The Ten Absences, or The State of Non-Meditation of The Ten Natures
The Ten Absences, or The State of Non-Meditation of The Ten Natures
The Ten Absences, or The State of Non-Meditation of The Ten Natures
___________________________________________________________________ 1. There is no view on which one h s !o "e#i! !e. $. There is no %S " & % one h s !o 'ee(. ). There is no c ( ci!& *or s(iri!+ , c!ion !h ! one h s !o see'. -. There is no " n# , !h ! one h s !o cre !e. .. There is no ini!i !ion/e"(ower"en! !h ! one h s !o receive. 0. There is no ( !h one h s !o !re #. 1. There re no ,eve,s o* re ,i2 !ion one h s !o chieve !hro+3h (+ri*ic !ion. 4. There is no con#+c! one h s !o #o(! or b n#on. 5. Fro" !he be3innin3 se,*- risen wis#o" h s been *ree o* obs! c,es. 16. Se,* 7er*ec!ion is be&on# ho(e or *e r.
1. On !he 8iew S " n! bh #r n# S !!v v 9r con!in+e :!heir: #isco+rse;
S " n! bh #r ; %The !e chers o* !he !hree #i"ensions, "& e" n !ions, !e ch "e!ho#s o* conce(!+ , "e#i! !ion !o !hose invo,ve# in conce(!+ , ch r c!eris!ics. <The sr v ' s= !e ch "e#i! !ion on !he c ," s! !e, <!he (r !&e' b+##h s,= !h ! on !he #ee( s! !e. >s " !h n# vi( s& n , res(ec!ive,&?. <The @o#his !!v s= !e ch "e#i! !ion on !he bsence o* i#en!i!& !h ! re(resen!s !he +nion o* c ," s! !e n# #ee( vision. <Fo,,owers o* 'ri& =, h vin3 s !heir b sis !he conce(! o* (+ri!&, vis+ ,i2e <!he"se,ves n# !he #ei!& s= serv n! n# ,or#. <Fo,,owers o* +bh & =, h vin3 s !heir b sis !he se( r !ion o* view n# con#+c!, bi#e in "e#i! !ion in or#er !o chieve +nion. <Fo,,owers o* &o3 =, on !he b sis o* !he s! !e !h ! !r nscen#s ch r c!eris!ics, bi#e in "e#i! !ion en#owe# wi!h ch r c!eris!ics. <Fo,,owers o* M h &o3 =, h vin3 s !heir b sis !he (+ri!& o* !heir own "in#, bi#e in r #i !ion n# re- bsorb!ion o* !he !hree <con!e"(, !ions=. <Fo,,owers o* n+&o3 =, " in,& h vin3 s !heir b sis !he (+ri!& o* c +se n# e**ec!, bi#e in con!e"(, !ion o* ,i3h!. A,, !hese re conce(!+ , "e#i! !ions n# #o no! re(resen! "& !e chin3. This is "& !e chin3. A,, is con!e"(, !ion o* !he (+ri!& o* !he +nborn, whe!her or no! one "e#i! !es. A,, !he (heno"en o* eAis!ence re !he %ob9ec!% o* "e#i! !ion wi!ho+! bein3 con#i!ione# b& ( r!ic+, r "e!ho#. Be vin3 !he" *ree,& s !he& re is "e#i! !ionC Bis!enC As !hese secre! ins!r+c!ions on %non-"e#i! !ion% re*er !o !he !r+e "e nin3 !h ! !r nscen#s wor#s n# #e*ini!ions, in re ,i!& !he D+n9e# E& ,(os o*
!he ( s! h ve never ! +3h! n&!hin3, !he D+n9e# E& ,(os o* !he *+!+re wi,, never !e ch n&!hin3, n# !he s "e ((,ies !o !he D+n9e# E& ,(os o* !he (resen!. Bis!enC The s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, !r ns"i!s !he *+n# "en! , "e nin3 (recise,&. S(e 'in3 o* "e#i! !in3 or no! "e#i! !in3 in re3 r# !o !he *+n# "en! , "e nin3 !h ! !r nscen#s ,, **ir" !ions n# ne3 !ions is ,i'e *i3h!in3 3 ins! !he irC The s! !e in which !here is no #is!r c!ion *ro" 'now,e#3e c nno! be #e*ine# s ei!her %concre!e% or %no! concre!e.% As i! <!his= !r nscen#s ,, ,i"i!s n# !he ver& conce(! o* %be&on# ,i"i!s,% i! c nno! be con*ine# wi!hin !he < n&= ,i"i!e# #e*ini!ion o* %"e#i! !in3% or %no! "e#i! !in3.% Bis!enC F+s! s *or "e, !he !e cher o* !e chers, !he s+(re"e so+rce, i! is i"(ossib,e !o +se #e*ini!ions o* %"e#i! !in3% or %no! "e#i! !in3,% so &o+ !oo, S !!v v 9r , n# &o+ (r c!i!ioners bi#in3 in !he !r+e "e nin3, !r& !o be in !his s! !eC Bis!enC The s+(re"e so+rce, !he !e cher o* !he !hree !i"es, h s never #e*ine# !he s! !e o* (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, s &in3, %I! is !h+sC% I! is no! #oin3 so now, n# never wi,, #o soC Ghen one +n#ers! n#s !h ! !here is no view on which !o "e#i! !e, ,!ern !in3 be!ween %"e#i! !ion n# non-"e#i! !ion beco"es #evi !ion. Ghen one re ,i2es !he s+(re"e +nborn s! !e, !here is no ,on3er even !he conce(! o* errin3 n# no! errin3. HH[71. The chapter on the inseparability of view and state of knowledge,^^ 228.5 2!".#$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. %n &o''it'ent >%The S+(re"e So+rce%, (3s. $15-$$6? As ,on3 s !he& re" in on !he ( !h o* conce(!+ , ch r c!eris!ics, !he !e chers o* !he !hree #i"ensions, "& e" n !ions, #is!in3+ish be!ween %'ee(in3% n# %no! 'ee(in3% <!he co""i!"en!=, n# in conseI+ence !he& !e ch !h ! i! is necess r& !o observe !he " in n# secon# r& r+,es. Bis!enC Fro" !he be3innin3 I, !he s+(re"e so+rce, " !he n !+r , con#i!ion, n# s !his n !+re !r nscen#s !he #+ ,is" o* s+b9ec! n# ob9ec!, whoever +n#ers! n#s ,, (heno"en in !his " nner #oes no! even *or" !he i#e o* 'ee(in3 or no! 'ee(in3. Bis!enC I " !he so+rce, +n ,!ere# (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, I #o no! #e(en# on n!i#o!es n# #o no! 3ive bir!h !o !he consi#er !ion o* n ob9ec!. The co""i!"en! o* !he se,*- risin3 n# se,*-(er*ec!e# s! !e o* (+re (resence c nno! be bre che# or # " 3e#. Th+s, i! is no! so"e!hin3 one h s !o 3+ r# in!en!ion ,,&. On,& +!hen!ic (+re (resence, +n ,!ere# b& conce(!+ , i#e s, 3ives ccess !o !he *+n# "en! , "e nin3. As in !he +nborn s! !e o* conscio+sness #h r" ' & h s on,& one ! s!e, I !r nscen# !he ,i"i! o* %en!erin3% or %no! en!erin3% i!. Bis!enC S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he !r+e s! !eC Un,ess !he secre! s! !e o* (+re (resence, !he *+n# "en! , essence, rises, !hen even n eA(er! in wor#s n# #e*ini!ions wi,, no! "ee! "& !e chin3.
Fro" !he be3innin3, !his s+(re"e s! !e, in which !here is no <co""i!"en!= !o 'ee(, (erv #es ever&!hin3 wi!ho+! nee#in3 !o be 3+ r#e#; +n,ess one 3 ins eA(erience, n& o!her w & o* 'ee(in3 <!he co""i!"en!= beco"es n inc+r b,e #ise seC Bis!enC This is !he co""i!"en! o* "& s! !e; !hro+3h +n#is!r c!e# (resence, wi!ho+! nee#in3 !o " 'e n& ,!er !ion, ,, " !eri , (heno"en " ni*es! n !+r ,,& s wis#o". Ghen one " s!ers (+re (resence, !he ,i"i! o* 'ee(in3 or no! 'ee(in3 is !r nscen#e#. Ghen ,, (heno"en o* eAis!ence re " s!ere# !hro+3h c, ri!& s !he se,*- risin3 essence, one is be&on# !he conce(!s o* 'now,e#3e n# i3nor nce re3 r#in3 !he !o! , " ni*es! !ion o* !he s+(re"e so+rceC <...= I " !he s+(re"e so+rce, (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, n# s I !r nscen# ,, sser!ions n# ne3 !ions, I #o no! !hin' o* n&!hin3 n# #o no! "e#i! !e on n&!hin3C I #o no! correc! bo#&, voice, or "in#; I ,e! !he" re, A. I #o no! #iscern (, ne!s, cons!e,, !ions, (ro(i!io+s # !es n# !i"es. I #o no! vis+ ,i2e n&!hin3, nor #o I +se "+#r s or " n!r s. The so+rce, which is (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, #oes no! 'now !he bo+n# r& be!ween 'ee(in3 n# no! 'ee(in3 <!he co""i!"en!=C ^^[72. The chapter that de'onstrates that one cannot deviate fro' view and 'editation,^^ 2!".7 2!2.2( 2!2.# 2!2.)$ !. %n the &apacity for *pirit+al ,ction -.The *+pre'e *o+rce., pgs. 22" 221/ I " !he s+(re"e so+rce, n# s "& s! !e !r nscen#s ob9ec!i*ic !ion b& !ho+3h!, i! c nno! ! ,, beco"e so"e!hin3 on which !o "e#i! !e. Bis!enC Jonscio+sness is !he essence o* !he +!hen!ic con#i!ion, n# I h ve never correc!e# !his con#i!ion. @ein3 se,*- risin3, I h ve nei!her c +ses nor con#i!ions, so ,e ve bo#&, voice, n# "in# in !he re, Ae# s! !e, wi!ho+! s!rivin3C Fo,,owers o* "e!ho#s !ie# !o e**or! #o no! "ee! "e, !he so+rce. Bis!enC As "& c ( ci!& *or s(iri!+ , c!ion 'nows no #oin3, I #o no! 3e! invo,ve# in !he e**or! o* c!ivi!ies. H vin3 no i", I #o no! 3ive bir!h !o !he consi#er !ion o* %"e#i! !in3.% As !his s! !e is be&on# +ion n# se( r !ion, " in! in i!s (resence wi!ho+! *or3e!*+,nessC Ghen !ho+3h!s " ni*es! s !he +nborn, wi!ho+! #oin3 n&!hin3 one cco"(,ishes ,, !he c!ions. Bis!enC I " !he !e cher, !he s+(re"e so+rce, n# even !ho+3h I h ve cre !e# ,, !he s(iri!+ , c!ions o* !he b+##h s, !he !r+!h is, se,*- risin3 wis#o" bein3 (er*ec! wi!ho+! !he nee# !o c!, !he n !+r , con#i!ion h s never c!e#. Re" in in !he +n ,!ere# n !+r , con#i!ionC Ghen "in# n# "en! , even!s rise in !his +n ,!ere# n !+r , con#i!ion, !h ! is !he s! !e o* !he en,i3h!ene# onesK i* one h s !he c ( ci!& !o re" in in !he +nborn, ,, i#e s !ie# !o c!ion n# e**or! c n be overco"e.
S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he n !+r , con#i!ionC N !+r ,,& n# +n#is!r c!e#,& " in! inin3 !he view !h ! ,iber !es !ho+3h!s in !heir ver& con#i!ion, one overco"es c!ion n# e**or!. In !his w & ,, !h ! rises ,iber !es i!se,* in i!se,*. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he n !+r , con#i!ionC Do no! correc! !he bo#&, #o no! con!ro, !he senses, #o no! c+rb !he voice; !here is no c!ion wh !soever !o #o. Gherever "in# !+rns, ,e ve i! in !he +n(er!+rbe# s! !eC EA(eriencin3 !his s(iri!+ , c ( ci!& which !r nscen#s c!ion, even wi!ho+! c!in3 ! ,, one chieves ,, 3o ,s. Bis!enC In his !o! , b,iss o* !he n !+r , s! !e which !r nscen#s e**or!, #o no! en3 3e bo#&, voice, or "in#, #o no! correc! !he" nor #irec! !he" !ow r#s 3o ,. Do no! 3e! s!+c' in n& i#e , ,e ve si#e ,, conce(!s; re" in in !he b,iss o* se,*risin3 wis#o". 7recise,& !his is !he s! !e o* se,*- risin3 c,e r ,i3h!, !he c ( ci!& *or s(iri!+ , c!ion o* !he s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he n !+r , con#i!ionC In or#er !o cce#e !o !he +n ,!ere# n !+r , s! !e, !here is no nee# o* ,o3ic nor n!i#o!es !o correc! n&!hin3. Re" in in 'now,e#3e wi!ho+! ,!erin3 n&!hin3C Bis!enC This n !+r , c!ivi!& which !r nscen#s c!ions is no! cco"(,ishe# !hro+3h e**or! o* bo#&, voice, or "in#. Ghen one is in !his s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce, i!s c ( ci!& *or s(iri!+ , c!ion " ni*es!s ,re #& se,*-(er*ec!e#C ^^[7!. The chapter that de'onstrates how to abide in the condition .as it is. witho+t acting^^ and seeking, $)).1-$)-.1= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. On !he M n# , S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he n !+r , con#i!ionC I, !e cher o* !e chers, !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e ch !h ! !he essence c nno! be cre !e#; !his "e ns !h ! !he n !+r , con#i!ion !r nscen#s !he #is!inc!ion be!ween cen!r , <#ei!&= n# secon# r& <#ei!ies o* !he " n# , =. Bis!enC Ghen one c,e r,& " s!ers !he s+(re"e s! !e o* (+re (resence, !he s+(re"e wis#o" o* +n#ers! n#in3 en b,es !he ob! in"en! o* !he essence !h ! !r nscen#s ,, e**or!. 7recise,& !his is !he " n# , o* !he s+(re"e so+rce. Bis!enC Here is how !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, " ni*es!s !he essence in !he " n# , o* !he @o#&; ,, visib,e (heno"en bi#e in !he +nborn +,!i" !e #i"ension. As !he essence is be&on# cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3, <!he " n# , o* !he @o#&= " ni*es!s *ro" "e, !he so+rce. Bis!enC Here is how !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, " ni*es!s !he essence in !he " n# , o* !he 8oice; ,, +#ib,e (heno"en bi#e in !he 8oice !h ! iss+es *ro" !he +nborn +,!i" !e #i"ension n# c!+ ,,& re !he essence o* !he 8oice !h ! !r nscen#s eA(, n !ion. Th+s <!he " n# , o* !he 8oice,= !oo, " ni*es!s *ro" "e, !he so+rce. Bis!enC Here is how !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, " ni*es!s !he essence in !he " n# , o* (+re (resence; ,, !ho+3h!s n#
conce(!s re reco3ni2e# s !he +nborn s+(re"e so+rce i!se,*. The @o#&, 8oice, n# Min# o* !he s+(re"e so+rce re !he !hree " n# , s o* !he +n ,!ere# n !+r , con#i!ion. Un#ers! n#in3 !h ! !he& re ins! n! neo+s,& (er*ec!e# wi!ho+! nee#in3 !o be cre !e#, one cce#es !o !he *+n# "en! , "e nin3 o* se,*-(er*ec!ion. S !!v v 9r , eA(erienceC I* &o+ re" in in !his s+(re"e " n# , o* !he se,*- risin3 essence, " in! inin3 !he n !+r , con#i!ion n# re, Ain3 bo#&, voice, n# "in#, &o+ wi,, be in "& s! !eC The D+n9e# E& ,(os o* !he ( s! cco"(,ishe# !heir i"s re" inin3 in !he n !+r , con#i!ionK !he s "e ((,ies !o !he (resen! D+n9e# E& ,(os n# !o !hose !o co"e in !he *+!+re. <7#. The chapter that de'onstrates how to abide in the f+nda'ental 'ean ing, $)..$-$)0..= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. %n 0nitiation S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he n !+r , con#i!ionC Ghen one c,e r,& " s!ers !he s+(re"e s! !e o* (+re (resence, one no ,on3er #e(en#s on ini!i !ion in!o sens !ion o* b,iss !ie# !o conce(!+ , ch r c!eris!ics. Ghen +n#ers! n#in3 rises, one re" ins n !+r ,,& in !he non-conce(!+ , s! !e. Bis!enC In !he (+re (resence !h ! rises *!er h vin3 receive# !he e"(ower"en! o* !he s+(re"e so+rce, " !eri , (heno"en " ni*es! con!in+o+s,& s !he +n ,!ere# n !+r , s! !e. This is !he s+(re"e ( !h !o nirv n !h ! #oes no! #e(en# on c +ses n# circ+"s! nces. Bis!enC This s! !e o* !he <s+(re"e= so+rce in which (+re (resence ho,#s sw & c nno! be eA(resse# in wor#s n# !r nscen#s ob9ec!i*ic !ion b& !he "in#K i! ((e ses ,, !ho+3h!s n# c nno! be conce(!+ ,i2e#K i! is ,,-(erv #in3 ,i'e !he s'& n# c nno! be con*ine# wi!hin ,i"i!e# s( ce. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he n !+r , con#i!ionC Ghen one !r nscen#s <!he #+ ,i!& o*= "e#i! !in3 n# non-"e#i! !in3, !here is no ,on3er ei!her !he wish !o en!er !he s! !e o* "e#i! !ion nor worr& bo+! ,e vin3 i!, so one "+s! no! h ve !he i#e o* %en!erin3% !he s! !e o* eI+ ,i!& or o* "e#i! !in3 on i!. Gi!ho+! nee#in3 !o receive n ini!i !ion or !o ob! in si##hi, wi!ho+! ,!erin3 n&!hin3, one bi#es in !he s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce. Bis!enC I " !he !e cher s+(re"e so+rce, !he se,*- risin3 essence !h ! is no! so"e!hin3 on which !o "e#i! !e; !he c, ri!& o* wis#o" c nno! be chieve# b& e**or!. <1.. The chapter on the power of p+re instantaneo+s presence, $)1.$-$)1.)K $)1..-$)4.1= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------). %n the 1ath
S !!v v 9r , ,is!enC Now, wi!ho+! #is!r c!ion, eA(erience +n#ers! n#in3 o* !he sin3,e sh(ere o* &o+r +nborn "in#C Si"i, r !o !he s'&, !he ( !h o* !he *+n# "en! , essence o* !he nonconce(!+ , s! !e is ,,-(erv #in3. Th+s !here eAis!s no!hin3 o!her !h n !he +nborn !h ! is no! ,re #& "e#i! !ion. As i! !r nscen#s ob9ec!i*ic !ion b& n ,&sis, !his essence c nno! be !he ! r3e! o* conce(!s. As i! is no! !he 3o , o* (rocess, !his essence !h ! !r nscen#s conce(!+ , ch r c!eris!ics c nno! be re che# b& *o,,owin3 3r #+ , ( !h. Re" inin3 in !he b,iss o* !he non-conce(!+ , s! !e, wi!ho+! *o,,owin3 3r #+ , ( !h or !r inin3 !o !! in !he v rio+s ,eve,s, one re ,i2es se,*-(er*ec!ion. Bis!enC This ( !h o* !he s+(re"e so+rce re" ins ever !he s "e in !he +,!i" !e #i"ension o* eAis!ence; !h+s i! is no! so"e!hin3 !h ! nee#s !o be !ro##en. Ghen one is ,w &s !o3e!her wi!h !he *+n# "en! , essence, !here c nno! n& ,on3er be #is!r c!ion. As ever&!hin3 is ,re #& +ni*ie# in !he sin3,e s(here, !here is no (, ce !o re ch. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !his re ,i!&C Un,ess &o+ eA(erience !he s! !e o* %non-"e#i! !ion% !hen even "e#i! !in3 *or h+n#re#s o* ' ,( s on !he b sis o* conce(!+ , ch r c!eris!ics, &o+ wi,, no! +n#ers! n# "& s! !e. The s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce !r nscen#s ,, !he ch r c!eris!ics o* !he ob9ec! o* !ho+3h!s; !o *in# onese,* in wh ! is no! s+b9ec! !o c!ion, !here is no nee# !o (er*or" n& c!ion. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience we,, !he !r+e s! !eC I, !he !e cher, s+(re"e so+rce, h ve 3+i#e# ,, !he @+##h s o* !he !hree !i"es, so now &o+ !oo *o,,ow "& ( !h we,,C The @+##h s o* !he ( s! h ve *o,,owe# !he +nborn ( !h, s wi,, !he @+##h s o* !he *+!+re, n# i! is (recise,& in !he +nborn !h ! !he @+##h s o* !he (resen! bi#e. Th+s !he s+(re"e so+rce is !he +nivers , ( !hC BISTENC Fro" !he *irs! "o"en!, (r c!i!ioners who en!er !his ( !h n# "e#i! !e < ccor#in3 !o i!= *in# !he"se,ves on !he ,eve, o* !he En,i3h!ene# Ones wi!ho+! !heir !ho+3h!s 3e!!in3 !! che# !o !he s! !e o* 'now,e#3e n# wi!ho+! +(ho,#in3 ,i"i!e# (osi!ion. The *+n# "en! , ( !h is be&on# <!he conce(! o*= %en!erin3% n# %no! en!erin3% on ( !h. BISTENC The "o"en! !he& receive !r ns"ission o* 'now,e#3e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce, (r c!i!ioners who h ve !he c ( ci!& !o cce#e ins! n! neo+s,& !o !he n !+r , s! !e re b,e !o " in! in !he (resence o* "ove"en! o* !ho+3h!s n# !o beco"e * "i,i r wi!h i!. Asi#e *ro" !his !here is no!hin3 !o "e#i! !e on nor s! !e !o en!er; !e ch !h+sC Bis!enC I " !he !e cher, !he so+rce, (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness; ,, cre !e# (heno"en iss+e *ro" (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness n# re (recise,& !he ( !h ,e #in3 !o !he +nborn n !+re o* "in#. @+! !he ( !h !o !he h ((iness o* !he +nborn is no! so"e!hin3 !h ! c n be %en!ere#.% @& beco"in3 * "i,i r wi!h i!, !he *or!+n !e @o#his !!v s who
'now !his ( !h +n#ers! n# !he *+n# "en! , essence be&on# !re #in3 ( !h n# be&on# I+es! s+ch !h ! !he& no ,on3er h ve n& #o+b!s bo+! !he s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce. <7). The chapter on how to abide on the path of the f+nda'ental essence, 2!2.! 2#".1( 2#".2 2#1.2$ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7. %n the 3evels of 4eali5ation BISTENC Even i* !he !e chers o* !he !hree #i"ensions s(e ' o* #iverse ,eve,s o* re ,i2 !ion, !he ,eve, o* !he s+(re"e so+rce h s no s! 3es. On !he o!her h n#, wh ! !he& !e ch !heir #isci(,es is (recise,& !he #i**erence be!ween one s! 3e o* re ,i2 !ion n# no!her. BISTENC < n# ,oo'C= The s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, !e ches !his; here is nei!her n& hin#er nce nor n& #i**erence o* n& ,eve, - *or !hose who +n#ers! n# !his essence n# !his "e!ho# o* !his +nborn n !+re o* eI+ ,i!&. <C= M& <:O+r:/This/S+ch= n !+re is no! so"e!hin3 ,i"i!e# b& !he !hree !i"es !h ! c n be en!ere# n# eAi!e#, nei!her c n <!his= beco"e < n&= ob9ec! o* !ho+3h!. This c nno! be s+b9ec!e# !o n& ( r!i , view(oin! nor so+3h! s n ob9ec! wi!h s(eci*ic ch r c!eris!ics. This is !he !r+e s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rceC Bis!enC M& s! !e c nno! be *o+n# !hro+3h in#ic !ions b& wor#s or scri(!+res, nor c n i! be es! b,ishe# !hro+3h ,o3ic , 9+s!i*ic !ions or #e*ini!ions. Never h vin3 been born, <s+ch= c nno! ce se. <This= c n nei!her be incre se# nor #i"inishe#. <S+ch= is no! en#owe# wi!h conce(!+ , ch r c!eris!ics, b+! no! even !his re*+! !ion c n #e*ine i!. Bis!enC As I, !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, e"(ower ,, !he (heno"en o* eAis!ence in !he n !+re o* !he +nborn, when one chieves +n#ers! n#in3, ever&!hin3 beco"es in!e3r !e# in !his s! !e. The *+n# "en! , essence o* non-"e#i! !ion is " in! inin3 +n#is!r c!e# (resence; !his is !he secre! ins!r+c!ionC This s+(re"e so+rce, (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, #oes no! #erive *ro" eA(, n !ions n# verses <o* !he scri(!+res=, nor #oes i! #e(en# on h vin3 or no! h vin3 "e#i! !e#. <S+ch= !r+e essence !r nscen#s ,, " n!r s n# "+#r s. Bis!enC Those who *o,,ow !he ,eve, I !e ch wi,, *ree !he"se,ves o* cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3. @ein3 in !he ,,-(erv #in3 s! !e *ree o* #irec!ions, !he& wi,, overco"e !he ,i"i! o* %bi3 n# s" ,,.% Abi#in3 in !he !r+e #i"ension o* (heno"en , !he& wi,, !r nscen# !he #+ ,is" o* +n#ers! n#in3 n# no! +n#ers! n#in3. So, S !!v v 9r , re" in (er*ec!,& ! !his ins! n! neo+s ,eve,C <77. The chapter that de'onstrates that the tr+e 'eaning is beyond any progress, $-1.0-$-$..K $-$.0-$-).$= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8. %n &ond+ct
Bis!enC I, !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, #is(, & on,& !he +nborn n !+re o* (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness n# #o no! !e ch !h ! in or#er !o !! in !he +n ,!ere# +!hen!ic s! !e one nee#s !o en!er !he #+,is" o* cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3. The +nborn n !+re !r nscen#s **ir" !ions n# re*+! !ions, whi,e cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3 ine,+c! b,& i"(,& **ir"in3 n# re*+!in3. Ghoever en!ers !he *+n# "e! , "e nin3 re ,i2es !he s! !e be&on# **ir"in3 n# re*+!in3. On !r nscen#in3 ,, !ho+3h!s, one +n#ers! n#s !he !r+e n !+re be&on# cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience !he *+n# "en! , n !+reC I " !he +!hen!ic *+n# "en! , n !+re, n# 9+#3e"en!s !ie# !o cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3 c nno! ,!er "e; one cI+ires * "i,i ri!& wi!h "& s! !e !hro+3h n !+r ,,& eAis!in3 s+(re"e b,iss. On +n#ers! n#in3 !he s+(re"e so+rce, ,, re!+rns !o bi#e in !he essence. Th+s, !his essence is no! so"e!hin3 !o cce(! or re9ec!, nei!her is i! n en!i!& s+b9ec! !o bir!h n# cess !ion, nor c n i! be #e*ine# s 3oo# or b #, (+re or i"(+re. There*ore i! is s i# !o !r nscen# ob9ec!i*ic !ion b& n ,&sis or re sonin3. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience nowC Me#i! !in3 n# !he ob9ec! o* "e#i! !ion re bo!h !he +n ,!ere# n !+re o* (+ire n# !o! , conscio+sness, be&on# !he consi#er !ion o* "e#i! !in3 or no! "e#i! !in3. Bis!enC I, !he s+(re"e so+rce, (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, #o no! !e ch "& #isci(,es cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3. I #o no! !e ch #ivi#in3 !h ! which is one. I #o no! !e ch re sonin3 n# n ,&2in3 in or#er !o !r nscen# n ,&sis n# re sonin3. I #o no! !e ch correc!in3 so"e!hin3 in or#er !o !! in !he +n ,!ere# con#i!ion. I !e ch !h ! re" inin3 n !+r ,,& in !he ver& con#i!ion o* ever&!hin3 one #oes n# (erceives, wi!ho+! !hin'in3 o* n&!hin3, is !he w & !o se,*-,iber !eC S !!v v 9r , eA(erience nowC As !he n !+r , con#i!ion o* en,i3h!en"en!, be&on# cce(!in3 n# re9ec!in3, is ,i'e !he s'&, !he bo#& n# "in# sho+,# no! be ,!ere#. As <in !his s! !e= !here is no !! ch"en! c +se# b& "en! , 9+#3e"en!, !here is no!hin3 on which !o "e#i! !e. Bi'e !he s'&, !his s! !e is +!!er,& serene, be&on# ,, i"(+ri!ies. <Abi#in3 in i!= one #oes no! en!er in!o !he i#e o* n ob9ec!, nor #oes one " 'e 'now,e#3e one:s ob9ec!. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience we,, nowC Do no! ,e! &o+rse,* 3e! c +3h! +( in 9+#3in3 sense ob9ec!s, &e! ! !he s "e !i"e #o no! re! in !he "in# wi!hin; wi!ho+! +sin3 n!e#o!es, wi!ho+! (+ri*&in3 !he bo#& n# "in#, +n#ers! n# !h ! !he +n ,!ere# con#i!ion o* bo#& n# "in# is !he *+n# "en! , essence i!se,*C Bis!enC Re" inin3 e**or!,ess,& re, Ae# in !he beh vior o* !he s+(re"e so+rce, ,, i"s re re ,i2e#. As ,, is +ni*ie# < s= !his essence, !here is no!hin3 n& "ore !o cce(! or re9ec!. As !here is no ho(e or *e r, !he s! !e be&on# s+**erin3 is no ,on3er !he 3o , o* "e#i! !ion. Ghoever +n#ers! n#s "& beh vior co"(,e!e,& !r nscen#s n& #e*i-
ni!ion o* %en!erin3% or %no! en!erin3% !he +nborn s! !e o* eI+ ,i!& o* !he !hree !i"es. This is !he "e nin3 o* %no!hin3 !o cce(! or re9ec!.% <78. The chapter that de'onstrates that in e6+ality there is neither accep tance nor re7ection, $-).--$-..-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. %n 8isdo' The s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, !e ches !h ! !he +nhin#ere# essence is !he !r+e s! !e o* 'now,e#3e. A,, !he (heno"en o* eAis!ence re one sin3,e !hin3 in !he +,!i" !e +nborn #i"ension. Th+s, in !he s! !e o* Min#, !he +nborn essence, !here is no #is!inc!ion be!ween bein3 or no! bein3 hin#ere#. S !!v v 9r , now eA(erience we,,C As ,, is one sin3,e !hin3 in !he +,!i" !e +nborn #i"ension, !hose who wish !o re,inI+ish hin#er nces n# !o cce(! !he +nhin#ere# s! !e #o no! conc+rr wi!h !he !r+e "e nin3. Accor#in3 !o !he !e chin3 o* !he s+(re"e so+rce, (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness, b& eA(eriencin3 !he +nborn, ,, !he (heno"en !h ! re con!in+o+s,& %bein3 born% " ni*es! s !he essence. Ghoever bi#es in !he s! !e !h !, ,i'e !he s'&, !r nscen#s n ,&sis n# 9+#3e"en! +n#ers! n#s !h ! hin#erin3 n# no! hin#erin3 bo!h bi#e in (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness. Bis!enC The i" o* !his !e chin3 !h ! !he s+(re"e so+rce !r ns"i!s !o #isci(,es is !o c, ri*& !he "e nin3 o* wis#o" !h ! c nno! be hin#ere#; in * c!, i! bi#es in !he se,*- risin3 essence !h ! #oes no! #e(en# on c +ses or con#i!ions. I! is !he s! !e o* 'now,e#3e !h !, once +n#ers!oo#, brin3s one be&on# **ir"in3 n# re*+!in3. So, S !!v v 9r , eA(erience nowC Se,*- risin3 wis#o" is be&on# ,, ob9ec!s o* !he "in#; #o no! " 'e %+n#ers! n#in3% beco"e n ob9ec! on which !o *iA. As i! !r nscen#s n& ob9ec!, i! #oes no! in n& w & c+rb or#in r& "en! , conscio+sness. As ,, " !eri , (heno"en " ni*es! s !he essence, i! #oes no! "e#i! !e ! ,,. As *or"s " ni*es! s !he essence, i! h s no roo" ! ,, *or !he #+ ,is" o* ho(e n# *e r. Bis!enC The !e cher o* !e chers, !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e ches his #isci(,es !he +n ,!ere# s! !e, en b,in3 !he" !o +n#ers! n# #e*ini!e,& !he +n ,!ere# essence which is !he roo! o* ,, (heno"en . Un#ers! n#in3 !he sin3,e *+n# "en! , n !+re, ,, is +ni*ie# in !he s! !e o* !he s+(re"e so+rce, !h ! is !he +nivers , n !+re. So, whoever 'nows (er*ec!,& !he s+(re"e so+rce ,so beco"es eA(er! in ,, in*ini!e (heno"en . Ghoever cI+ires * "i,i ri!& wi!h "& s! !e cI+ires * "i,i ri!& wi!h <!he n !+re o*= ever& !hin3. S !!v v 9r , eA(erience we,,C The conc,+sion o* ever&!hin3 is +n#ers! n#in3 n# cI+irin3 * "i,i ri!& wi!h !he essence o* wh ! one (erceives !hro+3h si3h! n# he rin3. Gh !ever *or" !he essence ss+"es, one +n#ers! n#s i!:s +nborn n !+re. Un#is!r c!e# (resence be&on# ho(e n# *e r is !he !r+e s! !e o* 'now,e#3e. S !!v v 9r , now eA(erience we,,C Gh !ever *or" (heno"en s-
s+"e is on,& "e ns !h ! s&"bo,i2es !he s+(re"e so+rce; #o no! en!er in!o con*,ic! wi!h !his "e!ho# o* !e chin3C Once "& chi,#ren h ve +n#ers!oo# !h ! ,, is !he +nborn s! !e, !he& no ,on3er !hin' in !er"s o* s "s r n# nirv n ; !he *+n# "en! , n !+re is !o! ,,& be&on# 9+#3e"en! n# n ,&sisC <72. The chapter on the state that knows no hinderances, $-..0-$-1..= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1". %n *elf perfection S !!v v 9r , now eA(erience we,,C I, !he !e cher s+(re"e so+rce, !e ch !h ! ,, !he (heno"en o* eAis!ence wi!ho+! eAce(!ion re !he n !+re o* +nborn "in#. Bis!enC As !he n !+re o* "in# is se,*-(er*ec!e#, I #o no! !e ch !he #+ ,is" o* re ,i2in3 n# no! re ,i2in3. I #o no! 9+#3e in !he #+ ,is!ic !er"s o* h ((iness n# s+**erin3. I " *ree *ro" ho(e *or nirv n n# *e r o* s "s r . As !he n !+re o* se,*-(er*ec!e# "in# " ni*es!s ever&where, I #o no! !r& !o co""+nic !e !h ! ,, is e"(!&, n# !h ! ,, h s never risen. As !he *+n# "en! , essence !r nscen#s 9+#3e"en! n# n ,&sis I #o no! 3e! !! che# !o !he i#e o* re ,i2in3 n# es! b,ishin3. Bis!en, S !v v 9r . Now eA(erience we,,C F+s! s I #o no! 9+#3e !he se,*-(er*ec!e# essence !h ! !r nscen#s n ,&sis in !er"s o* re ,i2in3 n# no! re ,i2in3, &o+ #o !he s "eC Bis!enC Those who 3e! !! che# !o !he conce(! !h ! in !he se,*-(er*ec!e# essence be&on# c!ion n# see'in3 !here is no!hin3 !o in!e3r !e re ,i'e chi,#ren *i3h!in3 !he ir; !he& #o no! see "& n !+re. The "in#s o* !hose who be,ieve !h ! in!e3r !ion consis!s in 3ivin3 +( so"e!hin3 re ens, ve# b& ho(e n# *e r; b+! how c n (r c!i!ioner who re" ins !! che# !o !he ,i"i! o* %wi!ho+! ,i"i!s% ever !! in !he essence o* se,*-(er*ec!ionL Bis!en, S !!v v 9r C EA(erience we,,C On (erceivin3 !he +!!er,& (+re +nborn s! !e, one no ,on3er #ee"s ((e r nces s concre!e or 3e!s !! che# !o i!. Ghen ((e r nces se,*-,iber !e in !he +nborn, wi!ho+! nee#in3 !o "e#i! !e on e"(!iness, one se,*-,iber !es b& +n#ers! n#in3 !he +!hen!ic con#i!ion. I, !he s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, !e ch !h ! ,, !he (heno"en o* eAis!ence re +nborn n# !o! ,,& (+re. Th+s wh !ever !hin3 is %born% I +n#ers! n# s !he essence. Bis!enC The !e chers o* !he !hree #i"ensions !h ! e" n !e *ro" "e ,, s(e ' o* !he %+nborn n !+re o* "in#,% b+! even i* !he& #isc+ss ! ,en3!h !he "e nin3 o* %wi!ho+! se,*-n !+re,% !he& #o no! +n#ers! n# !he !r+e %+nborn.% Th+s, !he i" o* !his !e chin3 o* "ine is !o co""+nic !e !he es-
sence n# !o en b,e one !o re" in in !his s! !e wi!h+! bein3 #is!r c!e#. However, i! #oes no! ! ,, i"(,& !he ((,ic !ion o* e**or!, (+ri*ic !ion o* !he "in# b& "e ns o* n!i#o!es, concen!r !ion on n ob9ec!, or wi!h#r w , o* !he "in# wi!hin. As wh !ever " ni*es!s is !he *+n# "en! , n !+re, en!er "& s! !e, !he s+(re"e so+rceC Bis!enC The s+(re"e so+rce, !e cher o* !e chers, !e ches #isci(,es !he +n ,!ere# n !+re o* "in#. The &o3in/ni who +n#ers! n#s !h ! ,, is !he +nborn h s no nee# !o ((,& e**or! re3 r#in3 !he !en n !+res. In !he n !+re o* (+re n# !o! , conscio+sness !here is no #+ ,is" o* s+b9ec! n# ob9ec! n# no!hin3 !o re9ec!; when +n#ers! n#in3 conI+ers ever&!hin3 e,se n# one is re ,,& in !his #i"ension !he s! !e o* se,*(er*ec!ion o* !he s+(re"e so+rce " ni*es!s s(on! neo+s,&. <8". The chapter that de'onstrates how self perfection is beyond hope and fear, $-1.1-$-5.0=