Calux 4 Page Description 2009
Calux 4 Page Description 2009
Calux 4 Page Description 2009
George Clark brings over 30 years of experience to XDS. His education includes a Ph.D. in toxicology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Masters degrees in immunology from the University of California at Berkeley and biochemistry from North Carolina State University. He has previously worked for GlaxoSmithKline, and the National Institutes of Health.
Our Separation Guarantees Accuracy In order to accurately measure low-level contaminants like dioxins, separation methods are critical. XDS has developed and patented (US 6,720,431 B2) methods that allow us to accurately separate PCDH, PCB, dioxins, furans, and other biological toxicants. The new separation methods combined with the XDS-CALUX assay enable us to measure the total biological response of either specific classes of PCDH or total PCDH.
II. Uses
The XDS-CALUX assay is ideal for use as a low cost research tool to determine biological activity of a specific substance. It can also be used as a screening assay to measure contamination levels at industrial sites. Once contamination has been determined using the XDSCALUX assay, the identity of contaminants can be determined using techniques like GC-MS. The XDSCALUX assay saves customers money by decreasing the number of GC-MS samples needed, which are higher in cost than XDS-CALUX.
compounds, or it can determine the concentrations of a specific class of compounds in a sample. Figure 1 shows luciferase response to several dioxins, furans and PCB congeners at various concentration levels.
The effects of polychlorinated diaromatic hydrocarbons (PCDH) have been widely studied. PCDH include dioxins and dioxin-like compounds such as 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), PCB and furans. PCDH have been known to accumulate in animals and cause species- and tissue-specific toxic effects. Birth defects, immune system disorders, tumor production, and death have all been observed as a result of high-level exposure to PCDH.
Mechanism of Action
The mechanism of action for these compounds depends on their ability to bind to an intracellular receptor called the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The PCDHAh Receptor complex then travels to the nucleus of the cell and binds to specific sequences in DNA called dioxin
Recombinant Cell
New Polypeptides
Increased Cytochrome P-4501A1 and Other Proteins
Luciferase Activity
DRE =Dioxin Responsive Element =Dioxin-like compounds: PCDHs, PCBs, Dioxins and Furans ARNT =AhR Nuclear Translocator protein
responsive elements (DRE). Binding of the PCDH-Ah Receptor complex to a DRE causes expression of the associated gene to be altered. It is this alteration in gene expression that causes observed toxic effects. The XDS Chemical Activated Luciferase Expression Assay (XDS-CALUX) applies the knowledge of the toxic mechanisms of PCDH. Using recombinant technology, the gene for firefly luciferase has been placed under the control of the Ah Receptor and inserted into a mouse cell line. Using this cell line, the presence of PCDH in a sample can be identified because PCDH will bind to the Ah Receptor, which will then bind to DRE in the nucleus and cause expression of firefly luciferase. The amount of PCDH in the sample can be related to how much light is produced by the activated cells.
XDS CALUX has been selected by the Japanese, Belgian and Polish Governments as a screening tool for protecting their food supply and environment. XDS has licensed and provided training to the US FDA, the Hiyoshi Corporation of Japan and many others to use the patented XDS-CALUX technology.
IV. Pricing
The price of XDS-CALUX analyses are 40%-70% lower than HR GC/MS fees. These substantial savings make XDS-CALUX an excellent screening tool and allow researchers, laboratories, and government agencies the option to use expensive HR GC/MS analyses only when XDS-CALUX results indicate dioxin levels are above client-established threshold levels. Savings exist even above 50% HR GC/MS follow-ups. Prices for analyses are determined based on the quantity and type of samples ordered, and the time requested to deliver results. Please email ( or call us (1-888-DIOXINS) for a written estimate. We offer order and volume discounts.
x = 10y
10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.01 Gas A sh Soil Water Fish Blood Fat tissues Human Milk Bio Solid (US EPA)
Bioassay-TEQ (ppt)
Correlation of XDS CALUX Bioassay and HRGCMS TEQ (Data and graph provided by Hiyoshi Corporation, Shiga, Japan)
V. Selected References
1. Garrison, P.M. et al., (1996). Species-Specific Recombinant Cell Lines as Bioassay Systems for the Detection of 2,3,7,8Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin-like Chemicals. Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. 30, 194-203. Denison, M. S., Clark, G., et al., (1996). Application of the CALUX Bioassay System for the Detection of Dioxin-Like Chemicals (Ah receptors) in Whole Serum Samples and in Extracts From Chemical and Consumer Products. Organohalogen Compounds. 27, 280-284. Van Overmeire., et al., (1999). A Comparative Study of GCHRMS and CALUX TEQ Determinations in Food Samples by the Belgium Federal Ministries of Public Health and Agriculture. Organohalogen Compounds. 57, 196-199. Clark, G., et al., (1999). A Novel Low-Cost Air Sampling Device (AmbStack Sampler) and Detection System (CALUX Bioassay) for Measuring Air Emissions of Dioxin, Furan, and PCB on a TEQ Basis Tested With a Model Industrial Boiler. Organohalogen Compounds. 42, 309-312. Clark, G., et al., (2001). Comparison of CALUX Bioassay TEQ Determinations with High Resolution GC/MS Analyzing Soil Samples from a Hazardous Waste Site. United States - Vietnam Scientific Conference on Human Health and Environmental Effects of Agent Orange/Dioxins, March 3-6, 2002, Hanoi. Kayama, F. et al., (2001). CALUXTM Assay Is Applicable to Human Epidemiological Studies. Organohalogen Compounds. 54, 48-50.
$100,000.00 $80,000.00 $60,000.00 $40,000.00 $20,000.00 $XDS-CALUX XDS-CALUX plus 10% GC/MS Confirmation GC/MS Price Savings with Confirmation
For additional information and research abstracts please contact Xenobiotic Detection Systems, Inc. at or (919) 688-4804.