Lecture - 2 - Anatomy and Human Skeleton
Lecture - 2 - Anatomy and Human Skeleton
Lecture - 2 - Anatomy and Human Skeleton
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!ecture010Anatom" and Human Skeleton
Human anatom" or ant+ropotom" is a special &ield 'it$in anato(). *t studies +ross
structures and s)ste(s o& t$e $u(an bod)! lea,in+ t$e stud) o& tissues to $istolo+) and cells to
c)tolo+). T$e $u(an bod)! li-e t$e bodies o& all ani(als! is (ade up o& s)ste(s t$at are (ade
up o& or+ans t$at are (ade up o& tissues t$at are (ade up o& cells.
Human oran s"stems2
1. Cardiovascular s"stem2 .lood circulations 'it$ $eart and blood ,essels.
2. Diestive s"stem2 #rocessin+ &ood 'it$ (out$! sto(ac$ and intestines.
3. *ndocrine s"stem2 Co((unicatin+ 'it$in t$e bod) usin+ $or(ones.
4. 3mmune s"stem2 /e&endin+ a+ainst disease0causin+ a+ents.
5. 3nteumentar" s"stem2 S-in! $air and nails.
. !"mp+atic s"stem2 Structures in,ol,ed in t$e trans&er o& l)(p$ bet'een tissues and
t$e bloodstrea(.
1. Muscular s"stem2 Mo,in+ t$e bod)
2. 4ervous s"stem2 Collectin+! trans&errin+ and processin+ in&or(ation 'it$ brain and
9. #eproductive s"stem2 T$e se3 or+ans
10. #espirator" s"stem2 T$e or+ans used &or breat$in+! t$e lun+s
11. Skeletal s"stem2 Structural support and protection t$rou+$ bones
12. ,rinar" s"stem2 T$e -idne)s and associated structures in,ol,ed in t$e production and
e3cretion o& urine
*/ternal bod" features2
Co((on na(es o& 'ell -no'n parts o& t$e $u(an bod)! &ro( top to botto(%
Fi2 Human 5od" Features
4ead 00 5ore$ead 00 6)e 00 6ar
7ec- 00 T$roat 00 "da(8s apple
"r( 00 6lbo' 00 Wrist 00 4and
Spine 00 C$est 00 .reast 00 Ribca+e
"bdo(en 00 .ell) button 00
4ip 00 .uttoc-s 00 Le+ 00 T$i+$
3nternal Orans
Co((on na(es o& internal or+ans 9in alp$abetical order:%
Structural support and protection t$rou+$ bones
T$e -idne)s and associated structures in,ol,ed in t$e production and
*/ternal bod" features2
Co((on na(es o& 'ell -no'n parts o& t$e $u(an bod)! &ro( top to botto(%
Fi2 Human 5od" Features
6ar 00 7ose 00 Mout$ 00 Ton+ue 00 Teet$ 00 ;a' 00 5ace
"da(8s apple 00 S$oulders
4and 00 5in+ers 00 T$u(b
Se3 or+ans 9#enis<Scrotu( or Clitoris<Va+ina: 00 Rectu(
T$i+$ 00 =nee 00 Cal& 00 4eel 00 "n-le 00 5oot 00 Toes
Co((on na(es o& internal or+ans 9in alp$abetical order:%
T$e -idne)s and associated structures in,ol,ed in t$e production and
5ace 00 C$ee- 00
Rectu( 00 "nus
>all bladder
Anatom" of t+e brain
"()+dala 00 .rainste( 00 Cerebellu( 00 Cerebral corte3 00 4)pot$ala(us 00 Li(bic s)ste( 00
(edulla00 (idbrain 00 #ituitar) +land 00 pons
Stud"in Human Anatom"
Certain pro&essions! especiall) (edicine and p$)siot$erap)! re@uire t$e stud) o& $u(an anato()
in dept$. Te3tboo-s usuall) split t$e bod) into t$e &ollo'in+ re+ional +roups%
Head and 4eck 0 includes e,er)t$in+ abo,e t$e t$oracic inlet
,pper limb 0 includes e,er)t$in+ &ro( )our $and! &orear(! ar(! s$oulder! a3illa! pectoral re+ion
and scapular re+ion.
T+ora/ 0 contains t$e re+ion o& t$e c$est &ro( t$e t$oracic inlet to t$e t$oracic diap$ra+(.
Abdomen 0 6,er)t$in+ &ro( t$e t$oracic diap$ra+( to t$e pel,ic bri( or to t$e pel,ic inlet.
T+e back 0 about t$e spine and its co(ponents! t$e inter,ertebral dis-s and bodies
(elvis and (erineum 0 t$e pel,is consists o& e,er)t$in+ &ro( t$e pel,ic inlet to t$e pel,ic
diap$ra+(. T$e perineu( is e,er)t$in+ belo' t$e pel,ic diap$ra+(.
!ower limb 0 t$e lo'er li(b is usuall) e,er)t$in+ belo' t$e in+uinal li+a(ent! includin+ t$e
t$i+$! t$e $ip Aoint! t$e le+! and t$e &oot.
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