Mesh DiscretIzation

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CFD e-Learning Mesh and discretization

G. Puigt and H. Deniau

Release 1.1 January 2011

Copyrighted by the author(s)

Centre Europ een de Recherche et de Formation Avanc ee en Calcul Scientique 42 avenue Coriolis 31057 Toulouse Cedex 1 France T el : +33 5 61 19 31 31 Fax : +33 5 61 19 30 00 e-mail:


1 Navier-Stokes equations 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Mass conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Momentum conservation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Energy conservation and state equation . . . 1.6 Navier-Stokes equations . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 Conservative form of the equations . . 1.7 Behavior laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.1 Law for (newtonian uid) . . . . . . 1.7.2 Stokes hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.3 Thermal ux and Fouriers law for the 1.7.4 Law for the viscosity . . . . . . . . . . 1.7.5 Some remarks on closure . . . . . . . . 1.8 Perfect state equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.1 Denition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8.2 Reminder on thermodynamic . . . . . 1.8.3 Perfect gas model . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.9 The Navier-Stokes system of equations . . . .

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2 Towards the numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Discretization of partial dierential equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Mathematical analysis on a model problem . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Finite dierences approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Finite element approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Finite volume approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Unstructured and structured meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1 Structured mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2 Unstructured meshes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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3 Formulation and location of data 3.1 Data storage location for structured grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.1 The cell center approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 The node center approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 of 45


Data storage location for unstructured grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

34 37 37 37 38 40 42 42 42 43 45

4 Some extensions to simplify the mesh generation process 4.1 Limiting mesh nodes in C grid wakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.1 Near-matching mesh interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2 Non-matching mesh interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Handling complex CAD with the chimera approach . . . . . 4.3 Prisms in structured grids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Towards new CFD softwares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Extending unstructured grids to new element shapes 4.4.2 Mixing structured and unstructured capabilities . . Bibliography

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Chapter 1

Navier-Stokes equations



In this chapter, the Navier-Stokes equations are derived from physical assumptions. The main goal is to give explanations on the Navier-Stokes closure and these explanations are justied by physical assumptions. Moreover, the Navier-Stokes equations include formally the conservation principle this is why it is generally said Let solve the Navier-Stokes equations in conservative form and the conservation principle will be justied. Remark 1.1.1 Notations and denitions of this chapter will be valid for the whole document. Remark 1.1.2 The Navier-Stokes equations presented in this document are only valid for the continuous regime. The ow is in continuous regime if the mean free path1 x is suciently short. There exist a microscopic theory which derives the Navier-Stokes equations from rareed ow equations (see [3] in French). This method is out of purpose and will not be addressed in this document. Remark 1.1.3 The Navier-Stokes equations can also be derived from mathematical considerations [5].



Let be an open space of Rk (k = 2 or k = 3). Consider a uid during a time interval [0,T ]. Lets dene the following symbols: x Rk : a point in , t [0, T ]: a time instant, (x, t) R + [0, T ]: the density eld, u(x, t) Rk [0, T ]: the velocity vector eld, p(x, t) R + [0, T ]: the pressure eld, e(x, t) R + [0, T ]: the internal energy associated with molecules movement inside an elementary volume,

average distance covered by a moving particle between two successive impacts.

Page 5 of 45

T (x, t) R + [0, T ]: the temperature eld associated with internal energy. Let us dene mathematical objects based on the scalar variable q , on the vector variables v and w, and on the matrices A and B : q , t q , j q = xj q = gradient of q (vector), t q = v = second order tensor(v )ij = i vj , i vi

.v = divergence of v : .v =

.A = vector which j -th component is


i Aij ,

u.v = A:B =

scalar product, Aij Bij ,


v v = vi i v,

vw = v =

second order tensor (v w)ij = vi wj , Laplacian of v : v = .(v ) .

Remark 1.2.1 Einstein summation convention must be applied to all formulae: repeating indices means summation with respect to this subscript.


Mass conservation

Let A be a regular sub-domain of . The conservation principle for the mass is: The mass variation in A is equal to the mass ux across the boundary A of A. It results: t

dx =

u.n ds ,

where n is the unit outward vector, normal to the boundary and dened at each point of the boundary. Since A is regular, Stokes formula leads to: .(u)dx =

u.n ds ,

and t

dx +

.(u)dx = 0.

Since A is dened arbitrary, the mass conservation principle leads to: t + .(u) = 0. Remark 1.3.1 This equations is also called continuity equation. Page 6 of 45 (1.1)


Momentum conservation

The momentum conservation equation comes from Newtons law: Forces = acceleration given by the forces Let a uid particle be in x at time t. The particle will be in x + u(x, t)t at time t + t and its acceleration is: lim 1 (u(x + u(x, t) t, t + t) u(x, t)) = t u + u.u . t


Now, let us dene the forces which act on A: external forces


f dx with f external force per volume unit.

pressure and viscous forces: ( pI)nds =


(p . ) dx ,


where is the shear stress tensor, I is the unit diagonal tensor, n is the unit outward normal vector on A. The equivalence of left and right hand sides of Eq. 1.2 is due to Stokes formula. Therefore, it comes: (t u + u.u)dx =

(f p + . )dx ,

and therefore (t u + u.u) + p . = f . Since t u = t (u) (t ) u = t (u) + .(u) u = t (u) + .(u u) u u , one nally obtains: t (u) + .(u u) + .(pI ) = f . (1.3)


Energy conservation and state equation

Let A be a volume moving with the uid. The specic total energy E in A is the sum of: the specic internal energy e, the kinetic energy u 2 /2. Page 7 of 45

Therefore, E = e + u 2 /2 and the energy in A is: E dx .


The energy E is the sum of mechanical work and heat. The force work is u.(f + pI)nds .

Let q be the energy ux density transported by thermal conduction; it comes: d dt E dx =


t E + .(uE ) dx =

u.f dx +

u( pI) q nds .

With Stokes formula, and since the relation is true for all A, the energy conservation equation writes: t (E ) + . u(E + p) = . (u q ) + u.f . (1.4)


Navier-Stokes equations

Finally, the Navier-Stokes equations have been obtained. One can write it without external force (f = 0): t + .(u) = 0 t (u) + .(u u) = . (1.5) t (E ) + .(uE ) = . (u ) .q , with = pI + and is the shear stress tensor. The Navier-Stokes system of equations is open with more unknown variables than equations. Additional relations are necessary to close it and link intermediate variables (or ) and q to the main variables , u and E . The closure is done by providing two behavior laws for et q and the state law which links the pressure with the main variables. Remark 1.6.1 In Computational Fluid Dynamics tools, gravity is not taken into account, its eects being several order of magnitude lower than that of pressure and viscous forces.


Conservative form of the equations

Deriving the Navier-Stokes equations from physical considerations is based on an integral formulation paradigm. This approach shows the principle of conservation: for a stationary ow, the integration of the divergence term on a control volume leads to boundary uxes such that inward and outward uxes are equal. It is the principle of conservation form of equations. On the computational side, this conservative formulation has several advantages: guaranty of no mass build during the computational process, guaranty of no momentum build during the computational process, guaranty of no energy built during the computational process. Page 8 of 45


Behavior laws
Law for (newtonian uid)

One needs to understand that the shear stress tensor depends by nature on the uid viscosity. The viscosity measures the resistance of a ow and induces constraints inside the ow.

Planar Couette ow The uid viscosity can be measured experimentally with the planar Couettes process represented in Fig. 1.1.

mobile wall


Fixed wall

Figure 1.1: Principle of the planar Couettes ow.

In this experiment, the uid between two parallel planar surfaces, with a distance of h meters between them and with one in a steady translation at constant velocity U0 , is put in movement thanks to the viscous eects. For the sake of clarity, let the upper wall be moving and let the lower wall be xed (Fig. 1.1). The ow movement only results from the movement of the upper wall if there is no extern force. For the permanent regime of some uids, the experiment shows that the velocity prole between both planar surface is linear. Moreover, this solution is maintained if and only if a force F applied on an area A is such that: F h = Cst . A U0 The dynamic viscosity of the uid is the positive or null constant: F U0 = . A h (1.6)

Eq. 1.6 can be applied to uids such as air or water and is the origin of the rheologic behavior of newtonian uids. Page 9 of 45

Consequence Eq. 1.6 introduces the notion of constraint or force per surface unit F/A and since the force direction is parallel with the surface, the constraint is dened tangential: xy = F . A (1.7)

The generalization of Eq. 1.7 to 3D congurations gives an expression for the shear stress tensor. Generalization and general expression In air, the internal friction only appears when several parts of the ow move at dierent velocities. As a consequence [7], must depend on the velocity gradient with respect to the three directions in space. If the gradient is not too high, it is admitted that the movement due to viscosity only depends on rst order derivatives of the velocity and depends linearly on u. Since is zero for u = Cst, expression does not contain terms independent of u. Moreover, = 0 if the uid does a full uniform rotation since there is no friction in the ow. For a uniform rotation at angular velocity and at radius r, the velocity is r. The linear combinations of u which are zero for u = r are based on: u + uT . depends on symmetric combinations of u and using the most general tensor notation, one nds nally: = (u + uT ) + .uI with 0 , (1.8)

where and represent two scalar values with a denition close to Lam es coecients for linear elasticity. The rst real scalar is called dynamic viscosity and the other one is the second viscosity coecient. The dynamic viscosity is a positive coecient. Eq. 1.8 is known as Newtons law for the viscosity and the uid which respects Eq. 1.8 is said newtonian. The kinetic theory [9] gives a validity relation for Eq. 1.8: m u << 1 c (1.9)

with m the mean free path and c a characteristic molecular velocity such as the speed of sound. Eq. 1.8 can be written in a dierent way, introducing spheric and deviator contributions [4]: 2 2 2 = u + uT .uI + + .uI with 0 and + 0 3 3 3 which shows that 2 =+ 3

plays the role of a volume viscosity, in the sense that it is associated with volume variations. Page 10 of 45


Stokes hypothesis

Stokes hypothesis introduces a new level in the modeling for . It comes from thermodynamic assumptions at equilibrium: the mechanic pressure pm = p + .u is strictly equal to the dynamic pressure p, leading to: = 0, and so 3 + 2 = 0 . Stokes hypothesis means that the relaxation time for dynamic and mechanic pressures to be equal is innitely small. With Stokes relation, Eq. 1.8 becomes the Newton-Stokes law: 2 = u + uT .uI 3 . (1.10)

At this level of modeling, one can compute the sear stress if a law is given for the viscosity.


Thermal ux and Fouriers law for the heat ux q

Remark 1.7.1 We only consider in this document the thermal conduction as mode for heat transfer. Let q be the energy ux density transported by thermal conduction. If the temperature gradient is low, q can be expressed as a power of the temperature gradient. The rst order term [7] is written: q = T . (1.11)

where is called thermal conductivity. This relation is known as Fouriers law and is valid under the following relation [9] : m T << 1 T (1.12)

where m is the mean free path. The thermal conduction coecient is always positive since the energy ux comes from high temperature regions to low temperature regions. Therefore, q and T must have opposite signs. is classically related to with: = Cp , Pr (1.13)

where Cp is the heat capacity at constant pressure (it depends on the gas and on the state equation) and P r is a non-dimensional number, called the Prandtl number. P r represents the ratio of the thermal diusion time over the dynamic diusion time for a xed reference length.


Law for the viscosity

The viscosity depends on the temperature in general. For air in non extreme conditions of temperature and pressure, follows Sutherlands law: (T ) = ref T Tref

Tref + 110.4 T + 110.4


Page 11 of 45

where Tref = 273.15 K and ref = 1.711 105 Kg.m1 .s1 . For a temperature lower than 1500K , Eq. 1.14 is a good approximation of . For aircrafts or turbomachinery ows, it is the classical (preferred) relation to dene .










1.2e-05 200



350 Temperature (K)




Figure 1.2: Sutherlands law: evolution of the viscosity with respect to the temperature.


Some remarks on closure

Stokes hypothesis leads to a simplication of the shear stress tensor with a zero Lam es coecient. The volume viscosity is neglected, which is only valid for a pure monoatomic gas and some studies have shown that Stokes hypothesis was false for air. The volume viscosity can be computed with the following law [6]: = 7.821 exp(16.8T 1/3 ) . For most of the CFD solvers that compute air ows, the Prandtl number, which measures the ratio of the thermal conductivity on the diusion one, is assumed constant, equal to 0.72. An analysis of some measures lead Papin [8] to propose a function of the temperature [8] : P r(T ) = 0.66 + 0.1 exp T 123.15 300

computed from a sampling [2] (valid between 120K and 670K ). One deduces from this relation that the Prandtl number varies between 0.686 and 0.735 with a value near 0.72 for 273K approximately (Fig. 1.3). Page 12 of 45

0.74 0.735 0.73 0.725 0.72 0.715

0.71 0.705 0.7 0.695 0.69 0.685 200



350 Temperature (K)




Figure 1.3: Evolution of the Prandtl number with the temperature (K).

In [6], a law for the thermal conductivity independent of the kinetic viscosity is proposed for air: 2.64638 103 T 3/2 = . T + 254.4 1012/T


Perfect state equation


A thermodynamic state is characterized by two independent variables and T , or and S where S represents the entropy. The state law consists in giving the functions P or g such that: p = P (, T ) or p = g (, S ) .


Reminder on thermodynamic

The rst principle In thermodynamics, the internal energy per mass unit e varying between two equilibrium states with an innitesimal process follows: de = w + q Page 13 of 45

0.04 from [6] Classical definition



0.025 0.02 0.015 200



350 Temperature (K)




Figure 1.4: Thermal conductivity: comparison of expression from [6] with Eq. 1.13.

where w and q represent the specic work and the specic heat given to the system. It is also possible to introduce the specic enthalpy h: p h=e+ , and the heat capacities at constant pressure or constant volume, respectively: Cp = The second principle In thermodynamics, the second principle is written in two parts: 1. there exists a temperature T and a state variable S called specic entropy such that, for all innitesimal evolution (reversible or not): de = T dS pd 1 , h T et Cv =

e T


2. The evolution principle says that, for a closed system (no mass exchange with the rest of the world), the following relation is true: dS
i J

qi ), Ti

Page 14 of 45

where J represents all thermal sources i at temperature Ti which bring the heat transfer qi . Equality is only obtained for reversible evolutions. State variables and exact linearization The internal energy e and the enthalpy h are state variables which can be dierentiated exactly, and e e e de = dT + d = Cv dT + d , T T T dh = h T dT +

h p

dp = Cp dT +

h p



Perfect gas model

The kinetic theory for perfect gas has been essentially written by Maxwell in 1859. It is based on the molecular representation of gas suggested by Avogadro in 1811 and on some statistical considerations. At human being scale, the number of molecules is simply enormous (remember the meaning of Avogrados number NA = 6.02253 1023 ). Following the kinetic theory, the state law for a perfect monoatomic gas is written: p = nkT , (1.15)

where k is the Boltzmanns constant (k = 1.3806581 1023 J.K 1 ) and n is the number of molecules per volume unit. Let M be the molar mass. The density is = and it comes from Eq. 1.15 : p= k NA T. M nM . NA

The product R = k NA represents the perfect gas constant R = 8.3144 J.K 1 .mol1 and R = R/M is the perfect gas constant for the considered gas. To conclude, a perfect gas is characterized by: p = RT , (1.16)

with R = 287 for air. One can also prove that enthalpy h and internal energy e are functions of the temperature only for a perfect gas, leading to de = Cv (T )dT et dh = Cp (T )dT , with Cp (T ) Cv (T ) = R. For a monoatomic gas, Cp and Cv are truly constant numbers, while they vary for polyatomic gases. For transonic ows around civil aircraft and for turbomachinery, one assumes air to be a perfect gas. This means that air is perfect following the thermodynamic theory and also that Page 15 of 45

it is a perfect polytropic gas characterized by constant Cp and Cv coecients. For this gas, the polytropic coecient is Cp = . Cv Now, let us compute e. Following perfect gas relations, it comes easily that: e = Cv T and h = Cp T , and nally, denoting E to total energy per mass unit, one has: E = Cv T + with u euclidian norm of the velocity vector. u 2


The Navier-Stokes system of equations

The Navier-Stokes system of equations has nally been closed. Its conservative form is: t + .(u) = 0 t (u) + .(u u) + p . = 0 (1.17) ( E ) + . u ( E + p ) = . ( u + T ) t Cp 2 I.u and = . 3 Pr To solve it, one needs boundary conditions. There exist a lot of possibilities for boundary conditions, depending on the ow physics and on the application. where = (u + uT ) Two numbers (without dimension) characterize the ow. the Mach number: M= the Reynolds number: Re = u L , where L is a characteristic length of the object in movement. u , where c is the sound velocity, c

The mach number gives the importance of the ow movement with respect to sound velocity. Flows at Mach number lower than 0.1 are assumed incompressible and are solutions of Eq. 1.17 with the hypothesis = Cst. The Reynolds number measures the importance of viscosity in the ow relatively to momentum forces. For high Reynolds number ows, the viscous force is lower than the kinetic force on the object in movement. Low Reynolds number ows are generally organized, easily reproducible (laminar ow). For high Reynolds ows, the importance of the viscosity if lower and its regularization eects on the ow are negligible. In this case, variables are varying in time and space and this kind of ow is said turbulent. There is no criterium to decide if the ow is laminar or turbulent a priori, except for some very simple (academic) cases. Moreover, the mechanisms for a ow to turn from the laminar regime to the turbulent one, which is called transition, are well-understood but can not be estimated nor located a priori. Page 16 of 45

Chapter 2

Towards the numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations



This chapter is devoted to the introduction of numerical techniques for discretizing the NavierStokes equations. The analysis is done on a model problem, namely the linear heat equation, in a one-dimension context. The choice of the technique for discretizing is justied. Finally, some key points around mesh denition are introduced. Attention is focused on structured, unstructured and hybrid grids discretization.


Discretization of partial dierential equations

Mathematical analysis on a model problem

Formally, the Navier-Stokes equations represent evolutionary equations for conservative aerodynamic quantities. There exist nowadays several techniques for their discretization. The three classical approaches nite element, nite volume, nite dierences are presented on a model problem. There are also new discretization techniques, out of purpose of this document. Among them, one can consider as an example the Discontinuous Galerkin discretization technique. For the sake of clarity, we consider the linear equation for heat diusion in a one dimension: t T = T, (2.1)

where T is the temperature, the (constant) diusion coecient, and is the symbol for the Laplacian. In 1D and if x denotes the discretization space, the operator applied to a function f is written: f = 2f f = . 2 x x x (2.2)

The model problem completeness is achieved by dening a segment on which the solution is searched, namely [0, 1] here, and by providing boundary values. In this case, we consider Dirichlet boundary conditions: T (x = 0) = T0 and T (x = 1) = T1 independant of time t. For the spatial discretization, the segment [0, 1] is divided into N segments of equal length. This point enables simplications in explanations and it is not a prerequisite in general. The N + 1 segment limits are denoted xj and we have xj = j/N for 0 i N . Page 17 of 45

For the temporal discretization, we assume that time t is in [0, +) and that [0, +) is divided in intervals of same duration, namely t. Time instants are denoted tn = n(t). In the following, temperature T depends on space and time positions and let Tjn = T (t = nt, x = xj ) be the temperature at node j and at time n. Three discretization techniques will be studied, namely 1. nite dierences in section 2.2.2, 2. nite elements in section 2.2.3, 3. nite volumes in section 2.2.4.


Finite dierences approach

The nite dierence approach is based on Taylor expansions for the dierent terms of the equations. Temporal derivative Let n be the instant at which the temporal derivative is considered and let i be the spatial position. One has:

t T

Tjn+1 Tjn T (nt + t, xj ) T (nt , xj ) = . t t


Eq. 2.3 is a rewriting of the temporal derivative, issued from the following relations: Tjn+1 = Tjn + t Tjn+1 Tjn t T t

+ o((t)2 )

= ( t T )n j + o(t).

The term o(t) contains all terms associated with powers of t greater (strictly) than one: the formula is said to be precise at order one in time. Spatial derivative Lets consider the spatial derivative at discrete time n and spatial position j . The spatial derivative term is discretize: Tjn
n n Tjn 1 2Tj + Tj +1 , (x)2


which is called a second order centered formulation around Tjn . Eq. 2.4 is easily justied; since Tjn +1 = Tjn + x T x T x
n j n

(x)2 + 2 + (x)2 2

2T x2 2T x2

n j n

(x)3 + 6 (x)3 6

3T x3 3T x3

+ o((x)4 ) ,
j n

n Tjn 1 = Tj x

+ o((x)4 ),

Page 18 of 45

it comes, by a summation of the latest two relations: Tjn +1 + Tjn 1 = = 2Tjn + (x)
n 2

2T x2

+ o((x)4 )

n n Tjn 1 2Tj + Tj +1 (x)2

2T x2

+ o((x)2 )

The centered aspect of the discretization is justied by the use of same weights on the temperature at positions around the considered location for the discretization. The second order of precision is issued from the o((x)2 ) term. Final version Replacing each term of Eq. 2.1 by its discretized counterpart, one obtains: Tjn+1 Tjn t =
n n Tjn 1 2Tj + Tj +1 . (x)2


Eq. 2.5 can nally be written as: Tjn+1 = Tjn + t T n 2Tjn + Tjn +1 . (x)2 j 1 (2.6)

and Eq. 2.6 means that the temperature at time n + 1 is computed algebraically from data at time n: it is an explicit time integration. The nal equation needs some comments: In a steady-state solution context, the computation of numerical solutions of the heat equation or the Navier-Stokes equations is based on a discretization of the temporal derivative, leading to the use of a pseudo-time marching approach. It means that the solutions are computed iteratively at higher and higher times until a stationary solution is found. In this case, the temporal derivative can be neglected and the stationary solution is nally obtained. In practice, the temporal derivative never disappears since it is not possible to do an innite number of time steps on a computer. The stop criterium is given by the residual, which measures the dierences between the solution at time n + 1 and the one at time n. One never solves the original continuous equations with the nite dierences approach. Never forget that each operator (temporal derivative and Laplacian) are computed from a Taylor expansion for which high order terms are simply dropped. For a steady solution, it means that the convergence to the solution of the continuous problem can only be tackled at the limit, when the spatial step x goes to 0. The nite dierences approach needs the solutions to be regular to dene successive derivatives of the solution for the Taylor expansion. This hypothesis is valid for the heat equation but can be false for the Navier-Stokes equations, when the solution contains a discontinuity such as a shock (Fig. 2.1) Page 19 of 45

Exemple de choc visible sur la masse volumique Profil RAE2822 en transonique

ro 1.25 1.2 1.15 1.1 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55


Figure 2.1: Transonic ow around the RAE2822 prole: a shock appears on the upper side. It is characterized by a discontinuity of the density.

The parameter t/(x)2 inuences the update of the solution at time n + 1. This ratio has a strong inuence in numerical simulation since it links time and space steps. The stability1 of computations is driven by this kind of ratios. Remark 2.2.1 For industrial ows that may have shocks, the nite dierences approach is not chosen as a candidate for discretizing the continuous equations for uid dynamics.


Finite element approach

The nite element approach is mathematically justied by the distribution theory associated with Sobolev spaces. In this document, none of these notions will be recalled. Principle of nite elements The nite elements approach is built on a variational formulation associated with the weak form of the equations. The weak form of the continuous equations is dened once the good Sobolev space S is dened and once distribution function are associated with S . In this section, the weak equation corresponding to Eq. 2.1 is derived. The boundary conditions are supposed to be zero values for the temperature2 : we solve the homogeneous problem. Let =]0, 1[ the open space on which the solution is searched. 1 ()). The transLet v be a function dened on the good Sobolev space (here S = H0 formation of Eq. 2.1 is done by rst multiplying Eq. 2.1 by v and then by integrating on : T (x, t) v (x)dx = t

T (x, t)v (x)dx,

1 v H0 ().


1 2

not dened here! A linear change of variables is used to transform the initial problem in the homogeneous one.

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Lets study

T (x, t) v (x)dx. Classical permutation rules for derivation and integration are t necessary to obtain: T (x, t) d v (x)dx = t dt T (x, t)v (x)dx,
1 v H0 ().


Now, consider

T (x, t)v (x)dx. Using Green theorem (in France, it is also called integration

by parts), one has: T (x, t)v (x)dx =

T (x, t)vnds

T (x, t)vdx (2.9) T (x, t)vdx

since v = 0 on . Blending Eq. 2.7, Eq. 2.8 and Eq. 2.9, one nally obtains: d dt T (x, t)v (x)dx +
1 T (x, t)v (x)dx = 0 v H0 ().


Eq. 2.10 is used to dene a scalar product in L2 () : (v, w)L2 () =

v (x)w(x)dx

1 v, w H0 () ,


and a symmetric bilinear form: a(v, w) =

v (x)w(x)dx

1 v, w H0 () .


The nal variational formulation is obtained with Eq. 2.11 and Eq. 2.12: d 1 (T (t), v ) + a(T (t), v ) = 0 v H0 (). dt (2.13)

From now on, it is the work for mathematicians! They will explain, with the good theorem, that Eq. 2.13 has almost a solution, that the solution is bounded and has a certain regularity (is the solution continuous?). The mathematical analysis is out of purpose. The establishment of nite elements is based on the denition of the v test function space. For the numerical solution, one generally chooses v to be polynomial of degree p and the solution u of the problem Eq. 2.13, which one is looking for, is assumed to be also a polynomial of degree p. The extension of the nite element for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations is possible. However, some justications of the theory remain not demonstrated... In practice, the nite element methods is applied in structural mechanics, and perhaps less in computational Fluid Dynamics. The CERFACS and IFP3 code AVBP for Large Eddy Simulation is built on a mixed approach based on both nite element and nite volume formalisms.


Finite volume approach

The nite volume approach has its origins in the building process for the equations (physical point of view). The treatment is more or less the same for the Navier-Stokes or heat transfer equations.

Institut Fran cais du P etrole

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From physics to nite volume The Navier-Stokes equations are built following an integral formalism (Chapter 1) for guarantying the conservation. It is this conservation principle that characterizes the nite volume approach. The underlying idea is to solve the integral version of the equations. Principle For the heat equation Eq. 2.1, it consists in using a space decomposition as for the nite dierences approach. The equations are then integrated on each of the segments. One transforms Eq. 2.1 in : d dt
xj +1 xj +1

T dx =
xj xj

T dx .


Applying Greens theorem on the right hand side of Eq. 2.14, one has: d dt
xj +1

T dx = ((T )xj +1 (T )xj ) .



Eq. 2.15 is a simple form of Green theorem since the analysis is done in one dimension. In a more general framework, if is a control volume in dimension two or three, if denotes the boundary, if n represents the outward unit normal vector, Green formula leads to: d dt T d =

T nds .


Eq. 2.16 has two terms: one from the temporal derivative an one boundary integral which will be called interface ux in the following. Flux conservation Suppose that is decomposed in NC volumes (i )1iNC such that the intersection between two volumes i and j is i j or is empty. We call mesh the space composed of all volumes (i )1iNC that cover . Remark 2.2.2 The most important property of the nite volume approach: If the intersection between i and j is a mesh face (not an empty space), then the outward ux for i on i j is the inward ux for j on i j . Without loss of generality, we will show this conservation process with = 1 2 such as shown in Fig. 2.2 and let C = 1 2 be the intersection face. The boundary of 1 without C is denoted 1 and the one of 2 without C is 2 . Eq. 2.16 is true on , on 1 and on 2 . Since = 1 2 , it is clear that:

T nds =

d dt

T d =

d dt

T d +

d dt

T d.

In the same way, one obtains from Eq. 2.16: d dt T d =

1 1

T nds and

d dt

T d =
2 2

T nds.

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E 6 E E E E E E E E E

Interface 1



Interface 2 Interface C

Figure 2.2: Decomposition of volume in 1 and 2 with a non empty intersection. Therefore: T nds

T nds

T nds = 0.


Due to linear relations with integration, the following relations are true: T nds =

T nds +

T nds,


T nds =
1 1

T nds +

T nds,


T nds =
2 2

T nds +

T nds.


Introducing Eq. 2.18, Eq. 2.19 and Eq. 2.20 in Eq. 2.17, it comes: T nds

+ side of
1 C

T nds side of



In Eq. 2.21, normal unit vectors are outward and therefore, the unit outward vector n1 on C for volume 1 is entering in 2 . Denoting n1 the unit normal on C oriented from 1 to 2 , one has: (T )n1 ds

= side of
1 C

(T )n1 ds side of


which means that the outward ux for 1 through C is entering in 2 through C .

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A conclusion on nite volumes Several notions for nite volumes appear in Eq. 2.16: 1. the notion of control volume, the famous nite volume, 2. the principle of conservation: through an interface denoted ij between two volumes referenced i and j , the outward ux for i is entering j . 3. the notion of numerical scheme, which is the technique to compute unknown quantities such as gradients at interface... 4. The notion of mean value T of T over a control volume, and precisely
xj +1

V ol()T =

T d and for a one-dimension space xT[xj ,xj +1 ] =

T dx,

If it is needed (by numerical discretization schemes), the mean value is assumed stored in the cell center. 5. the notion of metrics, which represent all tables to access geometrical quantities such as volume, surface normal vectors, volume centers... Now, we need to introduce and dene the mesh. A mesh is a division of space on non overlapping elements on which the continuous equations are discretized. There exists two kinds of mesh and they are introduced in section 2.3.


Unstructured and structured meshes

Computational Fluid Dynamics numerical tools are divided into two main branches, following the kind of mesh used for the simulations, either structured or unstructured solvers. Both these meshes have pro and cons.


Structured mesh

A structured mesh is a mesh for which there exists one privileged direction per space dimension, which enables to associate mesh nodes to a couple of integers (i, j ) in dimension two, or a triplet of integers (i, j, k ) in three-dimension space. Remark 2.3.1 In the following, all considerations will be presented in a two-dimension framework and their extensions to three dimensions will be obvious.

Denition of a block in a mesh A structured mesh is composed of several blocks which are dened with: two integers im + 1 and jm + 1, (im + 1) (jm + 1) mesh coordinates following space directions x and y , Page 24 of 45

an implicit denition of the im jm control volumes. A volume whose reference is (i, j ) uses mesh nodes referenced (i, j ), (i + 1, j ), (i, j + 1), (i + 1, j + 1) as boundary points in directions i and j . Directions i and j are in general not aligned with the space directions x and y . Fig. 2.3 shows a schematic view of a structured mesh block of size (5, 6), I.E. with im = 4, jm = 5 and therefore with 20 control volumes and 30 mesh nodes.

Figure 2.3: Example of a structured mesh with im = 4 and jm = 5. The mesh cell with a cross is referenced by (3, 1).

Towards a multi blocs approach It is generally impossible to discretize a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) with a single block. As an example, one can consider the case of a T pipe junction for which it is impossible to dene properly a mesh with a single block Fig. 2.4. In this case, one needs at least two blocks.

Figure 2.4: Example of a T-pipe junction conguration for which it is not possible to dene a mesh composed of one block. Moreover, the need of a multi-block approach coupled with the nite volume approach leads the connectivity between blocks to have one-to-one abutting nodes. Therefore, mesh lines of a given block go across the block interface to the neighboring block. An example is given Fig. 2.5: the number of lines in i for block 1 xes the number of lines in j for block 2. Page 25 of 45

i Bloc 1 j Bloc 2

Figure 2.5: Interface connectivity with one-to-one abutting nodes. Block 1 has (6, 4) nodes while block 2 is composed of (2, 6) nodes. The line number in i for block 1 is the number of lines in j for block 2.

Basic mesh topologies Structured multi-blocks meshes are composed of elementary mesh topologies, namely H, O and C-grid topologies. We will see that naming and mesh shape are linked. H-grid topology. It is the simpler topology. It has been shown at the rst time in Fig. 2.3. O-grid topology. As suggested by its name, the O grid shape is used to mesh a circular element. In fact, covering a disk with a single block is possible with a H-grid (Fig. 2.6) but some cells are attened, with a shape generally not adapted to numerical schemes (weak precision, lack of robustness...). The solution consists in splitting the mesh in 5 blocks following the representation on Fig. 2.6.

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Figure 2.6: Example of a mesh on a disk with a single block (A) and with a multi-block approach (B). For (A), a focus shows the attening of mesh cells. One can also remark generally that the mesh is not completely dened on the CAD: the distance between mesh and CAD depends on mesh renement.

Block faces linked by the join connectivity

Figure 2.7: Example of an incomplete O-grid (left) and of a complete O-grid (right).

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Even if the classical form of a 2D O-grid contains 5 blocks, one can nd incomplete mesh shapes for which nding the true mesh topology is not so obvious. This typical situation is encountered when a block inside the topology must not be discretized (Fig. 2.7). C-grid topology. As suggested by its naming, the C-grid topology is simply half an O-grid one. It is the basic topology to mesh half a disk and this technique leads to 4 mesh blocks, as shown on Fig. 2.8.

Figure 2.8: Examples of complete (left) and incomplete (right) C-grids.

A mesh is nally built by blending the three basic topologies. As an example, consider a two-dimension wing with a planar thick trailing edge: a C-H topology is chosen for the mesh (Fig. 2.9), while it will be a O-grid for a rounded trailing edge (Fig. 2.10). For a 2D wing with a sharp trailing edge, an incomplete C-grid topology is suitable: the block in the wing wake is deleted and block corners are joined (Fig. 2.11). More comments Structured CFD codes are designed specically for structured meshes. One of the main property of the mesh is an easy way to locate volumes, interfaces, surface vectors... with two integers (i, j ) for each block. One says that the data addressing is direct. With this technique, data are stored contiguously in memory enabling a quick memory access to the data. Moreover, the Navier-Stokes solutions are not isotropic, especially in the boundary layer. In this case, structured grids are adapted to capture the physics, dening privileged mesh directions to obtain very accurate solutions. In Fig. 2.12 is shown an example of structured mesh around a 3D wing. The structured multi-blocks technique has some drawbacks. The main drawback is the Page 28 of 45

Figure 2.9: Example of mesh for a 2D wing with a planar thick trailing edge.

Figure 2.10: Example of mesh for a 2D wing with a rounded thick trailing edge.

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Figure 2.11: Building process for a C-grid on a 2D wing with a sharp trailing edge. (1) C-grid mesh, (2) delete a block in the wing wake, (3) join of block corners and (4) nal mesh.

Figure 2.12: Example of a three dimensional structured grid.

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need to propagate mesh lines up to the end of the domain. For a 2D turbulent ow on a wing with a sharp trailing edge, the mesh lines issued from the boundary layer discretization are propagated in the whole wake. An alternative consists in authorizing non conformal blocks interfaces with non 1-to-1 mesh connectivity. This technique is available in elsA (ensemble logiciel pour la simulation en A erodynamique) [1], a structured CFD software developed by ONERA and CERFACS and used in Airbus, Safran (SNECMA, Turbomeca) or EDF.


Unstructured meshes

An unstructured mesh can be dened by opposition with a structured mesh. Even if this denition is true, it hides most of the properties of unstructured meshes. An unstructured mesh is a mesh for which the data structure contains (at least) the following elements: The number of nodes Ns and the coordinates (xi , yi , zi ) for each node i, The number of mesh volumes NV and for each cell icell, the list of k nodes which the element is based on: this is called the mesh volume connectivity. It is clear that addressing the data is indirect. This is particularly true for mesh nodes. For a cell icell, the connectivity table gives the list of mesh nodes which dene the element icell. A second step is necessary to have access to the mesh nodes coordinates stored in a table of size Ns . In opposition with structured meshes which are dicult to design on complex CAD and which need highly qualied engineers, unstructured meshes are generated quickly by commercial softwares. Fig. 2.13 represents a mesh composed of quadrangles and triangles. In the unstructured community, a mesh composed of several element shapes is called a hybrid mesh. Element shapes for an unstructured mesh An unstructured mesh can be composed of any kind of polygon (for dimension 2) or polyhedra (for dimension three). In practice, there are a few codes able to treat general polyhedra. The basis element shapes accepted by all unstructured CFD codes are typically triangles and tetrahedra. Most of the CFD codes can treat hybrid meshes composed of triangles et quadrangles, tetrahedra, prisms, pyramids and hexahedra. Cost of indirections Compared with structured grids, the use of unstructured meshes leads to an increase of the CPU cost due to indirections. For a structured mesh, accessing the mesh nodes that limit a hexahedra (i, j, k ) is obvious: the eight nodes are referenced by (i, j, k ), (i + 1, j, k ), (i, j + 1, k ), (i + 1, j + 1, k ), (i, j, k + 1), (i + 1, j, k + 1), (i, j + 1, k + 1) et (i + 1, j + 1, k + 1). For an unstructured mesh, one needs to use the mesh connectivity table to access the node numbers. Then, one needs to nd these nodes in the list of mesh nodes coordinates. Page 31 of 45

Figure 2.13: Example of a hybrid unstructured mesh composed of quadrangles and triangles.



We have now dened all the formalism needed for the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations. Chapter 3 is devoted to the analysis of mesh and solution storage.

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Chapter 3

Formulation and location of data

This chapter is devoted to explanations in relation with data storage for nite volumes CFD codes. In particular, we will see that elsA and AVBP, two CFD codes which share a nite volume approach, use data not located in the same place.


Data storage location for structured grids

For a structured grid, there are two possible locations to store the data: 1. the cell centers, as in elsA , 2. the mesh nodes, as in NTMIX1 .


The cell center approach

The cell center approach is the widespread technique for the discretization of the Navier-Stokes equations on structured grids. This choice is motivated by the simple denition of elements faces (mesh faces) on which interface uxes are computed. Addressing data and mesh elements is done in a similar way since there are simple relations between mesh node number and mesh element / cell center solution number.


The node center approach

In this case, data are stored at the mesh nodes. This approach is generally chosen for Direct Numerical Simulation softwares which are used to compute the whole turbulence spectrum. DNS softwares need high order discretization schemes and are not generally applied at high mach number. With both these considerations, one understands that a good solution consists in using nite dierence schemes: the error can be measured with the rest of the Taylor expansion. The node center approach brings some diculty for general meshes composed of several basic congurations (O and C). In particular, some nodes of a O grid are shared by three blocks (Fig. 3.1), which leads to a complex choice for the direction needed by the nite dierences along block interfaces.

Direct Numerical Simulation software developed by CERFACS

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Figure 3.1: Example of a 3 blocks mesh junction. For the discretization represented by the arrow, one can not choose complementary information from one of the dashed arrows.


Data storage location for unstructured grids

In the case of unstructured grid, data are classically stored either in the cell center or at the mesh nodes. As an example, the cell-centered framework has been chosen for unstructured and hybrid structured / unstructured capabilities in the elsA CFD code. This choice was essentially motivated by compatibility with structured features of the initial version of the solver. Even if the cell center choice is almost classical and with a motivation comparable with the one for structured meshes, the choice to store data at the mesh nodes is not anymore driven by Taylor expansion considerations. The choice to store data at mesh nodes has been chosen for the AVBP code used by the combustion group at the CERFACS CFD team. Let us consider a mesh composed of triangles or tetrahedra. Assume that the degrees of freedom for the discretization are associated with mesh nodes. It is possible to derive through a P 1 Finite Element analysis2 a weak formulation for the Navier-Stokes equations. The use of a Finite Element framework oers the possibility to use a lot of mathematical results. The main theoretical results are summarized in [5] and the most important one is recalled: On triangles or tetrahedra, the P 1 Finite Element approach and the Finite Volume approach on dual cells are equivalent, provided the fact that the discretization of the time derivative accounts the mass-lumping matrix. The previous sentence needs some comments. First, each dual cell is built around the corresponding mesh nodes with a simple process. In two dimensions, the volume around a mesh node is limited by facets linking the midpoints of the edges in the primal mesh to the barycentres of the elements obtained by arithmetic averaging of the nodal coordinates. In three dimensions, the dual volume is delimited by quadrangular facets between the edge midpoints, the face barycentres and the element barycentres (Fig. 3.2). This denition is clearly a plus for numerical schemes since the dual cells is in the middle of the mesh edge.
The weak formulation is obtained with test functions dened as polynomials of degree 1. Such polynomials are dened with uniqueness on triangles and tetrahedra with data stored at mesh nodes.

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Figure 3.2: Denition of dual control volume for a mesh node shared by ve triangles (left) and dual volume boundary inside a tetrahedron (right).

Finally, a mass-lumping matrix must be introduced. After applying the P 1 Finite Element approach, one looks for a solution also dened in the P 1 Finite Element space. As a consequence, it appears in the discretization of the time step some integrals of the product of test functions on triangles / tetrahedra. The test function integrals compose the mass-lumping matrix, which is known to be invertible. The main advantage of this approach is to oer a mathematical background for the construction of gradients: gradients are computed using a classical nite element approach. A lot of mathematical papers have studied the equivalence of both nite-volume and nite element approaches leading to a high level of condence in the numerical treatment. Moreover, even if upwind convection schemes can be implemented easily in a multi-element context, several authors have proposed diusion schemes for multi-element approaches and most of the nite-volume / nite-element codes use the formalism of multi-element approach.

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Chapter 4

Some extensions to simplify the mesh generation process

We have seen in Chapter 2 that there are mainly two kinds of mesh, according to the mesh generation process. On one hand, unstructured grids are generated very quickly but because of a low level of interaction with the mesh user, they are generally associated with mesh lines not aligned with the ow features. On the other hand, structured meshes are conceived to account for anisotropy of the ow, such as inside a boundary layer for instance. In the latter case, due to the low number of mesh basic element shapes (H, C and O grid shapes), the mesh generation can require a lot of time, typically from one week to several months, which is mostly consumed by human being. We will see in the following that for structured meshes, there exist some techniques dedicated to simplify the mesh generation process or to decrease the time for the generation process.


Limiting mesh nodes in C grid wakes

As seen in Chapter 2, C-grid shape is used to mesh (around) a wing with a sharp leading edge. When the mesh is rened in the direction normal to the wall, the number of mesh lines in the wing wake is overestimated to capture the aerodynamic quantities needed for dimensioning during the industrial process (lift, drag coecients...): the mesh is too much rened in the wake. Roughly speaking, the principle to diminish the number of mesh lines in the wake is to authorize mesh lines not to cross a block interface. In practice, this is done through the implementation of two kinds of techniques, namely the near-match join and the non matching interface. Both approaches will be described in the following sections. Remark 4.1.1 The implementation of near-matching and non-matching mesh interfaces is quite easy in a cell-centred formalism but the situation is much more complex for any other kinds of discretization.


Near-matching mesh interfaces

The rst one is called near-matching block interface in the elsA terminology (Fig. 4.1). It consists in dening new mesh lines located each one over x nodes interfaces. Generally, x is issued from possibilities of mesh sequencing or multigrid and is therefore dened as 2i with i integer, but this choice is not a limitation in general. In the implementation, near-matching Page 37 of 45

interface is treated as a classical one-to-one block interface and there is a simple link between faces on the rened side and those on the less rened one.

Figure 4.1: Example of near-matching join interfaces: case of 1 over 2 connectivity (left) and 1 over 4 connectivity (right).


Non-matching mesh interfaces

The second technique is a generalization of the near-matching interface. The principle is to dene a new CAD interface on which blocks limits are projected. As a consequence, mesh nodes are generally not located at the same place on both sides of the interface. As an example, one can consider the case suggested on Fig. 4.2. Due to the possible denition of CAD interface represented by dierent blocks interfaces, non-matching interfaces are generally associated with global borders denition. A global border is simply dened as a global container for one or more than one window and a window is a subset or the entire external face of an hexahedral block. A window is typically dened by (i1 , i2 , j1 , j2 , k1 , k2 ) and either i1 = i2 = imax or imin , or j1 = j2 = jmax or jmin , or k1 = k2 = kmax or kmin . In Fig. 4.2, there is a global border composed of two windows for the upper blocks and a global border composed of a single window for the bottom block. The numerical treatment of global border is a tricky point. In the nite volume framework associated with a cell center formulation, one has to handle boundary integrals. At this level, one has to analyse the surface for integration and the term to integrate. The term to integrate is easily computed using classical schemes, once surface data are provided. The question lying on geometric quantities concerns the denition of the integral. The data integrated on the less rened side must account for data located in the rened block on the opposite side. This is possible through the use of a geometric algorithm to compute the general connectivity between both sides of the interface (connectivity between two global borders). The uniqueness of the denition of the intersection surfaces between mesh interfaces is a prerequisite to the numerical treatment. In elsA , all geometric quantities are computed by the grid blocks on their own, which means that geometric quantities are not exchanged at the beginning of the time loop of the solver. Page 38 of 45

Figure 4.2: Example of a non-matching join interfaces between two blocks (up) and one block (down). One can remark that only one mesh line is continuous across the interface and this mesh line is not the separation line between the upper blocks.

The numerical treatment is conservative only for planar interfaces, since for non planar interfaces the global surface size is larger for the rened side than for the less rened one, as shown on Fig. 4.3. For a conservative treatment, it is necessary to change locally the denition of the metrics (surface area, surface normal) according to the rened block in order to share locally and globally the same surface normals and area for the intersection facets. In practice, this kind of modication is not implemented since the lack of conservation is generally small and does not limit convergence.

Figure 4.3: Importance of planar interfaces on geometric quantities such as surface normals.

The non-matching interface is also used to dene global boundaries in movement. As an example, one can consider a 2D airfoil. The airfoil is surrounded by a local circle in movement of rotation and the rest of the computational domain is meshed independently (Fig. 4.4): this is the principle of the sliding mesh. Page 39 of 45

Fixed block

Moving Block

Figure 4.4: Example of a non-matching interface for a sliding mesh (block blue) inside the outer block (red).

In practice, the fact of splitting the computational domain into several parts, to mesh them independently and to merge the obtained grids through the denition of global borders enables the process to be done in parallel, each human being working on a part of the domain. This procedure is applied nowadays for more than 80% of the meshes at Airbus France.


Handling complex CAD with the chimera approach

The lack of the structured approach is its ability to treat highly complex CAD or to deal rapidly and easily with small geometry modications. Consider the mesh around an aircraft at landing, assuming that one needs to add spoilers needed for brake. Without any automatic procedure, one will need to modify the blocking and the mesh of the aircraft. This procedure can be more or less seen as a redenition of the blocking since the blocking will be locally modied (around spoilers) and due to one-to-one connectivity on the wing, mesh lines will be propagated in the whole domain. For industrial application, such a process can not be applied routinely. The solution consists in meshing independently the aircraft and the spoilers. Then, one adds spoiler meshes inside the aircraft mesh and the code must understand that the spoiler has been added. It it the principle of the chimera approach. At the interface between the merged meshes, the solver needs to make interpolations between the background grid and the others. It is not numerically interesting to have interpolation at the limits of the spoilers mesh since a large region is computed twice. Some algorithms to dene the computational mask (implicit hole cutting...) have been developed and implemented in elsA to dene added zones as close as possible to the added geometry (Fig. 4.5). The chimera approach has been used at Airbus France since 2005. Page 40 of 45

Figure 4.5: Mesh around a 2D wing completed with a spoiler. Assembling of grids is shown on the upper gure. The meshes restricted to the computed volumes are shown at the bottom: the computed volumes are dened according to the masking technique considered for the computation. These images are extracted from F. Blanc, M ethodes num eriques pour la ero elasticit e des surfaces de contr ole, PhD Thesis, 2009.

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Prisms in structured grids

We have seen the interest of the O-grid approach for meshing a circle or a cylinder. The O-grid form is complicated to generate and to discretize properly, essentially due to the impact of the discretization of the internal grid on the surrounding ones. The question concerns (in 2D) the denition of a proper decomposition of 2 rad in three parts (it is the corner of the internal grid of the O-grid approach). In 3D, the situation is of course more complex... The alternative to avoid such a drawback consists in implementing prisms in structured grids. In this case, one builds prisms using radii of the circle, as shown on Fig. 4.6. In practice, the prisms are seen as hexahedra with two pairs of degenerated nodes and the CFD code must have a metric compatible with such a kind of mesh (zero surface and normal vector, correct volume...). elsA oers the possibility to treat such a conguration. Practical situations for which prisms are generally encountered concern inow and outow of nacelles or the boundary condition of actuator disk (used to mimic a propeller boundary condition).

Figure 4.6: Example of a structured block composed of prisms (degenerated hexa) and hexahedra for meshing a circle. The arrows represent the direction i and j for the discretization.


Towards new CFD softwares

Extending unstructured grids to new element shapes

Unstructured grids contain tetrahedra and these elements have a shape not adapted to compute an anisotropic ow. Some unstructured solvers have been extended to treat what is called a hybrid grid in the literature, which is simply a grid with multi-element shapes. Using hexahedra and prisms, it is possible to dene with accuracy the direction normal to a wall and therefore to discretize with accuracy the Navier-Stokes equations within the boundary layer. The other basic elements (pyramids and tetrahedra) are needed for backward compatibility (tetrahedra) or enable a bridge from four-nodes faces to three-nodes faces in the mesh. However, the extrapolation of the simple theoretical analysis to 3D meshes with good quality and anisotropy on complex CAD is not easy! Actually, dening an automatic mesh Page 42 of 45

generation process for multi-element grid is very complex and needs an increase of the interaction between the mesh generator and its user, something in opposition with automatic capabilities. The unstructrured CFD code AVBP oers the possibility to treat multi-elements grids.


Mixing structured and unstructured capabilities

A lot of numerical techniques are proposed in the literature to dene structured meshes with a limited amount of time. However, when the CAD is very complex, it is not possible to build a structured mesh in a duration compatible with industrial constraints. One can consider as an example the ow inside a nacelle (between the engine and the nacelle, there are a lot of pipes with complex shapes). In this case, choosing an unstructured approach seems the best way to proceed. But unstructured grids are only usable by unstructured solvers. In elsA , it has been decided to implement inside one (and only one!) CFD kernel structured and unstructured capabilities. This is what we call a hybrid capability1 . The implementation is based on an object oriented framework and the idea is to share common treatments in a mother class and to dene typical treatments in sub-classes with inheritance of the mother class. Our current eorts concern the implementation of new capabilities within the hybrid grid context. Remark 4.4.1 The CFD code Fluent is assumed to handle hybrid grids issued from the blending of structured and multi-element unstructured zones. However, in practice, the numerical treatment is fully unstructured and there is a conversion of all structured zones in their unstructured equivalent counterparts.

See section 4.4.1 to understand that this name is not shared by the CFD community

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