Tool Engineering Sem 2
Tool Engineering Sem 2
Tool Engineering Sem 2
UNIT-I Classification of Mechanical, Hydraulic, and pneumatic presses Press Characteristics, safety devices in presses. Principles of stretch forming machines, principles of feeding and unloading equipment. Design principles of presses. UNIT-II Design of Dies: Introduction terminology shearing dies- types of dies analysis process shearing clearance size and tolerances of die opening and punch force, power, energy in shearing loading center, shearing with inclined edges strip layouts, economical stock Utilization. UNIT-III Elements of shearing dies die plates split dies, rules of development for split dies, inserts, types of punches, punch holders, punches strippers calculation of springs and rubber ejector, shedders, stops pilots stock guides alignment system design for press tools. UNIT-IV Compound dies, progressive dies, stock feeding devices cam actuated die, horn dies (type, sub-press dies) precision shearing dies, shaving dies, lamination dies Bending dies, theory of bending development of blank, spring back, curling, flanging and press brake dies, bending on press brake. UNIT-V Drawing and forming Dies: Theory of drawing, blank development, strain factor, calculation of force, construction of drawing and drawing dies Drawing of rectangular components (development, stages draw beeds) Ironing (application of rubber and hydraulic system) Defects in deep drawing Modern Metal forming techniques Discussion of various computer software for sheet metal design. Suggested Reading: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Fundamentals of tool Design ASTME, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1987 Die design Hand book AISME, Mc Graw Hills, New York, 1965 Geoffrey Rowe W., An Introduction to the Principles of Metal Working, Edward Arnold, 1977. Serope Kalpakjain, Mechanical Processing in Materials, 1967. Heinrich Makelt, Mechanical Presses , Edward Arnold, London, 1968. Javoronkov V.A and Chaturvedi. R.C. Rolling of Metals. Eary and Redds, Shear Working of Metals , Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1969. Honeyeeme R.W.K., The plastic Deformation of metals, Edward Arnold, London, 1968. Kamenschikov, Forging Practice, Mir. Pub., Moscow, 1968. High Velocity Forming of metals, ASME, Michigan, 1968. Bhattacharya.A, New Technology , Institute of Engineers, Calcutta, 1973.
With effect from the academic year 2012 - 2013 ME 501 AUTOMATION Instructions Duration of university Examination University Examination Sessional 3 periods/week 3 hours 80 Marks 20 Marks
UNIT I Introduction: Definition of automation, Types of production, Functions of Manufacturing, Organization and Information Processing in Manufacturing, Production concepts and Mathematical Models, Automation Strategies, Production Economics: Methods of Evaluating Investment Alternatives, Costs in Manufacturing, Break-Even Analysis, Unit cost of production, Cost of Manufacturing Lead time and Workin-process. UNIT II Detroit-Type Automation: Automated Flow lines, Methods of Workpart Transport, Transfer Mechanism, Buffer Storage, Control Functions, Automation for Machining Operations, Design and Fabrication Considerations. Analysis of Automated Flow Lines : General Terminology and Analysis, Analysis of Transfer Lines Without Storage, Partial Automation, Automated Flow Lines with Storage Buffers, Computer Simulation of Automated Flow Lines. UNIT III Assembly Systems and Line Balancing: The Assembly Process, Assembly Systems, Manual Assembly Lines, The Line Balancing Problem, Methods of Line Balancing, Computerized Line Balancing Methods, Other ways to improve the Line Balancing, Flexible Manual Assembly Lines. Automated Assembly Systems: Design for Automated Assembly, Types of Automated Assembly Systems, Part Feeding Devices, Analysis of Multi-station Assembly Machines, Analysis of a Single Station Assembly Machine. UNIT IV Automated Materials Handling: The material handling function, Types of Material Handling Equipment, Analysis for Material Handling Systems, Design of the System, Conveyor Systems, Automated Guided Vehicle Systems. Automated Storage Systems: Storage System Performance, Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems, Carousel Storage Systems, Work-in-process Storage, Interfacing Handling and Storage with Manufacturing. UNIT V Automated Inspection and Testing: Inspection and testing, Statistical Quality Control, Automated Inspection Principles and Methods, Sensor Technologies for Automated Inspection, Coordinate Measuring Machines, Other Contact Inspection Methods, Machine Vision, Other optical Inspection Methods. Modeling Automated Manufacturing Systems: Role of Performance Modeling, Performance Measures, Performance Modeling Tools: Simulation Models, Analytical Models. The Future Automated Factory: Trends in Manufacturing, The Future Automated Factory, Human Workers in the Future Automated Factory, The social impact. Suggested Reading: 1. Mikell P.Grover, Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Pearson Education Asia. 2. C.Ray Asfahl, Robots and manufacturing Sutomation, John Wiley and Sons New York. 3. N.Viswanadham and Y.Narahari, Performance Modeling of Automated Manufacturing Syetms, Printice Hall India Pvt. Ltd. 4. Stephen J. Derby, Design of Automatic Machinary, Special Indian Edition, Marcel Decker, New York, Yesdee publishing Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
With effect from the academic year 2012 - 2013 ME 505 COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING Instruction Duration of university Examination University Examination Sessional 3 periods/week 3 hours 80 Marks 20 Marks
UNIT I Introduction to CIM The meaning of Manufacturing, Types of Manufacturing; Basic Concepts of CIM: CIM Definition, Elements of CIM, CIM wheel, concept or technology, Evolution of CIM, Benefits of CIM, Needs of CIM: Hardware and software. Fundamentals of Communication: Communications Matrix. Product Development Cycle, Concurrent Engineering: Definition, Sequential Engineering Versus Concurrent Engineering, Benefits of Concurrent Engineering, Characteristics of concurrent Engineering, Framework for integration of Life-cycle phases in CE, Concurrent Engineering Techniques, Integrated Product Development(IPD), Product Life-Cycle Management (PLM), Collaborative Product Development. UNIT II CIM database and database management systems Introduction, Manufacturing Data: Types, sources; Database Terminology, Database requirements, Database models, Database Management System, DBMS Architecture, Query Language, Structural Query Language (SQL): Basic structure, Data definition Language (Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, View), Data Manipulation Language (store, retrieve, update, delete). Illustration of Creating and Manipulating a Manufacturing Database. SQL as a Knowledge Base Query Language. Features of commercial DBMS: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Access, Sybase, DB2. Product Data Management (PDM), Advantages of PDM. UNIT III CIM Technology and Systems Product Design: Needs of the market, Design and Engineering, The design Process, Design for Manufacturability (DFM): Component Design, Design for Assembly. Computer-Aided Process Planning: Basic Steps in developing a process plan, Variant and Generative Process Planning, Feature Recognition in Computer-Aided Process Planning. Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II), Cellular Manufacturing: Design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems, Cell Formation Approaches: MachineComponent Group Analysis, Similarity CoefficientsBased Approaches. Evaluation of Cell Design. Shop-floor Control: Data Logging and Acquisition, Automated Data Collection, Programmable Logic Controllers, Sensor Technology. Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Physical Components of an FMS. Types of Flexibility, Layout Considerations: Linear Single Machine Layout, Circular Machine Layout, Cluster Machine Layout, Loop Layout; Operational Problems of FMS. FMS benefits. UNIT IV Enterprise Wide Integration in CIM and CIM Models Introduction to Networking, Principles of Networking, Network Terminology, Types of Networks: LAN, MAN, WAN; Selection of Network Technology: Communication medium, Network Topology, Medium access control Methods, Signaling methods; Network Architectures and Protocols: OSI Model, MAP & TOP, TCP/IP, Network Interconnection and Devices, Network Performance. Framework for Enterprisewide Integration. CIM Models: ESPRIT-CIM OSA Model, NIST-AMRF Model, Siemens Model of CIM, Digital Equipment Corporation Model, IBM Concept of CIM. UNIT V Future Trends in Manufacturing Systems Lean Manufacturing: Definition, Principles of Lean Manufacturing, Characteristics of Lean Manufacturing, Value of Product, Continuous Improvement, Focus on Waste, Relationship of Waste to Profit, Four Functions of Lean Production, Performance Measures, The Supply Chain, Benefits of Lean Manufacturing. Introduction to Agile and Web Based Manufacturing systems. Suggested Reading: 1. 2. 3. 4. S.Kant Vajpayee: Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Printice-Hall India. Nanua Singh: Systems Approach to Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing- John Wiley. P.Radhakrishnan, S.Subramanyam: CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age International Alavudeen, Venkateshwaran: Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Printice-Hall India
With effect from the academic year 2012 - 2013 ME 519 PRODUCT DESIGN AND PROCESS PLANNING Instruction /Week Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional 3 Periods 3 Hrs 80 Marks 20 Marks
UNIT-I Product design and process design functions, selection of a right product, essential factors of product design, Morphology of design, sources of new ideas for products, evaluation of new product ideas. Product innovation procedure-Flow chart. Qualifications of product design Engineer. Criteria for success/failure of a product. Value of appearance, colours and Laws of appearance. UNIT-II Product reliability, Mortality Curve, Reliability systems, Manufacturing reliability and quality control. Patents: Definitions, classes of patents, applying for patents. Trademarks and copyrights. Cost and quality sensitivity of products, Elements of cost of a product, costing methods, cost reduction and cost control activities. Economic analysis, Break even analysis Charts. Value engineering in product design, creativity aspects and techniques. Procedures of value analysis cost reduction, material and process selection. UNIT-III Various manufacturing processes, degree of accuracy and finish obtainable, process capability studies. Methods of improving tolerances. Basic product design rules for Casting, Forging, Machining, Sheet metal and Welding. Physical properties of engineering materials and their importance on products. Selection of plastics, rubber and ceramics for product design. UNIT-IV Industrial ergonomics: Man-machine considerations, ease of maintenance. Ergonomic considerations in product design-Anthropometry, Design of controls, man-machine information exchange. Process sheet detail and their importance, Advanced techniques for higher productivity. Just-in-time and Kanban System. Modern approaches to product design; quality function development, Rapid prototyping. UNIT-V Role of computer in product design and management of manufacturing, creation of manufacturing data base, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, communication network, production flow analysis, Group Technology, Computer Aided product design and process Planning. Integrating product design, manufacture and production control. Suggested Reading: 1. 2. 3. Niebel, B.W., and Draper, A.B., Product design and process Engineering, Mc Graw Hill Kogalkusha Ltd., Tokyo, 1974. Chitale, A.K, and Gupta, R.C., Product Design and Manufacturing, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004. Mahajan, M. Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpath Rai & Co., 2000.
With effect from the academic year 2012 - 2013 ME 520 RAPID PROTOTYPING PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional 3 Periods/Week 3 hours 80 Marks 20 Mraks
UNIT I Introduction: Prototyping fundamentals, Historical development, Fundamentals of Rapid Prototyping, Advantages and Limitations of Rapid Prototyping, Commonly used Terms, Classification of RP process, Rapid Prototyping Process Chain: Fundamental Automated Processes, Process Chain. UNIT II Liquid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Stereo lithography Apparatus (SLA): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, photopolymers, photo polymerization, Layering technology, laser and laser scanning, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Solid ground curing (SGC): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies Solid-based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. UNIT III Powder Based Rapid Prototyping Systems: Selective laser sintering (SLS): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Three dimensional Printing (3DP): Models and specifications, Process, working principle, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages, Case studies. Rapid Tooling: Introduction to Rapid Tooling (RT), Conventional Tooling Vs RT, Need for RT. Tooling Classification: Indirect Rapid Tooling Methods: Spray Metal Deposition, RTV Epoxy Ceramic tools, Investment Casting, Spin Casting, Die casting, Sand Casting, 3D Keltool process. Rapid Tooling: Direct AIM, LOM Tools, DTM Rapid Tool Process, EOS Direct Tool Process and Metal Tooling using 3DP. Rapid Tools, Direct Direct
UNIT IV Rapid Prototyping Data Formats: S TL Format, STL File Problems, Consequence of Building Valid and Invalid Tessellated Models, STL file Repairs: Generic Solution, Other Translators, Newly Proposed Formats. Rapid Prototyping Softwares: Features of various RP softwares like Magics, Mimics, Solid View, View Expert, 3 D View, Velocity 2, Rhino, STL View 3 Data Expert and 3 D doctor. UNIT V RP Applications: Application Material Relationship, Application in Design, Application in Engineering, Analysis and Planning, Aerospace Industry, Automotive Industry, Jewelry Industry, Coin Industry, GIS application, Arts and Architecture. RP Medical and Bioengineering Applications: Planning and simulation of complex surgery, Customised Implants & Prosthesis, Design and Production of Medical Devices, Forensic Science and Anthropology, Visulization of Biomolecules. Suggested Reading: 1. Rapid prototyping: Principles and Applications - Chua C.K., Leong K.F. and LIM C.S, World Scientific publications , Third Edition, 2010. 2. Rapid Manufacturing D.T. Pham and S.S. Dimov, Springer , 2001 3. Wholers Report 2000 Terry Wohlers, Wohlers Associates, 2000 4. Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing Paul F.Jacobs, ASME Press, 1996.
With effect from the Academic Year 2012 2013 ME 568 NON-TRADITIONAL MACHINING AND FORMING Instruction Duration of University Examination University Examination Sessional 3 periods/ week 3 Hours 80 Marks 20 Marks
UNIT-I Introduction: Need for non-traditional machining processes. Processes selection, classification, comparative study of different processes. Mechanical Process: Ultrasonic Machining-Definition-Mechanism of metal elements of the process- Tool feed mechanism. Theories of mechanics of causing effect of parameter applications. Abrasive Jet Machining: Principles - parameters of the process, applications, advantages and disadvantages. Water Jet Machining (WJM): Schematic diagram, equipment used, advantages and applications. UNIT-II Thermal Metal Removal Process: Electric discharge machining Principle and operation mechanism of meta removal, basic EDM circuitry-spark erosion. Analysis of relaxation type of circuit material removal rate in relaxation circuits- critical resistance parameters in Ro Circuit-Die electric fluids- Electrodes for surface finish. Applications. Wire EDM principle and operation. Wire materials, wire tension and its parameters. Applications UNIT-III Electro Chemical and Chemical Processes: Electro chemical machining (ECM) Classification ECM process-principle of ECM Chemistry of the ECM parameters of the processes-determination of the metal removal rate - dynamics of ECM process-Hydrodynamics of ECM process-polarization. Tool Designadvantages and disadvantages - applications. Electro Chemical Grinding-Electro Chemical holding Electrochemical deburring. Plasma Arc Machining: Introduction-Plasma-Generation of Plasma and equipment Mechanism of metals removal, PAN parameters-process characteristics - type of torches applications. . UNIT-IV Electron Beam Machining (EBM) : Introduction-Equipment for production of Electron beam - Theory of electron beam machining Thermal & Non thermal types characteristics applications. Laser Beam Machining (LBM) : Introduction-principle of generation of lasers Equipment and Machining procedure-Types of Lasers-Process characteristics-advantages and limitations-applications Ion Beam Machining: Introduction-Mechanism of metal removal and associated equipment-process characteristics applications UNIT-V High Velocity Forming Process: introduction - development of specific process selection-comparison of conventional and high velocity forming methods - Types of high velocity forming methods- explosion forming process-elector hydraulics forming magnetic pulse forming. Electro-Magnetic Forming. Rubber Pad Forming: Principle of the process, process details, process variants - Guerin, wheelon, Marforming and Hydro forming processes and applications.
With effect from the academic year 2012 - 2013 ME 524 COMPUTATION LABORATORY Instruction Sessional List of Experiments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Software. Static Analysis of a corner bracket. Statically indeterminate reaction force analysis. Determination of Beam stresses and Deflection. Bending analysis of a Tee-shaped beam. Analysis of cylindrical shell under pressure. Bending of a circular plate using axisymmetric shell element. Stress analysis in a long cylinder. Solidification of a casting. Transient Heat transfer in an infinite slab. Transient Thermal stress in a cylinder. Vibration analysis of a Simply supported beam. Natural frequency of a motor-generator. Thermal-Structural contact of two bodies. Drop test of a container (Explicit Dynamics). 3 Periods/week 50 Marks