Orientation Program On Asme Sec. Ix Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Orientation Program On Asme Sec. Ix Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Orientation Program On Asme Sec. Ix Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code
Construction Code - Section I, Power Boilers - Section VIII, Div 1 Pressure Vessel Code Reference Code - Section II, Materials - Section IX, Welding Bra!ing "ualification - Section V, #ondestructive $%a&ination
Construction codes To which an item is manufactured. Reference codes These codes are referred by Construction code. They are used only when, and as referenced by the construction codes.
'SM$ codes are written, revised and inter(reted )* t+e co&&ittee (rocess ' revision in code is a c+ange to t+e (revious re,uire&ents.+eir use is o(tional u(on issuance, )ut )eco&e &andator* si% &ont+s after issuance /0ul*11- .+ese revisions are called 2'ddenda3 /Colour s+eets1
#ew $dition will )e issued once in ever* t+ree *ears si&(l* incor(orating t+e (revious editions wit+ all its addenda - /W+ite (ages1 Code case 4 Boiler Pressure Vessel Co&&ittee &eets
regularl* to consider (ro(osed additions and revisions to for&ulate cases to clarif* t+e intents of t+e e%isting re,uire&ents- .+eir use is not &andator* )ut if used, &ust a((l* all of t+e re,uire&ents and identif* t+e use of code case on t+e data re(ort-
Inter(retations 4official o(inions issued )* t+e 'SM$ w+ic+ clarif* t+e intent of t+e code )ased on t+e ,uestion as5edInter(retations cannot )e given on ite&s outside t+e sco(e of t+e code6(inion 4 are unofficial inter(retations on t+e intent of t+e code and it &a* )e given )* #ational Board of Boiler Pressure vessel Ins(ectors
'rticle I7 Welding 8eneral Re,uire&ents 'rticle II 7 Welding Procedure "ualification 'rticle III7 Welding Perfor&ance ,ualification 'rticle IV7 Welding Data 'rticle V7 Standard Welding Procedure S(ecification
WPS Welding Procedure Specification ( W !"".#$ P R Procedure ualification Record ( W !"".#$ WP % Welding Performance ualification ( W &"".#$
WPS is a written document that provides direction to the welder or welding operator for making production welds in accordance with code requirements. The purpose for qualification is to determine that the weld ment proposed for construction is capable of providing the required properties for its intended application. The Welding Procedure Qualification establishes the properties of the weldment not the skill of the welder or welding operator.
WPS specifies the condition ranges! under which welding must be performed called variables.
PQ# documents what occurred during welding the test coupon and the results of testing the coupon. PQ# documents the essential variables and other specific information and the results of the required testing. $n addition" when notch toughness is required for procedure qualification" the applicable supplementary essential variables shall be recorded.
P nos depend on composition" weldability % mechanical properties. &roup no. are sub set of P number that are used when WPS are required to be qualified by impact testing" essentially on chemical % 'ech" Properties. P( ) P(( Steel P*( ) P*+ Al alloys P,( ) P,+ -u alloys P.( ) P./ 0i alloys P+( ) P+, Ti alloys
8 : 0umber is grouping of AWS 6lectrode classification : based on usability characteristics 8( 6 ;;*< 8* 6 ;;(*" 6 ;;(, 8, 6 ;;(<" 6 ;;(( 8. 6 ;;(9" 6 ;;(+" SS 8erritic % 'artensitic! 8+ ASS" =uple> SS 81 4are solid rods
A! A" A$ A' A+ A* A, A.
Mild steel C # Mo steel Cr # Mo steel %Cr &.' # "() Cr # Mo steel %Cr " # *() Cr # Mo steel %Cr * # !&.+() Cr Martensitic Cr -erritic Cr /i steels %Cr !'.+ # $&( /i ,.+ # !+()
The basic criterion for welder?s qualification is to determine the welder?s ability to deposit sound weld metal. The purpose of performance qualification test is to determine the welding operator?s mechanical ability to operate the welding equipment. 6ach Welder 3 Welding @perator is limited by the essential variables QW ,+< % QW ,1<! Ae may be qualified by radiographic of test coupon" radiography of his initial Qualification e>cept for &'AW)S! or by bend test.
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