Brakes: Base Brake System
Brakes: Base Brake System
Brakes: Base Brake System
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. . . . . . . . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . . . . 24 . . . . . . . . . . . 25 . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . 27 . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . . . . 28 . . . . . . . . . . . 29 . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . 31
cleaning materials recommended. If system contamination is suspected, check the fluid for dirt, discoloration, or separation into distinct layers. Also check the reservoir cap seal for distortion. Drain and flush the system with new brake fluid if contamination is suspected. CAUTION: Use Mopar brake fluid, or an equivalent quality fluid meeting SAE/DOT standards J1703 and DOT 3. Brake fluid must be clean and free of contaminants. Use fresh fluid from sealed containers only to ensure proper antilock component operation. CAUTION: Use Mopar multi-mileage or high temperature grease to lubricate caliper slide surfaces, drum brake pivot pins, and shoe contact points on the backing plates. Use multi-mileage grease or GE 661 or Dow 111 silicone grease on caliper slide pins to ensure proper operation.
A suspended-type brake pedal is used. The pedal is attached to the pedal support bracket with a pivot bolt and bushings. The booster push rod is attached to the pedal with a clip. The pedal, bushings, pivot pin and support bracket are all serviceable components.
The brake pedal is attached to the booster push rod. When the pedal is depressed, the primary booster push rod is depressed which move the booster secondary rod. The booster secondary rod depress the master cylinder piston.
The brake lamp switch is used to for the brake lamp, speed control and brake sensor circuits. The brake lamp circuit is open until the plunger is
depressed. The speed control and brake sensor circuits is closed until the plunger is depressed.
The red warning light alerts the driver if a pressure differential exists between the front and rear hydraulic systems or the parking brakes are applied. The lamp is turned on momentarily when the ignition switch is turn to the on position. This is a self test to verify the lamp is operational.
malfunction. The reservoir compartments will retain enough fluid to operate the functioning hydraulic circuit. Care must be exercised when removing/installing the master cylinder connecting lines. The threads in the cylinder fluid ports can be damaged if care is not exercised. Start all brake line fittings by hand to avoid cross threading. The cylinder reservoir can be replaced when necessary. However, the aluminum body section of the master cylinder is not a repairable component. NOTE: If diagnosis indicates that an internal malfunction has occurred, the aluminum body section must be replaced as an assembly.
The master cylinder bore contains a primary and secondary piston. The primary piston supplies hydraulic pressure to the front brakes. The secondary piston supplies hydraulic pressure to the rear brakes.
The combination valve contains a pressure differential valve and switch and a rear brake proportioning valve. The valve is not repairable and must be replaced as an assembly if diagnosis indicates this is necessary.
The booster unit consists of a single housing divided into two by a tandem diaphragm. The outer edge of the diaphragm is secured to the housing. The booster push rod, which connects the booster to the brake pedal and master cylinder, is attached to the center of the diaphragm. A check valve is used in the booster outlet connected to the engine intake manifold. Power assist is generated by utilizing a combination of vacuum and atmospheric pressure to boost brake assist.
PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL VALVE The pressure differential switch is connected to the brake warning light. The switch is actuated by movement of the switch valve. The switch monitors fluid pressure in the separate front/rear brake hydraulic circuits. A decrease or loss of fluid pressure in either hydraulic circuit will cause the switch valve to shuttle to the low pressure side. Movement of the valve pushes the switch plunger upward. This action closes the switch internal contacts completing the electrical circuit to the red warning light. The switch valve will remain in an actuated position until repairs to the brake system are made. PROPORTIONING VALVE The proportioning valve is used to balance frontrear brake action at high decelerations. The valve allows normal fluid flow during moderate braking. The valve only controls fluid flow during high decelerations brake stops.
A two-piece master cylinder is used on all models. The cylinder body containing the primary and secondary pistons is made of aluminum. The removable fluid reservoir is made of nylon reinforced with glass fiber. The reservoir stores reserve brake fluid for the hydraulic brake circuits. The reservoir is the only serviceable component. The fluid compartments of the nylon reservoir are interconnected to permit fluid level equalization. However, the equalization feature does not affect circuit separation in the event of a front or rear brake
When the brakes are applied fluid pressure is exerted against the caliper piston. The fluid pressure is exerted equally and in all directions. This means pressure exerted against the caliper piston and within the caliper bore will be equal (Fig. 1).
Application and release of the brake pedal generates only a very slight movement of the caliper and piston. Upon release of the pedal, the caliper and piston return to a rest position. The brake shoes do not retract an appreciable distance from the rotor. In fact, clearance is usually at, or close to zero. The reasons for this are to keep road debris from getting between the rotor and lining and in wiping the rotor surface clear each revolution. The caliper piston seal controls the amount of piston extension needed to compensate for normal lining wear. During brake application, the seal is deflected outward by fluid pressure and piston movement (Fig. 2). When the brakes (and fluid pressure) are released, the seal relaxes and retracts the piston. The amount of piston retraction is determined by the amount of seal deflection. Generally the amount is just enough to maintain contact between the piston and inboard brake shoe.
Fig. 2 Lining Wear Compensation By Piston Seal Fig. 1 Brake Caliper Operation
Drum brakes on all models are dual shoe, internal expanding units with an automatic self adjusting mechanism (Fig. 3). Nine inch and eleven inch brakes are used.
Fluid pressure applied to the piston is transmitted directly to the inboard brake shoe. This forces the shoe lining against the inner surface of the disc brake rotor. At the same time, fluid pressure within the piston bore forces the caliper to slide inward on the mounting bolts. This action brings the outboard brake shoe lining into contact with the outer surface of the disc brake rotor. In summary, fluid pressure acting simultaneously on both piston and caliper, produces a strong clamping action. When sufficient force is applied, friction will attempt to stop the rotors from turning and bring the vehicle to a stop.
When the brake pedal is depressed hydraulic pressure pushes the rear wheel cylinder pistons outward. The wheel cylinder push rods then push the brake shoes outward against the brake drum. When the brake pedal is released return springs attached to the brake shoes pull the shoes back to there original position.
tains a spring loaded mechanism to hold the pedal in the applied position. A rod and spring are used to release the ratchet mechanism and return the pedal to normal position.
The hoses and lines transmit the brake fluid hydraulic pressure to the calipers and or wheel cylinders.
The rear drum brake shoes serve as the parking brakes. The parking brakes are operated by a system of cables and levers attached to the rear brake secondary shoes.
The shoes make contact with the brake drum surface by a cable and lever mechanism attached to the secondary brake shoe. The front parking brake cable is connected to the parking brake pedal and to the rear cables. An intermediate cable is used on some vehicles to connect the front and rear cables. The parking brake pedal assembly is mounted on the driver side cowl panel. The front cable is directly attached to the assembly. The pedal assembly con-
(1) If complaint involved low brake pedal, pump pedal and note if it comes back up to normal height. (2) Check brake pedal response with transmission in Neutral and engine running. Pedal should remain firm under constant foot pressure. (3) During road test, make normal and firm brake stops in 25-40 mph range. Note faulty brake operation such as low pedal, hard pedal, fade, pedal pulsation, pull, grab, drag, noise, etc. (4) Attempt to stop the vehicle with the parking brake only and note grab, drag, noise, etc. PEDAL FALLS AWAY A brake pedal that falls away under steady foot pressure is generally the result of a system leak. The leak point could be at a brake line, fitting, hose, or caliper/wheel cylinder. If leakage is severe, fluid will be evident at or around the leaking component. Internal leakage (seal by-pass) in the master cylinder caused by worn or damaged piston cups, may also be the problem cause. An internal leak in the ABS or RWAL system may also be the problem with no physical evidence. LOW PEDAL If a low pedal is experienced, pump the pedal several times. If the pedal comes back up worn linings, rotors, drums, or rear brakes out of adjustment are the most likely causes. The proper course of action is to inspect and replace all worn component and make the proper adjustments. SPONGY PEDAL A spongy pedal is most often caused by air in the system. However, thin brake drums or substandard brake lines and hoses can also cause a spongy pedal. The proper course of action is to bleed the system, and replace thin drums and substandard quality brake hoses if suspected.
and resulting fade can also be caused by riding the brake pedal, making repeated high deceleration stops in a short time span, or constant braking on steep mountain roads. Refer to the Brake Drag information in this section for causes. BRAKE PULL Front brake pull condition could result from: Contaminated lining in one caliper Seized caliper piston Binding caliper Loose caliper Rusty caliper slide surfaces Improper brake shoes Damaged rotor A worn, damaged wheel bearing or suspension component are further causes of pull. A damaged front tire (bruised, ply separation) can also cause pull. A common and frequently misdiagnosed pull condition is where direction of pull changes after a few stops. The cause is a combination of brake drag followed by fade at one of the brake units. As the dragging brake overheats, efficiency is so reduced that fade occurs. Since the opposite brake unit is still functioning normally, its braking effect is magnified. This causes pull to switch direction in favor of the normally functioning brake unit. An additional point when diagnosing a change in pull condition concerns brake cool down. Remember that pull will return to the original direction, if the dragging brake unit is allowed to cool down (and is not seriously damaged). REAR BRAKE GRAB OR PULL Rear grab or pull is usually caused by improperly adjusted or seized parking brake cables, contaminated lining, bent or binding shoes and support plates, or improperly assembled components. This is particularly true when only one rear wheel is involved. However, when both rear wheels are affected, the master cylinder or proportioning valve could be at fault. BRAKES DO NOT HOLD AFTER DRIVING THROUGH DEEP WATER PUDDLES This condition is generally caused by water soaked lining. If the lining is only wet, it can be dried by driving with the brakes very lightly applied for a mile or two. However, if the lining is both soaked and dirt contaminated, cleaning and/or replacement will be necessary. BRAKE LINING CONTAMINATION Brake lining contamination is mostly a product of leaking calipers or wheel cylinders, worn seals, driving through deep water puddles, or lining that has
become covered with grease and grit during repair. Contaminated lining should be replaced to avoid further brake problems. WHEEL AND TIRE PROBLEMS Some conditions attributed to brake components may actually be caused by a wheel or tire problem. A damaged wheel can cause shudder, vibration and pull. A worn or damaged tire can also cause pull. Severely worn tires with very little tread left can produce a grab-like condition as the tire loses and recovers traction. Flat-spotted tires can cause vibration and generate shudder during brake operation. A tire with internal damage such as a severe bruise, cut, or ply separation can cause pull and vibration.
Some brake noise is common with rear drum brakes and on some disc brakes during the first few stops after a vehicle has been parked overnight or stored. This is primarily due to the formation of trace corrosion (light rust) on metal surfaces. This light corrosion is typically cleared from the metal surfaces after a few brake applications causing the noise to subside. BRAKE SQUEAK/SQUEAL Brake squeak or squeal may be due to linings that are wet or contaminated with brake fluid, grease, or oil. Glazed linings and rotors with hard spots can also contribute to squeak. Dirt and foreign material embedded in the brake lining will also cause squeak/ squeal. A very loud squeak or squeal is frequently a sign of severely worn brake lining. If the lining has worn through to the brake shoes in spots, metal-to-metal contact occurs. If the condition is allowed to continue, rotors and drums can become so scored that replacement is necessary. BRAKE CHATTER Brake chatter is usually caused by loose or worn components, or glazed/burnt lining. Rotors with hard spots can also contribute to chatter. Additional causes of chatter are out-of-tolerance rotors, brake lining not securely attached to the shoes, loose wheel bearings and contaminated brake lining. THUMP/CLUNK NOISE Thumping or clunk noises during braking are frequently not caused by brake components. In many cases, such noises are caused by loose or damaged steering, suspension, or engine components. However, calipers that bind on the slide surfaces can generate a thump or clunk noise. In addition, worn out, improperly adjusted, or improperly assembled rear brake shoes can also produce a thump noise.
moves the valve toward the low pressure side. As the valve moves, it pushes the pressure differential switch contact plunger upward. This closes the switch internal contacts and completes the circuit to the red warning lamp. The lamp will remain on until repairs are made and normal fluid pressure restored.
Pressure Differential Switch
(1) Have helper sit in drivers seat to apply brake pedal and observe red brake warning light. (2) Raise vehicle on hoist. (3) Connect bleed hose to a rear wheel cylinder and immerse hose end in container partially filled with brake fluid. (4) Have helper press and hold brake pedal to floor and observe warning light. (a) If warning light illuminates, switch is operating correctly. (b) If light fails to illuminate, check circuit fuse, bulb, and wiring. The parking brake switch can be used to aid in identifying whether or not the brake light bulb and fuse is functional. Repair or replace parts as necessary and test differential pressure switch operation again. (5) If warning light still does not illuminate, switch is faulty. Replace combination valve assembly, bleed brake system and verify proper switch and valve operation.
(5) Vacuum should hold steady. If gauge on pump indicates vacuum loss, check valve is faulty and should be replaced.
Check rotor lateral runout with dial indicator C-3339 (Fig. 7). Excessive lateral runout will cause brake pedal pulsation and rapid, uneven wear of the brake shoes. Position the dial indicator plunger approximately 25.4 mm (1 in.) inward from the rotor edge. Maximum allowable rotor runout is 0.102 mm (0.004 in.).
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The maximum allowable diameter of the drum braking surface is indicated on the drum outer edge. Generally, a drum can be machined to a maximum of 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) oversize. Always replace the drum if machining would cause drum diameter to exceed the size limit indicated on the drum.
Swollen rubber parts indicate the presence of petroleum in the brake fluid. To test for contamination, put a small amount of drained brake fluid in clear glass jar. If fluid separates into layers, there is mineral oil or other fluid contamination of the brake fluid. If brake fluid is contaminated, drain and thoroughly flush system. Replace master cylinder, proportioning valve, caliper seals, wheel cylinder seals, Antilock Brakes hydraulic unit and all hydraulic fluid hoses.
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(4) Press cylinder pistons inward with wood dowel. Then release pistons and allow them to return under spring pressure. Continue bleeding operations until air bubbles are no longer visible in fluid.
(1) (2) Then (3) Mount master cylinder in vise. Attach bleed tubes to cylinder outlet ports. position each tube end into reservoir (Fig. 10). Fill reservoir with fresh brake fluid.
(1) Remove reservoir filler caps and fill reservoir. (2) If calipers, or wheel cylinders were overhauled, open all caliper and wheel cylinder bleed screws. Then close each bleed screw as fluid starts to drip from it. Top off master cylinder reservoir once more before proceeding.
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CAUTION: Replace the drum if machining will cause the drum to exceed the maximum allowable diameter.
(4) Open up bleeder, then have a helper press down the brake pedal. Once the pedal is down close the bleeder. Repeat bleeding until fluid stream is clear and free of bubbles. Then move to the next wheel.
Follow the manufacturers instructions carefully when using pressure equipment. Do not exceed the tank manufacturers pressure recommendations. Generally, a tank pressure of 15-20 psi is sufficient for bleeding. Fill the bleeder tank with recommended fluid and purge air from the tank lines before bleeding. Do not pressure bleed without a proper master cylinder adapter. The wrong adapter can lead to leakage, or drawing air back into the system. Use adapter provided with the equipment or Adapter 6921.
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(2) Remove any burrs from the inside of the tube. (3) Install tube nut on the tube. (4) Position the tube in the flaring tool flush with the top of the tool bar (Fig. 14). Then tighten the tool bar on the tube. (5) Install the correct size adaptor on the flaring tool yoke screw. (6) Lubricate the adaptor. (7) Align the adaptor and yoke screw over the tube (Fig. 14). (8) Turn the yoke screw in until the adaptor is squarely seated on the tool bar.
(9) Tighten tool handle until plug gauge is squarely seated on jaws of flaring tool. This will start the inverted flare. (10) Remove the plug gauge and complete the inverted flare.
To make a ISO flare use Snap-On Flaring Tool TFM-428 or equivalent. (1) Cut off damaged tube with Tubing Cutter.
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(1) Press and hold brake pedal down. (2) Align tab on new switch with notch in switch bracket. Then insert switch in bracket and turn it clockwise about 30 to lock it in place. (3) Connect harness wires to switch. (4) Release brake pedal. (5) Move the release lever (Fig. 15) on the switch to engage the switch plunger. The switch is now adjusted and can not be adjusted again.
(4) Insert pivot pin through support and pedal bushings and install C-clip. (5) Install booster push rod on brake pedal and install push rod retainer clip. (6) Install stop lamp switch.
(1) Disconnect wire from the pressure differential switch. (2) Disconnect rear brake lines from combination valve. (3) Remove the bolt from the combination valve and remove the valve.
(1) Remove stop lamp switch. (2) Remove clip securing booster push rod to brake pedal (Fig. 16). (3) Remove pedal pivot pin C-clip and slide pin out of support bracket and pedal. (4) Remove pedal and bushings.
(1) Install the combination valve to the bracket and tighten the mounting bolt to 20-27 Nm (15-20 ft. lbs.). If vehicle is equipped with ABS brakes tighten the bolt to 10-13 Nm (7-10 ft. lbs.). (2) Install the brake lines to the combination valve. (3) Tighten the brake line to 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.). (4) Connect the wire to the pressure differential switch. (5) Bleed brakes system.
(1) Replace bushings if worn or damaged. (2) Lubricate pedal bushings and pivot pin with Mopar multi mileage grease, Lubriplate, or a silicone grease. (3) Install bushings in pedal and position pedal in support.
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(1) Remove brake lines from the master cylinder (Fig. 17). (2) Remove mounting nuts from the master cylinder (Fig. 17). (3) Remove master cylinder.
NOTE: If master cylinder is replaced bleed cylinder before installation. (1) Install master cylinder on booster mounting studs. (2) Install mounting nuts and tighten to 18 Nm (160 in. lbs.) (3) Install brake lines and tighten to 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.) (4) Fill and bleed base brake system.
(1) Position spacer and gaskets on booster studs. (2) Guide booster studs into cowl panel holes and seat booster on panel. (3) Install and tighten booster attaching nuts to 28 Nm (250 in. lbs.). (4) Install booster push rod on brake pedal and install clip. (5) Install booster check valve if removed and connect vacuum hose to check valve. (6) Install master cylinder. (7) Fill and bleed brake system.
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(7) With a screw driver pry up on the caliper spring and pull the spring out of the caliper holes. (8) Remove caliper and brake shoes from caliper.
(1) Install brake shoes in caliper. (2) Install caliper and shoes over rotor and into ledges in steering knuckle. Be sure ends of brake shoes are properly seated on slide surfaces of ledges. (3) Install and tighten caliper slide pins to 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.). Start the slide pins by hand before tightening. Do not cross thread the pins. (4) Install caliper spring into one caliper hole and under the adapter. Pull down on the opposite end of the spring (Fig. 21) and hold the end under the adapter. With a scew driver pry up on the spring (Fig. 22) to seat the spring into the other caliper hole. NOTE: Verify the spring is seated properly into the caliper holes.
(5) Install brake hose to caliper with new seal washers and tighten fitting bolt to 24 Nm (18 ft. lbs.). CAUTION: Verify brake hose is not twisted or kinked before tightening fitting bolt. (6) Bleed base brake system. (7) Install wheel and tire assemblies. (8) Remove supports and lower vehicle. (9) Pump brake pedal to seat brake shoes. (10) Fill brake fluid reservoir. (11) Verify firm pedal before moving vehicle.
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(11) Support caliper with wire from suspension component. Do not allow brake hose to support caliper weight.
(1) Clean slide surfaces of adapter ledges with a wire brush. Then lubricate surfaces with a thin coat of high temperature grease. (2) Install new slide pin bushings if necessary. (3) Install inboard shoe. Be sure retainer spring is firmly seated in caliper piston. (4) Insert outboard brake shoe in caliper (Fig. 26). (5) Insure the outboard shoe retainer spring are seated in the caliper (Fig. 27).
(9) Remove outboard brake shoe (Fig. 24). Pry one end of shoe retainer spring away from caliper. Then tilt shoe upward and rotate it out of caliper. (10) Remove inboard shoe by tilting shoe outward until retainer spring is clear of caliper piston (Fig. 25).
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(6) Install caliper and brake shoes over rotor and into adapter. (7) Install and tighten caliper slide pins to 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.). Start the slide pins by hand before tightening. Do not cross thread the pins. (8) Install caliper spring into one caliper hole and under the adapter. Pull down on the opposite end of the spring (Fig. 28) and hold the end under the adapter. With a screw driver pry up on the spring (Fig. 29) to seat the spring into the other caliper hole. NOTE: Verify the spring is seated properly into the caliper holes. (9) Install wheel and tire assembly.
(10) (11) (12) (13) cle. Remove support and lower vehicle. Pump brake pedal to seat brake shoes. Fill brake fluid reservoir. Verify a firm brake pedal before moving vehi-
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(1) Install rotor hub and install retainers. (2) Install brake caliper. (3) Install wheel and tire assembly. (4) Remove support and lower vehicle. (5) Depress brake pedal several time to seat brake shoes.
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(1) Clean and inspect individual brake components, refer to Cleaning and Inspection Section. (2) Lubricate anchor pin and brake shoe contact pads on support plate with high temperature grease or Lubriplate (Fig. 32).
CAUTION: Be sure the adjuster screws are installed on the correct brake unit. The adjuster screws are marked L (left) and R (right) for identification.
(3) Lubricate adjuster screw socket, nut, button and screw thread surfaces with grease or Lubriplate. (4) Install the parking brake cable to the parking brake lever. (5) Install parking brake lever to the secondary shoe and install retaining clip. (6) Install primary shoe on support plate. Secure shoe with new spring retainers and pin. (7) Install spring on parking brake strut and engage strut in primary. (8) Install secondary shoe on support plate (Fig. 33). Insert strut in shoe and guide shoe onto anchor pin. Temporarily secure shoe with retaining pin. (9) Install anchor plate and adjuster cable eyelet on support plate anchor pin. (10) Install cable guide in secondary shoe and position cable in guide. (11) Assemble adjuster screw (Fig. 34). Then install and adjuster screw between the brake shoes.
(12) Install adjuster lever and spring and connect adjuster cable to lever. (13) Install secondary shoe retainers and spring.
(14) Install shoe spring. Connect spring to secondary shoe first. Then to primary shoe. (15) Verify adjuster operation. Pull adjuster cable upward, cable should lift lever and rotate star wheel. Be sure adjuster lever properly engages star wheel teeth. (16) Adjust brake shoes to drum with brake gauge. (17) Install wheel and tire assembly.
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(1) Remove wheel and tire assembly. (2) Remove brake drum. (3) Disconnect wheel cylinder brake line. (4) Remove brake shoe return springs and move shoes out of engagement with cylinder push rods. (5) Remove cylinder attaching bolts and remove cylinder from support plate.
(4) Install brake line in wheel cylinder. (5) Install parking brake cable in support plate. (6) Install axle shaft, refer to Group 3 for procedure. (7) Connect parking brake cable to lever on secondary shoe and install brake shoes on support plate. (8) Adjust brake shoes to drum with brake gauge. (9) Install brake drum and wheel and tire assembly. (10) Bleed brake system.
(1) Apply bead of silicone sealer around cylinder mounting surface of support plate. (2) Install cylinder mounting bolts and tighten to 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.). (3) Connect brake line to cylinder. (4) Install brake shoe return spring. (5) Install brake drum. (6) Install wheel and tire assembly. (7) Bleed base brake system.
(1) Apply bead of silicone sealer around axle mounting surface of support plate. (2) Install support plate on axle flange. Tighten attaching bolts to 115 Nm (85 ft. lbs.). (3) Apply bead of silicone sealer around wheel cylinder mounting surface and install wheel cylinder.
(1) Insert front cable through floor pan and install grommet. (2) Insert cable retainer into hole at bottom of pedal assembly bracket and connect cable end. (3) Fold floor covering down and install kick panel. (4) Raise and support vehicle.
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Install support cable to the front cable. Attach front cable to tensioner. Adjust parking brakes. Remove support and lower vehicle.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(2) Pull back on the end of the cable. Then push the cable in to engage the cable in the park brake lever. NOTE: Pull on the cable end to ensure it is attached it the park brake lever. (3) Install the brake drums. (4) Install right cable mounting retainers. (5) Push the cables housing through the cable bracket (6) Install the left cable onto the cable connector. (7) Push the right cable housing through the left cable connector and connect the cable to the extension cable. (8) Install the wheel and tire assemblies. (9) Perform park brake adjustment procedure. (10) Remove support and lower the vehicle.
(1) Push each cable housing through the brake support plate hole until cable housing retainer tabs lock into place. NOTE: Pull on the cable housing to ensure it is lock into place.
(2) Remove brake release rod from pedal assembly (Fig. 38). (3) Disconnect brake warning lamp switch. (4) Remove front parking brake cable. (5) Remove mounting nuts and mounting bolt. (6) Slide assembly rearward off the mounting studs (Fig. 38).
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(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Install assembly on the mounting studs. Install mounting bolt and nuts. Install front parking brake cable. Connect brake warning lamp switch. Install brake release rod to pedal assembly. Install left side kick panel.
CAUTION: Do not use any type of tool to install the grommets. Tools may cut, or tear the grommets creating a leak problem after installation. Install the grommets using finger pressure only. (1) Lubricate new grommets with clean brake fluid and Install new grommets in cylinder body (Fig. 43). Use finger pressure to install and seat grommets.
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(3) Pad outboard shoe side of caliper interior with a minimum 1 inch thickness of shop towels (Fig. 45). Towels will prevent piston damage when piston comes out of the caliper bore. (4) Remove caliper piston with short bursts of compressed air. Apply air pressure through fluid inlet port of caliper (Fig. 45). CAUTION: Do not blow the piston out of the bore with sustained air pressure. This could result in a cracked piston. Use only enough air pressure to ease the piston out. WARNING: NEVER ATTEMPT TO CATCH THE PISTON AS IT LEAVES THE BORE. THIS MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY.
(2) Start reservoir in grommets. Then rock reservoir back and forth while pressing downward to seat it in grommets.
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(1) Lubricate slide pin boots and bushings with GE, or Dow silicone grease. Then install the boots and bushings in caliper. (2) Coat caliper piston bore, piston and new piston seal with clean brake fluid. (3) Install new piston seal in caliper bore. Press seal into groove with finger (Fig. 47). Lubricate seal and caliper bore with additional, fresh brake fluid after seal installation.
(4) Apply light coat of GE 661, Dow 111 or similar silicone grease to edge and groove of piston and dust seal. Grease acts as corrosion protection for these areas. (5) Slide new seal boot over piston until boot lip seats in piston groove (Fig. 48). (6) Push retainer part of boot forward until folds in boot snap into place (Fig. 49). (7) Start caliper piston in bore with a twisting motion. When piston is started in seal, push piston only part way into bore (Fig. 50). Maintain uniform pressure on piston to avoid cocking it in bore. (8) Press caliper piston to bottom of bore. (9) Seat piston dust boot with Installer 8248 and Handle C-4171 (Fig. 51). (10) Install caliper bleed screw and bleed screw cap if removed (Fig. 52).
(1) Remove push rods and boots (Fig. 53). (2) Press pistons, cups and spring and expander out of cylinder bore. (3) Remove bleed screw.
(6) Remove caliper slide pin bushings and boots. (7) Remove caliper bleed screw and cap.
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(1) Lubricate wheel cylinder bore, pistons, piston cups and spring and expander with clean brake fluid. (2) Install first piston in cylinder bore. Then install first cup in bore and against piston. Be sure lip of piston cup is facing inward (toward spring and expander) and flat side is against piston. (3) Install spring and expander followed by remaining piston cup and piston. (4) Install boots on each end of cylinder and insert push rods in boots. (5) Install cylinder bleed screw.
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As a general rule, riveted brake shoes should be replaced when worn to within 0.78 mm (1/32 in.) of the rivet heads. Bonded lining should be replaced when worn to a thickness of 1.6 mm (1/16 in.). Examine the lining contact pattern to determine if the shoes are bent or the drum is tapered. The lining should exhibit contact across its entire width. Shoes exhibiting contact only on one side should be replaced and the drum checked for runout or taper. Inspect the adjuster screw assembly. Replace the assembly if the star wheel or threads are damaged, or the components are severely rusted or corroded. Discard the brake springs and retainer components if worn, distorted or collapsed. Also replace the springs if a brake drag condition had occurred. Overheating will distort and weaken the springs. Inspect the brake shoe contact pads on the support plate, replace the support plate if any of the pads are worn or rusted through. Also replace the plate if it is bent or distorted (Fig. 54).
Clean the caliper components with clean brake fluid or brake clean only. Wipe the caliper and piston dry with lint free towels or use low pressure compressed air. CAUTION: Do not use gasoline, kerosene, paint thinner, or similar solvents. These products may leave a residue that could damage the piston and seal.
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The piston is made from a phenolic resin (plastic material) and should be smooth and clean. The piston must be replaced if cracked or scored. Do not attempt to restore a scored piston surface by sanding or polishing. CAUTION: If the caliper piston is replaced, install the same type of piston in the caliper. Never interchange phenolic resin and steel caliper pistons. The pistons, seals, seal grooves, caliper bore and piston tolerances are different. The bore can be lightly polished with a brake hone to remove very minor surface imperfections (Fig. 55). The caliper should be replaced if the bore is severely corroded, rusted, scored, or if polishing would increase bore diameter more than 0.025 mm (0.001 inch).
scored, pitted or heavily corroded. Honing the bore to restore the surface is not recommended. Inspect the cylinder pistons. The piston surfaces should be smooth and free of scratches, scoring and corrosion. Replace the pistons if worn, scored, or corroded. Do attempt to restore the surface by sanding or polishing. Discard the old piston cups and the spring and expander. These parts are not reusable. The original dust boots may be reused but only if they are in good condition.
Clean the cylinder and pistons with clean brake fluid or brake cleaner only. Do not use any other cleaning agents. Dry the cylinder and pistons with compressed air. Do not use rags or shop towels to dry the cylinder components. Lint from cloth material will adhere to the cylinder bores and pistons.
Inspect the cylinder bore. Light discoloration and dark stains in the bore are normal and will not impair cylinder operation. The cylinder bore can be lightly polished but only with crocus cloth. Replace the cylinder if the bore is
(5) Reverse gauge and install it on brake shoes. Position gauge legs at shoe centers as shown (Fig. 57). If gauge does not fit (too loose/too tight), adjust shoes.
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(6) Pull shoe adjuster lever away from adjuster screw star wheel. (7) Turn adjuster screw star wheel (by hand) to expand or retract brake shoes. Continue adjustment until gauge outside legs are light drag-fit on shoes. (8) Install brake drums and wheels and lower vehicle. (9) Drive vehicle and make one forward stop followed by one reverse stop. Repeat procedure 8-10 times to operate automatic adjusters and equalize adjustment. NOTE: Bring vehicle to complete standstill at each stop. Incomplete, rolling stops will not activate automatic adjusters.
(7) Push and hold adjuster lever away from star wheel with thin screwdriver. (8) Back off adjuster screw star wheel until brake drag is eliminated. (9) Repeat adjustment at opposite wheel. Be sure adjustment is equal at both wheels. (10) Install support plate access hole plugs. (11) Adjust parking brake cable and lower vehicle. (12) Drive vehicle and make one forward stop followed by one reverse stop. Repeat procedure 8-10 times to operate automatic adjusters and equalize adjustment. NOTE: Bring vehicle to complete standstill at each stop. Incomplete, rolling stops will not activate automatic adjusters.
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(4) Verify brakes are in good condition and operating properly. (5) Verify park brake cables operate freely and are not binding, or seized. (6) Check rear brake shoe adjustment with standard brake gauge. (7) Install drums and verify that drums rotate freely without drag. (8) Reinstall wheel/tire assemblies after brake shoe adjustment is complete. (9) Lower vehicle enough for access to park brake foot pedal. Then fully apply park brakes. NOTE: Leave park brakes applied until adjustment is complete. (10) Raise vehicle again. (11) Mark tensioner rod 6.35 mm (1/4 in.) from edge of tensioner bracket (Fig. 59). (12) Tighten adjusting nut at equalizer until mark on tensioner rod moves into alignment with tensioner bracket. CAUTION: Do not loosen, or tighten the tensioner adjusting nut for any reason after completing adjustment. (13) Lower vehicle until rear wheels are 15-20 cm (6-8 in.) off shop floor. (14) Release park brake foot pedal and verify that rear wheels rotate freely without drag. Then lower vehicle.
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Disc Brake Caliper Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sliding Bore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 mm (2.75 in.) Disc Brake Rotor Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ventilated Size . . . . . . . . . . . 287 x 24 mm (11.3 x 0.944 in.) Max. Runout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.102 mm (0.004) Max. Thickness Variation . . . . . . . . . . 0.013 mm (0.0005 in.) Min. Rotor Thickness . . . . . 22.6 mm (0.8898 in.) Drum Brake Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 x 57 mm (11 x 2.25 in.) Max. Runout . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.20 mm (0.008 in.) Max. Diameter Variation . . . 0.076 mm (0.003 in.) Brake Booster Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tandem Diaphragm
DESCRIPTION TORQUE Brake Booster Mounting Nuts . . . . . . . . . . 28 Nm (250 in. lbs.) Master Cylinder Mounting Nuts . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nm (160 in. lbs.) Caliper Mounting Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.) Wheel Cylinder Bolts 1/4-20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Nm (11 ft. lbs.) 5/16-18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Nm (16 ft. lbs.) Support Plate Mounting Bolts/Nuts . . . . . . . . 64 Nm (47 ft. lbs) Brake Line Fittings Master Cylinder . . . . . . . . . 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.) Combination Valve . . . . . . . 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.) Wheel Cylinder . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nm (145 in. lbs.) Brake Hose Front Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Nm (145 in. lbs.) Front Bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Nm (250 in. lbs.) Rear Fitting . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.)
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. . . . . . 36 NORMAL BRAKING During light brake application, rear wheel deceleration is not sufficient to activate the antilock system components. During a normal stop hydraulic brake fluid flows unrestricted to the rear wheel cylinders to stop the vehicle. The antilock solenoid valves are inactive. The isolation valve is open and the dump valve is closed allowing normal fluid flow to the rear wheel cylinders. REAR WHEEL ANTILOCK BRAKING If the CAB senses impending rear wheel lock-up, it will energize the isolation solenoid. This prevents a further increase of driver induced brake pressure to the rear wheels. If this initial action is not enough to prevent rear wheel lock-up, the CAB will momentarily energize a dump solenoid. This opens the dump valve to vent a small amount of isolated rear brake pressure to an accumulator. The action of fluid moving to the accumulator reduces the isolated brake pressure at the wheel cylinders. The dump (pressure venting) cycle is limited to very short time periods (milliseconds). The CAB will pulse the dump valve until rear wheel deceleration reaches the desired slip rate programmed into the CAB. The system will switch to normal braking once wheel locking tendencies are no longer present.
When the brakes are applied, hydraulic fluid is routed from the master cylinders secondary circuit, through the combination valve, to the RWAL valve. From there hydraulic fluid is routed to the rear brake wheel cylinders. The Controller Antilock Brake monitors rear wheel speed through the rear wheel speed sensor. If a wheel is about to lock-up, the CAB signals the RWAL valve. The RWAL valve modulates the hydraulic brake pressure to the rear wheels to prevent wheel lock-up.
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Instrument cluster. Instrument panel harness near the parking brake switch. Inside the CAB.
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SYSTEM SELF-TEST When the ignition switch is turned-on the microprocessor RAM and ROM are tested. If an error occurs during the test, a DTC will be set into the RAM memory. However it is possible the DTC will not be stored in memory if the error has occurred in the RAM module were the DTCs are stored. Also it is possible a DTC may not be stored if the error has occurred in the ROM which signals the RAM to store the DTC. CAB INPUTS The CAB continuously monitors the speed of the differential ring gear by monitoring signals generated by the rear wheel speed sensor. The CAB determines a wheel locking tendency when it recognizes the ring gear is decelerating too rapidly. The CAB monitors the following inputs to determine when a wheel locking tendency may exists: Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Brake Lamp Switch Brake Warning Lamp Switch Reset Switch 4WD Switch (If equipped) CAB OUTPUTS The CAB controls the following outputs for antilock braking and brake warning information: RWAL Valve ABS Warning Lamp Brake Warning Lamp
onds). The CAB will pulse the dump valve until rear wheel deceleration matches the desired slip rate programmed into the CAB. The system will switch to normal braking once wheel locking tendencies are no longer present. A predetermined maximum number of consecutive dump cycles can be performed during any RWAL stop. If excessive dump cycles occur, a DTC will be set and stored in the CAB memory. If during a RWAL stop, the driver releases the brake pedal, the reset switch contacts will open. This signal to the CAB is an indication that pressure has equalized across the RWAL valve. The CAB will then reset the dump cycle counter in anticipation of the next RWAL stop. Additionally, any fluid stored in the accumulator will force its way past the dump valve, back into the hydraulic circuit and return to the master cylinder. A fuse internal to the CAB, provides a fail-safe device which prevents unwanted control over the isolation and dump solenoids. The fuse is in series with the isolation and dump solenoids output circuits. If the internal fuse is open, the CAB cannot provide voltage to energize either solenoid and RWAL stops are prevented. If the fuse is open, the braking system will operate normally but without antilock control over rear brake pressure.
The valve is located on the drivers side inner fender under the hood. The valve modulates hydraulic pressure to the rear brakes during an RWAL stop.
If the CAB senses that rear wheel speed deceleration is excessive, it will energize an isolation solenoid by providing battery voltage to the solenoid. This prevents a further increase of driver induced brake pressure to the rear wheels. If this initial action is not enough to prevent rear wheel lock-up, the CAB will momentarily energize a dump solenoid (the CAB energizes the dump solenoid by providing battery voltage to the solenoid). This opens the dump valve to vent a small amount of isolated rear brake pressure to an accumulator. The action of fluid moving to the accumulator reduces the isolated brake pressure at the wheel cylinders. The dump (pressure venting) cycle is limited to very short time periods (millisec-
The exciter ring is press fitted onto the differential carrier next to the final drive ring gear (Fig. 3). For
replacement procedure of the exciter ring, refer to Group 3 Differential and Driveline.
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The WSS consists of a magnet surrounded by windings from a single strand of wire. The sensor sends a small AC signal to the CAB. This signal is generated by magnetic induction. The magnetic induction is created when a toothed sensor ring (exciter ring or tone wheel) passes the stationary magnetic WSS. When the ring gear is rotated, the exciter ring passes the tip of the WSS. As the exciter ring tooth approaches the tip of the WSS, the magnetic lines of force expand, causing the magnetic field to cut across the sensors windings. This, in turn causes current to flow through the WSS circuit (Fig. 4) in one direction. When the exciter ring tooth moves away from the sensor tip, the magnetic lines of force collapse cutting the winding in the opposite direction. This causes the current to flow in the opposite direction. Every time a tooth of the exciter ring passes the tip of the WSS, an AC signal is generated. Each AC signal (positive to negative signal or sinewave) is interpreted by the CAB. It then compares the frequency of the sinewave to a time value to calculate vehicle speed. The CAB continues to monitor the frequency to determine a deceleration rate that would indicate a possible wheel-locking tendency. The signal strength of any magnetic induction sensor is directly affected by: Magnetic field strength; the stronger the magnetic field, the stronger the signal Number of windings in the sensor; more windings provide a stronger signal Exciter ring speed; the faster the exciter ring rotates, the stronger the signal will be
1 2 3 4 5
Distance between the exciter ring teeth and WSS; the closer the WSS is to the exciter ring, the stronger the signal will be The rear WSS is not adjustable. A clearance specification has been established for manufacturing tolerances. If the clearance is not within these specifications, then either the WSS or other components may be damaged. The clearance between the WSS and the exciter ring is 0.005 0.050 in. The assembly plant performs a Rolls Test on every vehicle that leaves the assembly plant. One of the test performed is a test of the WSS. To properly test the sensor, the assembly plant connects test equipment to the Data Link Connector (DLC). This connector is located to the right of the steering column and attached to the lower portion of the instrument panel (Fig. 5). The rolls test terminal is spliced to the WSS circuit. The vehicle is then driven on a set of rollers and the WSS output is monitored for proper operation.
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warning lamp also is used to alerts the driver of a problem with the RWAL system.
The red brake warning lamp illuminates when a message is sent over the bus to the cluster to illuminate the bulb. A ground for the bulb is provided when: The parking brake is applied and the park brake switch is actuated. A hydraulic fault has occurred and the pressure differential switch is actuated. A RWAL fault has occurred. The amber ABS warning lamp is used to alert the driver of an RWAL problem and identify DTCs stored in the CABs memory.
The primary function of the switch is to turn on the brake lamps during braking. The switch is also used to send signals to components that must know when the brakes are applied, such as the Powertrain Control Module (PCM), which uses the signal to cancel speed control. The CAB uses the brake switch signal to monitor brake pedal application. When the switch contacts open (brakes applied), the CAB
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(1) Remove reservoir filler caps and fill reservoir. (2) If calipers, or wheel cylinders were overhauled, open all caliper and wheel cylinder bleed screws. Then close each bleed screw as fluid starts to drip from it. Top off master cylinder reservoir once more before proceeding. (3) Attach one end of bleed hose to bleed screw and insert opposite end in glass container partially filled with brake fluid (Fig. 6). Be sure end of bleed hose is immersed in fluid. (4) Open up bleeder, then have a helper press down the brake pedal. Once the pedal is down close the bleeder. Repeat bleeding until fluid stream is clear and free of bubbles. Then move to the next wheel.
(1) Push the CAB harness connector lock to release the lock and remove the connector (Fig. 7) from the controller. (2) Remove the RWAL valve harness connector from the controller. (3) Remove the controller mounting screws and remove the controller from the mounting bracket (Fig. 7).
Follow the manufacturers instructions carefully when using pressure equipment. Do not exceed the tank manufacturers pressure recommendations. Generally, a tank pressure of 15-20 psi is sufficient for bleeding. Fill the bleeder tank with recommended fluid and purge air from the tank lines before bleeding. Do not pressure bleed without a proper master cylinder adapter. The wrong adapter can lead to leakage, or drawing air back into the system. Use the adapter provided with the equipment or Adapter 6921.
(1) Position the controller on the bracket. (2) Install the mounting screws and tighten to 6 Nm (53 in. lbs). (3) Install the RWAL valve harness connector into the controller. (4) Install the CAB harness connector into the controller and push down on the connector lock.
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(1) Position the valve on the bracket and install the mounting bolt. Tighten the mounting bolt to 20-27 Nm (15-20 ft. lbs.). (2) Install the brake lines and tighten to 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.). (3) Install the RWAL valve harness connector into the RWAL controller. (4) Bleed base brake system.
(1) Remove RWAL valve harness connector from the RWAL controller. (2) Remove the brake lines from the valve. (3) Remove the valve mounting bolt (Fig. 8) and remove the valve from the bracket.
(4) Remove sensor and shield from differential housing. (5) Disconnect sensor wire harness and remove sensor.
(1) Connect harness to sensor. Be sure seal is securely in place between sensor and wiring connector. (2) Install O-ring on sensor (if removed). (3) Insert sensor in differential housing. (4) Install sensor shield. (5) Install the sensor mounting stud and tighten to 24 Nm (200 in. lbs.). (6) Install the brake line on the sensor stud and install the nut. (7) Lower vehicle.
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The exciter ring is mounted on the differential case. If the ring is damaged refer to Group 3 Differential and Driveline for service procedures.
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Battery voltage is supplied to the CAB ignition terminal when the ignition switch is turned to Run position. The CAB performs a system initialization procedure at this point. Initialization consists of a static and dynamic self check of system electrical components. The static and dynamic checks occurs at ignition start up. During the dynamic check, the CAB briefly cycles the pump and solenoids to verify operation. An audible noise may be heard during this self check. This noise should be considered normal.
If an ABS component exhibits a fault during initialization, the CAB illuminates the amber warning light and registers a fault code in the microprocessor memory. The CAB monitors wheel speed sensor inputs continuously while the vehicle is in motion. However, the CAB will not activate any ABS components as long as sensor inputs indicate normal braking.
During normal braking, the master cylinder, power booster and wheel brake units all function as they would in a vehicle without ABS. The HCU components are not activated. The purpose of the antilock system is to prevent wheel lockup during periods of high wheel slip. Preventing lockup helps maintain vehicle braking action and steering control. The antilock CAB activates the system whenever sensor signals indicate periods of high wheel slip. High wheel slip can be described as the point where wheel rotation begins approaching 20 to 30 percent of actual vehicle speed during braking. Periods of high wheel slip occur when brake stops involve high pedal pressure and rate of vehicle deceleration. The antilock system prevents lockup during high slip conditions by modulating fluid apply pressure to the wheel brake units. Brake fluid apply pressure is modulated according to wheel speed, degree of slip and rate of deceleration. Sensors at each front wheel convert wheel speed into electrical signals. These signals are transmitted to the CAB for processing and determination of wheel slip and deceleration rate. The ABS system has three fluid pressure control channels. The front brakes are controlled separately and the rear brakes in tandem. A speed sensor input signal indicating a high slip condition activates the CAB antilock program. Two solenoid valves are used in each antilock control channel. The valves are all located within the HCU valve body and work in pairs to either increase, hold, or decrease apply pressure as needed in the individual control channels. The solenoid valves are not static during antilock braking. They are cycled continuously to modulate pressure. Solenoid cycle time in antilock mode can be measured in milliseconds.
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Fig. 2 CAB/HCU
is detected. Faults are stored in a diagnostic program memory and are accessible with the DRB scan tool. ABS faults remain in memory until cleared, or until after the vehicle is started approximately 50 times. Stored faults are not erased if the battery is disconnected. NOTE: If the CAB needs to be replaced, the rear axle type and tire revolutions per mile must be programed into the new CAB. For axle type refer to Group 3 Differential and Driveline. For tire revolutions per mile refer to Group 22 Tire and Wheels. To program the CAB refer to the Chassis Diagnostic Manual.
The CAB contains dual microprocessors. A logic block in each microprocessor receives identical sensor signals. These signals are processed and compared simultaneously. The CAB contains a self check program that illuminates the ABS warning light when a system fault
The pump, motor, and accumulators are combined into an assembly attached to the valve body. The accumulators store the extra fluid which had to be dumped from the brakes. This is done to prevent the wheels from locking up. The pump provides the fluid volume needed and is operated by a DC type motor. The motor is controlled by the CAB.
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The WSS consists of a magnet surrounded by windings from a single strand of wire. The sensor sends a small AC signal to the CAB. This signal is generated by magnetic induction. The magnetic induction is created when a toothed sensor ring (exciter ring or tone wheel) passes the stationary magnetic WSS. When the ring gear is rotated, the exciter ring passes the tip of the WSS. As the exciter ring tooth approaches the tip of the WSS, the magnetic lines of force expand, causing the magnetic field to cut across the sensors windings. This, in turn causes current to flow through the WSS circuit (Fig. 3) in one direction. When the exciter ring tooth moves away from the sensor tip, the magnetic lines of force collapse cutting the winding in the opposite direction. This causes the current to flow in the opposite direction. Every time a tooth of the exciter ring passes the tip of the WSS, an AC signal is generated. Each AC signal (positive to negative signal or sinewave) is interpreted by the CAB. It then compares the frequency of the sinewave to a time value to calculate vehicle speed. The CAB continues to monitor the frequency to determine a deceleration rate that would indicate a possible wheel-locking tendency. The signal strength of any magnetic induction sensor is directly affected by: Magnetic field strength; the stronger the magnetic field, the stronger the signal Number of windings in the sensor; more windings provide a stronger signal Exciter ring speed; the faster the exciter ring/ tone wheel rotates, the stronger the signal will be Distance between the exciter ring teeth and WSS; the closer the WSS is to the exciter ring/tone wheel, the stronger the signal will be The rear WSS is not adjustable. A clearance specification has been established for manufacturing tolerances. If the clearance is not within these specifications, then either the WSS or other components may be damaged. The clearance between the WSS and the exciter ring is 0.005 0.050 in. The assembly plant performs a Rolls Test on every vehicle that leaves the assembly plant. One of the test performed is a test of the WSS. To properly test the sensor, the assembly plant connects test equipment to the Data Link Connector (DLC). This
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If an ABS component exhibits a fault the CAB will illuminate the ABS warning lamp and register a trouble code in the microprocessor. The lamp is controlled by the CAB. The CAB controls the lamp sending a message to the instrument cluster. If red warning lamp is illuminate with the amber warning lamp, this may indicate a electronic brake distribution fault. The red warning lamp will illuminate if an ABS component exhibits a fault and the amber lamp is burned out.
connector is located to the right of the steering column and attached to the lower portion of the instrument panel (Fig. 4). The rolls test terminal is spliced to the WSS circuit. The vehicle is then driven on a set of rollers and the WSS output is monitored for proper operation.
Fig. 4 Data Link Connector - Typical
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(1) Disconnect battery negative cable. (2) Push the harness connector locks to release the locks, (Fig. 5) then remove the connectors from the CAB. (3) Disconnect the pump motor connector (Fig. 6). (4) Remove screws attaching CAB to the HCU (Fig. 7). (5) Remove the CAB.
(1) Place the CAB onto the HCU.
tire revolutions per mile refer to Group 22 Tire and Wheels. To program the CAB refer to the Chassis Diagnostic Manual.
(1) Disconnect battery negative cable. (2) Remove the brake lines from HCU (Fig. 8). (3) Push the harness connector locks to release the locks, (Fig. 5) then remove the connectors from the CAB. (4) Remove the nuts which attaches the assembly to the mounting bracket (Fig. 9).
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(1) Raise and support vehicle. (2) Remove bolt attaching sensor to the steering knuckle (Fig. 10). (3) Remove clamps securing sensor wire to control arm and inner fender panel. (4) In engine compartment, disconnect sensor wire from harness and remove sensor.
(1) Position sensor in the knuckle and install sensor attaching bolts. Tighten bolts to 21 Nm (190 in. lbs.). (2) Secure sensor wire retaining clamps to control arm and fender panel. (3) In engine compartment, connect sensor wire to harness connector. Make sure wire is routed away from hot or rotating underhood components. (4) Turn steering wheel back and forth to verify that wire is clear of steering and suspension components. (5) Remove supports and lower vehicle.
(1) Install the antilock assembly into the bracket and tighten bolts to 14-15 Nm (10-12 ft. lbs.). (2) Connect the CAB harnesses. (3) Connect the brake lines to the HCU. Tighten brake line fittings to 19 Nm (170 in. lbs.). (4) Connect battery. (5) Bleed brake system.
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(7) Turn steering wheel back and forth to verify that wire is clear of steering and suspension components. (8) Remove supports and lower vehicle.
The tone wheel for the front speed sensor is located on the hub/bearing on 2-wheel drive models (Fig. 12). On 4-wheel drive models, the tone wheel is located in the hub/bearing housing. The tone wheel is not a serviceable component. To replace the tone wheel the hub/bearing must be replaced. Refer to Group 2 Suspension for the service procedure.
(1) Raise and support vehicle. (2) Remove wheel and tire assembly. (3) Remove brake caliper and rotor. (4) Remove bolts attaching sensor to hub/bearing (Fig. 11). (5) Remove clamps securing sensor wire to control arm and inner fender panel. (6) In engine compartment, disconnect sensor wire and remove sensor.
(1) Guide sensor wire around upper control arm. (2) Position sensor on hub/bearing and install attaching bolts. Tighten bolt to 18-25 Nm (160-220 in. lbs.). (3) Secure sensor wire retaining clamps to control arm and fender panel with original hardware. (4) In engine compartment, connect sensor wire to harness connector. Insure wire is routed away from hot or rotating underhood components. (5) Install brake rotor and caliper. (6) Install wheel and tire assembly.
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(1) Connect harness to sensor. Be sure seal is securely in place between sensor and wiring connector. (2) Install O-ring on sensor (if removed). (3) Insert sensor in differential housing. (4) Install sensor shield. (5) Install the sensor mounting stud and tighten to 24 Nm (200 in. lbs.). (6) Install the brake line on the sensor stud and install the nut. (7) Lower vehicle.
The exciter ring is mounted on the differential case. If the ring is damaged refer to Group 3 Differential and Driveline for service procedures.
(4) Remove sensor and shield from differential housing. (5) Disconnect sensor wire harness and remove sensor.