Essay: Amending Our Terms of Use: Please Comment On A Proposed Amendment Regarding Undisclosed Paid Editing
Essay: Amending Our Terms of Use: Please Comment On A Proposed Amendment Regarding Undisclosed Paid Editing
Essay: Amending Our Terms of Use: Please Comment On A Proposed Amendment Regarding Undisclosed Paid Editing
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An essay is generally a short piece of writing written from an author s personal point of !iew, "ut the definition is !ague, o!erlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story# Essays can consist of a num"er of elements, including$literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments, o"ser!ations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author# Almost all
modern essays are written in prose, "ut works in !erse ha!e "een du""ed essays %e#g#Ale&ander 'ope s An Essay on Criticism and An Essay on Man(# While "re!ity usually defines an essay, !oluminous works like )ohn *ocke s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding and +homas Malthus s An Essay on the Principle o Population are countere&les# ,n some countries %e#g#, the -nited .tates and /anada(, essays ha!e "ecome a ma0or part of formal education# .econdary students are taught structured essay formats to impro!e their writing skills, and admission essays are often used "yuni!ersities in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final e&ams# +he concept of an 1essay1 has "een e&tended to other mediums "eyond writing# A film essay is a mo!ie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the e!olution of a theme or an idea# A photographic essay is an attempt to co!er a topic with a linked series ofphotographs2 it may or may not ha!e an accompanying te&t or captions#
Contents [hide]
3 4efinitions 5 History 5#3 Europe 5#5 )apan 6 As an educational tool 7 Forms and styles 7#3 /ause and effect 7#5 /lassification and di!ision 7#6 /ompare and contrast 7#7 4escripti!e 7#8 4ialectic 7#9 E&emplification 7#: Familiar 7#; History %thesis( 7#< =arrati!e 7#3> /ritical 7#33 Economics 7#35 ?ther logical structures 8 Maga@ine or newspaper 9 Employment : =onAliterary types :#3 Bisual Arts :#5 Music :#6 Film :#7 'hotography
An essay has "een defined in a !ariety of ways# ?ne definition is a 1prose composition with a focused su"0ect of discussion1 or a 1long, systematic discourse1#[3] ,t is difficult to define the genre into which essays fall# Aldous Hu&ley, a leading essayist, gi!es guidance on the su"0ect#[5] He notes that 1the essay is a literary de!ice for saying almost e!erything a"out almost anything1, and adds that 1"y tradition, almost "y definition, the essay is a short piece1# Furthermore, Hu&ley argues that 1essays "elong to a literary species whose e&treme !aria"ility can "e studied most effecti!ely within a threeA poled frame of reference1# +hese three poles %or worlds in which the essay may e&ist( are$ +he personal and the auto"iographical$ +he essayists that feel most comforta"le in this pole 1write fragments of reflecti!e auto"iography and look at the world through the keyhole of anecdote and description1# +he o"0ecti!e, the factual, and the concreteAparticular$ +he essayists that write from this pole 1do not speak directly of themsel!es, "ut turn their attention outward to some literary or scientific or political theme# +heir art consists on setting forth, passing 0udgement upon, and drawing general conclusions from the rele!ant data1# +he a"stractAuni!ersal$ ,n this pole 1we find those essayists who do their work in the world of high a"stractions1, who are ne!er personal and who seldom mention the particular facts of e&perience#
Hu&ley adds that 1the most richly satisfying essays are those which make the "est not of one, not of two, "ut of all the three worlds in which it is possi"le for the essay to e&ist1# +he word essay deri!es from the French infiniti!e essayer, 1to try1 or 1to attempt1# ,n English essay first meant 1a trial1 or 1an attempt1, and this is still an alternati!e meaning# +he Frenchman Michel de Montaigne %3866D38<5( was the first author to descri"e his work as essays2 he used the term to characteri@e these as 1attempts1 to put his thoughts into writing, and his essays grew out of hiscommonplacing#[6] ,nspired in particular "y the works of 'lutarch, a translation of whose !eu"res Morales%Moral #or$s( into French had 0ust "een pu"lished "y )acEues Amyot, Montaigne "egan to compose his essays in 38:52 the first edition, entitled Essais, was pu"lished in two !olumes in 38;># For the rest of his life he continued re!ising pre!iously pu"lished essays and composing new ones# Francis Facon s essays, pu"lished in "ook form in 38<:, 3935, and 3958, were the first works in English that descri"ed themsel!es as essays# Fen )onson first used the word essayist in English in 39><, according to the !% ord English &ictionary#
+he e&les and perspecti!e in this article may not represent aworldwide view of the subject# 'lease impro!e this article and discuss the issue on the talk page# ('anuary ()**)
Europe edit!
English essayists included Co"ert Furton %38::D3973( and .ir +homas Frowne %39>8D39;5(# ,n France,Michel de Montaigne s three !olume Essais in the mid 38>>s contain o!er 3>> e&les widely regarded as the predecessor of the modern essay# ,n ,taly, Faldassare /astiglione wrote a"out courtly manners in his essay +l libro del cortegiano# ,n the 3:th century, the )esuit Faltasar GraciHn wrote a"out the theme of wisdom#[7] 4uring the Age of Enlightenment, essays were a fa!ored tool of polemicists who aimed at con!incing readers of their position2 they also featured hea!ily in the rise of periodical literature, as seen in the works of )oseph Addison, Cichard .teele and .amuel )ohnson# ,n the 3;th and 3<th centuries,Edmund Furke and .amuel +aylor /oleridge wrote essays for the general pu"lic# +he early 3<th century in particular saw a proliferation of great essayists in English D William Ha@litt, /harles *am", *eigh Hunt and+homas de Iuincey all penned numerous essays on di!erse su"0ects# ,n the 5>th century, a num"er of essayists tried to e&plain the new mo!ements in art and culture "y using essays %e#g#, +#.# Eliot(# Whereas some essayists used essays for strident political themes, Co"ert *ouis .te!enson and Willa /ather wrote lighter essays# Birginia Woolf, Edmund Wilson, and /harles du Fos wrote literary criticism essays#[7]
"apan edit!
Main article, -uihitsu As with the no!el, essays e&isted in )apan se!eral centuries "efore they de!eloped in Europe, with a genre of essays known as .uihitsu D loosely connected essays and fragmented ideas D ha!ing e&isted since almost the "eginnings of )apanese literature# Many of the most noted early works of )apanese literature are in this genre# =ota"le e&les include /he Pillo# 0oo$ %c# 3>>>( "y court lady .ei .hJnagon, and /sure.uregusa %366>( "y )apanese Fuddhist monk Koshida LenkJ "eing particularly renowned# LenkJ descri"ed his short writings similarly to Montaigne, referring to them as 1nonsensical thoughts1 written in 1idle hours1# Another noteworthy difference from Europe is that women ha!e traditionally written in )apan, though the more formal, /hineseAinfluenced writings of male writers were more pri@ed at the time#
As an educational tool[edit]
-ni!ersity students, like these students doing research at a uni!ersity li"rary, are often assigned essays as a way to get them to analyse what they ha!e read#
Main article, Free response ,n countries like the -nited .tates, essays ha!e "ecome a ma0or part of a formal education in the form of free response Euestions# .econdary students in these countries are taught structured essay formats to impro!e their writing skills, and essays are often used "y uni!ersities in these countries in selecting applicants %see admissions essay(# ,n "oth secondary and tertiary education, essays are used to 0udge the mastery and comprehension of material# .tudents are asked to e&plain, comment on, or assess a topic of study in the form of an essay# 4uring some courses, uni!ersity students will often "e reEuired to complete one or more essays that are prepared o!er se!eral weeks or months# ,n addition, in fields such as the humanities and social sciences,[citation needed] midAterm and end of term e&aminations often reEuire students to write a short essay in two or three hours# ,n these countries, soAcalled academic essays, which may also "e called 1papers1, are usually more formal than literary ones#[citation needed] +hey may still allow the presentation of the writer s own !iews, "ut this is done in a logical and factual manner, with the use of the first person often discouraged# *onger academic essays %often with a word limit of "etween 5,>>> and 8,>>> words( [citation needed] are often more discursi!e# +hey sometimes "egin with a short summary analysis of what has pre!iously "een written on a topic, which is often called aliterature re!iew#[citation needed] *onger essays may also contain an introductory page in which words and phrases from the title are tightly defined# Most academic institutions[citation needed] will reEuire that all su"stantial facts, Euotations, and other porting material used in an essay "e referenced in a "i"liography or works cited page at the end of the te&t# +his scholarly con!ention allows others %whether teachers or fellow scholars( to understand the "asis of the facts and Euotations used to support the essay s argument, and there"y help to e!aluate to what e&tent the argument is supported "y e!idence, and to e!aluate the Euality of that e!idence# +he academic essay tests the student s a"ility to present their thoughts in an organi@ed way and is designed to test their intellectual capa"ilities# ?ne essay guide of a -. uni!ersity makes the distinction "etween research papers and discussion papers# +he guide states that a 1research paper is intended to unco!er a wide !ariety of sources on a
gi!en topic1# As such, research papers 1tend to "e longer and more inclusi!e in their scope and with the amount of information they deal with#1 While discussion papers 1also include research, ###they tend to "e shorter and more selecti!e in their approach###and more analytical and critical1# Whereas a research paper would typically Euote 1a wide !ariety of sources1, a discussion paper aims to integrate the material in a "roader fashion#[8] ?ne of the challenges facing -. uni!ersities is that in some cases, students may su"mit essays which ha!e "een purchased from an essay mill %or 1paper mill1( as their own work# An 1essay mill1 is aghostwriting ser!ice that sells preAwritten essays to uni!ersity and college students# .ince plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty or academic fraud, uni!ersities and colleges may in!estigate papers suspected to "e from an essay mill "y using ,nternet plagiarism detection software, which compares essays against a data"ase of known mill essays and "y orally testing students on the contents of their papers#[citation needed]
#escriptive edit!
4escripti!e writing is characteri@ed "y sensory details, which appeal to the physical senses, and details that appeal to a reader s emotional, physical, or intellectual sensi"ilities# 4etermining the purpose, considering the audience, creating a dominant impression, using descripti!e language, and organi@ing the description are the rhetorical choices to "e considered when using a description# A description is usually arranged spatially "ut can also "e chronological or emphatic# +he focus of a description is the scene# 4escription uses tools such as denotati!e language, connotati!e language, figurati!e language, metaphor, and simile to arri!e at a dominant impression#[<] ?ne uni!ersity essay guide states that 1descripti!e writing says what happened or what another author has discussed2 it pro!ides an account of the topic1#[3>] *yric essays are an important form of descripti!e essays#
#ialectic edit!
,n the dialectic form of essay, which is commonly used in 'hilosophy, the writer makes a thesis and
argument, then o"0ects to their own argument %with a counterargument(, "ut then counters the counterargument with a final and no!el argument# +his form "enefits from presenting a "roader perspecti!e while countering a possi"le flaw that some may present#[33]
E$emplification edit!
An e&emplification essay is characteri@ed "y a generali@ation and rele!ant, representati!e, and "elie!a"le e&les including anecdotes# Writers need to consider their su"0ect, determine their purpose, consider their audience, decide on specific e&les, and arrange all the parts together when writing an e&emplification essay#[35]
%amiliar edit!
A familiar essay is one in which the essayist speaks as if to a single reader# He speaks a"out "oth himself and a particular su"0ect# Anne Fadiman notes that 1the genre s heyday was the early nineteenth century,1 and that its greatest e&ponent was /harles *am"#[36] .he also suggests that while critical essays ha!e more "rain than heart, and personal essays ha!e more heart than "rain, familiar essays ha!e eEual measures of "oth#[37]
)arrative edit!
A narrati!e uses tools such as flash"acks, flashAforwards, and transitions that often "uild to a clima&# +he focus of a narrati!e is the plot# When creating a narrati!e, authors must determine their purpose,
consider their audience, esta"lish their point of !iew, use dialogue, and organi@e the narrati!e# A narrati!e is usually arranged chronologically#[39]
Critical edit!
A critical essay is an argumentati!e piece of writing, aimed at presenting o"0ecti!e analysis of the su"0ect matter, narrowed down to a single topic# +he main idea of all the criticism is to pro!ide an opinion either of positi!e or negati!e implication# As such, a critical essay reEuires research and analysis, strong internal logic and sharp structure# Each argument should "e supported with sufficient e!idence, rele!ant to the point#
Economics edit!
An economic essay can start with a thesis, or it can start with a theme# ,t can take a narrati!e course and a descripti!e course# ,t can e!en "ecome an argumentati!e essay if the author feels the need# After the introduction the author has to do hisMher "est to e&pose the economic matter at hand, to analyse it, e!aluate it, and draw a conclusion# ,f the essay takes more of a narrati!e form then the author has to e&pose each aspect of the economic pu@@le in a way that makes it clear and understanda"le for the reader
Maga@ine or newspaper[edit]
Essays often appear in maga@ines, especially maga@ines with an intellectual "ent, such as /he Atlanticand Harpers# Maga@ine and newspaper essays use many of the essay types descri"ed in the section on forms and styles %e#g#, descripti!e essays, narrati!e essays, etc#(# .ome newspapers also print essays in the opAed section#
An 3;<8 co!er of Harpers, a -. maga@ine that prints a num"er of essays per issue#
Employment essays detailing e&perience in a certain occupational field are reEuired when applying for some 0o"s, especially go!ernment 0o"s in the -nited .tates# Essays known as Lnowledge .kills and E&ecuti!e /ore Iualifications are reEuired when applying to certain -. federal go!ernment positions# A L.A, or 1Lnowledge, .kills, and A"ilities,1 is a series of narrati!e statements that are reEuired when applying to Federal go!ernment 0o" openings in the -nited .tates# L.As are used along with resumes to determine who the "est applicants are when se!eral candidates Eualify for a 0o"# +he knowledge, skills and a"ilities necessary for the successful performance of a position are contained on each 0o" !acancy announcement# L.As are "rief and focused essays a"out one s career and educational "ackground that presuma"ly Eualify one to perform the duties of the position "eing applied for# An E&ecuti!e /ore Iualification, or E/I, is a narrati!e statement that is reEuired when applying to .enior E&ecuti!e .er!ice positions within the -. Federal go!ernment# *ike the L.As, E/Is are used along with resumes to determine who the "est applicants are when se!eral candidates Eualify for a 0o"# +he ?ffice of 'ersonnel Management has esta"lished fi!e e&ecuti!e core Eualifications that all applicants seeking to enter the .enior E&ecuti!e .er!ice must demonstrate#
=onAliterary types[edit]
+isual Arts edit!
,n the !isual arts, an essay is a preliminary drawing or sketch upon which a final painting or sculpture is "ased, made as a test of the work s composition %this meaning of the term, like se!eral of those following, comes from the word essay1s meaning of 1attempt1 or 1trial1(#
,usic edit!
,n the realm of music, composer .amuel Far"er wrote a set of 1Essays for ?rchestra,1 relying on the form and content of the music to guide the listener s ear, rather than any e&traAmusical plot or story#
%ilm edit!
A film essay %or 1cinematic essay1( consists of the e!olution of a theme or an idea rather than a plot per se2 or the film literally "eing a cinematic accompaniment to a narrator reading an essay# From another perspecti!e, an essay film could "e defined as a documentary film !isual "asis com"ined with a form of commentary that contains elements of selfAportrait %rather than auto"iography(, where the signature %rather than the life story( of the filmmaker is apparent# +he cinematic essay often "lends documentary, fiction, and e&perimental film making using a tones and editing styles#[3;] +he genre is not wellAdefined "ut might include propaganda works of early .o!iet parliamentarians like4@iga Berto!, presentAday filmmakers including /hris Marker,[3<] Michael Moore %2oger 3 Me %3<;<(,0o#ling or Columbine %5>>5( and Fahrenheit 45** %5>>7((, Errol Morris %/he /hin 0lue 6ine %3<;;((,Morgan .purlock %7upersi.e Me, A Film o Epic Proportions( and AgnNs Barda# )eanA*uc Godarddescri"es his recent work as 1filmAessays1#[5>] +wo filmmakers whose work was the antecedent to the cinematic essay include Georges MOliNs and Fertolt Frecht# MOliNs made a short film %/he Coronation o Ed#ard 8++ %3<>5(( a"out the 3<>5 coronation of Ling Edward B,,, which mi&es actual footage with shots of a recreation of the e!ent# Frecht was a playwright who e&perimented with film and incorporated film pro0ections into some of his plays#[3;] ?rson Welles made an essay film in his own pioneering style which was released in 3<:7 called F or Fa$e, which dealt specifically with art forger Elmyr de Hory and with the themes of deception, 1fakery,1 and authenticity in general# 4a!id Winks Gray s article 1+he essay film in action1 states that the 1essay film "ecame an identifia"le form of film making in the 3<8>s and 9>s1# He states that since that time, essay films ha!e tended to "e 1on the margins1 of the film making world# Essay films ha!e a 1peculiar searching, Euestioning
tone1 which is 1"etween documentary and fiction1 "ut without 1fitting comforta"ly1 into either genre# Gray notes that 0ust like written essays, essay films 1tend to marry the personal !oice of a guiding narrator %often the director( with a wide swath of other !oices1#[53] +he -ni!ersity of Wisconsin /inematheEue we"site echoes some of Gray s comments2 it calls a film essay an 1intimate and allusi!e1 genre that 1catches filmmakers in a pensi!e mood, ruminating on the margins "etween fiction and documentary1 in a manner that is 1refreshingly in!enti!e, playful, and idiosyncratic1#[55]
Photography edit!
1After .chool 'lay ,nterrupted "y the /atch and Celease of a .tingray1 is a simple timeAseEuence photo essay#
A photographic essay is an attempt to co!er a topic with a linked series of photographs# 'hoto essays range from purely photographic works to photographs with captions or small notes to full te&t essays with a few or many accompanying photographs# 'hoto essays can "e seEuential in nature, intended to "e !iewed in a particular order, or they may consist of nonAordered photographs which may "e !iewed all at once or in an order chosen "y the !iewer# All photo essays are collections of photographs, "ut not all collections of photographs are photo essays# 'hoto essays often address a certain issue or attempt to capture the character of places and e!ents#
.ee also[edit]
3# 5# 6# 7# 8# 9# :# A"stract %summary( Admissions essay Fody %writing( Fook report 4issertation Essay thesis Fi!e paragraph essay ,ntroduction *ist of essayists 'lagiarism .A+ Essay .chaffer paragraph +reatise Writing
"ump up- Gale D Free Cesources D Glossary D 4E# Gale#cengage#com# Cetrie!ed March 56, 5>33# "ump up- Aldous Hu&ley, Collected Essays, 1'reface1# "ump up- 1Fook -se Fook +heory$ 38>>D3:>>$ /ommonplace +hinking1# *i"#uchicago#edu# Cetrie!ed 5>36A>;A3># P )ump up to$a b essay %literature( D Fritannica ?nline Encyclopedia# Fritannica#com# Cetrie!ed March 55, 5>33# "ump up- .ections 6#3 through 6#6# of the .imon Fraser -ni!ersity /=. essay hand"ook# "ump up- /hapter :$ /ause and Effect in Glenn, /heryl# Making .ense$ A Ceal World Chetorical Ceader# Ed# 4enise F# Wydra, et al# .econd ed# Foston, MA$ FedfordM.t# Martin s, 5>>8# "ump up- /hapter 8$ /lassification and 4i!ision in Glenn, /heryl# Making .ense$ A Ceal World Chetorical Ceader# Ed# 4enise F# Wydra, et al# .econd ed# Foston, MA$ FedfordM.t# Martin s, 5>>8#
;# <#
"ump up- /hapter 9$ /omparison and /ontrast in Glenn, /heryl# Making .ense$ A Ceal World Chetorical Ceader# Ed# 4enise F# Wydra, et al# .econd ed# Foston, MA$ FedfordM.t# Martin s, 5>>8# "ump up- /hapter 5$ 4escription in Glenn, /heryl# Making .ense$ A Ceal World Chetorical Ceader# Ed# 4enise F# Wydra, et al# .econd ed# Foston, MA$ FedfordM.t# Martin s, 5>>8#
3>#"ump up- .ection 5#3 of the .imon Fraser -ni!ersity /=. Essay Hand"ook# A!aila"le online at$ sfu#ca 33#"ump up- 'H,* 3>3$ 4ialectic Essay Assignment [dead lin$] 35#"ump up- /hapter 7$ E&emplification in Glenn, /heryl# Making .ense$ A Ceal World Chetorical Ceader# Ed# 4enise F# Wydra, et al# .econd ed#
Foston, MA$ FedfordM.t# Martin s, 5>>8#
36#"ump up- Fadiman, Anne# At 6arge and At 7mall, Familiar Essays# p# &# 37#"ump up- Fadiman, At 6arge and At 7mall, &i# 38#"ump up- History Essay Format Q +hesis .tatement, %Fe"ruary 5>3>( 39#"ump up- /hapter 6 =arration in Glenn, /heryl# Making .ense$ A Ceal World Chetorical Ceader# Ed# 4enise F# Wydra, et al# .econd ed# Foston,
MA$ FedfordM.t# Martin s, 5>>8#
3:#"ump up- 1 Mission 'ossi"le "y 4r# Mario 'etrucci1 %'4F(# Cetrie!ed 5>36A>;A3># 3;#P )ump up to$a b /inematic Essay Film Genre# chicagomediaworks#com# Cetrie!ed March 55, 5>33# 3<#"ump up- %registration reEuired( *im, 4ennis %)uly 63, 5>35(# 1/hris Marker, <3, 'ioneer of the Essay Film1# /he 9e# :or$ /imes# Cetrie!ed )uly 63,
5>#"ump up- 4iscussion of film essays# /hicago Media Works# 53#"ump up- [dead lin$] [3]# .an Francisco Film .ociety# 55#"ump up- [dead lin$] 1+alking 'ictures$ +he Art of the Essay Film1# /inema#wisc#edu# Cetrie!ed March 55, 5>33#
Further reading[edit]
+heodor W# Adorno, 1+he Essay as Form1 in$ +heodor W# Adorno, /he Adorno 2eader, Flackwell 'u"lishers 5>>># Feau0our, Michel# Miroirs d1encre, 2h;tori<ue de l1autoportrait1. Paris, 7euil, *4=). >Poetics o the 6iterary 7el ?Portrait. /rans. :ara Milos. 9e# :or$, 9:U Press, *44*@. FensmaRa, Ceda# /he 0arthes E ect, /he Essay as 2e lecti"e /e%t# +rans# 'at Fedkiew# Minneapolis$ -ni!# of Minnesota 'ress, 3<;:# 4 Agata, )ohn %Editor(, /he 6ost !rigins o the Essay# .t 'aul$ Graywolf 'ress, 5>><# Giamatti, *ouis# 1+he /inematic Essay1, in Aodard and the !thers, Essays in Cinematic Form# *ondon, +anti!y 'ress, 3<:8# *opate, 'hillip# 1,n .earch of the /entaur$ +he EssayAFilm1, in 0eyond &ocument, Essays on 9on iction Film# Edited "y /harles Warren, Wesleyan -ni!ersity 'ress, 3<<;# pp# 576D5:># War"urton, =igel# /he basics o essay #riting# Coutledge, 5>>9# ,.F= >A738A57>>>AS, ,.F= <:;A>A 738A57>>>A>
E&ternal links[edit]
Wiki"ooks has a "ook on the topic of$ How to write an essay Wikimedia /ommons has media related to Essays# Essay writing category on EnglishGrammar#org Essay e+e&ts at 'ro0ect Guten"erg +he 4ialectical Essay$ A detailed writing guide D .ewanee -ni!ersity ,n 'raise of the -ndergraduate Essay "y 4an Edelstein, .tanford -ni!ersity +he Age of the Essay D /riticism of the modern essay, "y 'aul Graham How to .ay =othing in 8>> Words at the Way"ack Machine %archi!ed ?cto"er 5:, 5>>:(
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