We Are All Mediums - Carlos Baccelli, Odilon Fernandes
We Are All Mediums - Carlos Baccelli, Odilon Fernandes
We Are All Mediums - Carlos Baccelli, Odilon Fernandes
Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Públio Lêntulus Vicente Coelho.
Spiritist Group for Irradiation - Brighton-UK
Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Preface……………………………………………... 07
Dr. Odilon Fernandes …………………….. 08
Acknowledgments……………………………. 09
1. Mediumistic Development……….. 10
2. Indispensable Requisite…………. 14
3. Strong Wis h……………………………... 17
4. To Be or Not To be a Medium…… 20
5. We Are All Mediums………………… 24
6. Spiritual Guides and
Experienced Mediums ………………. 28
7. Psychography…………………………... 32
8. Medium and The Good Spirits ... 36
9. Unproductive Mediums …………... 39
10. Mediumistic Exercises ……………. 43
11. Initial Obstacles …………………….. 46
12. Theory and Practice ………………. 50
13. Levels of Tuning ……………………... 54
14. Mediumship and Doubt ……………. 55
15. Mediumistic Discretion ………….. 61
16. Adolescent Mediums ………………. 65
17. Sick Mediums ………………………….. 69
18. Mental Mirror ……………………….... 73
19. Words and Thoughts ……………… 77
20. Transcendent Gifts ……………….. 81
Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Odilon Fernandes
Mediumistic Development
The spirits must know how far they can trust the
medium and vice- versa. This is because many brothers
and sisters on the pathway of mediumship, fail in the
presence of the service that should be done.
Indispensable Requisite
Strong Wish
To Be or Not To Be a Medium
We Are All Mediums
Spiritual Guides
and Experienced Mediums
Medium and The Good Spirits
The good spirits, those who are working for the benefit
of earthly Mankind, do not waste time. They are not as
numerous as it is thought. Therefore, we should not take
their time in vain, as if they were always at our disposal.
Mediums should be aware of this, so that they do not
call the good spirits solely at their convenience, so misusing
their own mediumship.
It is true that Earth is full of spirits. However, the vast
majority of them are spirits of similar evolvement to man
and very few have little to add to Mankind.
When the good spirits approach a medium, whether he
is a novice or an experienced one, it is because they intend to
develop together with him a serious work which can be
useful to everybody.
Novice mediums mistakenly believe that Superior Spirits
have no schedule to follow, with regard to their activities on
Earth or other occupations in the Spiritual World.
37 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Unproductive Mediums
Mediumistic Exercises
Initial Obstacles
Theory and Practice
Levels of Tuning
Mediumship and Doubt
and the medium then there is very little to do, for the
spirits do not have the necessary trust for interchanging.
A medium who doubts excessively his faculties is, in
fact, doubting his good intentions in co-operating with his
neighbours. He finds a pretext to excuse himself from the
duty in which he is called.
We would say that in any medium there is an element
of doubt, for there will always be a doubt that what is heard
or seen is caused by a kind of unknown hallucination.
However, when there is an acceptable level of doubt
then we would say that it is possible to carry on working.
A non conscious medium would have good reason to
doubt what his physic faculties can produce…there are
plenty of mistruths.
Therefore, mediumistic unconsciousness is not an
assurance of the veracity of the interchange between the
spiritual world and the material world.
We refer to the mediums’ doubt, and not to the doubt
of those who are watching the mediumistic phenomena. For
if the medium trusts himself the other peoples doubts would
not make a difference to the continuity of the task, which is
up to him.
A medium who tries to persuade people, will end up
disappointed, as not even Jesus succeeded in doing so. Even
Timothy, as he saw Jesus revived, needed to touch His
wounds in order to believe that he was in the presence of the
Master, who at that moment had fulfilled the promise to
return from death.
59 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Mediumistic Discretion
Adolescent Mediums
get close to the needy ones. They deal rather with the spirits
in need than with poor people…
The adolescent mediums deserve special attention from
the spiritists who are in charge of the mediumistic task in the
spiritist groups. May they be aware that for that family the
time has come in which they should awake to the realities of
the spirit.
69 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Sick Mediums
Mental Mirror
Words and Thoughts
Transcendent Gifts
The Qualities of a Medium
In the Absence
of Another Medium
Healing Mediums
Mediumistic Safety
in their tasks.
Another fact which gives to a medium mediumistic
confidence is his complete personal detachment, when
exercising mediumship. A medium should only aspire to
serve, even when making mistakes, receiving this or that
message, for their mistakes are naturally ignored.
When a medium is truly willing to serve his brothers
and sisters his limitations are forgotten, and put aside, by
those who search for them. In addition, people can sense
when a medium is sincere in his intentions.
In respect of mediumistic safety, we cannot forget to
mention, once more, the importance of the doctrinaire
study for a medium. Every medium should read at least
one page daily, of the works of Allan Kardec, in order to
improve his doctrinaire consciousness.
Unfortunately, many mediums have no doctrinaire
study. They are mediums but they lack in confidence.
They call themselves spiritists but they tune themselves
with spirits who belong to other levels of the spiritual
world. By doing so, they promote an inadvisable
“mixture” in the exercise of their mediumistic faculties.
Therefore, mediumistic safety is only complete with
doctrinaire consciousness. This doctrinaire consciousness
should have The Gospel at its soul. Otherwise we will
have mediums theoretically informed but without spiritual
practice of the “love one another”.
A medium should always be alert before, during and after
his exchange with the inhabitants of the invisible world.
When a medium is giving too much self- importance
to himself the Spiritual Friends might leave him
100 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes
Discontinuous Tuning
The Mission of Mediumship
Other Considerations
A lot to Do
S piritist Vocabulary