10L404 Linear Integrated Circuit: BE ECE Semester: IV
10L404 Linear Integrated Circuit: BE ECE Semester: IV
10L404 Linear Integrated Circuit: BE ECE Semester: IV
Subject Code:10L404
Co-t.-uou) -ter-al A))e))me-t: Rete)t #.me: #/ree 0our) A-)4er ALL 5ue)t.o-)
Subject Code:10L404
1. 2. 3. 4.
What is the bandwidth of an amplifier? What is a filter? What is PSRR? What should be its ideal value? Draw the output wave form of differentiator if input is square wave. . Draw the op!amp s"mbol and state its important terminals. #. Define slew rate. $. What are the requirements of %ood instrumentation amplifier?
A-)4er ALL 5ue)t.o-) PAR# "6 7& 1 1' 9 &% mar3): &. a' i' ()plain in detail about wor*in% prin+ipal of S+hmitt tri%%er and draw its h"steresis and output wave form. ,#' ,ii' ()plain -ow the input offset volta%e will affe+t the output of op!amp. ,#' 7OR: , , and R f =10 K b' i' .or a non!invertin% amplifier R1 =1K /al+ulate ma)imum output volta%e due to VOS and I B .0he op!amp is ,#' 1233$ with VOS =10mV , I B = 300nA and I os = 50nA. /al+ulate R Comp to redu+e I B . /al+ulate ma)imum output volta%e if R Comp +al+ulated above is +onne+ted in +ir+uit.
Co-t.-uou) -ter-al A))e))me-t: Rete)t #.me: #/ree 0our) A-)4er ALL 5ue)t.o-)
1. What is the bandwidth of an amplifier? 2. What is a filter? 3. What is PSRR? What should be its ideal value? 4. Draw the output wave form of differentiator if input is square wave. . Draw the op!amp s"mbol and state its important terminals. #. Define slew rate. $. What are the requirements of %ood instrumentation amplifier?
A-)4er ALL 5ue)t.o-) PAR# "6 7& 1 1' 9 &% mar3): &. a' i' ()plain in detail about wor*in% prin+ipal of S+hmitt tri%%er and draw its h"steresis and output wave form. ,#' ,ii' ()plain -ow the input offset volta%e will affe+t the output of op!amp. ,#' 7OR: , /al+ulate , and R f =10 K b' i' .or a non!invertin% amplifier R1 =1K ma)imum output volta%e due to VOS and I B .0he op!amp is ,#' 1233$ with VOS =10mV , I B = 300nA and I os = 50nA. /al+ulate R Comp to redu+e I B . /al+ulate ma)imum output volta%e if R Comp +al+ulated above is +onne+ted in +ir+uit.
4. a i' ()plain various sta%es in the operational amplifier. ,#' R ii' .ind R1 and f of loss" inte%rator for pea* %ain of 43d56 ,#' its %ain is 3d5 down from its pea* o++urs at frequen+" of f. 1.2 7-8. 9ssume C =0.01 7OR: b i' ()plain6 two t"pes of :!; +onverter. ii' Derive the output volta%e equation for improved instrumentation amplifier. 13 a i' ()plain the wor*in% prin+ipal of pra+ti+al invertin% amplifier with ne+essar" equations and dia%rams. ii' With neat s*et+h and ne+essar" equation e)plain 9stable. multivibrator usin% op!amp. 7OR: b. With neat s*et+h and ne+essar" equation derive the e)pression for output volta%e 6 ma%nitude and phase of the first order low pass filter and draw its frequen+" response. ,12' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ,#' ,#'
4. a i' ()plain various sta%es in the operational amplifier. ,#' ii' .ind R1 and R f of loss" inte%rator for pea* %ain of 43d56 ,#' its %ain is 3d5 down from its pea* o++urs at frequen+" of f. 1.2 7-8. 9ssume C =0.01 7OR: b i' ()plain6 two t"pes of :!; +onverter. ii' Derive the output volta%e equation for improved instrumentation amplifier. 13 a i' ()plain the wor*in% prin+ipal of pra+ti+al invertin% amplifier with ne+essar" equations and dia%rams. ii' With neat s*et+h and ne+essar" equation e)plain 9stable. multivibrator usin% op!amp. 7OR: b. With neat s*et+h and ne+essar" equation derive the e)pression for output volta%e 6 ma%nitude and phase of the first order low pass filter and draw its frequen+" response. ,12' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ,#' ,#'
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