This document is a resume for Klmberley Carmona, a journalism graduate from the University of Texas at Austin seeking a position in media. Some key details include:
- Kimberley graduated from UT Austin in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in journalism.
- She has worked in various internship roles in writing, television crew work, blogging, reporting, and assisting with student television.
- Her skills include proficiency in Spanish, various social media platforms, photography, video editing, and blog platforms like WordPress.
This document is a resume for Klmberley Carmona, a journalism graduate from the University of Texas at Austin seeking a position in media. Some key details include:
- Kimberley graduated from UT Austin in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in journalism.
- She has worked in various internship roles in writing, television crew work, blogging, reporting, and assisting with student television.
- Her skills include proficiency in Spanish, various social media platforms, photography, video editing, and blog platforms like WordPress.
This document is a resume for Klmberley Carmona, a journalism graduate from the University of Texas at Austin seeking a position in media. Some key details include:
- Kimberley graduated from UT Austin in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in journalism.
- She has worked in various internship roles in writing, television crew work, blogging, reporting, and assisting with student television.
- Her skills include proficiency in Spanish, various social media platforms, photography, video editing, and blog platforms like WordPress.
This document is a resume for Klmberley Carmona, a journalism graduate from the University of Texas at Austin seeking a position in media. Some key details include:
- Kimberley graduated from UT Austin in 2013 with a bachelor's degree in journalism.
- She has worked in various internship roles in writing, television crew work, blogging, reporting, and assisting with student television.
- Her skills include proficiency in Spanish, various social media platforms, photography, video editing, and blog platforms like WordPress.
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