Ec2155 Lab Manual
Ec2155 Lab Manual
Ec2155 Lab Manual
1 1. Verification of KVL and KCL 2 2. Verification of Thevenin and Norton Theorems. 3 3. Verification of superposition Theorem. 4 4. Verification of Maximum power transfer and reciprocit theorems. ! !. "re#uenc response of series and para$$e$ resonance circuits. % %. Characteristics of &N and 'ener diode ( (. Characteristics of C) confi*uration + +. Characteristics of C, confi*uration - -. Characteristics of ./T and 0C1 12 12. Characteristics of /")T and M30")T 11 11. Characteristics of 4iac and Triac. 12 12. Characteristics of &hotodiode and &hototransistor.
56M7 To verif 8i9 Kirchhoff:s current $aw 8KCL9 8ii9 Kirchhoff:s vo$ta*e $aw 8KCL9 );.6&M)NT0 < C3M&3N)NT0 1);.61)47 0$. No. 1 2 3 4 ! % )#uipments < Components 1&0 5mmeter Vo$tmeter 1esistor ,read ,oard Connectin* wires 1an*e ;uantit 1
82=329 V 1 82=!9 m5> 82=129 m5> 82=329 2> 2> m5 respective$ 82=129 V 3 1 K? ! 1 5s re#uired
T@)31A7 KIRCHHOFFS CURRENT LAW (KCL): KCL states that Bthe a$*eCraic sum of a$$ the currents at an node in a circuit e#ua$s DeroE. i.e.> 0um of a$$ currents enterin* a node F 0um of a$$ currents $eavin* a node KIRCHHOFFS VOLTAGE LAW (KVL): KVL states that Bthe a$*eCraic sum of a$$ the vo$ta*es around an c$osed $oop in a circuit e#ua$s DeroE. i.e.> 0um of vo$ta*e drops F 0um of vo$ta*e rises &13C)1.1)7 KIRCHHOFFS CURRENT LAW (KCL): 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram. 829 0witch on the 4C power supp$ ammeter readin*s. and note down the correspondin*
839 1epeat the step 2 for different va$ues in the vo$ta*e source. 849 "ina$$ verif KCL. KIRCHHOFFS VOLTAGE LAW (KVL): 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram. 829 0witch on the 4C power supp$ vo$tmeter readin*s. and note down the correspondin*
839 1epeat the step 2 for different va$ues in the vo$ta*e source. 849 "ina$$ verif KVL. C5LC.L5T63N7
1)0.LT7 Thus 8i9 Kirchhoff:s Current Law < 8ii9 Kirchhoff:s Vo$ta*e Law are verified.
6 8m59
61 8m59
62 8m59
V01 8vo$ts9
V02 8vo$ts9
V1 8vo$ts9
V2 8vo$ts9
V3 8vo$ts9
V F V1 H V2 H V3 8vo$ts9
To verif 0uperposition theorem for 8i9 0 mmetrica$ T= NetworJ 8ii9 5s mmetrica$ T= NetworJ 8iii9 0 mmetrica$ K NetworJ );.6&M)NT0 < C3M&3N)NT0 1);.61)47 0$. No. 1 2 3 4 ! T@)31A7 SUPERPOSITION THEOREM: 0uperposition theorem states that Bin any linear network containin* two or more sources> the response in an e$ement is e#ua$ to the a$*eCraic sum of the responses caused C the individua$ sources actin* a$one> whi$e the other sources are non=operativeE. Lhi$e considerin* the effect of individua$ sources> other idea$ vo$ta*e and current sources in the networJ are rep$aced C short circuit and open circuit across the termina$ respective$ . &13C)4.1)7 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram. 829 0witch on the 4C power supp$ies V01 < V02 8e.*.7 to 12 V < ! V9 and note down the correspondin* ammeter readin*. Let this current Ce 6. 839 1ep$ace the power supp$ V02 8! V9 C its interna$ resistance and then switch on the supp$ V01 812 V9 and note down the correspondin* ammeter readin*. Let this current Ce 61. 849 Now connect CacJ the power supp$ 812 V9 C its interna$ resistance. V02 8! V9 and rep$ace the supp$ V01 )#uipments < Components 1&0 5mmeter 1esistor ,read ,oard Connectin* wires 1an*e ;uantit
82=329 V 1 82=19 m5> 82=129 m5 1 each 12 K?> 22 K?> !.+ K?> 1 3> 1> 1> ? respective$ 1 5s re#uired
8!9 0witch on the supp$ V02 8! V9 and note down the correspondin* ammeter readin*. Let this current Ce 62. 8%9 1epeat the steps 2 to ! for different va$ues of V01 < V02. 8(9 Verif the theorem usin* the re$ation 6 F 61 H 62 8for T= NetworJ9 < 6 F 61 M 62 8for 0 mmetrica$ K= NetworJ9
1)0.LT7 Thus 0uperposition theorem is verified for the fo$$owin* 8i9 0 mmetrica$ T= NetworJ 8ii9 5s mmetrica$ T= NetworJ 8iii9 0 mmetrica$ K= NetworJ.
6 8m59
61 8m59
62 8m59
C61C.6T 465G15M7 ASYMMETRICAL T- NETWORK: 8a9 Lhen Coth V01 < V02 are active
6 8m59
61 8m59
62 8m59
C61C.6T 465G15M7 SYMMETRICAL - NETWORK: 8a9 Lhen Coth V01 < V02 are active
6 8m59
61 8m59
62 8m59
)#uipments < Components 1&0 Vo$tmeter 5mmeter 1esistor ,read ,oard Connectin* wires
1an*e 82=329 V 82=129 V 82=19 m5 1 K?> !%2 ?> 4(2 ?> 1 ?> +2-.12 ?> 12 K?> !.% K?> !.1 K?
;uantit 1 1 1 2> 1> 1> 1> 1> 3> 2> 1 respective$ 1 5s re#uired
THEVENINS THEOREM: Thevenin:s theorem states that Bany two terminal linear network havin* a numCer of vo$ta*e> current sources and resistances can Ce rep$aced C a simp$e e#uiva$ent circuit consistin* of a sin*$e vo$ta*e source in series with a resistanceE> where the va$ue of the vo$ta*e source is e#ua$ to the open circuit vo$ta*e across the two termina$s of the networJ> and resistance is e#ua$ to the e#uiva$ent resistance measured Cetween the termina$s with a$$ the ener* sources rep$aced C their interna$ resistances. NORTONS THEOREM: Norton:s theorem states that Bany two terminal linear network havin* a numCer of vo$ta*e> current sources and resistances can Ce rep$aced C an e#uiva$ent circuit consistin* of a sin*$e current source in para$$e$ with a resistanceE. The va$ue of the current source is the short circuit current Cetween the two termina$s of the networJ> and resistance is the e#uiva$ent resistance measured Cetween the termina$s of the networJ with a$$ the ener* sources rep$aced C their interna$ resistances.
&13C)4.1)7 THEVENINS THEOREM: Genera C!r"#!$: 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram 1. 829 Measure the vo$ta*e across the $oad usin* a vo$tmeter or mu$timeter after switchin* on the power supp$ . Let it Ce VL. T% &!n' T(e)en!n* V% $a+e: (VTH) 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram 2. 829 1emove the $oad resistance and measure the open circuited vo$ta*e VT@ across the output termina$.
T% &!n' T(e)en!n* Re*!*$an"e: (RTH) 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram 3. 829 1emove the vo$ta*e source and rep$ace it with an interna$ resistance as shown. 839 .sin* mu$timeter in resistance mode> measure the resistance across the output termina$. T(e)en!n* C!r"#!$: 819 Connect the power supp$ of VT@ and resistance of 1T@ in series as shown in the circuit dia*ram 4. 829 Connect the $oad resistance 1L and measure VL: across the $oad resistance usin* a vo$tmeter after switchin* on the power supp$ . 839 Vo$ta*e measured with fi*ure 1 shou$d Ce e#ua$ to the vo$ta*e measured with this circuit. 8i.e.> VL F VL:9
NORTONS THEOREM: Genera C!r"#!$: 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram !. 829 Measure the current throu*h the $oad usin* an ammeter or mu$timeter after switchin* on the power supp$ . Let it Ce 6L. T% &!n' N%r$%n* C#rren$: (IN) 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram %. 829 1emove the $oad resistance and short circuit the output termina$. Then measure the current throu*h the short circuited termina$s. T% &!n' N%r$%n* Re*!*$an"e: (RN) 819 Connect the components as shown in the circuit dia*ram (. 829 1emove the vo$ta*e source and rep$ace it with an interna$ resistance as shown. 839 .sin* mu$timeter in resistance mode> measure the resistance across the output termina$. N%r$%n* C!r"#!$: 819 4raw the short circuit current source 6N in para$$e$ with 1N as shown in the circuit dia*ram +.
829 4raw the e#uiva$ent circuit C rep$acin* the current source 6N in para$$e$ with 1N C a vo$ta*e source such that Ve# F 6N . 1N vo$ts. 839 Then connect the circuit as shown in fi*ure - and measure the $oad current 6L: throu*h the $oad resistor 1L. This must Ce e#ua$ to 6L. C5LC.L5T63N7
C61C.6T 465G15M7
8C9 "6G.1) 2
8c9 "6G.1) 3
8d9 "6G.1) 4
V0 8vo$ts9
VL 8vo$ts9
8f9 "6G.1) %
8*9 "6G.1) (
8h9 "6G.1) +
8i9 "6G.1) -
V0 8vo$ts9
6L 8m59
6N 8m59
1N 8K?9
6L: 8m59
No. 1 2 3 4 ! % ( + 12 11 T@)31A7
Components 1&0 Vo$tmeter 5mmeter 1esistor Capacitor 4ecade 1esistance ,ox 4ecade 6nductance ,ox "unction Generator C13 with proCes ,read ,oard Connectin* wires
MA,IMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM: Maximum &ower Transfer Theorem states that Bmaximum power is de$ivered from a source to a $oad when the $oad resistance is sma$$ compare to the source resistanceE. 8ie> 1L F 109 6n terms of Thevenin e#uiva$ent resistance of a networJ> it is stated as Ba networJ de$ivers the maximum power to a $oad resistance 1L where 1L is e#ua$ to the Thevenin e#uiva$ent resistance of the networJE. RECIPROCITY THEOREM: 1eciprocit Theorem states that Bin any passive linear bilateral network, if the sin*$e vo$ta*e source Vx in Cranch x produces the current response 6 in Cranch > then the remova$ of the vo$ta*e source from Cranch x and its insertion in Cranch wi$$ produce the current 6 in Cranch x.E 6n simp$e terms> Binterchan*e of an idea$ vo$ta*e source and an idea$ ammeter in any passive, linear, bilateral circuit wi$$ not chan*e the ammeter readin*E.
&13C)4.1)7 MA,IMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM: "or 4C Circuit7 819 Connect the circuit as shown in fi*ure 1. 829 0et the power supp$ to sa > 12 V. 839 Var the va$ues of the $oad resistance and note the correspondin* vo$ta*e readin* usin* a vo$tmeter.
849 TaCu$ate the readin*s and ca$cu$ate power usin* the re$ation V2O1. 8!9 &$ot the *raph Cetween power and $oad resistance. "or 5C Circuit7 819 Connect the circuit as shown in fi*ure 2. 829 0et the amp$itude of the sinusoida$ si*na$ to> sa ! V. 839 Var the fre#uenc of the input si*na$ from 1 K@D to 3 K@D in steps of 122 and note down the correspondin* vo$ta*e readin*s usin* a C13. 849 TaCu$ate the readin*s and ca$cu$ate power. 8!9 &$ot the *raph Cetween power and fre#uenc . RECIPROCITY THEOREM: 819 Connect the circuit as shown in fi*ure 3. 829 0witch on the power supp$ V0 and set it to some va$ue> sa ! V. 839 Note down the correspondin* ammeter readin*. 849 1epeat steps 2 < 3 for different va$ues of V0. 8!9 Now interchan*e the position of the power supp$ < ammeter as shown in fi*ure 4. 8%9 1epeat steps 2 to !. 84ifferent va$ues of V0 to Ce maintained same for setup 3 < 49 8(9 Compare the ratios V0O61 and V0O62. ,oth the ratios must Ce same.
1)0.LT7 Thus the maximum power transfer theorem and reciprocit verified. theorem are
M34)L G15&@7
T5,.L51 C3L.MN7 0$. No. Load 1esistance> 1L 8K?9 3utput Vo$ta*e> V2 8vo$ts9
Design: The maximum power is transferred if the fo$$owin* is satisfied. i.e.> PC F PL. where
XC =
1 2 F0 C
X L = 2 0F L
"rom these we have>
F0 =
1 2 LC
Considerin* "2 F 3 K@D < C F 2.1 N" i.e.> 2.1 x 12=% "
L= L=
M34)L G15&@7
1 4 2 F02C 4
T5,.L51 C3L.MN7
0$. No.
"6G.1) 4
);.6&M)NT0 < C3M&3N)NT0 1);.61)47 0$. No. 1 2 3 4 ! )#uipments < Components "unction Generator C13 with proCes 1esistor Capacitor 4ecade 6nductance ,ox 1an*e 82=39 M@D 22 M@D 1 K? 2.1 N" ;uantit 1 1 1 1 1
% ( 4)06GN7
1 5s re#uired
PARALLEL RESONANT CIRCUIT: "or a para$$e$ resonant circuit> at resonance> PC F PL. 1esonant fre#uenc is
fr =
1 2 LC
L= L=
1 4 2 f r2 C 4
is the difference Cetween the upper cutoff> 8f 29 and $ower cutoff fre#uencies 8f19 i.e.> f2 = f1
SERIES RESONANT CIRCUIT: "or a series resonant circuit> resonant fre#uenc is oCtained as fo$$ows> 5t resonance> where PC F PL
XC =
1 2 f r C
X L = 2 fr L
fr =
1 2 LC
L= L=
1 4 f r2 C
4 2 (
is the difference Cetween the upper cutoff> 8f 29 and $ower cutoff fre#uencies 8f19 i.e.> f2 = f1
&13C)4.1)7 819 Connect the circuit as shown in fi*ure. 829 0et to amp$itude of the sinusoida$ si*na$ to ! V> sa . 839 "re#uenc of the input si*na$ is varied from 122 @D to 2 K@D. Note down the correspondin* vo$ta*es on C13 for different fre#uencies. 8m59. 849 TaCu$ate the readin*s and ca$cu$ate the current usin* the formu$a 6 F V 2O1 8!9 &$ot the *raph Cetween vo$ta*e measured and fre#uenc . 8%9 4raw a horiDonta$ $ine exact$ at Q2 times the peaJ va$ue> which intersects the curve at two points. 4raw a $ine from intersectin* points to x=axis which meets at f1 and f2. 8(9 The Candwidth and ;=factor is oCtained from the formu$a *iven aCove.
1)0.LT7 Thus the resonance curve is p$otted and Candwidth < ;=factor is determined for the para$$e$ and series resonance circuits. &ara$$e$ 1esonance Circuit ,andwidth 8,L in @D9 ;=factor 0eries 1esonance Circuit
M34)L G15&@7
T5,.L51 C3L.MN7 0$. No. "re#uenc > " 8@D9 3utput Vo$ta*e> V2 8vo$ts9
Current> 6 8m59
M34)L G15&@7
T5,.L51 C3L.MN7 0$. No. "re#uenc > " 8@D9 3utput Vo$ta*e> V2 8vo$ts9
Current> 6 8m59