amount of overtime compensation also depends upon this criteria. 0he normal !or%ing time of an employee is used to determine overtime. )ormal !or%ing time can also be calculated according to the specific time periods used to perform !ee%ly or monthly overtime calculation analyses.
hat is Attendance # Absences 'ounting Rule? Att Counting Rule: Statement that determines deduction days=hours and payroll days=hours from attendance days=hours. n attendance counting rule is made up of several attendance counting rule items. hat is the difference among work schedule( daily work schedule and work schedule rule? Work schedule: 0he !or% schedule define an organi;ation !or%s timetable/ and contains information on !or%ing and brea% times for group of employees. Daily ork Schedule) -t defines the start and end of !or%ing time of the day.
Work Schedule Rule: WSR defines the period !or% schedule in more details. 0he Employee Subgroup/ Personnel Subarea for !or% schedules and Public Holiday calendar are ta%en into account. hat is counting rules? Counting Rule for Abs/Attn * D Specifies conditions that must be fulfilled for counting rule to be chosen/ and specifications that decide ho! the attendances=absence are counted to determine the payroll days or hour. hat is time +uotas? Time Quotas. D -t is related to absence and attendance. -t is re?uired at the time of grouping of EEmployee subgroup for 0ime ?uotaE and EPersonnel Subarea for 0ime ?uotaE. Is absence,attendance +uotas are "art of time +uotas? 8es hat is T# what are its functions?
0ime #anagerEs Wor%place is the option for time administrators to enter the time dataKs/ it is mainly for maintaining the time events in decentrali;ed. 2sing intuitive -$ they !ill enter the time events and also absences/ +0. hat is Rounding Rule? -t is a rule to round the absence and attendance hours !hich !ill be attached to 'ounting Rule and then assign to $eduction Rule.
hat is $uota deduction? Buota deduction is the deduction of employeeEs absence from the entitlement for any base period. hat is $uota 'om"ensation? Buota 'ompensation is ho! the ?uota is compensated either by off or by encashment.