031 Weighbridge
031 Weighbridge
031 Weighbridge
WI: SI:IN:7.6:031
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Applicable Elements of Standard : ISO:9001(2008): 7:6 Control of monitoring & measuring devices ISO 14001(2004) 4:5:1 Monitoring and measurement OHSAS 18001(2007) 4:5:1 Performance measurement and monitoring 1.Introduction: Work Instruction for Calibration of Weighbridge. 2.Safety Precautions: 1.Ensure use of proper tools and Tackles to handle heavy weights to avoid accidents . 2.Ensure the working condition of the Fork lift used for handling weights before the calibration procedure. 3.Please follow the instructions as mentioned in the General Work Instruction ( SI:IN:7.6:001) 3.Safety Equipments Required Gloves, Goggles, safety Shoes, Respirators, Safety Helmet &Coverall .
4.Task procedures: Pre-Calibration Checks: 1. Ensure the weigh bridge operation has been isolated from vehicle movement. 2. Check the platform for free movement and ensure that the weighbridge platform is free from mud/debris. 3. Check for any water accumulation below the weighbridge and inform weighbridge operator for pumping out the same. 4. Check the area below the weighbridge and the gap between the platform and the entry/exit ramps for any built-up of mud. Incase of
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any build-up inform the weighbridge operator and arrange for cleaning the same. 5. Check the weighbridge structure for any abnormality such as cracks, corrosion, broken bolts, deformity, etc., and report the same to the respective Area-In-Charge for rectification. 6. Ensure all the loadcells are clean and free from external disturbances. Ensure that the buttons/knifes are lubricated. 7. Check for wear and tear of buttons/knife and ensure there is no damage to hylam pads above and below the loadcells. 8. In case of any abnormality in the buttons/knife and hylam pads, inform the respective Area-In-Charge and call the service engineer for replacement. 9. Check whether the loadcell cables are properly protected and earthing cable are properly grounded. 10.Check for cleanliness of ramp and incase of any mud carryover, inform weighbridge operator for cleaning the same. 11.Before starting the calibration, ensure the platform is empty and the indicator is reading Zero. 12.In case the indicator is reading below 30 Kg, press tare and ensure the zero is stable. 13.Ensure Weigh blocks of minimum 1/10th capacity of the weighbridge for calibration. 14.Carry out the calibration with the help of forklift and the standard weigh blocks as per below procedure. 15.All the 4 weighbridges have standard weigh blocks of approx. 4000 Kg each. 16.Check all the weighblocks for cleanliness, Numbering and Load marking, any physical damage before proceeding with calibration.
Corner Test: 1. Carry one no. weigh block with forklift and place it at all the corners/loadcells one-by-one and record the weighment. The reading
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should vary between min. tolerance of +/- 10Kg (for Capacity < or = 80 MT) and +/-20 Kg (for capacity > 80MT). In case any of the corner is out of the tolerance limit, check for any physical abnormality below the platform (as mentioned in above points) near that loadcell and clear the same. Remove the forklift with weight and again place it over that corner for min. two times for checking repeatability. If the deviation is still above tolerance, adjust the potentiometer in the loadcell junction box for the particular loadcell to bring the deviation within tolerance limit. If the desired result is still not obtained check for loadcell failure / call the service engineer.
Calibration: 1. Start placing the std weigh blocks one-by-one using the forklift and record the weights captured in SAP R/3 or Un-manned weigh bridge calibration software after placing each weight. 2. The deviation between the standard cumulative weight and the observed cumulative weight should be within tolerance. 3. In case of deviation above tolerance limits, perform span calibration through the indicator for the std cumulative weight and observe for consistency for the remaining weights. 4. After verification of weighment till the last available std weight, remove the standard weights one-by-one and observe for any variation in the recorded weighments. 5. For checking accuracy of weighment above the available standard weights, follow the below procedure. a. After completion of calibration using the available standard weights, place a tipper/truck below the maximum cumulative standard weight on half of the weighbridge and record the weighment. b. On the other half, place standard weights one-by-one till availability of space and capacity of the weighbridge.
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c. After placing each weight, the increment in the indicator reading should match the std weight within min. tolerance limits. 6. Record the observations in the standard report format and take a printout of the report. The report has to be signed by both the representatives of Instrumentation and process. 7. Attach print-out of the SAP R/3 or Calibration software transactions and attach the same to the calibration report and file the report. 8. In case of abnormal variations in weighment, communicate the same to the respective Area-In-Charges and call the Service Engineer for rectification. 5. Dos: Ensure proper cleaning of weighbridge platform, ramp and the area around to avoid mud carryover Donts: Dont fail to clear the traffic before calibration to avoid any mishap during forklift movement. Dont carry weights above the capacity of the fork-lift Dont carry-out calibration during rain as there are chances of error in weighment. Dont use weights with physical damage. 6. Risks Involved: Handling of Weights using forklift. Heavy vehicle Traffic. 7. Conclusion: This work Instruction is addressed to all Instrumentation Technicians & Engineers.
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