Brazil Hotel Industry Investment Guide
Brazil Hotel Industry Investment Guide
Brazil Hotel Industry Investment Guide
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Page 1 2 3 Introduction to the Brazil Hotel Industry Brazil Tourism / Hotel Industry S.W.O.T Analysis Brazil State Tourism / Hotel Industry Briefs Rio de Janeiro State Tourism / Hotel Industry Esprito Santo State Tourism / Hotel Industry Minas Gerais State Tourism / Hotel Industry So Paulo State Tourism / Hotel Industry Paran State Tourism / Hotel Industry Santa Catarina State Tourism / Hotel Industry Rio Grande do Sul State Tourism / Hotel Industry Distrito Federal State Tourism / Hotel Industry Gois State Tourism / Hotel Industry Matto Grosso State Tourism / Hotel Industry Matto Grosso do Sul State Tourism / Hotel Industry Pernambuco State Tourism / Hotel Industry Cear State Tourism / Hotel Industry 4 6 13 13 16 17 18 21 21 22 23 23 25 25 29 31
Page Sergipe State Tourism / Hotel Industry Alagoas State Tourism / Hotel Industry Paraba State Tourism / Hotel Industry Rio Grande do Norte State Tourism / Hotel Industry Piau State Tourism / Hotel Industry Maranho State Tourism / Hotel Industry Amazonas State Tourism / Hotel Industry Par State Tourism / Hotel Industry Tocantins State Tourism / Hotel Industry Amap State Tourism / Hotel Industry Roraima State Tourism / Hotel Industry Rondnia State Tourism / Hotel Industry Acre State Tourism / Hotel Industry 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 41 42 43 43 44 45
Examples of some significant strides that the hospitality sector has made include the announcement by French group Accor (with brands including Sofitel, Novotel, Mercure, Ibis and Formule 1) of the addition over 5,000 rooms to their existing portfolio throughout the country (representing an expansion of 25 units with an investment of $US 270 million). The group also says that there are another 34 units in advanced negotiation with its institutional investors for future construction plans. The Blue Tree Group have announced their expansion into the north and mid-west of the country with the CEO, Chieko Aoki, stating very positive performance throughout 2009 and into 2010. The InterContinental Hotels Group have announced expansion plans with the current development of six Holiday Inn complexes in Manaus, So Luis, Belem, Maceio and Cuiaba (with a further 31 in the pipeline); the Atlantica group has 27 hotels under construction and scheduled to open over prior to 2012 and there are several major refurbishments and re-openings such as the the Hotel Cataratas in Iguau. Please click here to see our interview with three of the major hotel chains of Brazil. The 2009 Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) which analyses a countrys competitive advantage and business development potential saw Brazil remain in 49th place for the second year in a row. Whilst it remained in a strong position with regards to its natural resources (3rd in the globe) and its cultural and human development indices (6th in the globe), the TTCI analyses points to its main lagging factors as being poor ICT (information and communications) infrastructure and transport links as well as expressing concerns as to the countrys security and safety issues. Mention is also worth being made of the growth of eco-tourism and responsible vacationing an industry prompted by a growing concern of travellers wanting to visit Brazils areas of outstanding natural beauty whilst still respecting its wide and varied ecosystems and biodiversity. There are now many hotels and pousadas (Brazilian guest houses) which have active instilled conservation measures in their operation whilst still remaining profitable and self sustaining. Some of the countrys award winning examples for investors to refer to include the Do Lado De La Eco Lodge (Aiuruoca, Minas Gerais); the Fazendo Barranco Alto Eco-Lodge (the Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul); the Amazonat Jungle Lodge (the Amazon); the Itacar (Bahia), the Juma Lodge (Manaus); the Tiwa Amazonas Eco Resort (the Amazon); the Salinas do Maragogi Resort (Alagoas). In areas such as the Pantanal, the Mata Atlantic and the Amazon, many regions are federally protected and any development that occurs within them is subject to strict regulations and legal restrictions. In Brazils cities, as a result of the increasing important of environmental protection, economic and sustainable construction (such as more effective waste disposal mechanisms), more hotels are adhering to Green Standards. Another major factor of influence in the market place is the presence of an increasing amount of competitivity in the domestic airline industry (over 52 million internal flights were taken in 2009). Once dominated by a handful of companies, Brazilian air travel is no longer a luxury which, in turn, is boosting the ability of residents and visitors to the country to explore the huge region. The main companies in current operation are highlighted below: Gol Transportes Areos whilst witnessing a slight drop in passenger numbers in recent years; essentially caused by the increased presence of low-cost air travel competition; the company remains one of the largest in control of the Brazil skies with 40.18 percent market share as at May 2010 (the company is traded on the New York and So Paulo stock exchanges); TAM Airlines established in 1961, the company has grown to become the joint largest airline in Brazil but has the competitive advantage due to offering a range of international flights (the company is traded on the Bovespa stock exchange). As at May 2010, it claimed a 40.18 percent share of the Brazilian
market place. WebJet Linhas Areas a low cost budget airline company, established in 2005, with an estimated market share of 6.24 percent as at May 2010 (a statistic that looks set to increase); Azul Brazilian Airlines established in December 2008, the companys growth strategy has been to offer well priced travel, a result of which has seen it controlling a 5.93 percent market share in May 2010. Back to Contents
Since 2004, a number of significant airport building and expansion plans have been underway. To outline: in the northeast, Macei (in the state of Alagoas), Natal (Rio Grande do Norte) and Joo Pessoa (Paraba) airports are under construction; in the north, new airports in Manaus (Amazonas), Macap (Amap) and Porto Velho (Rondnia) are in the process of being constructed; in the Center West region, Braslia (Federal District) has witnessed significant developments in recent years and now has over seven million passengers per year; in the southeast region, a new terminal at Vitria Airport (Esprito Santo) is under construction; the Guarulhos International (So Paulo) also looks set for expansion and extensive improvements; the Rio de Janeiro Galeo will be extended to have a capacity of 25 million international passengers annually and all of the other airports that will host World Cup 2014 soccer games will be in receipt of investment for further structural growth. In July 2010, work was commenced on a high speed rail line between Rio de Janeiro and So Paulo (estimated to be at a cost of R$ 36.4 billion) which will complemented further extensions of the relatively modern subway lines in both cities (with a completion date aimed for 2016). The World Cup 2014s effect is expected to be large with an expectation of 600,000 foreigners to the country and an increase of annual GDP to R$ 47.9 billion reais. Mention should also be made of the government sponsored Programa de Acelerao do Crescimento (Growth Acceleration Programme). Initiated in January 2007, the first stage of the programme (whilst slow in its implementation) was laid out on five premises: infrastructural measures largely focused around energy, transportation, housing and sanitation; measures to encourage credit and financing; improved environmental regulatory frameworks to further develop sustainable industry; tax relief, particularly aimed at the lower-income sector and long term fiscal reforms. Despite incompletion of the part 1 (PAC-1), the second stage was launched in March 2010, with an initial budget of R$ 958.8 billion for use between 2011 and 2014. Funded via a mix of private, state, federal and municipal investment, PAC-2s allocation is earmarked for further investment in improving Brazilian cities, community citizenship, the Minha Casa, Minha Vida (My House, My Life) housing programme, improved water and light access for poorer
communities and further developing the countrys energy matrix. Whilst criticised by opposition party members as being created for political gain, its the overall future effects of the programme on the economic growth of the country cannot be underestimated. Political Stability: whilst issues such as corruption (see below) have rocked domestic politics in the last decade (see below), Brazils role on the global stage has has made significant steps forward in the last 5 years over 300 additional diplomats have been bought into the government (with the same amount to be expected over the next 4 years). The country is a member of a number of world organisations including Mercosul, the G8+5, the G20, SACN and the Cairns Group (and is likely to gain seats at the OECD, OPEC and the UN Security Council in the near future) and it has continued to reinforce its ties with its fellow BRIC nations (Russia, India and China) in the form various favourable trade agreements and regular meetings to discuss collective growth strategies. Whilst some international commentators have accused the government of overly pushing its weight particularly with regards to its controversial relationships with Iran and Venezuela as well as reconstruction donations to Iraq such landmark events are particularly important to note with regards to the future of the nation.
Geography: Brazil lies distant from many developed economies making visiting the country an unfeasible option for those with limited budgets. Below are some examples of current average flight times between some major cities of the globe and those of Brazil: London New York Los Angeles Buenos Aires Hong Kong Mumbai Moscow Dubai Sydney Rio de Janeiro So Paulo Recife Rio de Janeiro So Paulo Rio de Janeiro So Paulo Recife So Paulo 11 hours and 30 minutes 9 hours and 30 minutes 12 hours and 20 minutes 2 hours and 30 minutes 22 hours and 30 minutes 16 hours and 40 minutes 14 hours and 39 minutes 12 hours and 55 minutes 16 hours and 40 minutes
Global Economic Downturn: with global market instability, rising flying costs and a stronger currency, travelling to Brazil has become less within the means of many people as a result of economising and cutting back on luxuries. Indeed, the after effects of the global downturn will certainly take some time to settle and will effect tourism across the world, not just Brazil. Legal Hurdles / Bureaucracy: the country is well recognised by business leaders as having complicated processes and procedures which remain fundamental barriers to engaging in economic activity: Brazil ranked 129th out of 183 countries in the World Banks 2010 Doing Business report. The 2010 Index of Economic Freedom; whilst pointing to increased freedom in the ability to start, operate and close a business; stated that Brazils strict regulatory environment is impeding further growth (it takes, on average 218 days to create a company in Brazil compared to the world average of 35). Property rights, financial and monetary freedom were reportedly above the global average but the country received lower ratings for its fiscal and labor freedom analyses as well as its ability to move away from corruption.
Infrastructural Problems: conversely to what was stated above, concerns remain as to the countrys practical ability on the ground level to keep up with its surging growth. One of example is the countrys transport infrastructure: the highway system remains of poor quality and traffic congestion remains a problem in many of the bigger cities. The railway network is also very small in relation to the size of the country and residents also continually criticise the slow pace of transport infrastructural improvements that are announced. The Copa 2014 site reported in May 2010 that work on nine of the 13 airports due for renovation had been temporarily postponed by Infraero, the government-run airports authority, due to budgeting delays.
Market Growth: the Brazilian hotel market has presented some interesting growth patterns in recent years well worth noting. As can be seen in the first graph below, the average occupancy rate for hotels and resorts in Brazil began with a path of growth only to slightly decrease with the effects of the global economic climate on the marketplace. Interestingly, as the second graph demonstrates, the average room cost began to decrease in 2003 and, whilst witnessing slight growth, has not reached such high levels since: industry experts reason that this was due to a heavy increased in supply in that period as well as the effects of the global downturn further on.
According to Diogo Canteras, the managing director for HVS in Brazil and professor of hotel development at the Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV), many of Brazils cities still continue to have an issue of an oversupply of condo-hotels which is causing new construction feasibility issues. However, the predictive graph for the So Paulo region below produced by the FGV sees demand and supply correlating in the next few years:
According to Canteras, since 2006 excellent returns have been via the purchase of existing hotel properties in need of refurbishment and the construction of new hotels looks likely to become viable within the next few years as the average room rate reaches a level in line to the oversupply. He points out that this should be a change that will be witnessed in the majority of Brazilian cities but due care attention will need be made with regards to market due diligence combined with short, medium and long term business planning. Canteras also stresses the importance of focusing on the Brazilian market as well as remembering that; whilst international tourism is an important factor on the growth of the industry and events such as the World Cup 2014 and Olympics 2016 will help increase tourism statistics; hoteliers need to ensure that the sustainability of their businesses is maintained. He also states the growing importance of neighbouring South American countries mainly Argentina and Paraguay and the need to maintain client focus for travellers from these important regions. He concludes by outlining two potential hotel industry investment options: the aquisition of hospitality assets in cities that have been affected by over-supply (hotels, condo-hotels and hotel companies); they will be probably be need of refurbishment and modernisation in order for them to be repositioned in the market place (support in the form of low interest loans by national banks is being offered which hoteliers may be interested in exploring, see below); experienced hoteliers should only consider construction after extensive due dilgence and competitive analysis has been undertaken (as at 2010, out of every 10 projects analysed by HGV, 7 are being considered as unviable in the current market place).
Government Sponsored Initiatives: In February 2010, the Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social (BNDES) and the Ministry if Tourism launched the ProCopa Turismo: a programme aimed at assisting and financing the reform and construction of new hotels in time for the World Cup of 2014. The assigned budget was set at R$ 1 billion and, in the words of the Vice President of the BNDES, Armando Mariante, its aim is to encourage the sector to boost the volume and the quality of services offered whilst also improving the environmental efficiency and sustainability of Brazils hotel industry. For Brazilian hoteliers, the terms of these loans are clearly advantageous with interest rates ranging between 6.9 to 8.8 percent depending on the size of the organisation. Repayment deadlines of up to 12 years are offered for modernisation / refurbishment hotel development plans and 18 years for new construction. Furthermore, if energy efficiency documentation is presented, terms can be further extended for up to 10 years for modernisation and 15 years for new hotels. The maximum term of loan for uncertified projects is 8 years for reforms, modernization and expansion, and 10 years for new construction. Whilst considered a welcomed incentive by hoteliers across the country, potential applicants should be warned that the process is far from simple and detailed due diligence will be undertake on any proposed project. More information can be found by clicking here (it is in Portuguese for any assitance with translation or in general with regards to this programme please feel free to contact us at
Natural disasters: despite its larger size in relation to other south American countries, Brazil is in a fortunate position to not be close to any tectonic plates and not majorly susceptible to earth tremors (although the last recorded tremor was reported in 1986 just outside of Natal) nor major hurricane zones. However, being a country of varied terrain and environmental climates, the country has been susceptible to some devastating events recent examples include the mudslides and floods during the wet seasons in Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco and Alagoas states in 2010; similar floods that effected the Santa Catarina region in 2009; forest fires that effected the Amazon area in 1998 as well as droughts and severe water shortages in the north of the country (although the effects of these have been mitigated due to the construction of dams and the close location of many of the north eastern major cities to the Atlantic ocean). It is an unfortunate fact that the majority of people affected by such events tend to be the poorer sections of society. Poverty: a commonly perceived problem of Brazilian society, particularly from outsiders. However, whilst it is still clear that poverty remains a problem throughout the country, a number of steps have been taken to alleviate its effects with visible results namely rises in the minimum wage (which has risen from R$ 100 in 1995 to R$ 465 in 2010); rising middle classes (the amount of people with an income between R$ 1,115 and 4,807 increased by 31 percent between 2003 and 2008); the Zero Fome initiative (Zero Hunger, the amount of Brazilians living on under a dollar a day decreased by 17 percent between 2005 and 2009 and looks set to continue to do so); the Minha Casa, Minha Vida (My House, My Life) housing programme; the Bolsa Famlia (Family Grant); improving education (World Bank data demonstrated that illiteracy ranges from 2.7 percent for the population aged 15-19 to 30 percent for those between 65-69 pointing to dynamics looking set to change over time). A July 2010 collaborative study between the Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (an applied economics governmental department); the Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domiclios (a national household sampling survey) and the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (a governmental statistical agency) demonstrated that there are clear signs that poverty will effect just 4 percent of the entire population by 2016 (the statistic was at 10.5 percent in 2008).
Crime, Violence and the Drug Trade: another issue that remains a concern for both investors and business owners. One particular example of this was seen shortly after the announcement of the Olympic Games in 2009, when a major gun fire battle started between rival gangs in the north of Rio de Janeiro fuelling debate as to whether Brazil was truly capable to offer an adequate amount of security to host the event. Nevertheless, official statistics have pointed to declining numbers: in 2008, Rio de Janeiro registered its lowest homicide statistic in 18 years a statistic that has since continued to decrease as a result of pacification programmes being undertaken in the citys favelas (slum communities) as well as an increasing amount of cooperation amongst gang leaders. In March 2010, an unprecedented event occurred with a collective meeting of three of the heads of the major favelas of Rio met to discuss violence control strategies, particularly when innocent civilians are involved in the cross-fire (it is a well known fact that the drug trade in many of Brazils cities is more of a question of control as opposed to economic viability). The government have also been seen taking definitive steps to reduce corruption amongst police officials and military interveners (a problem that has served to encourage crime and violence). In So Paulo, by 2009 the number of homicides had decreased to 10 per 100,000 down from 35.7 in 1999. On a national level, state heads throughout the country are reporting lower crime levels due to the fact that the issue is inextricably linked to poverty an issue, as mentioned above, that continues to decrease. Construction Costs: as the graph demonstrating the average construction cost per metre square below shows, the cost of building materials and labour has increased along with the growth real estate and land market. Hoteliers will therefore need to note the importance of factoring in these rising costs and other inflationary pressure into their projections.
Corruption: a 2010 study by German NGO Transparency International pointed to Brazil leading ahead of its BRIC counterparts in terms of the amount of unethical government practices occurring. The most recent example was that of Federal District governor, Jos Roberto Arruda (pictured to the right), who was caught handing bags of money to his legislator allies. What made this case particularly notable was the fact that that upon exposure of Arrudas behaviour, the news was widely broadcasted throughout the country and the politician was publically arrested and placed in custody: an unprecedented event in Brazils history. Several Brazilian commentators and industry leaders also debate that modern day principles of decency, avoidance of greed and abuse of power are emerging. According to Jorge Gerdau, chairman of Grupo Gerdau, one of Brazils largest steelmakers: There is a historical, cultural problem of a certain backwardness which is very hard to overcome but there is also increasing public demand for transparency and respect for the electorate. In late 2009, President Lula signed a bill encouraging members of the public to report acts of corruption whilst, at the same time, offering support and protection for those that do. In business and commerce, there are more companies wishing to decrease the level of corruption - one particularly successful organisation is the Pacto Empresarial pela Integridade e Contra a Corrupo (the Business Pact for Integrity and Anti-Corruption) which has most of Brazils major companies as members. Back to Contents
Angra dos Reis: whilst also known as home of two of the largest nuclear plants in Brazil (and a third being built), the area is a well known starting point for tourists visiting its 365 islands with chartered boats running on a regular basis, particularly during the summer months (the most famous island being the Ilha Grande). Accommodation options range from the 4 star Hotel Blue Tree Park, Angra Inn and do Frade (which has an attached golf course) as well as the Melia Angra Marina & Convention Resort (AquaFun Turismo Nutico), a number of of pousada options and youth hostels. Paraty: another popular visting area due to its proximity to the city of Rio de Janeiro; its colonial town centre; pristine beaches and hidden waterfalls. Large scale hotel development has been restricted due to the want to preserve the unique nature of the area with a number of well run small-scale hostels and pousadas including the Pousada Arte Urquijo (a small hotel and art gallery housed in a 17th century manor); the Pousada Pardieiro (with a large garden visited by monkeys) and the Santa Clara (located just outside Paraty and offers both the benefit of being surrounded by the Atlantic Forest and having a spectular view of the ocean).
Resende: the areas main known tourist destination is the Itatiaia National Park (Parque Nacional do Itatiaia), which lies to the north of the municipality and is the oldest national park in Brazil. Visitors come to trek the Matiqueria mountain range, visit the waterfalls and view the 250 species of birds. The park is circled by an ecological protection area and development of any sort is highly restricted. Resende also has two quaint villages Visconde de Mau and Penedo which have several restaurants, pousadas and cottages (often a place for tourists to unwind after visiting the national park). Hotel options in Resende itself include include the mid-range the River Park, the Castel Plaza, the Scala and the Cegil as well as number of well run pousadas. Visconde de Mau has a number of excellent pousadas such as the Jardim das guas, the Araucrias and the Framboesas. Similarly, two good examples of well run pousada operations in Penedo are the Sitio Serana and the Vale de Avalon. Petrpolis: located 65km from Rio de Janeiro city, the area is a popular weekend getaway and summer holiday destination known for its pleasant climate; forested hills of the Serra dos rgos and the imperial history museum (housed in the Palace of the second Brazilian emperor). Hotel options are largely in the mid to lower-mid range including the Casablanca, the Riverside Park and the Bragana Palace as well as a range of pousadas. Terespolis: located in the mountainous region of the Serrana, it is very popular for trekkers, rock climbers and extreme sports people attracted to its high peaks (including the Dedo de Deus, Pedra do Au, Pedra do Sino, Agula do Diablo and the Nariz do Frade). In the centre are a number of mid-range hotels and pousadas including the Canton, the Center and the Philipp. Towards the outskirts and heading towards the Serrana are a number of well run country pousadas as well the Fazenda Rosa dos Ventos farmstay which has excellent reviews.
Saquarema: one of the well known surfing areas of the state, several competitions are held throughout the year and the city is also home of the national volleyball training centre. Points of interest are the cliffs offering excellent views of the coastline, the citys lake and the Nossa Senhora de Nazareth church. There are a handful of mid range and pleasant hotels including the Maasai Beachfront, the Itana and the J Palace as well as a range of pousada options. Cabo Frio: increasingly becoming known as a hidden gem by international tourists, the area has long been visited by people from throughout the country and has recently entered the route of some of the worlds cruise liners (including the Royal Caribbean and the Latin American subsidiary of P&O). Its main attraction are the crystal clear watered beaches, namely: Praia do Forte, Praia do Per, Praia So Bento, Praia do Siqueira, Praia do Sudoeste, Praia das Dunas, Praia do Foguete, Praia das Palmeiras and Praia de Unamar. Other points of interest are the Feliciano Sodr bridge, the Nossa Senhora da Guia chapel, the church of So Benedito, the Municipal Theatre as well as several bars and restaurants. Considering its exquisite natural beauty, the accommodation industry in the area is said to be notably underdeveloped and it is widely predicted that the area will to grow as a popular tourist destination. Currently, there are mainly mid range hotels in operation including the Atlntico, Praia Forte and the Malibu Palace as well as a range of well-run pousadas located close to the beaches. Armao dos Bzios: a former quiet fishing village that has now become one of the most popular visiting areas of Rio de Janeiro state after the city itself and is regularly frequented by Rios high society. The region became popularised by film star Brigitte Bardot in the 1960s whose statue remains in the central street Rua das Pedras (Street of Stones); it is this area where there are many elegant shops, cafs and rustic restaurants. The main attraction are its beaches including the Praia dos Manguinhos; the Praia dos Amores; the Praia das Virgens; the Praia do Canto; the Praia da Armao; the Praia dos Ossos the Praia da Gerib and the Praia do Joo Fernandes (the latter two are the busiest in the region). A range of accommodation options are available including boutique hotels and high-end pousadas (generally located closer to the Rua das Pedras) as well as a variety of more mid-range options and a handful of youth hostels. Rio das Ostras: as well as witnessing huge population growth due to the employment opportunities offered in nearby Maca and Campos dos Goyataces (location of the majority of Brazils new found oil discoveries), the region is also a rising popular tourist destination due to its attractive beaches, relaxed pace of life, ecological parks and mountain climbing opportunities. The city also hosts the second biggest carnival in the state after Rio de Janeiro. Another area that is said to be underdeveloped considering its tourism opportunities with mainly seasonal pousadas serving visitors to the area (largely located along the main beaches of the Tartarugas and the Costa Azul). Maca: a region that has been labelled as the new capital of Brazils petroleum industry, resulting in an increasing amount of national and international business travellers. The region also has several
tourist attractions such as the Itana archipelago, the Maca river and the Jurubatiba lake, which along side its neighbour, Rio das Ostras, are witnessing an increasing amount of tourists. As a result of these rises, a number of hotel chain operations have been keen to grow in the area, particularly close to the city centre: namely the Sheraton (5 star), the Mercure (4 star) the Comfort (4 star), the Ibis (4 star) and the Blue Trees (4 star). There are also several mid-range options and small-scale pousadas in the city. Campos de Goytacazes: as having the third highest level of annual GDP in Rio de Janeiro state, its main industries are sugar (it has six of the seven factories in the state of Rio de Janeiro); ceramics and petroleum (another one of Brazils main hubs). The municipality also has several beaches (with the most picturesque being the Farol de So Tom); lakes (including the Cima and the Lagoa Limpa) as well several historic monuments. Unlike Maca, the increasingly growing petroleum industry has yet to attract the major hotel chains to the region with options ranging from largely mid-range independent operations (such as the Antares, the Amazonas, the Canaan and the Terrazzo) to small-scale pousadas. Back to Contents
Vitria: as voted the fourth best capital in Brazil to live in by the United Nations in 1998, the city is located amongst an archipelago and connected by several rivers and bridges. As well as its beaches, tourists continue to be attracted to its variety of landscapes including hills, mangroves, islands, caves and coves. Other tourism points of interest include the Praa dos Namorados (Valentines Square), the Carolos Gomes Theatre, the historical downtown area as well as several cathedrals, churches and monasteries. Temperatures rarely go under 19 degrees and reach highs of between 30-33 degrees in summer (November to March). The region is also looking set for huge economic growth due to it proximity to the countrys major oil findings. Accommodation options range from the 4 star Comfort and Mercure hotels to more mid-range options as well as a number of beach side and centrally located pousadas. Vila Velha: one of the oldest municipalities in Esprito Santo and is now the largest in terms of population. The main attraction for tourists here are the wide beaches and nightlife. Close to the area is the 5 star Vilha Velha Hotel (which is considered the best in the state) and there are also a number of mid-range options as well as traditional pousadas. Guarapari: located 47 kilometres from Esprito Santo, the city has an influx of tourists during the summer months. Whilst its main coastal region has been criticised for being over developed, the Setiba nature reserve offers pristine and unspoiled beaches. Hotel options in this area are largely mid-range, examples of which include the Fragata, the Gaeta, the Hotur, the Lorena and the Meape as well as a number of pousadas.
Domingos Martins: located 60 kilometres west of Vitria, the area is referred to as a green city due to it being the only municipality in Esprito Santo that is surrounded by subtropical rainforest. Its main attraction is the Pedra Azul national park (with mountains reaching up to 2,000 metres) as well as several private nature reserves. The hotel industry in the region is very ecologically orientated and ranges in quality from the mid range Aroso Pao and Iperador to eco-resorts and pousadas including the Chez Domaine, the Eco da Floresta and the Pinhos Resort. Back to Contents
Belo Horizonte: as having the third largest metropolitan region in Brazil, the city is is regularly visited for both leisure and business. The main landmarks include the downtown municipal park (Amrico Rene Giannetti); the Praa de Liberdade (Liberty Square); the Pampulha district where there are several examples of contemporary Brazilian architecture; the Mineiro soccer stadium and the Lourdes neighbourhood (close to downtown). The city is also known for its world class cuisine, excellent nightlife and as having a lively arts scene (theatre, dance, museums and several music venues). As with all the larger cities in Brazil, hotel options are wide and varied from the Othon Palace (5 star), the Ouro Minas (5 star), the Clarion Lourdes (4 star) and the Ibis (4 star) to a number of mid-range options, pousadas and youth hostels. Ouro Preto: voted as an UNESCO World Heritage site, this former mining city holds several examples of Baroque architecture as well as spectacular panoramic views and hence attracts both national and international tourists. Over development is restricted in the area and so there exists a number of small but very well run and traditional hotels and pousadas examples of which include the Hotel Ouro Preto, the Boroni Palace and the Fazenda Boa Vista (an eco-tourism resort). Congonhas do Campo: another UNESCO world heritage site with several examples of Baroque sculpture and architecture. As with Ouro Preto, excessive hotel development has been justifiably prevented and therefore what exists is a handful of small and well run hotels and pousadas including the Max Mazza, the Colina, the Profetas, the Colonial Cova do Daniel and the Freitas. Mariana: the oldest city in the state of Minas Gerais that retains its traditional roots dating back to the 17th century including churches, buildings and museums. As expected for such a small and traditional city, accommodation options are in the form of cosy hotels (such as the Galeria) as well as some excellent pousadas, namely: the Chacar, the Solar dos Correa and the Polyanna (a farmstay / eco-tourism resort). So Joo del Rei: a growing town which has retained many of its 18th century features its main attractions are its traditional architecture, antique railway line network, museums and quiet pace of life.
Accommodation options are mid-range and small including the Solara, the Ponte Real and the Vereda as well as a range of well run and traditional pousadas. Diamantina: another UNESCO World Heritage Site, the picturesque town is home to several examples of Baroque architecture and mountainous terrain: popular amongst trekkers and rock climbers. The Jequitinhonha river also runs to the east of the municipality. Hotels are largely mid-range including the Tijuco, the Diamante Palace and the Hotel Montanha de Minas as well as a range of excellently run and ecologically friendly pousadas. Caxambu: a small town which is most popularly known as having twelve sources of natural mineral water running all day, every day. Hotels are mid-range but very well run with plenty of space, examples of which include the Bragana and the Chals de Minas. So Loureno: investors should be aware that; whilst this region is well known for its natural beauty and excellent quality of water; several floods have occurred in a relatively short space of time (with the last one being in 2000). Nevertheless, the region seems to bounce back and is nowadays a well known national event destination (including the national vintage car show, the Cachaa festival, the orchid festival and the annual Brazilian hot air balloon gathering). Hotel options are largely upper-mid to lower range including the Fazenda Ramon, the Beira Parque, the Sul Amrica and the Platino as well as a handful of pousadas. So Thom das Letras: a small town located in the south of the state, this municipality is popular for ecotourists attracted to its waterfalls, large cave system and the Mata Atlntica jungle. The accommodation options are very ecologically friendly and include the Bosque dos Beija-Flores Ecological Sanctuary as well as a range of good quality pousadas including the Arco-ris, the Anjos and the Estrelas. Capara National Park: bordering the states of Minas Gerais and Esprito Santo, this region is home to one of the highest peaks in Brazil: the Pico da Bandeira. Accommodation options range from a number of pousadas (many of whom offer tours of the park) as well as a number of campsites grounds. Back to Contents
So Paulo State
So Paulo City: the hotel industry in Brazils main economic hub is the largest in South America and looks set for further growth to support the needs of the increasing amount of domestic and international visitors. Leisure tourists are also increasingly being attracted to the excellent nightlife, museums, theatres, world-class cuisine (some of which rarely exists in other parts of the country), parks and overall multi-cultural feel of the city. The 5 star hotels are generally located in the city centre (in the vicinity of the Avenida Paulista and the Faria Lima), including the Grand Hyatt, the Radisson, the Renaissance and the Tryp Higienpolis (Brazils only Hilton Hotel in the Morumbi business district and the Panamby near the Guarulhos International Airport is considered the only 5 star in the area). 3 and 4 star hotels are located throughout the city as are several youth hostels and apart-hotel complexes (often popular for business visitors and employees remaining for extended periods). So Sebastio: located on the east coast of the Ilhabela municipality, the region is very popular amongst
Paulistas looking to get away from the city. Its main attractions are its surrounding beaches including Enseada, Camburizinho, Portal da Olaria, Pontal da Cruz, Arrasto, Deserta, Grande, Pitangueiras, Toque Toque Pequeno, Santiago, Maresias, Brava, Boiucanga, Camburi and Cigarras. Accomodation options range from the boutique Ilha de Toque Toque hotel to more mid-range options including the Juquehy Praia, the Ciriba Praia, the Baraquecaba Praia and the Pris as well as a handful of nicely run pousadas. Boiucanga: a calm beach popular with Paulistas located close to So Sebastio which is served by small hotels (such as the Imbassa, the Mar Alta and the Maresias) and a several pousadas (including the Kyrios, the Katmandu and the Encanto das Pedras). Ilhabela: a municipality located amongst a group of islands situated 4 miles off the coast of So Paulo state that is named after its largest island (with the others being Vitria, Bzios and Pescadores as well as the islets of Castelhanos, Figueira, Cabras, Enchovas, Lagoa and Serraria). Populations reach over 100,000 in the summer months attracted to the areas 41 beaches (including Guanxuma, Jabaquara, Peque, Feiticeira and Saco do Eustquio); scuba diving opportunities; hiking trails and waterfalls. Accommodation options range from the 5 star Itapemar and Masion Joly hotels to the more mid-range Porto Pacuiba and Mercedes as well as a range of pousadas, campsites, holiday lodges and a youth hostel. Guaruj: remains a popular weekend getaway for Paulistas due to being 3 hours away from the capital. The region has become heavily urbanised but still attracts visitors to its beaches including Pernambuco, Enseada, Pitangueiras, Iporanga and Tombo. The accommodation ranges from the 4 star Sofitel, Delphin and Casa Grande hotels as well as wide spread of mid-range options and pousadas. Many wealthy Paulistas own second homes in the area. Santos: whilst more commonly known as one of the largest industrial municipalities of the state (the area has the biggest seaport in Latin America), its tropical climate, wide green spaces and beaches attract tourists throughout the year as well as a regular flow of global visitors for business purposes (particularly being only 49 miles from So Paulo city). As to be expected from a large municipality that has important trade links, hotels range from the high end InterContinental, Atlantico and Renaissance to a number of Brazilian independent mid-range options such as the Parque Balnerio, Indai and the Praiano (most are located along the 14 kilometre beach stretch). Campos do Jordo: despite its relatively cold climate by Brazilian standards, the region attracts tourists throughout the year due to its spectacular mountains. Several Paulistas have winter country houses in the region and its main attractions include outdoor activities (hiking, mountain climbing / biking, horseback trekking). Accommodation options range from the luxury Orotour, Grande Sanac and the Frontenac Boutique Hotel to the more economical Parque, Britnia and Astria as well as a range of well run pousadas and holiday lodges available for short-term let.
Campinas: often termed as Brazils Silicon Valley and home to one of the busiest airports in the country (the Viracopos), the area is regularly visited by business travellers and has several 5 star hotels including the Noumi Plaza, the Royal Palm and a Marriott. Whilst not the most attractive part of the city, there are some areas that of appeal to tourists including the urban preserved wooded area of Bosque dos Jequitibs, the Centro de Convivncia theatre complex and the Lagoa do Taquaral park / urban lagoon, home to the citys planetarium and science museum amongst others. Ribeiro Preto: often referred to as the Paulista California due to its year long sunny weather, this area attracts business tourists due to it being home to some of the countrys largest agribusiness firms (its soils are some of the most fertile in the metropolitan region of So Paulo) as well as high technology companies and several breweries. The area also has several gardens, parks and a zoo (including the Curupira and Maurlio Biagi parks as well as the Lus Carlos botanical gardens). Accommodation ranges from the 4 star Comfort and Ibis to a number of more mid-range options (such as the Arco, the Plaza Inn and the Stream Palace) as well as a range of pousadas. So Jos dos Campos: as well as being recognised as having one of the most important industrial and research hubs in Latin America, the UN placed the municipality within the top 25 cities of Brazil in terms of standard of living. There are several 4 and 5 star hotels that mainly serve both international and national business tourists including the San Michel Palace, the Shelton Inn, a Blue Tree Towers, a Mercure, a Novotel and the Caesar Business (which serves the 2 large pavilions where regular fairs and conventions are held). The area also has four shopping centres, an historic downtown, sports centres, large green spaces as well many restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Sorocaba: another important industrial location of Latin America, the region is often visited by business travellers due to its leading role in the Brazilian mechanical engineering, metallurgy and steelmaking industries with several 4 and 5 star hotels including the Shelton, the Transamerica and the Nacional. Araatuba: another important industrial hub of the country, particularly with regards to its developing cattle and other agricultural related interests. The hotels in operation include the Quality (one of the fast growing chains in Brazil) as well as an Ibis (both 4 star). Araraquara: an increasingly popular area for visitors to So Paulo to stay due to having one of the best sunsets the state has to offer as well as being recognised as one of the most relaxing parts of the city. The area has excellent bars, restaurants and nightlife and is home to several hotels including the Comfort Atlantica (4 star), a Shelton Inn (4 star) and the Salto Grande (4 star). Barretos: located in the north of the state, the area is located amongst farmlands and forested hills. The region is more popularly known for Brazils largest rodeo the Festa do Peo de Boiadeiro which attracts over 1,000,000 visitors annually. Bragana Paulista: as well as being an emerging commuter region due to its proximity to So Paulo city and Campinas, it is also a popular visiting spot for weekend getaway Paulistas and holidaymakers. Its main attraction is the Taboo lake as well as the natural beauty of its countryside. Hotels in operation in the area include the Novotel (4 star), the Plaza (4 star) and the Bourbon Atibaia (4 star spa resort) as well as several pousadas and country cottage holiday homes.
Itu: one of the oldest municipalities of So Paulo, the region has a wide range of infrastructure in place to house international meetings, seminars and congress events. Some of the hotels in operation include the Mercure (4 star), the Plaza (3 star) and the Gandini (3 star). Back to Contents
Paran State
Curitiba: voted as one of the greenest places to live in Brazil, the city receives a solid flow of business and leisure travellers. Its attractions, include its Botanical gardens, German Woods, Italian Woods, Japan Square, the Wire Opera House, the Tingi park and its many ecological city walks. Hotels in operation in the area include the Crowne Plaza (5 star), the Pestana (5 star), the Sheraton (5 star) and the Mercure (4 star). Paranagu: the region attracts tourists due to the fact that it offers some of the best weather in the region and business travellers due to its closeness to the largest port in the state. As well as several pousadas and ecological resorts, hotels in the area include the Palcio, the Mata Atlntica Park and the Camboa. Superagi National Park: one of the highlights of the state, with a total of 33,998 hectares, the park consists of four islands covered with tropical rainforest. Several guesthouses, pousadas, hotels and tour operators exist in the region and the amount of visitors to the region continues to increase. Foz do Iguau (Iguazu Falls): the largest waterfall in Latin America continues to attract tourists annually. The region also is a popular connecting point for people crossing the border into Argentina and vice versa. There are several hotels (including the 5 star Sheraton, the 4 star Iguau Grand Hotel and the 4 star Cataratas) as well as pousadas and youth hostels.
Florianpolis: the city is most popularly known for its beaches (including Mole, Ingleses, Campeche, Joaquina and Santinho) and lakes as well as its laid back pace of life and friendly atmosphere. There are also an increasing amount of business travellers to the region (outside of tourism, its main industries are information technology, commerce and the service sector) as well as southern Brazilians and Argentineans who visit for short breaks. Several hotels are located on the island including the Hotel Sofitel (5 star), the Mercure (4 star), Hotel Ibis (4 star) and the Porto da Ilha (4 star) as well as boutique lodges, pousadas and holiday villas / apartments.
Joinville: the largest city in Santa Catarina that is continuing to attract more business travellers to its growing economy; the city also hosts several events and business conferences throughout the year. Its main attractions are the Royal Palace (built in the mid 19th century), the botanical gardens, museums, a zoo and several parks. The city also hosts the largest Brazilian dance festival which sees over 50,000 people visit every July. The main hotels are the Mercure (4 star) and the Ibis (4 star) but there are also several local operations and pousadas throughout the city.
Blumenau: the area is continuing to grow industry wise (with textiles, information technology, metallurgy, software and electrical equipment all having prominence) hence the increasing amount of business travellers visiting the area. The city is very influenced by Italian and German culture and has an historical district, an arts centre as well as many bars, restaurants and nightlife options. Hotels in operation include the Ibis (4 star), the Mercure (4 star) and the Plaza (4 star). Itapema: the main attraction of the city are its beaches, with the most popular (and longest) being the Meia. The largest hotel is the Plaza Itapema Resort and Spa (4 star) but there are a variety of smaller family run establishments and pousadas. Balnerio Cambori: another popular visiting area of the state for tourists (which is the regions primary industry), the main attractions are its beaches, hill climbs and the Unipraias tourist complex. There are over 100 hotels in operation including the Mercure (4 star), the Royal Atlantic and the Rieger (4 star) as well as pousadas and youth hostels. Back to Contents
Porto Alegre: as having the fourth largest metropolitan area of Brazil and being an important economic centre of the Mercosul region (Rio Grande do Sul borders Argentina and Uruguay), there is an increasing amount of business travellers coming to the area as well as a steadily rising flow of tourists visiting to enjoy the city. The main attractions are the Guaiba Lake, the Public Market (in the centre), the Matrix Square, the Mario Quintana Culture House, the many parks, several palaeontology museums and several areas to watch the very unique sunset. The are several high end hotels within the area including the Sheraton (5 star), the Novotel (5 star), the Quality (4 star) and the Everest (4 star). Torres: a small city located on the coast that is popular for surfers (some of Brazils leading professionals are from the area) as well as being labelled as the countrys home of hot air ballooning. Tourism is the main industry in the region with some of the main hotels including the Dunas Praia (4 star), the Guarita Park (3 star) and the So Paulo as well as several pousadas and beach houses available to rent.
Parque Nacional de Aparados da Serra (Aparados da Serra National Park): a mountain range that is popular with campers, hikers and mountain climbers/bikers due to its location amongst lagoons, bays and coastal forests. There are several hotels, tour operators, pousadas and cottages serving the wide range of visitors to the area. Serra Gacha (the Gaucho Highlands): located in the northeast of the state, the area is rich in German and Italian culture with the main industry serving the area being tourism. Attractions include the hot springs of Nova Prata, the picturesque towns and the grape fields of Rota da Uva e o Vinho. There are several hotels (no mainstream chains in operation), farmstays, pousadas, ecotourism resorts and holiday homes available to rent throughout the region. Back to Contents
Braslia: the capital of the country has witnessed one of the fastest population growths in recent years and whilst mainly visited by business travellers (the headquarters of several of Brazils largest and nationally owned companies are located in the area), the region attracts tourists interested in seeing examples of modern Brazilian architecture as well as the national park west of the city (which is listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO). It is unlike any other city in Brazil in terms of the strict district planning that exists in the area so much so that there are designated areas for hotels: Hotel South Zone (home to the Mercure, Salo de Ch, Tryp Brasil 21 and the Meli) and the Hotel North Zone (where another Mercure is located). There is also another hotel district with smaller establishments close to the shores of Lake Parano. Taguatinga: recognised as the economic capital of the Distrito Federal and developed under an urban planning program funded by the Banco InterAmericano de Desenvolvimento, the area does not offer many attractions and is mainly visited for business purposes (its main industries are based around metallurgy, car part production, food / soft drink distribution and textiles). Hotels in the area are mainly 3 to 4 stars including the Comfort Hotel, the Europa, the Kingstown, the Nobile Plaza, the Atlntico and the Aastha. Back to Contents
Gois State
Goinia: a city that has been growing economically over the last few decades, particularly with regards to its agriculture industry. Goinia has the largest green area per inhabitant in Brazil and is second to Edmonton, Canada in the global rank. The city was, however, criticised by a UN-Habitat study which pointed to extreme inequality in the area (due to local the government prioritising the interests of the rich). The area is well known for its large parks, zoological gardens and abundance of sports fields and centres as well as several museums, restaurants and lively a nightlife. Hotels in operation in the area include the Blue Tree (4 star), Hotel Maione (3 star) and the Kananxu (3 star).
Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park: officially voted as an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001, the park consists of a 1.8 billion year old plateau and attracts visitors to it waterfalls (of which there are over 45), its infamous moon valley as well as its rare species of wildlife including jaguars, maned wolves, king vultures and giant armadillos. The area has several hotels, inland lodges, pousadas and campsites catered to the increasing amount of tourists exploring the area.
Pirenpolis: whilst having a growing economy based in agriculture (which industries include corn, soybeans, coffee and citrus); cattle and poultry farming; small scale manufacturing as well as furniture many leisure visitors come to the area for its colonial architecture and waterfalls. A range of accommodation options are offered ranging from rustic pousadas and lodges to sophisticated hotels (such as the Cavaleiro dos Pireneus). Gois Velho: as the former capital of the state, the area has kept much of its colonial heritage and was officially classed as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2001. The area is also closely located to the Serra Dourada mountains as well as waterfalls and white water rapids in its vicinity. Accommodation options include small family-led hotel operations, pousadas, farmstays, campsites and ecotourism resorts. Caldas Novas: due to having one of the largest hydrothermal springs in the world, this municipality is officially the most popular visiting spot of the Gois. Tourists level are reaching over 350,000 during the summer season and there are over 80 hotels including the Best Western (5 stars), the Bougainville (3 stars) and several spa hotels (ranging between 3-4 stars) as well as pousadas, holiday homes, farmstays and campsites. The entire region is catered for the ever increasing amount of tourists including bars, restaurants, fun parks and nightclubs. Emas National Park: also a meeting point of the Gois and Mato Grosso do Sul states, the wide area is classified as an UNESCO World Heritage Site and consists of treeless savannah and a range of wildlife including the maned wolf, the giant anteater and armadillos. Accommodation ranges from farmstays, lodges, small-scale hotel operations and pousadas. Araguaia River: one of the main rivers of the country (with a length of 2,627 km) and runs through the states of Gois, Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Par. At low tide season (between May and October) wide sandy beaches appear, which have long been popular for tourists. There are many ecotourism resorts spread along the river as well as hotels, pousadas, campsites and apartment blocks used for holiday letting. Back to Contents
Cuiab: the capital city of the state, and one of the most central points of the whole of South America that is bringing an increased amount of business tourism (with its largest industries being agriculture, food processing, commerce and services) largely due to its proximity to several parts of the country. Visitors are also attracted to its rich local culture based on Portuguese, African and Indian influences as well as its museums. The city will also host some of the World Cup 2014 games and has an airport (the Marechal Rondon) that serves most of Brazil and some international destinations. A range of accomodation options are offered, ranging from hotels including the Odara (5 star), the Inner City (4 star) and the Amazon Plaza (4 star) to pousadas and youth hostels. Chapada dos Guimares: an area of steep cliffs popular with trekkers and rock climbers. Accommodation for visitors is largely in the form of pousadas, small hotels, farm stays, country lodges, spa resorts and campsites. Tangar da Serra: an area to the west of Mato Grosso populated with waterfalls including the Salto das Nuvens, the Queimap, the Paraso and the Coquieral. The area is well known amongst extreme sports enthusiasts (with activities including rafting, mountain biking and cliff jumping) but is also well catered for families. Perhaps not to everyones taste, but there are several tourist operations offering trips to visit indigenous tribes residing in the area (although this is not available at all times). There is a wide range of hotels, pousadas, eco tourism resorts and campsites on offer. Barra do Garas: a small city located 550 kilometres from the capital, popular as having the only other Christ Redeemer statute overlooking the city in Brazil as well as hot springs, mountains and fresh water beaches. The area also has one of the largest military bases in Brazil and a thriving agriculture industry. Accommodation options range from hotels including the Esplanada Palace (3 star), the Serra Azul (3 star) and the Hotel So Paulo (3 star) pousadas, holiday apartments, farm stays, spa and ecotourism resorts. Cceres: whilst not holding the greater part of the Pantanal (see below), it is known as a gateway to the area as it contains wide entrances to the region. Meat production and fishing are the main economic generators of the region and it is the home of Brazils fishing festival which attracts tourists and competitors from throughout the country and Latin America. Hotel options range from the 3/4 star gora Cceres, Don Carlos and the Extremadura hotels as well as pousadas, eco tourism resorts, campsites and farmstays. Back to Contents
Campo Grande: an ethnically rich city which is increasingly growing in economic importance due to its rising industries (including commerce, services, soy, rice, livestock, manioc, sugar cane to name a few) and improved connections to several parts of Brazil (in the form of roads, railways and the expansion of the international airport). Its main attractions are its countless parks as well as squares, city waterfalls and
lakes. There are several hotels including the Novotel (4 star), the Ibis (4 star), the Excelcer (4 star) and the Brumado (3 star) as well as several well-run pousadas throughout the city. The Pantanal: often referred to by Brazilians as being more spectacular than the Amazon, the area is the largest wetland in the world and lies mostly in the state of Matto Grosso do Sul but extends into Matto Grosso as well as parts of Paraguay and Bolivia. The floodplains have a huge and diverse ecosystem including 1000 bird species, 300 mammal species (including jaguars, eagles, giant otters, anteaters), 480 reptiles (including anacondas, crocodiles, alligators, red-footed turtles and iguanas) and 9,000 various species of invertebrates. Much concern has been raised as to the environmental preservation of the area particularly in the light of global warming (deforestation), hunting, exotic animal smuggling, pollution. For these reasons, the development of the region is being carefully observed by the private landowners and the local government. Nevertheless, a wide range of accommodation continues and increases to serve the rising amount of tourists wanting to view one of the most naturally beautiful parts of Brazil (including eco-lodges, boat hotels and pousadas). Corumb: as the largest state in the capital and another well known entry point to the Pantanal, the region is one of the only cities in Brazil that has two international airports. As well as tourism, other industries in prominence in the area include animal husbandry, various forms of large scale agriculture and mining. There are a wide range of hotels spread across the city including the Nacional Palace (5 stars), Hotel Lincoln (4 stars) and the Nossa Senhora (3 stars) as well as eco tourism lodges / resorts, pousadas, farmstays and campsites. Bonito: referred to as another very underrated and hidden gem of Brazil, the areas main feature are the crystal clear waters of its rivers (due to the huge quantity of limestone in the ground which serve to act as a natural filter). The main attractions are the Aqurio Natural (Natural Aquarium), the Rio da Prata (Silver River), the Circuito Arvonism (a treetop adventure trek) and the Gruta do Lago Azul (the Blue Lake Cave). The local government has spent a huge deal on infrastructural development which has resulted in an increasing amount of hotels and tour operators in the area. Accommodation options range from 3/4/5 star hotels including the Bonito and the Zagaia Eco Resort as well as pousadas, campsites, lodges and backpacker hostels. Ponta Por: located 350 kilometres from Campo Grande, the city is well connected to So Paulo, Paran, Santa Catarina and Mato Grosso via the Federal Highway of Brazil. It is an increasingly important economic
city with major industries including yerba mate (a herb used to make a Latin American green tea), wood processing / furniture, cassava, cattle production, bricks and coal. The main tourism attractions are the streams, waterfalls and green settings throughout the city. Hotels in the region are relatively low in quality such the Barcelona (3 star), the Porto do Sol Palace (3 star) and the Guaruj (3 star) there are also several pousadas as well as ecotourism lodges and campsites located in the outskirts of the city. Aquidauana: this region is located just 139 kilometres from the capital of the state and is also a popular gateway to the Patanal. The economic activities in operation are mainly based around the rich and fertile soils throughout the municipality (agricultural farming and livestock) but there are also prominent wood, non metallic minerals, publishing, pharmaceutical and veterinary product industries in the area. Aquidauana also attracts tourists to its many rivers and globally unique scenary (fishing, trekking, photographic safaris and horseback riding are all popular activities). Hotel options include eco tourism resorts, pousadas, campsites and youth hostels examples include the Pousada Aguap, Fazenda Baa das Pedras, the Pousada Pequi, the Fazenda Santa Cruz, the Pousada Mangabal and the Recanto Barra Mansa. Coxim: the main economic generator of the region is tourism (but there are also healthy agricultural, livestock and fish farming industries in operation). Its main attractions are the regions abundance of rare fish as well as other wildlife and beautiful scenery. The area is served by a small range of 3/4 star hotels, ecotourism resorts, ranch / farm stays, pousadas and campsites. Jardim: a city which is becoming increasingly popular for visitors to the Serra da Bodoquena national park, the Rio de la Plata (a highly transparent river), the Araras (a deep granite crack), its caves and lagoons as well as its historical and cultural landmarks (such as monuments marking the significance and impact of the Paraguyan war). The main economic activity of the city are agricultural and livestock production of which much is transported to the rest of Brazil and neighbouring South American countries. Accommodation options include several 3/4 star hotels (such as the Novo Jardim and the Vitria), ecotourism resorts, pousadas, campsites and a youth hostel. Back to Contents
Bahia State
Salvador: as well as having the wealthiest metropolitan area of the north east, the city is recognised as the central home of Brazilian culture and continues to attract visitors from throughout the world to its architecture, music, art and cuisine. The historic town centre Pelourinho was classed as a UNESCO world heritage site and there are several beaches, a natural harbour and diverse terrain ranging from flat to mountains and rolling hills. Salvador is well connected to the rest of Brazil via road, rail and air (mainly via the Deputado Lus Eduardo Magalhes International Airport). As the third most populated city after Rio de Janeiro and Salvador (and one of the central economic hubs of the north east), the region has a healthy business tourism industry complemented by a rising flow of leisure tourists, particularly during the summer months (its annual carnival celebrations are the second biggest in Brazil). Accommodation options range from hotels including the Mercure (5 star), the Blue Tree (5 star) and the Ibis (4 star) as well as a huge range pousadas, eco tourism resorts (generally located on the outskirts) and youth hostels. Cachoeira: whilst having a thriving economy mainly based around sugar, cotton and tobacco, the area has been undergoing a tourism revival largely due to its rich African influenced culture (there are several museums and historical tours available describing the slavery history of the region). Accommodation
ranges from 3 star hotels to pousadas. Morro de So Paulo: located on the Tinhar island, approximately 60 kilometres by sea from Salvador city this very touristic region attracts national and international visitors enjoying its stunning beaches complemented by restaurants, bars and nightclubs. Whilst it has been criticised of losing some of its original charm over the years, the area continues to witness an increasing amount of visitors particularly by young people. Accommodation options range from 3/4 star hotels to pousadas, backpacker hostels, holiday apartments / houses and campsites. Ilhus: considered another major city in the Bahian state, the municipalitys economy thrives largely on tourism (although agricultural farming also plays an important role). The main attractions are its beaches including the So Miguel da Barra, Dos Milionrios, Do Norte, Do Cristo, Da Avenida and Da Concha as well as the museums, walks and monuments in the town centre. There are hotels (such as the 4 star Opaba and the Aldeia da Praia), pousadas, eco tourism resorts and youth hostels throughout the city. Porto Seguro: up until the 1800s, it was one of the busiest ports in the whole of Brazil but now serves as one of Bahias main tourist regions particularly during the summer months. Attractions include its many beaches, its lively nightlife, the Monte Pascoal National Park, its historical downtown as well as the Arraial dAjuda district (home of many examples colonial buildings complemented by picturesque beaches) and Trancoso (an ethnically rich area with beaches and main square, classified as a UNESCO heritage site). The municipality also has active livestock rearing, agricultural produce, services and light manufacturing industries which are assisting to fuel its ever growing economy. Accommodation ranges from hotels including the Shalimar (4 star) and the Estalagem (3 star) to resorts, pousadas and youth hostels. Chapada Diamantina National Park: formerly a huge diamond and gold exploration region, the area brings a large number of hikers, mountain climbers / bikers attracted to its wide plateau complemented by unique fauna and flora characteristic of this part of the country. A number of pousadas and youth hostels are located in the closest town (Lenis), many of which offer tours and camping trips into the park. Abrolhos Islands: whilst mainly recognised as the home of one of the largest marine biology research sites in Latin America, an increasing amount of tour operators are offering boat trips to the archipelago of 5 islands (which feature a variety of healthy vegetation and a huge range of lizards and birds) as well as for whale watching and scuba diving excursions. Whilst a handful of small hotels and pousadas operate from the Bahian coast, it is more common for day trips to be arranged from Porto Seguro. Back to Contents
Pernambuco State
Recife: as well as being the fourth largest metropolitan region of Brazil (after Rio de Janeiro, So Paulo and Salvador) and therefore attracting an increasing amount of business travellers, the city is located amongst a large network rivers and islands and is often referred to as the veniceof Brazil. The city is well served to the whole of the country and internationally by road, rail and domestic air flights (and is also witnessing increasing several large infrastructural improvements, albeit at a slow pace). The international airport (Gilberto Freyre / Guararapes) has regular flights to most Latin American countries as well as the USA and Europe. A range of accommodation options are presented from high end hotels including the Mercure, the Best Western, the Park and the Monte as well as a range of pousadas, low budget hotels and youth hostels. Olinda: recognised as one of the most well-preserved colonial areas of the north east (the downtown area is classed as a UNESCO World Heritage site), it is a popular destination for many people visiting the north east. Tourism plays the most important part of the citys economy although transportation, logistics and furniture have long been prominent industries. The lack of presence of major hotel chains in the area is embraced by local residents and the main accommodation choice of visitors are the high quality pousadas that complement the traditional and ethnic feel of the area. Itamarac: its location, approximately 38 km from Recife, means that this region continues to be a popular visiting area (tourism is the main driver of the local economy, although fish farming and agricultural produce have also become increasingly important). The main attractions are its many beaches including the Rio mbar, the Baixa Verde, the Pilar, the Quatro Cantos, the So Paulo and the Enseada dos Golfinhos all complemented by a range of restaurants and other tourist-orientated services. In terms of accommodation, there is a mix of hotels, pousadas, beach side lodges, an eco tourism resort and a backpacker hostel. Igarassu: the area was one of the landing points of European settlers and is located close to Recife (32 kilometres north). The main attractions are its beaches including the Gavoa (popular for water sports enthusiasts), the Mangue Seco and the Coroa do Avio. There are a range of small-scale hotels (such as the Hotel Gavoa and the Igarassu) as well as pousadas and campsites. Caruaru: a rising economic power in the state, the regions main drivers are textiles, handicrafts, commerce, agricultural and livestock production (including corn, beans, manioc, milk, goats, chicken and cows). Tourism also plays an increasingly important role to the municipalities with one of the main attractions being the clay art statues on the Alto do Moura (classified as the largest centre for figurative arts in the Americas by UNESCO) as well as being the home of the largest arts and handicrafts markets in Brazil. Accommodation is based around hotels including the BR Palace (3 star) and the Hotel Central (3 star) as well as a number of well-run pousadas.
Porto de Galinhas: once a central point of the slave trade in Brazil, the area is one of the most picturesque beaches in Pernambuco. Its beaches have previously been voted the best in Brazil by the Eco Vilagem and Viagem & Turismo magazines due to there natural pools, white sand and crystal-clear waters. There are also a number of eco-trails (popular excursions for visitors) and the area is well served by restaurants, beach bars and a luxury hotel infrastructure including the Deluxe Resort (5 star), the Beach Class (5 star), the Summerville Beach Resort (5 star), the Nannai Beach Resort (4 star), the Pontal de Ocapora (4 star) and the Solar Porto de Galinhas (4 star) there are also lower priced pousadas, campsites and a youth hostel. Garanhuns: a popular winter tourism destination, it is often referred to as the Pernambucan Switzerland with its main attractions being its mountains, several monuments, the Ruben Van Der Linden and Euclides Dourado parks as well as a music festival (held every July). The municipality also has been growing economically as a result of its growing flower, tomato, milk, cattle and poultry industries. Accommodation options are mainly based around hotels including the Snooze (3 star) and the Requinte (3 star) and several traditional pousadas. Triunfo: as the highest point in Pernambuco, the area is a popular visiting spot for those looking to get away from the high temperatures. There are a handful of small scale hotels (such as the Otellin) as well as pousadas in operation. Fernando de Noronha: a popular excursion of those visiting Recife, the area consists of an archipelago of 21 islands and islets, classified as an UNESCO World Heritage site of natural beauty. The highlights of the area are its beaches, wildlife (including rare bird species, turtles, lizards and dolphins), caves, coral and sub aquatic fauna (several scuba diving tours are in operation in the area). Excessive development is being controlled to prevent the risk of environmental damage. Fernando de Noronhas beauty does come at a price and it is one of the most expensive tourist destinations of the north east. Accommodation wise it is served by hotels, high end eco-tourism resorts as well as a very wide range of pousadas examples include the Beco de Noronha, the Agulho, the Arquiplago, the Carm and the Bela Vista. Vale do Catimbau National Park: officially classified as a conservational zone by the Brazilian government, the region contains an abundance of caves, canyons and 28 registered areas with pre-historical paintings. The main accommodation options in the area are small scale hotels, country lodges, pousadas and campsites. Back to Contents
Cear State
Fortaleza: one of the largest metropolitan regions in the north east, the citys economy continues to grow (largely fuelled by commerce, services, footwear, textiles, leather, mineral extraction amongst others) and it is ever keen to remove itself from the negative connotations of crime, prostitution and abject poverty a transformation that is evidentially happening, albeit at a slow pace. The main attractions are its urban beaches (including the Praia do Futuro), lively nightlife, fine cuisine and several famous landmarks (including the Jos de Alencar theatre, the Cathedral, the Luz Palace and the Forte Nan de Praire statue). Being such a large city, a wide range of accommodation options are available including hotels (such as the 4 star Blue Tree, Comfort and Quality), lower budget hotels / guest houses, pousadas and youth hostels (the area is a popular stop off point for backpackers touring the coast of Brazil). Aracati: a coastal municipality that is becoming increasingly popular for tourists due to its wide stretches of Atlantic facing coastline. As an area that, overall, remains relatively undeveloped, growth is expected in line with the improving economic conditions of the state. Perhaps the most important tourist destination in the municipality is the Canoa Quebrada a fishing village that has grown to attract an increasing amount of visitors (with water sports activities, restaurants, shops and other tourist related services in place). Accommodation options range from small-scale hotels, pousadas, eco tourism resorts, farm stays, holiday apartments / villas and backpacker hostels. Jericoacoara: voted by the Washington Post as having one of the top 10 beaches in the world an accolade that has continued to attract hoteliers and tour operators. The region was officially converted to National Park status in 2002, and also known for its spectacular sunset, starry night sky as well as its sand and windsurfing opportunties. There are several hotels in operation including the 5 star Vila Bela Vista, the 4 star Rancho do Peixe and Mosquito Blue Jeri as well as high end resorts, pousadas, campsites and backpacker hostels. Tatajuba: another area widely predicted to witness tourism growth, access is currently limited via a dirt road to what is one of the most spectacular beaches in Brazil. Accommodation is currently in the form of small pousadas and camping grounds. Sobral: as voted by the RMC So Paulo as one of best cities in Brazil in terms of quality of life the region is attracting an increasing amount of both leisure and business tourists. Its economy mainly relies on the production of cassava, maize beans, banana, mango, sugarcane, cashew nuts, livestock, poultry and cement (it is home to one of the national headquarters of the Votorantim group). Tourism is fuelled by the many landmarks that populate the area, the rich culture (including museums, theatres, cinemas) as well as festivals and fairs spread throughout the year. Accommodation is mainly based around small scale hotels including the Beira Rio (4 star), the Visconde (4 star), the Verde Rio (3 star) and the Atalaia (3 star) as well as a range of pousadas.
Baturit: as well as having a growing economy (focused mainly in the trade of rice, corn, cotton, banana, sugarcane and coffee), the area also has a rising tourism industry due the Atlantic forest that circles much of the town with semi-tropical rainforest, trails and hidden waterfalls popular with hikers and adventure sports enthusiasts. There are also several cultural points of interest including museums, museums and a theatre located in the centre. The area is served by small scale hotels, pousadas and camping grounds. Ibiapaba Mountains: home of the Ubajara National Park, one of the smallest conservation areas in Brazil (covering an area of 5.63km and located in the Ibiapaba mountains) at which the most infamous visiting point is a grotto full with large stalagmites and stalactites which is accessible by a specially built stair lift. Other major attractions of the mountains are the Morro do Cu at 820 metres high and the Pirangi waterfall. Juazeiro do Norte: an area that is growing economically (the region benefits from highly fertile lands as well as having healthy secondary and tertiary sectors) that is also popularly known as a religious tourism destination. The historically well known priest Ccero Romo Batista (1844-1934) was born here and attracts up to 100,000 visitors every year to his pilgrimage. Hotels are mainly in the form of small pousadas. Back to Contents
Sergipe State
Aracaju: the capital city of the state is witnessing growing rural to urban migration and higher annual GDP figures with an economy fuelled by the service, light manufacturing and tourism industries. Temperatures rarely go under 17 degrees Celsius and the coast has several urban beaches complemented by volleyball courts, football playing areas, squares, restaurants, nightclubs, supermarkets and banks. The international airport has daily connections to all parts of Brazil and some neighbouring South American countries (with expansion plans intended). Accommodation options range from 4 star hotels (such as the Radisson, Ibis and Mercure) to low budget establishments and pousadas. Laranjeiras: a quaint town located 23 kilometres from Aracaju attracting tourists to its well maintained colonial architecture (the area is also well known for its sugarcane production). Attractions include the Nossa Senhora da Conceio Comandaroba and Nosso Senhor do Bonfim churches; the municipal markets dating back to the early 19th century and the sacred art museum. As with many of the older towns in the country, over-development has been restricted which is one of the main reasons the area has maintained its charm. Accommodation options range from small scale hotels and pousadas. So Cristvo: as the fourth oldest city in Brazil, this area is steeped in history and therefore a popular visiting area with churches, monuments and museums dating back to the 17th century (the areas other economic activity include sugar milling / distilling as well as being a shipping port). The city was declared a national monument in 1967 and, therefore, large-scale development has been restricted. There are several small scale hotels and pousadas which serve the ever-increasing amount of visitors.
Estncia: another picturesque town with several examples of colonial architecture complemented by a range of restaurants, eateries and overall relaxed pace of life often a weekend getaway for workers from Aracaju. A number of hotels and pousadas mainly located in the centre serve the area. Back to Contents
Alagoas State
Macei: as well as being the capital and economic hub of the state (sugarcane and chemical production are the most important income generators), the city has an excellent tourism infrastructure set-up attracting an increasing amount of national and global travellers. Its main attractions include its beaches (the main one being the Pajuara), the tropical rainforest surrounding the city, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, shopping, cinemas, theatres, museums as well as a number of festivals held throughout the year. The international airport (Zumbi dos Palmares) has connections to the majority of Brazil as well as Italy and Argentina (further expansion plans are expected) and the BR-104 connects the city well. Hotel provisions range in quality from the Ritz Lagoa da Anta Urban Resort (5 star) to the Ibis (4 star), the Pajuara Praia, several pousadas and youth hostels. Maragogi: a small municipality located 125 kilometres north of Macei, very little other economic activity takes place here apart from tourism. Nevertheless, the amount of tourists coming to see its Coral Coast of over 130 kilometres continues to increase and it is the second most visited city in the state (after the capital). The other main attractions include a group of tropical pools formed during low tide, known as the Gals as well as the coral reefs located further out from the coast. A number of tour operators and scuba diving companies are based in the region and accommodation options range from mid ranged hotels (such as the Praia Azul and the Dourada), resorts (such as the Miramar and the Salinas do Maragogi), pousadas, campsites and two backpacker hostels. Penedo: located in the south of the state, as well as having a growing economy based on rice, sugarcane, fish farming and coconut processing, the municipalitys tourist industry has witnessed significant growth particularly since receiving a place in the top seven tourist destinations by the World Tourism Forum in 2005. The city has several examples of neo-classical and baroque architecture including the Imperial Palace as well as several churches (Nossa Senhora da Corrente, the So Gonalo Garcia and the Batista de Penedo being the main ones). Large scale development has been restricted to preserve the regions history with accommodation options ranging from small and family led hotels (such as the So Fransisco) to wellrun pousadas (such as the 4 star Colonial). Back to Contents
Paraba State
Joo Pessoa: lying on the most eastern point of Latin America, the capital of the state of Paraba was officially classified by the United Nations as having the second highest amount of urban forested land in the world (after Paris) complemented by a tropical climate, several beaches, and a mix of modern and colonial architecture. The city is also well located in relation to other of north eastern Brazils larger cities (120 kilometres from Recife and 180 kilometres from Natal) and is well connected to other parts of Brazil and Latin America via the Presidente Castros Pinto airport. As the economic hub of the Paraba region, other industries in operation include food, drink, glass, cement, metal, wood processing, furniture, ceramics, chemicals, textiles and tourism. The city also has several notable attractions including the Estao Cincia, Cultura e Artes (Science, Culture and Art Centre designed by infamous Brazilian architect, Oscar Niemeyer) as well as theatres, museums, cinemas and convention centres. A range of accommodation is offered throughout the city ranging from hotels (such as the 5 star Atlntico Praia Othon and the 4 star Quality Joo Pessoa) as well as lower budget options, pousadas and backpacker / youth hostels. Campina Grande: the second largest populated city in the state with a solid economy based on agriculture, livestock, commerce and high tech industry. Newsweek, rated the region as the second largest technological hub in South America which, whilst be an accolade that many have questioned, as nevertheless enabled the city to attract business travellers and investors. Campina Grande is a culturally rich city that continues to attract leisure tourists and it has a prominent role in the Brazilian art trade industry. The citys musicians are also well known throughout the country and attract visitors yearround to concerts and festivals. Whilst a range of hotel options are offered within the city (ranging from the 3/4 star Garden Hotel and Serrano as well as several pousadas) there is a lack of high end and/or chain hotels which is deemed surprising considering its rising economic presence. Cabedelo: one of the most unique cities in the whole of Brazil, the area is spread on a peninsular very close to Joo Pessoa being 18 kilometres in length and 3 kilometres in width. The main industry within the region is tourism with the main attractions being the Forteleza de Santa Catarina (an area where visitors are offered historical and cultural tours) as well as the Poo and the Intermares beaches (the latter is another popular international surfing destination, with several competitions held throughout the year). Accommodation options range from mid-range hotels (such as the Formosa) as well as pousadas and a youth hostel. Ing Stone: often a day excursion from Campina Grande, the stone dates back to the early 18th century and is formed out of basalt and covered with carved images of constellations, fruits, animals and human figures. The small town of Ing has a handful of small hotels and pousadas. Baa da Traio: consists of large stretches of elevated coast line providing magnificent views of the Atlantic ocean. As well as being an important economic source for the regions cassava, rice, banana, maize and pumpkin industries, the Sinimb river is also an increasingly important tourist spot. The Baa da Traio is
considered one of the best hotels in the region and there are also several pousadas as well as campsites and a youth hostel. Sousa: an area with rich archaeological history due to having several preserved area with fossilised footprints of over 80 species of dinosaur. The municipality is also becoming economically richer due to being one of the only areas of the north east to be immediately adjacent to the regions oil findings). Sousa also has well-established construction materials and cocoa industries and is informally known as having the best coconut water in Brazil. Accommodation options range from the mid-range Ribeiro, Jardins Plaza and Frouxo hotels to a number of well-run pousadas. Back to Contents
Natal: fast becoming one of the most well known cities by both national and international visitors tourism coming into the area began in the 1980s and, due to its advantageous positioning of being the closest Brazilian state capital to Europe and Africa, has continued to increase. It is now recognised as the most popular hub of international real estate developers who have been attracted to its lower land prices and idyllic location as well as cheaper labour and material sources although some fear that certain parts are becoming too developed as to destroy the originality of the city. Other economic drivers of the city and its surrounding areas include fish farming as well as various tropical fruit and cashew trading). With several unique tourist attractions including its white sandy beaches, several historic monuments and yearround carnivals visitor levels have been increasing consistently even through the global economic downturn. The new Dunas Arena will also host several of the World Cup 2014 football games which is expected to further boost tourist levels. The city has a solid transport infrastructure and, despite much controversy and debate, plans are in place to build what will be one of the largest airports in Latin America. Accommodation varies from the 5 star Pestana Resort to more mid range choices such as the Ocean Palace, the Porto Suites, the Natal Mar and the Quality as well as a range of pousadas and youth hostels. Mossor: the region lies at equal distances between Natal and Forteleza and, whilst mainly known for its large salt and land-based petroleum industries, it attracts a large number of winter tourists during June for its annual festival: the Mossor City Junina Festival. Mossor does not have any beaches but has good access to those of its neighbouring municipality of Tibau, including the Plo Costa Branca (see below). Hotels are largely mid-range including the So Luiz Plaza, the Carabas and the Sabino Palace and there are also several pousadas. Tibau do Sul: located 80 kilometres from Natal, with relatively small fishing and crafts industries, the main economic driver is tourism which has developed in the area since the 1970s particularly around the Pipa beach (during high season, a flow of over 1,000,000 people are visiting the region). The local government has tried to control over-development of the region in the form of height restrictions and construction prevention measures in certain areas something that has been embraced by not only locals but visitors. Nevertheless, tourism is thriving and hotel options range from 4 and 5 star resorts including
the Marinas, the Toca da Coruja, the Aquarela do Brasil Village and the Sombra gua Fresca as well as several pousadas, campsites and a youth hostel. Tibau: located in the most northerly point of Rio Grande do Norte, the region is composed of large dunes and cliffs and series of small lakes. The region remains an increasingly popular tourism destination which is its main economic driver (as well as some fish farming and agricultural trade). The local hotel industry is not as developed as Tibau do Sul largely due to a lesser amount of annual visitors but there are some mid-range choices and pousadas spread across the area. Parnamirim: as the third most populous municipality in the state, it has prominent sugarcane, shrimp and paper industries in addition to tourism. The region gets very busy during high season particularly close to the main beaches: Pirangi (home of the worlds largest cashew tree) and Cotovelo as well as being home of one of Brazils only planetariums. Due to being home of the main airport currently serving Rio Grande do Norte, there are a range of hotel options in the area as well as pousadas and resorts closer to the beaches. Touros: often referred to as Brazils corner due to being located at an acute angle on Brazils north east coast line. It has the second largest light house in the world which, along with its tranquil beaches, is its main tourist attraction. The area also has some relies on agriculture and fish trade as a driver of its economy. Accommodation options range from mid-range and family run hotels / resorts (such as the Siri and the Puna) to several pousada operations. So Miguel do Gostoso: located 100 kilometres from Natal, this former small fishing village is becoming an increasingly important tourist destination (which is its predominant economic driver). Its main attractions are its peaceful beaches and strong winds popular with wind and kite surfing enthusiasts. The regions idyllic feel has meant that the construction of larger hotels has been restricted with the main options serving tourists are small scale hotels and family run pousadas. Galinhos: located 166 kilometres from the state capital, this small municipality is growing in popularity as a visiting destination due to its deserted beaches and preserved landscape. The area is very under developed with only pousadas serving its visitors. Caic: whilst the region is located in land of the Rio Grande do Norte state, it attracts a solid level of tourists due to being a national Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Instituto do Patrimnio Histrico e Artstico Nacional, an independent agency fully funded by the Ministry of Culture) due to its rich religious history, fine cuisine and various carnivals spread throughout the year. It has one of the highest standards of living in the north east (with other prominent industries including cotton, cattle farming and agricultural production due to its rich soils). Hotels are well run in the region and include the 4 star Guanabara, Mirante and Regente as well as the 3 star Porto Bello and a range of pousadas. Macau: referred to as the land of salt, the region is the largest producer in Brazil (as well as having large fish and oil production industries). Whilst tourism is increasing to the area, the region has long been a sufferer from the effects of tropical rainfall leading to many of its access points being restricted. The local government have, however, stated that restructuring plans are in place to alleviate this situation. The main accommodation options are mid range hotels including the Maranata, the Gran Prix and the Gamboa as well as a handful of well-run pousadas.
Martins: a popular destination in the state due to being located at an altitude of 745 metres and therefore having a unique semi-arid climate. For this reason, it is now recognised as one of the main ecotourism destinations of the north east (the region also has prominent livestock, milk and other agricultural produce industries in operation). Martins is also host to the largest food festival in Brazil held on an annual basis. Accommodation is focused on small scale hotels as well as campsites and pousadas which are well integrated into the surrounding region. Maxaranguape: a relatively small municipality that is expected to receive increasing tourist levels due to its quite and picturesque beaches. The area is very undeveloped and has a handful of pousadas serving visitors. Cabo de So Roque: the region is commonly referred to as one of the most spectacular visiting spots of the north east and indeed Brazil due to having over 6 kilometres of unspoiled white sanded beaches complemented huge cliffs and large rows of coconut and palm trees. It will also be the home of the David Beckham football academy and, as a result, an increasing amount of hotel and other real estate development has begun in the region including the luxury Cabo de So Roque and Hotel Vila Gal resorts and a number of pousadas (with more in development). Back to Contents
Piau State
Teresina: located in between the Parnaba and Poti rivers, it is recognised as being a very clean and safe city despite having year round high temperatures, the effects of high humidity are mitigated by cool winds. The soils are highly fertile making the city and its surrounding region a competitive agricultural hub in Brazil. Teresina is also developing as a north eastern Brazilian business and educational events destination and is well served by exhibition centres, auditoriums and other suitable spaces. Visitor attractions include the meeting point of the two rivers to the north of the city which heads out to the Atlantic ocean; the zoological gardens as well as several parks and historical monuments. The Teresina airport serves most parts of Brazil on a daily basis and has several expansion plans in place. Hotel options range from the 4 star Teresina Central and Luxur to mid-range options and pousadas.
Sete Cidades National Park: steeped in ancient history, the seven areas of the park are split into areas of wide and varied rock formations, huge plains, rivers, streams, natural pools, waterfalls as well as a huge range of wildlife. Much of the region is ecologically protected and nationally preserved (it was one of the first homes of the Tupi indigenous people) and it is fast becoming a must-see destination for tourists. As is expected, a range of hotels, eco-tourism, youth hostels, campsite and pousada options are available catering for all budgets. Most would be tied in with tour operators offering excursions into the park lasting anything between 1 day and three weeks for the more adventurous. Parnaba: as well as becoming an increasingly important economical hub of the Piau state due to its proximity to the Amarrao port, tourism levels are also increasing due to its beaches (the main one being the Pedra do Sal, popular for surfers); the lake Portinho; its lagoons and several historical monuments dotted around the area. Midrange hotels, such as the Cvico, the Parnaba Palace and the Alvorada, as well as several well-run pousadas are the most common accommodation options available. Serra da Capivara National Park: another nationally protected region of the country and a World Heritage Site as classified by UNESCO; it was heavily populated in pre-historic times and much of this period is very apparent today. The area remains of interest to archaeologists, palaeontologists and visitors touring the many rock formations, deep canyons and cave paintings that populate the region. Due to its wide distance from Teresina (530 kilometres), the regions tourism infrastructure is not fully developed yet there are a number of pousadas that offer a range of tours for visitors. Back to Contents
Maranho State
So Luis: with its growing population and solid infrastructure, the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) voted it as one of the best cities to live in Brazil. The economy was formerly one of the most wealthiest in the country until the collapse of the cotton industry amongst other factors which led to more of its inhabitants moving towards the south of the country. Nevertheless, the region continues to have prominent metal production, food processing and service industries. With several beaches including the Ponta dAreia, the San Marcos (a popular surf beach) and the Olho dAgua tourist numbers have also been steadily increasing. The city is nationally recognised as being one of the main cultural hubs of Brazil with several events and festivals spread throughout the year; a historic centre (classified as an UNESCO World Heritage Site) as well as several monuments, cathedrals dating back to the 17th century and museums. Hotel options range from the 4 star Pestana resort hotels to other mid to high range options such as the Grand, the Brisamar and the Calhau as well as range of pousadas.
Lenis Maranhenses National Park: classified as a national park in 1981, the area is a unique part of the country consisting of huge sand plains, dunes and lagoons (caused by heavy rainfall occurring between July and September). Access to the park is difficult (mainly by 4x4 vehicle) and, therefore, tourism in the parks immediate area is under-developed bar a handful of small-scale pousada operations. Alcntara: another relatively undiscovered touristic region of the north east of Brazil, its main attraction are its archaeological visiting points as well as its pleasant beaches. Tourism is undeveloped with north eastern Brazilian visitors and backpackers being the main travellers to the area (which is served by small pousadas). Imperatriz: as an important commercial point for the north of the country (with industries in operation including steel, soybeans, rice, hydro-electricity and cellulose) the region is becoming increasingly popular for business hoteliers as well as visitors to its wide open spaces, abundance of waterfalls and other features. The city has been developing since the 1960s and has a modern infrastructure complemented by shopping centres, restaurants, bars and nightclubs. There is one 5 star hotel in the city the Plaza Caldas Resort and Spa with a range of mid-lower to budget options also available including the Posseidon, the Schalom, the Presidente, the Advance Palace and the Panorama as well as several pousadas. Carolina / Chapada das Mesas National Park: a small town that has long been a popular visiting spot due to being the main access point of the Chapada das Mesas which offers lush landscapes, clear rivers, mountains, hills, natural swimming pools and countless waterfalls (including the Cachoeira, the So Romo and the Itapecuru). The most popular accommodation choices are the very well run ecological resorts and pousadas including the Lajes, the Lrio, the Chchoeiras de Itapecuru, the Rilton and the Grande Famlia. Back to Contents
Amazonas State
Manaus: the capital of the Amazonas state, the city is the main gateway to the worlds largest rainforest as well as being the second largest metropolitan region in northern Brazil. Whilst tourism plays an important part of the economy, the city has had the challenge of growing in a self-sufficient manner due to having no direct road or rail connections other than those of its neighbours: Boa Vista, (Roraima), Porto Velho (Rondnia) and to Venezuela (with air transport being the only method meaning importing supplies from other parts of Brazil is costly). Some of the main industries in operation include rubber, timber, Brazil nuts, soap, chemicals, natural oils, beer brewing, shipbuilding, electronic equipment manufacturing and, more recently, petroleum mining. There are several parks including the Mindu, the Bosque de Cincia, the Sumama and the Bilhares as well as the large urban forest, located within Federal University of Amazonas. The city has become increasingly metropolitan over the last few decades, being served by theatres, concert halls, a 700-seat opera house and several other forms of nightlife. The Eduardo Gomes International Airport is the largest in the state and regularly serves most parts of Brazil. The port is located in the downtown area on the banks of the Negro and serves all parts of the 900 mile stretch of the river (also where a majority of the tourist boat trips visiting leave from. The Amazon itself possesses over 50 percent of the worlds rainforests with a wide range of wildlife over 1/3 of all species live within it. Hotels in the city range from 4 and 5 star options include the Novotel, the Mercure, the Maracuja City Resort as well as a number of mid-range options, pousadas and youth hostels.
Parintins: as the second largest city in the Amazonas, the area is largely composed of low forests and flat land, complemented by many tributaries of the main rivers as well as lakes and islets. The city has a strong cultural identity drawing from residents descending from Portugal, Spain and Japan. It remains relatively underdeveloped (housing, for example, generally consists of simply constructed buildings in the centre and wooden property in the neighbourhoods) although, as the economy continues to improve, this is expected to change. The main industries in operation are agriculture (including banana, cocoa, cashew, coffee, coconut, black pepper, citrus fruits, avocado, sweet potato, sugarcane, beans, tomato, cassava, cantaloupe, watermelon and corn); livestock rearing / production and fish farming (from the rich pickings of the Amazon); poultry; timber; chemicals and shipbuilding. Tourism has been increasing in the last few years, largely as a result of a number of documentaries and travel shows focused on the area its main attraction is the raw Brazilian culture as well as its beautiful surroundings not found in any part of the country. It also has several festivals spread throughout the year which are attracting an increasing amount of national and international visitors. The main barrier to the expansion of tourism is the relative difficulty of accessing the area which, indeed, some perceive as a positive fact to maintain the authenticity and uniqueness of the area. As to be expected, there are no major hotel developments in the area but, as a result of the increased tourist interest, several river lodges and pousadas are in operation although not all year round and visitors are advised to prepare a trip prior (two popular choices are the Millennium Pousada and the Amazon River Hotel). Tef: tucked in the middle of the Amazon state, this region is becoming popular for travellers and backpackers travelling through the river by boat. The main accommodation options are relatively basic pousadas which are best organised prior to visiting. Mamirau: an area of outstanding natural beauty which is protected by the Ramsar Convention of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and will be part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve (a research and development programme aimed achieving global ecosystem sustainability). Within the area are over 400 species of birds (including eagles, toucans and Amazonian parrots) as well as a huge variety of other land and sea wildlife including monkeys, sloths, anteaters, river dolphins, pirhana, tambaqui and pirarucu. Note that the majority of the area is flooded during the wet season. Due to the difficulty of accessing the area, tourism levels have increased at a steady pace but, neverthess, are relatively low. There are a small handful of pousada options which are often tied to the scientific research institutes that operate in the region. Back to Contents
Par State
Belm: as the entrance gate to the Amazon, this growing city has a busy port and an airport serving most areas of Brazil and neighbouring South American countries (the Val de Ces) and much better road and connections that compared to Manaus. The city and its surroundings have a growing economy based on a range of industries including aluminium, iron ore, chemicals, cassava, nuts, jute, timber, textiles, livestock and it also has one of the largest convention centres in the north of the country (which was the location of the World Social Forum of 2009). With its tropical climate; the ease of access to the Amazon rainforest and the unique fresh water beached islets that are formed around the city, tourism has witnessed a solid increase both nationally and internationally. Other attractions are the local Amerindian cuisine, the Amazon Bio Park Zoo, the Rodrigues Alves Wood Botanical Gardens, several museums of Amazonian history as well as the colonial architecture that dates back to the 17th century. The city also has two other rivers that pass through the area: the Maguari and the Guama (on the banks of which lies the Federal University of Par). Belm has a wide range of accommodation options including a number of 4/5 star hotels (such as the Hilton, the Crowne Plaza and the Regente); mid-range options (such as the Hotel Gro Par, the Novo Avenida and the Vila Rica); well-run pousadas; campsites and youth hostels. Ananindeua: this city has become worth of attention over the last few decades due to its rapid growth in terms of population and industry (largely based on a variety of agricultural produce, livestock and fish farming). The area consists of nine river islands with dense tropical rainforest which, due to their bio diverse nature, have become an increasingly popular attraction for tourists. Despite its large size there are no high end hotels in operation in the region; the 3 star options include the Hilma and Master and there are several pousadas across the city as well as on the islands. Ilha de Maraj: the second largest fluvial island in the world (after the Ilha do Bananal in the Tocantins region, see below), much of the area consists of dense rainforests, mangroves and flooded plains. As a result, the island has a rich biodiversity with a range of vegetation and wildlife (huge populations of buffalo can be found throughout). Tourism levels are ever increasing with a range accommodation options being offered including the Hotel Ilha de Maraj, the Maraj Ecotourism resort as well as ecologically respectful pousadas and campsites. Salinpolis: considered the principle tourist hub of Par, high season statistics have been reaching over 400,000 visitors. The main areas of attraction are the wide Atalaia beach (with its white sands and gray green waters from the sediment carried from the Amazon) and also the Lake of Coca Cola known for its fresh cold waters. The region is also highly populated with dunes, rivers, streams and wetlands. Due to the high level of tourists, accommodation options are wide and varied including the mid-high range Amaznia Atlntico Resort, the Mercadinho and the Clube Priv do Atalaia hotels as well as a number of well-run pousadas. Back to Contents
Santarm: located at the meeting point of the Tapajs and the Amazon, the area is another established tourism area of the state. The region also has a thriving economy based on a variety of agricultural produce, livestock, fish farming, soybeans, rubber, coffee and mining. The spectacular landscape and picturesque nature of the city of the region, complemented by a tropical climate, means national and international visitor statistics are always healthy. Hotel options are largely mid range and very environmentally conscious including the Santarem, the Beirante, the Rural and the Alfageme as well as a number of pousadas. Back to Contents
Tocantins State
Palmas as one of Brazils fastest growing cities (which as witnessed a year on year increase of 8.7 percent since 2000), the area is continuing to see a rising number of business travellers attracted to its developing industry base (ranging from a variety of services to trade). The city which, in terms of its look, is often compared to Braslia has a high human development index complemented by modern and improving infrastructure, good transport as well as a national airport serving over 50,000 passengers a month (and rising). Tourist attractions are largely based along the Tocantins river and include the Graciosa and Prata beaches as well as the Cesam Park and the Taquaruu waterfalls. The city is graced with concert halls, cinemas, shopping centres, several good quality restaurants and a lively nightlife. Accommodation options range from the high-mid range Munart, Lago Da Palma, Vitria Plaza and the Araguaia to smaller establishments and a range of pousadas. It is highly expected for a number of the bigger national and international chain hotels to locate in the city as it develops. Ilha do Bananal: with an area of over 19,000 km (double the size of Jamaica), it is the largest fluvial island in the world and a preserved national park (with several indigenous tribe villages). Considered another ecological sanctuary of Brazil, the area has a wide range of unique vegetation and wildlife including jaguars, dolphins, blue herons and Amazonian turtles. Temperatures are largely warms with the rainy season occurring between November and April. Hotel expansion continues to increase to meet the rising interest in the area with several options ranging from the 4 star Canoeiros, Pirarara, and Trs Barras to the mid range Independncia, Boa Vista, and Serrano as well as a range of well-run and ecologically respectful pousadas. Natividade: a small city that is increasingly becoming visited by tourists due to its rich religious history (several colourful festivals are held throughout the year); eighteenth century architecture; and excellent cuisine as well as its many caves, hills, valleys and natural swimming pools. Accommodation options range from mid range hotels (such as the Serra Geral and the Veredas) to a handful of well-run pousadas. Back to Contents
Amap State
Macap: another fast growing Brazilian city that is the fifth most populous in northern Brazil (behind Manaus, Belem, Ananindeua and Porto Velho). Industry is based upon agriculture, fish farming, rubber, livestock, commerce and a variety of services the region has enacted a number of international free trade agreements since the 1990s which has continued to enable it to become investment attractive. Whilst GDP statistics have consistently grown as have improvements in the citys overall infrastructure, one criticism has been the lack of urban development planning which has resulted in certain parts of the city becoming degraded. Visiting the city, Macap has several places of leisure visitor interest including the fortress of So Jos do Macap; the Marco Zero (an imaginary line that marks the division between the northern and southern hemisphere); the Panela do Amap (an area of several authentic restaurants offering the very best in northern Brazilian cuisine) and the Sambdromo de Macap (with a capacity of 18,000 people, the stadium hosts year round concerts as well as the annual carnival celebrations). Accommodation options are largely based around mid range hotels including the Milano, the JK, the Atalanta, the Aai Palace, the San Marino and the Frota Palace as well as a range of pousadas. Oiapoque: the most northern coastal city of Brazil, the area is separated from French Guiana by the Oiapoque river (a bridge is currently being built connecting the two countries) and is becoming increasingly important, particularly with regards to trade links between the two countries. The main tourist visiting spot is the Tapereb coastline, spread along the north east of the city. The hotel industry is very underdeveloped with just a handful pousadas serving visitors. Back to Contents
Roraima State
Boa Vista: lying 136 miles from the Brazil-Venezuela border, the region has a mixed climate of high temperatures and above average rainfall to create a unique environment with rich soils and a very diverse range of vegetation. As a result, the city is growing economically with the main industries in operation being a range of agricultural and meat production as well as commerce and services towards the centre of the city. The plan of the city is often referred to as being The has solid and modern infrastructural base and, particularly in recent years, has become better linked with Manaus, Lethem (in French Guiana) and Santa Elena de Uairn (Venezuela), with further road and bridge connections being planned. The Boa Vista-Atlas airport is currently undergoing refurbishment and serves Belm, Braslia, Georgetown (Guyana), Manaus, Paramaribo (Suriname) and Rio de Janeiro. Whilst the presence of favelas should be noted to any interested investor, the region was recently commended by the Fundao Getlio Vargas for its rapidly decreasing crime statistics. The city itself offers a range of
tourist visiting spots including the Orla Taumanan (a wide space with restaurants and free concerts at weekends); the Ayrton Senna sports complex; the Praa das guas (a large man made water fountain); several monuments, cathedrals and the largest park in the north of Brazil: the Anau. A range of accommodation options are available such as 3 and 4 star city based hotels such as the Itamaraty, the Uiramut Palace, the Euzebios and the Ideal to well run pousadas, campsites (on the outskirts) and a youth hostel. Monte Roraima: located in the Canaiama national park, it is the highest of a series of tabletop mountains first discovered by the British explorer Sir Walter Raleigh in 1956. The Roraima has a plateau of 31 km and 400 metre cliff on all sides and includes the triple border point of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. Recognised as one of the oldest geological formations on earth, the mountain has a significant place in the culture of the indigenous people of the region. For this reason, although tourism is rising control measures in place so that the area does not become over developed as with other major natural wonders of the world. Visitors can stay in a number of well run eco-tourist resorts and pousadas (including the Monte Roraima Hotel and the Coati). Back to Contents
Rondnia State
Porto Velho: situated on the Madeira river, one of the larger tributaries of the Amazon, the city has a growing population and economy largely fuelled by metals, minerals, agriculture, fish farming and livestock as well as one of the highest standards of living in the north of the country. Porto Velho also continues to bring a rising number of tourists with its main attractions being its rivers (including the Madeira, the Abun, the Mutum-Paran and the Candeias do Jamari); the Casa de Cultura Uvan Marrocos cultural centre; several museums; theatres; cinemas and a number of events and festivals throughout the year. The international Governador Jorge Teixeira serves most of Brazil as well as a number of Latin American cities. Hotels range from the 4 star Aqurius Selva, the Samama and the Regina to several other mid range options and pousadas located across the city. Guajar-Mirim: the second largest municipality in the state accredited as a green city by the Instituto Ambiental Biosfera in May 2009. The main economic driver of the region are the many tourist attractions including several wide river beaches, forested landscapes, grottos, caves, waterfalls, rapids, parks, museums, cultural centres and rich cuisine. A number of well-run ecological resorts, hotels and pousadas are in operation in the region including the Alfa, the Central Palace, the Jamaica, Lima Palace and the Pakas Palafitas. Back to Contents
Acre State
Rio Branco: the only municipality in Brazil to border Peru, it is located approximately 2 hours from Manaus and sits on both banks of the Rio Acre (with six bridges enabling ease of access between both sides). The city has an ever-growing economy (largely based on agriculture, fish farming, livestock and some tertiary services); is well connected by road and rail; has a newly renovated port and an airport that serves the larger cities of Brazil and several South American cities. Rio Brancos main tourist attractions include a large palace dating back to the 1930s, the Revolution square, several monuments, stadiums, museums and year-round festivals as well as the unspoiled natural beauty of the Acre forests which is located a short distance from the city. Hotel options are largely mid range including the Guapindaia, the Premier, the Loureiro, the Terra Verde and the Incio Palace as well as a range of pousadas. Xapuri: the area is well known as the former home of the national trade union leader, Chico Mendes who lived his entire life in the city before being assassinated in 1988. Visitors rarely stay long in the area (opting for day trips) so there are very few hotel options bar a handful of small-scale pousadas.