Executive Leadership: A 7C Approach 1. Do You Agree With The 7C Approach of John E. Tropman? Why?
Executive Leadership: A 7C Approach 1. Do You Agree With The 7C Approach of John E. Tropman? Why?
Executive Leadership: A 7C Approach 1. Do You Agree With The 7C Approach of John E. Tropman? Why?
Yes, I agree. An executive leader must possess these seven Cs to become effective and efficient in being the team captain that runs the entire organization at the same time being innovative and inventive if the situation demands it. In order to run a successful entity, may it be a business, an organization or a government institution, a person of high caliber must balance both executiveship and leadership in order for him to do the things right and do the right things simultaneously. The characteristics or the personality that an executive leader possesses attributes that allows his disposition to be raised by his subordinates in the highest regard. is competence must not only come inherently. e must
be able to put it into s!ills that will show his effectiveness and efficiency. The condition of the entire firm is the mirror of the executive leader in a sense that if a company can spend a large amount in having an aesthetically built establishment, this simply means that the firm is prospering through the efforts of the executive leader. An executive leader has the idea of context if he !nows how to loo! beyond what is present, outside the box and other stigma that can affect the organization at the same through acceptance of ideas and thoughts from other people "subordinates and outsiders#. A great executive leader must easily adapt to change whatever the pace it may be. e must also be able to
collaborate with several channels "other executives, companies, etc# and must have their doors open for diversity and improvement. $astly, an effective
executive leader must use crucibles to become more effective and efficient in ma!ing decisions for the betterment of the entire organization. (. Doe) the 7C a roa!h a *i!a+*e to E,e!uti-e) i$ the Phi*i i$e)&
Yes, it is applicable to %xecutives in the &hilippines because it can help the industries to grow effectively and efficiently. owever there are limitations and
expectations among the seven Cs in the approach. 'or example, a person is placed in the position but he does not possess the competency for him to successfully run the organization. (ome executives are not resilient to change and still stic! to the old approach that they are comfortable with. (ome are afraid to collaborate with other executives for the fear of failing or flun!ing the entire organization. Also, some executives in the &hilippines do not use crucibles as a stepping stone in gaining their success. To sum up, the whole )C approach by *ames %. Tropman will not be applicable to the &hilippine setting.