02 2 Maxwell Eddy Current
02 2 Maxwell Eddy Current
02 2 Maxwell Eddy Current
Eddy Current Analysis
Applications that use Eddy Current Analysis can be solenoids, inductors, motors,
stray field calculations and many others.
The eddy current solver computes steady-state, time-varying (AC) magnetic
fields at a given frequency – this is a frequency domain solution.
All objects are stationary.
The source of the static magnetic field can be:
Sinusoidal AC current (peak) in conductors.
Time-varying external magnetic fields represented by external boundary
The quantities solved are the magnetic field (H) and the magnetic scalar potential
Current density (J) and magnetic flux density (B) are automatically calculated
from the magnetic field (H).
Derived quantities such as forces, torques, energy, and inductances may be
calculated from these basic field quantities.
Material permeabilities and conductivities can be anisotropic, but must be linear.
The options in the project tree for a eddy current simulation control all the
simulation setup parameters.
Notice that right-clicking on any of the options will open a menu with
important options for each step of the simulation setup.
These options are displayed in an order that can be followed in creating a new
Eddy Current simulation. This is a general purpose order that goes linearly
through simulation setup, analysis, and post-processing.
However, in some cases it is acceptable to work out of the defined order. This is
particularly true when defining results, field overlays, or calculated quantities. It
is important to think of results when defining the problem setup so that the
desired quantities may be obtained in a sufficient manner. Notice, however, that
the field calculator is not available until a solution setup is defined.
Symmetry – There are two magnetic symmetries – odd symmetry (flux tangential)
and even symmetry (flux normal). Odd symmetry defines H to be tangential to
the boundary (this is equivalent to the default boundary condition on the outer
boundary). Even symmetry defines H to be normal to the boundary (this is
equivalent to the Zero Tangential H Field boundary condition). Remember that
geometric symmetry may not mean magnetic symmetry in all cases. Symmetry
boundaries enable you to model only part of a structure, which reduces the size
or complexity of your design, thereby shortening the solution time. Other
considerations for a Symmetry boundary condition are the same as for a
Magnetostatic symmetry boundary.
Radiation – This boundary condition is specific to the Eddy Current solver. See
the discussion of the Radiation boundary in the Radiation Boundary example.
Impedance – This boundary can model induced currents within excluded objects
without explicitly solving within the objects. This can decrease simulation time
because the difficult to mesh areas near the surface of objects can be ignored
and approximated with this boundary. By excluding the object (accomplished by
deselecting Solve Inside in the object properties), there will be no solution inside
the object. This approximation is good for good conductors (where the skin depth
is less than half the width of the excluded conductor).
Current Density - These excitations are used to define a known current density
throughout an object and must be used with a Current Density Terminal. The
peak Current Density (magnitude and phase) is defined on the 3D object, and the
Terminal is defined on either an internal cross-sectional sheet, or on all external
cross-sectional faces.
There are three parameters that can be automatically calculated in an Eddy
Current simulation – Force, Torque, and Inductance Matrix.
All three quantities are computed directly from the magnetic field solution.
Force and torque can be calculated with two different methods - Virtual or Lorentz
(Lorentz cannot be used on magnetic materials).
The results of any parameters can be found by selecting Maxwell 3D > Results >
Solution Data… or by clicking on the icon.
Mesh Operations
Mesh operations are described in detail in the Mesh operations section.
Remember that the Eddy Current solver has an adaptive mesh solution, so
excessive mesh operations are not always required. It can often be worse to
over-define the mesh than to not define mesh operations at all (it will take longer
to solve, and it will be more difficult to adapt correctly).
However, it is very important to mesh properly to account for currents with small
skin depths – this is important on solid conducting objects.
Solution Setup
The solution setup defines the parameters used for solving the simulation.
Add a solution setup by selecting Maxwell 3D > Analysis Setup > Add Solution
Setup… or click on the icon.
You can Name the setup, and you can create multiple setups if you desire (by
repeating this procedure).
Maximum Number of Passes defines a limit to the number of adaptively refined
passes that the solver performs (the default value is 10).
Percent Error is the error goal for both the Error Energy and Delta Energy.
Solve Fields Only ignores any defined parameters if checked.
Solve Matrix has the options of calculating the matrix after the last solved pass or
calculating the matrix only if the solution converges.
Refinement Per Pass defines the number of tetrahedral elements added during
mesh refinement as a percentage of the previous pass (30% is the default).
Minimum Number of Passes defines the minimum number of adaptive passes
before the solution stops - if there is a conflict, this value is over-ridden by
Maximum Number of Passes (the default value is 2).
Minimum Converged Passes defines the minimum number of adaptive passes
that have been converged (with respect to the Percent error) before the solution
stops (the default value is 1).
Adaptive Frequency defines the frequency at which the mesh is constructed and
adapted, and at which solution is obtained (the default value is 60 Hz).
Enable Iterative Solve to enable ICCG solvers (Direct is the default).
Use higher order shape functions to enable the higher order option gains better
accuracy for eddy current regions.
Import Mesh allows the initial mesh to be imported from another solution – the
linked solution must have the exact same geometry as the current simulation.
Setup Link must be defined when selecting Import Mesh.
Define the sweep (Type, Start, Stop, Step) in the left panel.
Check Save Fields (All Frequencies) to save the fields for all frequencies in this
sweep definition.
Select Add to List >> to place this sweep definition in the Sweep List (the Sweep
List is displayed in the right panel).
Edit any entries in the Sweep List to adjust solution frequencies or whether to
save fields at specific frequencies in the list.
Initial Setup
Adaptive Solution
Solution Convergence ?
Refine Mesh
Calculate Parameters
Frequency Sweep ?
Next Frequency