Chapter10 Stability
Chapter10 Stability
Chapter10 Stability
Chapter 10
Fikri Akçalı
◦ is the natural tendency of an aircraft to return to its
former equilibrium or trimmed position (i.e. straight and
level flight) following a disturbance without any pilot
◦ is the ability of the pilot to change the position or
attitude of an aircraft using the control surfaces.
Mathematical Representation:
◦ The Forces & Moments on an aircraft are balanced by a
download (LT) acting on the tailplane and the aircraft is
longitudinally trimmed.
◦ An aircraft is in steady level flight where the AoA of the Mainplane and Tailplane are
respectively +6° & -4°.
Σ Moment =0
If this a/c is suddenly subjected to an upward gust its nose rises, but
at the same time due to its inertia, it momentarily continues to travel
along its original flight path and presents itself to the airflow at an
increased AoA.
Conversely, if the CP
moves ahead of the CG,
a nose-up moment is
applied to an aircraft in
response to a pitch-up
disturbance, and has a
destabilising effect.
Stick Fixed:
To maintain a different flight attitude, an equal and
opposite moment from the elevators must be applied
◦ (e .g. to maintain a nose-up pitch the elevators must be
If the position of the CG is fixed, then the degree of
static longitudinal stability remains constant at any
deflection angle
◦ (i.e. constant slope)
But the change in pitching moment alters the
coefficient of lift at which equilibrium occurs.
Stick Free:
This is because the AoA of the mainplane has
increased and the tailplane produces a greater nose-
up moment due to the change in effective camber.
If the a/c is trimmed to maintain the new pitch
attitude (i.e. zero stick forces) and the elevators are
allowed to float free, any change in the aircraft's angle
of attack causes the control surfaces to move away
from their trimmed position in the direction of the
relative airflow.
For example, an increase in AoA attack causes
the elevators to float upward, thus reducing the
lift force (upload) acting on the tailplane and
reducing the aircraft's static longitudinal stability
compared to the stick fixed condition.
How small?
JAR 25.173 gives the required minimum gradient for stick force
is required for an aircraft to be certified, with the following rules
being applied;
Pull force applied to maintain airspeeds below the trim speed and vice versa.
The airspeed must return to within 10% of the original trim speed during climb,
approach and landing & must return to within 7.5% during the cruise.
The average gradient of the stable slope of the stick force versus speed curve may
not be less than 1lb for each 6kt.
◦ Bob-
Effect of Strake:
◦ Wing Dihedral
◦ Wing Sweepback
◦ High Wing and Low Centre of Gravity
◦ High Keel and Low CG
The lateral stability of an aircraft depends on the forces that tend to return it to a wings-level condition
following a wing drop.
If an aircraft has a large fin, as the wing drops, a sideslip component acts on the keel surface (including the fin)
tending to yaw the aircraft in the direction of the lower wing.
If the aircraft's directional stability is greater than its roll stability the a/c tries to align itself into the sideslip.
This causes the higher outer wing to accelerate and produce more lift than the lower inner wing.
This, in turn, sets up a rolling moment toward the inner wing, increasing the angle of bank and resulting in
further sideslip.
When this occurs, the aircraft exhibits spiral instability.
If left unchecked, this condition leads to a steep spiral dive.
This tendency may be minimised by reducing the total fin area, which effectively reduces the aircraft‘s
directional stability and its tendency to yaw in the direction of the dropped wing.
Lateral stability is consequently more effective than directional stability, and the aircraft becomes more spirally
Another method of minimising spiral instability is to increase the dihedral effect, although this leads to greater
oscillatory instability.
Spiral instability is normally considered less objectionable than oscillatory instability, so most aircraft are
designed to be spirally unstable.
With this characteristic, when the aircraft is yawed, either by the prolonged application of rudder or asymmetric
power, a rolling moment in the direction of yaw occurs and the aircraft quickly enters a spiral dive.
This can occur when flying at low airspeeds under asymmetric power conditions, when excessive yaw due to too
much power is coupled with insufficient rudder control to balance it, and may quickly place an aircraft in a
dangerous attitude.
Oscillatory instability is more serious than spiral instability and is commonly found
to a varying degree in combinations of high wing loading and sweepback,
particularly at low indicated airspeeds and high altitude.
It is characterised by a combined rolling and yawing movement, or wallowing
The aircraft continually yaws and rolls from side to side until corrective action or
natural damping takes place.
The main forms of oscillatory instability are
◦ Dutch roll, where roll predominates yaw, and
◦ Snaking, where yaw predominates roll.
Depending on the design of the aircraft, both of these conditions may result. The
oscillation may not damp out without some form of assistance.
The resulting motion can be simply unpleasant, but in some cases may lead to the
total loss of the aircraft, particularly when flying under instrument conditions.
The main factors determining the degree of oscillatory instability are the:
◦ Amount of dihedral
◦ Amount of sweepback
◦ Keel surface area (including the fin and rudder)
In transport category aircraft, the most common form of oscillatory instability is
Dutch roll.