The Man and The Reason
The Man and The Reason
The Man and The Reason
My dear gnostic brothers and sisters today we are going to study the man and the reason.
Most of the humans beings living in the world only possess the subjective rationalism and
they have not yet developed the Objective Reason. It is good to understand that the
subjective reason has its foundation in the sensual data and elaborates its concepts in
relation to the information received through the senses. It is urgent to understand that the
Objective Reason has as foundation the information that come from the Consciousness.
The subjective reason results very poor because is completely trapped by the five senses.
The concepts that are developed by the external sensorial perceptions are really poor; the
subjective rationalism cannot know anything about the Real, about the Mysteries of Life
and Death, about Truth.
If the concepts are elaborated only with the information received from the external
senses, undoubtedly we will be able to move only in a circle. This circle is a vicious one,
it is the three-dimensional Earth of Euclid.
How the subjective reason could know anything about the real if only knows which
belongs to the external senses? How could it know the Real? What could the subjective
reason know about the Mysteries of Life and Death, about the Soul and the Being?
Immanuel Kant, the philosopher of Konigsberg, clearly demonstrated that the subjective
reason cannot know anything about God or the Truth, and this is obvious. If the
rationalism of somebody is just based in the information received through the external
sensorial perceptions, then obviously all that information has to circulate in the field of
the five senses, it can never get out of that orbit.
If we want to know something beyond the five senses, something about the Truth and the
Mysteries of Life and Death, about what is beyond the three-dimensional region of
Euclid, it is clear that we must develop in our internal psychic constitution the Objective
Those that do not have the Objective Reason are only automatic machines that receive
and transmit planetary energies to the interior of Earth. Those who already have the
Objective Reason are not under this law and can become sacred individuals.
The Objective Reason has its foundation in the information that the Essence receives. It is
good to know that in the Essence are the particles of pain of our secret Father and that
when those particles are used, we can awake the Consciousness. In the Essence is the
religion, the Buddha's knowledge and all the necessary information to achieve the
Revolution of Consciousness.
The Man And The Reason Samael Aun Weor
The human personality normally does not understand the developed Objective Reason.
Those that do not have a developed Objective Reason are unable to understand the
information deposited in the Essence. It is convenient to know that the Objective Reason
is nourished with the Essence's informations and with the intuitive perceptions that come
from the superior worlds.
In ancient times, lemurian people used to have a developed Objective Reason. Many
people in Atlatis also had this kind of reason. The men of the Polar period and the
Hyperboreans obviously also had the Objective Reason.
It is lamentable that in this Era of Kali Yuga are just few those that have developed in
their inner nature the Objective Reason. The subjective rationalism is in fashion and
predominates in these times.
The subjective reason forms the Kalkian personalities. The pseudo occultists, pseudo
esoterists, pseudo scientists, etc., are the Kalkian personalities of these modern times
(with all different kinds of knowledge and silliness). Thewre have never been so much
darkness as in the Age of Kali Yuga.
The few that have developed the Objective Reason, in fact have access to the pure
science. They can distinguish between the pseudo science of Kali Yuga and the pure
science. These Kalkian personalities, these genius of the subjective rationalism have
never had access to the pure science.
One example of pure science in opposition to the ultra modern science is the following:
the scientists of the Babel tower, send into space spaceships badly manufactured that are
propelled by combustion.
Observing this situation through a logic comparison, we can see in one side the subjective
reason, the spaceship of the pseudo scientists and in the other hand the pure science and
the Objective Reason.
When one speaks about extraterrestrial spaceships that can travel from galaxy to galaxy
obviously there are many sceptics, but a celebrated doctor from NASA has already
studied one of those spaceships and have written a book about it. What we are saying
have a complete official confirmation.
The men of subjective rationalism have the pretension to invent a serum for long life, but
they have never managed to immortalize anyone. Famous men as Eisenhower and Stalin
and many others died surrounded by great scientists and doctors; these are the miracles of
the subjective rationalism.
In opposition, the men of the pure science, the great alchemists of the middle ages and of
all times, through the Philosophers' stone so badly understood by people of modern times,
managed to obtain the Elixir of long Life and with it they are able to live for millions of
years. What we are saying, naturally will make laugh the people of subjective
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rationalism. These people would never accept these affirmations, these type of ideas. We
truly need to get out of the mere subjective reasoning.
It is clear that we could not deny the seven different levels of Being, the seven different
type of people, the seven different type of men; using the word man in the first four cases
only in a conventional manner.
As there exist the Intellectual, Emotional, Motor, Instinctive and Sexual centers, so there
also exist different types of men. Some will have their center of gravity in the instinctive
center, others will have it in the motor-brain or motor center, others in the emotional
center and some in the intellectual center, etc.
There is not doubt that the person who is absolutely instinctive moves in a form that is
almost one-dimensional and that he goes from the pleasant to the unpleasant and that is
all. This class of people obviously do not like anything that could hurt their comfort, they
just want their agreeable pleasures.
We can find in the second level, the people purely emotional. These people clearly unfold
in the world of the inferior emotions. They do not understand reasoning, their life is
based in sensations.
The third class of people belong to the level of total intellectualism. They have their
center of gravity in the brain. They have in their intellect the subjective reason and have
not developed the Objective Reason. They want to relate everything to their universe of
syllogisms, to the inductive methods, to the analytical processes based exclusively in the
five senses.
They could never understand anything that is outside of the circle of subjective
conceptualism. Their reasoning is based in the information collected by the five senses,
that is to say, sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. All the information that arrive to their
intellect have for foundation the external senses. When any information arrives to the
intellectual center and it does not have external data, it is simply repelled because it has
not understood. It is not possible to these people to understand things that do not belong
to the intellect.
The fourth level of man is different. In the fourth level we find the perfect development
and harmonic equilibrium of all the centers. In the fourth level we find perfect harmony
and rhythmical concordance in the functions of the five centers of the human machine. In
order to arrive at the fourth level we have to develop the five centers totally. No one
could develop the five centers of the machine if he rejects all the activities that exist in
the world. All the things of the world are useful for the development of every part of the
centers. We must know that every center of the machine possesses different parts.
The sexual center works harmoniously and reaches its harmonious development through
the transmutation of the creative energies.
The Man And The Reason Samael Aun Weor
The instinctive center does not need any educative rule, it can educate itself because is
the one that keep us alive, it is the one that regulates all the activities of the organism and
direct them wisely. If we would want to teach the instinctive center, we can risk losing
life or catching any disease. We should remember that we could not have the heart, liver
or kidneys functions if we would not possess in our nature the instinctive center.
The emotional center can develop in its superlative form through the cultivation of the
arts. We can listen to Beethoven, Mozart or Liszt, to appraise the aesthetic beauty or learn
how to paint.
The intellectual center can be developed with the study of botany, astrology, medicine or
just with the study of the esotericism, etc.
Undoubtedly, no one could arrive at level three without having passed through the
intermediate levels. If someone is in the instinctive level and wishes to become a more
elevated man he must convert himself in an emotional man. He has to understand that all
his activities are absorbed in the instinctive center and that he just lives according with
the animal instincts. He will then understand all these things and later will develop in his
nature the emotional aspect.
So, then the first man is the man number one, the instinctive. The second one is the
emotional, the third one is the intellectual.
******Whoever wanted to fix his center of gravity in the intellect, would have to
analyze, to understand and once has developed these three centers we must equilibrate
ourselves harmoniously. When someone analyses carefully the five centers of the human
machine he can understand that the Tower of Babel is formed by the men number one,
two and three. In this tower exists the confusion of languages and no one understand no
one, here are created the wars and all the conflicts of the human species are formed.
Observe carefully the activities of the human race, observe the wars and the problem of
all kind. It is logical that in the Tower of Babel the problems of all humanity are forged.
Beyond this tower there is the man of the fourth level, are the people who already have
the five centers of the organic machine in complete balance, are those who no longer
have their center of gravity fixed only in the intellect, or in the emotional, or exclusively
in the question of the instinctive.
The men of the fourth level try to find, they want to know something more, they need to
enquire, to investigate, they aspire to know the meaning of life. They have the feeling that
The Man And The Reason Samael Aun Weor
life must have some significance and in their yearns they want to know. They do not
conform with the intellectual concepts, it is not enough for them, are people that try to
find here, there and everywhere. The men of the fourth level are a hope for the future.
There also exist the people of the fifth level; they are few but they exists. The men of the
fifth level have given themselves the luxury of crystallize for their personal use an Astral
body. Undoubtedly the crystallization of an Astral body is a luxury reserved for a few
It is not urgent to have an Astral body in order to live. The physical body has a vital
organic foundation. Clearly it possesses in itself all the principles that we need to exists.
The Astral body is different. A person knows he has an Astral body when he can use it
like his hands or his feet, when he can travel with this vehicle out of the physical body,
when he can transport himself to any place of the earth or of the infinite.
To forme an Astral body, we need to transmute the Exiohehari, the sacred sperm into
creative energy. This energy is the famous sexual hydrogen SI-12. When this hydrogen
become crystallized in our cells and in the interior of our organism, it takes the
marvellous and extraordinary figure of the Astral body.
We want to emphasise that this sidereal vehicle also has its own blood and functions.
This blood is the Hambledzoid of the Being. The particles of Hambledzoid are contained
in the blood of the physical body. The Hambledzoid of the Being is elaborated with the
magnetic vibrations that come from the planets of the solar system; these magnetic
vibrations are assimilated by us through the respiration and the pores. It pass through
different combinations in our interior and in the end is transformed into the famous
Hambledzoid of the Being that is contained in the veins of the sidereal vehicle. But as I
said, we first have to form an Astral body.
Too many pseudo occultists and pseudo esoterists believe that they have this vehicle but
are mistaken. The one that has arrived to the perfect awakening of Consciousness can
verify personally that the majority of humanity do not possess this vehicle and that are
only a few those who really have it.
I am talking in a simple form to those that are listening. I can tell them that those that do
not have this vehicle yet, when out their body they look like ghosts, but those that possess
the sidereal vehicle, when out of their body they have a clear an definite personality. So,
it is marvellous to create the Astral body.
The men of the fifth level have had to fight very much to create this vehicle. I repeat,
only through the transmutation of the sacred sperm it is possible to create this ve hicle.
The Astral body in itself is a precious organism regulated by 24 laws. Whoever has the
luxury of creating this sidereal vehicle needs to feed it. Only through the transmutation of
the Hydrogen 48 it is possible to feed this vehicle. All the external impressions if they are
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properly transmuted by us will be converted into Hydrogen 24, and this hydrogen
properly transmuted by us will be transformed into Hydrogen 23 that serves to feed the
Astral body. The external sensorial impressions are Hydrogen 48 and we have explained
this already.
A person can transmute the Hydrogen 48 into Hydrogen 24. When someone learns to
check the mechanical reactions he is transmuting the Hydrogen 48 into 24. To learn to
receive with placer the unpleasant manifestations of our life is the key to transmute the
Hydrogen 48 into 24; to overcome the temptations provided by the sensorial world, by
the physical world is the system to transform the Hydrogen 48 into 24; never react with
violence in the process of the impacts provided by the external world, it is also a way to
transform the Hydrogen 48 into 24, etc., etc., etc.
Beyond the people of the fifth level are those that belong to the sixth level. We
understand for men of the sixth level those who have developed in themselves the
Objective Reason, those who possess an individual Mental body. The mistake of so many
pseudo occultists and pseudo esoterists is precisely to believe that all people have a
Mental body. Whoever has awaken completely in the Superior Worlds of Cosmic
Consciousness can evidence in a direct way with the Spatial sense the crude reality that
people do not have a Mental body. Really only the men of the sixth level are the ones
who possess this body, the Mental body, the body of the Objective Reason. This body is
something marvellous.
People do not have just one mind, they have too many minds. Every psychological defect
we have in our interior is personified by an "I." Evidently we have too many "I's" and
each one of these has its individual criterion, its own manner of work. Each one of the
"I's" that live in our interior is like a different person. Now you will understand why we
make a clear and emphasise the fact that the human being is just a machine, we will also
understand why there are so many contradictions in every person.
He who swears eternal love to his partner is the same person who later says he does not
have any relation with such an oath. There is the other "I" who swears loyalty to the
Gnosis and another who has not interest in the gnosis at all. All of these "I's" possess its
own mind. So in every person there are so many minds as "I's" exists.
Only those that have made the Mental body posses individual minds. This body is
elaborated, it is crystallized by the transmutation of the sacred sperm. Those who have
reached level number six obviously had to create for themselves the Mental body. This
vehicle is feed by the Hydrogen 12. When we learn to transmute the impressions of the
physical world, we create the Hydrogen 12 that feed the Mental body. However possesses
the Mental body, can use this body to travel from planet to planet; also possesses the
Objective Reason.
Far beyond the man of the sixth level is the man number seven. It is the Causal man, the
man that has made the body of Conscious Will, the Causal body; is an authentic man.
The Man And The Reason Samael Aun Weor
Now many esoterists will understand why we emphasise clearly that the Causal world is
the world of the Grand White Lodge. That lodge is the real religion of man, is the temple
of the Occult fraternity. The Masters of the Grand White Lodge have their center of
gravity firmly established in the Causal world and from there thy project themselves to
the mental or astral or physical world. So the man of the seventh level is the Causal man,
the true and authentic man.
To forme the Causal body we have to transmute the sacred sperm. Just as it is possible to
create the Mental body with the manipulation of the Sexual Hydrogen Si- 12, this body
feeds itself with the Hydrogen 6. It is clear that the left over of the Hydrogen 12 that
served to feed the Mental body is transformed into Hydrogen 6 which goes to feed the
Causal body.
So, in the World of the Natural Causes we find the authentic men, the real men. They
work in those regions helping humanity. From there they project themselves to the
diverse worlds helping the suffering people and working in favour of the Grand Cause.
The Causal man has incarnated in himself his psychic and spiritual principles. The man
number seven is the authentic man, the man that has got Soul, he who possesses spirit and
who has the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. That man can truly incarnate
The Nahuatl traditions say that gods made the men of wood and after having created
them, they fused with the divinity. They also affirm in the old Mexican codices that not
all the men achieved the fusion with the divinity. Therefore, it is urgent to understand that
in order to be a true man we have to have created the Superior Existential Bodies of the
Being; but really that is not all.
Those that do not fuse themselves with their Inner Logoi, with their internal divinity, will
fall. They will have to involutionate through the submerged worlds until the Second death
is fulfilled; then they will begin a new evolutive journey.
So, it is not enough to create the men. It is necessary to achieve the integration with the
divine and that is very important. When a man does not fuse with divinity he becomes a
Hanassmussin with a double center of gravity and those Hanasmussins have involutionate
The first one are those who just possess the physical body; are those dedicated to evil.
The Ego elaborates in them certain substances that make of them Hanasmussins. Usually
they are people dedicated to black magic; fortunately this kind of Hanasmussins are
mortals. They do not possess the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.
Whoever has not created an Astral body, after death is not more than a legion of devils, a
heap of "I's" that function here and there. They move in all directions, they do not have
The Man And The Reason Samael Aun Weor
an authentic existence. They are people that do not have immortality. When these "I's"
return, they form a new personality.
Whoever possesses an Astral body is different. Although they have achieved the
immortality they are devoted to black magic. These are the Hansmussins of second type.
If these Hanasmussins in new existences do not eliminate that something fatal that make
them to be Hanasmussins, then they will have to return in animal organisms and
involutionate in animal bodies until that something fatal is eliminated.
The third type of Hanasmussins are those who created the Superior existential Bodies of
the Being. They are real man in the most complete sense of the word but they did not
dissolve the Ego and went through the way of darkness. These Hanasmussins if do not
eliminate that something fatal of Hanasmussin, will have to involutionate inside of the
Earth, in the infernal worlds until the Second Death.
Finally, there exists the fourth kind of Hanasmussin. This is formed for those that
achieved the states of Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues,Thrones,
Cherubs, etc. etc., etc. If they do not eliminate that something of Hanasmussins, that fatal
breath formed by the black magic or sorcery, they will have to go through the involution
within the entrails of the earth until the Second Death.
This is what Dante wrote about in the Divine Comedy. Concrete example of this last kind
of Hanasmussins we have it in the following personages: Andramelek, Moloch,
Nahemah, Lilith, etc. These creatures arrived at superior angelic states. Moloch for
example, was a Throne and now is an inhabitant of the Infernal worlds, he is a
Hanasmussin in the most complete sense of the word; he belongs to the fourth kind of
So, a Hanasmussins is not more than a failure of the Cosmic Mother, an abortion of the
Divine Mother.
Whoever is creating the Superior Existential bodies of the Being and do not want to
convert himself into a Hanasmussin will have to fight against themselves to eliminate the
inhuman elements that are loaded in the interior. This means the elimination of the
psychological "I," to reduce to cosmic dust all those elements that constitute the Ego, the
"I," the myself, so we can save ourselves from the danger of being converted into a
Hanasmussin with a double center of gravity.