A Brief Guide To Mediumship PDF
A Brief Guide To Mediumship PDF
A Brief Guide To Mediumship PDF
Trance Development
Developing Mediumship
Developing Mediumship
There are without doubt many misconceptions about what constitutes a trance
state and many differing opinions concerning the most appropriate methods to
employ when endeavouring to develop trance mediumship. Having been aware of
being mediumistic since my late teens (prior to this I was aware of being different
to others, but unaware of having mediumistic qualities) I have encountered many
opposing views, some of which have been quite hostile, and much ignorance about
what is considered to be a genuine trance condition.
Essentially, all mediumship constitutes an altered state and all altered states can be
viewed as trance states. Having worked for a period in my life as a qualified
hypnotherapist I am only too aware that even during normal everyday states,
people drift quite unconsciouly from one altered state to another without ever being
aware of doing so. This fact alone quite often amazes people.
Mediumship, and in particular trance mediumship is an extension of these
naturally occuring states and differs only in as much that the medium usually enters
into the altered condition by a wilful act of attunement and a third party in the
form of a spirit based control, or guide is also involved. The actual altered state of
consciousness remains similar to many of the afformentioned normally occuring
mind states which each of us enters during any given twenty four hours.
One thing that a trance state is not, is a sleep state. Even in the deepest of trances
where the medium appears to be asleep, with eyes tightly closed, breathing heavy
and limbs immobile, there is still a discernable difference between the two states.
To the onlooker, they would appear to be identical, but there are many internal
differences which are undetectable by outside sources.
Altered states of consciousness can vary quite considerably from what are sometimes referred to as upbeat states to the opposite end of the spectrum and what are
called downbeat or deeper states. Brain wave patterns have been shown to vary
markedly during these different levels and activity is less apparent during deeper
states such as meditation than during higher states such as excitement. The
commonly referred to Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta states correspond to a lessening
Developing Mediumship
of activity from something in the region of 14-30Hz per second in the Beta state of
normal waking consciousness to 1-3Hz in the Delta range as the mind, operating
through the brain decreases its mental activity. (see fig 1.) It is when this mind
chatter subsides that other aspects, both internal and external can become apparent.
The student of mediumistic development should understand that the mind is not
one dimensional. It has many levels of expression, some of which we are
consciously aware such as those involving everyday thinking and activity, but many
which are unconscious until accessed through an altered state such as sleep,
meditation, hypnosis, mediumship or simply a naturally occuring shift of the kind
which sometimes happens during brief moments of insight or bliss.
Fig 1. Changing brainwave patterns
Fully awake
Relaxed, Calm
Deeply relaxed
Sleep learning
Deeper trance
Deep meditation
Deep dreamless
Deep trance
Developing Mediumship
his/her chakras before spirit control can commence. Quite clearly, the majority of
this is all nonsense and should be firmly discouraged by all concerned. If one feels
the need to open the chakras at the commencement of meditation, that is
acceptable and some disciplines, particularly eastern philosophies actually assert
that knowledge of the chakras is of great importance, but in my view it is not
essential for mediumistic development and will certainly not prevent spirit
controlled trance from taking place if it is meant to. I feel certain that the great
pioneers of the past who demonstrated trance and physical mediumship did not
need to know about opening or closing their chakras.
All that happens when a medium is entranced by someone from the spirit
dimension is that a mental link is established that allows a thought flow to occur
from one mind to another. There is no displacement of bodies (although this can
happen if required, particularly in physical mediumship) just a linking of one mind
to another, one spirit to another. The fact that this takes place at all is due to
several factors, the most important of which is the ability of the medium to attune
with the spirit helpers and the law of attraction which draws the two parties
together. No one can force communication to occur or call up any spirit person in
the vain hope that they will manifest to order. The only reason that the spirit world
communicate with a medium is because they choose to. Nothing and no one can in
any way force the issue.
Even where there is consent on both sides, a degree of spiritual development is
required on behalf of the medium to facilitate a point of contact with the spirit
world. If there is insufficient spirituality or spiritual development then it becomes
more difficult, particularly for more evolved spirit teachers to link with the
medium. There have of course been many documented cases of so called ignorant
or earthy type individuals who have demonstrated the most sublime mediumship.
But a closer analysis of these people will reveal that however base their physical
make-up, however lowly their social status, however lacking in intellect or
appearance, they still possessed a more evolved spiritual aspect to their
constitution which allowed the spirit guides to draw close.
History shows that many of the so called saints and spiritual giants of the past
frequently emerged from very humble backgrounds. Never judge a book by its
cover. Although there are no hard and fast rules governing spiritual training and
unfoldment and everyone who has ever developed their mediumship to any degree
will invariably claim that their system is the best, there are I believe, certain
parameters which should be adhered to in order to allow the spiritual potential of
those who aspire to the noble art of mediumship to blossom.
It should be stated that there are no short cuts to spiritual attainment. There is no
quick fix or ready made formula that will in any way bypass the requirements of
discipline, high aspiration and the innermost desire to serve humanity. Spiritual
teachers have no time for egos and will inevitably seek to impart this to any
personality that sees itself as more important than its fellow man. I have seen many
an inflated ego cut down to size by a great, yet humble spirit teacher, whose aim
Developing Mediumship
was not to hurt, but to heal, not to chastise, but to teach and lessons of this type
learned early on are usually worth their weight in gold and are seldom forgotten.
Generally, the best way to progress with any form of mediumistic unfoldment and
most certainly with the development of trance is to find a sincere, dedicated group
of people who share similar aims and aspirations and with whom one can feel
The group should essentially meet at a regular interval and meditation should
commence and complete at a set time. Each sitter should have their own place or
seat within the circle and the members of the group should occupy these places at
each sitting. Ideally, upwards of five people should form the basis of the circle, with
seven or nine members of opposing gender being the ideal combination. If sitters
can alternate around the circle in a male - female - male configuration, this is even
better as it compliments the balance of energies within the group dynamics.
Peaceful surroundings are preferable and should encompass comfortable seating,
correct temperature according to conditions, suitable lighting (preferably subdued)
and soothing, appropriate low level background music (optional). It goes without
saying that complete harmony between all students is essential and any conflict,
jealousy, resentment or egotism should be quickly dealt with by the group leader.
The proceedings should commence with a silent or spoken prayer either by the
group as a whole or by a nominated individual on a rotation basis. In this way,
everyone gets to open in prayer sooner or later. The speaking of a prayer or as I
prefer to call it an invocation should never be read from a book. Nor should it be
religious in any way. Religion has little to do with true spirituality and the idea
behind the invocation is not to promote a religious attitude but simply to unite the
group as one and to invoke the help of the divine intelligence which we refer to as
God through those in the spirit world who act as ambassadors and facilitators of
spiritual unfoldment.
Following the invocation, a period of meditation preferably lasting for one hour
should commence. Each sitter should enter into their own silence and seek to attune
with their group of spiritual helpers. During this period the spirit people will draw
closer to each individual and attempt to employ and utilise whatever psychic
abilities they have. Throughout this time the leader of the group will most
certainly be both watching the proceedings, taking time to focus on each student
whilst also communicating with the guides of each group to both encourage and
assist them in linking with their chosen medium.
Indeed, a good group leader will often direct energy to a particular sitter and their
helpers by means of thought and also by reaching out a hand and allowing power
to flow into their auric field. During my own development the circle leader would
often tip-toe carefully up to me, taking great care never to make physical contact
which could have resulted in a form of psychic shock to my system, in order to
place his hand close to my chin and direct power to the guides who were building
an ectoplasmic voice box through which they could later speak. Even though
deeply entranced, I was aware of a great light emanating from his upturned palm
Developing Mediumship
and was able to feel a gentle warmth around my throat. Often during this time the
urge to speak would grow ever stronger within and as my own development
progressed this became the signal for White Feather to commence his talk.
Each student should be encouraged to work during their meditation and it should
be emphasised here that there is a degree of difference between many meditative
states and the type of meditation required for mediumistic development. For
example, when sitting in contemplative meditation or when meditating for the
purpose of relaxation a slightly different approach is required whereby one can
attempt to subdue the thought processes and literally go beyond mind where any
thought is minimalised, whilst at the same time the body becomes very still and
almost transparent. It is at these deeper levels that out of the body experiences
can occur. For the purpose of trance mediumship however, a different type of
approach is needed. One where, as previously mentioned, the mind is sufficiently
calm to be considered passive and yet remains alert to the subtle thought influences
of the spirit guides. This condition can be likened to that of a jelly which although
still, vibrates when touched. In a similar way the mediums mind responds to the
thought flow of the spirit person attempting to communicate and thoughts ascend
from the unconscious levels up into awareness where they are witnessed by the
conscious mind. Often these thoughts, which invariably follow a spiritual theme are
thought to be the sitters own mind and are rejected as such because of a fear of self
delusion. Indeed, in the early days there may well be some aspect of unconscious
self delusion taking place, but this is to be expected as there will inevitably be a
degree of colouration by the both the conscious and unconscious aspects of the
mind. However, as development proceeds, there will be a greater emergence of the
spirit influence at the expense of the mediums own thought processes - a gracious
sacrifice of the self and a yielding to the deeper thoughts of another, which is the
essence of mediumship. There will always remain some colouration, but where
development is balanced and ego is subdued or surpassed, this can be kept to a
A good marker of whether a spirit controlled trance state is genuine, particularly
where development appears to be advanced and speech is regularly evident, is to
note both the eloquence of the language employed, the contents of the subject
matter being given and the flow of the communication. If the words used are
barely above those normally spoken by the medium in their normal waking state or
if there is a degree of hesitancy then it is likely that the communication is suffering
through interference from the mediums own mind. As the seance progresses, those
sitters not drawn to philosophy or to working at deeper levels of trance should
occupy their time in other ways, whilst remaining still and silent and aligned to the
rest of the group. Seeking clairvoyance for other members of the group is one
option, as is sending out healing thoughts to those in need. Some sitters are used as
power packs for the rest of the group and these wonderful souls who often fail to
develop to any great degree as active mediums, despite their best efforts, are some
of the most valuable individuals around. For their energies are used by the spirit
Developing Mediumship
guides to assist in the development of others in the group and every circle will have
at least one of these people present. They are of course compensated in other ways
and are often more advanced spiritually than many of their compatriates who
appear to have overtaken them on the path to spiritual progress.
It should be noted that sitters who are receiving clairvoyant messages during the
hours meditation should be discouraged from giving off their findings until after
the quiet time has been completed and the circle leader invites each person to reveal
what they have undertaken during the evening. This keeps any disruption to a
minimum and avoids any disturbances which may affect other sitters who might
have entered a deeper state or who are under the control of a spirit helper.
A warning here; an entranced medium should never be touched by another in the
group unless invited to do so by the spirit guide. To physically touch someone who
is in this state can be at the very least dangerous to their health and at the worst,
fatal. Even a pin dropped, can sound like a loud thunder clap to a person in this state
of trance control, so one can imagine what a physical touch might do.
At the end of the meditation, the circle leader will call the rest of the group to time.
This can be done by a softly spoken command or simple request that the sitters
come back to full awareness. A more eloquent way however, is by thought alone
and in a well attuned group the thought sent forth from the group head will be
picked up by each sitter as they return to their normal waking states. This may
sound implausible, but I have witnessed this myself on many occasions. Over time,
even this request will probably become redundant as sitters will awaken and
simultaneously open their eyes at the allotted time, much to their surprise.
It will be noted that those who have entered deeper states will take a little longer to
return to normality and care should be taken to allow this to happen. If they fail to
open their eyes, as sometimes occurs, the circle leader should note whether the
sitter remains under spirit control and if so inform the helper that it is time to
relinquish this or if this does not appear to be the case, should make a pass of the
hand above the mediums head, taking care not to touch them in any way. This will
have the effect of gently distrurbing the auric field without imposing any harm and
is similar to one person shaking another out of their slumber. Whisperings of time
can be uttered and after a few moments the entranced student should return to
normality. If all else fails, a few loud coughs usually do the trick!
Once the entire group has regained full consciousness, the leader should ask each
sitter to deliver any clairvoyance which they may have received along with any
other comments concerning their experiences during the meditative hour. They in
turn can be given whatever constructive comments the circle head deems
appropriate along with any further guidence if needed. Whilst discipline is
essential to maintain harmony and focus it is also required to prevent any
unnecessary egotism or posturing which sometimes can arise within development
groups of this kind. But care should be taken to retain a positive outlook within the
circle as negative thoughts about mediumship are likely to produce negative results.
Right thinking enhances and assists unfoldment and a good circle leader will
Developing Mediumship
How exactly does a spirit helper or guide gain sufficient control of a medium to
facilitate a trance state? The process is a gradual one which requires time, discipline
and patience to develop. Both the guide and the medium have to learn to adapt to
each other and the spirit control has to discover and implement to best ways to
utilise whatever mediumistic qualities exist so that they can be honed and employed
in the best way possible.
Initially, having linked with a medium, the guide will begin the process of making
a more intimate connection through the unconscious or subconscious aspect of the
sitters mind with a thoughtflow that can eventually emerge into the conscious
mind as either inspiration, clairvoyance or controlled speech (trance). To
understand more fully how this occurs, one has to consider the nature of the mind. The
simple model in (Fig 2.) explains this more fully.
Auric field.
Conscious Mind
Unconscious Mind
Developing Mediumship
The reason that a spirit helper will link through the unconscious mind or as I prefer
to call it the back door is to avoid contamination from the conscious aspect. Also,
within the realm of the unconscious mind lies the main control mechanisms of the
body which the brain employs to regulate everyday functions such as breathing,
blood flow, blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, motor movements and
functioning of all internal organs. The unconscious mind also houses memory,
language and all of our life experiences amongst its many treasures. It is amongst
other things, a vast storehouse with links to every aspect of our being. It makes
sense therefore, for a spirit guide to obtain some measure of control over this
centre in order to then exert influence over the smaller, but in many ways more
significant conscious mind.
The controlling entity will then, draw close to the medium through their auric field,
blending their energies with those of the sitter before establishing a mind link with
the unsconscious mind and its various control centres. The medium will sometimes
experience this linking through feelings of expansion, with the head area feeling as
though it has ballooned to several times its size. This is the actual auric field
which itself expands in meditation but does so greatly when a spirit guide links
through it. (seeFig 3)
Auric field expands.
Unconscious Mind
Having learned through a process of trial and error how to best work with their
medium a guide (and their group) will begin working in earnest to implement
whatever flow of spirit intelligence is to be directed through the instrument. In the
case of trance development this will invariably be aimed at spiritual philosophy,
with the thought flow from the guide being one of words and perhaps pictures. The
medium will experience this firstly as inspiration, often mistaking it for their own
thoughts and then as it gathers momentum over a period of weeks or months as a
Developing Mediumship
more definite and concrete message, distinctive from their own thoughts. To aid this
process spirit guides will often blend their thought directive with one which
occupies the sitters own mind before altering it to their own. For example; a sitter
may be contemplating a quiet country scene and thinking about the way in which
nature organises the pageant of the seasons. The spirit helper, sensing this, will join
their thought flow with this before enhancing it with deeper meanings and more
profound imagery. Later, providing attunement is maintained, they may change the
thoughtflow into something quite different, having established sufficient rapport
with their student.
Over a period of time, when both sitter and guide are more at ease with each other,
the one will sense the others presence and control will be obtained more swiftly
and easily. From taking perhaps an hour or so for trance control to take place, this
will now be assumed in a matter of minutes, such is the ease with which an
experienced guide will entrance his medium.
One concern which is often raised regarding what can be actually classified as
trance control as opposed to inspirational speech is the level at which the one
takes over from the other. When does inspiration become spirit control? There
seems to be much confusion over this issue and many misconceptions have arisen
as to what actually constitutes spirit control and what is mere overshadowing.
The lines are somewhat blurred and as with many aspects of the mind, which are
often subjective in nature, it can be difficult to draw definitive boundaries. The
illustration below (Fig 4.) goes some way to addressing this problem, but even this
should not be thought of as absolute.
Fig 4. The River of Trance
Inspiration, intuition,
Light Control
Deeper Control
Deep Control
Developing Mediumship
In practice a true trance medium will fluctuate between a deep and very deep
control state, with the later being conducive to a more reliable communication,
although even at this level there is likely to remain some colouration from the subconscious mind. It is doubtful whether a pure spirit communication is
achieveable, for even in the most highly developed states of mediumship the mind of the
medium can never be totally excluded. One hopes, that where mediums are
correctly developed and spirit control can be employed to its fullest degree the
amount of contamination can be kept to minimal levels.
Demonstrating in public
choosing. If that place is in serving the Great Spirit and humanity through the able
demonstration of your gifts, then it has been well worthwhile. I wish you the very
best in your endeavours.
Robert Goodwin
November 2004