Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
and achieve results. Its goal is to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes
and impact. It is mainly used to assess the performance of project and programs set up by
The School M&E System is part of the effort to strengthen the entire basic ed
delivery system of DepED. Its main role is to provide timely and relevant dat
a, information and insights to key internal stakeholders Division, Region and
National Offices. These same
data, information and insights will be used to develop and/or enhance educat
ion policies and standards by the Central Offices and Region, strengthen the
education programs and projects by the Region and Division, and to provide t
imely and relevant technical assistance to school heads and teachers by the
Division.Setting up an integrated system will allow the following:
Sharing of information and insights throughout the organization.
1. Best practices and lessons learned are disseminated.
2. This will also help avoid repetition of failed programs and projects.
3. Early detection of problems and issues. An integrated system will be ab
le to determine where and when these problems will occur.
4. This will allow immediate adjustments in the operations of units.
5. Determine the implications in the shortcomings of 1 unit to the other u
nits dependent on its performance.
6. Proactive approach to decision making and in managing problems and i
7. More cooperation and collaboration between and among units.