Bmobile 4G FAQ
Bmobile 4G FAQ
Bmobile 4G FAQ
(1) WHAT IS 4G
4G is the fourth generation of mobile phone communications. It is a wireless broadband technology that allows high-speed mobile data services. It enables users to download and upload data up to 70 times faster so that they can experience rich multimedia and large files.
Imagine streaming an H movie or burnin !n" "o#nlo!"in !u"io $r!%&' in !n in'$!n$ or even '(!rin )our *!vori$e +ouTube *in"' #i$( )our *rien"' !n" %olle! ue', Wi$( mobile 4G- online !min i' 'moo$( !n" unin$erru.$e" !' lon !' )our b!$$er) l!'$',
(3) DO I NEED A 4G CA/ABLE DEVICE TO ACCESS BMOBILES 4G SERVICES !es" not all mobile handsets available in the mar#et support the 4G networ#. $o access the new 4G speeds you need a %G or 4G enabled device. !ou can use a &'$(" H()* or H()*+ device operating at ,-00'H." but to get the best experience we recommend H()*+. !ou will also need a 4G data plan" and you must be within a b'obile 4G coverage area to experience 4G speeds.
(4) DO I NEED A 4G SIM CARD /o" existing bmobile (I' cards will wor# with our 4G service
(5) HOW WOULD I 0NOW I1 M+ HANDSET IS 4G COM/ATIBLE *ny %G" 01 '*" H()*" H( )* and H()*+ enabled smart phones" tablet" laptops and computers will allow you to en2oy the fastest download3upload and browsing speeds available over the bmobile 4G service. 1hec# your handset manufacturer website for specifics on your phone
(6) I1 I HAVE A 4G CA/ABLE /HONE DO I NEED TO CHANGE M+ /HONE SETTINGS TO USE 4G !ou need to ensure that your phone settings are correct. $his can be done by following these simple steps 4specifics will vary according to device56 In your 'obile /etwor# 7ptions" set the /etwor# 'ode to 8 ual mode9" 8%G : ;G9 or 8G(' : 01 '*9 4depending on your handset5 and /7$ 8;G only9 or 8%G only9. 'anually scan for available networ#s and select bmobile <estart your phone and %G" 4G" H or H+ icon will display on the screen when successful
(7) WH+ DO I SEE 3G44G ON M+ HANDSET I1 I HAVENT SIGNED U/ 1OR A /LAN 7ur 4G networ# is now live so all users with a 4G capable device will have access to it but will not have 4G speeds. In order to get 4G speeds you will need to sign up for a plan.
(8) M+ /HONE IS 4G CA/ABLE BUT I HAVENT SIGNED U/ 1OR A 4G /LAN- WHICH IS BETTER 4G OR EDGE5 7ur = G= speeds vary throughout the day and we suggest that you set your phone to ;G3%G only when you sign up for a plan. =dge is ;.>G technology standard and as such 4G provides speeds which are up to 70 times faster than =dge. $his will enable you to do more robust computing.
(9) I HAVE SIGNED U/ 1OR A 4G /LAN AND RESTARTED M+ /HONE BUT WH+ DO I NOT HAVE 4G S/EEDS (et your phone to %G only" wait , minute and loo# at your display to see if the %G or H or H+ icon appears. If it does" set your phone bac# to ual mode or ;G$3%G mode. (10) IS IT NECESSAR+ 1OR BOTH THE /ARTIES4/ERSONS TO HAVE A 4G /HONE 6 A 4G /LAN TO BE TO MA0E 6 RECEIVE VIDEO CALLS !es" it is necessary for both the parties to have a smart phone with video calling capability" a 4G data plan or 0i?i connectivity : a third party video calling application such as ?ace time etc. (11) WHAT IS A 7MI1I MODEM * 'i?i 'odem or Hotspot is simply a portable poc#et-si.ed device that allows you to share b'obile9s high-speed 4G networ# on the go with up to > 0i-?i enabled devices 4laptops" tablets" smartphones5 all at the same time
(12) WHAT IS A MOBILE4MI1I8READ+ SMART/HONE * 'i?i-ready (martphone is a smartphone with built-in 0i-?i sharing capabilities that allows tethering. 7nce (martphone 'obile Hot(pot (ervice is activated on this phone" you can connect multiple 0i-?i@enabled devices to high-speed Internet.
(13) WHAT IS A 9USB DONGLE * &(A dongle is" a computer peripheral device similar to a &(A memory stic# that when connected" acts as a modem enabling a )1 or laptop to wirelessly connect to the internet using our 4G networ#. &(A dongles are ideal for mobile users who reBuire broadband Internet connectivity while on-the-go. (14) HOW DOES A USB DONGLE WOR0 *ll b'obile &(A dongles are plug-n-play in nature : auto install the first time they are plugged into a laptop or )1. (15) CAN I USE A USB DONGLE ON MORE THAN ONE COM/UTER !es. $he dongle is a plug and play device" so simply plug the device into another laptop" install the software and it9s ready to use.
(16) HOW DO I CHOOSE A /LAN THAT IS SUITED TO M+ NEEDS 0hen you9re loo#ing at 4G plans it can be hard to #now which one to choose. 7ne way is by how much data it offers @ that is" how much internet use is included in your monthly plan. However not everything you do online uses the same amount of data" as such it can be difficult to 2udge how much you9re going to need. 7ur online data calculator can help you estimate how much data you9ll need. Cust plug in the numbers to show what you want to do online with your new 4G connection" and we9ll estimate how much data this will use in a month. (17) HOW DO I ACTIVATE A 4G /LAN /re.!i" Sub'%riber' : Non Bl!%&berr)
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*ll prepaid subscribers will be 4G by default - their handset type will determine networ# access /o sign up process necessary &(( bundles available for purchase - !ll bundles will be available to !ll pre-paid subscribers &(( code D3;<;= will be used to faciliate the purchase of bundles /OST:/AID SUBSCRIBERS 6 BLAC0BERR+ /RE/AID SUBSCRIBERS
,. *ll AA )repaid subscribers will be reBuired to sign up for 4G service ;. )ost )aid subscriber not in the E*nywhere plansE and the E)lus )lansE will be reBuired to sign up for 4G TE>T TO THE SHORT CODE 3;<; TO AC?UIRE THE SERVICE 1ustomers will then be contacted by a sales rep within ;4hr who will explain the different options available. (o that customers can sign up for the most appropriate plan. Con$!%$ $(e bmobile C!ll Cen$re or vi'i$ ! bmobile '$ore !n" *l! '(i. "e!ler 1alls will be transferred to a call centre staff who will advise customers on the best service
(18) I1 I AM A CURRENT ;G4EDGE DATA CUSTOMER- CAN I SWITCH TO A 4G DATA /LAN )ostpaid 1ustomers6 !es" however you will need a 4G capable device and will need to call into the call center" or come in to a bmobile store. *dditionally customers can text 4G to %;F; /re.!i" Cu'$omer'2 !ou only need a 4G capable device no sign up necessary
(19) HOW DO I TRAC0 M+ DATA USAGE !ou can chec# your data usage at any time by simply dialing D%;F;G (=/
(20) WILL I RECEIVE NOTI1ICATION WHEN I NEAR THE END O1 M+ DATA ALLOWANCE !es" ('( alerts will be sent to your device when you have used 7>H" -0H and ,00H of your data plan. (21) WHAT HA//ENS I1 I E>CEED THE DATA ALLOWANCE ON M+ /LAN WITHIN THE @: DA+43A:DA+ VALIDIT+ /ERIOD !ou will still be able to access 4G speeds by purchasing additional data bundles. (22) WHAT CHOICES DO I HAVE I1 I USE THE 1ULL DATA ALLOWANCE ON M+ /LAN WITHIN THE /LANS @:DA+43A:DA+ VALIDIT+ /ERIOD
(23) WHAT HA//ENS I1 I DO NOT USE THE 1ULL DATA ALLOWANCE ON M+ 4G /LAN DURING THE @:DA+43A:DA+ /ERIOD- DOES IT ROLL OVER /o" any unused data from your plan will be lost upon expiration of your 7-day3%0-day plan.
(24) WHAT HA//ENS TO THE UNUSED DATA ON M+ CURRENT 4G /LAN I1 I DECIDE TO RENEW OR CHANGE /LANS DURING THE /LAN VALIDIT+ /ERIOD $he current plan is cancelled $he subscriber is rebated for pro-rated amount based on time
$he new plan begins (25) DO I NEED A BMOBILE VOICE /LAN TO BE ABLE TO ACCESS A 4G DATA /LAN /o. If you purchase a &(A modem or other device that does not have voice calling over G(' capabilities" you will not need a voice plan. 0ith smartphones however" it is necessary to have a voice plan.
(26) WHAT HA//ENS I1 I MOVE IN AND OUT O1 4G COVERAGE AREAS /ot to worry" we still have a fully functioning ;G 4= G=5 networ# running parallel to our 4G networ#. !our device will automatically connect to the available G)<(3= G= networ# until you move bac# into a 4G coverage area. $he switch between networ#s is seamlessD 4i.e. if you move out of a 4G coverage area into our ;G3= G= networ# while on a call or while browsing the internet" your call will not drop or will not lose your data session5. D /ote6 !our handset9s /etwor# 'ode must be set to dual mode 4I%G : ;GJ or IG(' : 01 '*J depending on your handset5 to ensure seamless transition. B3CD HOW WILL I 0NOW I1 I AM CONNECTED TO THE 4G NETWOR05 IS THERE AN+ VISUAL INDICATOR ON THE DEVICE 0hen connected to the 4G networ#" customers will either see %G" 4G" H or H+ on the screen instead of seeing = G=" = or G)<(. $he visual indicators will vary and depend on several factors including the device" location and capacity. /ote that while 4G coverage is in most areas there are still some areas that do not currently have coverage. )lease refer to coverage map below for additional details.
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