Martha Giudici Why Not Be Rich Handout
Martha Giudici Why Not Be Rich Handout
Martha Giudici Why Not Be Rich Handout
7- I quickly release all mental limitations, negative emotions, a n d physical accumulations that keep my good from me. I activate the free flow of my good, NOW! 8- I release a n d I let go. I am open to God's flow. I dare to prosper, NOW! 9- l freely a n d fully forgive a n d begin to love myself and others. Forgiving and loving attract new, rich, g o od into my life. 10- I expect a miracle of God's rich abund a n c e to manifest in my life, NOW! 11- The superabundance of Spirit-is mine in mind a n d manifestation.
(Refer to Tape 2, Side 1)
By Martha Giudici
12- I work miracles as I speak words of increase and a b u n d a n c e . 13- My constructive, uplifting, fulfilling words prosper me, NOW! 14- I am prospering. I am prospering, NOW! My rich thoughts prosper me, NOW! 15- I am rich in mind a n d manifestation. 16- My mind is filled with rich images that prosper me, NOW! 17- Picturing power prospers me. 18- Positive feelings increase my prospering power. 19- Loving giving brings me prosperous living. 20- Systematic giving assures abundant living a n d a steady fiow of my rich good, NOW! 21- Thank you, God, for my increased prosperity manifesting as p e a c e of mind, health of body, harmonious relationships a n d abundant, successful living, NOW!
Affirmation Used
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DO read your map at least once daily and see yourself living according to it.
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DO accept and use the related ideas that come to you as you go over the images on your map. Follow through with these ideas if at all possible.
DO give treasure mapping a fair test. Be sincere and try faithfully to work with your pictured prayer.
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How to make a Treasure Map: 1. Decide what you wantwhat qualities you need; how you can improve yourself and your circumstances; what you want to become, to do; what you are grateful for. 2. Select a sheet of paper or cardboard large enough for a background and paste your clippings on it. Don't clutter, rather establish divine order in your desires. 3. Clip words, titles, and pictures from magazines or newspapers to represent your desire and help you to achieve it. Make it as colorful and positive as you desire life to be. 4. Place your treasure map where you can see it often, but not where others might ridicule or question your desires.
DO make a new map if necessary. If your map no longer expresses your desire, don't be afraid to discard it and make a new one. The old one will have served its purpose.
What is a Treasure Map? A treasure map is pictured prayer. It is made on a large sheet of paper or cardboard by pasting on it words, titles, and pictures clipped from magazines and newspapers to illustrate your sincere desire. The treasure map pictured above is a general map. You should be more specific in your personal desires, putting down a picture of the life you would like to live. You will enjoy thinking about, preparing, and using your treasure map. Most important of all, it can help you achieve your heart's desire. It can help you make your dreams come true!
DON'T treasure map for things you will receive anyway. Picture desires that may be difficult to attain, but that you truly want.
DO map for what you really want. DON'T ask for an old car if you really want a new one, or a housekeeping job if you want to be a secretary.
DO place the words, "This or something better" and "Thank You, God" at the bottom of your map. This insures only the highest good for all concerned will be forthcoming.
Adapted from Unity School pamphlets
6. Give thanks that it is yours now: Giving thanks makes firm our desire in consciousness a n d draws to us, through us, our desired good. 7. Release and let God bring about the fulfillment: Our vision is often limited, but God's vision of g o o d for us is limitless. Let God bring about the fulfillment from His unlimited, infinite supply of all g o o d . Let God choose the channel.
The following is a spiritual formula for achieving prosperity in mind, body, or life experiences:
Need (desire) exists: Defining our need focuses our attention a n d gives the Spirit within us a specific thing to work on. Be specific about what you desiremoney, friends, job, home, healthwhatever you need to prosper you. Fulfillment exists in time and space: Recognize that there is an abundant supply of what you desire existing right now. There is an a b u n d a n c e of money, people, work, homes, the healing life activity existing in our world that can meet your specific desire. Fulfillment can come from known and unknown sources: The known sources of our goo d may be numerous, but the unknown sources are infinite. Open your mind to channels of yet unknown good, as well as known channels of g o o d . Fulfillment moving toward youAccept It!: Once you have named your desire, know that it exists, a n d that it is coming from known or unknown sources. Mentally a c c e p t that it is now moving toward you a n d that nothing can keep your g o o d from you.
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5. Take needed steps in preparation for receiving it: If there is some physical action needed on your part to get ready for your goodtake it. Do not wait until the g o o d arrives. This may indicate lack of faith. Be ready for your good.