2013 Teaching Assistant Application Form For Unbc
2013 Teaching Assistant Application Form For Unbc
2013 Teaching Assistant Application Form For Unbc
This form MUST be submitted by ALL incoming graduate students AND anyone applying for a TA. Incoming graduate students must return this form with their application for Graduate Studies. Half or full TAs are awarded to registered graduate students based on disciplinary teaching needs. Teaching Assistantships: 1) provide financial assistance to graduate students; 2) enhance graduate students curriculum vitae with valuable teaching experience; 3) develop students as colleagues in teaching; and 4) provide critical assistance for teaching. A one-semester full TA is paid $4,546 and consists of an average of 12 hours per week for the 4-month term. A half TA is paid $2,273 and consists of an average of 6 hours per week for the same period. Indicate your interest in a TA position by completing the information below. Attach additional information as required. Please print.
NAME: PHONE: E-mail: Student ID #: Total Confirmed Funding Amount ($):
I WISH TO BE CONSIDERED FOR A TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIP Check all that apply: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information here is accurate and truthful. Date:
Full TA
Half TA
List the courses you plan to take during the semester you wish to have a TA:
Teaching / Related Experience (List teaching/laboratory/other skills or experiences; include specific courses where you were a TA or Marker and indicate your accomplishments):
Teaching Expertise (Indicate general areas and undergraduate years you feel competent to teach):
List courses you have taken which are relevant to your TA preferences:
Other Skills & Experience (list specific skills/experience we should consider): _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Based on class enrollments, marking positions may be available to those not awarded at TA; to be considered, indicate courses you can mark for: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
(Form revised January, 2013)
BCMB 308 Biochemistry II
334 COMM 335 431 Strat. Human Red. Plan. Org. Effectiveness Industrial Relations
100 101 204 GEOG 206 Environments & People Human Geography Intro. to GIS for Soc. Sci. Social Geography Geomorphology GIS
Intro. Biology I Ecology Plant Biology Genetics Systematic Botany Ichthyol./Herpetology Ornith./Mammology
Computer Programming I Intro to Computer Systems Discrete Computational Mathematics Computer Applications Algorithm Analysis & Develop. MATH Intro to Logic Design Applied Business Computing Software Engineering I Programming Languages NREM
210 300
100 115
Calculus I Precalculus Finite Math for Business and Economics Calculus for Nonmajors
Intro. To Field Skills Field Apps. In Resouce Mgmt. (* course runs Aug/Sept.)
Operating Systems
340 120 CHEM 210 250 Analytical Chemistry Organic Chemistry I ENPL 104 General Chemistry I 370
Theory of Computation Functional & Logic Programming 100 ORTM 200 Intro. to Planning 100 Intro. to Physics I Intro. to Physics II Gen. Intro to Physics Sustainable Rec. & Tourism Leisure in Life
Intro. To Canadian Bus. ENSC Organizational Beh. Human Resource Mgmt. Organizational Theory Bus. & Professional Ethics ENVS
350 418
110 115
Environmental Citizenship
BCMB 255 Biochemistry Lab I
100 102 Computer Programming I Computer Programming II Intro. to Computer Systems & Programming Discrete Comp. Math II Computer Organization and Architecture Allied Business Computing Human Interface Design Software Engineering II Intro. to Compiler Design Intro. to Computer Graphics Artificial Intelligence Database Systems Parallel Computing
200 GEOG 205 301 Geography of BC Cartography & Geomatics Cultural Geography
102 202 203 210 302 304 BIOL 312 315 321 323 325 411 425
Intro. Biology II Invertebrates Microbiology Genetics Limnology Plants, Society & the Environment Molec. Cell Physiology Animal Deiseases & Parasites Animal Physiology Evolution Ecological Analyses Conservation Biology Applied Gen. and Biotech. CPSC
110 142 231 250 270 301 325 350 371 422 442
Calculus I Calculus II Pre-Calculus Finite Math for Business and Economics Calculus for Non-majors
Communications in NRES
Natural Re. Mgmt II Integrated Res. Mgmt. Natural Resource Planning Environ. & Prof. Ethics
400 414
General Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II ENPL 499 Social Planning Intro. To Canadian Bus. Financial Accounting Financial Mgmt I Human Resource Management 305 Environ. Impact Assess. ORTM 333* 202 Eco & Advent. Tourism Field School (* course runs Apr/May)
Basic Statistics