The Trademark Registrability of The Harley-Davidson Roar: A Multimedia Analysis
The Trademark Registrability of The Harley-Davidson Roar: A Multimedia Analysis
The Trademark Registrability of The Harley-Davidson Roar: A Multimedia Analysis
The Trademark Registrability of the Harley-Davidson Roar: A Multimedia Analysis Michael B. Sapherstein
October 11 1998
I. Introduction
If !otorc"clists are a #ni$#e bree% &arle"'(a)i%son !otorc"clists !#st be consi%ere% a c#lt #nto the!sel)es. The" ha)e transfor!e% the hobb" of !otorc"clin* into a lifest"le replete +ith cl#bs clothin* an% a %istinct ,bi-er c#lt#re.,.1/The official &arle"'(a)i%son +eb pa*e %escribes the &arle" histor" an% all#re0 In 1901 three (a)i%son brothers an% their frien% Bill &arle" starte% a r#!ble hear% 2ro#n% the +orl%. Their first !otorc"cle +as the start of a #ni$#e co!bination of people an% !achines. Thro#*h the %eca%es &arle"'(a)i%son !otorc"cles ha)e ha% the abilit" to *enerate e!otion. The e3cite!ent of racin* the peacef#lness of a ri%e %o+n a co#ntr" lane the pleasant s"!phon" of a han%f#l of bi-es r#!blin* %o+n Main Street the e3hilaration of s+itchbac-s on a !o#ntain roa% b#t !ost of all the ca!ara%erie of the people +ho share the sa!e lo)e for &arle"'(a)i%son !otorc"cles. The Brotherhoo%. The Sisterhoo%. The Fa!il". It2s ti!e to co!e ho!e..4/ The &arle"'(a)i%son corporation2s abilit" to e)an*eli5e the &arle" lifest"le''as on the co!pan"2s +ebsite''+itho#t alienatin* a c#sto!er'base +hich pri%es itself on bein* free' spirite% an% co#nterc#lt#ral has been a testa!ent to its !ar-etin* shre+%ness. &o+e)er in a b#siness e3pansion +hich probabl" ir-e% the har%core &arle" faithf#l the co!pan" no+ !an#fact#res or licenses 6e+elr" +atches clothin* an% a chain of ,lifest"le, resta#rants calle% the &arle"'(a)i%son Cafe..1/ In e)er" co!!ercial enterprise &arle"'(a)i%son has #n%erta-en the co!pan" has ens#re% that the inte*rit" of its tra%e na!e an% )ario#s tra%e!ar-s in the !ar-etplace is )i*ilantl" protecte%. In%ee% &arle" has s#ccessf#ll" liti*ate% tra%e!ar- infrin*e!ent cases in fe%eral co#rtroo!s across the co#ntr"..7/ Interestin*l" !#ch of this liti*ation has ta-en place +ithin the past fi)e to ten "ears. This %e)elop!ent has a p#rel" econo!ic reason. Since the 19802s +hen the 8.S. !otorc"cle !ar-et +as %o!inate% b" 9apanese !an#fact#rers s#ch as &on%a :a!aha an% S#5#-i &arle"'(a)i%son has en6o"e% a re!ar-able res#r*ence of b#siness '' to the t#ne of appro3i!atel" ;1.< billion in re)en#es..</ This cash has enable% &arle" to p#rs#e tra%e!ar- infrin*ers +ith a rene+e% 5eal. &arle"'(a)i%son2s !ost recent en%ea)or to sec#re tra%e!ar- protection is not onl" its !ost #ncon)entional it is also ar*#abl" the !ost #n#s#al an% pro)ocati)e tra%e!ar- application e)er file% +ith the 8.S. Patent an% Tra%e!ar- Office =PTO>. On Febr#ar" 1 1997 &arle"
file% a re*istration for a tra%e!ar- then alrea%" in #se +ith the follo+in* %escription0 ,T&? MA@A COBSISTS OF T&? ?C&A8ST SO8B( OF APPDICABT2S MOTO@C:CD?S P@O(8C?( B: E'TFIB COMMOB C@ABAPIB MOTO@C:CD? ?BGIB?S F&?B T&? GOO(S A@? IB 8S?.,.H/ P#t si!pl" &arle" +as atte!ptin* to tra%e!ar- the so#n% of its !otorc"clesI +hich of co#rse be*s the $#estion can a !an#fact#rer tra%e!ar- the e3ha#st roar of its !otor )ehicleJ
Acco#ntant Da#ra Feiner so!eti!es th#n%ers late at ni*ht thro#*h the Be+ @i)er T#nnel in Fort Da#%er%ale Fla. re))in* her &arle"2s en*ine. ,I lo)e that so#n% , she sa"s..14/ &arle" enth#siasts belie)e that their bi-es so#n% %ifferent fro! an"thin* else on the roa% an% are instantl" reco*ni5able. ,I2% -no+ it +ith !" e"es close% , sai% Darr" Sha" of Tallahassee +ho ri%es a ;40 000 to#rin* &arle". ,:o# can as- an"one an% the"2ll all sa" the sa!e thin*0 Bothin* else so#n%s li-e it.,.11/ Altho#*h the basic so#n% is the sa!e on e)er" &arle" +ith E'T+in en*ines in%i)i%#al ri%ers can t+ea- their e3ha#st s"ste!s to chan*e the tone an% )ol#!e. For e3a!ple the th#n%erin* roar co!!on to !an" &arle"s is pro%#ce% b" attachin* strai*ht e3ha#st pipes to the en*ine an% s-ippin* the !#ffler entirel". (ennis &en%ri3 %irector of Orlan%o2s Motorc"cle Mechanics Instit#te insists that the tra%ition behin% the &arle" so#n% is one of the reasons the bran% +ill al+a"s en6o" a lo"al follo+in*..17/ &arle"'(a)i%son apparentl" a*rees in s#fficient !eas#re to see- a tra%e!ar- for the so#n%. A $#estion at the o#tset th#s e!er*es0 is a &arle" +ith an after!ar-et or !o%ifie% e3ha#st s"ste! still a &arle"J (ennis &en%ri32s c#sto!ers of co#rse +o#l% insist that the ans+er is "es b#t it see!s int#iti)el" ob)io#s that &arle"'(a)i%son +o#l% not as the co!pan" is see-in* a tra%e!ar- in the so#n% of the !otorc"cles it pro%#ces in the factor". Interestin*l" eno#*h &arle"'(a)i%son tacitl" ans+ere% this $#estion in the affir!ati)e b" s#b!ittin* a#%io recor%in*s to the 8SPTO of &arle" !otorc"cles fitte% +ith both stoc- an% after!ar-et e3ha#st s"ste!s. .1</
I . The *recedents
&arle"'(a)i%son is not the first co!pan" to see- a tra%e!ar- in a so#n%. The Bational Broa%castin* Co. Inc. set the prece%ent nearl" a half'cent#r" a*o. In 19<0 BBC s#ccessf#ll" re*istere% the !#sical notes G ? C pla"e% on chi!es as a tra%e!ar- for its ra%io broa%castin* ser)ices..1H/ Other a#ral tra%e!ar-s incl#%e the MGM lion2s roar the son* ,S+eet Geor*ia Bro+n, for the &arle! Globetrotters bas-etball tea! the spo-en letters ,AT&T, +ith a %istincti)e !#sical flo#rish in the bac-*ro#n% an% the Beneficial financial ser)ices 6in*le =,At Beneficial toot toot "o#2re *oo% for !ore.,>.1K/ (espite the s#ccessf#l re*istration of tra%e!ar-s in so#n%s the PTO reports that onl" 41 of the !ore than K49 000 tra%e!ar-s in force in the 8nite% States are so#n%s..18/ An% since 197H there ha)e onl" been K1 applications to re*ister so#n%s as tra%e!ar-s or ser)ice !ar-s..19/ J10 Of late the PTO has been +illin* to per!it re*istration of other nontra%itional !ar-s. For e3a!ple in 1990 the PTO appro)e% the re*istration of scents in cases +here the fra*rance i%entifie% or %istin*#ishe% a certain t"pe of pro%#ct..40/ The 8nite% States S#pre!e Co#rt recentl" hel% in Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Products Co. that color per se is re*istrable as a fe%eral tra%e!ar-..41/ In consi%erin* the tra%e!ar- re*istration re$#ire!ents #n%er the Danha! Act the Co#rt2s reasonin* in Qualitex !a" pro)i%e the !ost pers#asi)e s#pport for the re*istrabilit" of &arle"2s tra%e!ar-.
. The +aysayers
Base% on press acco#nts printe% s#bse$#ent to &arle"2s filin* of its tra%e!ar- the b#siness an% le*al co!!#nities appear #nite% in ar*#in* that &arle"2s tra%e!ar- application sho#l% be re6ecte%. In fact there +as fo#n% to be no co!pan" or co!!entator other than those on &arle"2s pa"roll +ho s#pporte% the *rant of &arle"2s tra%e!ar-. Bine of &arle"'(a)i%son2s co!petitors incl#%in* 9apanese !an#fact#rers S#5#-i Aa+asa-i :a!aha an% &on%a as +ell as A!erican !an#fact#rer Polaris ha)e file% oppositions +ith the PTO a*ainst the re*istrabilit" of &arle"2s tra%e!ar-..44/ These co!panies are in opposition for se)eral reasons. Most f#n%a!entall" all of these co!panies !an#fact#re cr#iser'st"le !otorc"cles e!plo"in* a co!!on cran-pin E'T+in en*ine +hich the co!petitors ar*#e so#n%s i%entical to the &arle" en*ine. Accor%in* to :a!aha spo-es!an Bob Starr ,:a!aha has been b#il%in* E't+in en*ines since the earl" 280s an% there2s no %ifference bet+een the so#n% their en*ine !a-es an% the so#n% o#r en*ine !a-es. . . . All E't+ins b" their nat#re ha)e t+o pistons. The pistons *o #p an% %o+n an% the" all so#n% the sa!e., .41/ Di-e+ise &on%a conten%s it has lon* sol% hea)"+ei*ht bi-es that pro%#ce an e3ha#st so#n% si!ilar to that of the &arle" !otorc"cles. The so#n% %oes not i%entif" an% %istin*#ish &arle"2s !otorc"cles fro! others or ,in%icate the so#rce of the !otorc"cles , &on%a clai!s in its notice of opposition..47/ The tr#th or falsit" of this clai! represents the cr#3 of the entire iss#e. (a)i% Ma-o#s a Dos An*eles la+"er +ho represents &on%a Motor Co. a%%s ,It2s )er" %iffic#lt to i!a*ine a +orl% +here the so#n% of a r#nnin* en*ine is an e3cl#si)e propert" ri*ht.,.4</ De*al practitioners in the tra%e!ar- area ha)e also e3presse% an #n!ista-able a)ersion to &arle"2s tra%e!ar- clai!. ,Sho#l% &arle" +in other !an#fact#rers co#l% atte!pt to tra%e!ar- their pro%#ct so#n%s , sai% Dos An*eles tra%e!ar- la+ specialist Stan So-oloff. .4H/ Critics s#ch as Be+ :or- tra%e!ar- e3pert (arren Sa#n%ers conten% that for e3a!ple &oo)er Co. !i*ht tr" to tra%e!ar- the so#n% of its )ac##! cleaner or Farin* Pro%#cts Co. co#l% as- the *o)ern!ent to protect the +hirrin* so#n% of its blen%er bla%es. .4K/ Critics ca#tion that co!panies co#l% #se broa% tra%e!ar- la+s to stifle co!petition b" !a-in* it e3cee%in*l" %iffic#lt for co!petitors to +or- aro#n% their tra%e!ar-s. J1<
Generall" the PTO per!its the re*istration of non'tra%itional !ar-s that are either inherentl" %istincti)e an% #ni$#e =i.e. fancif#l arbitrar" or s#**esti)e> or those that ha)e ac$#ire% secon%ar" !eanin* in the !in%s of p#rchasers..10/ Bon'tra%itional !ar-s s#ch as so#n% ha)e not been consi%ere% inherentl" %istincti)eI therefore in or%er to f#nction as a tra%e!ar- the so#n% !#st in%icate clearl" to cons#!ers base% on its #se in the !ar-etplace the so#rce of the pro%#ct..11/ The abilit" of cons#!ers to reco*ni5e a tra%e!ar-2s secon%ar" !eanin* is also critical in infrin*e!ent actions beca#se cons#!er reco*nition of a tra%e!ar- !#st be present before a co#rt can %eter!ine +hether a co!petin* tra%e!ar- is li-el" to conf#se a p#rchaser..14/ Fith these criteria in !in% the S#pre!e Co#rt in Qualitex pro)i%e% a con)enient fra!e+or- in the for! of a three'step anal"sis +ithin +hich the )ali%it" of &arle"2s tra%e!ar- re*istration !a" be assesse%. .11/ First the Co#rt a%%resse% +hether the propose% tra%e!ar- constit#te% a ,s"!bol, or ,%e)ice, for p#rposes of the Danha! Act. .17/ If the tra%e!ar- +as fo#n% to be a ,s"!bol, or ,%e)ice , the Co#rt +o#l% ne3t %eter!ine +hether the propose% tra%e!ar- ha% %e)elope% secon%ar" !eanin* in the !ar-etplace..1</ Finall" the Co#rt a%%resse% +hether the ele!ent to be tra%e!ar-e% ser)e% another f#nction s#ch that *rantin* the tra%e!ar- +o#l% s#b)ert co!petition b" allo+in* a !an#fact#rer to control a #sef#l pro%#ct feat#re b" +a" of tra%e!ar- la+..1H/ 1. The "Symbol" 8nli-e the Co#rt in Qualitex the PTO or a fe%eral co#rt +ill probabl" not ha)e to a%%ress +hether &arle"2s %esire% so#n% tra%e!ar- is a ,s"!bol, or ,%e)ice, for p#rposes of the Danha! Act..1K/ 9#stice Bre"er co!!ente% that ,.s/ince h#!an bein*s !i*ht #se as a ,s"!bol, or ,%e)ice, al!ost an"thin* at all that is capable of carr"in* !eanin* this lan*#a*e rea% literall" is not restricti)e.,.18/ Moreo)er so#n%s ha)e alrea%" been accepte% as tra%e!ar-s an% &arle"2s e3ha#st roar classifies as a so#n%. There is one potential st#!blin*'bloc- facin* &arle" in this initial sta*e. 8nli-e the BBC chi!es or Beneficial Co!pan" 6in*le the &arle" e3ha#st roar is not a fi3e% so#n%. The tape recor%in*s of e3ha#st noise that &arle" pro)i%e% to the PTO are fi3e% b#t the co!pan" is not see-in* a tra%e!ar- for these partic#lar e3ha#st noises. In fact if &arle" +ante% to protect its ri*hts in partic#lar recor%in*s of e3ha#st noises the" co#l% see- a cop"ri*ht on the so#n% recor%in* +ith relati)el" little %iffic#lt". .19/ J40 Instea% the co!pan" is see-in* a tra%e!ar- for its en*ine an% e3ha#st noise *enerall"I a noise +hich )aries infinitel" %epen%in* on the partic#lar !otorc"cle e3ha#st s"ste! an% nat#rall" the ri%er2s #se of the !otorc"cle2s throttle. Fhile this noise !a" be consi%ere% a ,s"!bol, b" +hich cons#!ers reco*ni5e &arle"s its )ariabilit" +as a point of challen*e b" &arle"2s co!petitors to the p#tati)e tra%e!ar- re*istration. .70/ Ac-no+le%*in* this %iffic#lt" &arle" +ill !ost li-el" be able to con)ince a co#rt that its propose% tra%e!ar- is a s"!bol base% on the e3pansi)e rea%in* that the PTO an% the 8.S. S#pre!e Co#rt ha)e *i)en to the ter!. 2. Secondary Meaning
In Qualitex the Co#rt accepte% that color !a" attain ,secon%ar" !eanin*,I i.e. to i%entif" an% %istin*#ish a partic#lar bran% th#s in%icatin* its so#rce. The Co#rt fo#n% that the *reen'*ol% color of L#alite32s %r" cleanin* press pa%s ha% %e)elope% s#ch secon%ar" !eanin*..71/ B" pre)entin* others fro! cop"in* a so#rce'i%entif"in* !ar- tra%e!ar- la+ is sai% to ,re%#ce the c#sto!er2s costs of shoppin* an% !a-in* p#rchasin* %ecisions, b" ass#rin* a potential c#sto!er that an ite! +ith an i%entif"in* tra%e!ar- is !a%e b" the sa!e pro%#cer as other si!ilarl" !ar-e% ite!s that he or she li-e% =or %isli-e%> in the past. .74/ At the sa!e ti!e the la+ helps ass#re a pro%#cer that it =an% not an i!itatin* co!petitor> +ill reap the financial rep#tation'relate% re+ar%s associate% +ith a %esirable pro%#ct. The la+ thereb" ,enco#ra*es the pro%#ction of $#alit" pro%#cts an% si!#ltaneo#sl" %isco#ra*es those +ho hope to sell inferior pro%#cts b" capitali5in* on a cons#!er2s inabilit" $#ic-l" to e)al#ate the $#alit" of an ite! offere% for sale.,.71/ One threshol% $#estion therefore is +hether the &arle" e3ha#st note allo+s cons#!ers to %istin*#ish its so#rce. Base% on the co!!ents note% earlier b" &arle" %e)otees an% !echanics it is certainl" possible that -no+le%*eable p#rchasers can b" its so#n% alone i%entif" a &arle"'(a)i%son !otorc"cle fro! a!on* other bi-es on the !ar-et. &arle" p#blic relations coor%inator Bola Ean%er conten%s that ,&arle"'(a)i%son has been in e3istence since 1901 an% the e3ha#st so#n% has beco!e i%entifie% +ith o#r !otorc"cle. It2s a %istincti)e bran% i%entifier all on its o+n.,.77/ &arle"'(a)i%son a%%itionall" has s#pplie% the PTO +ith st#%ies sho+in* that cons#!ers i%entif" the #ni$#e E'T+in en*ine so#n% +ith &arle"'(a)i%son bi-es..7</ Of co#rse opponents sa" ,ho*+ash, to &arle"2s clai! of ,"o# -no+ a &arle" +hen "o# hear one., The" feel that an" E't+in co!!on cran-pin en*ine can !a-e a si!ilar so#n%. .7H/ Fitness the %e!onstration belo+ in Fi*#re 4. The bi-e pict#re% on the left in Fi*#re 4 is &arle"'(a)i%son2s ,Fatbo", !o%elI on the ri*ht is &on%a2s co!petin* Sha%o+ Ace 1100. Asi%e fro! color their ph"sical %esi*n appears re!ar-abl" si!ilar =a s#b6ect for an entirel" %ifferent paperM>. ?ach !otorc"cle e!plo"s a E'T+in en*ine +ith co!!on cran-pin %esi*n. Bo+ clic- on each pict#re to pla" a recor%in* of the e3ha#st note of each !otorc"cle. (o "o# hear a %ifferenceJ If "o# %i% not ha)e the pict#res =or filena!es> in%icatin* +hich !otorc"cle pro%#ces each so#n% +o#l% "o# -no+ that one e3ha#st note belon*e% to a &arle" an% one %i% notJ =Fhile these $#estions i!plicate a ,li-elihoo% of conf#sion, anal"sis as !#ch as the" %o secon%ar" !eanin* the" +ill certainl" be raise% in an" co#rt or PTO challen*e of the propose% tra%e!ar-.> J4<
A%!itte%l" these $#estions !a" be #nfair %epen%in* on +hether "o# are or are not a &arle" o+ner potential p#rchaser or aficiona%o an% therefore the sort of cons#!er on +ho! &arle" is rel"in* to satisf" the secon%ar" !eanin* re$#ire!ent for its tra%e!ar-. On the other han% the PTO or a fe%eral 6#%*e is !ost li-el" in a si!ilarl" ,#ninfor!e%, position. Therefore the st#%ies that &arle" s#pplie% to the PTO are essential b#t caref#l attention !#st be pai% to the !etho%olo*" of the s#r)e". For instance if &arle" en*ineers or !echanics +ere s#r)e"e% one +o#l% e3pect that the" co#l% i%entif" the !otorc"cle b" so#n%. ?)en if ,la", p#rchasers +ere s#r)e"e% #nless the s#r)e" +as perfor!e% in a ,blin%, for!at +here participants %i% not -no+ +hich !otorc"cle +as bein* ,re))e%, asi%e fro! the so#n% there is roo! to be s-eptical of &arle"2s %ata. For these reasons it is entirel" possible if not li-el" that &arle"2s e3ha#st note has not achie)e% secon%ar" !eanin* in the !ar-et. In fact it is pla#sible that !ost people !i*ht ass#!e that a !otorc"cle that so#n%s li-e either a &arle" Fatbo" or a &on%a Sha%o+ is a &arle". If that is tr#e then &arle" has achie)e% %o!inant na!e reco*nition in the !ar-et b#t not in the specific +a" that secon%ar" !eanin* %e!an%s. It is i!portant to a%% that the Qualitex Co#rt2s reasonin* +ith respect to secon%ar" !eanin* see!s inapposite to the sit#ation presente% b" &arle"'(a)i%son2s application. Ba!el" a tra%e!ar- in &arle"2s e3ha#st noise +ill not in the parlance of Qualitex, ,re%#ce the c#sto!er2s costs of shoppin* an% !a-in* p#rchasin* %ecisions., &arle"2s tra%e!ar-e% lo*os an% an" protecte% tra%e %ress alrea%" confer secon%ar" !eanin* or inherent %istincti)eness in the !ar-etplace thereb" ens#rin* that the cons#!er is a+are of the so#rce of his or her !otorc"cle. .7K/ 3. Functionality The ,f#nctionalit", %octrine pre)ents tra%e!ar- la+ +hich see-s to pro!ote co!petition b" protectin* a co!pan"2s rep#tation fro! inhibitin* le*iti!ate co!petition b" allo+in* a pro%#cer to control a #sef#l pro%#ct feat#re..78/ The Qualitex Co#rt e3plaine% ,It is the pro)ince of patent la+ not tra%e!ar- la+ to enco#ra*e in)ention b" *rantin* in)entors a !onopol" o)er ne+ pro%#ct %esi*ns or f#nctions for a li!ite% ti!e after +hich co!petitors are free to #se the inno)ation.,.79/ The Co#rt reasone% that if a pro%#ct2s f#nctional
feat#res co#l% be #se% as tra%e!ar-s a !onopol" o)er s#ch feat#res co#l% be obtaine% +itho#t re*ar% to +hether the" are patentable an% !oreo)er co#l% be e3ten%e% fore)er beca#se tra%e!ar-s !a" be rene+e% in perpet#it"..<0/ Appl"in* this reasonin* in the real! of color the Co#rt concl#%e% that a tra%e!ar- in the *reen'*ol% colorin* of L#alite32s %r" cleanin* press pa%s %i% not )iolate the f#nctionalit" %octrine beca#se the color ser)e% no f#nction in the pro%#ct2s operation other than as a so#rce'i%entif"in* s"!bol..<1/ J10 The Co#rt stresse% ho+e)er that ,.i/n *eneral ter!s a pro%#ct feat#re is f#nctional an% cannot ser)e as a tra%e!ar- if it is essential to the #se or p#rpose of the article or if it affects the cost or $#alit" of the article , in%icatin* that e3cl#si)e #se of the feat#re +o#l% p#t co!petitors at a si*nificant %isa%)anta*e #nrelate% to their rep#tations..<4/ In the case of &arle"'(a)i%son2s application #nli-e the sit#ation in Qualitex &arle"2s propose% tra%e!ar- is a f#nction of its E'T+in co!!on cran-pin en*ine %esi*n +hich is in t#rn essential to the ,#se or p#rpose, of the !otorc"cle. &arle"'(a)i%son %oes not clai! a patent on this cent#r"'ol% en*ine technolo*". &o+e)er thro#*h the atte!pte% re*istration of its %istincti)e e3ha#st roar as tra%e!ar- &arle"' (a)i%son atte!pts to #se tra%e!ar- la+ to obtain a patent'li-e !onopol" on the en*ine technolo*" itself. Therefore the applicabilit" of the f#nctionalit" %octrine +ei*hs !ost %ecisi)el" a*ainst the *rant of &arle"'(a)i%son2s tra%e!ar-.
II. "onclusion
&arle"'(a)i%son +ill li-el" ar*#e that the" ha)e no intention of pre)entin* other !otorc"cle !an#fact#rers fro! b#il%in* bi-es +ith E'T+in co!!on cran-pin %esi*ns. @ather &arle" si!pl" +ants to pre)ent !an#fact#rers fro! pro%#cin* bi-es +hich so#n% li-e &arle"s. This ar*#!ent +hich &arle" +ill li-el" raise in response to the f#nctionalit" %octrine !a" ina%)ertentl" %e!onstrate that its e3ha#st noise tra%e!ar- if *rante% +o#l% be )al#eless. The !a6or concern for the %efen%ant in s#ch a s#it +o#l% be ho+ the co#rt percei)e% &arle"2s tra%e!ar-. Analo*o#s to theories in cop"ri*ht the &arle" tra%e!ar- !i*ht be seen as ,thic-, '' i.e. easil" infrin*e% base% on the conf#sin* si!ilarit" test. If this is the case an" co!pan" pro%#cin* a E'T+in co!!on cran-pin !otorc"cle +hich so#n%s e)en )a*#el" li-e a &arle" !i*ht be liable for infrin*e!ent. Of co#rse the 6#r" has so!e inp#t into %eter!inin* li-elihoo% of conf#sion b#t the 6#%*e2s instr#ctions i.e. +hether to )ie+ the tra%e!ar- as ,thic-, or ,thin , !a" %irect the 6#r" to a partic#lar fact#al %eter!ination. The e)ent#al" o#tco!e ho+e)er !a" +ell be this0 &arle"2s co!petitors +ill contin#e b#il%in* !otorc"cles +ith co!!on cran-pin E'T+in en*ines an% an" infrin*e!ent la+s#its +ill li-el" be #ns#ccessf#l. Base% on the S#pre!e Co#rt2s reasonin* in Qualitex &arle"2s propose% tra%e!ar- so#n%l" fails the critical f#nctionalit" test. That the tra%e!arnot be f#nctional is of para!o#nt i!portance to the co#rts beca#se of the real fear of creatin* an #nearne% !onopol". This concern +ill in all li-elihoo% pre)ent &arle" fro!
tra%e!ar-in* its !otorc"cles2 e3ha#st so#n%. J1< Perhaps instea% of p#rs#in* this $#ir-" hi*hl" contro)ersial tra%e!ar- &arle"'(a)i%son sho#l% ha)e been pa"in* closer attention to protectin* its tra%e!ar-s in other !e%ia. (espite the co!pan"2s -een a+areness of the )al#e of its tra%e!ar-s &arle" e)i%entl" faile% to re*ister the Forl% Fi%e Feb %o!ain na!e ,&arle".co!, ahea% of an obsc#re a#thor of co!p#ter boo-s na!e% &arle" &ahn.
. a /A.B. Cornell 8ni)ersit" 1994I 9.(. Boston Colle*e Da+ School 199K. Mr. Sapherstein c#rrentl" practices technolo*" an% intellect#al propert" la+ in Be+ :or- Cit". .1/ See, e.g., G+"neth A. Sha+ Nothing Else Sounds Like A Harle !or Enthusiasts Orlan%o Sentinel March 4 199K at B1. .4/ &arle"'(a)i%son &istor" =)isite% Ma" 1 199K> http0NN+++.harle"' %a)!Nhistor". .1/ See Honda A" v. Harle #$avidson, %nc., 108 F.1% 1191 199K 8.S. App. D?CIS 1<9K at O4 =Fe%. Cir. 199K> . .7/ See id.& Harle #$avidson, %nc. v. 'illia( )orris $*+*A +ill,s Custo( C cles, 19 F.1% 174 174 =1% Cir. 1997>I Harle #$avidson, %nc. v. Selectra %nternational $esigns 8H1 F.S#pp. K<7 K<7 =?.(. Fis. 1997>. .</9ohn O2(ell -rade(ark .u(ble/ .ivals 0ight Harle ,s clai( to sound, Dos An*eles Ti!es March 10 199H at B1. .H/Harle #$avidson -rade(ark .egistration, 8.S. Patent & Tra%e!ar- Office Febr#ar" 1 1997. .K/See Aenn Peters Harle )akes Noise About Co1 ing Sound, S"rac#se &eral%'9o#rnal Febr#ar" 1< 199H at B<. .8/ %d. .9/See id. .10/ Peters su1ra note K. .11/ 9o%ie (e6on*e Harle Seeks Protection !or %ts ,S1udl , Sound, The Seattle Ti!es March 48 199H at ?1. .14/9ill :o#n* Miller Harle -ries -o 2ee1 Engine .oar !or %tsel0, Fort Da#%er%ale S#n' Sentinel Sprin* 199H. .11/Sha+ su1ra note 1. .17/%d. .1</ Aa+asa-i Motors Corp. ). &'( Michi*an 199K TTAB D?CIS 11 at O7. .1H/ %d. The G'?'C note co!bination ste!!e% fro! the fact that at the ti!e General ?lectric Corporation o+ne% BBC. .1K/%d. .18/Miller su1ra note 14. Bote0 as of the %ate of this p#blication there are 4< re*istere% so#n% tra%e!ar-s. .19/TTAB Clarifies @#les Applicable to So#n% Tra%e!ar- Applications =)isite% Ma" 1 199K> http0NN+++.!!!l. .40/ %d.& see also %n re Clarke, 1K 8.S.P.L.4% 1418 1470 =TTAB 1990>.
.41/See Qualitex Co. v. Jacobson Prod. Co. %nc., <7 8.S. 1<9 1H9 =199<>. .44/ O2(ell su1ra note <. .41/%d. .47/(e6on*e su1ra note 11. .4</O2(ell su1ra note <. .4H/Miller su1ra note 14. .4K/ %d.I 1< 8.S.C. P 10<4 P 1117=1> =1988 e%. an% S#pp. E>. .48/1< 8.S.C. P 114K. .49/ %d. See ?ri- F. Aahn & Geor*e Stephanopo#los Starting -o .egister/ )oving#%(age )arks, 18 Bat2l D.9. =Ma" 40 199H> at C<. .10/%d. .11/See id. .14/ Qualitex, <7 8.S. at 1H8. .11/%d. .17/%d. at 1101. .1</%d. at 1107. .1H/ See Qualitex, <7 8.S. at 1H9. .1K/ See id. .18/%d. .19/See 1K 8.S.C. P 104=a>. .70/ 2a3asaki )otors, 199K TTAB D?CIS 11 at O7 =TTAB hel% that the !ar- to be re*istere% is the !ar- as recite% in the +ritten %escription>. .71/ Qualitex, <7 8.S. at 1H9. .74/%d. .71/%d. .77/ Miller su1ra note 14. .7</See O2(ell su1ra note <. .7H/See 2a3asaki )otors at O14. .7K/ Qualitex, <7 8.S. at 1K0. .78/ %d. .79/%d. .<0/ %d. .<1/ %d. .<4/ %d.
Q 1998 Michael B. Sapherstein. P#blishe% +ith per!ission of the cop"ri*ht hol%er.