We Are All Mediums - Carlos Baccelli, Odilon Fernandes

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Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

1st. Edition in English - 2001

© Copyright August 2000 by

Casa Editora Espírita “PIERRE-PAUL DIDIER”
“Rua Leonardo Commar, 1127 - Bairro Pozzobon
Votuporanga - Brazil

Públio Lêntulus Vicente Coelho.
Spiritist Group for Irradiation - Brighton-UK

Proof-reading: Dave and Zenilde O’Connor - UK

Final Proof-reading: Horace Willer - UK

Cover and book design: Elsa Rossi

Baccelli, Carlos A. , medium

Odilon Fernandes, spiri t

Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes


Preface……………………………………………... 07
Dr. Odilon Fernandes …………………….. 08
Acknowledgments……………………………. 09
1. Mediumistic Development……….. 10
2. Indispensable Requisite…………. 14
3. Strong Wis h……………………………... 17
4. To Be or Not To be a Medium…… 20
5. We Are All Mediums………………… 24
6. Spiritual Guides and
Experienced Mediums ………………. 28
7. Psychography…………………………... 32
8. Medium and The Good Spirits ... 36
9. Unproductive Mediums …………... 39
10. Mediumistic Exercises ……………. 43
11. Initial Obstacles …………………….. 46
12. Theory and Practice ………………. 50
13. Levels of Tuning ……………………... 54
14. Mediumship and Doubt ……………. 55
15. Mediumistic Discretion ………….. 61
16. Adolescent Mediums ………………. 65
17. Sick Mediums ………………………….. 69
18. Mental Mirror ……………………….... 73
19. Words and Thoughts ……………… 77
20. Transcendent Gifts ……………….. 81
Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

21. The Qualities of a Medium…………... 85

22. In the Absence of Another
Medium…………………………………………. 89
23. Healing Mediums…………………………. 93
24. Mediumistic Safety……………………... 97
25. Discontinuous Tuning…………………. 101
26. The Mission of Mediumship……... 105
27. Rivalries……………………………………. 109
28. Other Consideration s…………….. 112
29. A lot To Do………………………………... 116
30. Self-Criticism……………………………. 119

S piritist V ocabulary ..………………….. 123

7 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes



This book was written in a simple and

objective way, and it is dedicated to those who are
beginning their mediumistic development with the
blessings of the Spiritist Doctrine.

With regard to our previous books, and

taking into account the texts of “The Mediums’
Book”, we have organized the chapters of this
book aiming to exchange experiences with our
fellows of like mind, with the certainty that we
either incarnates or discarnates spirits, are all
mediums in the presence of life.

We are all on the pathway of the most

considerable spiritual achievements, with the
support of the Gospel of Jesus, the Magnificent
Medium of God.

Odilon Fernandes

Uberaba- Minas Gerais- Brazil, 22 nd July 1993.

8 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Dr. Odilon Fernandes

Dr. Odilon Fernandes, orthodontist, university

lecturer and businessman, was born on 10 October
1907 in the State of São Paulo, in Brazil. He was
married and had four children. He died on 13 January

He had been a lecturer at the Faculty of

Odontology of the Triângulo Mineiro since its
foundation in the fields of Clinical Odontology and,
later, of Surgical Dentistry.

After a successful career, he retired and dedicated

himself to the research on uses of hypnosis and
techniques of mind conditioning to alleviate the pain of
patients undergoing dental treatment.

He was a spiritist as well as a researcher, and as

such he broadened his knowledge in several areas
related to the human mind. He developed special
interest for Parapsychology, Experimental Psychology
and Extra corporeal Life.

In short, his life can be summarised in the love

towards the neighbour, perseverance in the useful work,
faithfulness to his principles, and full dedication to the
community he belonged to.
9 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes


The idea of translating this book came to mind

due to the lack of literature in the field of mediumship
in English language. It presents a detailed study of
mediumship in all its nuances.
It is customary for a translator to acknowledge
all those who have helped within the arduous work of
translating a book.
In this vein, I am most grateful to all those who
have helped in any way whatsoever. Several friends,
tried and true, were of inestimable assistance. My
parents who have always energized me with their love;
Horace Willer, Dave and Zenilde O’Connor who have
also acted as proof- readers on this book and whose
task very often made demands upon their time.
To Elsa, who always enveloped me in support
and encouragement.
Finally and most humbly, I thank all the Spiritual
Benefactors who aided in the translation of this work.

Públio Lentulus V. Coelho

England—UK, July - 2001

10 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Mediumistic Development

“In order that a given spirit may be

enabled to communicate, there must be, between
him and the medium, a fluidic harmony which is
sometimes neither easy nor possible to establish; it
is only as a mediums’ faculty becomes developed,
that he gradually acquires the necessary aptitude
for entering into a relation with whatever spirit
may present himself.” (*)

The development of mediumship is slow and

progressive. Making contact with the spirits does not
mean that the medium should consider himself as a
developed medium.

As with all human faculties, mediumship requires time

in order to perfect itself.

We would say that the medium as he dies does not

complete his mediumistic development. Mediumship as a
sense remains evolving with the spirit after death.

(*) Translator’s Note.

This comment by the author was based on "The Mediums' Book."
11 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Nowadays, the vast majority of spiritist mediums are

simply gathering experiences to put into practice, in
future tasks, which they would be called to fulfill.

Just as with two or more friends, the “mediumistic

friendship” is gradually built.

Even when there is a previous knowledge about it in

former lives, the affinity between spirit and medium
needs time, in order to reestablish itself on a level of

The spirits must know how far they can trust the
medium and vice- versa. This is because many brothers
and sisters on the pathway of mediumship, fail in the
presence of the service that should be done.

However, it is normal that the first communications

from a spirit by a certain medium can be disappointing.

As time goes by, the medium will tune himself with

the spirit or with the spirits who intend to use his
faculties, so that they can communicate through them.

Many spirits, as they present themselves to a

medium, do not reveal their identities, choosing to remain
anonymous. Very often, it is only when the mediums pass
away to the spiritual world that they will get to know
about their connections, and affinities, to the spirits that
they have been working with.

In general terms, the reason why spirits approach

themselves to a medium is to develop a task. They have
12 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

with the medium commitments from previous lives,

generating a Karma, and therefore it demands to be

On the other hand, for a medium, who is constantly

in contact with spirits of recognized spiritual integrity, it
does not mean that these Spiritual Benefactors would
always be with him. Superior Spirits can be represented
by other Messengers who take their names in order to
work with the medium.

There is no need for a medium who is in

development, to be concerned about the name of the spirit
who has been communicating through his mediumship. In
due time, if the spirit finds it useful, he will identify
himself totally or partially.

Many mediums are excessively concerned about the

name of the spirits who communicate through their
mediumship. By behaving in this foolish way, the
mediums expose themselves to a frivolous spirit.

Therefore, in the beginning, either in the exercise of

this or that kind of mediumship, it is important that the
medium tries to improve his mediumship, so that whoever
the spirits are they can communicate usefully.

The identity of the spirit with regard to his name has

relative importance, inasmuch as the spirit, essentially,
reveals himself by the content of his thought, as much as
a tree shows itself by the fruits that it produces.

Calm and perseverance are essentials for a person who is

13 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

willing to develop his own mediumship. Otherwise, the

mediumship will not be productive. It will begin to show
the first results but then it will disappear as the own
medium was not interested in improving it, forgetting that
everything needs time to be consolidated.

Unproductive mediums should not complain about

their faculties, or the spirits who utilize them, but about
themselves, because every well intentioned medium, who
persists in the mediumistic exercise, will attract to himself
the affinity of spirits, who in time will give to him the
happiness that he is looking for.
14 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Indispensable Requisite

“No sacramental formula is needed; and

whoever should pretend to give such a formula
would lay himself open to a charge of
charlatanism, for spirits attach no importance
to any set forms.”
(“The Mediums’ Book,”
Chapter 17 item 203)

In the development of mediumship, there are no

formulas or mysteries. However, if there is a requisite which
is indispensable, then it would be the study of mediumship,
allied with the perseverant desire to serve.
Mediumship is a faculty which naturally emerges as a
result of the state of advancement of each person. It is like a
seed which cannot ignore the time of germination.
When the first indications of mediumship appear, it
might bring some physical and spiritual discomfort. This can
lead to many sensitive mediums going to see a doctor,
believing themselves to be suffering from physical and
emotional disorders, such as palpitation, visual and hearing
problems, nightmares, inexplicable anxieties…
It is always advisable to see a doctor as we can not
blame everything on mediumship. However, once confirmed
15 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

that there is no real health disorder then it is necessary to

find a spiritist group, in order to re-balance the psychic
Once mediumship is identified then is time to take
specific care. In other words, the medium requires special
Before being called to take part in a mediumistic
meeting, or to receive guidelines, or even exercise automatic
writing which can be done at home, the medium needs to go
on a healing treatment. He also should attending to the
meetings of doctrinal stud ies in the spiritist group as well
doing any kind of charitable work.
There is no need in rushing to take part in a mediumship
meeting, nor for the spiritist director to precipitate that.
After two or three months, as the medium feels more
confident exercising a better self-control, then he can
progress one step forward…
He can for example, begin to work with the healing
time, reading small passages from the “ Gospel “, praying,
serving magnetized water and taking care of the door of the
healing cabinet. After two or three months passed by, then he
can start to give healing under guidelines.
As the medium shows himself responsible and
integrated in the group, then he can be called to attend the
mediumship meetings, however, still remaining sitting in the
audience and not at the table with the mediums who have
been working in total activity.
It is important to emphasize that prudence is an
indispensable item to the medium in development as well to
the group in which he is working .
16 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernan-

After a while, as the candidate to the mediumistic

service shows himself to be prepared, then under the support
of the Spiritual Benefactors who guide the serious groups, he
can begin to work as a medium. Such pathway should be
done step by step without any rush so avoiding lamentable
We would like to clarify to our readers that, the above
statement is not a rule. We are not making formulas for the
development of mediumship. Our contribution is only in the
sense of protecting the medium and the mediumship group
against inexperience and negligence, about which spirits
interested in spreading disturbance, take advantage.
As the medium begins to work he should be aware that,
initially, the spirits who will co-operate with him are very
often “preparing” spirits, whose level of advancement is an
ordinary one. These spirits will help the medium to improve
his faculties. Sometimes, these spirits can be either from his
own family, with the task of leading the medium throughout
the doctrine, or may even be inferior spirits who ask for an
opportunity to redeem themselves from their wrongdoing ...
For this reason, the medium cannot dispense help from the
more experienced friends, as he may wish to analyze with
them the messages he has received, without getting too
If the medium gets upset with the comments made by
the more experienced friends then it would prove once more,
that mediumship itself does not confer to anyone whatsoever
a moral supremacy. More than that: a medium is a common
person like everybody else on Earth.
17 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernan-

Strong Wish

“What is more important than the mode of

evocation is calmness and concentration of thought, an
ardent desire and firm determination to succeed; we do
not mean the ephemeral determination which acts by fits
and which is interrupted every minute by other matters,
but a serious, persevering, sustained determination,
without impatience or feverish anxiety”.
("The Mediums' Book”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 204)

Nearly always, at the beginning of the mediumship

development, the medium gets enthusiastic, coming to
believe that he is a missionary from the Spiritual World,
incarnated on Earth.
This enthusiasm is in a way necessary, so that the
medium stimulates himself to work and improve his
mediumistic gifts.
However, everything which is excessive is self-
defeating…The medium should know that there is a big gulf
between a mediumship service, available to any medium,
and those who are born having mediumship as a mission.
Rare are those mediums who are born with a specific
18 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernan-

mission in the field of mediumship. Even rarer are those

amongst these, who carry out their mission in total, matching
the expectations of the Superior Spirits.
Once past the initial moments of excitement, the
novice medium realizes that his mediumship is in a kind of
routine, where the results observed are slow and the
tendency of the medium is to be discouraged…
This is the moment to persevere and keep a strong
If material acquisitions demand time to achieve, so do
the spiritual ones. Without difficulties and obstacles there is
no merit!
After the initial impetus, mediumship can become a
little tedious. At this point, the medium believes that his
abilities have stagnated…This could be quite a long period,
and it is a test to the medium.
Likewise, the painter who paints a picture sometimes
spends more time doing the final touch than painting it.
To extract marble from the heart of nature it is not a
difficult task, but to mould it in the way we want is.
The appearance of mediumship takes place quickly.
However, its development, with the necessary education of
the medium, is a task of patience.
Many promising mediums become inconsistent, as
they rush to get results quickly.
Therefore, we would say that mediumship itself has
three phases; the one which appears and manifests itself on
the medium; another in which it is developed, and the last
one, is the productive phase.
19 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

In the development phase, the medium should devote

himself in all senses, so becoming able to be utilized by the
spirits in the productive phase.
In a productive phase we understand that this is where
the medium, who is much more secure about his
mediumship, does not vacillate. Thus, he now works as an
interpreter of the spirits, being enlightened by messages from
the mentors, or by spiritual communications, revealing the
suffering of the communicating spirits. From all these
communications and messages, it will always be possible to us
to learn about Life and the Laws which govern it.
The phase that we call the development one, could last
many years. It depends on the level of assiduity of the
medium, his dedication, his love for the work, discipline,
If the Superior Spirits realize that the medium is well-
intentioned, then the development phase can be diminished.
At that time, the Superior Spirits will approach him,
supporting his efforts, working with him in the Spiritual
World when his spirit disengages from his physical body by
the action of sleep and, in short, they will organize
intensively his faculties.
As Allan Kardec used to say, “ Impatience and a
fanatic wish “ reveals immaturity of the medium and his lack
of preparation for the task.
Let’s not forget that the medium who abandons
mediumship a few times, to re-start it later, will never be a
productive medium. When he reaches the Other Life he will
feel frustrated, lamenting both his lack of responsibility and
the waste of the talents that The Lord had given him.
20 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

To Be or Not To Be a Medium

“ …But it must be remarked that, when

we inquire of spirits whether such and such a
person is a medium or not, they almost always
answer affirmatively…”
(The Mediums' Book")
Chapter.17, second part, item 205)

Mediumship is a natural sense. It is obvious

that we are all mediums and more and more we will
continue to be.
For a while, this new sense which has manifested
itself in Mankind, from a few centuries ago till now,
particularly in a prominent way, is still in its infancy even
though it has been developing for millenniums.
Likewise, the other senses which have been
created by the wise Laws of Nature and passing
through an extraordinary process of experimentation.
Mediumship one day, will be a perfect sense just as
much as touch or sight.
21 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

There will be a time when mediumship will be to

Humanity a kind of aerial, working constantly. Thus,
telepathy will be a natural way of communication
amongst those who are incarnate on Earth and those who
are living in the House of The Father…
As everybody will be mediums, then mediums will
not be seen as different people, due to the faculties that they
carry. Therefore, everyone will be able to see and hear and,
consequently, they will all be able to communicate one to
another, between both incarnate and spirits, without the need
of using unfamiliar intermediates.
However, we are talking about a time that it is still
very distant…
When the Spirits are asked about mediumship, they
affirm that we are all mediums. Obviously, they are referring
to the mediumistic potential that we carry with us. It is like
asking a doctor if human beings have the capacity for
Although mediumship manifests itself in each person,
in a different “evolutionary moment”, it is fair to conclude
that, in many people mediumship will manifest itself in
future existences, or even in other spiritual spheres of Life.
This is because there are spirits wherein mediumship begins
to show itself in the Spiritual Sphere…
Here, in the spiritual region where we live, life goes
on witho ut much change. For example, there are here
spiritist groups and centres of advanced spirituality, linked to
other religious beliefs, where mediums act in the same way
as they would act in the real world…
There are also specialized studies in mediumship,
22 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

ecumenical meetings about this issue, and, periodically, we

receive visitors of friends from superior spheres that are
materializing themselves amongst us, giving interesting
lectures. These friends about whom we are talking,
remain many days together with us, like Christ, who
according to the Holy Writ, after his death, stayed with
apostles for 40 days before going to the Enlightened
Evidently, as these enlightened friends remain
temporarily “materialized ” with us, they are receiving the
necessary cosmic fluid from the mediums, whom taking
turns amongst themselves, make this elevated fact
possible. We apologize for not going further into details
about this phenomenon, as certainly it would cause an
endless controversy amongst friends.
Based on what has been said, when a spirit says that
someone is a medium then this person should talk to his
friends who are more experienced in such field and make
an evaluation of his psychic possibilities.
Can a person force mediumship development?
We say yes, however, we do not advise such course
of action..
We answered the previous question affirmatively, as
mediumship is also a gift which can be developed. In the
same way, someone who is interested in becoming a
musician can do exercises with his favorite instrument. But,
we do not deny that there is a huge difference between
someone that has a natural gift to be a musician and someone
else who forces himself to be so.
A fruit ripening on a tree has a different taste from one
23 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

which is ripening in a greenhouse.

Mediumship that appears naturally in a medium “has
been worked” by various aspects, similar to those people
who extract coal from below the ground, so that it may be
transformed into a diamond.
Mediumistic capacity is a conquest of spirit, no matter
how strong the persons will. However, its utilization depends
on his moral condition. In this way, mediumship can
become, to the medium, either a cause for spiritual
improvement or a negative karma for the future.
24 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

We Are All Mediums

“A man, therefore, may be a medium,

without being aware of it”
( "The Mediums' Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 205)

Once a medium, always a medium. This is not just at

the moment when the phenomena is actually happening,
even though it is in this exact moment of the trance that
mediumship reaches its apex.
Mediumship can be observed widely when, a medium is
exercising the phenomena of trance, automatic writing,
healing and also when he releases ectoplasm, or is painting
under the influence of spirits…However, mediumship in
general terms, manifests itself discreetly, in such way, that
the own medium very often does not realize that he has been
serving as an instrument.
On rare occasions, a medium will be able to clearly
know whether he has received intuition or has been inspired,
to say words, or take action, that could change the way of
things in which he takes part.
25 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Let’s see an example: In a simple conversation, the

medium could say a word that clarifies the decisions of
his interlocutor. Let’s imagine a doctor who is not sure
about his patient diagnosis…talking to a medium, who
may be completely unaware of the case. The spirit could
inspire the medium towards opening up the doctor’s mind
to the precise diagnosis required, thus saving lives and
avoiding risky surgical procedures already scheduled.
Those who try to tune themselves with the High
Spheres, either by praye r or doing his duties correctly, are
like an aerial receiving messages of elevated issue and
transmitting it by the word, without realizing they are
doing so.
There are other ways to exercise mediumship,
other than mediumship of trance. A mother is a medium
when she comes to forewarn her son of the problems he is
facing. A father is a medium when he saves money, as he
foresees that it will be necessary in the future. A son is a
medium when he protects his parents from a possible
accident at home. A friend is a medium when he alerts
someone about the quality of the brakes in the car that
should be done, before a long journey. A neighbour is a
medium when she points out a tree that is about to topple
over into her neighbor's yard…
There are some people who think that their
commitment with mediumship is only on the day of the
meeting where they stay at the mediumship table, for a
few minutes every week.
Einstein, Thomas Edison, Pasteur, Gandhi, Florence
Nightingale and so many other geniuses, and benefactors of
Humanity, would not they have been mediums?
26 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Would not an anonymous priest be a medium

who prepares the sermon to give during a religious
Would not a legislator be a medium who tries to
adjust the laws of man to the Laws of God?
Would not a scientist be a medium who, in the
silence of a laboratory, searches for the cure for Aids?
Would not a teacher be a medium who
understands an emotional problem and interferes
negatively in the school development of one of his
Would not a farmer be a medium who foresees
the right time to sow and then to get a dreamed of
In fact, man is the owner of his free- will and his
actions form the final outcome. However, let’s not
forget that the Spiritual World is linked to the Physical
One and the community of discarnate spirits is part of
the incarnate ones, and still have a common interest
amongst man.
We would not be exaggerating if we said that
everything is mediumship, on Earth as well as in
In order to reach Mankind, The Divine Thought
passes through many minds…so that this thought
should reach us without distortion. Jesus incarnated on
this planet and brought us the Divine Word which had
everything in common with His Word.
Previously, prophets and mediums, who were
27 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

messenger’s of God’s Word, submitted it to the social

and religious culture to which they belonged . By doing
so, they made local what would be universal.
For that reason, Spiritism identifies itself with all
religions and philosophies. This identification goes from
Christian ramifications to those who preach reincarnation,
the law of karma and communication with the dead ones.
Having been codified in France, the Spiritist
Doctrine is universal for the Truth in any language and
everywhere is always the same.
28 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Spiritual Guides
and Experienced Mediums

“ The help of an experienced guide, is also useful

in making the beginner observe various useful
little precautions, that usually is neglected to the
detriment of progress…”
( "The Mediums' Book.")
Chapter 17, second part, item 206)

Experience is something that can not be acquired by

In any area of activity, experience is the result of
failures and victories.
An experienced medium, in his mediumistic journey,
is one who has already gathered sadness and happiness. He
also knows that he has a grasp of life experiences and
because of this he is not discouraged in the presence of his
own mistakes.
It is only natural that a novice medium, needs the help
and experience of a friend in mediumship, who has been
serving longer than he has.
When starting off, a medium thinks that he does not
need help from a more experienced friend because this friend
29 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernan-

is of a lower cultural level. This attitude reveals a lack of

humility and the delusion that he will not make mistakes.
We would suggest that, periodically, the mediums
from a spiritist group should meet together in order to
exchange ideas. By doing so, each one can express his
personal mediumistic experiences, but they should not try
to personalize the meeting nor try to become the central
point of opinions.
Every medium should take precautions against
vanity, especially when the mediumship group has an
excessive confidence in him. A medium shouldn’t be
treated differently to the other members of the spiritist
group, just because he can speak with the spirits. The
medium who requests special treatment is under the
influence of high self- esteem, becoming easily offended
by anything and therefore unprotected against obsession.
Every time that a medium receives a
communication, in which a Spiritual Messenger calls for
the attention of the members, then there is a possible
moral or material necessity required of the medium. This
communication should be analyzed carefully by the
mediumship group. In this situation, very often the
medium is facing a “ Psychic Process,” see (1) below,
obviously supported tremendously by the disturbed spirits
who take advantage of his carelessness.

(1) Psychic Process or Animism: The influence of the

medium is really of great importance, particularly in the
involuntary substitution of his own ideas for those which the
communicating spirits endeavor to suggest. It is also
important in the formulation of baseless and fantastic
theories, in accordance with his own opinions or prejudices,
whether as a product of his own mind, or derived from the
suggestions of ignorant or mocking spirits. ".
30 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernan-

We have talked about the necessity of the novice

medium to count on the more experienced medium.
However, we cannot forget that this is not enough.
According to Kardec, the novice medium still needs to rely
on the assistance of an “experienced spiritual Guide”, or
that of an enlightened spirit, who is willing to be his tutor
on the pathway of mediumship.
In order for a novice medium to have the guidance
of an “experienced spiritual guide” he needs to be well-
intentioned, sincere when serving, willing to fulfill tasks,
to have love for the Cause he adopted, be persistent, be
useful to others…
When the Spiritual Friends note that a medium is
making an effort to overcome his own imperfections, in
the sense of co-operating in the pathway of goodness,
then one of them present himself to guide him closer.
Very often, the spirits who present themselves to
help mediums on Earth, have been mediums in previous
Regarding the tasks of men and spirits, “ like attracts
like” …Thus, an incarnate doctor will attract the
assistance of a spiritual doctor. This is logical and natural.
What would be the value to a medium of the
assistance of a spirit who knows almost nothing about
mediumship? Probably he would cause confusion to the
medium whom he intended to protect.
Another point that should be considered: years of
mediumship for a medium does not mean he is a
experienced medium. It all depends on his improvement
and how well he has employed his time…We say that as
31 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

many mediums consider themselves experienced ones,

then they are usually jealous of the novice mediums and,
instead of motivating them, they consider them as rivals.
As we can see, mediumship should always be
subordinate to the moral aspect, for it is better for a man to
have morals and no mediumship at all, than to have a fully
developed mediumship but questionable morals.
A. Baccelli
A. Baccelli WeWe
all Mediums
all Mediums Odilon


“ The first indication of the possession of the faculty of

writing under spirit-dictation is usually a sort
of shuddering in the arm and hand;
little by little, the hand is moved, as though writing,
by an impulsion which it is unable to control.”
( "The Mediums' Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 210)

Perhaps, by the literary tendency of some people, or

even by the frequency of publishing books, psychography
mediumship is one of the most desired by those who
aspire to develop their psychic faculties.
Undoubtedly, psychography, or automatic writing,
as well as the other mediumistic faculties cannot be
considered special. It can benefit a large number of
people, as the communications written on a paper can be
analysed and meditated upon.
However, that does not mean that we should prefer a
specific kind of mediumship, for each person,
mediumship manifests itself according to the natural
tendencies of the medium.
When writing his First Epistle to the Corinthians, Paul
33 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

the apostle of the Gentiles, in chapter 12, v.v 4 to 10 says:

“ Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit.”
“And there are differences of administrations, but
the same Lord.”
“And there are diversities of operations, but it is the
same God which works all in all.”
“But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every
man to profit withal.”
“For one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom;
to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit”
“To another, faith by the same Spirit; to another the
gifts of healing by the same Spirit.”
“To another the working of miracles; to another
prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another
divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of
As far we can see, Paul, nearly twenty centuries ago
already spoke clearly about mediumistic gifts with a lot of
When choosing a certain kind of mediumship it
would be interesting for the medium to meditate, once
such a decision is not a result of personal vanity.
It is not mediumship which should serve the medium
but the medium who should serve it.
If the medium, however, shows tendencies to write
under the influence of spirits then it is necessary that he
dedicates himself to automatic writing. He, also, should
be aware that such a mediumship demands long and
exhaustive exercises before starting to receive
34 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

communications which deserve to be divulged.

We have seen many mediums with the gift of
psychography, stepping back from the task, right at the
start of the work, as if they expected immediate results.
The exercises are important and the spirits cannot afford a
lack of quality in the communications which will be
received by the mediums.
Many incarnate authors have written and revised
their books many times before they have sent it to be
published. Even after the books have been published
alterations should be made by the authors, if they are able.
Reading the first pages that they produced at the
beginning of their mediumship work, experienced
mediums of psychography easily recognised that if they
had to receive the same pages today, the essence of the
spirits’ thoughts would be the same. The spirits would
find much more literary resources in them in order to
dictate the messages.
There are some authors who do not like to revise
their first works, as they find it too ingenuous.
Therefore, there is no need for the psychography
medium to be in a hurry to publish the messages received.
Let’s consider another very important aspect. If,
perchance, through his dedication and effort, the
psychography medium realises after years of exercise that
his mediumship does not show the wished improvement,
then there is nothing wrong in giving up this kind of
mediumship and directing his mediumistic resources to
another task. Such as healing or speech and that brings
him more positive results.
35 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

There is no point in dedicating oneself for one

profession if you haven’t got aptitude for it.
However, we would like to make one point very
clear: the Spirits Benefactors would never leave a well-
intended medium without proper help. They might not
find in him the ideal conditions to manifest themselves
but they would never abandon him to the disturbed spirits,
who in their turn wo uld use his limited resources in order
to disturb him.
36 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Medium and The Good Spirits

“ …For good spirits never cause any waste of labor…”

(The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter.17, second part, item 210)

The good spirits, those who are working for the benefit
of earthly Mankind, do not waste time. They are not as
numerous as it is thought. Therefore, we should not take
their time in vain, as if they were always at our disposal.
Mediums should be aware of this, so that they do not
call the good spirits solely at their convenience, so misusing
their own mediumship.
It is true that Earth is full of spirits. However, the vast
majority of them are spirits of similar evolvement to man
and very few have little to add to Mankind.
When the good spirits approach a medium, whether he
is a novice or an experienced one, it is because they intend to
develop together with him a serious work which can be
useful to everybody.
Novice mediums mistakenly believe that Superior Spirits
have no schedule to follow, with regard to their activities on
Earth or other occupations in the Spiritual World.
37 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Spirits of an elevated hierarchy cannot be alongside the

mediums training them daily. This task, is entrusted to
conscious spirits in apprenticeship.
If mediums desire the presence of good spirits, and
their agreement in the tasks they have to accomplish, then it
is obvious that they need to face mediumship in a
responsible way, doing their best for the service to others.
Mediums who are not committed should not count on a
regular help from the Spiritual Benefactors.
Insecure or undecided mediums who do not know what
to do with their mediumship will never attract the affinity of
the good spirits.
Mediums without discipline, or vacillating in their
faith, would not have the right to complain nor receive the
support of the Spiritual Friends.
A teacher can not abandon a pupil who is interested in
learning, in detriment to another one who does not show
interest at all.
Therefore, the presence of good spirits beside a
medium should not be understood as a privilege or merit. On
the contrary, it is an increase of responsibility and duties.
We have said that the good spirits are not as numerous
as it is thought. They do not deal only with mediumship but
move themselves in every area of terrestrial life. However,
their capacity for influence is limited.
Perhaps, someone can ask about the spiritual
commitment of a medium before his incarnation. In fact, the
good spirits committed themselves with some mediums
before their incarnation. However, these mediums are rare.
38 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

In addition, commitment has to come from both sides. If a

medium does not accomplish his part then there will be no
obligation for the spirits to help him.
The fact that a medium has a link affection with a
Superior Spirit does not mean that the Spirit will be obliged
to look after him, thus neglecting his responsibilities as a
The link of affection between Christ and Peter was the
same one, that later on Christ had with Paul. In fact this truth
was clearly stated when Jesus said: “ Whoever does the will
of my Father, is my brother, sister and mother.”
If a medium does not respond to the confidence that the
good spirits put in him, then although feeling sorry for him,
they will leave him on his own, where he will learn through
pain, to value the gift which has been given to him.
Would the good spirits leave the medium isolated? Yes,
they would…. In the same way that sometimes a devoting
father would feel impelled to leave his son to follow the
pathway he has chosen, even though he knows that his
choice is not the best one…
Mankind, in its narrow view, values suffering
excessively. For the spirits, suffering is nothing more than a
temporary event, as are the insignificant tears in comparison
to the unchangeable joys of the Great Future.
39 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Unproductive Mediums

“ There are mediums who cannot get beyond strokes

and pot-hooks. If, after some months of trying,
a medium obtains nothing more significant than these
letters strung together without meaning, or a mere
“yes” or “no”, it is useless to persist in spoiling paper
to no purpose; they are mediums, it is true, but
unproductive mediums.”
(“The Mediums' Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 210)

Talking about psychography, Allan Kardec informs us

that some mediums, although having the gift of
psychography, are unproductive ones, as they are capable of
obtaining no more than a few scribbles.
However, unproductive mediums can be found in other
forms of mediumship. For example: there are physical
mediums who are able to produce only a few simple
manifestations, for they release a small quantity of
ectoplasm, producing thus, only occasional phenomena.
In the field of psychophony or speaking mediums, there
are equally unproductive mediums. In this case, the spirits
which manifest themselves by them would always feel limited.
40 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

There are mediums who do not work with

confidence. By doing so, they restrict the manifestation of
the spirits which communicate with them.
Similar to this are the healing mediums who do not
make an effort at the time of donation of magnetic fluids.
They probably will produce very few results unless they
work with confidence.
There are inspired mediums who are not interested in
improving their ideas by constant study. By doing so, they
not only limit the action of the Superior Spirits but also,
they will end up making unproductive comments about
the doctrine.
A medium who is unproductive in one kind of
mediumship probably will not be in another one.
However, a medium who does not make an effort to
overcome his limitations will not succeed in any kind of
spiritual activity.
How many unproductive spiritists are in a spiritist
group? How many mediums expect the spirits to do
everything for them?
The medium who refuses to be productive due to
laziness or lack of goodwill, will eventually attract the
presence of an unproductive spirit, who is equally without
confidence in everything it does.
In view of this, we would say that a medium would
not be an unproductive one, when he disposes himself to
do it properly. By doing so, in one way or another, he will
be able to do so.
We emphasize once more, that it is imperative for the
medium to have discernment, so that he may place
41 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

himself in a particular type of work, where he may be

productive according to his possibilities.
The passage of “The Dry Fig Tree”, in The Gospel,
makes us meditate in many ways. Although the tree did
not produce fruits in benefit of the starving ones, nothing
prohibited the tree producing a friendly shade for the
pilgrims along the way…nor the birds making nests in its
vigorous branches…in many ways, it was useful.
Mediumship itself is never defective. If it has
partially developed in this or that field it is because the
medium has not developed himself properly. In other
words, to develop mediumship is to develop the medium
However, common sense tells us that a medium
should never force the development of a mediumship, to
which he has no aptitude at all. If, for a while, his
mediumistic capacity manifests itself in a discrete way
then he should make more effort working, studying and
being conscious that, in the right moment, his
mediumship will manifest itself clearly.
We still need to clarify that there is not what is
commonly called “strong mediumship” and “weak
mediumship,” as well as “strong spiritist group” and
“weak spiritist group.” In fact, what varies is the level of
development of the mediumship and the level of interest
of the medium.
There are mediums who wish to be mediums only
because they want the spirits to do something for them,
that they should do themselves. This is a lamentable
42 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

If a medium does not search for his own

improvement then he will probably attract the presence of
unenlightened spirits, which may make his progress even
more difficult. We have said that mediumship is a process
of collaboration where the medium works together with
the spirit and vice- versa.
43 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Mediumistic Exercises

“…the first communications obtained

should only be considered as exercises that the
medium, has been made to go through with by
secondary spirits; for this reason, slight
importance should be attached to them...”
(“The Mediums' Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 210)

We have spoken a great deal about mediumistic

exercises. Obviously, such exercises are more specifically
related to the mediumship of psychography.
Allan Kardec, by the time of the Spiritist Codification,
seemed to have given a great deal of attention to
psychography, as it was at the time, the mediumship that he
used to communicate with the spirits. It was also by the
mediumship of dozens of mediums in communication with
spirits that the basis of the Spiritist Doctrine began to be
However, it is not our intention to be repetitive, but
mediumistic exercises apply for all kinds of mediumship.
Every novice medium needs to exercise himself, for no
medium is born ready to work.
44 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The healing mediums, for example, should exercise

themselves within the task of donation of fluids to those
who are in need. Unfortunately, a great number of
mediums give up in their first months of activity. Rare,
are the mediums who persevere and the ones who work
anonymously, participating weekly in the rescue or
healing meetings, without any worries about personal
The true abnegation is not the one which shows
itself, but the one which hides itself in the task that it
The wish of the medium, in promoting himself, is
always a disguised sign of vanity. Vanity is found more
deeply in moralistic mediums, who do not want to
identify their own weakness.
Many valued workers do not realise their personal
vanity, which can subtly destroy them!
There are many mediums whose vanity can be
noticed even when they say a prayer…
Let’s remember the wise words of the Ecclesiastes:
“I have seen all the works that are done under the sun;
and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit” (chapter
In fact, how many mediums are there who want to
be recognized by Mankind – the same Mankind which
regardless of what they do, will forget them anyway?
May our brother and sister mediums try to fulfill
only one task, which is serving God. By doing so, yo u can
be sure that everything on Earth is temporary. However,
there will remain among Mankind only those works which
45 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

were constructed with the support of true love.

Therefore, we remind the mediums once more about
the importance of exercising themselves in mediumship,
but let’s not forget to use humility in everything we do.
46 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Initial Obstacles

“The great stumbling-block of the majority of

beginners is, in fact, their liability to be drawn in to
hold conversation with inferior spirits. They may
usually consider themselves fortunate, if they only
come into contact with spirits who are merely
frivolous, and not positively wicked.”
(“The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 211)

On any pathway there are obstacles.

Nobody in this life is exempt from challenges.
Even those who seem to be more fortunate have their
share of trials. If that was not so what would be the stimulus
to improve?
The significance of pain caused by suffering, motivates
the spirits to advance along the pathway of progress.
Mediumship, as an evolving instrument, is no
exception. There are, therefore, a large number of lessons
where the spirit matures as it works.
When mediumship manifests itself in someone then the
Spiritual World begins to show itself to them.
47 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Even though a medium may have a vast theoretical

knowledge, it is only with practice that he will achieve an
untransferable experience.
A medium, by identifying himself with different
categories of spirits, will understand how life is in the
Spiritual World.
Step by step, the novice medium will comprehend that
dealing with spirits is not very different from dealing with man.
In some regions in the spiritual world, there are spirits of
different levels of evolution, just as may occur with incarnate
people who are at different levels to which they belong.
An inexperienced man, who just starting off in the world
of business, can easily be deceived by dishonest people. The
natural tendency of man is to trust, until the germs of distrust
are planted in his soul.
It is only after some disappointments that an
inexperienced person learns how to defend himself against
the traps of slander and, sadly, he finally understands that,
among mankind, the law of the jungle still predominates.
How happy is that person who experiences the action of
evil and does not let it embitter his heart!
In his prayer for the disciples Jesus asks God: “I pray
that you should not take them out of this world but that you
should keep them from evil.” (John, chapter 17, v.15)
According to Kardec, a novice medium should consider
himself fortunate in having contact with inferior spirits, and not
frivolous ones. This is because the spirits of lower evolution
can, equally, teach him a lot as they are always sincere in their
48 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

words, while the frivolous ones are cunning and deceitful.

Let’s remember that the Spiritist Codification was not
formulated just by information from Superior Spirits. The
Superior Spirits sent suffering spirits to the Society of Paris
for Spiritists Studies, who told of their valued experiences in
the beyond.
Therefore, the mediums should be cautious. However,
they should never be discouraged as they receive
communications from inferior spirits during their initial
exercises. Again, we repeat, these communications are very
helpful as it reveals various situations in the Spiritual World.
It is a reality that, so far, is known only in theory.
A Sociologist does not endure the same social problems
that a person does who is cast aside by the same society.
Suffering is an individual experience, for there are no
two people who suffer in the same way from the same cause.
Each person has his own way of assimilating suffering.
With this in mind, it is fair to say that the hardest
obstacle for any medium to overcome will be his own moral
imperfection, for, if he is persistent, any kind of obstacles are
a motivation and a reason to improve his work.
It is important to mention that on the pathway of
mediumship there are not only initial, natural obstacles. As
the mediums overcome one difficulty, behold, there is
another one.
The mediums should consider themselves fortunate
when they have to endure external obstacles such as an
intolerant friend, family criticism, an inexorable persecution
49 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

from an obsessor spirit and lack of support from the group

that they belong to. Such external obstacles, although
upsetting, are easily overcome as the medium persists in
silence during the accomplishment of his duty.
However, sometimes the medium himself can be the
hardest obstacle. When he finds the work difficult and
allows sadness to envelop him, then the Spiritual
Friends will feel frustrated and will lament that such a
precious gift is, very often, with someone who does not
value it.
50 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Theory and Practice

“A preliminary study of the spiritist theory is

indispensable to all who would wish to avoid the
annoyances inseparable from inexperience”.
(“The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 17, item 211)

There is a popular saying; “Theory is one thing,

practice is something very different”. By agreeing with
that, we would be taking an unfair approach to the
information which comes first of all, and always helps,
before the experience.
Obviously, theory without practice would be the
same as a physical body without a soul, as theory only
shows itself to be right through practice.
However, how could a doctor diagnose a patient
without previous medical knowledge? Or how can an
engineer construct a building without the precise
mathematical calculations?
When mediumship manifests itself to someone who
has no knowledge at all about it then it will be impossible
to expect positive results from it.
Mediumship, contrary to what many people think,
51 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

does not exempt the medium from studying. To the

medium, it is necessary to get to know it, in order to
understand how to deal with it.
When publishing “The Mediums’ Book” Allan
Kardec intended to establish guidelines for the mediums,
who were previously working in darkness.
This is why we understand that a medium should
have an indispensable basic knowledge of mediumistic
theory. By doing so, he will be cautious when
experiencing undesirable setbacks.
If one leaves to the spirits all the orientation of
mediumship then this shows a complete lack of
knowledge in the subject which it should itself be taken
Therefore, any candidate to developing mediumship
must begin by studying it. If this is the case, then the
novice medium should take a break from the exercise of
mediumship, so that he can obtain more information about
the field in which he is about to work.
Mediumistic theory, and practice, should work
together so that the medium, who is about to become an
adequate instrument of the Spiritual aspirations, can
maintain his own balance.
Those mediums who think they are exempt from
studying will not progress. In this activity more than in
others, theory and practice complete themselves.
Allan Kardec leads us to meditate when he says in a
text; “the preliminary study of theory is indispensable”.
52 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Certainly because of this, after launching “The Spirits'

Book”, a basic book of Codification, the Superior Spirits
brought through “The Mediums' Book”, which
established guidelines to mediums in their contact with the
invisible world.
We are not in favour of courses know as “regular
courses of mediumship”, as it gives to the mediums who
attend to them only a superficial knowledge of theory.
However, we are in favour of study meetings in the
spiritist group, where experiences are exchanged and
“The Mediums' Book” is followed as a major work.
Study meetings about mediumship should not be
based on regular public courses, where it is done on
different levels and offers certificates or diplomas, even if
they are symbolic ones, to those who attended the course.
To exercise mediumship in a conscientious and
responsible way nobody will be sufficiently prepared ,
just because they have attended this or that “course”, in
this or that group.
The mediumistic aptitude is achieved over a period
of time. It is a fruit of effort, dedication, discipline,
perseverance and also serving with love.
Besides this, we should be able to see the difference
between “information” and “formation”. Information is
theory. Formation is more than practice, it is experience!
The “formation” of a spiritist medium does not
happen without his evangelization. That is why, we say,
that to develop mediumship is, in fact, to develop the
medium himself.
53 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Finally, we must add that the mediumistic theory, in

order to produce positive results, needs the support of The
Gospel practiced daily. Without The Gospel, any theory
about mediumship is fruitless and any practice will result
in disappointment.
The novice medium should become a member of a
spiritist group where mediumistic meetings are not given
top priority to the detriment of the study meetings. May
revived Christianity be the foundation for those who are
responsible for the mediumistic orientation on Earth.
54 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Levels of Tuning

“Writing that is habitually illegible, even for the

medium, can usually be made clearer by frequent
and careful exercise, and by constantly urging the
spirit to write more plainly.
( The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 17, item 213)

In mediumship we must consider the levels of

Each trance in mediumship has its own
As the medium works and makes an effort during
the apprenticeship, the mediumistic manifestation given by
him becomes natural and spontaneous.
For example, in the specific case of psychography,
as the medium exercises and tunes himself with the spirits
which work with him, the writing occurs naturally and
legibly to anyone who wishes to read it.
The medium who is writing this book at this precise
moment writes with his own hand writing as calmly as if he
is writing by himself. The tuning is such that he does not
need any one to help him to hold the pages.
55 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

We would say that we have been working with this

medium to a level that we call “good tuning”. It means that
the matching between our thoughts is such that it allows us
to work together, without any physical or emotional
disturbance from him. Those who see him writing right now
probably would say that these words are coming from his
brain, and not received by him, almost without distortions.
The intensity of the trance should not be seen to be
at a feverish level that occasionally envelops some
mediums, giving an idea that the medium is suffering at the
time of the trance or psychography.
A medium who gives us the impression of a deep
trance could, in fact, be emphasizing a significant physical
and emotional change. He also could be enveloped by the
fluids of a spirit. It is necessary, as well, to bear in mind that
a medium can allow himself to be influenced.
In the mediumship of psychophony or trance, it is
not always the medium who shows excessive movements
whilst in deep tuning. Sometimes, the other medium who
operates in an acceptable manner, with the spirit
communicating with his lips, as if it was the medium talking,
is in a deeper tuning.
The more the medium educates himself the more he
tunes himself with the spirits which help him. Equally, the
healing medium in order to be tuned with the Spiritual
Benefactors, does not need any kind of agitation when giving
healing. His hands make the habitual movements so that the
fluids slip through them with the tranquility of a water
fountain spilling on to the ground.
Abrupt movements with feet and hands, breathless,
frequent yawning, making noise with the fingers and
56 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

unnecessary movements do not mean anything, except for

lack of mediumistic education in the exercise of this or that
It is true that some spirits, mainly when
communicating by psychophony, bring some physical and
psychic alteration to the medium. However, even in this kind
of communication, the medium needs to control himself
helping the spirit to behave correctly in a place of prayer.
Here is the first indoctrination that the spirit should submit,
seeing that this essential measure is the medium’s
responsibility. In what we call a “ good tuning ” process
talking about technological language, the writing and the
tone of voice of the spirit who is communicating, might or
might not have any importance, seeing that for the spirit the
most important factor is the transmission of the idea itself.
For example, a TV aerial, without any noise,
receives the image and sound that we see on the television…
It is a similar situation for when receiving a communication.
Yet, he should clarify that, for those who still
haven’t studied deeply the mediumistic phenomena,
achieving this level of tuning between medium and spirit is
probably inadmissible. Obviously, such phenomena is more
viable within psychography, where the communication can
be interrupted without serious damage.
Those who believe that we as discarnate spirits
always bring with us messages ready to dictate to the
mediums are mistaken.. Very often, we only bring with us an
idea in which we intend to develop.
57 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Mediumship and Doubt

“ When a medium has a perception of what

he is writing he is naturally apt to doubt the
reality of his faculty”.
("The Mediums' Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 214)

One of the most difficult problems which a novice

medium faces is doubt.
Doubt, when it persists beyond limits, can destroy
the most promising of mediumship.
The process of “Good Tuning”, that we have spoken
of in the previous chapter, becomes impossible when the
medium allows himself to be dominated by doubt, which
from time to time comes to disturb him.
Up to a point, doubt is natural as we should not
believe in anything without analysing it. Our faith should
be rational and, therefore, systematic doubt cannot
accompany a well- intentioned medium.
A medium who doubts his faculties cannot expect
others to believe in him.
When the matter of doubt puts itself between spirits
58 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

and the medium then there is very little to do, for the
spirits do not have the necessary trust for interchanging.
A medium who doubts excessively his faculties is, in
fact, doubting his good intentions in co-operating with his
neighbours. He finds a pretext to excuse himself from the
duty in which he is called.
We would say that in any medium there is an element
of doubt, for there will always be a doubt that what is heard
or seen is caused by a kind of unknown hallucination.
However, when there is an acceptable level of doubt
then we would say that it is possible to carry on working.
A non conscious medium would have good reason to
doubt what his physic faculties can produce…there are
plenty of mistruths.
Therefore, mediumistic unconsciousness is not an
assurance of the veracity of the interchange between the
spiritual world and the material world.
We refer to the mediums’ doubt, and not to the doubt
of those who are watching the mediumistic phenomena. For
if the medium trusts himself the other peoples doubts would
not make a difference to the continuity of the task, which is
up to him.
A medium who tries to persuade people, will end up
disappointed, as not even Jesus succeeded in doing so. Even
Timothy, as he saw Jesus revived, needed to touch His
wounds in order to believe that he was in the presence of the
Master, who at that moment had fulfilled the promise to
return from death.
59 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The novice medium should allow himself to be

orientated by his certainties and by his good will in helping.
As time goes by, his doubts will disappear and consoling
assurances will take place. By doing so, in the future, he will
not be concerned about it, as there will a great deal of work
that will be revealed to him.
In order to have faith in the spiritist principles we just
need to use common sense, for no doctrine explains Life
with so much logic as Spiritism does.
No one, in fact, needs to “see” a spirit in order to
believe in survival, for reasoning tells us that if it was not
like that, things would not make sense.
As Allan Kardec wrote, “the biggest proof that God
exists, is in fact, the impossibility of proofing that He does
not exist”…
Those who are sceptical oppose the arguments of those
who believe.
Why should we be inclined to deny it, if the reasons
presented to us to believe it, are at least equal in numbers to
those we have for not believing it?
A medium who intends to develop mediumship, must
get rid of any doubts along his pathway.
After moments of uncertainty and insecurity the
medium should go ahead with determination, for the more he
doubts the more difficulties he will have to overcome.
With regard to the medium who has doubts, we repeat
that the spirits can do very little, even in the sense of helping
him in his beliefs.
60 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

If there were intolerable levels of doubt in the medium

who is writing at this moment there would be no way for us
to dictate what has been written. Although he doubts, he
persists in the certainty that the spiritist philosophy he
embraces is superior to these controversial issues, in which
many mediums are enveloped. In this unshakeable certainty
in the Doctrine in which we receive support to continue, we
leave to time, the work of definitive consolidation of his
61 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Mediumistic Discretion

“When a medium’s faculty is developed it

must not be unduly, or unwisely, exercised. The
pleasure it gives to beginners sometimes excites in
them an enthusiasm that needs to be moderated”.
(Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 17, second part, item 217

There is nothing more ridiculous than a lack of

discretion by a medium.
All mediums, however, novices or not, need to
moderate their enthusiasm.
A medium who keeps talking about his mediumistic
experiences, inspires no confidence in those who listen to him.
The medium who always talks about his own
mediumship, reveals his personalism and a lack of maturity,
and though he tries to disguise it , nevertheless it
predominates over him.
A medium needs to be reserved with regard to his
faculties, even among fellows from his group, avoiding to
vulgarize the gifts that were given to him.
A medium who states seeing spirits at every moment
is, in fact, unbalanced, for from all kinds of mediumship the
62 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

psychic vision is the one which most rarely manifests itself.

Besides that, it depends much more on the desire of the
spirit in showing itself than the medium seeing it.
A medium who says that he has been hearing spirits
at all times is, in reality, trying to call attention to
himself, for there is no medium who can hear spirits
without interruption.
The more a medium learns to moderate himself the
more he will be respected.
A well- intentioned medium helps without flaunting
it. That is to say, like his Spiritual Benefactors, he should
try to be discrete in his work.
Mediumship should never be a way of personal
promotion. A medium, as any other person, should
promote himself by his moral values.
Mediumship is not a certificate of spiritual
enlightenment. It is available to any person and therefore
it is a work of commitment.
Obviously, no medium should repress himself when
showing a healthy joy coming from his soul. It is
understandable that a medium, sometimes feels inclined
to get problems off his chest, also talking about his
innermost experiences within mediumship. In this case, it
is fair enough that a most experienced medium’s advice
can be pronounced . However, that does not give him any
kind of superiority over the others.
The joy which all mediums should search for is one
which carries out its duty. The enthusiasm that all
mediums should show is the enthusiasm with the
Doctrine, which, in fact, is a sublime focus of light
63 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

illuminating our lives…

Mediums, we repeat, should avoid talking about
themselves. When there is such a need, then they may do
it using few words.
Some mediums have a great desire for being praised
when talking about themselves.
The reason why we have been writing in a
restrictive way is none other than to protect the novice
mediums from disturbances, and the Doctrine of being
wrongly understood by those who still haven’t learned
how to comprehend things. There are many people who
intentionally, or not, mix mediumship with Spiritism.
Spiritism cannot be held responsible for those mediums
who are negligent and call themselves “spiritists”.
May the novice, and more experienced mediums,
moderate their excess of enthusiasm, so exercising
mediumship with discretion.
In the chapter of the Gospel where Jesus cured ten
leprous people, He asked them not to tell anyone about it,
but to sho w themselves to the priests, according to Moses’
Law. (Luke, 17:11-19).
Well, if the Master was concerned about being
discrete, and this was clear in various chapters of the Gospel,
why should we be going out proclaiming ourselves?
The dedicated spirits keep away from these
mediums who lack in seriousness. They leave these
mediums to become victims of those who stimulated their
vanity. This withdrawal is necessary for the benefit of
their own mediums who, although warned, may try not to
improve themselves.
64 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Every indiscreet medium does not deserve

credibility, in the same way that an egocentric spirit does
not deserve to be trusted.
Let’s be attentive to this serious matter which,
unfortunately, has been spoiled by the mediumistic task of
many mediums along the spiritist pathway.
65 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Adolescent Mediums

“ At what age may we attempt to develop the

faculty of mediumship without danger?
There is no rule with regard to age. It depends
partly on the physical and still more on the moral
development of the individual. There are children of, say,
a dozen years of age, who would be less affected by the
attempt than many grown up persons. I am now speaking
of mediumship in general, but physical mediumship is
that which is most likely to cause fatigue to the organism.
Writing, however, in the case of a child, has another
danger. Owing to his inexperience, this could be damage
to his health, if he took to writing on his own and making
an amusement of it”
(The Mediums’ Book.”),
Chapter 18, second part, item 221

There is no set age to work with mediumship as it can

manifest itself at any time.
Quite often mediumship manifests itself in adolescence.
That is why we, in this chapter, will deal with this, giving
guidelines on what we consider to be most relevant.
Usually, when mediumship manifests itself in
adolescents between twelve and seventeen years old, without
66 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

discrimination of sex, its symptoms, in the majority of the

cases, are temporary. That is to say, the adolescents, as their
psychic power begins to reveal itself, are more susceptible
to the influence of spirits who live amongst Mankind on
The fact that an adolescent experiences signs of
mediumship does not mean he should attend mediumship
meetings or develop it.
Although there is no age limit for the manifestation of
mediumship, it is advisable that the adolescent does not start
to develop it witho ut the necessary requirements of
Because mediumship manifests itself in this or that
adolescent it doesn't mean that he is a chosen one. Very
often, it happens that the family which is distant from the
true faith in God can go forward towards the spiritual
enlightenment that, at the present moment, they do not have.
The manifestation of mediumship on an adolescent
seems to have the specific meaning of awakening those who
live with him. When the spirits who are interested in this
happening reach their objective, then they depart once the
task of lighting a light, among those whom they love, is
After the awakening of the relatives of the adolescent
with regard to his psychic power, it tends to be in a state of
serenity, leaving perhaps, until later on its development.
In this paragraph we would like to warn those
responsible for a spiritist group. As the adolescent and his
family arrive in the spiritist group, in general terms, after a
long visitations in various surgeries being seen by doctors,
67 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

the person responsible for giving advice should take this

opportunity to suggest some books on the spiritist principles.
Such literature is possibly unknown to them. For this reason,
it is always interesting to have one or two spiritist books at
hand to donate, or lend, for it is not without reason that the
spirits manifest themselves in these situations.
Those responsible for the spiritist group should not
invite the adolescent and his family to a mediumistic
meeting. On the contrary, they should invite them for a
study meeting, or charity aid work, and remind them of
the importance of the Gospel in the Home.
By attending the meetings in the group, participating
in the readings, having healing, by praying, changing his
mental position, talking constructively, working in the
service of goodness, and being more aware about
everything, the adolescent will get a mediumistic balance.
Thus, he will have peace in order to continue his studies
and normal life. Later on, when his life settles down and,
if he was born with a specific task in the field of
mediumship, then the moment of working with it will
arrive upon him.
Persevering in his spiritist belief, after the initial
moments of enthusiasm, the adolescent having completed
specific training, can begin to give healing. This measure
will be extremely beneficial, to him as it will put him in
contact with other people’s sufferings. It will develop in
him, simultaneously, his mediumship and the real feeling
of love for his neighbours.
There are spiritist mediums who are far away from
those who are suffering, mediums without evangelical
practice. The mediums who begin in this way will rarely
68 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

get close to the needy ones. They deal rather with the spirits
in need than with poor people…
The adolescent mediums deserve special attention from
the spiritists who are in charge of the mediumistic task in the
spiritist groups. May they be aware that for that family the
time has come in which they should awake to the realities of
the spirit.
69 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Sick Mediums

“Those who show the slightest symptoms of

mental eccentricity or weakness should be
dissuaded from its exercise by every possible
means. For there is , in such persons, an evident
predisposition to insanity, which any and every
species of excitement would tend to develop”.
(The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 18, second part, item 222.

When giving guidelines to someone who wishes to

develop his mediumship, it is necessary to be careful, for not
everyone is able to deal with his psychic faculties.

Sometimes to recommend that a certain person should

develop his mediumship is to push him to become more
unbalanced, seeing that, from the emotional point of view, he
might not be prepared for that.

As always, Kardec was well inspired when writing the

text above in “The Mediums Book” in which we base our
reflections within this chapter.

How could someone with tendency to schizophrenia

70 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

deal with mediumship, without modifying even more his

psychism ?

Nearly all our brothers and sisters who are mentally

altered show a certain inclination to what may be called
“supernatural”. Living already, psychically speaking, in two
worlds with their visions and voices, these fellows should
focus their mediumistic resources to a charitable task where,
through time, they may find the balance they are looking for.

To tell someone who has “symptoms of eccentric ideas”

that he is a medium is, in fact, much more harm than help him.
This could cause him enormous mental damage and pushing
him away from the occupational therapy of charity, which is,
in fact, the only resource which could help him.

It is normal that spiritist groups are often visited by

people with certain psychological disturbances. Let’s try to
help them by the healing, giving them tasks to be
accomplished, such as distribution of messages at the door of
the spiritist group.

We understand that, occasionally, some friends who

give guidelines for mediumship to these people with a
slight unbalance, are in fact, acting with good intentions.
After all, it is much better that they believe themselves
mediums than being socially discriminated by their
psychological disturbances. However, potentially
speaking, we are all mediums and we cannot ignore that
there is a big difference between being a medium and
being prepared to exercise mediumship.
71 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

First of all, the sick mediums need treatment. They

need special medical treatment as well as a spiritual one, so
that in the future, perhaps, in the next incarnation, they will
be able to exercise properly their mediumistic faculties.

These sick mediums, thus called by us, in order for us

to try to understand them more, as they improve their general
state, could even co-operate by giving healing in the spiritist
group. However, it would not be advisable to exceed this
mediumistic task. And even giving healing, they should not
do so in a crowded meeting, where there are to many people

Under the pretext of doing charity, those responsible

for the spiritist group should never allow these fellows,
whilst in the process of mediumistic rebalance, to exceed
themselves in the activities which are entrusted to them.

We know that the issue we are dealing with is very

delicate. We give this matter the utmost respect and we
really do wish to co-operate with the mediums who were
reborn during this painful process of trials. Certainly, many
of them were mediums in a previous life where they either
abused their own faculties or induced other people to
madness and, therefore, now they bring into their own being,
the matter of disturbance.

Thus, it is very cle ar that there is a responsibility upon

those who induce, indiscriminately, people to develop
mediumship without an exact idea of their psychological
state. Their responsibility is as big as those who label other
72 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

people as mentally sick, putting on their shoulders the heavy

cross of social discrimination.

Charity should not take common sense for granted, so

that the goodness we receive or wish to make can attain its

Let’s not forget that our faith sho uld be rationalised

and, because of that, heart and reasoning must understand
each other, speaking the same language.

Those who allow themselves to be driven only by their

hearts are not always correct.

The Love of God for Mankind is all seeing.

73 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Mental Mirror

“When a spirit communicates through a

medium, does he transmit his thought directly, or does
he use the incarnate spirit of the medium as his
The medium’s spirit acts as the interpreter of
the communicating spirit, because he is linked with the
body, which, in such cases, plays the part of a speaker.
Also, because there must be a conductor between you
and the disincarnate spirits who communicate with
you, just as, for the transmission of a telegraphic
message, there must be a wire connecting the points of
transmission and reception, and, at the ends of the
wire, an intelligent person who transmits and another
who receives, the message conveyed
by the electric fluid.” (*)

The spirits were clear when they said that the

medium’s spirit acts as an interpreter of their thoughts.
Being an interpreter of the spirit’s thought, it is only
natural that the message transmitted brings something from
the medium, just as a mirror does when reflecting an image,

(*) Translator’s Note.

This comment by the author was based on "The Mediums' Book".
74 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

according to its possibilities and conditions.

A dull or a broken mirror, obviously, will reflect
distorted images, although the object remains correct.
Therefore, the mental medium’s mirror is of
fundamental importance, in the process of intellectual
Like the waters of a lake, a medium needs to take care
of his mental serenity, so that the spirit’s message can be as
accurate as possible.
It is important that a medium, specially a few hours
before the mediumship meeting, avoids strong emotions,
stressful conversations, exhaustive readings and television or
radio programs.
The ideal would be that the medium, as he prepares
himself to do a task should listen to serene music, preferably
a classical piece.
Obviously the major preparation by the medium should
occur from day-to-day. However, on Earth nobody can
escape from the daily struggles so the few hours that a
medium can be isolated from his problems would be of a
great value, so that the spirits do not pick up on too many
mental obstacles…
We may compare the medium’s mind to a window.
Quite often, our thoughts can only reach it through a few
cracks… and we should be satisfied with this situation, as is
the medium.
Many mediums show their irritation if they do not get
positive results with their faculties. Well, if your mediums
do not offer better conditions at work, how can they expect
75 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

more from us?

We would say without any regard to modesty, that as a
disincarnate spirit, we have been doing a lot, in relation to
the work conditions that have been offered to us.
Sometimes, in order to write a few lines by a
psychography medium, we need to be with him nearly all
day, waiting for the time that he tunes himself with us.
The fellow spiritists complain about the reduced
quantity of mediumistic literature, but where are the
mediums who apart from having a natural predisposition for
literature, have also enough patience to receive them?
For many spirits, the task of being a medium’s tutor
sometimes has been quite discouraging.
Besides those obstacles pointed out by us, there are
some spirits who are only interested in disturbing the
positive communication between the two worlds.
The facility in which a medium can receive a thought
from a lower spirit is just incredible! When the medium
oscillates his level of vibration then he can tune himself
either with friendly spirits or with disturbed ones.
Therefore, in one message we can find one thought of
profound philosophy and another one full of banalities.
In order to understand better this phenomenon, let’s try
to imagine a radio station which suddenly begins to receive
the waves of another one.
The mental frequency in which a medium tunes
himself has a fundamental meaning in mediumship.
As we can see, this issue is complex, but let’s not be
76 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The mind is the base of everything and if we wish to

succeed in our projects then we should seek out balance.
It would be very useful if the mediums understand
what we have just explained, for they will learn to choose the
ideas which come to their minds, like a prospector, who
explores a region separating gold from stones.
You can be sure that, even us as communicating spirits,
are also affected by these mental oscillations and it is equally
not without effort, that we are able to sustain the tuning of
the transmission that we wish to send.
77 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Words and Thoughts

“ Spirits possess only the language of thought; they

have no articulate language; and accordingly, for them,
there is but one language. This being the case, could a spirit
express himself through medianimic agency, in a tongue
which he has never spoken when in the flesh; and, if so,
whence would he derive the words which, in such a case,
would be employed by him?
You answer your own question when you say that
spirits have but one language, viz., the language of thought;
for that language is understood by all intelligences, by men
as well as by spirits. The errant spirit, in addressing himself
to the incarnate spirit of the medium, speaks to him neither
in French nor in English, but in the universal language,
which is that of thought. In order to translate his ideas into
an articulate tongue, and to transmit them in that tongue to
you, he obtains the words he needs from the vocabulary of
the medium’s brain.” (*)

Just because the majority of the words which are

employed in a message are part of the medium’s vocabulary
that does not mean that the message is not a genuine one.

(*) Translator’s Note.

This comment by the author was based on "The Mediums' Book".
78 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Spirits do not have articulate language like men. They

express themselves by the universal language of thought.
Due to this, all spirits can communicate with people
from all nationalities, without worrying about the idiom
Evidently, to show clearly his identity, a spirit who
was a well known French person in his last incarnation,
will obviously try to express himself in his mother
tongue, once finding a medium who can match his skills.
If Allan Kardec wished to contact French spiritists,
he would certainly search for a French medium or one
who allowed himself to express himself in this language.
Although he could do so in any language, probably our
French fellows would find it odd that Allan Kardec was
communicating with them in Portuguese.
What probably would justify Allan Kardec utilising a
medium as an instrument, who could not speak French,
would be his faithfulness to the doctrine. For the spirits,
the contained message is more than the form that it is
Therefore, it is not odd that a foreign spirit gives
communication in Portuguese and, afterwards, the
medium asks someone who has got knowledge in the
mother tongue of the spirit to translate the message, so
that the spirit can be identified.
We would like to emphasise that a spirit identifies
himself not by his words but by his ideas. However, on
Earth people still give more importance to external values
than the content itself. As a result, the spirits always try
79 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

not to leave any doubt in their contacts with men.

When the spirits are working with a medium who has
a limited vocabulary, they try to tune their thoughts to the
medium. However, sometimes the message comes with
basic literary and grammatical mistakes.
Those who do not know the mediumistic phenomena
tend to be surprised when realising that a spirit who used
to have a great knowledge in his mother tongue as an
incarnate one, could manifest himself through a written
message or psychophony, making the most elementary
mistakes. Well, in order for a spirit to be himself
completely, it would be necessary to have a medium in
which he would have full empathy, not only fluidic but
also in terms of habits, ideas, vocabulary …However, if
such empathy does not exist, then the spirit must accept
what he has available at that moment. Let’s give an
example: if a great violinist does not have a Stradivarius
to play then he must adapt himself to a more modest one.
Thought expresses itself through images…
Look at the drawings in the pre- historic caves. That
was the first attempt by man to express his thoughts.
Gradually, the images were translated into words.
Words that not always transmit precisely what has been
seen, thought, and, above all, what has been felt.
The spirit thinks, and thought is his word. The men
think, and the word is their thought.
Thus, on the basis of mediumship, there is the
thought. Everything else is an addition, so that the ideas
80 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

can be transmitted on Earth, where everything is

according to certain gravitational fields.
In the previous chapter, we talked about a “mental
mirror”. We tried to emphasise the importance of the
mediums’ thought, in his mediumistic development.
A medium who does not have the necessary mental
serenity will observe hardly any progress within his
mediumistic faculties.
Unfortunately, the “mental mirror” of the majority of
the mediums that we count on in the world are enveloped
by a kind of mist, that the light, projected by our thoughts
can rarely penetrate it. Likewise is the sun which partly
shines through the fog…
81 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Transcendent Gifts

“ How is it that a man, who possessed transcendent

talent in a former existence, no longer possesses it in a
subsequent one?
Such is not always the case, for, on the contrary, it
often happens that a man perfects, in a new corporeal
existence, what he had commenced in a previous one.
However, a transcendent faculty is often purposely allowed
to slumber for a time, in order to leave to its possessor
greater freedom for developing, in a given incarnation, some
other faculty. The faculty is thus allowed to slumber residing
with him as a latent germ, which will spring up again at
later period, but, of which, in the meantime, some traces
usually remain with him, if only as a vague intuition.”
(The Mediums’ Book.”),
Chapter 19, second part, Item 23.

Mediumship is part of the transcendent gifts that man,

through his successive lives, develops. It is a sense that like
the others, contributes to his spiritual improvement.
The objective for the spirit is perfection. Therefore, all
the senses, which gradually awake in him, are instruments of
his progress.
82 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Today, mediumship is not a popular sense.

Unfortunately, it is a long way from being popular amongst
Mankind, just as the other physical senses are. When
mediumship becomes common on Earth, as it is in superior
worlds, then it will lose its character of exceptionality and it
will be integrated within Mankind as a natural thing.
Mediumship provides psychic talent, beyond
comparison, to the spirit to develop certain aptitudes such as
telepathy. Very often, the spirits of the discarnate mediums
find no problems in the Spiritual Life in communicating by
thought. The same thing happens with the volitional capacity
of the being.
According to our previous explanation, in the same
way that, in one particular existence, the spirit, by his
physical body, has the means of developing the potentiality
of meditation. By making use of the Law of Cause and
Effect, the spirit can deaden his faculty of seeing, facing in
this way the trials of blindness, which, at times, will teach
him to see with the eyes of the soul. If it is necessary, in
another existence he could have his psychic possibilities
If one was a medium in one particular existence then
he will not necessarily will be in another.
When mediumship is exercised for a long period of
time it develops on the incarnate spirit a certain kind of
“psychic dependence” which, when opportune, it is
advisable to eliminate, so that the spirit may be himself.
Once the faculty of mediumship is achieved then it
will exist forever. However, it may be necessary that
mediumship is not distinct from the other spirit faculties of the
spirit thus manifesting itself naturally like the other senses.
83 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The spirit of a famous painter cannot spend all eternity

painting…If that was the case, he would never progress in
other fields of his sensibility.
Therefore, mediumship in the spirit, who takes it for
granted, might have it blocked by God’s Law.
When a man does not use his freedom, according to
the moral patterns of the society in which he lives, then he
has it restricted by law which sends him to prison. Once
in jail, he will learn again how to live among his
neighbors, without jeopardizing anybody’s rights.
If a spirit abuses the gift of mediumship in one
existence in vain he will beg to have it in the next one. At
the cost of a lot of tears, he will have to learn intimately
to rebalance himself.
There are mechanisms in our conscience that are
naturally turned on, every time that a spirit breaks the
Therefore we realize that there is no cessation of
mediumship for there is no retrogression in the pathway
of progress. However, it is the spirits’ own conscience
which will restrict him claiming readjustment.
If our conscience does not liberate us from certain
commitments then we will remain attached to it.
We may say that, up to now, although in a state of
unconsciousness, Mankind has not forgiven itself for
Christ’s Crucifixion. However, long ago, the Christ had
forgiven Mankind.
It is not the Spiritual Benefactors who prevent us,
prior to the incarnation, for having this or that organ in
84 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

our physical body but ourselves. We mentally interfere in

the genetic world, influencing the cells which will
compose our body. The Spiritual Benefactors can advise
us on certain decisions, but, in fact, the final decision
belongs to us, even though we may act as if we are
unaware of the Law which governs us.
When these transcendent gifts find a way to
manifest themselves simultaneously, however, in a
limited way, in the same being, then we have what we call
a “genius.” He who is gifted with a prodigious memory
and seems to have an incredible facility in assimilating
human knowledge, as if it was previously well known to
85 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The Qualities of a Medium

“ Does the development of mediumship depend

on the moral development of the medium?
No. Strictly speaking, mediumship depends on the
organism and is independent of the moral nature.
This, however, is not the case as regards the use
made of mediumship, which may be good or bad,
according to the moral qualities of the medium.”
(The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 20, second part, item 226

Some people may ask what a psychic faculty has to do

with our organism. With regard to the mediumship of
physical phenomena, there are no more doubts about it. Once
the ectoplasm is released by the medium it emanates from
the natural orifices of the physical body, mainly from the
mouth, nose and ears. Also, the ectoplasm is produced by the
cells under the control of the nervous system. This system is
the most important link between the physical body and the
In the future, science will deal with this matter more
In respect of the mediumship of intellectual
phenomena, although the perispirit of the medium is the
86 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

“link” with the communicating spirits, it is the pineal gland

which is of fundamental importance.
From physical and psychic nature, the pineal gland
allows thought to gain real form through the word, just as
electricity is produced from the power of water.
In what has been said, it is clear that mediumship
identifies itself with the physical organism. This is also
reassuring and according to what the Spirits said to Kardec.
A disabled person can exercise mediumship either total
or partial.
In general terms, as the medium gets older, his tendency
is to feel his mediumship is limited, which is understandable.
However, physically speaking, what is the point of
being a perfect medium if he has no morals at all?
A musical instrument, in the hands of someone who
does not know how to play it properly, will not play what it
is able to produce!
More important than being a good medium is to be a
medium with goodness.
A good medium may have a beautiful faculty. However,
only a medium with goodness will have the support of the
Superior Spirits.
A medium who is young and vigorous may not be able
to do the task of an elderly and sick medium.
Therefore, the moral qualities of a medium are
If it is necessary, the Spirits may make an effort to
compensate for the medium who has some physical
87 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

limitations. But they will not be able to do so with regard to

the moral limitations of the medium.
A good medium is easily found. However, a medium
with goodness is very rare.
How many mediums are there who do not want a
commitment with mediumship?
How many good mediums are there who lose
themselves to the demands of the world, very often
excessively involved with material things?
The main purpose of mediumship is that a good medium
becomes a medium with goodness. When the spirits find in a
medium these two qualities together then they are able to
achieve marvellous things.
For this reason, we insist that the medium should
evangelise himself.
Obviously we are not transferring full responsibility of
the mediumistic work to the mediums.
As a matter of fact, we would not make the same
mistake as those who blame the spirits for what happens to
them in their daily lives.
Of course, when speak about good mediums and
mediums with goodness we cannot forget to mention good
spirits and spirits with goodness. If there are capable spirits
in the process of mediumistic communication with men then
very few are those which know how to make the most of it,
in a constructive way.
The majority of the spirits which make contact with
men are, in fact, spirits whom are not quite as moral as we
think. We are not being moralistic in this fact.
88 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Generally, the spirits which are available to work with

the mediums are of a discrete evolution, precisely in the
moral aspect. They can even be spirits with some
knowledge, but with almost no enlightenment.
Therefore, let’s make an effort to be good mediums and
those who bring mediumistic faculties should also make an
effort to be mediums with goodness, devoting themselves to
the practice of the “Gospel”.
Only mediums with goodness can count on the support
of the spirits with goodness, attentive to the principle: “ like
attracts like”.
89 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

In the Absence
of Another Medium

“ Is it absolutely impossible to obtain good

communications through a medium who has
little moral advancement?
Such a medium may sometimes obtain good
communications because, if possessed of good
mediumistic faculties, the higher spirits may use him, as
well have just said, under particular circumstances or
when a better medium is not available. They will only
make a momentary use of him and will give him up as
soon as they find another
whose moral qualities suit them better.”
(“The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 20, second part, item 226

Following the idea of the previous chapter, sometimes

in the absence of a well prepared medium the spirits in order
to communicate themselves use another medium, who is
available for the moment, even when this medium has some
These sporadic communications from the enlightened
spirits are undertaken by the novice or imperfect mediums.
Such communications have as a goal, to encourage the
90 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

mediums in the development of their faculties, as well as

their spiritual progress.
The spirits feel happy and would rather have the help
of a medium of good will, with his limitations, than a
medium who is well prepared, but emotionally unstable.
The effo rt of a limited medium may help him to
overcome his limitations.
Many people find it strange that the Superior Spirits
use intellectual, unprepared mediums in their
communications with man. However, for the Superior
Spirits, what is the point in having an intellectual medium if
he does not want to work?
How can they utilize a psychic person who doubts his
own possibilities, creating immovable mental obstacles?
The prophets chosen by God to announce The Truth to
the people of Israel were almost always ordinary shepherds.
They were men without culture and totally isolated from
social life.
Were not the followers of Jesus called “poor in spirit” ?
Were not they simple fishermen, slaves or adulterous
women? We know that Paul, the apostle, the most literate of
them, as he began to preach he became the most important
herald of the Gospel. However, we know what he had to
Hence, the doctors of the law would be the most
suitable people to defend the Gospel, but it was they who
attacked it.
There are mediums intellectually prepared who feel
ashamed of their own mediumship. They avoid speaking
91 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

about it, immersing themselves in one task or another!

Unfortunately, there are still prejudices against
mediumship. These prejudices are mainly directed at the
exercise of mediumship in public by the mediums who do it
and very often become as strong as the mediums’ position in
For those who feel ashamed of their mediumistic
testimony to which they were called, it is better not to be a
The Master is clear about it when He says that He will
not testify before The Father in favour of those who do not
testify before man.
We as discarnate spirits, called to the task of spiritual
interchange, are pleased with the fellows’ mediums. They
overcome obstacles and with their limitations, persevering
collaborating and cooperating with us.
The parable of the talents that Jesus spoke of also
applies to the mediums who refuse to work.
By “hiding” the talent of mediumship which was given
to them they are also burying the opportunity of their own
There are some people who ask the Spiritual Friends,
why do they not try to get help from men of science! How
can one be in tune with those who even do not accept the
possibility of the immortality of the soul?
Violence is not part of God’s Law.
The more the medium is inclined to consciously co-
operate with us the greater is our capacity of action. It is not
possible for us to work with an unconscious medium for too
92 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

long, as we have no right to posses the mind and the life of

whoever he might be, to have him totally at our service.
The medium has the right to live his own life and we
cannot prevent him from his desires and personal aspirations.
This applies to even those mediums who dedicate themselves
to us.
There are some spirits that, if God’s Law allowed them,
would do nothing else but communicate with man. However,
they should have done that while incarnated on Earth!
On the subject of mediumship, let’s meditate on the
responsibility that we have and let’s try always to act with
common sense.
Mediumship does not base itself on strict rules but its
utilization is directly related to certain moral precepts. If a
medium desires to have mediumship as an instrument of
spiritual improvement then he cannot ignore these precepts.
93 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Healing Mediums

“The acting spirit is that of the mesmeriser who is frequently

assisted by a discarnate spirit and who effects a
transformation of the water by means of what, for want of a
better term, we call the animalised-magnetic fluid. As we
have said, this is the substance that approaches most nearly
to the cosmic matter or universal element. If the mesmeriser
can modify the properties of water he can also effect an
analogous modification of the fluids of the human organism.
Hence, the curative effect of the mesmeric action, when
properly directed”
(“The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 8, second part, item 131

The healing mediumship is the approach to which all

the mediums should start their development. It is a kind of
mediumship which controls the strengths of the medium
when it appears, giving to the medium the necessary time to
psychically rebalance himself, before his mediumistic area of
action is defined.
The healing mediumship, we would say, is an
indispensable phase for the novice medium. In practical
terms, little by little, he learns Jesus’ phrase: “freely you
have received, freely you shall give”.
94 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

A medium who never gives healing is a medium who

thinks he is superior to others.
We understand that all mediums should start from the
beginning, that is to say, devoting themselves when giving
The healing room should be placed before the rescue
It does not mean that the mediumship of healing is less
important than others. Healing mediumship is the noblest of
psychic manifestations. It was also this mediumship that
Jesus made sublime when placing His hands over the sick
ones, who came from all parts, asking for a relief of their
When an unbalanced medium is co-operating in the
rescue of the sick ones who attend a spiritist group he
receives help from the Spiritual Friends, in order to
rebalance his centers of power. This help will, little by little,
move away the presence of the spirits who obsess him.
Any medium, novice or experienced, whatever might
be his mediumship, should at least once a week devote
himself to the practice of healing.
Very often, many mediums avoid some activities
which do not give them publicity. It is still a battle against
personal vanity.
Healing mediumship is one, which puts the medium at
the same level as the others. It tests his patience, his ideals
and, above all, his faith.
Not even the most literate of people would be able to
comprehend the truly hidden prodigious results produced by
95 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

the healing mediumship.

The first person who reaches the benefit of cure is the
own medium.
As he places his hands over someone, and prays asking
for the help of the Spiritual Benefactors, he transforms
himself into a kind of generator, whose own energies renew
From the various benefits that the healing mediumship
bring to a medium, we cannot forget the one of discipline. It
will be very difficult for a medium to be responsible in
another mediumistic activity, if he is not responsible in the
simple task of healing. For this reason, the healing room will
be a very important laboratory of observations about the real
interests of those who are a candidate to mediumistic
Healing mediumship is the supporting power which
brings balance and peace to those who, for any reason, are
restrained in developing a more arduous mediumship, seeing
that it would demand from them more serious commitments.
All men potentially, are healing mediums and, unless
they are seriously sick or unbalanced, they are perfectly
capable of giving both their physical and psychic energies to
No medium needs to take courses to give healing.
However, some basic guidelines are necessary. Essentially,
goodwill is enough. No rules are necessary apart from the
“positioning of the hands” without touching the person,
except in special cases when common sense shows.
We respect other people opinions. However, we think
that the healing medium, when finishing the task, should
96 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

receive healing from another medium. This healing is

necessary in order to exchange energies and allows the
Spiritual Friends to rebalance the energies spent. Such
measures would avoid the medium overestimating himself.
We think that the so called “self- healing” is completely
dispensable, as it basically does not exist. The “self- healing”,
in our opinion, is just a prayer begging blessings from the
Superior World. Nothing more than this.
The genuine spiritist healing includes one who is
receiving it, the medium and the spirit who is generating the
The simpler the healing process the better. Any kind of
innovation regarding its practice is a procedure that should
not be adopted.
97 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Mediumistic Safety

“Mediums will therefore do well to abstain from sitting for

individual evocations until they are both sure of the
development of their faculty and of the nature of the spirits
who assist them. For with mediums whose spirit-
surroundings are bad, evocations can offer
no guarantee of authenticity”.
( “The Mediums’ Book”)
Chapter 25, second part, item 272

It is only by experience that mediums would have,

what we call, “mediumistic safety”.
Experience is untransferable and irreplaceable,
mainly in terms of mediumship.
Mediumship has levels that cannot be reached by
Every medium should observe the spirit who guides
him in his mediumistic development, in order to do things
the correct way.
Before starting any mediumistic activity of a public
nature, a medium needs to spend some time which could
98 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

be quite a long period in a state of anonymity, thus

obtaining spiritual strength.
The so called “family messages from beyond” demand
from the medium a lot of confidence to receive it.
Unfortunately, many mediums, enveloped by vanity,
anticipate the happenings and end up making themselves
look foolish.
In any mediumistic task, perseverance is fundamental,
mainly in terms of his credibility.
A medium who does not persevere generates
skepticism in him and for others as well.
A medium who has confidence in his faculties is
humble and serene. He never finds himself too self-sufficient
to obtain the phenomena. He knows that the spontaneous
participation of the spirits is indispensable in order to get
Those who think that a medium can attract the presence
of spirits are wrong. The spirits manifest themselves only
when they can or wish to do so. If a medium intends to act in
this way then he would be deceitful.
There are spirits everywhere and, amongst them there
are those who like deception. These ones could communicate
at any time and through any medium.
The inexperienced surgeon does not perform surgery of
high risk. It is only after a while that he acquires the
necessary confidence.
The mediums who inspire confidence, even on us the
discarnate ones, are those who, whatever happens, persevere
99 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

in their tasks.
Another fact which gives to a medium mediumistic
confidence is his complete personal detachment, when
exercising mediumship. A medium should only aspire to
serve, even when making mistakes, receiving this or that
message, for their mistakes are naturally ignored.
When a medium is truly willing to serve his brothers
and sisters his limitations are forgotten, and put aside, by
those who search for them. In addition, people can sense
when a medium is sincere in his intentions.
In respect of mediumistic safety, we cannot forget to
mention, once more, the importance of the doctrinaire
study for a medium. Every medium should read at least
one page daily, of the works of Allan Kardec, in order to
improve his doctrinaire consciousness.
Unfortunately, many mediums have no doctrinaire
study. They are mediums but they lack in confidence.
They call themselves spiritists but they tune themselves
with spirits who belong to other levels of the spiritual
world. By doing so, they promote an inadvisable
“mixture” in the exercise of their mediumistic faculties.
Therefore, mediumistic safety is only complete with
doctrinaire consciousness. This doctrinaire consciousness
should have The Gospel at its soul. Otherwise we will
have mediums theoretically informed but without spiritual
practice of the “love one another”.
A medium should always be alert before, during and after
his exchange with the inhabitants of the invisible world.
When a medium is giving too much self- importance
to himself the Spiritual Friends might leave him
100 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

temporarily at the mercy of unenlightened spirits, so that

his personalism does not interfere with his psychic
faculties, thus spoiling the quality of the exchange.
Hence, the exercise of mediumship requires constant
cares. As we are still imperfect spirits the difficulties on
our pathway are uncountable.
A medium who takes his mediumistic faculties as an
opportunity of apprenticeship will make considerable
progress in his incarnation. He will advance rightly and
strongly in the direction of the future.
101 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Discontinuous Tuning

“All mediums are called to serve the cause

of Spiritism in the measure of their faculty.
However, very few of them escape
the wiles of self-love…”
( “The Mediums’ Book”)
Chapter 31, second part, item 15

In our considerations about mediumship, we cannot

forget to mention an obstacle in the communication between
the two worlds: the discontinuous tuning.
We would say that nearly all mediums have faced this
problem in mediumship. Those who achieve a uniform, and
homogeneous tuning, with the communicating spirits are
What would be a discontinuous tuning?
In the process of mediumship, at the very moment of
receiving a message the medium’s thought often lose tuning
with the communicating spirit. In this way, the medium’s
thought does not express itself linearly.
This happens many times, either when receiving a
simple message by automatic writing, or when transmitting
an oral one.
102 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The problem of a discontinuous tuning is that it can

transform the spirit’s thought from a confusion of ideas
when expressing itself, as if it was literally divided into
Obviously this discontinuous tuning is caused by a
problematic mediumistic development. This occurs because
the medium does not allow himself to be totally involved at
the time of the trance.
Let’s imagine, for instance, an old long playing disc
which is scratched. In order to play the disc, it would need
the help of someone pushing the arm of the phonograph with
manual movements. We would have the impression that the
singer was singing but omitting some parts of the sound.
This is a simple example of a discontinuous tuning.
When the mediums “feels” that they have lost the
tuning with the communicating spirits then it is normal to
feel worried. They are like the radar system which loses
contact with a airplane. They try mentally to track the spirit’s
sign. Everything takes place in a fraction of a second. When
they finally tune with the spirit again, they have the
impression that part of the thought they were interpreting has
been lost.
How can such a difficulty be avoided?
The medium needs to be confident in himself and in
the spirits. He needs to give himself to the trance, without
resistance or fear.
For a long time, discontinuous tuning will be an
obstacle to the free interchange between incarnates and
In some mediums the tune is so fragmented that we
103 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

spirits only manage to transmit a few words. It is quite

common that in a communication an either verbal or oral
one, the medium completes it with his own intellectual
resources. The main idea of the communication originally
belongs to the spirit. However, it is the medium who
complete it with his own ideas… we do not know if we
expressed ourselves clearly because in this exact moment
we, and the medium, are having a problem of discontinuous
tuning which, in fact, has been useful to describe this
We would like to say that the problem of discontinuous
tuning is not unilateral. A medium cannot be responsible on
his own for it. The communicating spirits suffer from this
problem as well.
Let’ see how the problem of interchange presents itself.
Previously, we said that the discontinuous tuning sometimes
can be either caused by the medium or by the spirit.
When facing such a problem we should not be
discouraged but, on the contrary, we should try to overcome
it. Let’s remember the courage of the pioneers of maritime
trading who, in order to discover new continents, never felt
intimidated whilst sailing on unknown oceans.
The mediums and spirits, who have been working on
Earth can be considered true pioneers in unexplored lands,
even though the mediumistic interchange has always existed.
When called to serve the Spiritist ideals let’s do it
conscious of our limitations, realizing that everything must
follow its natural course.
He who gives the best he can has nothing to fear.
We should keep working, for there will be a time when
104 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

we are continuously linked to goodness and the

discontinuous tuning will disappear from mediumship.
Let’s accept with humility those who criticise our
intentions in co-operating on goodness. However, we
understand that they exist whilst ignoring that they will have
to face their own personal tribulations.
There are millions of people who do not even have the
desirable tuning of the prayer “ Our Father.”
So let both spirits and mediums make an effort, side by
side, so that success will bless us.
105 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The Mission of Mediumship

“Leave aside questions in relation to

scientific subjects. Our mission is not to
answer such inquiries, thereby sparing you
the trouble of research, but to help you to
become better, for that is the way in which
you will really advance”.
(“The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 31, second part, item XVII

The mission of mediumship is basically related to the

work of spiritualization of Mankind.
In spite of being the subject of experimental studies
relating to the survival of the soul, the essential task of
mediumship is to make man aware of the transientness of
physical life and clarifying for him his responsibility with
regard to his moral edification.
Mediumship will not prevent man from his part of the
work that he has to endure in order to advance.
Revelations which are against the Natural Law do not
make part of a well balanced mediumship.
There are spirits who do everything. They are called
pseudo wise. They give mistaken information as if they are
106 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

fully competent in all fields of knowledge. Therefore, it is a

must for a medium to be aware of this, especially those
mediums who wish to be discreet.
The Superior Spirits can inspire man in the work of
research. In order to do so they directly inspire the scientists,
without the need of using another instrument or medium who
would be completely unaware of the subject.
There are some mediums who propose themselves to
solve crimes, find missing people and resolve inexplicable
problems, who are opportunists. They are causing diversion
from the right way and certainly will be unmasked by public
These mediums use the name of the Spiritist Doctrine
but, in fact, they are not spiritists. They act by themselves,
without being linked to any noble task which would give
them spiritual support.
In fact, not even the so called “mediumistic surgery”
should be considered as part of the mediumship field. This
concession from the Spiritual World has happened, as a
result of the huge advancement of materialism. The truly
“mediumistic surgery” does not need cutting instruments.
The medium just needs to position his hands, donating
ectoplasm, so that the Spiritual Benefactors can act with the
permission of God.
Thinking about the mission of mediumship we cannot
forget to mention the wise notes of Paul the apostle who
largely dominated the subject. In his first epistle to the
Corinthians, chapter 14, v.22: “Wherefore tongues are a sign,
not for those that believe, but for those that do not; but the
prophecy is not for those that do not believe, but for those
who believe”.
107 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Extraordinary words! The prophet or better to say, the

mediumship which teaches, guides and supports is not given
to persuading the disbelieving, but more for the edification
of those who already have faith.
Whoever has rational faith does not need eyes to
What “sign” would the spiritists wish from the Truth
besides the excellence of the spiritist principles in the
reasonable logic of the Doctrine?
Talking about the polyglot mediumship, Paul the
apostle says that such phenomena would be important for
those who are incredulous but not for those who already
believe. In fact, the incredulous ones sometimes need to be
shocked by the “unusual”. Jesus cured a lot of people so that
the doctors of the law would be confused in their prejudices.
However, His main concern was with the exhortation of The
Good News.
The mediums do not need to give any proof, as science
should search for it by itself and Mankind should learn it at
the expense of its own reflections.
May the mediums naturally persevere in cultivating in
the mediumship field the flowers that will bloom by the wish
of God.
We could not say exactly whether Jesus was
condemned to death because He resuscitated Lazarus or
whether it was because He taught the forgiveness of
What touches the people’s moral aspect is more
important than that which touches their feelings.
108 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

The spiritual messages, which come from mediumship,

inviting man to an inner renovation, have frequently the
mission of awakening the conscience of those who are
insisting on making errors.
So far, the biggest challenge for the incarnate spirit is
not to believe that life goes on after the death of the physical
body but to live in this world with the sense of eternity!
Mediumship cannot diverge from its mission to be
attentive to those who are sceptical. They will sooner or later
be invited to an inner introspection caused by suffering.
May the mediums not deviate from the right pathway,
nor go to the dangerous short cut of personalism.
The appeals of the world of personal prominence are
numerous and various. Nevertheless, the medium who
develops his task with humility and fidelity in his
mediumistic ministry, will be able in the future to take on
higher responsibilities.
109 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes


“…Those who are imbued with the true

principles of our doctrine regard all spiritists
not as rivals but as brothers and sisters”
(“The Medium’s Book.”)
Chapter 31, second part, item 22

Rivalry amongst spiritists is one of the main reasons

for the weakness of the doctrinal activities.
Spiritist groups which are rivals are going against the
interest of the Doctrine.
Superior Spirits will not be present where there is no
Vanity is a destructive attribute whose subtlety spreads
itself where there is humility.
Under the pretext of being correct, nobody has the
right to offend somebody else. For reason is always with he
who is ready to understand and overcome difficulties.
No medium should envy the mediumistic task of a
fellow of ideals. By doing so, he will be depreciating his
own task which is his responsibility.
When envy installs itself in someone’s heart the n it is a
110 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

sign that this person still has many limitations to overcome.

Unenlightened spirits are always planning to damage
the Doctrine. They concentrate their attacks on unprepared
mediums who are an easy target, hence threatening the
balance of the group.
A medium should be discrete, talking less and serving
more thus giving an example of renunciation and love to the
The field of the Doctrine is immense. There is enough
space for any one who wishes to spread the seed.
Mankind is in need of the spiritual nourishment!
The objective of the disturbing spirits is to deviate
spiritists from their tasks. It is to make them argue for
nothing, causing the task to be delayed.
What is the point of a medium working for the moral
behaviour and transformation of Mankind if he does not
even cogitate to modify himself in the first place?
A medium who works hard, doing goodness for others,
but who is not concerned in renewing himself by the
principles of the Gospel is, in fact, not doing the essentials.
The Spiritual Benefactors feel sorry for those who
work for the edification of the external construction of the
Kingdom of God, but postpone indefinitely, their own
sublime edification.
No matter how numerous are the spiritists groups all of
them should be united under the light of the Gospel.
Mediums need to be more fraternal to each other. They
should remember that even professional workers of the
world, who usually work motivated by financial reasons,
111 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

respect certain ethical rules.

The Spirit of Fenelon, in the text of this chapter which
helps us to meditate, says: “ The true Spiritism has as an aim
of benevolence and charity, that excludes any thought which
is not one of goodness that can be done”.
The mediumship group which has no union will inevitably
fail. In order to have a true union it is essential to have an
exchange of favourable vibrations and fraternal thoughts.
In the event of a problem appearing any problem which
could threaten the balance of the group it is advisable to talk
frankly, instead of making anonymous comments.
The leader of a spiritist group needs to be balanced in
order to avoid the presence of the darkness…
Let’s remember that Jesus was responsible for the
apostles and always kept them together, even though they
had a lot of differences amongst them.
In Mark, chapter 3, vv. 24 and 25 we find the
unforgettable Master’s lesson: “And if a kingdom be divided
against itself, that kingdom cannot stand”. “ If a house be
divided against itself, that house cannot stand”.
In our Christian view, there is nothing which may
justify the lack of union amongst spiritist fellows nor the
lack of union amongst friends from the first hour of the
gospel of the world.
Let’s be fraternal to each other in the ideal that unites
us and let’s go forward working, as we are still far away
from the final victory of our doctrinal principles for the
revival of Christianity.
112 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Other Considerations

“…every medium or group which believe themselves to have

a privilege of receiving communications that only they are
able to receive, as well as being attached to superstitious
practices, are undoubtedly under the influence of obsession.
Very often the obsessor spirit presents himself with
respectable names, of which both spirits and incarnate ones
honour and respect”. (*)

In mediumship there is no privilege for a medium or group.

A medium or a mediumistic group that imagine
themselves receiving privileges from the Spiritual World
are, according to Kardec, “under the influence of one of
the most characterised obsessions…”
The objective of mediumship is to bring people
together to get to know the Spiritist Doctrine.
No matter how efficient it is, no mediumship can be
put on a superior level to that of spiritists principles. We
mention that as there are groups which survive at the

(*) Translator’s Note.

This comment by the author was based on "The Mediums' Book".
113 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

expense of the mediumship of this or that person.

Mediums should recognise the conditions of
intermediates. By doing so, people will get to know Spiritism
not only as a doctrine that gives the possibility of the
interchange with the discarnate ones but also as a Philosophy.
In a well-balanced spiritist group, mediumship
meetings should not have priority over study meetings.
Mediums should not be treated better compared to other
members of the group.
We know mediums who began their task in simple
groups and as the task grew, they left these groups to go
to better equipped ones. This kind of attitude is a mistake
as the spirits very often find in one particular group the
ideal conditions that they do not find in another, even
when the other group is bigger, more comfortable and the
intellectual support is better.
We must clarify that our intention in the chapters of
this book is only to help the novice mediums with the
experience we have in the beyond. Obviously, according
to the spirit of freedom which exists in our doctrine, each
one will act according to his free-will. However, they
cannot forget that they will be individually responsible for
the consequences of their decisions.
When a promising mediumistic work begins the
unenlightened spirits act in every possible way in order to
destroy it. Moreover, they utilise the people from the
group as an instrument, or even on occasions they
infiltrate someone who, at the beginning, shows good will
but, after a while, transforms himself into a serious
problem for the group.
114 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

A spiritist group needs a lot of prudence and

discernment in order not to give up on simplicity.
Sometimes it is through the idea of offering more material
comfort to the members that this process can begin…
As we can see the matter is a complex one and it is
important to be alert.
Let’s not forget that a medium is a human being and
therefore, by his own human condition, he is fallible like
anybody else.
A mediumistic group which works with the idea of
being better than others is, in fact, by this thought putting
its base at risk.
Every spiritist group needs to work in harmony, like
a small piece of a more important engine which is the
May each medium keep working in the group where
he has developed himself, just like a tree which continues
to grow in the soil where it was planted.
If problems arise in the spiritist group, it does not
mean that the medium should leave the group, in which he
developed himself, but he should stay and help his fellows
in that crucial moment.
He who discloses a difficulty is the first one to be
called to solve it.
We should bear in mind that, very often a medium
who complains about his group is himself the focal point
of a poor relationship with them.
Accordingly, a medium should fulfil his task in a
atmosphere of silence, trying not to get involved in
115 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

wasteful conversations. When called to give his opinion,

his word should be a conciliatory one without being in
favour of this or that side. Furthermore, once a medium
allows himself to get involved in gossip then he will not
be able to be free from it without damaging his mental
mirror which will interfere negatively in his activities.
116 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

A lot to Do

“Mediums are an essential element in a spiritist meeting.

However, they are not indispensable and
it would be a mistake to think that without them
there would be no meeting” (*)
According to “The Mediums’ Book” mediums are not
an indispensable element in the spiritist meeting.
In order to carry out the meetings a spiritist group does
not necessarily need the work of a medium.
It is obvious that the presence of one or more balanced
mediums in a group helps a lot. However, in order to go
forward, the Spiritist Doctrine does not depend on man.
There are spiritist groups that are concerned about the
lack of mediums in their groups. Sometimes, they even
invite mediums from other groups and offer them work. By
doing so they are ignoring the Spiritist Doctrine.
In general, there is no spiritist group without a
medium. No matter how simple and humble the mediums are
they should not be taken for granted.
The presence of a healing medium during a time of

(*) Translator’s Note.

This comment by the author was based on "The Mediums' Book".
117 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

doctrinal activities, is a blessing. However, in order to

develop relevant tasks there is no need for the spiritist group
to have an automatic writing medium, or a medium of
physical effects.
The Spirits always value the good intention in a
medium and not his mediumistic condition, seeing that there
are some mediums who are not willing to co-operate. On the
contrary, many of the m end up creating obstacles to the work
of the Spiritual Benefactors.
The presence of a gifted medium in a group can be a
blessing, but can also constitute a problem. Very often some
delicate problems appear around them.
To us discarnate spirits, there is no “gifted medium”.
We only utilise this expression to emphasise a subject that,
in a way, concerns many spiritist leaders who wish to see
their groups well assisted.
If, in a spiritist meeting, there isn’t a gifted medium
present, that does not mean that the meeting is lacking in
spiritual assistance. The field of work is huge and there are
plenty of tasks for those who wish to collaborate.
As much as possible, the mediumistic activities of a
group should not depend on a specific medium. Groups
which rely on one medium run a risk of being weakened by
the retirement or death of the medium.
Before forming a mediumship team the spiritist group
needs to organise more important tasks, such as the teaching
of Spiritist Moral for children and the youth, study meetings,
social aid in different fields, healing, etc.
Furthermore, every spiritist group should have a team
to give spiritual support to the sick ones in hospitals or even
118 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

in their own homes, when it is necessary. They should also

have a team to guide people in how to start “The Gospel in
the Home” and to disseminate the doctrine.
A medium who does not delegate tasks in a spiritist
group is, in fact, obstructing others from progressing,
restricting their capabilities.
A well- guided medium should fight against any tendency of
the group to idolatry. On the contrary, he should support and
help his fellows in the work that needs to be done.
Therefore, spiritist groups are wrong to judge
themselves as “less developed” if they do not have a “gifted
medium.” This is a narrow view of mediumship and its
Mediumship with Jesus can be exercised in many
different ways!
More important than a medium who performs surgery
on sick physical bodies is the Doctrine, which promotes
renewal of souls!
More significant than a medium who receives
messages from the beyond is he who disseminates them by
his own good behaviour.
More effective than a medium who gives fluids for a
spirit materialisation is he who puts into practice the ideas of
immortality by his work.
119 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes


“…Every medium who would not become a cat’s-paw for the

dissemination of error should make point of attending
meetings of the serious character we are considering, and
should avail himself of the friendly criticism of those about
him, for the appraising of the communications he receives”.
(“The Mediums’ Book.”)
Chapter 29, item 329

Self- criticism and me diumship should be

simultaneously developed by the medium.
A medium should use it while working with
A medium should be aware of his limitations and
It is very important to keep clarity in his task so that
vanity does not bring him illusions.
It is important to have discernment in order to keep
one’s self on the right pathway.
A medium who does not practice self-examination
exposes himself easily to ridiculous situations.
120 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

When the medium exercises self-criticism he is able to

recognise his own mistakes and keep himself away from
becoming unbalanced.
However, the self-criticism should not be too severe so
as not to affect his capacity for serving.
Everything which is in excess, even self- examination,
can cause damage. Moreover, one of the things that the
unenlightened spirits do is to make the medium believe that
he is incapable of working with mediumship.
There are mediums who fail by their excessive
enthusiasm, as well as those who equally fail through their
Therefore, methodical study and work are very
important in the field of mediumship.
In mediumship, a medium should not rush for results
nor be apathetic with regard to it.
In everything it is necessary to have balance.
In a similar way to trees, mediumship has also its
productive phases. It is important for the medium to know
this so that he does not become discouraged during the
difficult phases of mediumship.
Self-criticism will make the medium demand
improvement from himself as well as from the spirits. The
spirits also need to improve themselves in the task of
For this reason, Allan Kardec advised that every
communication from beyond should be analysed by reason.
Very often, the spirits, after giving a written message,
121 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

ask the medium for the possibility to revise it, altering it if

necessary and modifying the ideas. As time goes by, they
improve themselves in the spiritual world.
Many mediums do not accept communications from
some spirits as genuine. They say that the thoughts
revealed in these communications do not belong to such
spirits. This is, in fact, to deny the communicating spirit
the opportunity to renew himself by the self-criticism.
The self-criticism can be perfectly developed in the
beyond by the support of remorse.
The medium who really wishes to serve Spiritism
needs to guard against susceptibility. He should take the
constructive side of criticism even when this criticism
comes from friends who are unable to hide their envy and
A medium who does not do self- criticism is a
medium who can be at the mercy of unenlightened spirits
who may plan his failure.
Therefore, the medium always needs to count on
more experienced friends so that he can exchange ideas
frankly. These friends, should have no inferior feelings
otherwise they might end up harming the good intentions
of the novice.
Self- criticism, discernment, sincerity, good
intentions, no personal attachment, discipline,
perseverance and idealism. These are some of the basic
points for the medium who aspires to mediumship with
Jesus, with the blessings of the Spiritist Doctrine. Of
course these points are independent but all of them are
dependant on another requirement, which is the study.
122 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

A medium without study is only an instrument. On

the other hand, he who studies has the support of the
Spirits in the complex mechanism of the spiritual
Therefore, he who wishes to start developing his
mediumship should begin by studying the Spiritist Doctrine
and the basic works of Allan Kardec.
123 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

S piritist Vocabulary

Clairvoyance: paranormal sight. The apparent ability to

see in the mind’s eye, people, objects, wo rds etc.

Clairaudience: paranormal hearing in the mind, sounds,

voices, names, messages etc.

Clairsentience: feeling sensations. Sensing the age,

gender and physical condition of other people and
communicators from spirit. Clairsentience may also be
thought to include Psychometry, the ability to read an
object; feeling impressions from an object.

Direct Voice: Independent voices heard coming out of

the air, ussualy with the medium in trance.
Erraticity: the state of errant or wandering spirits; that is
to say, of such as are not incarnate; the state of a spirit
during the intervals between two successive corporeal

Medianimic: (from the Latin words medium and anima,

soul). - Appertaining to the faculty or action of
intermediacy between souls in flesh and souls in the
spirit- world. We say “A medianimic communication”
“Possession of the medianimic faculty constitutes a
124 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Medianimity: (from the Latin medium, and anima;

middle- man, intermediary).—A person who serves as a
go-between, or intermediary, between the souls of spirits
and of men.
Mediumistic: Synonymous with Medianimic.
Mediumship: The exercise of the medianimic faculty.
The calling, work, mission, or action, of a medium.
Perispirit: (from the Greek peri, roundabout, and the
Latin spiritus, breath, spirit). The semi- material envelope
of the soul. During incarnation, it serves as the link or
intermediary between the incarnated spirit and the matter
of his fleshly body. During erraticity, it constitutes the
spirit’s fluidic body, inseparable from the personality of
the spirit.
Pneumatography: (from the Greek pneuma, air, breath,
wind, spirit). This word denotes the direct writing of
spirits, without the use of the medium’s hand.
Psychic Process or Animism: The influence of the
medium is really of great importance, particularly in the
involuntary substitution of his own ideas for those which
the communicating spirits endeavor to suggest. It is also
important in the formulation of baseless and fantastic
theories, in accordance with his own opinions or
prejudices, whether as a product of his own mind, or
derived from the suggestions of ignorant or mocking
Psychographer: (from the Greek psuke, butterfly, soul).
A person who writes by psychography. A writing
125 Carlos A. Baccelli We are all Mediums Odilon Fernandes

Psychography: Automatic writing. The writing of spirits

by a medium’s hand.
Psychophony: The communication of spirits by the voice
of a speaking medium.
Psychic Photography: Unexpected figures appearing on
Reincarnation: The return of a spirit to corporeal life.
Plurality of existences in this planet and in other material
Spirit: According to the spiritist theory, spirits are the
intelligent beings of the creation; they people the universe
beyond the limits of the visible world, they are the souls
of men who have lived upon the Earth, or in other globes,
and who have quitted their corporeal envelope.
Spiritism: Set of laws and principles, as revealed by the
Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec,
which constitute the Spiritist Codification: The Spirits'
Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to
Spiritism, Heaven and Hell, and The Genesis. It reveals
new and more profound concepts with respect to God, the
Universe, the Human Being, the Spirits and the Laws
which govern life itself.
Spiritist: That which has to do with spiritism. A partisan
of spiritism. One who believes in the fact of spirit

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