Preliminary Programme
Preliminary Programme
Preliminary Programme
4 of November
08.30 - 09.00 hs. O'en%n( )eremony #-"" hs- - +"-!" hs-
*ess%on +,
Ne. /rends %n 0ea&/h )are
Evolution of the Health Sector and present trends Dr. Hugo Arce General Secretary of the Latinoamerican Society for the Health Care Quality. SoLaCaSa!" #uenos Aires$ Argentina. Health policies in Argentina. Dr. %&stor 'errone Associate( Chair of the )aster on 'u*lic Health of the +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires$ #uenos Aires$ Argentina. Trends in Human Resources training: The community doctor. Dr. C-n(i(o .ol(an +ni,ersi(a( #arcel/" #uenos Aires$ Argentina. 0Trends in Italian Health are. Arch. 1ng. Giuse22e 'ellitteri$ 3la,ia #el,e(ere 'roffessor of the 3aculty of 1ngineering an( Architecture of the +ni,ersit4 (e 'alermo$ 5taly.
Ne. Trends %n Moda&%/%es of O'era/%on of /he 0ea&/h *erv%$es Architectural healthcare for healthcare architecture ! facilities life cycle management. Arch. Sil,ia S6uchman$ )ar7a )arcela Loglio$ .ectora(o of the +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires" #uenos Aires$ Argentina. 0Charismatic management. A ne8 mo(el of Health Care.9 1ng. :7ctor 'rimc. Hos2ital ;r(er < Hos2ital San =uan (e Dios" Argentina. Smarter Hospital "uilding. Arch. S>oer( (e Hoogh Dutch Centre for Health Assets$ 2art of ?%; %etherlan(s ;rgani6ation for A22lie( Scientific .esearch!" +trecht$ ?he %etherlan(s. Discussion -----------------------------------------------------------------@0.A0 a @0.BC hs. 1rea2 3 'oster DalE 1Fhi*ition ------------------------------------------------------------------
*ess%on !,
Ne. /rends %n P&ann%n( and Pro$ess of 5eve&o'men/ of 0ea&/h 6a$%&%/%es Hospital #esign $uidelines in Three ontinents. Arch. GaEia Shafie$ Ahme( Sherif Architecture De2.$ 3aculty of 1ngineering$ Cairo +ni,ersity an( ?he American +ni,ersity in Cairo$ 1gy2t 0Rational functional planning approach and efficient planning model for Acute $eneral Hospital of the future. Arch. Li>ie Huang )A.+ Lon(on South #anE +ni,ersity$ +nite( Hing(om. 0"uilding Evidence into the Architecture using Health %acilities $uidelines to promote &etter 'uality of care and improved design. Arch. =ane Carthey$ 'atricE Chu Center for health assets Australasia$ 3aculty of the #uilt 1n,ironment" the +ni,ersity of %SD$ Australia. The #evelopment of To(nship )evel Hospital in hina Arch. Huang I5 Qiu China 5'.. 5nternational 1ngineering Cor2oration$ #ei>ing$ China. )ean and integrated #elivery *rocesses for Health Arch. 'atricE Sun 'hili2 =aco*s Glo*al #uil(ing %orth America" +SA are.
*u&lic private partnership: A (olf on sheep+s clothes. Arch. )artin 3iset 1F Director of the 'u*lic Health Grou2 of the 5nternational +nion of Architects$ )ontreal Que*ec!$ Cana(a. Discussion -----------------------------------------------------------------@A.30 - @B.00 hs. Lun$h
*ess%on 4,
Ne. /rends %n 0uman%7a/%on - 0ea&%n( env%ronmen/
To(ards ,ulti Sensory Healing Environment: )earning from seductive design ontemporary onsumption Spaces. Arch. G(ra,Eo ?ri,ic$ .u6ica #o6o,ic-Stameno,ic$ Limin Hee %ational +ni,ersity of Singa2ore$ Singa2ore. The effect of design fle-i&ility of hospital social environment on users sym&olic vie(s a&out cancer treatment centers . Arch. Camilla 3ortini 'intoGrenfel$ )arcelo 'into Guimaraes +ni,ersi(a( 3e(eral +3)G Catholic +ni,ersity!$ #ra6il. #esign and Research for Healing Environment in the .etherlands . Arch. .oelof GortemaEer$ C. Dagenaar$ %. )ens$ H. Di>Estra S?AGG .esearchgrou2 'u*lic Health #uil(ings$ .oyal 5nstitute of Dutch Architects! .otter(am" ?he %etherlan(s. 0Humani/ed Hospita&le Architecture. %rom a Hospita&le architecture technical ! functional to a hospita&le architecture humanistic and integral Arch. Graciela 'a22ano. 5nstituto .egional (e 'laneamiento y H-*itat < C;%5C1?"
San =uan$ Argentina. 0*hysical accessi&ility as a condition of Health for people (ith reduced mo&ility and communication. Arch. Gisela +rro6$ )aria %eli(a Galloni$ A(riana A2ollonio Centro (e 5n,estigaci/n #arreras ArJuitect/nicas$ +r*an7sticas y ?rans2orte < C5#A+?-C;'.;)A-3AD+-+#A$ +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires$ #uenos Aires$ Argentina. Healthy Hospitals: one vision ! different roads Arch. Alicia 'rei(e Direcci/n General (e .ecursos 37sicos en Salu(. )inisterio (e Salu(. GC#A" #uenos Aires$ Argentina Ne. Trends %n *us/a%nab%&%/y 5eve&o'men/, *o$%a& Env%ronmen/a& and E$onom%$ Sustaina&le healthcare concepts of hospitals0 Arch. =arno %illesen HA% +ni,ersity of A22lie( Sciences in the fiel( of Architecture in Health ?he %etherlan(s To(ard sustaina&le design in health facilities0 Arch. George )ann College of Architecture$ ?eFas AK) +ni,ersity$ +SA. Discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------@C.B0 - @L.00 hs. 1rea2 3 1rea2 3 'oster DalE 1Fhi*ition -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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+8-"" - +9-"" hs ,oses 1otane pu&lic Hospital 2 as sustaina&le healthcare &uilding in South Africa. Arch. )arianus (e =ager #e(for(,ie8$ South Africa. 03ealthcare0 learning from *eru 'rof. Arch. #as )olenaar$ Dor(recht$ ?he %etherlan(s.
Ne. /rends %n 5es%(n based on Ev%den$e onceptual aspects of design0 on the &asis of real evidence. Arch. :7ctor Ml,are6 .ea Centro 'oiesis 3AD+ +#A$ +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires" #uenos Aires$ Argentina. Ena&ling Environments for *eople (ith #ementia Arch. HelinN Hotilainen$ 'Ni,i ?o2o %ational 5nstitute for Health an( Delfare in HelsinEi$ 3inlan(. Evidence "ased Innovations. Redifine patient room. Arch. Cathryn #ang Cathryn #ang O 'artners Architects$ %e8 PorE$ +SA. *ost 4ccupancy Evaluation and #esign oordination for Healing Environments0 revamping the method. Dr. Arch. .u6ica #o6o,ic Stameno,ic %ational +ni,ersity of Singa2ore$ Singa2ore.
Evidence &ased evaluation of Hospital #esign. 'rof. Dr. =an Ga*riel Delrue Leu,en$ #elgium. Discussion ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
5 of November
*ess%on 5
"#-"" - +"-4" hs
Ne. /rends %n Te$hno&o(%$a& 5eve&o'men/ Ar$h%/e$/ure En(%neer%n( and E;u%'men/ 5Impact of "iomedical Technologies in Health are5 1ng. 1(uar(o De 3orte6a$ :ice(ecano (e la 3aculta( (e 5ngenier7a y Ciencias 1Factas y %aturales Director (e ?ecnolog7a #iom&(ica$ +ni,ersi(a( 3a,aloro" #uenos Aires$ Argentina. The application of a ne( &iomechanical principle to mechatronic products for Surgical and Intensive are 6nits 'rof. 1m&rito Dr. )ario )ariQo$ H&ctor 3errari$ Gerar(o ?om& Carrera (e 1s2eciali6aci/n en #io(iseQo y 'ro(uctos )ecatr/nicos$ 3aculta( (e ArJuitectura$ DiseQo y +r*anismo. +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires$ #uenos Aires$ Argentina. 0,edical Technology in Hospital *lanning. 1ng. Dagmar Hahnes. Germany. hallenges of Hospital Architecture and Engineering. Arch. .ita Coman(o Asociaci/n Argentina (e ArJuitectura e 5ngenier7a Hos2italaria$ #uenos Aires$ Argentina.
5Adding value to hospitals7 heritage: ne( trend in health facilities8 A contri&ution from State information resources5 Arch. 'aula 3errara$ Arch. Se*asti-n De Gan$" Carla Harasic Centro (e Documentaci/n e 5n,estigaci/n (e la ArJuitectura 'R*lica CeD5A'!. 0)aFimi6ing Design :alue in Health 3acilities9. Arch. Darren Herr $ .on(ha Herr Hames Sharley Health Grou2$ Su*iaco$ Australia. Effective )a&our #elivery Room Space onfiguration for ,alaysian Hospitals. Arch. %or8ina )oh( %a8a8i 5nternational 5slamic +ni,ersity" )alaysia. Discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------@0.B0 - @@.00 hs. 1rea2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
*ess%on 8,
++-"" - +!-"" hs
Ne. Trends %n *o&u/%ons %n Ar$h%/e$/ura& 5es%(n res'onse /o d%fferen/ a''roa$hes and $ond%/%onsAdaptation and innovation in Hospital #esign9 A three year study. Arch. 'eter Scher %aculty of Art and #esign0 the ,anchester ,etropolitan 6niversity9 +nite( Hing(om. 0"roadening the Range of Health %acilities ! The Recovery Inn ,odel . Arch. .hon(a Herr$ Darren Herr Hames Sharley Health Grou2$ Su*iaco$ Australia. 0)e(i < DecE9 Arch. ?asiou Stefania ?hessaloniEi$ Greece. E,A%E ! entre of Am&ulatory ,edical Specialties 2 Santa %e. Arch. )ario Corea$ Sil,ana Co(ina$ 3rancisco Qui>ano$ #runo .einheimer .osario$ Santa 3e$ Argentina. The regeneration of a historical :;< th entre. 'rof. Arch. .omano Del %or( +ni,ersity of 3lorence$ 5taly. Discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------@A.30 - @B.00 hs. Lun$h ----------------------------------------------------------------------entury= >illa Ragionieri into an 4ncology
*ess%on <,
+4-"" - +5-45 hs
Ne. Trends %n *o&u/%ons %n Ar$h%/e$/ura& 5es%(n res'onse /o d%fferen/ a''roa$hes and $ond%/%ons3hat (ill happen in Hospitals during devastating earth'ua?e8 Dr. Pasushi %agasa8a$ Atuo HaEehi 3aculty of 1ngineering < HogaEuin +ni,ersity < +ni,ersity of ?oEio$ =a2/n. 5ttenO#rech*Sl 5nc.$ S8it6erlan( apacity Assessments for 5safe Hospitals5 in the *hilippines. Arch. 'ros2eri(a( Luis Luis and Associates Architects, Philippines %rom the Emergency #epartment to the underground shelter hospital needed in case of disaster. Arch. Hans 1ggen. Director (el Gru2o (e Salu( 'R*lica (e la +ni/n 5nternacional (e ArJuitectos +5A 'HG. Aged House in hina
Arch. Hai Du$ China. 3ill the oldies change the hospital8 Arch. 'eter Horneli$ 'eter Schmieg Germany 4&servations on teaching Architecture in e-treme conditions. Arch. 3ani :a,ili ?sniEa$ 1,e Do,a$ Hostis ;ungrinis$ :asilis 'a2a(iamanto2oulos Aristotle 6niversity School of Architecture of Thessaloni?i9 Greece. Discussion ----------------------------------------------------------------------@C.B0 - @L.00 hs. 1rea2
*ess%on 9,
+8-"" - +<-4" hs
Ne. Trends %n *o&u/%ons %n Ar$h%/e$/ura& 5es%(n res'onse /o d%fferen/ a''roa$hes and $ond%/%onsReshape a Healthcare ommunity. Arch. Gelun Gelun "ei@ing 6niversity of ivil Engineering A Architecture9 '. .. China. 0*lanning Health %acilities in the B;ST entury ! A voyage to(ards uncertainty *lanning. Dr. Arch. 1,angelos Chrysafi(es$ School of Architecture$ Aristotle +ni,ersity of ?hessaloniEi" Greece 0A ne8 Health Architecture in Cana(-. 5m2act of the Hos2ital 5nfections in the Hos2ital Architecture9 Arch. 'aul-An(r& ?&treault$ Cana(a. A revie( of recent hospital and health facility pro@ects in Southern Africa and the alignment of the infrastructure platform to the need for health services and availa&le resources. Arch. Geoffrey A**ott$ 'eta (e =ager Honorary )em*er an( 1F 'resi(ent of the 3e(eraci/n Su(africana (e 5ngenier7a Hos2italaria" 'retoria$ South Africa.
0%e8 ?ren(s in .esearch$ 1(ucation an( ?echnical Coo2eration9 'rof. Consulto Arch. Astri( #Tge(am (e De*uchy C5.3S 3AD+ +#A$ Centro (e 5n,estigaci/n (e .ecurso 37sico en Salu($ 3aculta( (e ArJuitectura$ DiseQo y +r*anismo$ +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires$ #uenos Aires Argentina. Discussion @U.30 - @U.BC hs. 3inal conclusions 'resentation of the 30th +5A 'HG Seminar A0@0 in )alaysia. Arch. %or8ina )oh( %a8a8i Closing Ceremony of the A9th +5A 'HG Seminar in #uenos Aires
PO*TER* Arch. Ana Carolina 'otier )en(es$ Lean(ro )e(rano$ #ra6il. Arch. Gusta,o Di Sal,o Hos2ital 'rof. Ale>an(ro 'osa(as$ Argentina. Arch. )ar7a ?eresa Alonso Argul 5ntersalus S.A. - S2ain 'rof. #as )olenaar Dor(recht$ ?he %etherlan(s. 1ng. Carlos ;scar Soler$ #uenos Aires$ Argentina Dr. .o*erto Siniscalchi$ 3ernan(a =ulio #ar*osa Cam2os$ #ol7,ar )oreira %eto$ Solange (e Sou6a Amaral$ Carlos Al*erto Durso Carneiro$ HW2ital (o Ser,i(or 'X*lico )unici2al$ Secretaria (e Salu($ San 'a*lo$ #ra6il. Arch. Sonia Ce(r&s (e #ello 5nstituto (e Desarrollo 1F2erimental (e la Construcci/n$ 3aculta( (e ArJuitectura y +r*anismo < +ni,ersi(a( Central (e :ene6uela$ :ene6uela. Arch. 1,elyn Lagos Heise Santiago (e Chile$ Chile. Arch. 'eta De =ager CS5. #uilt 1n,ironment +nit" 'retoria$ South Africa. 'rof. 1m&rito Dr. )ario )ariQo$ H&ctor 3errari$ Gerar(o ?om& Carrera (e 1s2eciali6aci/n en #io(iseQo y 'ro(uctos )ecatr/nicos$ 3aculta( (e ArJuitectura$ DiseQo y +r*anismo. +ni,ersi(a( (e #uenos Aires$ #uenos Aires$ Argentina. Arch. 'aula 3errara Centro (e Documentaci/n e 5n,estigaci/n (e la ArJuitectura 'R*lica CeD5A'!. Arch. %or8ina )oh( %a8a8i$ 5nternational 5slamic +ni,ersity" )alaysia Archs. )ario Corea$ Sil,ana Co(ina$ 3rancisco Qui>ano$ #runo .einheimer$ .osario$ Santa 3e$ Argentina. Arch. )ar7a ?eresa Alonso Argul 5ntersalus S.A.$ S2ain